The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 20, 1845, Image 1
-v- vireraniasimiwj - I bare sworn upon the Alter of O.M, eternal UustHttT t every for of Tyranny uver the Mind of lUn. Thoma Jeilenjim II. WEBB, EDITOR AND -PROPRIETOR. coi.tmniA. colxtv, pa. s.vtukdav. dkcumihij: -20 m i"- " tWiirflSHJUBittaiiiMajritjrasi 5 ) Volume I A. rr: wnrwnaiiii i main: Pr.'fJjy.-lreg-a.--- OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRAT, .porUtion fiee of du-y. On uilie.i thyi The well-known fact ihai ilia i.riil of - r a I 1 f t 1 oriMiUK r. tail inrncii, main-st nny impose tow nuiies. n uiese cias P m i 1 J r Mm kJ 7'Ae CO. (M77 l)V.MOCllATwillhe published even Saturday morning, at 'VIVO DOLLARS per annum payable liaij yearly in advance, or J n o Dollar Fifty Cents.if not paid within the year . iVo subscription will he taken for a shorter period Hum si.v minths; nor any discon tinuance prrmittedfitntil all arrearages are dischargi d. JDl HKTlSHMr.SS not exceeding a square trill be conspicuously inserted al i)jie Dollar for the first thrfcinsciiions un I I :rrai y-jire. cents for every utilise linear nsrriion. t . I li'ieral itiscoun iii.'t.le to those who n lv rlise lu the iea '.H IWFAIS a l lcessed on liisine,iitist he post paid PUr-MUEiVrS MKSSACIC. Concluded. The Mlcrit'on of Congress is invited in the impoitanrp. of making suitable mod ifications and reductions of the rues o du'y imposed by our present t . i : IF I j w The object of imposing duties on impm t should be to raise revenue. o piy tin nece.siry expends of government. Congress may, undoubtedly, in the f x ercise of a sound dicieiion, discrim inate in arranging the rat's of duty on difTeient articles; but the discriminations shoulil bo within the revenue standard, ond be made wild the view to raise money for the suppon of government. It becomes important to undeistand distinctly what is meant by a revenue l a nd siil, the maximum of which should not be exceeded in the rates of duty im posed. It is conceded, ami experience prove, thai duties nny b? In. I so hih as to diminish or prohibit allo'ether the imp'iriaiion of any giveo article and iheieby lessen or dustioy I ho leve uoe w hich, al lower rales, would be de lived Irr-m its importation. Sucli dutit . i . t t xc.eij me. revenue rates, and are no' imposed t ) raise maney fur the biippor tt H'lvernmen'. II Connreits 'evy a du (y fur revenue of one per cent, on a giv en prtie'e, it will produce a givon a mount of money to alLtd protection o advantage lo the arnouiit of one per cent to th;) home nnnol ic'tiici of h simil ir m like ailielo over I bo impoiter. If ! duly b" I'.NimI 'o i I'll p. r cm !l it '.I ji o:lnce a m 'j t w i ii tn i-lfoid r -.: ,, ,. Ii I ai-i-i: i ,-j i ;V. .' f w, ,! -f, i f i P-.'o'., .v..; ,! .i. : !.,;,' i.U ' ;!f I vi .1 !: -,!(; : i err.i.ii'ii, tne ;,,-.!: e ci : will d ! O lit; In' !. ! ; mj I ilii ly nil ; ,i I i i, ' , - i : , ! 111. it the I'. VrliU p, ..(i i f. ,,t 1 .( 1 1 1 i n ui lii.r'j i' i rem., , b i i re veinii; i pi , ii the a;'t-in!iii m; '.r ol ilii ir II is iisei l-lil.t il I u lit the i evemi" i s vi c iii.-s ! . ii w i iiii'iey,arn r b'i s ' j ' . ... !,';. , !. I ' V . i,i ; . i i - i: i ..i! po.r, s, :il wbi.'i tXpr-l 1,'ne.: lii.'i til III iX III'I'l I aie of lu'y which i.iu dm f,, ,, bona fide pur pise oi c . 1 1 . c i:'j iiion (or the HUppuri uf ivei iiiiiei.l. Ti raise Iho duties lulur than poin iiiid theieliy dimini-h Hie ainoum enl lected, is lo levy tliui f ,r pmrc;ioi merely, ni l noi lm i.'Vti,'ie. A Ion. I hen .is tjii'ii. r, .4 in i' i , j . ! , i i ! il.e r (i- "I no y o i n v, u iiiy inci e.i . ar'irle, gin; " tr I l,U- Ii - ' , 'jy Ml ,!l ini'UMv w i t , 1 1 1)4 i e Vi n'l .. ii tiiy 40 b( Ond. that ii. y inci ca irt I li i.u n;i. diminished or detr.. y Ml- V ,,: .in y point, .til l :i i ev'fhoe Hi.- ;ici ci -us; s in luve I it it (,hjii:i ihi nisingot money lo uppoit gover men', b'.il is for piol('Cl:on merely. Ii does not follow I hat Congress should Ifvy ii,rf h t do y on all ar'iol s nl irnpnit winch they a,!1 bi'Br within t!:, irvv r.uo Mamhtd, for fucti rate" wo'i!.. piodurc a morli larfr amou llian the tCOnoOiiCiii udinii.l.-'iiitlnn v llm ov( inniem would nqme. ,,n docs it fll ow that ihc d-i'it.H un at : :S should be ai the muih, or a I, or H' rate. Some ai 'iclis will bear ; ii.'.irh liijber itvcnue duly liian other.-il-low Ibe iiDxinnim of Iho reveiuu fc'ji.dard nny and ou'u ti c ' imina in ihe rales imposed, lakiiii c,e h.-j to .-.em on ii.f,(ei.i aii lit i to f.:.duce id I fie sggrrgne ill' niiiiu -t wjnch, when adde;! 10 ihe pro l' '-I n!, s oi ."iblio hnd.J, m iv b 1 i ' A i i ... i ,r, jMy ;,,u ( expi n-'.s li tl.e lo l,'V e dhoul 1 be eitibraced stir Ii articles neeesnily as are io general o ) and esp cially inch a aie consumed by the I hou r and ibe poor, is well as by ih wealthy citizen. Care shonld be lake ihat all th greitt ioiereis of the cuu iy, iiicbiiliug m iiiufscui'er, ngricul iure, commerco, navii ion, nd th neehanic aris, ohould, as far as may b in aeiifibie derivo eij ul advinia lorn the inci lmiial pvnirc io'i whicli just vim o( rtenue dtiims may affu T X i'ihii, dlu-el or indirect, l a horde and shoii',1 be s t imposed as t i opcr 4 a i c 1 1 1 illy as nny b", on ali elisses, be pr.ipoi lion of iheir ab li'y lo :eii i lo iiuko thd Uxiojr pow4r an if u 'jeiirul to on.i class, ily in 'ni.nti iIih bm lfii of the other b v'onl t iop .il:ou, and would b'i unnilns Iv u i ut. Iti- t-i oif. 'pro'ecii'iu lodnoiicsii mlu dy,' ara of popular i ipit; bu thry shiiutd apply under i u-t ays' o all iho v ii ions hi aocliis uf ukI.jSIi n our cou.iiry. The farmer or planle vho iui!s yeaily in his, i tngigu u 'domestic induitry, auJ is as inuc ntideil to have his latiur 'prot. cted,' a the manufaCiuror, Ihe man of commerce bo tiavigitor. or the mechanic who ait engaged aHo in 'Jomeslic uuiusiry in heir ditferenl pursuits, llu joioi la bors of all these classes consilium iho a 4 giegite domestic industry' ol llm lutijn and ihey are i-O'ially enliilwd to the in tion'a iirotecliou.' No one o'- them can jus 1 1 y claim to be the exclusive lacipi euts of 'protec:iou' which can oaly be if. lorded by increasing bur. Inns 011 llu do-nfuiiii industry ' of the others. If ilieso views be correct, it remain o inquire how far the tariii ad of ii consistent with them, ilutiii.iiyul 'lie piovisions of lhaf act a;e 10 viwlatiui of the caidmal pr:ocijlrs licre laid down II must concede. Ihe tales ol du' ;mpojeJ by it on some atticles ru pro hibitory, and on others so tiih as ly 10 diminish iinpnrl!io;is, an I to pro duco a less amount cf revenue thai w.'ul.l be dei ivod from lower rates. I'li-'y opciaio as 'protection merely,' I: ne brancii of 'domesuc indu-tiy,' by tixi'.g otbri branches. IJy i!m ii;i.'luiion of minimum', 01 Kiurticl and l!se v.tlu s, and tiy (be imnosii.jr of specTu du'ics the injustice i:ld inen nil or 111.! act ol iUli III It jrneiiiMl op M alions on dill lent classes uid pu"-u.' ar 1 snen ail fit. Many ! 'h du'iei imj) i.sed by it 1 .!(.( ii'.c ojicMuon t'l ilase piinctplei :Ag'i Irom o.if per cent, to moid than two hundred per cut. 1 hey arc pi obi- tiioiy on so .ih aiticlff, and partially an )'i others, and bear nioit heavily on nr- icles, of cuiiiiniu ntcrfsny, and but ignilv on Biiiclt s of luxury. Ii is .so '1 imed thai much the iea'tst buiden vhich ii 1 v,p ises is thunvu on laboraud lie poor !' ela'S" who are least able u iaar it. whila it orotects caiiitil and t x- Our exnminee lias shown, ilmi when dor a.l. nnaiu i,,,,iu u,,,i ,, .,1... ..,1 ,.L , . 1 1 , ..... 1 "o uun u '1 1 1 1. it llu die Bill 18U was pissed by 1 mymly of uoe bankimr eorixirahun 1.,. n,. i..un.r.;. . vote In lheSe,.te. and two in the h,i ,.L ' 1 pu-nsnuinna ,or any cn.o.z , it , . , , , 01 me piionc money, and been Hereby it lijpresenlatives, ami thai soma id , .' ,,. , ' hose who felt thems, Ives cooM. amed. a" lw i"aDry, the goveru- uuJer the peculiir ci cuinsiances ex inent c,n Mve "" S"'anty that it can uijj at the time, lo vote 111 iia favor, pro I'O'mmind die use of its own money for dinned, its doieets, and expressed iheir'public purpose. The la'e IJank of ibe U Utfi 111 i n.iti on to aid in its modilic itiou'uiied Statei proved 10 be f.iiihlesi. The .,,,u "?l u"y. I'roug Siaw bank which were afterwards emolov ed, werrt faithless. a few years ;'o, ith mdhoiii of pubhu ua uiey in tUir keepuiij, ibe govermuenl bronchi al .nasi 10 bankruptcy, mid the pnbliu ere Ii, -erioualy imjiaired, because id iheir iimbiU ny or indisp isi.ior. lo pay, on demand, ! dm public creditors, ju the only ciiireiicN i-eeoijilizsd by die Cui.sliliiton. 't'beu aQil concl mivu eviimncu llm u was noi uteiided to be pDimaueii', and of the iXpi'diancy and necessiiy ol ila tliuiuuti I'HV'isiOU. lit leccom -ii .'ii ling to (Jungrsj a re t locuou ol III j iiioSfiil raic. of dutv. an, I ireviilon 111I 111 id lic ilinii ot I, it; act ol 1 1111 lai fro hi e.iiei'iaiuii'g opio om Lull uiiidlv lo the oimulic u u. '),! the cui.ti ny , I deine to s;-i; iheiii iiospi ion-, as l,n as 'hey can b.) an, vuIkiUI imposing uufi lal burdens 01 illier inli.'iKsla. Tliu advantat u i'lci any y s em cf inilii eel laxttioo, tve;. vit iin ihii ''.'Veiiun ataodud, uiu-l hj in aVur of the m iiiufaclui 1113 iii'i.-ie-t u,ki d'this, no o'licr iutirj s will com Kin. 1 iccommend to Conriss tlie abo!i iou of the miiiimu r. piiuciple, or hs umed, aibi'.tii'y, and falsu value', air! ii sueci-liij dutiei. and Ihe subsiiiutio 11 uiiii niace-01 au valorem uuitii, . be fauest an I mosi tquitab'e ind ite iax which cau be imp nud. hy llu (, valorem principle, all aitides are laxj, according to their col or valuij, au,i hose wiiich are 0. iufci ior q nl:iy, or o: small co, be 1 r only the juji proportion 1 the t.x with ihoss which are of supe ior qjalny or gteat-r c)s'. 1 li aril les consumed by all aro Ux',1 ul t'n e in rat. A syneiu of u l valorem revenue du'ifJ, wilh proper disci imiua- 10ns and prnpi guards ainisl du I in collecting them, it ia out lioub'ed. will tffn'd 4 npl", incidr-iiral a Ivairae.i o the rnaii'd ic urei x-id einble then 0 d.rrive asg.n! pi oil s can b den ved fro.n any niher lenuUr business. I s believed that tmch a nysiem, sirictlv witliii tee levruue .'landard, v,i I plac be minufacturing interes'i on 1 iiabl ooimg, 0 n i 1 inuie to th-nr pTmaoen Ivamag; while it will, as neaily a nay be pisciieible, ex eiid to all tb f at inleiea'i of it e counirv the inci Iffilol 1 Oi r ul ion which csn be nffoidei; )y cur 1 tveniif laws. Sucli a sysiorn, hfll O.'.'Ce fl e.i'y 1 bt ibiif Iim), would Lt 5t nunc lit, and not be su'd- ct lo ;bi cuns:anl romnuiut. Miiiaiion.s tiu li cli rtui"! t r oc' ur, w!i ui'it.'S ma mil laid In:' i.-venu.-, loi he 'proittliuii n.ertly' ofalavoud in- I'ii!nr occund in a peiind of peace, ami reai iiirnnveriiciu'e and less were suffered y ihe publi.i fro.n it. Had iha coiiiury irteii itivolvn I in u f iroia war, that incon venienee and bisi wmilil buvu been luueh iea:r,"anJ milu have resi.l'.ej in t'iroitk public caUmiiy. The public moiioy sboub! not be iiiing ed vvidi iba private funds ol banks cl individuals, or to be lm tr t- ill Uliliit- In ibe dehbi'iaiions ol Omigitsis on t!i vale pcrpose When it is pUce for cafrt keeping, it u in , d el loune.l thcra wiiliout iiuertJl imd ia loaiitd In tliom upon intrust to the borrower!-ro-ii loMi. Tne piibli.; money is con n t'.'l in b.tBking cpit .l, and is used ami loaned out for lite private profit (,f l, a t: k . iiocUio'i! jrs: mid Y!ien ra'U 1 IN ,.,41 lie am in 1 3 J 7.) it may be i;i t!ia p nke t .1 - I . . ... r . . 11 uie 011 rowers irom t'ie Uanlis, instead .f being in ibe public treasury roircmjilai d by the cor.str.u'.ioii. Ihe frameri ol ilu cuDs'tr.tiun could never have inuiidei diut the money paid into t'.io treasury aliould be tbuj convened to irivate ujn. mil ptui.''."', beyunj ibe cor.lro! of ibu govuni UCIlt. Diiiks which bold the public moay are . i' 1 1 1 io ii;m6j, uy a uiisiro ol gain, lo ox- end ibeii' ioios, la.'Mm iluir circulatiun 4 ml Ihns ttiiaulal?, if Lot produce t spire f up-. ti'niion and tx'r iviincs, wbu.-h. 'inner or later ni;.t ,.,ul! in ruin lo tb u uid, If the public ii,.:ih; t nut permi: ul 10 L thin iiserj, buii,, kpt 10 rh. ninsury imd paid out in tl.e public rr,-.!i-ors i.ieu!.J r.W silvnr.the tempt ition iiTurd f,l by its dei nojie nidi barks 10 a.1 iin1-i- sxparisM.n of thrir biii:rfa i nuid he cbx I :d, wl'.ilj ihe :i 'TI una uf t'.e eoiuuiuiiona '.Qircncy in eirculaiina wm;M b euiarj. d, by i;j c,.;,d .lyiaein in ihe puMio eollco- tio:isa:id dubcr;,- !u"iiis. a:: I ibe bank z emem, private uses or mm ipplicalion n die public funds mil for any fadure in oth er resppcte 10 perform their duties. To nay ibat the people or their f men. ment are iiicompeieni, or not to be irest r with ihe custudy uf ibeir own money, i, iheir own iieasury, provided by iheinselvet but must rely on ihei; presidents, rasbiurs, ainf moeklioldci s of banking corpor aiiuiis not ajipointed by ibem, nor repousib'e u. hein, would he 10 concedi. tit 4 1 they an in-ouijieieiit for 'government In ree.iunjieudiii. die esiHiilmhuiet of 1 oiisuiiuional ireamry, in wbi.di the pu'ln 'noiK-y ib .ll be kepi, I desire ilmt aderja-i provision be made by law for its a!tM, and tlial all exeeiuie discretion or couiro over it slull be remove I, tX'.ppt audi k in-iu a r n j o l. . , nvn,oj(j 111 i.iroi;il.ig MS llisniirst' .nent 111 punuaiice of approjiriiiiuiis u.ade oy law. Undir our present land system: limiting the niinium price al whi.di ibe public bind. an be eni.-red to ono dollar and nvtnty ,ive cmta per acre, large quantities of in-it-norlands remain usold, because they 4ilti.ul command that price I'roin 1I0 records of the (.ienenil Land mice' it ap lear.s thai, of the public lands remaining insohl in the several States and 'I'erriiiiries 1. which tli ey aie lituuted, ibitty nine mil. iona one hundred and seventy eeveu cnt . ..... 1 - .1 1 'ave oid, m me inaritet, sutj 'ci to ibau I tve nty years, furiy nine milliotif. 'X hundred and thirty eibt ibousand bii. buinlreil and forty lour acres for more ib;o iiUeen years; seventy millions seven 7 four tboiisiud six hundred acres lo more ilnn ton yeats; jiiu one hundred am six lii.llions ooe hundred and seventy six thousand cine hundred and sixty one acre. r more than five years. Miicbtbe lar- icst portion of iheu lamls will coutin le t. ie unsalable at die rniiriun price at wbicl fl.-'V Ul u nupin !,.. I ... 1.- .11 I . 'I'HSli IU 110 KOIO, Sit lung II. i'rgc territories of lands from vihirb tl,. nora vlua'ile portiuns luve not been se- ''led are annually brought imo luarkei bt be govomuieiit. With the view u ih, ale and .jii!emom oi i!ie inferior la-idd, I eceoiiiiiieiid tbiit th, price be triaduite. md reiJueid be'cw dm ;rf!it rj.M't, ii is Hoped tliat a spun uf mutual lhenicivC3 would, in cnoif qiieece, lo win Lsri'jii nut, 1 uiiipilirm-n bi'ivtcii t on-, DilliO inat'.ll t cling intertis may pinvmi, wud that llu esuli ol iheir labors may be crowned ttr, be happiest coiiiequenefs, iJy tlie cons'.iiuiioii of die Uniied St iter it is provided, thai 'no niont) shu'l hi mp's the neb horn piymg tntir jusi 1 tlru w 11 !riin ti,t iinatu.irv.hut m rniiiu q.u rn' ii'iiponion of taxilioo required for ihejiif appropriation) marie bylaw.' A j 1 . i. i 1 uduoi t 1 f ibe aovei iiiu nl. Ulnle 11 iicasuaty ti uiiUoutneitly conic iinda'., u roiects the capital of the Wenlthy "'d intnidud to bs crejied, in vvbuh lm i.auufaciuier. and increases Ins prolns i""" ;"," '""'"lu oe cpi no n me p 'i' IT ixtie.Sii t,,. ,r d.ries, ("oiiimi I dot's not benefit the opct .,1 , ves ur la- mreis in li s emloym"!,', whose wagp. nve not b en mc il by it. Ai tides f prime necessity or of coarse q lalit) Md low price, used by the rius.s o he people, an-, in many msim.ivs, hub cted by it to Heavy taxes, wmle aiti b uf (i,,m qiiliiy and higher puce, r of luxury , wuich can be ueil unit iv the opulent, are lightly lax-d. 1 uij) iscs heavy and iinju-i liurd-'ns 0: i. firmer, tlie plan'.ei, the com tnei cu nan, and ti o-e of all oiiier ptiisuiis tx p! Iti.f f ip'.t lll W'')'i l-as 111 id? l,;s in vt s'ments in 01 inula.- ur- s. .i'li tl' ii-.ii ri'i-i . -n ,it 1 lie coj rry br-i not. , ne.ii Iv i'S oi iy bt p'rjciiciid, ji o'ecit'd by ;t. The govem ni u' in th' Oiy knows 11 lisiinciioo of pc.iso'.is or clas-i", :t ri . .hotild not ht'S'OW fivors and piiv pSes wh,ch all others m .y not enjoy It was ibe pir (0M! ol l lihisii 10.1s .,ii,i lers I t basu tlie inMinit.ous wine 1 lii" 1 .. . - . . .: U, 0 I till b'?al aim u , - a'..n. H Ol I I'lit ' 3'iu 'I 1 -" sCiOtn 11.3' ii ll'l'li ii'i-'' '" "- r''' -i which ih'J' were conca ivhiI, the i .,!;:! be f.-li oulv by tlu b-Midi whin ;,-v d f..n d. au'.i tvoti! I s-cine for :v ':,:-. Ives a d-fonC i" ' ol real e prn,e,p nod uf i-olleeiion l.iuil i.t-.eded lor pniylie u--es. In ti 1 a i.illccuo.i aui iltiHiiseiiiei) of the puhiic money 110 bhh-ii s h.ivuevi i oceu eu)))!oyti by law, excejit such as t r ippoiuietl l;v llie govtni ' t lit, ilin eill r iousilde lo n, and uuuli-r its t oinrnl 1 1, snie Keeping 01 inc pu;;iii: uiiuiuv I.siii :t- oe conlided 1 1 a public. irvanar crcai.'d I" :aw, anil under hue respoiisihilnivd d,n .oinroll 1. i mil 10 be iiiiajjuo'd ll. it 1I1 narneis of ihe cousiiiu ion could ii ne in elided ihai llie ne.isury sluniiil be iialci is a place id oe iosiii' and sale keeping l lie public itioury tviueii was iire:tpniisil.!i 10 ihe govt n. merit, 'i'lie lir.ii Concur ii'.der the I'linniliiiii'iii, bv the act uf iij '; . t-j, umber, ITiJj ,to rs ahli.-h ibe J re.n.n 1 . . , , , 11 ueparimeui. prm 1 it'll ior me :.ppii;n iiit! so ii'dvr eoiidition. At pifii-t nt, State b.-.rJ.s are rtipiovn! a lepusnorire, but wirhnut a.Lqu ,m reola iiou of law, whereby the public money can 1 nines II li,fl ttuiv 'I, ee,i llu- u.olie) s uf llie IJniUi! ;0e.S 0! 'i taxitio 1. 'I'n, anitb. a Ii t g pow-.-i, aod lor poi I i,,. p, .,.;.., .-.iure powcitiil than .st:irnliiig "V seieci I:.h am' - o.- ',,,1 li it... ,-.,i-.ns an I apobinres 1 , .1 1 11 -, 1 ,, - f - . " 'v uiui'i1,,,,.,,,..! i ..;., .vcrnineiits bunded 6,;"n, nd p,rmi, ,jej. ,-,. jn ijuj!M:o anj 0,,picssiOt'- ii'-iil ol a treason I eeeivt) aui stale, and 'al ;,il tnnr.s I ) Mitioili to li.i "icrrciary of TrcaMiiv and "ie I oi:ii;.)1k 1 r tuber ol t.R'tn.iiie in? ju, 1 1 ul liiti muii y s in liis Ii. iids.' I'liut nation,,' or bluV, couli! not i:ne liceii miei..i. ,1 i,, . e i .-ni :i- a Mibsu- or ""V Vl'et lnitever us a eur- uie ibe trciMiry sp.ii.en nl in ihe i-ou--: rencv nr circiila i.,n. I (annul tionbt that tottlll'ii1. ; hi I-':,-i.t I .h 1, . .. - I : . 1 ic DreLrcu njjaiusi ioe c.isii nines and t i ti'ises, ret'iil.-ion, 6uspens!.iti an J dtfalca loiiti, 10 which, from over loatirs, ovet tra ding, 11,1 inorilinate dcrni) for gain, or nberci'ises. they aro connantiv exposed I'he Scrrttary of the Treasury has in ull 'vtes, vrl en prctieiible, lakeu rollateial se ''Hilly lor (be amount which ifiey bold, b the pledge of snicks of the Uniied Siat.-s nr mic)i of die State a were in good credit Nimc of ihc depns.le b:i,,.s bine given tbi? It -cnpiiou of scuii-y. and niln is liuve dc eiinril to do S3. Ilnieri.iiiting the opinion that 'dm sep,r . ... ..r .; , . - i"i, hi iib moneys n irie guvennent Iroir. '.iiikii instituiious is imlipensaft!e lot be salety ol I'm,, la .,f th governmem iihe ii;l,is of the penj je.'I reccoii'inrnd I, Untijress that provision bo nude by la Cr siii'b tij-craiioii, ami ihai n cuiistitutioiia! rfjsury beneulrd f'r the safe keeping of die public moiny. 'iha en -sutiiiionai Ui ftseiy rvi Diouii ndi'd is designed at se enre ibpiiMioiy f .r the public money, with out any pover lo make loans or discounts d' mini un .I'f.enriuinng the sd-s n: nj iriv! prices u (ii.Vii and ciiliivators i.i limi'-n! 0 -1 :ii ; i ; us I. .1- bv pu.nie iiionct, 13 -ucb a in-as r,ry as wa coititeiiiolaicd uiiii.i-si ii.nii ui; 1,1, 1, ihi ai 1 tai innt .1 1 111 1 1 . , ., , , , ' , ihe eouciiiuiio:,. aboi.Id bo indepeiidattl ol lit, I hi r is a e li.i,.s ul liu,,ui rapiiul ' xis-td in me cuu r,. ,eir.-.i...'v,.dient'baa:n8 c"rl""""s- as 4.1-p -M'.uiit's ..s ai li.; lesi.riMi 1 , to a; -l be money of tl.e nei.!e slionld be kern nnilel i-xenl.lmi ,lii noino.ved inleuiion ln ,,r t- ,.f,l. ,..,l. .1 1...I.... - " .ij'io ,,o,,r, I,, ,H I (iii-ii!iiiiiiit ihem in ri.ia'iently, in nlaee' , , .u . . , ... i and re I gradii!i..i ar.d tni-iv ,' in uiriite l 1,'nr., to on- (i ll r ; ner the expiritimi ,' ... ;-. oid and '.hud tern to i . . ire p.iiiion ui it,.; -," oi '-b-isi d, .iti.l m .or -i lititv inablfi lo p 1 1' hnj lu-r r ';r-, - 'ounce for tin on- !(- .in.! liu u- p,., P ,u. . l: ... . , . uiiupiuig mi; puiii-y iii gr iiiiianon arc reduction of price, ihe.,e inleiior lands w l he sold lor thi'if real value, wj.ilo the Stales ,,, .. I.I.I, .!..... II. ..:ii l . r i , in uit;ii uivj un win ne ireeu irom tlie in ennvenienee, if not ii justiec, lo u hiut ibey arc subjected in consequence of tin I 'nl,. A VI...... . mil..., k-,i,urs euiiuiiiiing tj own larj;e TiiHiitnies of public lauds within tin ir boi dvrs, nut liable to taxation fur Ibe suppon if ibeir Inc. d govern.-iieiiis. 1 recomiiiPinJ llie coiiiiiiu'ance cf ihe poh ') of graining pre .empiion; in g mii 'ibcial rxiont, to sill ihoe who hai-e senhd or may hcieafur settle on ilia public lauds bc-'.lier Surveyed ur unsiirveved. lo whul, die Itiduo title may have been extinguished ti the liuiH of seldi'inent. It has besn found by expt i i,iii'e, thai in consequence of coin linalioiiB of piireiiHsers and oilier causes, ., 'ery small qnanniy of ihe public lands. when sold al public auction, ronimands a ligher price than be miiinniKii niie tstab isbetl by law. The settlers on the milic i ... t . ..... i . . lints ar, nowcver. nui rarely alue to .e. ure their homes and improvements al tin niblic sales at ih it raie. because these com uiiaiiuiis, by nicnis of ibe capital lhe ommaiid, and their superior abditv topui base, lender it i m jniiibte for theset'ler l, oiiipeUi wnli them in the iii-ukei, Ilv put in kj llOWn Rii CilllitO llthin. llinul i nu.liin:.. '-"''"' '.'" '' fc'-v-r'anfei?ilhX ny, doudle or quadruple the amount paid r ibem io g ivernment. lt is lo the em erpnse and peiaeverance of the hardy pin- trs of the West, who peneirale the wiU ierutss with their families, null'er the dan- era, privations and the hardships aiiending ue Hi'iileinciit of a new country, and pre iare the tiy for toe b idy of euiiarauts vho i.i the counti of a few years, usually olio A' idem, thai wo are, in a cieat deneo u.leb ed foi tlie extension aud sggrambzi. oiii of vat couniry. Lxjieriince has proved !ia! no portion d our population are more patriotic tbm me harily and brave .men of the frontier, nr mire ready to obey the call of their rmni uiil to defend bor rictus and bouor, when iver and by whatever enemy aasailcii. I'liey sbuiild be pro'.ected Irom the gr.jpp ug ejieculaior, and s 'cured, ai ihe ibinnmiui rice of the piibliii land--, In the humble which (hey improve)! by their I.t or. U lib t lis end iu view, all vex .lion r unnecessary restrictions imposed upon hem by ibe existing pre-emtioii Us "l.ould he repealed! or mndilied, li is iho iu policy of ihe government io sfford lacilitics to its citizens to become the own -re of small portions of our vast public do main al low aud moderate rates. The present system of managing tlie uineral hods of ibe United Suies is be- Levee: to be radicilly delective. .More liian . e ' t .i I un nun u .irercH oi me puoilt; lanes, sn;i Hlt'V ,... .1 . . i. i . . ., M-' ii io i ui.iaiu icuii anu oiutr minerals, have binn test rved from sale.ind ninnrrocs l-asi-s upon them have been granted to in dividuals upon a stipulated rent. The sys orm nf granliug leases has proved to be in t only uiiprofiidb'e to ibe government, but. msatislaciory to ibu einz ris who hatd rone upon Iho lauds, and mu ifVoriiinuet.', iy the fuundaiion of much future difliouU v lietiveen llm government and ihe leases. A 'cording io the cflii tal records, the a, iiouni ef rents received bv ibe government lor the yean 1811. lfl-13. ISi.'l. ! inn v.Hi-G uC-l 71, while ihi txpense of tiio system during iho same pen,,d, includiin; S'leiies of superinteniliints, agi-r.ts. cleiks, md iiuidenlal expense, wrw iM'euiy x tinnis-nol mid hundred and eleven dohirs and ii-ven (,ts--'.be incomo being less than me loitrh of the rspeuses. To this pnrijiiisry losi may be arJdnl . i-jury u-.ait.d.: by public- in const - i-:'-it.-f o; i ; i i ic ib's riK-iiofi of tiii,)cr, ami and waslelul uiMtiner uf work" h. The Kysteui has gi;en ri.-u '' ' '' ''il hem-peri the IJn.ti d " ' ' " "'! '.,.:if.i! i:i':j ns. nr ti'iM-inor :- .i. '::,i:i c-:d !!X C,:J ,r ,.,j,,..r j , ... '"o. - j me go it-'at i utldiiional cxpeuditu.e.s ieved ibat siiiubr loses mien, will continue to occur, while iu s stem of leasing these Ian j r..,.;. ,s unchanged. These lamls are no v.- i.n.j. f be sii)t(iiiiendence and care of ibe U r i"p,nmeni, wnli ihe ordinaiy d.nies , f tvhieh ibey have n.) prooer or naiiir.,1 ,.... lexion. I lecco.innend the rejieal uf ih- iresent stsiem, and ihut these l,e idacd under ibe sunt riniendcnci. -...I nenl ul' ilip Ci',,.,. .1 1 . i t,v. "" " "io won't', as oilier .iiiblic laud-, ii'd be brought ,i ,i)Hik.H and sold upon such leuns 118 Cucress n, heir wisdom may pre-crtbe, (( ijoverniiiei.t ;n equitable pbf eemaae f i))t, ioss a iiouni i i mineral produce and that be preemption principle bo exicded in icsidciii miners settlers upon ibem t ibe minium price winch may ba establish ft! by Longiess. I r. fer you to ihe aeconpany ir.g report of ibu Secretary of War, for informalior, io sieciing ibe present situation of ihe army, and its upetelions during the last year, ilio stale of our defences; the c:ndnicris with be various Ii, ban tribes 'Aiihiii our liuiiii or upon our holders. 1 invite your mini ion io ibe fuggesiions i.oniuined in that report, i i relaiiou io these prominent ob jei'i.s ol national interest. i.i,.. .ii-, en oruers were g.ven dntinff ihe m.i mini ot capitalists and (peculators are usu summer lor coiiceiitraiing a wituarv furca illy Miabled lo purchase ibe lands, include tin the western frontn i ul 'IVv .. :.. .i . .. i . . i r . . . "nii.11111 iron on f the treasury ,. ibe eonsiPuron When," """"'u""lw 'gis ol the peo ittg :-,e, ms of ll c at tb. vere w idely .'iepetsed, and in small ,1- ibcy w. re a'lerwanli f'om no,,- i0 iiini'il)p ni0"n "y tneinsclvp, opcordinj lo (inriimum price of lb- coverrnneiii, arm taehmenis. oeciinx in i..,.-. . . . .h. cm..,;,..., .i .i;.......' ...i .. .i.. . . . """ ,c""" wm ... . . ... .. . I. . i. ., , , ,i " .-ii in v nil Hrr u rr v r rr iiirii i iii'iu un , ill i rii.i r I, i,iir-a ,,r i v uii!oycd. ii was bom iuo'.Ik s of supposed Oiivciilei.L-o. t . I eat o oiner. t ,,.VPr ,. responsible lo tbo govrinmt'iit, who ate ui:-tori from Ibcii, according to ibeir ability to'iii.mccr in wiim, , ,r. ." y. fH'Mpip.if