Brandret h's Tills RE l) IIU UlllllTnl IIHI ! 'i'llr lllll. Mill COni wher,.l, medic,,,., lliaml.o.U OK will h app,.vU.'vl n. il.rv n,hi .I...I J. v will be uudei.t. od that Ui. J rii'd'i ii li;i st.oiiL;. .t tl ii iu u,i) tlio . It it lino t'l.ii rciy ii who makes a triil o'' ('..ii lii.iiiilivilt I'.IU i I't.nt tu b the. Ucsttm.l, iim ihey ever mod. They nro indeed itiC'li.'ine about which lit 're it mi ml-tak.i. '1'licir value in a climate m c'lMiijcilila aii oun cannot I sufficiently pniiit rJ A lve nuriiiiiniii.iii in at once ieoicd . thus lli'V :u i colds, and consumption in prevented Those who luvo a redundancy of bile find ilicin ol tho most essential service, and should there he a .1 ft'.-'fticy of that important llui.l the Braodrcth Pills hve an eamillv beneficial rll'vct. Ol'icn bus tins important medicine saved vuJualilo lives in tlut re giona whore the dicudful yellow fever was prevail" ' In A low dimes taken immediately upon the in. It-etion being icv'oivvil into lU system, will In al in, (5l certain in picvent any uiuterhil inc.oiivoni nee. And at no iliid jf lUii dreadful 'i.l inic is there s proper a m.'diciue us the Brcwlretli Pills. Lei this rnoJii-in lo universally uiotl in thin disease, and no Iks of blood allowed, and few very few, would be it victim. So it in with othci disease. Assist nature with this all iiiiH)irant medicine to remove moihid humors from the blot', an J do not resort to Heeding or mercury, and we ahull have a very great scuiciiy of persona iifllicled wiih croiuc llie feathmedtnbe tlieau iinal, kinirdom- over which we aic (he lords, are tut affliclcd with chronic, maladies; neither should we he if it wcro not for our prioe w hich occasions than,. Follow nature, Ise the medicino whi'h liarinonizns with her, which mildly but surely re moves all the impurities of the blood. which Rtrcngth oiiii the leelile.and vet redueea thoxr of too full h.itiit to n healtoy s'audard. J -el uie agaiu ny tliat cvciy department of the manufacture of Uraml.eth Pilln im poraimully Kuperintemlf a y me, ami Hint every box w ith hit three label upon it may lie relied up xtn to have tlio beneficial effect described if Uood accordiug to tho directions aceompsny'iig A CJ E N T 8. Va.vhin3ton Robert M'Kay. .lerseylown -L. 6t A. T. iisel, Danville E. B.Reynolds & Co. .'attawiiisa C. 0. 13 robs t. Bloonishurg J. R. Moycr. Ii'mcBtone Uabbit& M'JVinch. lluckhorn !. G. Shoemaker. Lime Ridge Low & Tuompon. Berwick-J W itilea Vtiy 3, 18-13 ly- 2. TO JAXC OLLECTOKS AND TAX PAYERS, Bn consequent ofa Circular, lately issued by the State Treaajrcr, directing th'A the tatc '1 ui still rciuaining unpaid, for the present and former ycart. must be juifl into tnc Mato J rejsu ry. on or Iwfore tho second Tuesday in January next, and that every county, falling to pny ii.- portion of State Taxes: hall be. .ofter that time -charged an interost of live pox .cent, on auc'i uinouU as shall remain unpaid, end paymcmr. 'f-otii the State Treasury, for school or other pur f wes withheld, until Bitch balance with ii terest ii l'ully paid; we are under tho necessity of rcquirinp t!ic sevcrul Tar Collectors of Columbia Jounty to collect und p'y over into the county Treasury, on or before tho Third fcioiidov of Jvowmber ncit. ALL the State Taxca for former yeors which til remain unpaid. The promptneaa with which ourronncr Olunlu. wan responded to, both by Tax Collectors and Toi I'avrrs, by -which the courry T.-eosiircr wat -cimblrd In pay into the Stalo Treasury at Hint Ihoe required, the whole amount of State 'Vnx dee from this county, for tlin present ye,r, induces ih to believe, that Columbia coun v v. lit ltut on t'le second Tuesday of January next, be found among 'the defaulters. Uy order of the Commissioncs. E. MENDE'HALL, Cleik romniissiono. ()lli" Danville, . Scptcmlier 13. 1345. S" Ot JUST received and for sale, at the rew 'J'l and Sheet Iron M; nufai taf. otmcaite Ctv ton Hotel, everul kinds of i'.ff -;.', SliOI nUf VOOKI.Xa STOVES, o! the Lett patieres which will be sold low. D. J. V1CS. Orf 25 NOTICrJ. MsbAfJ.i have leaineil I mm va-ioos sources, that a cenian Min y Knro, cf -Su.! ca-loaf, lias circulated a s'anih'r that I hae iiAusrd and alten'otcd to kill my wife, ami J. C. O. antl f. C. (). have ikewihc done the same li';ng. ?ow,if they lime done so, I pronoiiitsc the noiv a fahehood and slander, and stand fcady lo p.o.e i. so, at any time. JEilE.MIAil STILES. JOHN , Harness, Saddle 5: Trunk TSanufacturcrj I ESPF.CTFl'LLV infnrma tle pubt:c that lie has hxate.1 hmi.U'lf in Mo soop next door i to Samuel Hagciihiicha Ci.vr Foetory, jl.iin Hirci t yjioo.nsbuig, folonileictTiy, vvlice on will cary on the above but. lie n n'l IN branches. He will keep constantly on hand iitie a'ld coarao One and 7 wo Horse Harnesses, Horse Collars. Saddles, Jiridlcs and Trunks; $ c. of every description ; and having had a long expe- rienc if the business, he can furnish a.s good work. . and a. '. :;ai as can he purc'.iasrd iu the county .' . iindsnf country prodi ce taken in pay ii If ' ' rk, ut the ma;kel prices. ? IS 15 tim'l Cabinet ZVTakins ' JJ V K suli.-criliei respectfully informs llie pub Jg lie that he has taki n the shop lately occupied hy 11. S. Hayliurat, at the lower end of Market btreet niootnsburg; where he intends carrying on tho uboie loisinc-win all its branches, and solicits a share of the patronage of the public. In connection with lbs. above bu.-inoss, he ofleft Ida serucw an OJNDEUTAKER. He wi!l ttlwaya Is; ready to mK COFFINS for . '.li aume prices heretofore -haritid in lllonnitdvurg, nnd having supplied lilirisi lf wih rv good II EA .VK lie will attend with it at llic r uuerul -witliuiit any citra tha.ige. JOHN BITTt'RS May ,10 l8-IG.--Cm3 Fee BSills." nut JUSilCKS AND CONSTABLES iPrined on a shm fur the purpose of l'os tieiJP in their (Mliees. FOR SALE AT THIS OiTlf'E tCf'Vhe Liw ffquirr Josiiec n (Jon talile lo have Iii3 till of lets poPtod up in his office. ALSO .Blanks or CONSTABLE SALES. t n vldness and loss of iiaiu. , .. ,. ,. . U 7 wn of '""J' rU0' " h which Uuow oil the perspiration froii (he he ml. When these venseli are weak 01 die:tcd- perspiration in thick and elainy dhrres ,0 the mouths of the pores, an' cI)la th(.n p( nJ d,j anJ (,m ,,-urf. ami dandruff. l.e"1 lil.xnl m ihcii carried to the mo s of llif hair, and for want l whirl) thn hair has nl siiHVibiiI nourith iiiaiit, anil consrqnetiily b. cnin.'S dry anil limth, mid burins inxenxihly to fill iT hish continuing In increaae, f.enuirll) rtioJnrps hiilifnes Reii)r the rspillf r A TSKeU o( the head to ilieir f. rmer heahliv itculaiion, and fine silk) ntw huit will make Hi appearance, winch will increase iu iiainiiy ami viiluiiit',iiiuil Die hall bi coiura thick and healthv. Ja lie's Hair Tonic is the only prepara tion that has evri heon known lo pioilure tw huir on bad hcmlx, which it has done in innumerable instances, and will selJoni fail if nroperly anil ppmeveringly ukiI. nyiMie ahove .lelicin are all for sale h he store of JOHN 11. MOYKK, Itlnoiiiahiirg-. WOli.VlSIN CHILDREN. jfaF all diseaes to which children aie etposc.l W none are to fatal to them as worms. Unfor tunately children are ttulclom free from them, and as tlmy imitate the symptoms of almost ev ery nlher complaint they often produce alarming ellccta wilh out being aiiNpected. Worms are notonly a ofdisease theiiiselvea but by their iinlatiou aguru vate all other diseases, wandering from one part of tlia body to the other, winding iheniiielvvH up in large balls and obstructing the bowels and frequent ly the lliroat, cauxing loiivul-ioim and too oliei death. 'J'ho desired remedy will b found in Dr Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge which will very hoon deslrsy the worms and invigorate the poweis of uigesliun so as to prevent a return olthem For sale by John K.Aloyer, Bloumabutu November 82 interesting Pamphlet, called the FA TCI I LIZ" HEALTH DJllECTOltY. FOU Gratuitous Circulation to all persons whe will ( ead, Preserve, and Lend it, at E. Ltuz Uloomsburg. John Moore, Danville, John ituscr Milton, Waller & Co. Berwick. Jill the following named Articles have ob tained unbounded poputrily,vizi Rheumatism, Contracted cords, Stiff Joints, and Gout, will pojtively b cured by the nle use ot the liuiiun eedahlt hlwit anil Liniment. J he sceptics we invite to call and he personally refer red to cenllcmcn of the highest standing iu this city who has been cured of Rheumatism by this remedy They arc warranted the only genuine Deafness Dr McNair's Acumtic Oil hasprov cd very successful iu curing even total Deafness We have many cciulicatcs Jcom citizens who liuve used this OIL with complete success We invite all who are troubled vvilhanjr dutf-ase. of the Ear, to examine the piuf Ums;ky'g W'exlan Indian I'unaow i- the -best fumily lueiueine in t lie wonu it is a cure lor uys pcwia, Asthma, Liver coniplaint, Indigestion, GW tivenejH, Jaundice.Eiiilespsy' Debilily, Ve, Ac N It It operates without the sliglilewt jiain, ai a mild but thoiough cathartic, and never leaves the person costive even it taken very olleu The riles arc warranted lo no etireu n' xne gen uiuc Hays' Litnini'iU and I ines 1'alin ot china, or the money relunded Who will now sull'er with this distressing eoiniilainl? Never buy it without ihesingiialurc of comstock Sc co eumxtnek and en 't SaminiirUla is as pure and strong an Extract from this celebrated Hoot as can putsiblv be made 1 Ins puce is so reasonably thai the poor can ullbrd to use it, being but ;ll cents per bottle, or $4 per dozen It is tho only article that will elli'. tually liurify the flood from all impunities Those who bavo been imprudent in the Uie ot calomel, 1c, will liiid sure relief from it. Etui India Huir c This chemical prepara tioil will color the hair any shade lroni a lii;hl h nw n to a jet black, and not injuie the hair or stain the bkin in the. least. Preserve and Beauty the Hair by nsuiug 01 hride's Ba'ni o f Colombia, which iiinnediulely stops the hair 1. out falling out, and restore it when bald Never buy it without the signutuie of Com stock &. Co. Worms Kiihnstnek Vermifuge is a safc,aesy and ell'eetuul emedy for Worms, in thililien or adults, iueveri cuse. It is entirely Vegetable and cannot injury the most delicate child even should there be no Worms. Price :)5 cents. Doii'tJ eon found ii with other names, The Mulfum J.Vi'rhaa been thoroughly tested by many year's expiiieuee. Ladies epeeling to become mothers may rest assured that it will always aid and asiss-t in preparing them fur the trials before them. It quiets all nervous o lli c tious, allays morning sickness, causes natural and sweet rest' equalizes the circulation of the blood, regulites tha stomach, and facilitates the birti without such exciuciating pains a-t mothers ex pect. .Iany of oui best physcians Use it iu their practice. New discovery, hy which a I stoves and pipes or grates may be kept a Jet Black wilh as beauti lii I polish as a Coarh Body with one application a a vcar. It keeps all stoves and Pipes from rusting ihioiigh the summer. This Yinuish is .m entire new invention; ai.d surprises ana' delimits all va In use it. Specimens ol Stoves and Pipes in use ma) be seen at 21 Cuiirtlandi-stieet where ilie Poll.-.! may be had at the cost of 25 cents per bottle. liiiiuh and ud bughune A sure remedy, Prict 25 cents. 1).- I.arzctt's Juno Tcordial.or Procreative Elixir remedy in case of Impoteiicy, Barrenness, Floui AIIiuh, Mensiructi.ui, lueontinence, and ail disease arising iVom debilitation of the system where restor ation is required. J Efi liev. llr, Banholoinew's Pink F.xpeelorant Syrup, fo the cure ef ('oiisuni lioi , Asthma. Coughs. Colds, Spilt injt (,f flood N'iht iVweets. Exctoratinii, Pain hi the side .Vc, c ilwgc Hair Oil It gives the hair a beautiful GIoki. nud inclines it to curl, and wholly nnliki any oilier Oil, it never soils th fi nest ladies' hats in the leant If any lady or gei.t email shall use th'n Oil; and find thee statements untrue, thru money will he refunded Cimliiiil to lie rtmendierrd The above named articles-are sold Genuine in this city by Cum-ttoek ,( 1'n, 'ii foiiiiUndt-street, and NOll'HElvE EISE except of their countiy customers lieruemb.r take this direction wilh vou These (ii lich s are to be had in this plave ol Fpliram Llul., Blonuihhnrg, John -Vonre. iJanvillt Waller fi eo. Lerwick. John Kusei, Wilton, NovumU:r, I, ld-15 viSv. lim .--mii ce i vm trim niir.r.jc .vii i 1 ' -- " - jua. u- ceived and ior sale at tlie ,iiw More, L. U.RUTRr. October II. NEW ARRIVAL AT TUB 1TE7" BIJILDI1TG3. WING disposed of his first stork of goods. bus just received a tar U'llerand more splen Inl i.sMirtiueut suitable to llic seusuu, consisting it as (ood a varie'y ol Clot In; .Sal! Inrlii, fanntmrrtt and Vcxllug for Men's wear, as can be had at any other stoic in 'he county all kinds ol silk, Cation, l-ln,ten, U'aollin or War ted chillis for Ladies' use Hats, Caps;thin aud thick lloois and Mines, very cheap,, besides a large as sortment ol GROCERIES, HARDWARE. GLASS AND QUEENSW ARE, and in fact, almost every thing that ran be found in any other store in the county. llelieeing that a nimble sixiieiice is belter than J u II shilling, he will continue to sell his goods at a small advance, lor ready pay. He therefore in vites all lo call, feeling assured that they will be KBli-fn d with his prices. Nov 15 no ots AND STORE. SHOE M informs the puf lie that ho has jrVV opened a SHOE (5A-f STORE at the lower end of Main Street, nlooiiiaburg, at llie store formctly oecuiii ed by E. Lull where he intends to keep n geuer al assortment of shoes ami boms, for men and womens ware, which he will sell as low, if not lower than the same quality of goods can be bought in v oidinma countv. ne win uiso muao to order all kinds of boots and shoes, at short notice. Hav ing determined lo sell low, for a small profit he respectfully invities those who are in want of any .hiug in his line, to give him a rail. N'.B. All goods bought of me are warranted to be as recommended. W, R US S EL. Nov. loth 1844. Mew oods WJI. M'KKIiVV & CO. II VE just received al their Old Stand in Main street, a large and extensive assort meiit of l all and Winlci CoM. which added to their former stock, renders it as r.nmplete as can he found in the country, .dmong theii Dry Goods; .iuy Im. Cvnntl course and Huff iroatleloth, of all olors, G'assimcrs, Sattinetts, Orleans Cloth, Prints if all qualities, and of the newest patterns, Crane ueiaiius,.iiisliii unluincs, Uraoe do IMxent anew inline) Casluiiers, Bonnet Velvet, Shawls Silk an,! Col tun Handrrehiefs.Silk and Cotton ose, Gloves and Mils, Linen, bleached and brown Gotten Shsct iiirs. Hatsand Caps. Morocco; calf Skin, and I'hiek foots and shoes. India Rubber Shoes and Overshoes. &c. Ac GLASS AND qUEESJJ'JiKE as good an assortment as can he found in the -nnntry. together with all kinds uf Kec Earlhern-ware. ssorlment including every tliini; from ar inchnr to camhtia needle, that a farmer or uieclnnic wants lo use?, including Round Bar, Sheet and Hand Iron, suitable fur wag tjoii tire or any other use. Wooden- ware,' A large quantity of Cedei and F'ini fail and J una. LSaskest, ol all cizhs Sir.. Copper and Brass Keiilet, all kinds ol Fin wtie, stove pipe, and Upper and Sole Leather. Dm whal in the use in particularising, ns hardly an article in (heir line can he asked for but whal they can furnish iheir custom at for prnmpt pav, or in all kinds of lutn ber, and country produce. Nov. 15, 184530- Tin & meet fMHK subscriber resjieclfully informs the public H that he has opened a shop, on Maiu-streel, nearly opposite Clayton's Tavern, in Bloonishurg. whero he intends carrying on the above business. ui all Us various lirnnehes. TIN IKlliE, if every description, w ill be kept on hand for sale it WHOLESALE or KETA1L. SHEET IKON Manufactured into imv form required, STOVE PIPES, of all sizes kept constantly on hand. Stoves finish ed to older. Beii.g determined to do business in the riuht way, he reqests all to call upon him before they purchase elsewhere, us he will furnilh all articles in his line as cheap us they can be purchased in tliu county. V. J. lilCE. September 20, 18451)22 Notice, tcrl.HOK IIKIti:.J3l A LL iieisons having unsettled accounts either with the subscriber, or with the late firm of -Mlverthoru fi Boone, whether the hallance be in his favor or ijjainst t.iui, are reipiesled lo come forward and settle them iinnirdialelv, that he mav close his biHii.ess as hooii as juissible, A wold to the wie is avillieieiil. MAK.SHAL SILVERTHOKN Bepltmhfl 20. 2 PI rv Gioods.' Assignees II.HIO, Public ale. IfWIv jiini received at ilieir old stand corner HI of Alain and Market-streets, a new and "" ' " plendid assortment of 7"''' ',"IJ nl public sale by theAssigi.ees . . 't? of JOHN P. EVES, ut llic house of Jonn I all anU Winter COOdS, Wclhvcr, in Jerseytown, Cohimhia cotiniy, on which Ihey oiler a low aa they ran br purchased Saturday, Ikmnhcr 10, 18 IS, in lh county. Among (h ir assortment msy be '"un,'i ( loths, Camimerei, iSttftinettn, Satins, Silka, Sik V"vr.t and other neio sti,e of Vtstings, Cushmeres, Crape. De.uints.MusUn defMinet, fllcrinoes, JUapacean, Vurainelta (a new article) Ging hams, ind every variety of Prints from fi lo 25 cents per yard. GLASS .IND QUEh,UHiE, IMRDWJIRE, Nails, round, bar and sheet iron, bar and spring sleel, stove pipe, 1 ats, caps, men s and woniens inin ami uni K noots aim biuvs; &c. c. in snort, all other articles usually kept in a country ttorc all of which they will sell in cxchaiico for cash or country produce. November 15 s TOVE PIPE for sale at the New Stom. L. B. KLPEUr. October 1 1. JMMlXlSTRJl TOR' S NO TICE. The Estate of JONATHAN STROUl late oj lVxiimt J'leasenl township, decent ed. "jOJOTlCE is hereby givon that letters of admin 1 istration on the above mentioned I.slnti have been granted to the subscriber, living in Hem lock townsnip. All persons indebted to said estate are heieby notified to make immediate payment and all those having claims are requested to pre scnl them properly authenticated to ADAM STROUP, Am'r, Oc'.obcr, il, 1845 6w25. Bfiotel&Siore nnHE subscriber will offer his Hotel ami H Klorc Properly fm sale until the 2()tli nfDelienibei next. If net sold by that time tin. Hoel will bs rented for one os three years jrom the 1st Dec. of next. 1 belolauii which the builihnjrs are ereeed front !) Icet on Main-street the Hole f;t feet front, SS ''"'P and tbiee stories high built of brick in 1 HI 1. J be Store lie ise ofwcod 25 feet front, 88 deep aud two and a half stories high. The Holel is supposed lo do as much bu siness any as oilier House on ho North Branch ol the Susquehanna, Jt is now occupied by Charles II Uo-liler J he conditions of the sale will be 10 percent lown, 20 per cent on llie first of April next, and 10 pgr cent annually One half of the purchasi money will be left on the property if desired, Eor any other information enquire of E 11 BIGGS Bloonishurg, October 25, 1815--27tf J. If- VANDEHSLKE, IEOTIOT, EGS leave to inform the public, thai he id prepared to attend lo all the oner alioni in dentistry, trnrh as removing The Tartar and other Foreign Sub stances. I'romlhe teeth, rendering ihem clean, and the gums and breath sweet and healthy. The cavities of Decayed Teeth Will ho dressed out and filled wilh Gold or other (oil: ol ine tinest qualm-, as trie itase mav require, which will eeneralU prevent their aching or further decay, am1 render them useful for years; and in in n,j cases during ltfe Teeth and Stumps of Teeth Which have become useleae ni troublesome will be extracted in the mnst careful man ner, with llie latest and best improved in struments. Porceliain Teeth, Ofthe best quality and latest improvement will he inserted on pivot, or (in connection with Dr. Vallcrchamp, with whom he is in patcrnship in plate works) on Gold plate, from a single looih to a whole set, lo look as well as the natural, and warranted lo inswer all the useful and ornanieutal pur poses proposed by (he art. In thort.pvery operation belonging to his profession, will ba peformcd in the best nanner. with cliowcsl material, and at ihe ihorlesl notice- He therefore hopes, be strict attention to business, to obtain a shnr if public patronage. Any person or pei- sons wishing to obtain ihe an, ate respeel t ii i . . . . 1 tuny rcquesicu to give In m a call. N. n The public are hereby Informed that we the subscribers have entered into a pecial Partneiship relating only to plate worn as n is more convenient or each to iltend (o (he other branches of the science on his ovvn account. A. VALLERCIIAM P. J. II. VANDERSLICE. Mounl Pleasant, Nov 8th. 1845 3m. KXOCII HOWELL. T A I I.O 11. BESPEC'I'ITLLV, informs the ptihlie'ilnt he lias moved into the building humeri) occupied by le'Kegister in Alarket stieet neat Win. Kelvy vV vo. store w Here lie will always tc ready to imiko any kind of clothing, at the shortest notice and in the ltest and loo.-t fashionable style. From his long experience iu the business, he fiattcr- himtell llut ho shall continue to l;ivc general sat isfaction and thereby hopes to receive a share ofthe ubhc patronage. (Tj-'articular attention paid to cutting. All kinds of country produce taken in payment fnj work. Bloom.-burg,Atis-9 1645. tf-,16 B( lo Vloek iu the forenoon, (he following vulua hie property, to wit : 80 ACRES of land, a part of which is improved, and upot which arc erected a I) WELLING HOUSE. LOU HAHS, LVT HILL; Large Tannery; with Water Power attached, seventy or eighty good vas in aooil rcp.ur, and all the necessary Buildings, situated on Little Fhdiingriecic, in Mad ison township, ailjoiuing lauds of Jacob llamer ami othurs. ALSO- SD Acres Of Valuable MMIiER LAND, ailjoiuing ihe above property IN' ALSO of LMMPKOvcD LAN'), ofa mind 'quality sitmted in Madison township, adjoining lands ol Mepneii f.llis, John Martin am others; ALSO A Warm 9 CONTAINING IIS Acres, situated in Madison township, well improved, wilh several ucres ol .Vleailow and a good ORCHARD. IwlIlP FRAME HOUSE, W dj'I'he wholo will be sold together, or in sena raie pans, 0 sin tue purrnasnr. rcrsons wisntTj to view tlio aliove nronerl tiefore the sale can do so by callinir on Caleb Thom as, tisq. ol Jerseyown, Madison township, or on uenjaiiini t,es and John K.Uvcs. Alillvillc.Giecii wood township. Gondiiniis made known on the dny of sale. CALEB THOMAS, BENJAMIN EVES, JOHN K EVES, Jstiznee of John P. Eves, All persons having claims aic requested to rwr seiu iniMii immeoiaieiy. Pvovenilier 7. 1845 Cw29 nr 1 1 mi n 1 a 1 . - iriir.uri3 my wut Having lelt ni) muse, in consequence ol her deransremen uf mind, all persons are forbid trusting he on my account, as I shall refuse to pay am neois ol ner contracting herealter, as I an all times Willing lo give her a good suppor 11 sne remains at nome. PETER MILLER Orange township, Nov. 1 1845. ME into the enclosure, ut the rubsciiber about four week since ' a two yems old; red HliJFEK, some vvhiteinher foic icad. The owner is requested lo iir.-vo nronertv ay eliarges und take her away DANIEL REINEBT, centre township. Oct, I IS 15 DISSOLUTION. THE ennnrtnerrship lierelofcre existinn under the lii m of Armstrong ii Hnges, in the (one ciutins business, is by mutual onsent utssolvcd E. ARMSTRONG. P. HUGHES. Nov. 1 1845. MARKLE YARD. THE business will be continued )y the ubsenber at ihe old stand; where mat lie Mad at nil times. MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMB-STONES, HEAR Til J AMDS, MANTL ES. PAINT STONES, MULL EES, &c. or any o.lier work in his line. He is Iso prepared to lurnish WINDOW CAPS ind SILLS. DOOR SILLS and STEPS, .fee. either of Ma.ble, Lime or anv kind ol stone that can he procured in this vicinity tO"iIaving had considerable experience m the business, he pledges his work lo be executed in as handsome a stylo as car he liirnishe.l lroni snv yard cither in ihi city or country; and on as reasonable terms EPIIRAIM ARMSTRONG Bloomsbutg, Nov. 3, 1813. ly '28 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. he Estate oj Thomas Palmer, lute of Jllooin township ilre'd- NO IILE is hereby given that letters ol administration on ihe above mentioned Es ... in k L . , . , .. i,nc, nave ui-eu granieu 10 1 ne lunscriner, 1 : 111 ... living 10 wionin townsnip. All persons indented lo Said eslalo are hereby nolifietl to make immediate payment and all tlx se having claims are reqursled lo prescni thorn properly authenticated 10 CHARLES I1EFLEY, Administrator. November 21, 1815 Cw3I rrTi m flEBL. lUSlXHSS CAKDS. ASI). COOL, AUoimy nt Law I'liOOM-SUUtf, COL, co, PA. OlHce in Miiii-street, opposite Dwbler'a Hotel. Clf AliLES K.1I1LE , JUSTICE OK THE PEACE, AND cou:imici:k, iii.oo.v1si5uro, col. co, pa. Ollico, comer of East and Malu.streeta cTmTLES " It. Jl UCK A LEW Allomry al Law. Office South side o," Main-nt. ovriosilt Ei,er .y lhfjhift Store, -7'VILL ATTEND COlIUT.s THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. LI XVI I.L, osTi;;(.on"iWiiT. ff'holesiae Dealers in dbcv umn No. 61 Nonh Third Siree:. Above Arch, Ueo. W. Linvill; Albert F Osterloh, Joieph V. West. Aug Oth 1815. PIMLA. NOTICE S hereby given to Ihe fc'tockhnldcrs in (be com pany for erecting a Bridge over the Northeas U anch of the river Susquehanna, between Ih town of Catti ivvissu and the moolh ofFishineiee th it the iliinagers have this day declared a dividen of three per cent, on the IStoek of said compuiiy iur mo ia im inoiiuiH, which win paid said stockholders or their legal representatives, ut the Treasurer's office, Cattawissa.on or after the 15th inst. DAVID CLAh'K.Tr. asurer. Treasurer's Office, Caltawissa, Oct 1, IS45 QTNEW Eii TABLISMENT.U$ TIN and SHHEETIRON THE subsciibcr having locilcd himself in Bloomsbiirg, is prepared lo fit. i i: h nil kirds of ware, ami pcifonu all kinds nl wo k in Ins lire of business, ot cheap rales ond ."l sbot noiiie Ho has furnished himself with a new nlnl splendid stock of tools, macbiiierv and meleri-ds fiom I'liila lelphra, and made a lane pioi-b.-'ve of ( OAL and WOOD STOVES, of various i niU'i im, o? uonlv h;s customers, lie will tonst.inilv ki c.i c:i h..i d. . TfA II ofevery description. STOVES, a large v.irielv. pr.olv and substan- tialy finished, togcttier with VIl'E, Sl'Ot TS for buildings. VOJIh Itl'CKETS, &c. cc. Kilo respectfully solicits public nelroiince' Ilnv. nig been for some )e;is rugngrd in Ins lnsii.'ess, ind having experienced assistants, he feels conii lent of satisfying all who lcay favor him wilh heir custom. IOIWTKV JlERCn.1.XTS supplied on liberal terms. Call outhflsou:h side of;lain-strect, 3 doors lelow the office ef tho Columbia Dcitiocruf. October 11, 1815 lv25 S, E. CRAIG. IJ. F. IIAYIIUKST, WAGGON MAKER, DLOO.MSIiURG, EfSPECI'TI.LLY informs (bo nobbc thil he has loi.ilid liinn T in 1 ' o Sjioo l; :lv occupied by ZIBA IU OGLES, in MAEKE'F STIJEE'I', where lie intends carrying oa llio above nusmess in nil dsv.T'ous braiicoi"). I1EAVV WAUCONS built and rcjiaired, as wi 11 119 one hore WAGGONS AND BUGGIES- of everv dasciipl'on. and all kii'i's of Country VV'oil,,'.' Iim line, none 1 1 slid t no,ice and en tho most rci'son.ihlc Ituns. rjj (food I. under and nil kinds of f'jurtrv Pro- lui e.jkeu in puviiuiii for wti, lut Cash will not e refused. April 5, lfil.'. G.n5i) RHORSBURG, COLUMBIA CO. VCsuIim i ii'-r iTspeclfully inform? his fiivnds aud llie public generally, thai iiaving com- il.ti'd his laiye and commodious in Rhorsburg, and Ihled it 1 p in good slvle, is now prepared lo entertain travellers in the best manner, nd lie assines the public that no pains shall Is pared to (;ive gi neral salislaitien. lie hepes by loiug so to merit and receive a share of the pat ronage ofthe punhc, and invites all to give him a ill. NICHOLAS lvlNUT. August 30, 1845 Illlf 0 U R MOTTO.N OT TO HE OU I DON E .VAIl nLUkjiMiniiXG r.MTAiu.i?iiMi:T. Ill ItlSOKVr A S l.VHJi, THE undersigned having taken the shop formerly occupied by Marshal Silverihorn, most respecifullv informs ihe public that ihey intend to carry on ihe above branch of bufiness and will at all limes he ready lo do work a liule hatter and cheaper than any Iher ebinblishijicnt in the place, and ihf-y hope by strict attention to busintks to nieiil large portion of the public patrnn.ige All kinds of country produre taken in li'hange for wnik .S: ibe read; not r sed SI EI'lltN H.UU ISAiG S A.N TEE, Uioomsburg Sept, 10,1815 'il BLANKS!! HI.ANKK ! ! FOR SALE LT THIS OFFICE.