The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 29, 1845, Image 4

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    a Qtn:i:u custom r.i:.
-It is most iiihi'.ii);,' muI K c'hsi
.' i v n, aa he lilei.q'i.tdicd iim t I i
u liae Irom Hie tf,Uei at the Corner i
ji.i - . -Irifln. Ml l ' i t
. MiliH)t I ) 1 1 v MK'li ill die nllitl C 1 1 Hi .1
i .Vint nca In m oiioM 'H . 1
i vti air Viie 10 H'-l home ami
ijouk aboui pi p never
n I Itti n(, wi In ui ny n'nck i n,
, lio; In i)u t y, itpubl'can to t
v t j U . brif able id help myf'l "U "
!. fheie.'a lmp winln'jr and bli h
ti.i I
II,,. j
my fa
fafe, if It Wall'.S I 'J I tli''.
lil if n li il a mouth. nl a li l
MifJ of doJuH now nosed me to an
.vitilier 1 vuo! lo cat. Wlul
unity what filters! ami wlui I quoi
I only look nine am iieis of w h A. .
ml rthil Willi that ami premature nl.i
I vi r 1 y biilieVB I hiii aajiti.lid
.nil a gons cl) I'lk' i'!'
Me. Mcfvyn now clamoured so hud
liut assistance aoon came.
'S.letico then ! wlm'a the ni.tet?'
Matur yoiir.ell I'm b-inp done, oi
us oin people y, l'oi '
much of mind ban trpped, ami Riehsitl
Meivyn is loo dep for It i in If. Hep
mi) ou entiy i h"rc Ain't I in a
pieltv pic kh? This n wlut the Uoc
tur rii gullu senna, ir.'t t'.'
When I wasai actool iheboyi would
have called J oo a guMural.
'Thev wtiuld'nl hive Known rmiei
ctammer, if they did. I'm liquid
bee mt dri).'
'Oat no!' isitl the w4. li, Mon'l try '
be furti v: I know you tvll iic.uih.
nmu vim htmi f I VOIIl jCe. 100
are the chap thai lock ! me op in my
box once, and when 1 bjr-l open tti
coor, you knocked me heels over htad,
and Ipgpeil it.'
Thai' me. I did thst thing. II mv
do you ike the opt and downs of pub
iic lilt? In'l variety charminfc?'
'If it waa'r.t thai I'm a public lone
lionTV, and mus'nl (j,ivj way to my
feel na, I'd crack your cocoa, and e n
rry mind of doing as I was done by.
I'll mtko an example of yon, hnwevei
You're my prisoner. Ualhj chnotha u,
lite witch 'uj.' Thal'a th Djich lor bt
inj; took up.
Well, give ua your arm. Dur.'i hi
afraid ol the mud. Clutter mud i vi rj
wholesome. Look at the p't how fi
It mikta 'em; ami if you i,k fn pmk
why shnuld'nt you what rn.'k'
f)oik fai? Si) su Mly. Now I'l
ie!l you all enow t'other nRiii. I wn
p iSMn your box in a funnily prrm s
cnoua tort of a wi), I lhoua,lit ynu wen
aileep, or hid run down, and 1 luine.l
the key to wind you up, it cau'i either
ierp (5'.od time, f,r even go.'
Wliy, then I waich'd the box, and
tvlien you tome out, I boxed the tvic!.
Tlm'a all. It &rew out of my obhg
ing disposition.
II I viy obliging;. Now it'.i my
turn to winii v-m up, and, to do it i,
the nme way, I'll lake you before iSr
watch-mker, to be cleaned and rrirul
ted. You go lo ft.'t, but I'll put a apoltr
in your wh'el, he il fet you by the
regulator, aad make you keep gr.od
'Why, watch, you're a wi Why
don't tuy that I was a horizontal, ami
that you lifted me up like a patent lerrr?
You re awaku now; but that nipht you
was'ot up lo try. cryau would hve
might mf, I cjtthl a wenzrl a I e e
thiii ttnicI put frtah aa!l on you fm
To add one moreto hi viiriej, M-t-Tyn
now refused lo walk a aiep fuitMei
ind (iuinj; down on a s'i p, loudly n
vowed his rejolotoin, and Ucciaied hi'
rtame wa nut Walker.
Vhiher your name is Walker oi
no', you must go.'
'Not without a go-cut you can'
force me to ) I'm a Irgil tender, and
y.xi must tke me. Ilav'nt I gut ai
t luce, or at li ail a public fitu ition, hen
on Hie tep'j? fImulno, it shJl be
on the Yai.k'e pr-nciple v( roia'ion,
bnr me a wheel bjiaif U' fomi nn
out reu'atly.' ! was p (.cuitd ud a
Why lli.'y t n'. Su we n,1 ,,(, Mf i
t vn, ' C'hai ! 'i m I li ti.ii ro w-nili
cf nte. (li i.tly cvei tlie s one 1 iluu'
like bumpeis, except wli.-n I g I th u
ol poiter. This s ti e way to Wheel-
1. ut r ! ci t bt.f.ire the hirsc." ,7 -iiving
at the watch riiur, lie iim t(,
rpon b tnjf wheeled uji s'irt. an, I yl
.til the jdi;-f a oiT'. V; ,iiji cai !e. !',
n modest in in,' a.n. -t ani u ) siawei.
I: I cii'i hive a iiiic up 1 tl;:i.! nise!i
:,'.iiied t-i a draw x ck. ' Si) sty.riJ h
f.V.tmpt'.'d to tfii't liu' w)mi on eaUfi'''
bt- i r id- he 'li!i (o'd-miih'a works
beau lolly (h )i-fd ' I lie pm,.. i r w
C'.rn(l shd', 8fni in .l morn ti, fober
and pen -it', I tips-y fi'i nnl
N H U A K II A U I'. SI li N TS
Xo hUin''W' bill GihnU d.'Wll lo t it
ttl notch ull through.
rmUK mi?sorilier havieg com;iletiJ Ilia
H liti Ikuhi', un .1iiiii itri'et lieiir Mmk'7.
in liiinminHur.' miJ lluviim rtlm ki'il it Willi tt itMel,
.ii'miii iii.ui iifimld. utiii-ti wi-ie hi'li-rleil Willi rare in regard to st le ami priee, lio ll.iu.
ii.ii Keif llmt he ran oiler In-sli ennila. mid neei
-iNl'Viinil tliem t lower ri. ei limn Una ever lieei
iilVered III tliis plueo, and ua tlm iinwirluieiit eonauth
.it every tiling lor r.ointort ami ml mem lit uw
Dry Goods,
tgithir with a g"'ii'rnl uorliueiit ol
Qiieenswtft (some, tinv sh'x) School
ttiwkx. lltirdware. I c.lrr uure, l vill
ware, Kurtncivrure., S-iUnn or
,uke, groiiiiit, I'iue I.iilton
unl Dairy Stilt, Sal
mon Mu:kerul,(ind
Cuvindhh. Imita
ton I'!tg. Fine cut &
Smoking 7, Candles
r Soan. Correr Ktltm Stid, Uur Iron
lu.snUa iiuii.croiia otlier nrlieles, ell nf rtli'nhwi
lip wild at a very amrfll proiit for remly pay. and I.
ivinLI rnmiivU'iillv invite H t full 'I n
- i j .
xainiiie In uoi.uln mi l prices. Inl.ire purcliiiMim
I'lio liylicet priced puid lor all kiuda of couutn
1 I 15. KrPCKT.
niiii)in!iiirj, Sept. SOth 181.). Cif.
Tin &
Tjynilli suWrilicr rcs)iectfully inform:lir pu'die
fl tmit lie has opened a thop, on .Mmii-rtinei
'leuily (ippoaile ('laytnn'R Tnverii, in lllnoiiislniri;
vIiiti' lie intend ran vine on aliove iiUbiiu-is
in oil iu vurioiH liniiiclieH.
yy.v i'wi:,
if every tle.eriptimi, will l.e kept on hand for mill
Manufactured into nnv firm required,
if nil nizPsli-'ptcurntaiitly on liuiu'. titovcn finiii
.d to order. dcterniined to do lni-.inr in tlm riclii
aray lie reqestx nil lo cad up in liim liefurn tliev
;Mirclian clseiv Iiimo, ih lie will furiiltli nil art).
in his linn a cheap aa t!"'y can le i.
I lie county.
i). J i:n t:
SVploiulier 20, 13 13 1 yVi
sr v
Mew -Goods.
fHHIi u!isri'i!'prs rc-q.rctfully inlonn die ii!'
jg lie, t!i it they nro now opening, a' the ton
lately m:cmied liv I). II. IH'iti. on M.iiu-hliei i
o lr,e and ettenaive assortn eiit nf
Oroccricfs Hn.rilwarc,
r:;ti( Ki;nn f!r
KAuniKNWAin: amj
ill faet, every arliele uiifiinl ly kef.i in er.Miir.
store. Auion their ansorttneiit may ! e I'.iin d
Calicoes, of the newest pattnns, .tik
Dloihs, HasHntieres, y.itiinetli, Vest
ings, nh'sehed and Hrnwu Shin
injn, filovPH and lime, Hand
kerchiefs mid Shawls,
(Vlrii' tes.
And ha vi n cf e!crtcd them with treat care ih io
pialily a'.d piiee, thev are ennhled to ell tliem ui
! liter piieiM thm thev havi- ever IvI'itc lirm nt
:'ered in thi.s vieiuity I'jr Ca.di or Cuiintiy l'io
luce. :Jj'lluv'ni(j made arranimrnts in I lie t'ily f.irii
'on -t nit xupply, any nrliele in their liiicwliieh
:hrv have lint on haiuhean he furnished at u nt. k.
.Kilire. I'lTisonx aia rcqueH'ed t cull niid examine then
iioils Hiid pi ices hel.;ic pirn ha-ioR el-ew herte
Ai.iihiiiirr .v MK.t;i.,.
liloom hllig, Oct. II, IK 10- 23
OF 111 12
The undersigned originated t!te mode cl
jiiurr.allZllij; Hie prucnedinya nf Uonerrk
which pieaented them entire, I heir pnli
iictlloil was the first nud only one that av.
eaeli atieceaaive vtep in every meaitiiie n
'i itn br aiichea of Uoityiess; a brn f of all de
iale, every iiriporiam vole; and an Appei
ltx iuiludiii at lull length all t!te rcvixe.
speeehea delivered ihiiin the t.eaiun. J'fii
a oik thus enudiieied by die.u is a most per
feet poliiicil hmioiy. The Men, Hum Inn
ilie Suitea Hi.d the Ih-tireaeul itivus limn
very Heelmil ol the Uuiou hnn nut) them
into (Jotioresa a knowledge til tin: leelino-,
M'uttiiiema, and inicicu ol ilie.r kcvci.i1
iiiisit,ucnci?s. l'ub'.ie iiiinii)i and the
,nriit; inforinalion, as it exmn among tlmae
hey icpresent, are embodied by liieui, hihI
iu lb ft ucibla of Ciinit ,,s the wisdom ol
iiir times is brought to .is tent, and m then
.ouceiiin.ed, in itiriiunjj tin) poiitnHl
rtiDV eiiiems of thu whole country. I tc
iiiipoUea thus given throujjli Confess Iruni
every (piartei react upon ilia iiiunii ai a
hole, and all its component paita an
made in move m co opeiatinti, 'I'loi prebs
esnnot Liu mure usefully employed than in
.oiidentini; and lo'iin ppteaUuij) abrn nl the
iiiieiii.enee ol our flee country, li lelin'j to
such happy resnlut throuoti ,,nr a ni.ioi mi
i'.iCTtlotisly uc.jUbied Sidle and Naiiun.-.l iu
llaMMg idf ntiiied oiirseU es wiih il.o ;ir
ul auvaneiei; the UM'lulue a ol Colirtis b
j . 1 1 '. 1 1 o h 1 1 . lull and i n, ; u r .t I repoiis, and
in.viti a lari) mass ol ilie iMinyrtssionai
ti.ohe atid Appendix. iHsued duriif' ilie l.nM
leu veiirs, which would he impaired in val
uh lo us and utility to the pnhlie il the woik
were discontinued, tve hav a iinuMe mo
uve to prompt Us to exiend il thiouh a t ew
series. V. r me resolvid ll pn?it,le lo Jin
n perrnaneiiiT, and n li.nul u d iwn io sue
eessiira as a siandurd work, worth) olhen e
iiatntiiinetl and inipruvrd. s shall rriKr
apon our ncv undeiiHkn' withnut bem;'
tistrscted or Luui::.ed l) any i.'snci tj hi
ori ol thep.esi; ni:d, tbuj urifTicuoiui r; d,
dall hope id make the ;.e .v c; iies a s;. (
n of the h rmer in .ill pututs ol ex
euii. hi. Witatinv io riccoiiipli'.h thi.i
vo sfull la ('one i r the other) alwnys if at
nnitanee in (Jcnres .ml compare the
a liiiiii r''t nf our uvrn reporters with the
i.niy r'jurts of the cry p ipTs correct ul!
iy our n'.vn obsi'ivatitm ,;:id kr.o a '.( -6$i rd
the prm redmjs; and in impocact mat'era,
.vhrre that mil not .ie" i re us uf the (!! in
il .he repn'ts re vti, I procure ihe rn f,
t,t im n.bers then s- h es, to n I . a : rt d.e ;
t wioH.thnf
A LI, rrmoii'i I ui'!'' unsettled e eoiiiit-
w't'' the Hill's. nl r, or il!i lln iuli: linn "1
.Nmrlhoill & Jli.olie, whether the I ill.iiiei !e ir
i i -t favor or njiain.-t him, me rupu .-te l in i ,iir
I'orwaul and ! l!o llii'in iinn-i tlii.U ly , lln-.t he 1 1 ' i y
lose hi" as sum a I'irai! U, A w
he wise u M.llic;ei!l.
MAl'.SllAL MLVnicn.'OhN
.Sep,-iid-i'i 20. v;,'
rd I,
hi i scene cf their re ir rrl.a
aetheatiea'.r d, lil he f neon 5 1 .1 f,., h 11
ijnarnniy that vttt nid aa (Mitfc.i as ti
! n.'sihle lot M to m ie i'.wcps ouhl 1:01
neur 'he f nf su-reou ; . 1 r g ;t, i! 1
ltd no feel eofiftdmi i f lis "iipeni ri y otn
id T(:rks cf il wfiich liaie hcn m
re like! lo he pih!;shr! .ierroi; ; irj.i
he ''ork will rnable its t.) eni ! lt.t m
iiirt'iUied r.urt'hi rs, vihu h si e m til i!u,fl i:h
nt fHiikii.g ny cfiarije h r 'htm.
tie l,'Mijjrt fMnriai (ihde i m;'e tiji 0
he d-i'y proi tuhi j?s r ie isn o
"iini':es', The j-oceehi 9 nf ihe trodden-
ie ( iiml'itsed, m r rii'u into 1 rf ad
nt lefifii. I ine r soli! ,'nes tiien:!, it
lui'ion-i made, tire g ' ( n in itie inef 1
li words and ihe )fan iilid Iraii 0,1 a'
he important ipte., iDi.ii. I: is piinud 1:1
-111 ill ( h:en"r and nm j.-ireii on (
!iiii!i! nn al s'.ftt, 1,1 011 irio leini, e..c
iimhfi I'wlitalni,. six'.iill lo;. al ipiain
ij.iC s.
i he Apein.x is un le up tl, I'.in
.'i ill armuM rm siite, Lie leimioi ol lh
iiucipsl ellieeri n ilie ( ei i.iiii nt tha
: ctiiti peny II, aetl nil Hie lot, (j rpi 1-1 lies i l
1,1 11. h rn 1 I l.'i'', r nut 1, nut ci re vi
il !)' li.r msf 1 vt s. h is piimid in t!i
.one loi'm bs the l'"i b(im.i,i.I ti.oh,
and usuaiiy nviket uhout iha Miii.e i.i.iuM;
d p;oes.
W prim the iniinlers a ( as die pc;
eeilinijs ol Conjiess lnrii!i 1 nmuli 11 1. u
o.r a number ol the Appendix a . el; hu
tni llig leinaiiiiler ol a neM.u. there u nsr
hy t-11 lii' icn 1 111 liu r I'm 1 o cr ihr e mho
k i ol em li every wiel. Tin next scssuo
vj, he a loi.o ore, aii.l 11 i snppnsi d wi.
to uiiiij'i.ilSy ime'e-'in: iloreloie, weed
ulate that ihe ('01 orisii u;, (ilnlie am
ppciidix will Pin II make 10 ..r one ihoiisani:
'tiro (piarm p:iie, printed in snciil tun
hrevirr and nnniaii il. We ni'i.i h cuin
plele indexta to Unli al thetnd ol a session.
I unary, after whiih tii! e llo ('oru'roion
il tilohe mid Appendix will each he 2 loi
',e M'ssion, hihI no dedoclloii will hi- in.iih
111 .iceonnl ol the uuinlier oleopup taken'
ri:if is.
Air one ropy of ilie Coiijj'f csion
id liii.he SI 5t
i''or one copy of the Appendix I U0
I'nr four copies ol ruhar, iu part
of tmlh 5 00
h'or Uenlv I we copies of cithrt,
or pari of hoih 23 00
The money may he remitted by 1
utr riMi. It sliould in. here by Ihe 1 1
December, at farthest, to prot uie all ibr
nu.nberu pi run pi ly.
Proprietor, ol iiewnpapera who copy this
1 rospectiiii, and send to us o'ie cojiy o Uien
paper containing it. ah. ill h ive tin ir names
enleic l on uur hooks lor one rope of ihr
(Jonrefcs,iniid (jiotie and Appendix iltnin
the bCKsion,
Durpmes for these pspers are bo low
ihit wo 1 annul ull'uril lo credit ihem om,
ihertfrrcj no peron need coesuiue his
line in willing (or lliem and not a end
ui the aioney,
Washington City. October 4, IS 15
inlcmtinz Pamphlet, culled the
XSrandrcth'cS Pills
B I. U mo uooeintanil ! 1 lie iim,. unl coma
wlieiiihi! iiicdiniii', lliandretli 'ills, will lu
rTnin Mhcriher linn just tereived a larKc i''IM'";i'l"led as they uuglit nod deserve; il will lt
Q anilrnciit ol 1'.( '1A( 1 I.h lied M ,f '. U"deitood thai Lr. HrHiidieth has Urn mrougest
r.U,'.K (JLAIs.sKS, ill the henl qimlity, of holh'1'1 '"" lll",n the pnl.lie. It is tine that every in-
.JkpfliA green, tioin No. 2. upward. dividual wb'i makes 11 liiiil of il- Iloimlreih J'ilU
iiy lVrsoio. illlicted wilh mjic eM s, will find il ede them lo he the best niedii int they ever
id their mlvantare lo cull und j;et (ifaMsi s I10111 him; ""'''h '''l"'V lire indeed 11 medicine about which
mere is no nnsiau:!. 1 inar nlne in e unate no
1 hanyalile as ours raniiot he niillii ii utly npproeint
ed V bee a'rsj inili 11 is at oiiee resloieil , thua
ihey cine coldi- ami coiisiiiiiiitie.n is, prevented.
as they IIIIIV teel llsslil
I'ioiii their lis.-
(i. I
May 17, 1815-4
d ileiiving 11 ureal hem lit
I'lJii (iiaiuitoiiH Circu! ' to all pc,.-o:i:) who
v 1 1 1 rad, I'lesom-, 111, il lend it, i L. I. in,
liioi,in!iio,'. ,lo!in Moure, U 1 n illo, Julio Kuai r,
.'.iillon, idler it l.'o. iicrwiek.
.Ill the fuHuwing ntiiiud .1 elides liaveob
tiiintd Unbounded p" it.u'rity vizi
I.heuuiation (hmttaeted cnriH, fit ill" Joints, ami
hint, will I'oslively he eiitd by the iie ie !
'he hullnn Yiyti.l.le l '.i;.i:ir ami Linii,tn:t. The
-.eeptice ive iuvilc to call and ho personally n !i r
i'ed lo u' 11 llciiicii ol the highest staiuhn'' 111 this
i:y v ho has been ctoed of lvhcuin.tli-10 by tin
leinei.'y 'Mk'v are warranted the only genuine
!)( '.(.ns l)r .Mi .Nan's Anna-tic Oil nanrtov
'd veiy .i,-, f,!'i, I ui curing even t.iil iA ituts
v, c
n'Cil this Ci,, Willi CillilpietC b..C.-Ci.
.! v. I1.1 are t'eulded any 01 ca
m ( T'lmiric the 1 roof
i.ivi,' many e.'iiuii ales tioin 1 ilinis wloi havi:
l'i: u.viii
id" It. a t-ir
:-!t.;i J,..-Jnni Puwcra i llm !..
ueii'y 11. 1 di, ine iu ilie world II auue lot l'y,.
icp.i i. A t:nna, l.ivtr etfiitplaiiit, Iiii!iiton,ir..i,i
itve:n 1. .lal)ildn:c,Kpilenp..y I.'ri llit;. , iVc. Ar.
II It ic.'.t!i. ,vilh..-ii! ;1.8 s;iri.ite. 1, a.-
1 11. dd I tit th'ii'iuu'h Cillliailic, and ui; r I' .His
lie pi rs-.'ii costive even if l.t'teii very olleu
I lie Piles nro wartantcj lo be ..:i:.:'l tiy the, icn
nine I lay ' Lmitucul and I inc IViu uiioiua, 01
;he rtioii' y lelundcil V. ho will sud' r nn!.
ilii, dtflti 1 .-io' c ii'. . bint! Neva i-uy il v.ithoiit
lie ire nt --oi: k v'o c 1
1 ,. -V Hint i'i n .',..:. ('.',' is as mi . 0 ;mn
dr.. in; ii't Kit met f "tn t!'i
,.i's. I f 11, .1 lc 'Mrs j
the pour cjn fn" id io tj
per bottle, or i 1 p; r d,'-.--'!
il.ii. ui.l (!'(: ,i:i!!y la;
;,, 'I I, ',- !..i ;,
u.-e el cc! -n.f!. Ve, w i:
crlr!, ruled lii.ui n. cun
e is mi rcas'inn! Iy tt,a
bring but 00 crm?
Il in ihr e r !y urtn !i
'v tin- K'iml Vrnru a.i
: i e I cci in, nr.. dent 11
;-,' hi.i; ! 11
V(! h .
I1 e (Ol hand tin! I. iMifjri Stinna
(Ilobe a'. I Appendix f"r Inc Iml iwrlu
sessions id (Jiiirnrst id which live un
iniiir and seven w ere t-hotl sessioes l lo
( ''inj'i i.-iottal ', lobe and pnendiX lor 1 aeb
I 1. is 1 ,u lineal r r-par,i
b in w !! lopir tin hn'i ariv shuds- Irom 11 1 1 .j i :
iiowt: tu a j-t t in. k. and t,(.t irj'jie the h.ui 1,1
!a;:i the skin in the le -l.
f'res.-rv r.iid lleauty tie Miir by irndns (.
b'i Bs -:i f I olriio 'a, wh.rh iiMi'f 1I111I1 h
ps th" !..i:r I f ibinij "tit, and rrst ue it when
: Mid Tier,- 1 uy il wiltjot.t ihe tinnier! ! (.'om
On k A ( .'0.
Wor.n.i K'lftffa'k'j IVrw 'fug is 1 '.'.'f.aesi
it.d 1 II 1 t od 1 1111 il) lor Wern n. ill itid l'Cu in
"hi it. in every 1 ail. It is entii el) n;i Ih! !e nm,
1 are t itii'.irv the most ih hi ite 1 hild inn bnule
ilnrr-li 110 V nrrru. I'm v ' en I s. llnn,.'ir
1 llli.l I, With otlier MHiii s,
lln Mi thm li'l.ij Inii. !ii-n ihorouuli'y tciei
ii in in) viar'n exfiiif-: ee. I. Nile -V i- 111,.
I , ' ei ,.11 c 111, tl.ns ll,H) te-t ;..,iiild tl'at it wu
'..avs iii i.nd in p'-piiilni; tio. i bn It.i
iaiv 1 1 ie tl.ein. Il iju.ilh all mi'. ui rl:.i
ions, a'l i)a iiirrninir si. kiirss. c.iuvs i.iiln.a! ain
. , t ret i ip,.nie tt.e C.ei;lai,.,i id 'ii- li., :
yid iti s li, sl'iiiui h. unit biilita,., the Ln.
ivilhniit sni h I'keiiK UiIihl' Ihiiih 11. 111. Mom r,
i ', .I..1.) id oin ia .-.I j ; -. i ir., uc it 10 tlm
nn tu r.
.i,v oi.-- . eiy. Iy W '.I h a I, mid pi;,
1 ct; U 11 1, v I e i 1 t t 'u .1 1 t hi i. k 11,, ., 1 ., ; 1 :
d j 1 Ii h h 1 ai Ii I! d;. .' id, 10 r .i 1,1 nt.,,,,
1 war. 1 1 m t ps all nli.i 1 a;, I fi , , r . . j 1;,
1. 'o;.;, h the i 1. ii.i :., ;, ' l.i,. ,nn i., (l
I..'. 1 ul i. in ; ui. d nurpi is, ai d ih liu! I . nil w I,
il. i l inn lis id lt'Vi s und Vy n, ut 11, a
ivn a! '.I (.' uil iimti-sl tit win, i- i..r i',,ii-
11, iv 1 e I, .id at the co-i of "i? cents p , I , 1 r ! c" .
L'h.i.!: u, ill ml Lubdiu A i-iue iui.uh, J-' i
i rir.i.
Hi- l.aizell'w Juno I'rvn alive l.'
CcLhinct Ware House.
JJJ11II,I subscriber would respci d fully inloiinlbe
jd nihlii1, that he has Inker, the sll ip lately oe
'upted bv .aniuel Lillv, Ian the upper end id
IJIooiinihurj;, wliero he is earl ing on the
,'uinllils various hiain lies, nnd where he will br
happy o wait upon all those who itinv favor him
wiih their custom. His Furniture is wnran'ed lo
be made ol'nood inaleiial end durable, nnd he in
lend 1 keeping on hand
SiileluKirtli. Secretaries , Jihrrins
ll'emlrtihes. Curd Tallies, Dining
Tables. Ih'cuhfiist Tables,
Ciiilttnirds. St a n ds , 1 1 'ash
Stands, Bedsteads,
Co J1 in. fyc.
and all kinds ol'wnrk in his line, which he will seli
upon as reasonable tnius as they can be ptinhasril
in the county.
I.'v sine! ii!teiitii,;i to business hp hours tn rr-
reiua aslnue id pnldie palroinije.
' f.i.i iinowx.
Apeii -jr.., ivt
Chciir tt.-anufacfccy,
'I'll tubaeribei coiiiiiii( s to iiiiry on
ciiaik jrANur.(:To;;iNO
'"tisitifss ;it ti e old Hand of 1',. ck H. Hfjicn
inch, where he will he ready it all limes
'1 liiinish Fanev it W inih-oi Chairs, Set
'"'s, Boston Ik'iiekinq Chanv tte, ol tUT)
Ir.seriptioti, u hich in iv be ctd'eil lor, ;il
short nolle" and on the most reasonable
U-rins. He will ;isn excciilr M on s , S 1 o ri A:
Ornameti!.''! .ii r ! i n rr , arid Piijit rilie,
,rt .1 cm;-, ' 1 1 r irunrier,
f'roTi Lis etjcr. er.ce iri the business, nnd
his I . : i ' i 0! .'n iiiiifaeiiiriii!; the various
ii-lirlfs 1. 1 his line, he l! liters himsi I' that
i;e eh;:;l lit: able to furnish as pond wink,
rid i!pm. as re.a-onnble terms a.i can he
! ine i;i the e'limtrv. all of whiih he will
lisp;,-, of lor CASH or COlnVntY
N. !b O ders from a distance will I t
-' 1 1 n ' : iit.ii pti;lftt,al!v ;ittrnrle to.
r.hi'iiiisl i,rk-, Pre. ."0, I H 13
Tliosc wh 1 have a redundancy of hilt' find them (if
ihe must rssrnli al service, nnd should tlicri be 11 de
lieieney uf l,, 1 imxm l.tnt tluid ihe llraudrelh 1'llU
have an , , i.illv lu in lirial edi ct. Often him this
important mem inr s.tved valuable lives hi those re.
ions where lln' (hi irltul yellow fever was prevniln
iiu; A I". u do es taken iii'.turdiately upon lh ill
lei'tinn bein;' ircrivrd iiitu tin hy.-tcin, will hi ul
most ce tain In pievrnl auv inatcrial inrouveri' Ik 0
And nl nostatje rf thin dreadful epiilemie is thero
0 prnprr a unalii ine as lln) lirendreth Fills, Let
this medirine be Uliiversally u.M'd ill til its
diM nc, iii i0 no loss ol blood allowed, and few
very h '.v, would he it victims. So il is with other
disi-iiM',. Asit natute with this nil iinporrant
niedii iue to remove liioibid hlilnors front the blonc,
and do 11, , resin t to bin ilini; or meriury, nnd no
ti . 1 1 have 11 -cry ncat seaicity of persons iiTiiclcJ
vi,h mi nic maliuiirs. The feitheii altiihe the ou
nnd, kint;doiir over which we ate the loids.nrn
in'1 iilllie eil wilh chronic maladies; nrilhi r sl.utild
vr be if it were not for our prioe which occasions,
tliain. Foiloiv iiatuic. I.'sc the medicini! whi'h
!,arinoni:r.s with her, which mildly but surely re
moves all the impurities of the blood.v. Inch slrceeili.
oils the lecble.aud yet irdliri tl ose id' too full hid it
to a health) standiiid. I. ei ine injiiin say that every
di'l ailinenl id' the iiiaiiiilaclinc of brand tth Fills
is j ... .iiitojlly snperintcndi d 1 y me, m.d llmiivrry
box wnh m three labels upon it tnav be reliid up
nl ed if used
on lo
Ihe belli liciul I ilert lies"
to die diiec'iolis aci i tot 10 '
Ml K N I K.
Wa.shiir.toe Koherl M'K -y.
Jerricvlown I,, ci: A. T. i-e'.
Dii.iv'illi I. II. lieynolds & Co.
I'alli'V it-a (1. (J. Drol st.
15 1 1 m , m -) m J. U. Mover.
Liinestunu Ihibbit ,V M'.Ninch.
bnekhorn M. (i. Mh eniaker.
Lime I'idue Low iV 'riinu.pMili.
(eiwiek - .1 W .Stiles
Vay II, 1 81.) 1 y-
3hh v. uamsox,
W'JTOI Ll) rcspr-.l'tilly inform thr I a!i of
y lib" 11 si'it",' and vieinily, ll.nt she has just
received n laie .iiMirtmei.t uf
! v' 'ii" a. 1 L'u t. 1.LL 1' L u
3 IXMK-TFFLLY itdorms ti e ,i.i,,!ls ,.
5li, '-"I bia eotirity, and the pt,l,,ic iinnai:
!ii! he ha I", nird hi m-r lf in U!-iiiiibiir(, n .M.ii".
!nrt n pnsitr Si. Find's Chun!', where I r 1 a.
pened st.op. in d is 1 , w iraily i.rnl pn ,rerl ,
erri'.e n;nl execute all wo'k in hit- line , I I n h r,s,
villi d is pa I rb 111 d in a vi mi. 10:11 id.e r.
clociis & "Watches
il't ie best r-1 : 1 : i t v , can be had at his estaldi. htt.rnl
ill very re i-nin-ddr ti me .
I 3 1 A ! I IJ i (717 H'
ill 1 r don, In the f oi 't tin , 1 1',,. ... .,w
'.ell ,,t ( l.ks 1,1 d aichcsfw ,,f .!
" '""her. yi-inai't .is work to le 1 jr 1,1, 1
'ell a : it,v in , ;,, t ti. j. ,.ri i jH, ,
dsn tnake In 1 rdi-r
r 1 ut ki t. i.i'd in shoii, v ill ., ,l , .1
t her
he Las,
mine lor
hop en Main-t !n 1 1 et ally nppnsieLiii birr'
nil sei mill ih -or below Ailvcillimn's. wlie
nil ll e articles us'.ia'l) kept, in n M jtt -
I l i' I. in, 11 s ;,ir ji; niMtcd
en's. v es, llo nn els nnd
one in in the inn-1 hihiniial !o stv !e,
.'li.oli:.l,oic,, July I'l. I.s.i.'),
to call inn ex,:
Cui's in' de and
ti cmiMipnci t rl'a Ciirnlar, Lit, U' is-urd Iv
Jil'C Slate 'I'n as.irer, dircctiin.' bid the State
I ai .-till n u iiiiiinL inipiiiil, for the nresenl nud
l.i'iin r venrs. inii-t be piid intn the Sinie Tre.iMi
on or I'ldnre the st cniid '1 iicmIiiv in Jaimury
fallii''' lo nav its
,"t!i"n t'fstale 'J'iixcs: , hall he. alter llmt lnno
chaie't! an iiderrst , ' live per cent, on such
iOiioiii.t us -hail ronaiii unpaid, inn! pavments;
ll "in ihe Sl ite TicaMiry, lor rchoid 11 tilher ,ur-
o-rs withheld, until si.t h I with it Irrcst is
1 1 ,v ; 1 .: w e nn, un, 1 r 1 1 i 11,,. i..o.. ..F .
v d"U. I I t, ',.,! re,, ,, t:,l le e.1;,, n. , .'l T rV I I' ? '"'
'-. :i. l...,.bvr., ,. .,..,, .; , I.,. , i" ," "" o.!.,t,.r.l ( ..Uin.Pia :(lty ,
I a ,1..,, r 1 , , , o i .1 . (p!i , f in;,! ,,.v ,,v,. into Ihe tnuiilv I reasuiy,
o.l a tii-si.f to ,., a,e, In nn ive lil,,,, . ., (. ,, , ,. , .. ,. . .. . -' "
i-r (runtrv F,i,n, ,al,.,, i l'1 '. ! November ; next.
', w,k at f'., ,..,'...,.,.. :. i'"",AI.Lt.,e.- .it.i a.t s lor former years whnhstill
I'l , -ii,! ,
Hi n ! 11 l.i, 1 ! 1 l-..:;ti.t
, 1 on ily ill 1 a e i f Iinpi.t, Hey, lian cnn,
lhlm, .Mciisiriieli.iii, liicrl.tii.i lice, ai 1!
'i i: in;; b om ili hiliMliou id 1 be sy ii in 1.
l'io a 1 . r-
it' It rs'itli
1 "
..11 :n
f," li e
(il ....
my o
u lb,
low tl
1 1:. e t 1 I ol
- 1 1 in? 1 I' .ii
on In ill" side
.'.J-' .", '"-ll t;i'" I
all I ini hne- il to t in I.
n r Oil, it never soils th.,
l'i, 1-
Mho i
'.'wit ts
-i.,,i 1 ,
,o.l .Vl.i.t
I e b nr :i licautii'ii
and win.") i.n!,i,i
l'i lost laoie..'
CA l'.U SA ( oi, . ( o. p...
ntj AC:f),'! UYF.U it,rotnis traw
Ins old ctisloint rs and Iriend..,
-'ill keeps ihp rtlidve 5! oil I. where
e happV '1(1 Wait llpol it i'H' w
11:1 w 1 I, ihi ir ens oin. II is ht-si.s.
mi! r iijiroilious : nd well rrrai ei ;
otiiliii'd 'lie l,;s eut'si? is iiilde j.s
H'i li'r I with th" e lid'orM Viamls
tt It' anv lady
- i ol; ilid lied these
.oi v will be leliiiitled
ulini: tu le 11 ihtmhi '1 1,
nr C'l t email sh ill 111,
statciueiijs untiLc, thei
ui'u .;o 1 in, Mil' 'i n i;i;ti;.; i oom,
I5l,V('lvMI I HiNC i;-I All.rvi.,Ii I.
hy mums r a s a;te:s: .
1111'. undersigned havmrr taken the shop
sfS- lll'l
ate hound lo,;.
w lib lio- sitt b.
r-v Vn -v.!.
M) i'i;j:i,i
,.i. ,
.!, tan.
;e t; re With a iJoivf'il counte
jlnrmerly occupied by .Marshal Silveitln 1 11
iiioat respuetlully liiforins the public thai
hev i'lte'id in rarrv on ihe above hi inch ol
uur Ull S Hill) Wl.l at all ' ll
wntlv ;i lltt'e ht'M.r and 1
i;'f r esi bii-lmn t,t in ;,t; p!
a. pe by s :i id up., niiT, 10 1 0
J aU'i lif aiv at t'.ie .New St, re.
L. :i. u: p.-Kr.
Octiiher 11,
I317A .NKS! RLANKS": !
rC-Julir'.iJlillk KXKCt l l'JVSm.
XVMUOyS ju.-t prhntJ and Ij: sJe
1 1
li: :
.") 1
11 rs
Civ 1
I ) u r lot s lor tin i'l, bins. !i'n,'o
lie '.- ! 1 volume b.r a :,nit, m-.J ".
I i'l.'! St S 1101. , III a ', , n !;'; v, i 1) tv nil ;'i 1) b o k t ol
mid '-Pl l'. I' r hem 1011111 til Oi Iy.
H'e in liem and 'I be I st '.Veere..
ied for two Iiiiii'Iki! atid lw. nt) -x
ii it is j ri.b,,h!t' thai tin; m xl wi!'
. I'.m al le isi as inanv mure, li t
'sbi'ie.'dy to doj urin riilili;;-! 1 I' I 'o; e , .-s p r llil! I o't it!'!, I
heapir irivj )e-irs cc.t ii-.t le j-r.-i t: r-! f-oin tiny nibei
11, il 11,1 y .tnuri',', liiuts tt r ii'mi davii (j t'o !:
' in .i.tii'' i.iti.tiiia .1 1 it I! ."sir 1 ! 1 !t b i'.i s iii I K.7
as tin V
stlhsi't 1
oils, a 1
otiel - ire s 1 I (b'liiline in tl,:- 1 ;
Co. ''I I 'eiiii'tn, It-street, und
1 IV:.! I ,:,., 1 t ut lb" reom.iiv co.-to:, "iS
I.V':. rr:!' r lake ltd t ii ir.-. :i, v ah
'1 I.e.. t. I "!' s to i e , ia II I.
:..!. I l'"'ii-l c.t.-r. J. 'ui :: -r-
'. lb rv.ic'i, ,1 bit h'l..., a, iltnil
nl er, I, I S lo 'i'.iv. Iim
I I'., 1,1,
a e n
i.iv ili
O k 1 pw s. .w 1
lers pm!
, thai h
I I! v t . 1
'11 fun
' i l.i if
I lo
ihe iii'ii
C's r;. idli'td, i,'ll his i! ;t r Cl'l'!' ii s Si 11 1
I thl! bi st llil'tins that cm he i'i H i
s 'i-iioti ,: ciliiiliv. His Ma! lis arc ahi
iitip'.", and (.'iio'.! ostleis 1 rt; ulway ill st
a n ! nioo.
(bltilH iSl, 12, ISI.'- lii,
en, nil net :iut,
'i lie prim tress wilh v hiih cm Imirrr ("irt ular
was n,i.i,ilid to. I-,, ih y 'Fax ('td!trto:s and 'I'm
o. . . 1 .. ..1:1. .1 ... ,
H'."". 'v nn 11 ine roiicty jinserir wist
1 nal'l i! t 1 ay into the Stale Treasury at llmt tin 0
-cipii'id. the whole nniount nf Stuto Tux
bom ihi, cuin iy, fur tl e nrei-rnt vcir. irdi.ers i,s
jtobilme I , m conn v will mt nn hn
j-ecov.i I in mI ;y ul .litnuuiy nut, be tnuntl
:,." 01 l.tlillfiv.
I!) D.-tlcr of the ''oniiiit.sinneis.
' .mi:.M;i;.miall, t'lck
' ri.n"s-.i, ne.s (llli, e Danville, ?
Si pi hi 1 lit. h lo. Ct
3 iT Sr.'ii-f'j.'
rr- M:.V AK'ii'IVAF, or.i-,T
oieadv I ' ado Ciothing.
The subscriber h':s jim ri r i v 1! n ; r-t
ss.irfiit tit 1 I I; I : A 1 5 V .MAIM', Cl.OTI!.
NCI, wlidi will U- sohl n cheap ',. Ci.v
i-" they ran be pint h;.;-.-t! 1:1 ihe emit'iv.
h.'l aii'l 1 N iinine nr v etiisi i r , ns iIm
I'-fc III ol' Scaicb' it, tiiiratitietl to r.'l
j. u. movi;;:
June 7. 1815. 7
K I w lilivjj
"FI'sT nnd lr .side, at the new Tin
j slid sheet Iron .l.'annl'iiitarv, nnpccitp ( lnv
n's '. I, mi,.,, I kinds ol I'.IULOK, SHOP
urn.! ( .'.(ihi.Ve; S-KtVI S, Iheliesduttrin.s
h w il; l u sold low.
(I i-
I). J. LICE.
1 pi'lilO
kit is t , I
:c p.Jr,
1 ,
b r vv
'. I. is' .' r rt 'hln 1
n i i:i'iir:. ii,dii
l-wc s,mi;i;,
St pi, I I, Ir,!,-,
1: tjt
hi, 1 it
t rsf'.a
. I
1:1 :
few liuu,!i(
I lb" uial toli.ine 1;
all vv
1 e
i;).ANKi'! DI.AMv'S!!
rou ,. r this oitiu,.
1,1 X i
! oi,e, :
b.1. an
, I' c..,
I" ll
Appi l.'bx
mil, W'l.ieli s li,.; pr
unburn d ntiitibi ts r
I ins,' but w p have eotic
nr;ee, as fnl'jM uni!!
ice we
I ihe pa
Oiled t 1
lie ;".rs
'I "V. f
VI l'..r
I i. it 11 1!
I hmu K'st
li! ,
1 Unci!
i;spnji 11 i,,r,
! 1 1 1 1,. I 1,;,,, ric ;.. ,1...
" ' ' 11 r""i
to .in,. I li.r'cn'nii !i , (.'hair Fa. tmr,
.'"i,ii!,iil', I Vitlliibi.i cr.itnty. w ben !
mi the,,! hint in nil ils h ;1M
; cep t',,u tautlv 1111 h;u.d :'me and 1 . i r.-
Uue and 7 wo Il:-re
;c CoH.m. Saddl,
and 1 1 ..a; S,-e.
; v ,'i 5"i i''. Ion ; "nn! ii o mir
1 a.. : t; tin: lui one is. he can I'm ni - !i a., o ,,nl 01 k
:,1 a- ;icap as c:i ne puiciia ed in the cniiiitv
0 .' . hint's of iMiniliy pro,'", : t;,l,,-n fi j.ay
tl if ' irk, 11I llir n,dil.i t p-itri.
' i I'llo-Gtut
c dial be
net il.-in
'iiu s'.iti :
will ci r
lit; w iii
u l:ildhs
a lot rr
fJHK il.l.-rlhVi ics; c. Ifu'lj iitf.iniis !,f
XI ' ''" U,I3 r 1 li." -hop I '.'' oci li',ci
"v U. S. ll.o., nt the lev. ,1 end ,d' iokit
! -licet F!,..,,ur. urj; wlir'e lie iulcn.lscarrv imj 01
ine :itiv,, lotsir r -s ,u ,d I n--om, !,,. ;
sli nc of the p.itiaiu.e ,, :IH j i.t.lj,-.
l'i cn.oficr'niii uitb. the almve bu.-i;
bis ser icej as 1111
Ife will aUvavs
t.'ie sar.e pi'i,i s
a". I ua i;i" sun
Ut i
nfii 1
id to ma'-e t.'OFFINS Tin
Ci o ha'.-i il in !;.,:.'n,. io;
iiroeil ui'!, a "u-i.) Ill, '(M,
iitiral wiihoi.t auv
he ''!! alieud Willi it :it lU Fu
e vira cl .tr...
joun prrTi1:!
May .10 l-10.Cm3
N 0 T I V. 11 .
"7J l!V.K'.'.s. I Phvc Ic.irned frnm rn'i"u
h'iipvs, tlials rertiiui .l:u v Ksrns, rf S,,.
,:o io.:l', li;.- t ircul ited iliilnh r llmt I have H,',lis.d
ii"! I'ttr no ti d 1 1 1 l id in) wife, tuil J. (.'. (). nnd
. '. O. h ive lik'wi-e i'mib r H:imr thioir.
''iw,.f ih-y have done m,, I prnnonii-r the Ht-ry n
:d 1 hood and Sunder, and stand ready lo prove it
". at anv time.
'i'riued on a sheet fur lbs purpose of i'tjs,
'',' '"i in 'In ir Oili.'es.
rou sai.h a t this orncn
?' V'The l,ivv re piires Jtislice an Oon
ti.hle 10 hiive his bill of fees postod up in
his iiliiei;,
nianki or VOS.i VM'A.i: SALES.
IlJooiissiImrS Arliliory.
The .Nil inkers of this ('0111 p.'lli) ; who
iiue S'wuri's and Ilel's, to the
Company; niiued forthitli lnilelivrr
hem 10 ctiher ol the foanuiasirnivd Offi
rrn. H. WLBU.apCl.