The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, December 06, 1845, Image 3

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    noi in:
y i ft '
V.l A'
suss si. s:. i:omsov.
HAS In j'lM returned 'rmn I'hthdelpliia
pd ohlnl ii hi r lorinrr nock a large -oVlni'"1
Millinery "'-'I Fancy Ariirles.
Vi)iifi','nfi 'n Pa'''l' aADrtiiioiii ul
j'Jvfiitnttb'c Hibboni of all kin It,
lliHiri'1 enhrs ami ipin,i;,
H'inU' 'rl'J' ' '" Z'' '"rc's '"" ''.
ri,, iot every ih inp rls- that may h
rilled fi ' il l'r l,u, All ill which will In;
Vcr." !' I'ull("s
ire iiijut'tU'il to
call und fee 0,1 I""""' 'Vl s
Di'ct iiiln r tJ
ms'iXG run nun.
ul uiu uij.1 quality, just r ri'ivrti i"iv
MM. Mi K EL I V A Co
Ilercmber 5
IlAKKiI.Si.f.lie best quality of
j list received by
rcembcr 5
POl'XDS cf n superior quality of
jrist received at the storo of
Htfccmlicr fi
New fSiore
THC subsrribprs tnl i lliia mcthnil.of informing
the public Ihiit they huvi' just nrrivcj from J'liila
Uclpliii wilh it splendid assortment of
among wliiclt maybe found a mipmor selection r;f
Ulark, Bine IJIark, H'lie. d'rprn, lnviilili
(ireni, Olive at: d Mixrtl (.'li.ihn, siipp
rioi I'reni-li amll'.inr Cssiinrri?s,
S aiiineis of all colors and prirn
I'nrk ri'il, and
llril Tiin'!ii
A splendid assortment
f W i-ollcn, VpIvpi.Vp
lerfia, Satin anil S wansilown
Ycslings, Flannels of al' colors
prii rs, coloreil. HeacliPil Si unlilem hed
Cotton I'l.iiintls.Eutiiitiire midAproiiChi'i k
Manclicr enk Si-ntch (Jinitlum.-, Di'd Tirkins'
l li aclii il and uiibleiicbitl 'i'nlii i c;sn u-ri.. r to
ured and plain Alparcas; l'oiidi'rlu'rry a nriv article
fur Ladicu' ware; Furniture and Dresa Calicut .s of
nil prices; a udendid assortnicnt of
kiws, Dress lIun(IIcrcliicf,Vravuls
and CoHarclti.
A full afsnrtinent of
Ladies' an d Gentlemen's Wosiery, and
( i loves yGcnllenien'.s rj i so w .9, Colli i r.
SftciS, Gum Elastic, J Tor sled and
CotUm Suspenders, Sy-c $?c.
TogrthiTwith a full a; sorttiii-nt i,i
('i!tt'iitN5 Elnidwai't' riu
villi n vaiicly if olkcr uiliilis teo uiiliirroiis to
'l bi HibscriKers fi t I ioi,fidi'ii:, (-inre llicir pood.
Imvi' l i'i'n pun buse d on die Uvt of trims, iitu'
l it m Ii cIcJ wild en at ca'r;lbal tbry ran tell low
er lh"n liny eun l e bmilit at any oilier storo ii
Ibis pail of tin-county; tbry tl.eufoio solicit ibe I it -Iroti'ii.'r
ol a cetin ous public.
DiTcmber 0; ISI.'j !Utf
aS br-i by pivrn tl at I bavr inrl n: r of Mi.rr
ilnv Ibe lollowini; roprrl, o will-
'One Mantr. 0 to A
'Jliree ictlslrmh
One ll'ttili KeJle
Eive. Shoals
Our. J fash Tuh
One Client
Two Ilarre's Cali f
Our Jlarrt) Mine
rid'itt lie Milne in bis piifsrs'ion durin
i.. mi :i-ure; and berebv forbid in v ih-i.-oii lakil.
til 10 f.lill' llllll b I'll; lIl'lM' l. oilll-iwist Wllb'T.t
lav cuii-etit
ll.irrmbrr 1, 1 1 J
fyzff? CAME tn'o '.l.e
(fJiJ nf ibn suliM i ilu f nn
r -.V 3"':? mice, a two year oli
CAME tn'o '.l,e frc'osiirp
' nun- w fl
d brim
M I.Ch, mill a 'i vnr old blaeli i.lnl wbiu
; ' . . 1 1 HEII'EK. Ti.p own- ris rnMiMn!
'oji.ii,. ioprriv, y V (liaises m,il labc
'! 1 1 a .vkv. or tin V wiil be n lil :n rot i.'u c
I i
i:-:acai. r.VANf;.
Dec. min i b,
S hereby give :i that I puri-haitcd ill Const ih,
sale n-t I In- property ul Jonn Clayton tlu follow
ing ii lii li's lii wit :
lit 'l'ei, (1 iivii't anil other liar Pi.etuni
i Item hen (ml a innrlAe drainer
i Ca Snl'M ealil Pipe,
I H a tj Sttiprn mill rip?
ir Chitirn I Hokiaa Chair
i ;;.! TnUin
1 Jv;l,d YiMf
I JO ifWih ltrp''tl)g
I Wat It Staid
III linldeali wul 10 VirN mi. UnUhnf
I Harris trith l.iipair an, I Cider
2 purls ol Panes of I is'i
,'io Pnshei tf Oal's,
mil havn U'l'i ihe same hi din posscinn (luring nty
tl-'T -ir and hereby forbid uny peisou taking them
I'mnliim I'V purchase in otherwise without my
)ecombcr fi, 1815
Ii Ciuisnl lv;i want of IiphIiIiv a-linn in
the w huh iliiuw iifl' ilio nrriiir:iiion from
ihe 1 1 " n 1 1 W hrn lhi"he vrcseU Hrfl WP;ik or
ilisra-icil' pf r?-j i r;i i i n 'h thirk himI i-I m y
. nil ailhcres li the monihs ol the porff. hhiI
rlut'" I'n'iit i'p. nix) ill ics iiii'l fiirnm pent!
mil il n lruir IjPhm hluii'l ii iIiimi -:i r t ! I
id tin iims of Ihe h;iir, anil fr w.inl of
whirli ilif iimr h;i imi fi t'. umiI nourish
iieni, nnil ronni-q'ifinly lni'i'inrn ilrv timl
'ihic'i, uuil 'iii(,'ins inrii-il K in I 'll (iff
whih dm ' i n ii m sj Id ini ri' i-c, i i t t 1 1 :i I
)i(i(lurt'!i hihiiiec. Fli'iUnri' i'ib riipillrrA
vessels nl li e Iic mI Ik ihut f hum r ln nhli
iri'iiUiion, mill si U s tint1 hoir will
make its iippi'Mimice, o liu li vv i 1 incru ise in
J'llllitV Slid VltllMIH, until t)lt t 1 1 1 Ili'Tc'lllt'S
ihi'-k hikI I'TiIiIiv.
J ivni,! II nr Ti'iiii1 if ilin only prep irn-
linn llml Iras fifi Iihimi knoun In unil in
new hair on lmil lira h, whii-h u Ims ilmu'
in iiinniH'T:illi' Illi-Uni'i n, nml v I I suliloil
fiil if properly ami p-rei'ermglv iupiI.
liQr' he above Mi'diciup urc H .irs;il(-
it he mor of JOHN ll. V.OVKU,
a r the
NOTIIKR splendid ussorlmrnt of n00!S
lias just been nddcil to Ibe ficmer stock nl
lie Arcade; which we can sell clie'iper tlun was
I'ver before olVrird in this mailiet. (jeutlriiien w in
i h C'Olll) and C7KA1' CL() I'II and l.iube.
Aim want FAMIIO.NAlM.b', (it)Ol) & CIIIIA
olicles lor UUKES, ofoery dr-ciiplion, wil
liud it for llirir in errst to cull, as we know Hn
will be salislicd w iih the qnality nml pi ices ol'ou1
quoits. Our mullii beinj; ' Cheaper ihan llie Cbenp
!.' we can and w ill liie up to il.
';islllll'i'4's ;J5 Cen s per janl, and even
lliint; el.-c in propoition.
A l.;KI(iH 1 & V.i;.MiAI,.
November 22
F till ilisenes to which children aieevporec
none are so fatal to them as wom.s. I nlo
luiialelv children are S 'liloni tier l;o:n them, am
is ibsy imitate the symptoms ewvy oiln i
oinplaiiit they oflen pnului'e al inning.; i If i Is w iih-
iiil bein snspecled. Worms are mil only a coisi
it'disea-e themselves but bv t'aeir iirilili m au;ra-
!e all oilier diseases, wamlcriu fioiii one p ol o
ll.1 body In Ibe other, winding themselves up ir
ai''e balls and uhstruclin Ihe bowel- and b 'ipiei.!
y thn throat, causing eouvul-iuo- and too ol'iei
eath. J'he desiri il renn ily will be I mini In l)i
avne's 'I'onii" crmifuac which ill very soon
c. trny the worms and iuvimaie the p.ineis ol
iieslion so as to picvent a remrn ol ilu'in
I'or sale hv JjIhi U.Mot't, lilouiiubuiy
November "'I
S hereby civsn, thai I have por'hisrd al Con
sl'ible salj, as Inn properU of .lell' ,b yer
be following propery, to wit
Tio Mack 1 lanes.
One Uaij Horse,
Three. Selsnf Team Harness,
One Team Saddle,
One .'J rse U'ae,rin Bed,
mil l.aTO left ibe saint! in bis posscst-ioii during
my plea: lire, and hereby foibid uny pcismi taking
i hem Kom him, ri.her by puiiliase or otarrwise
vvilhout inv consult.
ri'lillY 'i:'ic!;l,.
November 18, IS 13 :il
Estate ef .Ihraham Peeler, laic.
J "jhii;erc Ic township ilci ctned
rTO'l'ICK is hereby tiuit I.Hinsi.f Ad-
ininislraliou on ibe above li.i lil,. in .1 e;.l ile
'lav,' been pro nlo I to the siih-i liberdivio;' in I'i b
ini;' re k township. All persons iodcl ici to saiil
.'.-titi: uie hereby luilllicd to make imini ih.ilr pav
nciil, and all lb. se having clsims aie ic ipu-lul l
ire. cut thi in piopeilv lOllbenlii utod. to
JOHN I', - ilni'r.
Novi m! ri -i, lSs.") Cwlil
IN ptirs'a nice of and order nf the Orphan' Con;!
i It 'oh ml ia coiinly, on Saturday I he I'Jtli il.iv i '
li i i n:l er i i 10 o'clock in ibi fni uonii .b.n;..
Miller cu inban of ihe est ile of Anna ,M. .Miller,
.lusiah Miller. M .il.ilh Miller. .Lvse .iilbr. ala
i.bem zr, children nf .bine Miller, bile cf Nor
thampton i nunU ; deeeaseil; w ill expose In ab
bv I'uiilie; upon the premises; a crrt iii
uni!iMi!ed HVlh pail efa cctiin Irail of I, mil in I'bi'im Inwn .hip Columbia coiinly; ad
j"iiiini; bonis of .l.ihn llobi on; .laenl Melirh; Moil
Cnvelui;; and the widow Kiclni'iljcoiilainiii in tin
of imninvcil I nn!, in a !oml alatcof cullivati. l
that there i.. on the pu i.iise.s a two sloiy om lion c
ami bank birn. I ilc the . I lie of said deceased
ulille in the taw Pship.s .1 li i.on and said coumy
a oies.o I.
.IAC011 LVJ'.RLV, Citr'
.,. i o l S i 5
at rite
L. H KlIPEur,
VlVfJ .Ii I .a- i : e . . . ,
.. . ,.-.,.i.. ii ,1 1 ;si hllll'K 01 COOll.S
liasjiist received n lar beller and more sob n
li.l Lssortiiienl suitable to the season, consisting
i a" Rooit n vnrie'y ol
ioui.i; e:tt:,';nd, Cxtolmtm a nl Vf .'
lor Men h wear. a can be had at any olher stun
o oie coiiiilV all Klllils ol
V.ft, tnltiMi, Miwn, II WAn or I IV tf,i
chillis fir laidies' use Hal,, Ciips;ihin nml thick
UoolHiimlMiorrt, very chrnp,, hcHideB u htrae as
sorlmeiit of
v.kih;i.kii;s, IIAKDWAKE. CLASS
nun in tact, almost every Ihinu that cm be f.mml
in any other store in the coiinly.
Hehei'in.r tl,,,, a niiiihle sixnence is beller (bun ..
lull shilling, he will continue to , ll hisaooils at a
man auvaiiee, lor ready pay. He therefore in.
vitcsallto call, frrlimj assured that they will be
uli.-lied w ith bis pl iers.
Nov 15
rnini: siibseriher
J informs the pub
be that he h is
V, opened a Hide,'
VY V t . .. . .
md-"-' moiii' at tne inu rr
emi nl .Main Mieel,
j'liiomsbur'r, at ihe
slore fonnrilv oecuni
.id I'V V.. I. ul. where be iiileinl- to keep n (tener
ll asout'iiioit of shoes mid boois, for men and
women ware, which lie will sell as low, if mo
nun oiao uie s on imi.'ii i v oiixonils can nr lion" it
i i ... i ... i . .
in Cobimliia counlv. I le will nho moke to oulor
ill ki'ids of hnols and shoes, ul slert nntiei!. llav
in determined to sell lew, for a email pri.lil
lie respee'iiiiiy innties those who 'ire in want ol
any thiiur in his line, to hive him a c til.
N.l!. Allijoods boiiv-litof me are warranted
to be as recommended.
Y nussi'i,.
Nov. 15th ISM.
H"gilVK j'lsl received at ibeir 01,1 Stand in
QjSMaiu stin t, ii large and extensive .issoli
ornl of
Fill I anil Wiufrr
vhich a bled to their former slock, renders il as
ompb te as can by fniiid in (he country. Auunr
Dry Goodcj
may iv I, mini com so and hue ;r,iade,,(!i, of all
dors, Cassimcrs, eittinctls, Orleans Cloth, IVii
I all qualities, nod of the newest patterns. Crane
'('i.imas,,iiiMi'i IJii.nncs, Drape tj Aixotif anew
name) ( ashmers, llonnet ib et, Shawls S,ll and
..oil, in Il.imb rchirfs.Mlk and Cotton .,se, Cbive..
Hid M its, l.iueu, bb acbed and bm n I i.tlen sheel
mi's- liiilsand I .-Ills. .Moroero: call' SI in. nml
I'liick Wools and shoes. India Kubber Shoes and
Overshot s, eve Ac.
con I an ns'orl-nprit as enn be found in ibr
oiinlry. toeilhi r with (ill kinds of Km
.snrlniPiit iticliidinj' pvery ibint from nt.
itielior to catiibrin tireille, lliat a larH rr oi
iieelianii! wnnis to use, iiieuilinj IJonrid
5 ir, Sheet ami It mil Iron, suitable Inf w,i
;oii lire or anv oilier use
A larjn (Mailiiy of Ord. t anil Piin
I'ails mnl 'lubs. Iiiskesl, nihil fzv
ir. Copper and Driss Knulcs, nil kinds o!
l'in wi.ic.move pipe, mid Upper and bob
Hut what is ilio lisp in p -rlieiilarising, !
hardly an artirlf! in their line emi bu 3kri
for bin v Ii nt they ran fu r tt i h their cns'otn
rs (or pionijit pay, or in ad kunli of lum
ber, and enurnrv proilin,ei
Nov. 15, 1 8 13 :J0-
. -j'-i-O ii i
fla'"' nd'eribcr rcspecliully llilnrmslhc pun! .
Jj that br ha opi lit d a shop, i u .Maiu-i.Hi'el.
eurlv opposite ('lavton's 'I'aveio, in I'doi'io-bu.-!;.
.vbere he inlends cai i v ini; till l'n: abnio liL.Tmes-.
ill all ils various brain dir.-.
7.V I'M nil
ifeverv ilescrip'i'.n, will ba kept on hand for salt
it WllOl.l.rvi!,.: or lit' TAIL.
Mii:i;r iuos
'.T .1 t u i t'cl ml" ; 1 1 1 v firm repined,
STOVK l'll'KS.
if all f-izes l.ep! constantly nil bant'. Cloves I'ni.d,
d to oriler.
IJeirg deleriiiiniil to tla business III the ri;l.l
vii y . he rciess all lo cad upon him liefore they
nirt ha-e rlsew beie, -is be will fuinilh nil tutielr
n bis line as cheap as they cm le purchased in j
.be county.
p. j i.ici:.
September "0, lyl.i-l2i
A I.I. peisons having unsellb d accounts cither
PQ "d'1 snb-ciiher, or wilb the bile linn "I
i'nerlhorn A lSoone, w lieliier ibe ball. met: be in
bis f ivor or aL'ain.-t him, are n ipii -led In come
I' ii waul ami si tile tin in inn' t di.iii Iv, that be n.ay
close his bii-'n.e-.- as soon as pnssibL', A wmd In
ibe wi-r is sulbci nl.
mai:miai. mi.vf.t rno;:N
trct(tnbej iO. 'ii
r.J a v rtr fi ' a, mli ft
VF. jusi received at their nl I stand corner
of.Muin and, u new mnl
iplenihil lissorlmriil of
till flUtl WintCr GOO(lS.
winch they olfer as lovv us they can be purchased
in Iho coiinly. Among th ir a.soniiieut may l.e
I latin, ( (inHimrres, Sa'linrti. Satins,
Silki, Si k l'' vrl qi,1 other m a slie
vj i rxriiizs, t usftnieres, l rape
Ik.(iiiiev.Jfttsin ili: l.n'uiin.
.. t' r . . , i j.
tVeri.iim, ,'lapae,iiH,
Paramrtta ( , new
ample) (Hug.
Hid every variety nf 1'iinli from fi 1-1 to
cunts per yard.
'-"-' X.wy VI .W'ol.ll .7.
'i ii w i '
IMKUW 7i;,
Nails, round, bur ami sheelirou. bar and snrine
so i a, stoic pipe, nits, caps, men n ami woiuens
thin and thick boots and .-lavs: Ac. Ac in shoit.
all oilier arlielcs psiially kept in a country more,
all of which Ihev will sill in exchange for cuth or
country proiiuce.
Novemlier 15
t'OVE PlPt: for sale al the New Sloro.
u. KLi'i-ur.
October ll.
i7 n Mix is run row s o Tier..
'I he lislaie nfJ')lTlU ST HOC I
late vj M,,iiiU Pit aunt lownshiji, dean
TOTIcK is hcrrbv piven that letters of rn'ioii
Istralion on tin; above mentioned l'slnli
have been iiranled to the suhsci in Hem
lock township, persons indebted to said cstitb
tie heieby imlihed lo make iuimediate payment
and all lliose baviiig claims are requested It)
irrit them properly authenticated lo
tJe'obcr, il, IS 15 (nVjr.
nHi: subseriber will od'er bis IJafl'l f M '
It tM'4! I'rojM'l l J' fei sale until t ! ; o k'Pil
of Debeinhi'i next. If net' sold by that time th.
Hoel will hs rented for one os three years irnir. lb.
1st Dec. of next Thelnlson which thubuil liius an
ereced front JfJVf I'tet on M.iin-trect Ibe Hop
(Jt feel friii it, y deep and tine,! stai'ie-, hi.ib
built ul" In ii k. in IS II. 'J'he fMoie lletise o! weod
'.Ti feet front, KH deep nnd two and .1 half st irii
!:ih. 'J'he Hotel is snppo-cl lo do n-t mucli 1"
sinessany nsolber llou-eon ,'he North lb-am h o
ihe Sus.U'dianna,ii ia now occupied by Clinics 11
'J he coiidilioiis of ihe ink) will lip 11 p.-r crni
down, 20 per cent on ib.e Cost of Apiil next, am'
10 percent anpinilly One, hill' of the pincllas,
money will be I ll on the peopeilv if di ared.
Fair any o'.hor information enquire nf
i: ii imccs-
III aomsbur.;, October 2.,, 1 -i 1 MTlf
.1- ii- VA5)?,i !:,
rrECS l.'avn to infurrn tb iihlie, ihai
"'ii' is prep -ri d lo am ml lo ail the n; rr
aliom in d"iiti.sirv, sin h ai reinovinj.
The Tartar und nl.'i'r Foreign Sub
From tin; teeth, reiplt:iiuK' llifin clean, am'
lie pitniB and brent It pwrri iiinl lualiliv.
The cavilicH nf Decayed Teeth
lVill he dressed out and liiled Willi (Jolt
r other toil; ol' the line.-t quality, as lin
i-e may Icpiire, wbi.-li wil rrprrall i
.irevent their aelniie or lurilii-r d.ifay, mi
emlur llieui nsi lul lor ycuv; and in man;
uses i!iirit2 lifu
Teeth and Slump? of Teeth
i bieli drive hecoiiit! usrle.-'? ol troiil.b son)'
vill be txiracp'd in the ni".st careful mini
IT, w i ill the lakst and besl improved in
tinn;rnw. Porceliain Teeth,
,)fi!ie best quality and lap i i nprovrmfT'
vvill I n iuscririi on pivot, or (in eonneeiioi
ivith Dr. Vailerchamp, with whom he is i;
;) ill riisl ip in plate woik?) on Cold platt .
'rom a smele tooib to a uht.h" set, to look
is well as ihe natural, ami warranted lo
itiswer ;.ll ihe list I'nl and ornamental pur
post s propo -ed by the m l.
In s ln.rt ,( vi rv opt ratinp 1 r-1 ii i lo hi -prof
-si io, will b. pi foriiicil in the lies)
uniuier. v i 1 1 i hmsrs tiiHterial, and at ibe
.b.ortest tioliee IL' tin refire hope, Iv
Iriu'l atn mt'.u to business, lo obtain tliar
d plll.lie patroll-.jro, ,,,iy pcrsOl, lif pfl-
onis Kisliini; to obiain the an, nip respt.-ei
i'iiIIv retpiesieil lo pivp him a call.
N. 'I he public: am hereby ii forme..'
ill il w e ihe snb-i i il i.s b.ivt; i ulrred i.ilo a
liecial I'ai Inn ship e.innir only to ii;,l:'
.vorK us it is more convenient bit r;ir i lo
. .
ilteml lo the oiln r branch! s of ihe bi icnc
mi hia own account.
J. II VNli:i:s.('E.
Mount Pleasant, Nov ;h. I8!." Urn.
TA S B.O ll.
i:r.SPi:crFI I.I,V, iolorms the put lie-that be
Inn moved into the build ill lol oierlv oceioiii'il Iv
ihe 'Ib'ister' iii Maiket slieet mar W in. I'.'ihv
iV l'n. store wheie be will alwnvs be n.-ulv to
in ike anv kind of clolbiini, al the shorp'-t noliee
and in th" lv-t ami m.t I'.isbioiiable sty le. From
hi-loii!! experience in Ihe bu-incss. be
hiuNi It th it lie shall combine lo rive e ral sat
i,l'i(ii..i ami tbeicbv hope., to receive a shine ol'ibe
ublie patromiL'e.
it V '.iiticid ir attention paid to culling.
All kind-o I couiiiiy produce i.ikcii in pavmenl
nj Wi.ik.
Mi oii'jing, Aug ': l'l.". tflfi
t r m s
0 0 o
WILL he sol. I at public sale by iheAssiune
of JOHN I'. , F.S al the house o'Joni'
'hiver, m Jersey town, Columbia county, on
HaLtiriliiy, December I'J, lM1!i,
t It) o'clock in lloi forenoon, ihu following vidua
ble prdneity, to wit :
80 ACR33S
of land, a put of which ii iinpiovrd, and iipm
which uio eiectcd a
Lvii 1.00 l'..ll!S.
MUW r;-rr frJ T
vn a
I. w...... ii.... ......! .
""ii .iiei i unri ii'i leoeo, seventy I'i eiv;oi
ood v:t a ill good rep lir, anil all Ihe nei e--i'n
' 1 1 uili linii-. situated on l.iille FisliioL'eieeK. in Mail
iison township, niljoining Inula ol .laenb liauie
and others.
A I , SO
Of Vuhiuhle
1'ljiiiiiinjr ihu iiliiiyp r ipcnv
if INlMrifOVvl) LAN I. ,, good -quality
itii iled in Madison tow nship, .lj .iniin,' binds o
-ilephen Fllia, John M artiii and oiheis;
itu it.'d in Ma, b am t itisbip, will improved, wit!
ever.u acre. ul .11,
Cll.W Uild a Lj.'nil
LOCJ II A UN, v. -Js,
I'lti! wli .la will bo so t igeiher, oi in sepi,
a'e parts, to sui the perelmser.
I'cisoiis wishing lo view the abnve properti
..fore the sain cm do so by calling on Caleb Th.n.i
s, F q of Jerseyown, .Mad'.-oii low.';.-!:!;, or in
lenjimiii Iv'esaud John K.L'vcs, Millvillcd'icen
vnod lowiiship,
(inditi i..s made known nu the dav of sale.
,QiiierH of .((, '. AYry
All ersens ba inp t biiuis oir nqucolcd to pre
enl llieni i'linoiliati'lv,
November 7. IS45 CivS!)
U IIETIEAS my "if,, having ,ft nix
"ipse, in t ()ps(.qip.i n of ber iloranornvti
.f niiml.all p n ns ar forbid truni 'tj bet
in my at count, as I slnll lefuse in pay an
leb s nl her eontrieiinij berc-ifier, as I an
II limes w.liino to "iff her a good Mippoi
l sou it mains at home,
Or ino io nsbij), Nov. I I y
Til . A
iulo the enclosure'' ol
buciibcr iibout lour week
two veins old; led
some unite in bri loir
Td l Allien
Hi, ' J, soiee a
isrs iiF.ii'Fi:
ii a. I. 'I be owin'i is it t, . i i-:-i d
. iv charges and i ike; her uwav
to prove I'lopciiy
dami-.i. i;i:i.ei;t,
centre lowiehip. Oct, 1 l';l.ri
'I HE roprtnerrsbip brirlofi re ixisliiio
nicer the lirni ol Ai llu:.res. p.
e lone culling buslines, is by mii'im;
s(;Im d
v. i!uci;i:s.
Nov. 1 1313.
THE bitsiiiPiis will bo rntilinm (I )y tin
subscriber nt llic old Mnml; uben: inai
be bail at all times.
TOMii-s tom:s, ii hip pu.
.A 1 Mi:S, Ah 1 X 7 7. i:s, J'JXT
STtJXES, UUU.liUS, &f.
or any other work in bis line. lie is
also prepared lo limns 1 WINDOW CAI
.ml SILLS, IMHili MLLS and S I I.r:
.'Le ( ilher of .Ma. ble, Lime or any kiiult.
siono lloii can be prnriin d in ibis vicinity
5.1 '" ilaVllie , .in
i xi ( iiem i
in Ue uiimiios, i.i
i' ji s bis w til k P
bo ( M'fllled ill as b,.ii'b I'lne a sl le ;is ;u
be furnishi d litim : ny yard eithi r in ll i
eiiy or eoiitill'v ; and on :is ''easonvble lei ins
HloomsbnitF. ft, iv. ;,, I SCI. Iv "8
7 V.f Put a'e of Thomas Palmer, late if.
Ploom township dec'il,
NOTICE i- ben by piven that letters ol
a liiiiiiisir iiinn on be above nieni'pmed Es
late, have been tripled to Ihe jubseriber,
liviii.j in I I in tti lowiiship. All peisons
imb bled lo said eslale are hi ir by nolified
lo make immeiliaie payment and alltlusa
lavnio claims art! ri qtirMPd 10 prtR'Hl
t'.ttiii jiioperly audieniieairil In
November 11, ISl.'i-fiw'Jl
Alltuncy ul Laxv
ijloomsbuik;, col. to, ta.
OH'tite in Main-street, opposite liu blcr's Hotel.
(lliee, corner of L'.nt and Maln.streeta
All(iitr at Law,
lllLOll'SllU'li'.Crj) LsAo
''jffiee. Sunlit nide. of Ma'm st. vjiosile
Pier llifjlei'e Store,
I.IM II.I., IKlliiiMill ,Si T.
Wholesale Dealers in
lilSV -MM
No. Ill Norili 'J'hird Sure:.
.Unve .Itch,
co. W. f .in v ill ;
Uben !' (Nierlob,
lo'eph V, West.
Aug niii isir.
ITS l.xr. I,v ,ilioi loll... SI....I I. .11 !.. .1 .
j. h ii. iMioni,- s oi int. corri
fl puny fni ereiliiig a Ibidge over ihu Northeiis
uancli of llm liier Suiiuebaiimi between ih
iwnol rattawissii und ihe mouth ol Fiihim
h ,t Ibe .'l.inagers have this day declined n ilivideu
l lliree per ceiil. on the !-to k of i aid company
ir me bri six months, which will paid said
lockliolilcis oi tin ir legal represent. ilivcs, nt ,
n . ,e . .... .. .
uasiiiei s iiiuce, i ullawi.:aa,oli or allia Ihe lolii
DAVID CI.AI'K, I rensurer.
Tieisiirci'a Ollice, Catlawissa, Oct I, IS'lj
4 t.w.
I'll V, siibseiiber having located himself in
'looms! urg. is prepared to furnish all kil ds of
vare. ami peiform ill kinds of woik in bis lint! of
iiisiness, al t heap rales anil al shoil notice Co
as i'i, mi: bed hini 'clf with a new nhd iplent d
lock ol tools, mat hinerv and inaleiials from I'hila
h lpba, and n nde a Inrpp 'urchase ol ( DAI. end
AUDI) Sl'OV'FS, of various oattei as, lo supply
i s customer.:. 1 lo will constantly keep on Inn ti,
T3A 11 .fi' of every descriplion.
t.S'?'ES, a large varirlv, nr. illy nnd subslan
inly liui.d.ed, to.;ethi'r will; I'i I'i:.
.;;'M rs for buildings.
c. it, net arrrs. Ac. Ac.
lle respectfully solicits public palrnr'ape I'av.
m; been for.voinn yeani enpnped in Ins bminis ,
ml having experienced ns .i .hints, be fi el-i oiili
Vut of saih lying all who may favor him wuli
licit eiistoiii,
eoi'A'ruv ,v:::;t ri.i.vrs supplied
iberal lerms.
Call on tiie snii'h si b; of .1,'ain-street, 11 doors
'i hm he ollice t f ihe Cnliinibia 'euineral.
Oi I'd ul I I, I Slo USri
v. v. uYumuw
OrspjKTTri.l.V informs Ibe public tlml
be has loe.ncd binnfll' in the Shop lately
'ciupie.l bv 7,:i! lil (ii;i.i;s, in M.,Ki';''.
, I K F I. I', w beie he inlei'ds carrying tin the ul.ove
'Usincns in all itsvaiioiis Inanciies,
mi't and repaired, as well us one horse
Y'Ai;(;os:-; axi m.'niEP.
if every ilaserij'lion, and nil kinds ol' I oiinlry
vV'ork, in his hue, tloin ulfchoil iioiicc amlimtbo
niii.t reasonable terms.
Q ytioi.d I. umbel and all kinds of f'oiinlrv I'm;.
men li'ken in payment for wok, bnl Cu: h will net
e relu.-ctl.
Apnl :, Mi;.-i;
,'lvaib. ciib-r rcspeclftilly inlinins I.i-. fiii nils
am I Ihe pnl'tic generally , lhal li.r. c, 'lu
lled In- tinge and i'iiiiiiiioiIiimih
tt o tir t
iil It'; H
n I'hoi sl ii L.'. and Hilril ll i p in uonii sly le. i i now
iiep'iied to eult'ilaoi Inn, llcis in the l-t -t luaneei,
mil be a... toes I he public lb it no atn- -h, ill le
p. lied to live et lit lid salislat lion, be ln.slv
1. 1 i 1 1 .n lo lot lit and ic, i n e a : nl ll i j al
oiiaee ol I hi- pni'hc, and invites all to ile bun a
all. MCIIOI.A.V KIMil'.
Almost ;;n; H I r. I '.HI
iti.. k.,ii mjim; 1'.stai5i..?.iii'.n t.
THE. iimlrrsiened huvipcr p,;en the shop
foniierly occupied bv Marshal Silvejihorp,
nosi rcspccilully inform the pnblie tbut
dry intend to carry on the above branch of
lufieess and will al all limes bp reail' to do
Aoik a liltle beller nnd cheaper Ihan tinv
nbrr 1'i.t ablisbineni in tho place, 'and they
iope by tricl attention to imsippss to merit
i larot' portion ol the public! palroiii'pe
All kinilti ol ctHiiitry produce laktn in
Ti liapge lor work & li p reaihi not rt fu tl
ST E I HEN H.'O 11
r.loomsbitr2 Sepi, 10.1815 '21