MY NAM CIS HAiNKS There are thowsHuJt of people 1 1 this cotmt-y, who msle "!,e"' t-'""1"10" fX')ion:oni), 'My iijiii i llucs,' " Ihi'y Bitil)wul lea villi; place " mly jtiddenly, )cl ft' v know Hum Ihe eiiion i lUiivfd, .1 won common raying, or one in moie Kmei B use hos ni'vrr been not up We hem it in Miine, in Geom", MiyUnd i? in Aikum-a. -il is in the oionih of tin old nd young, tin- ftrsve Hud (he Ry in ehoil, 'AVy iuu is Usnes' enjoys i popularity which no olher canl phrase does be it our ntxi care- to give in on Some for'y-five ymri since, a gentle man by the nacie of Hanes was travell ing ou horn buck in the vicini'y of Mr. Jetfenou'i residence, in Virginia. Par ty spirit was running extremely h'mli in those daya. Mr. Jtlleroon waa lrefi dent, and Mr. IJanea waa a rank (eder alisi, and, s a mailer of course, a bitur opponent to the then tinting mlmiuis (ration and its Iiead. ht was uoi ac quiinled with Mr. JeuVraoi, and acr-i dentally coming up with that &nle min ilio iiavellinit on horseback, his pariy zeal soon ted him into a cooveis (ion unon Ihe all abscrbine topic. li the course of tlie . converaalion, IIans look particular p una lo abuse Mr Jifl'er .i- i . -ii . . i I eon,caiini; nun, an sons oi imu uuic running down every meafure of his ad niinisir.nion,poked Ihenon iniercouae aci it him as moat outrageous oi ruiciou,nct iculinghia gun boat system aa preposler mis and nonsensical opposed hit pui chasi of Louisiana, e a wild scheme- in thorl, look every leading feature ol i la djv descanied on them and their originator with the greatest bitter nen. Mr. -Jefferson all the while sid little. There waa no euch thing as gel ting away from hij very paniculai1 friend and he did not feel exactly at liberty to 0 - combat his arguments They finally arrived in front of Mr ..JefJerson's residence, Manes, of course not acquainted with ihe fact. No'wiih standing he had been vilified and abused Mike a pickpocket,' to ub ihe niu say inn Mr. Jeffarson still, with the true Virginia hoipitality and politeneis, in viied his Irarelins companion to alight and partake of some refreshments. IIane. waa about getting frm his ho; si, when it occurred to him lhat he should ask his compinion's name. Jefferson, said the l'resid'ni, blandly What! Thomaa Jefferaon? Yes sitjTho niai-I, flurson. President Thomas Jefferson? contin ued the ailounded Hants. The same, rejoined Mr. Jefferson. Well my name is llanes! and put ting spurs to his horse he was out Of tearing instantly. This, we are informed, was the origin of the phrare. SHtlEP. If you desire that ynur slipep (.hall pay vou in fleece and carcass for your keep, let us, if you have nol done so alnady, adue you to provide ihem with comforiable shed wherein ihey will be kepi boih whtiii and dry, as without ibis precaution a firjje pro- pnruon of iheir provender which siould go to llie increase of fat and wool will be ex bausied in furuiHhing beet lo their bodies, and will conseq-ienily be losl to the owner The sailing of sheep, the giving ihem pine bow s and water regularly .are mailers which should not be neglected the winter and earl spring months; nnr is it less essential liat tqeir bedding should be at shcrl intervals re newod. In feeding them ihrce pounds ol hay diily per head will be enough. J'hcy should hcwevei occasionally through Ihe winter, receive a part of their food either beatis, oits, barley, buckwhc!' ryo or con. meal aa also messes of roots of some kind In early spring and ir. loed unitll pastuiea are rtady for iheir reception, iheee latter e ldi ions of food shon'jl be partirulnly at tended to. In turning them lo grass in the spring care must be taken that fur soni1 days they be permitted to graze but s few hours at a time and that they he ftituished v illi hay during ihe residue of lie. day and niohl n their usual meals: ss eaily glass U a1 to bring on disorders rf the !iittBiinesi bukil:i) alive. A Baltimore correspondent rf a ne 2iew York Journal, the tallowing t recent case of burying alivr; A most horrid case ol burying alive oef enrted a fev weeks since in our city, and which although fenerally talucl of, has, out of 'respect lo the friends of the dei-eased been e-xcluded from the public, prints. A young lady was taken sick, and died very sudde-j.Uj: as was supposed by the family and physician, and was placed in hrr col fin and enrried to the deposiucy of ihe fa n- ily and placed ir. the family vault. A few days sfierwstde, or. visitirtij ilie vault, ihey were etruck with the hornbtn fcij;l;i of die young lady in her bu:i! clothing nt:i nf the cofHn and silting up againet His side o tin wall dead! As may ba FUppused the ilii covety plunged a family nil ! re ir - cle of acqnainiances in thedeetnH n guish. i was found, o:i esun inii-e il"e coffin that ihe lidlia.l been fc.reiMy ro-u! ofTby the younu ninn who had a c 1 1 ; K teen buried before ihe v-ir.l r.park Imd fled: sml who had relumed to rut 'iioinii f-: bin ta die the mon hernhlo ci ,hi.v iv jrJju'ji this but u lo true lo ) e Mew fawe. X i; v A It It A N O li M U Ms, Yo lutmhug bvt Comix dwn to t low est notch uu imougn. UK nWf her mvinir cumnieieu m new -,.., hiiiiw. mi .Winn ulri'et neur ..nn'- ... 1 I. . S ... l.,.r., ... L.tVIIIJ . (li-il'U H Willi a l' III iJiiniiiin n - - n 1,1 ..f Ir- .mw irm),!. Which WCie KlHtTUHl witn Ureal care ill rrgard to priru, no liim atlf llml lie eun oiler H', --tvlVailJ lliiMll l lower priees tlia.i In ever l.een oll'ered in III" lee, end aa lite aMwrt.uei.t eoiiU of every lliiin? for comlorl una anoiiiiiifiu m BrV GooQS. I.-. .. in. ., .Tii'ld usn'ollllll'lll Ol Queenswtt'e (some new nj'j liouku, llartlwure, leaer wurc ivure. Earthenware, Silina or Lake, ground. Fine Lixlwn and Dairy Salt, Sul moil Ila(keral,aiid Herring, Cuvindinh, Jmila Ion Plug. Fine cut & Smoking ''fl'-ncco, Candles f Soon, Cupficr Kelln.Sted, liar Iron. heiiules iHiinerous oilier artie e, ull i tiesoM at a very mnall .rolil lor re.viy y, am. wiiulJ resoei tfully iiiviie all perrfoim lo iH M examine I.h (-oo.Ih anil imcea, liel.ire ii.n-liaMii. 1'lie hyliett prices M tor an nn-n oi tuu.iu. pruouee. L. 11. Ut'TEUT. 20th, 1815. yiif. IMoonuburg, Sent. nvew mem' THE uWeihera respectfully intorm the puli lie, tit U tlicy are now opening, at the ion lately occupied by K. II. BKitJ-S.ou Maiu-sUeci a. largo and cxlenaie awortmeiil ol FALL AND WINTER Grocories, Hardware. cjtoi:BiKi:vwAi:-, KAUT11KNVVAHK AM) in fact, every artiile u-.UfU.illy l.e store. Anions tlieir aasortuient in il in a cniinlr IV ),H foil lilt - Ca'.icris. of vho newest putter i, Kilk Otaihs, Cassimeres, Saiiine'.W, Vest ings, and lirown Shirt ings, (iloves and IIoe, Ilund "kerchiefs ond Shawls, Cashmeres, ee. And liavinrr seleeled ihem will, preat riT as li ipiality and piire, tliey are in ell luem .r i,ri,.ej ilian tliev liuve ever lielore lieen of fered in thia vicinity for Cash or L'ounliy I'ro- lnrii a-lr-Havm" made arr jni;enn"tit in ihe "ily for a J-J " . .- .. :.. .i...:. ii.... ..:,., oiihlanl unpplv, any nrtu-ii; m i" " they Imve not on liand.caii 1'C fuinitlied at a weekr nulice. Persons ii'e requested t call en 1 exainiee then nooils and piiccn Let'orc pun lui -ine elsev.ln re Al.liKICIl'l' 'V .V.r.Mi t.I.. TJloom Imig.Cct. II, 1BI5-V:5 IT HAS ' I'BKl 'ISO I'i.Y CUUKI) Ml''. rniLDi;i.riitA., December. 18:!7 To Dr. D. Jay ne Dear Sir 'I he us lonishing and niiracolmis heiulieiil etl'eel. youi valuable EXTKOTORAN I' had 01 my neighbor, Ihe Rev. .Mr. Rnhhin?, in(l. so favorable impression on my mind, lh' after consulting with several friend.-!, ami learning that you were a icjMilar I'racir.ioo er of jfeilieine. I called upon you, and nnrehriDfil half J dozen holllCH, !10ll 10 (I VlMl dial if 1 lived to ink.) them, you should h;ive i finod report fioin me, I am alive and we. I U'm da! Tlwii'-.s In to a merciful Ood. Mini l:'.xpeet,u-;in' tr, 1 now 1 coino foiwud chetrfolly id fo'.fi nv proinibe. For twenty l"i'Lf vears had 1 hi en a eon slsnt sufferer fo'i) the tll'ect of aan1, dry eoutjli, pain in the hico-i, and -'"hy oi oreaihinft; ihe last livn of which ehd.s am1 i'evcr.i, everv spring ami fall, added to m niry, I was worn awav ti a men .kelion; with ihe oreaiet i! i iTi i-u'ty nnlv could 1 pet up asol down flatrj. (i) v apeiiu -vms none, and my slrer.p'.h had so far failed hp, tint my friend-i were perMiad.ed ! rouh: nni survive' many weeks. nnlei I (''o,ed relief. Indeed. ir, toy si:tritio:i wi.s .-. oerleelly tnisri.ildo to myce't' and o dis re, to 111) fall ily, lhal 1 felt i lit,;; U, die, wlienevrr it slioul.l deae the M -ter o I ike nte I uine. i'.ot 1 he ud of joi.i'l . . i t .. - - ineilieine, a'i'l leio I e m; n."i..u ihe -Hahri nl t.'.le-.d' i toy .-u,r ft"! '-' iiidy. Ui:Imc I In I taken one li-.it1-. ! ex oerienced a mitiuc. ii-n of dl my (-yep -n and to mv croal j"V I fo'tid in toe ron'mii il use rif ii ihe happiesi relief In -h"ri" II AS A 1 1 K A I'KHFLOT 01 KK OF Ml. and I can truly siy, 1 have no devire 1" lie belter. With ev"rlaii'2 nimiliitle, I am de.r r, your ohhi'f d Iriend. MARY 011,1,. tlornnr (.f Rose Street hud (ieniiaulowii R-nd i'niU nT'-'Tlie a'oove Medu ine are all for sale at i,o More oi JOHN R. movi;r, ItiOO Rint'lllij. KI.ANKS! Hl.ANKS! ! r'?--.l is"" sl,:.ii;l; r,. 1'.' - r l iu vm a; .VT.I.I'V.V.V just printed sr.".' for sale hn Oifr.e NRW KHUIKS OF TUK fONT.KESSlO.NAI. 01.01112 AND AlM'HNUIX. to hi: sri:iu:oiYn:n. The undersigned originali-d the mode ol lurr.jlizinj; the proceedings of OongrcHS. winch presiiuied iheiu enlite. I heir pub iicaiiun was the lirsi ami only one lhat gave ii,.i aoei-i'-.4ivfl ali o III every IlieanlllU III ixiin branches of Congies; a brief of all do laics, every important vole: and an Apper. iix iiiiludiiii at lull ennlli ull ihe rciuu ,pi eehes Ucliverud during the session. 1'hr .vork ihus couducuid by tlieiii is a most per t'.et puliiical lusiory. Tin) Seuaiois Iroio the iSiHles ai.d ibu Kepres. niaiivn iioin .;vory Hi'ction ol the Union bring with ilieiu into OuUkirehS u knowledge nl the leeiing neniiuieins, and intere.ii ol the.r several eonsiiiuenci?. I'ubiic opinion and ihe public information, aa it exmis among those ihey represent, are embodied by them, and in Urn tn.ciliU ol Congress Um wisdom ol our limes is brought to lis teal, and l!t 'heie ,n ilr-4-ml III lllri'CUll'T 1114 tllllillC.ll movements of the whole couiury. I lie impulses thus given ihrotijjlt t'ongresi Irom ..uim'u noriKi r.'ji l in, on Ihe naiioii as a j -r-' - - i .vhole. and all lis eoinpoiifiit pans are made lo move in co opeuiion. Tim press I'.iiiiini lm nuirK urit-l'oliv einnloved than in condensing tlld again tpteailing abroad the nilellience ol out liee country, lending lo nidi happy rvinlis thruiili our a.mosi ml raculoiisiy adjuoicd Siate and Nalioiul in stiiuiions. Having identii'ied onr.,elves with ihe plan of advancing the useluliifis o! Lougrts u publibhnig lull and luipariial reports, sno having a largo mass of Hie Congiessionai Olube and Appendix, issued duriu'' the lam len yetrs, which would be impaired in val um lo us and uiiliiy to the public if ihe work were discontinued, we have a double mo live lo prompt us to extend il through a ecu series. W e aie resolved il possible to iv it permanence, and to hand ll down to sue eessors as a standard work, w orthy ol beii o maintained and improved. Ws shall finer upon our new undertaking without being Jisiracied or burdened by any iissnciue la tors ol the p;css: and, liius uneiieui.ibercd, 4hall hope in make the new series a step in advance of the former in all points of ex cuiion. Willi a view lo accomplish this, we shall be (one or lbs other) always in ui eodaiice in Ccnjres ill compare tin manuscript of our own reporters with the datiy reporie ol the cry papers correct all jy our own obseivation and knoit ledge cd the proceedings; and in important mailers, .vhci u that will nol aseurc us of the Hdeliiy of ihu repimin we wi I pioiuie ihe aid ol the numbers lheii .51 Ims, lo obtain ihe ex ael scope of tlieir reuouka. The "ink, thus aulheiiicaied.w ill ba s i:coi ed, hu h is a nuaraii'V that we will nuku as putucl as p ,. eligible for us lo make ii.weus Mould not i incur ihe .xpciic ol sicn in) ping Hi H e did no' feel em.lidiiil t.f its supeiioriiy over all winks of the kind which have been m are likely to Lo pi.bhshei Su-reoty ii the work wili enalde lis to suppl) lost oi muiilaied ntiiiibiifa, which we wtlldo.widi oni making any charge O.f iheiu. The (Jongressional Olobe is innde up I the daily proceedings oltile . o llouse.i ol Oongrcss. The speechi s of the no ml t'f iie ( iiiidcllpeil, In lring thi in into a icd.i ale length. A I tin' rctaihiiloriH id'eie;1, in inolions made, aio giien i:i ihe u.oii i : um v, ords and the yeas and m s o't he iii.porianl qui m-i.-h. Ii i- pm.'-id i'.h mall type biener -..ud iur p i on " limbic nit a! idled, in ijuaiio Ini'.o, each 'iiiliilitl coulailili.g eixtei-ii .'al quark. pagea. H,B Appendix is uride up ol t I' ICS I the I'eiii e aniuiid messai.;e, ri'i" ,IS ll prn.cipul ci.iccrs ulti.e .' ernment i.'ia .icn.iijiuiiy 11, and t.ll the lout smci;iS ol members - f ('.'iioici.s, v iiticu ("ol er re via ed by tbemselvfs. I; is printed i,i ill. snine form ss ihe Ci.t.res-siimal (llobe. ami usii-illy uii. Les ahoul ihu s-jinu i.uiiiJ.i i of ies. Ve print ihe immbcrs as fast us ihe to ceeiiiiiea ol (J(ii-:ess luriuuh enooh mallei lor a iitiiiib;r ol the Appendix a week; bin lurilio reiii.iitnh l' ol a s.f, 0;i. i, heic is use illy nilheicut main r hn to or li.r.u hers ol each every week. The nest sissitm will be a lot.!; oee, and it is supposed vviH be unusually it'll -r;stii'.j.' tin ii'. weed dilate lhat the Coin;" .--i-m;.! (iioijO iini! . 1 ppeiiih:; w i'. uiijt; ij'iarto j h in il.e lo ar one ili'iisai;'.) i. inl'.li d in Miiall Iv pi bll'V H t iili'l nun ) nlele indi .es lo boi ll. e ;iiri;i,.!i i-'it;i at ihe etid ol a its;-- lull. We have on hand 'I'nl.e a!nJ Arm m'.ix I tho f1 in-f.ri -;ii,i!3l 'r ihe last iii elvi which fun wrri irt acsions I'll OCslllllS l C'llliOrt SS t,l loliU and seven were ah, Coiiprf-Ssi.niJil (Jlnhe mid Appendix l-r each i8siu!i are bmiriii tneeihir in iX'tllelit biiiditi).', w itli R.issia backs and corners. Our prices lor them. I'ms bouiid together are i'.i a volume 1 . r a shiiri, si ij ti ) a vol nine fi t a luo m-s-niui., miiluin; SI'-'1 '"r a full set. Tin.'se who want the la.-l. vol times ihonld sipn'.y I'.ir :bein in.meiiijlely . is '.hev Me oi ,'ein sii'iKi'iihed for two els, iitni il is pr"h .d The last oliertes ic.tidrtd and C.viniy six i.le lion il.e m-.-.i w ill subscribe I'm m le isl tr manV i;i.ire, as I,1,, proceediufis id t 'nrpiess the l-i (ih; ye its eai. not be pioiured fuun any other smiree, (iab s &, Sciitim Iriving slopped piinting their liYjristi r of I)i h lies m IHU" A few bundled enpie of ihe lust v.i' i ill we l ave on bull. I. The ni xt si srinn of Corgrcss will be ! lonir one, and, then fore, the (Jiinniessioni I (Jlobt and Appindu: shnuitl be S-'.' for the session, which the price we charge for lha unboomi nnniln-is ol ihe pal hint; sess ion" but we have cm, eluded to nilucn the price, as ..Ihr.vs, t,r,iiil ihe fir.-l day ol not J iniiary, afirr v,bicli iiu.e the Cmgusaion il Ohibo and Appcmlix win eacn uc vi mi the session, and no deduction will be made hi account of the number ol copu s Liken" 'IF RMS. .'or one ropy of ihe Coiigrcss'.on ul (lluhl! For one copy of the Appendix For lour copies of ti. bar, or pari of both For twenty ("we copies of eiihci, or part of both 'J I e n in i y rnny I e " n 1 in-k. Ii !,( t.lil 1 1 1 1 1 1 I v 91 1 t il December, at firdied. lo proct'ie all the numbers ntoniptly. I'mprieiors of no wspapcru who copy this I'lL'specius, and send lo us o'te copy ol ibeii paper coi,iiinini ll. shall luve ibtir name enteic I on our books lor oim copy 01 tut Ooiigrcisnmal Cilobe and Appendix during the session. Uurtriics for these papers are no low thai we i annul afford to credit them oiu, ihcrefcro no person need consume In time in wriun'' lor them ami not send mil ll.o :noney, lil.AlU X, III v.z. Washington City . O, tuber 4, 1815 ln inkmtiii" raiijifilc, called Ihe PASlILir H 23 A L T II I)iiB:CTOKY. FOR (jralililuus Ciiculalion to all ,l'l SUIIM who .vill ead, llloom.iliui'H Mi I ton, a. I'reM'ivc, and Lend il, ut Li. Liu, .1 1 . 1 1 11 Moore, Dinviltc, John lU:,er,i ir A. Co. ticiwick. .ill the, following named Jlrlielev have ob taiutd unbounded )uj.u.iniiij,vu: lihcumatUin Contracted curds, Mill Joints, and (Join, v.ill po.mvely lie cuid by the ole ue 01 the 7:in Vvsrlulik Klisir and L'udint id. The Mceptici ive iiTvile lo call and lm personally reter re.l lo "eiillemen of ihe hiyhe.-it slaudiiib' in this city i ho has been cured of liheuinatislii by this leinedv 'J'liev are e.anaiiled the only griiuine L'ciij);n.ihr McNau's Acnust.c (A hasprov ed very fueeesjful in cluing even lulal I'ealiieHji U e !i'.e many eeltilieules bum cili.eiis who hau lif-ed this t;ll. willl luinplete sueeess e invite ,l wiio uie ti-onided wiili any !i.,im.-c ui ihe liar, to examine the proof h,t;hj W'Hmi JihImi I'uiwrat i the h: si :'a:nily nn'dli ilie 111 the woild It is .1 i u.e I.;r 1 ' '. ii pepsia, A-ilnii.i, Invc 1 oun l.iinl, liidi..i:.iion,C'o-uveiie..-,-, JaUiidiee.HpiU-spsy t'cbiiiiy, ',-. 11 It tperales wuhi ul the n.i.;i.:e..t J-alii, a .1 mild hut lho;ou:;h ealbarlic, ai.d i,e..-r he ptr.-Mii costive even il taken May olu u 'I iie I'd.-, arc J lo bo i-io. .l by the '.;co nine Hays' l,.m nifiit and I ines 1'alin ol duiia, 11 ihe ni'iiiey lelulnied Who v.ill llow thi.-i disluvshw eoiii,-!aini! Aevirbtiy l- ill I- Wlul it without the siiiiiaiiiie ol fnio.l'H k ec 11 i-oiu:-!.irL and iv ' .S(...;;..-.-. is" '' i PfC .lion,' nil Extract f out this 1. h hra ul i;. ot . noj-siniy lie niai.u 1 i-.-. -m - ihe pieir call I'll"! to Use it, I ni-t '-m r ih..rn II i . the oi ..I ei'iiU '. ailich l,U' i ai' ier lniitle. ur J I liiat v.ill illi eluai.y lli cl nail v I'liiilv the yioa il niij i: i i.l ti-.t die u.-c i, I ca 'A iio iJ'.ll 1. ecu ii.ipr, lienl n id ."a.c icli-.l li.i.i ui.c Uv !'' : I. It. Ku.-!hidUt i I. in iill i ulor ii 'in, ll tu a j' I i hi'i,.l, al lp.i.i para ll 'hi ; lacl i. hue the hair oi slain the km i.i lb. I. F,,.. i-.e a. :d beau';: ' i. iil, ,!'.; I'a'lll 0 f I 'oluu itot.s the li.iil' l-olll fal'.ill ." Hair by ii-auig (ll I i.i, u hii h iiiiii.i uiiil. I;, out, and resi.ii e li l. he:. :.l uf L'ui. aur ii: v il w Hie, ut lie' i-inatUiC .-!.' I V.'o.ii and i ll'.'i a : (. . ..--. ih:,iii:i i- dual ill I'M', 1 1 n I V, 111 : I liiv'v , vlnil.-i-aiii!--her. n i i.i i , i t.- ii . ll 1- III-, 11 , j -1 1 .VIII,'. til.. .li' ,- le .!(-.' pi. , ill c It Ull lor t:,i lliull-r al and ii ! Il-.ei m -I me. I li. .t -.1 1.1 l.iVli.liiil l:.i ui als l U ipiiil.-i e'l m i. mis alhc i..i'.u ul ami f ihe I.!. mil. iv the birti liii'lhi'- c i: i.. ;1 ., ,'-, ii-oriiing ,l- i .pralii s l! ; I'm v'....iii.i,-h I kniss. I'll ll : i- ciif.ihili.iii i. n'ld I'.iiiliia : t li ,-,i:h,.!,t Mich ..ei;i-..ttlii'.: palln a. e-'t, .i.'i.llV l-i v VI I hi -t ph) Ml.ll.-. U pr..--ti '. JSru i',i. i .' . by who li a 1 :.., ,-r .-rr,i li--, n.i.y ' e l.epl a -1, 1 i. ' it fill p, h h as a Coach ll.a'.y I'll ol.c I year. Itl.cps all stov - ai.d I'ipes :hun:"!i the sjinmer. 'I his Vaioi.-h new invention; m.d smpitses uml Uli, use it. f pi i imcl.s ul Sieves and J'lt !,c si-ell at "1 Com li'.iiidi-slrcet whin .mil ll-e 'I 11-: 1 a il 11 1 I l j.lil'.lll.-il Ii In-Ill H..-IU.1. I- II lliiin il.ts nil wh. - ill u--i- ma'. ihe I'oh-i. iii-av I. -l it thi ' t.,n!uJ o-t uf '"l cents per b..ll! e. ','.- ii.-i.-. A ci'ii: icii. edv Fiie, In- l a,, t! i . r i'r i . enli'.e Fli.ii i ...i I : On. i 'it.lil reiiii-i'; oi c-se ,1 Imp, Alhi; ., '.'.i i.?i. in -'i.'ii, In .iii.-inL' l-'i'in ilei iiil iil',11 llio II is iieilin d. iiillllll'IIM', 111. .;' ihe s sti in v i all iiisca.-i here ietor Iv. I 'on- I", Ci J'cili,. .i.ii s ,l' Co i;-t !' .- I'M. W: I- l, In! slhiiia. I i - I! ;.. - i : ohm, F-.:;i hi 1 .e -iv ' ve. I.---V ! '' it ri,'. the '.; Chit;., an I iiiihiu - i! I' -t:l!, ,.i.'l iii.v otlur Ci!, it never i ails ih- lni I, 'iiiliii;; i i.l. I . in t!,o :e i t 11 any la--, or :m '. I' ll Ul . li s '.ni'. ibis (Jib .old find these s'aiea: lb, i Minify will Ik' lefnndcd I'aitliun to lit- rciair.b ,-iJ he i',..e iianii,, aitieh'S nie sold (icnuiric in this eily by Cmn-iuck J Co. L'l Cuiiitlainlt-streit, and .J ll'ilFKF F! i; CM i'it(il iheir eountiy ciisti.iui s IJi'iiiiiiili-.'r take Ibis dircctiuii iiiili l on 'I'hese (irticlcs are to he b id in this plavc i.' Fphiiini bhil.. i;i;,i,msl i- 'r,. .b.hii .l.'o.-i.'. Danvilh Vs'aihr A- co. j; ii-.ii'k, .I.,hii 1,'us-r, Wilton, rs'ot-mlit-r, I, tsl.'i ''''. Ion JOHN ES&RKL , Harncs. Saddle U Trunli 5'Io.nufacturcr l.s.l'J-X I Ft I.Li lul l!., - ilie; :.:- t!;,t '., S'vJ, !.:, Iculed hiiil'i 'i! in ihe s.'ioo 1....1 A ... to SiOiO.,1 1 Jla 'i iibji!:s Cbuir F.iC.oiy, -.,n.: fi.; .luuiii li.iil, f.'if.m,.:.i c.ic.i , w Itt-it i f will i,i i on ibi'itliuxe bus lie.-, in ad Us blanches, lit- wii l.cep i iiii.-taiiiiy on hand line and t uaise One and 'Jim Horse llu nc-sf , Hum fc.'oY.s', ,Vi,(iv, JUidlev tni'l Trunks; c. of every dcerijiiiuii ; 'iiul Imv iut; ., ni aloetxpi.' rieni t it' t'.ie lnii.iiie;.s. he i v i! f.n nisli us -miil Work iiiul nt :ieiip as can oe pnreiia-id in the cuiinlv 0. . ) in, hi ol e lonliy pr..din-o lakeii lu pay (I II v -i. ni the inaiki.-l tic a. . 5 l :.-, i i SPECTACLES. AM) (il.ASFS.1 . . , ,.;.l I , rim iih rn 1 M I, aiibucri tier bus jiiat nreiveil a lare us fl onto. M'KriVl.Kb I M'Kf- l"'i,i.;(i,;s, he., .piabiy.of both , . . . , ,,, ,' ,. , ,,,,. '"'""- T"' " . . fil., it il i 'eisons a 11 iteil with aoie eye, will mm u . i . . n .... 1 .., l,.y.. limn bine o heir advanlai'e to ea 1 ami eel Rlasses iroin noo, i III ..i;u ,rrel lieiiilit is Ihey may led aoauiril ol deiiving a yn at InmUl Irom tlieir use (J. I.. Mil I.TZ. Llooinsbiirg, May 17, IH45 1 ILOOMSIIUKO Cabinet Tarc SIOUSC, .... R11IK siilweiilm voulil respectfully infuli Milwr.tlm nultJ n-sin't tlully li)tuhnlh Ci niihlic. t ilt he lias taken tile sli lately oi 1 . 1 ......ii... v. 1 I ilU r ll,., inner'"1? ' lew nosi idKco iiiiiin iiiiiiri I ' . uji.i u u . ........ 1 11 lllooinsburg, where be is carrying on the in all its various branches, and where hi will he nppy o wait UHUI ull lliose who limy taver liim with their cusloin. His Furniture is ai land d tu !,e made of good inalei ial and durable, and ho in tend '- keeping on hand Siilvlniurds. Sec re lories , 7u re a u.s, ll'urdrukx. Curd Tuhlcs. Dining 'J utiles. Ihctilrfust TttMts, Vxrjilwtu ds. SI u nth, 1 1 'ask SlaitdSflJrthtecds, JJiiiigi-lrnitgts, CnJins. &;c. and all kinds oVrk in bis line, whb h be will sell iiiioii as 11 a-.011.1hle leims as thry can le -uiiliasid in the county. Iv slilct attention to business lie hopes to re ecive a share of public patronage. Ll.I liKOWN. April .'.). M.5.-lyl " chair ' ivi a nufnetoy, Til li tub.-cribet coiiitiitiis 10 t uny 01 the C II Alii .VANUFACTOHlNCi business ai ihe old stand of H- & f;- Ilifien hneh. where he will he readv at all tiuies lo furnish Fancy et W 'indsoi t liaiis, Set ires, liostou Kocking Chairs itc, of evrv description, w Inch may be called lor, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms, lie will also execute Douse, Sion it Ornamental I'aiiniiifr, and Douse Fapering, From his experience in the business, and; his I'aci'iiies of manufacturing the various! articles of his line, he Halters himsel'. lhalj ..i , i . .- i i i. tin shall oo ame to uu insu as gunu wun,, .ul upon us reasonable to mis as can he dune in ll) country, all of which lie will 1 1 i .s p 1 1 - (; (if fur CASH or (JOl.ViUY IMIUDl'CFi N. 1!- Orders front a distance will bi strictly ai.d punMiiall v attended lo. II IIAUKNIiUCII. liloonisl Dec. 30, 1813 CLOCK W TCSI" - ... 3 citi'ens TO ; s:c'i l'l l.l.v ii.f.-rii.s ti. ( 'nhnuMa c. uiitv, iilal ll e public generally b:i- h'Ci''! il bine ell in liV .ill..-! HI" (.11 Mail t i pp... in I'aul's ('hiiiili. wh.i re he I ar , ! !', j., and is io,u n uml j i : 1 1 1 1 t(. vi- ;m;J e'lil.ii all woik il. line i-l l-u.-iiie.-i-. I, h ai d in a u ,n 1, :.n Id. e main. i r. clocks & U?at.c!iea ft. e be. I i ; 1 1 -1 1 i ' v , can he bad al his e-tahli. liincjil il . rea. .,ni;:a!c li rnr . I t IA ! I- hM & ( J i . ? t (; ,1 the eiifli n il. a. ef .lev. i ls . uml he 11 j , . . i 'II ll.-ln' lo II. I- Isllii'liuu ell of CI,., Iv.-aial U al.-he-a; .vol lui lln r. vi ai'iant his li i,i l to I e i : J n.-wella- any in lliis section ot the j ,-, 't. v.ill also iiiiiKe lo i nlvr iSt'iiVMVIXC CO.IIPASSF.'S er picket, uml ill yboit, will i'o ail ulhi i v, i ik : I ally dune in a veil iciihilcd n- n ti.l Ii- (.t,i!ii-h uu I.I. lie h 1 1 1 i 's I . .-1 I'd Hit, lit ii Ii to I lisil o mil a di'i-i, c l j-li'iisi', !n n ci ie ;i hi ci:: shiiic o t r. ii ii. .' i'. ( uiiiiiiy I'liihiic lal. en in j'ii iiicn lm wui k at the lii.ol.i ! , ii , s. II!.., in-! er:;. .ucml er lo, Is' 1 1 " 0 . t ('AFAWlss.V COI.. CO. FA. TT ACOli IJYFIw iiifoitns irav,-llfis ami his old customers ami Iriends, thai hi still keeps ihe above Holt I, win re l.e will be happy V) wail upon those w'10 favor liin with tin ir ctistom. His lu ii.-c is ux nol ciinioMitlious, and well erranot'd lo m- , oiiimiiihite his euesls Ills talile is tilwayf ptui ii-icoi w ith the ehoieisi Viands ihe mar ke'.s run iilTuid, and his ilar rnutiiiiis son.i : the t, est inpiroH mat can i.e nmiui in ini.- .'ciion of eoiitiirv. Iii Ha! Its are alst up1'-, and jiuid ostitis are alwavt in at ii'.laiice. (J ii;iv. July I 'I, I S l.'i- m.F2 ' Tin Kiahl c;!' .?c;irch.' fi-yMlV,' AUUIYAI, 5 Ready adc Clothing. I lie siinscrim r has just recMveij a L rae issortment of lM'.ADY MAUL CI.OTIl- .... , i , . ,i SU, wl.iih will be sold as cl.eap for Cash is iliey can be purchased in the county. ('all and ex imiiiH for outfclvi s, ds tht ' liie,t of Seuich' is gutiraniied in all. J. li. MOVER Juno T, 16 13. 7 Cabinet leaking- Rlftt Mib.-culiei rt-ere-il'u;i ii.fcren the pub- , lie '.hat I..- I, is tim ii the shop lately oi . apiu' il.'. i). ii.i; be. -t, at i!u l.ivrireu.l of Maikd- l.Ui.t-tblj.ii.i t.u'w: ! ro l.e il.l: i i i . ii, ni thy u- iia -o 111 ail il.. r i.mchis, tjiicila i. 1 i,ba t- uf tli patiuliiiO ol tin- public. j In eoiiiie. tii'ii with the above busir.f ff, be tfiVri bis rw.'ei. as an UNDEUTAKEK. i le w !! r.lii 'iv s be ready to lii.d.e COF the same pi ii cs la ii'lol.. re 'li:o-. ( d in I, I.VS f, I'UM.: .1 li-.iiu v. Ill hii ; uppli"l hiuii-'-.f '.m'i !,J Willi it'at Ilie Fin, i eu. .1 II l-.A't K i i.l wuh.uut an h, cvtia i ha.1;;.'. Jt)II. Li' M.,v .10 1?M "rv3 Brandrcth's Tills K.V1J ami iiiulertl mil I 'i lie nine mil loin" whenlbe iiiediciue, Urandiclli i'llls, viill le aii, i, d ialed as tliey nulit mid deserve; it ill ho ii j n oudeislood that llr lliaodietb bus lo, . , . t U- i "';': ; win make a trial of the lliaiidrelli I il.s coneedo theiu to he the best medicine, ihey eu-r . i; i. u-a-i . I bey am indeed a ineilieine id.niit v hi. ll . . . ll''Te n no iiiiMak J heir value in a climate hi ;. i li'iiiiiealiti! us mils cannot he nillii ieullv nianoi ial ed A feet! perspiration is Hi once ulmcd , thus 1 1 1 v cine colds, and eonsuniptlon is pievenled. j'i'li.ise who Inise 11 ediiiidaney of bile find ihem ol lllie niiil essential sei vice, and should then he a de. lu u u- uf lhat iinooitant lliiitl the llraiidii th Tills 'ha. e .in e.pially belli lieial elhrt. (Mien has ibis ' 1 Mi mil I Bill ii,i.lii'fmt anaail V :i I l -i I il Ii Vi' t n I III 1K1I T j i ., u 1 ii.- u Hi-it1 uu 11 rumm vi'iiuw it t:i wa uirinii - ;7 . .. , .. -..'. '.,.. li eli, 01 hsinir received into tit avstem. w 01 al n. 0,1 ecitaiii to i.ieveiit any inaterial inroriv ,.,, nea -Vint at no stuje of this dreadful epideinic ih there ' pn.per a undieiue as the tlremlrelli Fill s, Let Ibis uu: lii ine he iinivemally tijcd ' (Ids i sense, and 110 loss ol lilood allowed, lu f,.w very lew, wunld he ill victiniH. o it is ,,iicr ills. ases. A -I llatilli' Willi this all in;i,i rant iiieibeiiie to re iiid,c moihid biiniuis Iioin ',M. ,.n. . .mil do not resort to bleeding or nieriury mid w shall hae a "cry gHtat scaicily of ivsmm allhilcii w'h eronie inuladics. The fealbeu ilmli, the an imal, kingihiiie over which we iethe lerds, uror not ultlicicd with chronic niiiliid',cs-, neither id-milil lie he if il weie not I'm our n'.iuu which occasion ihani. Follow natuic. I.',;e the medicine wheb liar iiicswitb her, which mildly but aurely re moves nil I be iiniiurities of the blood. w hicb strenulb-' lis the leehle.nnd vet n duces those of ton lull habit lo a healtliv si turil. Let me again sav nun every lepaitiin iit uf the iiiuiiiifael ore of liiiinihelh Fills is personally supi linlcndt d y me, and Unit every box with my Ihrce labels upon it may l.e relied up on lo have the bemlicial fleet liesi rilcd if used according tu the diieclioiis iicei -n. in y i.g. A ( K t I S. Wiiihinstoi' Hubert M'Kay. .leiseytuwn-I.. iV A. 'I', 'i-e!. Danville K. I!. lieyiiohls A (.'o. (.'attawissa ('. (i. Ilrol st. llloomshiii a .1. li. Mn er. I.illli sloin liahhil & M'.N'ilieh. liiu kliorii .1.'. (i. Shi -cinnker. J, hue iiidgi Low & 'I IkjIiij soli. y.'erwick J W -Miles May 15, 1815 ly- 2. MISS 3B. K. TITTUFLU ri sie-.-:ful!y inform the I.udii.ot Hloomshing r.,id vieiniiy, that she lias just received a lalge assortment of II fa it her shop on .Miiin-slrei l.neaily opposite)! 1 1 Icr' hi-'cl, '.mil sceonil lioor below AilveillioiiiV. when: . he has all t!ii! ailielts usually kept in a .Miihnei'r; Nnie, The I.udies aid all ii.vilcd l cull imd exa mine for Ihi Hiselvvs, H.:iiiiels and Caps ina,;e and i'uiic up ill Ihe loo t liobii liable st I,., ,'looinshiir;.', July I-. Is!."), 12, TO T A a C OLIiECTO IIS AM) FAX l'AYF.iiS iipnit of a Cii(ti!ar. lull le isnnd ly :latc I'leasaicr, ihcclipi: hal ihe SI; c ; Su civ the .- 'I -. .-lill n in, lii, in unpaid. I the pie,riit i u I I. inner years, iniisl be p iid into the Sinie 'J'kmmi iv. on oi 1 i-f.i. e li e reeuinl 'J'uet.lay in .huiuaiy i.cvl. mid lhat iviry cotiiily, f'aihi:!,' to ay ii., poilnu of Mate Taxis: .ball be. idle tin c t'lilirtitil an li'leusi i f pve pi r iiul, in such uMiuuiit us shall ri u i. in unpaid, in d pin mi nln O'ulii ihe Stale Ticio liry, fur schi i I i l i-lhi . pi , . osi s will. hi-'d. IN, ill .- la h balance with illen-l ;s tiihv paid; weaie liiulcr (he M i c.-sity uf n ipiirin the .-ci end Tax Cellci'lo's uf Columbia 'iiiinlv I.i eu!ei t nlid pay f in into lite county Tria-uiv, un or ! cfoic the I hiid jt.'olidav ol' Noieliil er i.c.M, Al.l. the Siiiio 'i'a.sis fur (in imr years which siili , i in , In unpaid. The pcoinptlios v. ith w hii h r-ur hu in ) Circular was irvj -oiided lo. 1 1 th 1-yTiiv ('uKectiiis 'J'nv I 'avers, by uhi.h the eminly T, c a.-iiri- v:,s eiiah'ril lo pay ihe Stale 'I icasiiiv ut llu.l linn; . eijiiiicd, the w hole liiiiolllit of Slate Tax i!u.; tiuio tins euiintv, lur Ilie iiie.-i ni vear, iinliues us u in lii ve, that 'ul u inliin coii'i y willnut on the cceid Tuesday of January ih.w, he found aeiuiig Ik' di fu tillers. llv order of the Con mis-innc m. M. Mi;.MH:.MIAI.I Cleik ''ominis-ielif.s ''like lhu.ville, Seplcinhei Hi. Is lo. 3 Ct "RTIT re.ti I mid lur : 'lll'llf le, at the new Tin tarv. o i-esiic ('lav and I" le i i 1 mil's Hotel, and COUl.r.XU hi.-li w lli ! i sub; Oct- i") mi-1 ii;r.(ii!,fs(;t' lit I, i i lit- l.i.-t :.:ii us D. J i:icn. 'IK MA!-. I have l.-iill.ed li.,,11 vimuiii noun i s, thai a eeriiao Maiy K:nns. , I jii, luji, i in iiiiucii a sianet r uiai i uaw n.u.-i , mil attcmpti .1 In kill toy v ile, and J. C. (). ,-i,, s. C. ( ). have likewise the unno llin Now.if tliev haw dent io. I prniioi.iise Ihe Herv i. lalsclioud ai d slaniiri, and ilalid uiuly lu i i.:-.i al anv lime. jr.'FFMIAH !-TI I KS. Fee BSeIIs 0 roil ji:sr:c.Es and constahi.e?, P.-med on a sh- ci for ihe j-nrfore of !'. :2'.i-' in ih'ir Cli'rts. Tins orrn:E The I.' ' due tu hrtvt. its olli. e. ,v tfqi: ins bid in s .liij.!et.- an . f l. . - ..... . .i . I' on ... t.vs j-v,s l, j ) in ALSO cons i Ah i.l: Ill ir.ks AA. 'I I.- .M. Il.l): I- i:ive '. rids ai d ol lid- C I,,!. ill p l.fl, 1. 1 ; i, i . .' o, i! e O II I ! I I ' i d oi:; Co rr: ; ,.! ; are ri 'iiiirei liTihU hi m to nihil t r. ol ihe ' ViMi'i.-si, Nf.V,l?S 11. WllLVavl t