The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 29, 1845, Image 1

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    I hare sworn upon the Altor of nod, eternal hosOIMy every form of Tyranny over the Mlu.l of" Thomas Juir.iraori
YOJnntc XI.
.An id her 23
orpjHiris St. Paul's Cnrueii, Main-si
The COT.UMltLl )) KMo'ciMTuill In
published even Saturday morning, at
TOO 1)0 .Li US per annum payabh
half yearly in advance, or ''wo Dollars
fifty Cents, ij not paid within the year
So subscription will be taken for a shorter
perio I than .ii,K ni'inths; nor any diseon-
tinunne.e. permitted, until all arrearages
are disehargfd.
Jil) I 'Eli TISEMILXS not exceeding a
vptare will be conspicuously inserted at
On?. Dollar for the )irt three insertimn,
an I Twenty-Jive rents for every subxe
quen! nsertion. fip-A liberal diseoun
ma le to those who advertise ha the yea
l.h) I TEHS ailrcsse.d on buiinens,iiiitst
be post paid.
T II S3 H A It li .V I)
" With mncetent f lumen enrich' J,
Fro n vfiirii " I'd'.ii c id'd utlth c i-
From ttio niilili lihi:i Saturd iy Cuu.ior
PASSION T 11 O U li II 1' S
O le silent gaz. ! too well I known
When passion' fatal dream i broken;
The farewell ihruhs of voiceless wn,
. Musi leave t lie parting word urRpoken!
Such sntrmv live nil on ihe tongue
All other shapes il mav assume
The trembling h md in anguish wrun?.
Th' averted look; thai courts ilie glnum,
The tearful glance thai rends the heart
Plie nolelessne.-s (il all around,
i'r.e ore umly in ihmmM, we p r !
T: thousand meruit ins which swell
r f f i to In:
r uifrancc
J) vp-ii:, v, he!t hr-V.!.' a xner.l M;e,,
II )!y iiivl -t II. ' r mmi'(iw tr.n'p
J'lic mutual z il)" embrace
Tlie burning lips, which ling together!
Piirenzy, which year in noi efface,
Ft-1 1 in thai moment when wu sever!
These thesid inken thai may nil
The untiitered anguish the mute giii l
The silent bowing lo lint spell,
W hich works the we that scums relief.
Uui.oh! the lip maynever speak,
Though fraught with Passion's tloqn
The mad'ninj thoughts which thus enn
Their own e xprrsMon, deep, int'-nse.
What though the ihirkest hour of fa'e
Htli fl iiht-rl' iiiisitieil ul.iJnens,
Anil 'gentler spniiingi.' await
To cheer the lime's airciisioineil ?ii!ne.
Tho lihtniiig hallows while it sens
The monarch Ire it Ih s so lowly
An l so the rivtn hohoni hearn
A lingering tiace of sometiiing holy!
And yet I nerd not bid the banish
Tht ihnughis which yet may
Such ineief.r-'.l'ii'g will quickly vanish,
Like ihe dun change of a dr-am.'
My memory, not lung thou'it chah,
' l'is but a ha f-reuieuihered llioiiit,
Brief as the ihitiJg that earliest perish!
Fleet as the ripple which hath raught
One smile from tho unconscious moon,
Glittering a moment in her beam,
7'hcn turning in its pristine,
7'he human hesrl that rc6ilcs thing!
7'lie irmper and the tried;
yiie joyou', yet ihe sutr)rin2
Y'ne source of iain and pride
7'no geous throngo I ihe desolste,
7 he seat of love, the liar of hate
Self-strong and self defined!
Ytl do we bless thee as thou art,
7'nou restless thing, the human heart.
'Rill. Bill,' (aid an urchin 'daddy's fairly
a l .
I hi?' vell I'm turned sorry, but I t'll
rOPi lick u agiin for lathering tin old
c Utid hu with his ri?jr '
Frein tin- Huston OilJ Fullown
'Ned, will you join our I.olg? Hskn1
Frank-liray son of Filwnid Cluniller, om
evening us they were retiiriiin tneihei
from their Uhor, '8-y Vis, ami let un
jn.'oe on to iiiglit.'
1 am unxioiiii to, Frank;' was theri'plv.
'hut my wile is very imuh o)nsetl to in
becoming mi OJd Fellow, as y oil alreail)
'Well; g!ie ripdl not knnvn it. sail
Frank, 'and as you are yours -i e y wtl
atilit'd of the piineiples ol inc Onlt-r, am
the advantages lo lie deriveil Iront
n.g a meniher, lei her lemmn in ijjnoianct .
intil accident reveals il 10 het thai yoi
have heen initiaieil.'
I have never yet deceived ht'r,aid Cham'
'Nor need yon now, answered (iriyoii
tho' yon may do lliilsfie would wish yoi.
not to do. lint the f ict it;,vou are my Irieiul,
Hid 1 am an Odd Lellcw, you liiink wuil
thai which you do nm ki.ow, I iliik
well of the Wider, bfrmne 1 do know i
principles, ll.e prjudieeg of ynnr wif.
lo not arise from any ill will inwards tin
Order, or its inemherhui frmti tlie report."
j gossip, who are its enemies be-emise they
:anir)l be lold every ihiuk appertaining to
it; fir litis reason I advise yo'i lo s,y not ti
ng to her about it.'
1 t l..t. .1' ar llMciutt'it a (ntti m. --'-- -"
hail give his assent llisl iiis friend mig'ii
jirnpo-e him lo the I.-xlg". Th" piopusil
ws inde ucci'pK d al its next ii.eelinj;
Ivlward (Jhandler brea:n n memlu r of tin
Indf prnderu O.ilircl O.l.i FeUos. Hi
ittendi'd th meeiii's ol the loilgH ieglr
y, fur he wan deeply iiurii'.ted in it'
iroeecditi jet without ever cxcuii f tin
,uspieioi s ui his wile1
1: 'v;n a daik and gmriny attenonn dnr
n the la-it winter, that I'd ud (.'haiulln
etnrned frmn his MOtk at an eariiu horn
ban usual, and compli-inul of sliijhl imfin
position, had retinid to !ns chamher.
ifn rhi rockiiiff t he era'lle. in wiiieli !(!
ilerping her youngest clit d, an iid'.uit let
- -- - .
noiiihs ;i!d, while tho eldest was quietly
reposing on a little col beside h-r. S'm
iliouaht cfien of her lnih,ind, and as she
;vas about prep;iting to go up Mnirs.a si gh'
roan reached her ear. Kising fnMrdi.
e;ii she iinmedintfly proi'eeed to her i.hsni
i'T, and found ier hnsband in a resilrt
ind furverish state. She was nlone, svf
him and the children, and tlie night w.i.-
Uik and stnrmy, she hand) prejure
pplied a si'iiile reinedics, and tlirow r. on
Iit shi'l and bonnet, histei.ed to tin
liriiisn of a neigli'oor whom f!. er.ti cutrd ti
J i i f .r a p!iici:n. An hour r!aped hrlort
." pi-vstfiaii arrived he Isin -d lint
Imm'I tune, aid tlejiarted, ifviiig .Mis
'.i.nd i r ihiertnms how lo hd.'iiinsier tin
isi'Jiciiie he IipiI 'ef'i. S!'C -il.n snxi
.his Mill seii!r. li ciil, I;' r l.n-h l i! end
lull ed to glow oim'. Mini l,e h It I. ill! oil )
vv ii h' i hi'i" req mo her Mliiillili.
Muruing caiiie, ji'i her lir-,1 (I-'iIht Iron
i!i Win .Lev hut nd-ied lo her fo X-elV Th
. . ... i i . r i
norm leprease.i rtmii.g me instil, iv. fiPi
lo.irs wer complete!)' hloektd up will
snow. Wlist could sh:' do? She eotil
only wail ihe arrivnl o the ph) sienn, urn
,he know not whai hour he wouid unm
S;o! looked ag'iin, and iiloinst irten d
ii iearri i.fjoj as she srv two men appna. i
ma tho house, one (?f whom had on hi-
ihoolder a shovel, with whi.'h he was sum
)u?ily engaged in removing iho sunv
roni ihe door. .Mrs. ('handle r could no
rr-niguize either ol iheuijyel she was rea
o iiilmii them as soon as ihey had opened i
pan lee to ihe hoiup.
'H iw is your husband tli i 9 inorninu' the)
ingerly inquired: 'we liarned lato last wen
nig that he was sick, and called to render
you any asMsinice you may need.'
The overjoyed wife hardly knew wha
unswei to wak?) as Uutti the fentletnai:
were strangers to her Tlnr.kinj their
'foi their kindness. She simply answerec
j he seems tvoise than lat evening,' ai.d it.
viled ihrm lo walk up Hairs, .'n their
entering ihe chamber, she noticed a sort ol
familiarity in their actions, ! r which sin
.lould not sncount. Alter speaking will
iirr husband, and glancing round ihe chsm
her, ihey whisperud together a moment.
ind itie youngei gentleman left, but sooi
returned with a physician.
Your huabml is quite lick, nvulam,
lie said to Mis Chan diet, 'but tin slial
nave I he verv bei ol Httention. and we
rust will careful miming he will soon hi
restored lo health.'
The ph) siciau g ive hi directions in lhi
geiileinafi. and every tiling he ordered win
immediately piocurtil, and rpplltd us In
ud directed. At nichl their p:Hceg wert
iupplied by t'Vo others who ucre also
s rangers lo Mrs. ('handler, yet their kind
less to her husband awakened in her breas;
i feeling of gratitude whiith slie had nevei
iftfore experienced. Thus il continued day
dter dy. Kvery want of tne family wat
supplied, nod her husband received the
nost earvltil attention, iiis. Chaudiei ht('
,)ariieulni ly noticed one gentleman,
-vho almost every day for tlie fuin
ekg dtiri'ff her husband war
L'onlincd to his ramher. and his vuits were
ml disiMiiti'.ued even after husband bar
sulll.-iendy reovrred to wnlk hbmil ihe
hoiiiP, As she could dinne no cause wh
ibry should rceive to much auemion from
those who were strangers lo tlnin, she de
lenninuil to inqnir".
One iiioining ihe gentleman whoso "isr
h id been so regular, entered the kind err
and afier answenng his u-ual inquires u
ir JIIM .i in... - "i .. .
you tell me why my husband Ins teceivec
so much attention troui t)io. who hive s
ways appeared to be strangers tu n?"
I'lie qucsi on is easily uustvered, rn,idu
'lie is an Odd I'V'low.'
Tears gushed from ihe woman's eyes'! rh-.'hnw imuh have I wront!
d them. Did von know fmw niurh 1 op
used Edward joining lliem? so muel
o. ir, lliat he inner in'or'ned me of it.
Will you forgive me, nit? w hat shooal v.
Mave done but for your knidii'-s.-J Yo
Ihvp saved me a husband, and these ihi!
dren a lather, loH, beirve ine.hi.1 I knowi
the ptincples of ) our Order, e- en w ithou
1'ie ( xpeiieiii o 1 no iv pos-e,, 1 shouli
not hiiVii doiio il li is uu;y l and o
A few week nfit-r I'dwarl Chindler,'
recovery, he calls on iho presldinir oilier '
of ihe I-oilge 'I am aware ' san.l he, 'tha
durii g niy sii-knea, ihn benefi s rmscu
mid limiiy rereived ainouniid lo no re ilia,
tu v standing in the I.i.'Ihb woul.! i--silv en
tilled ui" to receive, now, ilmt 1 u evei
aril able lo vtoik, j on wi.l peimit m e ti
it loud it.'
II ,e mi nl Varneil, bro.her ''iiandli'i'
-aid the t. llii-i r: s ( h 1 1 1 1 1 1 y , 'ilini one i f thr
Ui-k; prmciplH ol oiir oioir is I iiahiiv, c.
hat kind of rharry "1 icb r:t vci pirmius
not ier to sii.'i. t. Y"u ill "t.'i": ri'f hi
lot inr niioucil the subj cl ni;4 i;, Tin
irutln-ts knew your wsn a they wen
heerfuliy Slipj.icd. It sill b:! rnoce!
Kit ou unite r
111. i! i",rcii!n5iaii"( s iiniiaii
il;eir exam le.
Yftmi.iy times d. I Edward Cliirdiei
ml his wii'e hien'ion 11 !ii e ndi nt hr r, am
iltrn wild teals-i i' grutiiutis (lid she ld s-r
he day that 6usL.iiiol luuuuiti an OI;l
We. love th' e at imon ol a w.rm day.
playful z'' At the hurdi 1 j siimniei,
vening wo of en hie to the river's side ti I
neelihee, fri li Iroin Ihe o, can, wher. j
noil Inst been noting the;' d. y. j
V lien rnnli'ied hy pickni"s, tie? v.'ii.dovi
iMi-t be ihnwii up for tlie soli l;h:i. it : - j
tiX'iry to IV1I the s'ecl O'er the !evtri.-lj
uow, tiwil the ni.inol htuhh cuunoi i'ppre
Speaking of tV.e pl.iy fu! i.'phyr, a clevri
poet ihus i 1 lies:
MIesteils a kis fnMn nv sweet i;ii3,
Bt (ore she can loibid i .'
She s'ghs to find it win ti e wind,
And not her lover did i "
'I go il blind this time' a ih" ilmr.l.d
mm ffhen he called fur nnoii ir liddy
From the Mew Orleans Picayune.
We were Ihe tvilness of ludicrous inci -
IoiU wAioh occurred in this city a few
Isys since, loi relating woich we fmrn su!im i
lie iiulult'iice of Hie gentleman airccl -
y coiicer lied Jce.'inng it too good 8
juke lo be lost.
While sitiinjr al our desk and Isbor -
ing assiduously with pen, scissors and
;iaste, lu make out a readable paper for
or patrons, we were suddenly frighten
d from our propriety' by the rus'y on
rante ol a genitleman, exclaiming 'Fur
(jod a sake, ht'p me lo see whai ih
uialtei! I vs ul soma dieadlul ihing
icurp on or israntuU 111 Hit h i; of toy
a'.iloons! C nek quick he'p mel'
We instantly rose horn 0.11 chair, hah
i"i mhtfctied oin'elves. (Jur friend bin
orokeu in u suddenly ami unexpected
y upon us and ws so woinleiluliy agi
iled, that we knew not whether ho ws
ndeed in lu gensta or not. We look
il at him with a suit ol s'i-d ciqu m x-
d wnh diesd, and liaully knew wlieth
o Njieak with, or eize and coiifiua him
lor a msilin 10. iho latter tvi cim-
irai atlempiii.-. Tle-i -s his luod qnv
rmij; and ple. wi h 0111 iund nj; n!y
j.nisi,(Ml uiioii a nai t ol his tut.ljlo m-
pjsd in the holu w of the km e.
'What's Ihe mallei!' al IjsI !k- d we
''I'll-! ninttei !' hu ext l.ii Mie l, "ii, liel;
ne 1'vo got somthi here, wlii;'h j 1-
1 All Up my U'! Sj:l)-' iriii nal COI'ptn
or liznd, I cxpsct! 0 1, I i'3'i'l let g .;
I must hold it. 7n, Iheie!' he ho l
.(1, 'I fell II mo V(l just thei.l Oi, Hit v
a ui s wilhoul strap-? I'll never wm
.nother pair open ul tho huttoni as lno.
ti I live. A .' I 1', el it tan
'Feel wha'.?' wu iinoiied, si iin!io
i no 1. 11... . 1 v """'-- "...-..
'enlleman; t r wu had just tn.1.0 leudim
.or Corpus (.'l.r'S 1 cm 1 cspondt o ' let
-,i r ahi'in snke.v, I z l is and lai aiilo!a-,
ud br 'in lo 1 in t ji i some deadly in
. c or iept'1' tu ihe h"; of our tiim,.
mimi;utiutidbls,' s U ey ate iuimj' i dir.-
I do ,'1 ko iw what il ir' iwjiw-mim
i',e ant.' .., 'help n.e to t; what w
1. I w-isjui pss-im "'at pile of tub
,ish iheie, ii) tioui of y.-ur offl.:", u
tell 11 dalt up toy lr- as (l'ncL in lijjhtii
oy;, ami 't i'.opp d pel Ute:e, where 1
uve my hsiid; ij1 hfl c'eiuthtd hi fi-
v,ill tnuie l'is",;y " 'l ,)?" ,T
neck of ansu icmi li wehtLiVshu wutih
uve s(j i-i Z"d it lo j- lly.
11 y iini liuiR 'iVl or three of lb
lewsbny lud rone in; the e'fiks am
jsckiug buy", he'i n the outery, j:op
n;d wnkii', ami r-ilitdia ami i html'
ood srotmil the f"!f"ir with loi.L 0;
iitnuhil t.v'i ix'hv and alarra.
'Mi inn ch r, Fi d w, 'am.
ft 111- g-n le cm, he Ma'ed '
'IMi 1 co't mi'.' "id 'i'e jfii lemc; I
'.iu'i fct'i.ii my ii i do, it w,i or utii.jj, me; 1 cio' si !'
'Ceilsiniy you tan ",' said v.-i ; '!;pe
yotil' lefi s;l 'lh! no:, and W .'l st.
a lia'i it i' yo-.i' . e m
Wei1, l-.'t r.ic ft'vs ii n,n oi m hir'"
(j i vz , Ell ct'. i'h ii I 1 11" iih,' f i I In .
4.11 si-.n he j ml 'he vcr so ii
re 11. .on i!i I 'i-' !f n h-d, had im
hv !).: n-jic, uns la-t frnl miis
nave ki!d !'. ii ' c.niM :);is'y if -it-
i-i l'.im li, folding, (,'H his lej is s: !l
ud Sl s thi as p k' r. A !;.iip kinl.
.vis proiuied, ihx psr.'s .rrj tut opei
aie,ii!:, t:i:j. I;in . I.iilsi In--; eimoc'
.1 aiiiri'i a hind; the jeri )'it on 1
li i.l; ..',(V a-.d .s.mvty h failed hts hsi't
1 ii t's d:cu ei e -d nothii'Z. We v. i
. i ioi 1; 1: cm m almost breiili'.tss sili'C'
ll''out S
thll'i 'A ha' eve
hit.; 1,1 ni : ii;o ii'"i -trtin na ow
t hi ni's way sin tl'o i' be idivi ; tvla 1
11 Idc-nly I hi." li'-n:!' i'.l m pos.s .
il moie a :H..'ed 'hah ever.
'1'iV heaven-!' he exe.liit neil. 'it'" ir
ode r,-v dv-'wrs. I's alive loo I lee
.! ( net.! --ifve 11 ? the
1, i.i:'-! :i ni .
noi In r s or ; was m.i
i o ('en! Ii m "1 lot ('
1 1
ban I
00 CI
.l,.'i.t:: came-'.'.??.' fci s!i v!:
mm e,
M,ci.n2 ever col Ihe
arc i.iii.hle to s.y, bin tleu-it re rta.r.jihnse who wear tmiaiae what ar.
V in', end men a both es followed, w
h a n' hai
!( r IP a 1 V a da). Om fuel
u c know , has 1
h 111 fn I. si (I I
must pinion ti" !or iloin" '.).
Tho' thi
it 0 i st rut s . lerving, wu aj:uie tti!
ttadtis it is no 'ljm
Dan i.ues.
All the dandies ri rutdrg off llieir
iMitistiiclit b! m New Yoik fstfi the Mir
The United S aits Journal thus di-
com ji- lo thone who .my ihev have mi
lime to iesd';
How olmn no we he
lug 10 a p.spi r or p rn d c , by sa iiiy
'hey have 'no liinn iu rt.t
we hear a man thus exru-ie himself, V.
jconcluiU he has never found lime lo coo
f8r any subsjntial advania", either up
on his family, his couniiy, or himsaii
is iruly humiliating; ami w p.mi foio
no other opinion, lhao thd Hteh a man
is ol lulls importance 10 society, ocl
men gu rally have time lo a: nd pub
nc hai heciii'S, m"(l:i i;s, sales, imd uh-
meeting, but y have 'no lima le.
7'lK y frequently spend whole days in
ijossipjjidu, tippln and ..w.pping hor
ses, b.u thoy have 'no lime to read '
Tnty someiime lose a (Uy in a'kini;
advice of theii neighbors snmeiitnes
lay in picking up nuns, tin; prices cur
rent and (he exchanges hut 'hejc men
never have 'any lime i lea '.' They
have lime lo hunt to fj.h, to fi Id!", to d"
g, 'no 1 ime In read ; ucli men n.- n-
nliiy hive unenlti -ited children, umT
'. I'ovt'd farms, nod unhappy fiiH'id.-s
I'he.y have no energy, no spirit of im.
irovemr nt, no love of knowledge; liny
1 vs 'tirikuowinj ami un kiirivn,' soil
mo often die unwept and 1111 regi elled,'
Diflor McCaoUy, of S. Enui. while''
ci'tiiring before the ilachan'es' Instiiuo nt.
hat place.mcgnily told the lUluwing ainus
ng uiiocodote of smoking.
'A young gflnilemin very mm !) devohd'ls'ii', wtiosVpare'iifs idjee'teil to' the
uiio.i, merely hecaosu be indulged, ns the
lloU"ht, tOO frielv ill l!l3 Ubll of lohai'O
The young I nly, hovvsver. prepo hte.sed ii
lis favur, prevailed upou him to iibamh.!
ilie htibi', that 'ha union might lake place.
I'ho antipathy of ilm inotlier to unoking
0 itinued unabated, ?n4 sin war i ill t'sim a to lbs faci wl his re formadon mi ilit l
core, and to tesl her da'i-lrtr iceom l
hat.he lind given up log piaeticti of "tiio-ting
!i invi'.eJ him to spend a lwidays al he 1
iousO, wtih the fiuniy.
No ayiuptoui of n:y . king apprareJ un
il una rvouit'g. l.t:i i!:e uraia'aa. lu-fwr-rsiiring
lo rei, fam'i ! ttini the suiell eome
.(ling like the fu,. u! tobacco in his tea.
roo.n. She tookeJ ttrougb to k'-Omhr
rid he! old! ha triii'.arr.i 1 ws evighl in the
ei of puili;ig away, with hi feet upon llis, and ibiukm im 1 !;!. e id the uaiiv
ijppy ds.y w i ll his kel'ive.l (j-el. I
nether, i.i haste, rm wim msirx, i ';ltl In-:
,er daughisr, srid she had fnitii) hn.
s'nukirj, srd: wished her hnmrdnue If to
'nree up an. I see. Tr.y re" up itairfttlu
r,.i .r looks I sgain in lbs keyhole, nsy
mi 10 the daughter , 'tld 1 ml I'll you rv
s'linked, loe k in nd sse.' 'Ah. but mmSin
sirl the tlatijhier, 'dvt'nt he imu'.e Lnvt
11 mi .un mmm
A )Oit'ie who body hunj liin-.s.df it
(Jclein, 10 pa ccnl asy seeident, fill!1'! Ins
pocket fti'l of roeks.snd gae slack en.-mgi.
o :he rope to allow a drop of twenty het
I'lie arrangement w as Sulci able tlUr.
'I'lie Bo:.t o ) 'osl sal that It is ai(!
dial Mr. I'oe was only twelve years ufag'
viori ho wiote ihe popui he delivered be
ore the Lyceum; last week' Thine win
oeard il thought he 11 im have produced i
il 9 11 earlier period ol life
This is what e ndl poking it iu'o the
'i'.ps, nne of mt school fellows sy
his I r. do- r wear mil'tai li' S, what '
-V he r '.vluMach. . son aiemmcne
1 i hair '..'oin Of. lh" !.') by, as e
uc.s":,,"',' u" 'Wr-ll, .mpa, ni.
called hiur-bi ait.ed peopli An it qmr
d '"jl ooy.
AN E.(JL'.sE.
An obi Iris'b carl vim in ihe disturbed
times, burnt down iho nvig:iiti":,( 'Mined; .1
ofiMd'ie, being nine yi'-rs nfier,vird.
railed for the act, excused himHy by iini:!ie:i how r,. "! guily of tho nh
ing. I would never have done il, but ih..l -.nlity .'i id. lg my r.lieiu guilty rf rnui
lltotigVl tie archpisiiop was inside, jla ibtrr for lakfg t!to life id a WLWirrn!
We have frtnuenilv hei-o urmiseil
with 'addt H .wcN nei linneiiu in
i her ma to Iiis (hclt v. in il, njiinf
'yiipny, jy lellow .0 rje. in
ihe arioy and ha e even so much of a
y JMviphv, hue iv fellow To
dml. Thpr was a lime w hen jonis if
nir gallant ( flL't.-i.s -Atre not so well
In IS 1.3, a Cap'ain F. of he Artillery
1 hiave and noble fellow, hulked at 1'mv
leiice un riouTB 10 LSosiun 10 atleod a
' nut -Martial. 'I'lie; other bed in Im
ruom wsg occupied, and Captain F. blew
oul ihe ligh! ami turned in. In th
morning ihe first bell rant for break
'i'j'; F. opened half an eye luee if his
co lodger wns stinin, tun he w is laM
isadium. F. remained qoiel nil the)
" con bell aniiniinrtfd breakfast learly.
I'eini; sharp set he took auoiher look at
h h. t, and he thoughl he aw in ocon
qittnriling sl him, hut th' re were m
gns of his moving. F, lurifd over,
pretending to slee), ti l it approichcl
linnet time, when, benm unnble I stand
it any longer, he bulled out of bed with
1 d cky only on, and said.
'By He eternal, sir, I am Capf. Y
.fihc; arlilleiy! Who are your
s r."
0 il leaped the o'hpr lodger, as naked
as he clay h wss bom, wi h.
'And I) ( , I am E eutenani
ol ihe sime regimem!'
I fnquently lold this as a capi'al and
' evi'lence (1' W
hicws t!urii'2 'lie war,
be following svveel nmrceau. which rar
mi, is rcporu-u to have het 11 pntlifd up in
die Park. We itserl it as a model wor-
i'iv the imitation of ihe court sick swain,
whose siioaon may be sued as to compel
urn to conduct his courtship wrifing:
'Deab SwiiET On, my love of loves
clarified honey and oil of ci'rons. whin.
loaf sugar of my hopes, and moiasses ci
ny exjit'ciaiiuns, jou have br.en ah?ei'f
fioai tne three n hole days! Tho sun is
d irk at midday tie moon and stars aro
hack w hen thou aiZ absent. Thy stey is
die music of the spheres; and the wind of
my tjown, when you pass by, is a ziphyr
fro.n Ihe garden of paradise in the lime of
ariv (lower. I kistn. j on when we las
nef, slid my whole frame was rilled with
sweetness. Oae of your curia lom V'd in"
1 tite nos', and that oigmi was transmuted
no loaf sugar. 0!), S,.cf 01 sjics, gv
ien of relights, send a lock of tour hair
send me any thing that ymir feg'-r ha'h
t. oh bed, and 1 will go ravine m wnh eu--tee.
0;ie look from by b'iiflit eye
icotilJ Iranspiirl nm ineoniuiBfl if to lb
hitd hcavin. Your lips am ted m"s
;ihetid frill Eden by In! hand ef (I
liel. Your word are moher, perl droop
ng fr:un vo-r mouth. My 1 nut 'Ez.-s st
die ihoiifiht of ihrc. My br-;i-' ! o ever
lasiing !ir. 'Ci.e blood bo." ai l t I:
ny veins and vitils as it '
t!ism. Ob eomii. most d- liylitl'il i fde ,? -m
1 breadie upon in-; widt si ph;e In-i
V hen you do come, he sure and bring . ' '
' wn sliillinis ) 011 borrowed of me, as 1
vant to buy some tobacco.
A lin-yer down easi udvertisrr for a bov
vho cn write lecible hand 110! read illegi
de writing'.' lie wsms 10 uac him in hn
'I gurs von arn coining out,' sniil
ailerpdlar lo bis fiiend, when he escaped
from the cocoou in tlie shape ol'a butter
An editor at lbs dinner table be:ng askcJ
10 wool I lake 01119 pudding replied. 'Ow
ing 10 s cro vd uf oilier matter I am unablo
c nuke room for it.
'Oenilemen of die j iry ' said a wpstrrn
iiwver, 'would .m se a 1,1 .rip to caicb
iieni Vou!d)nu make d d fools of ; ct:r
seUes by endeavoring lo spear a hufFafi
wnh a knming need e? Or would - ,-u si
U'ln !'i eiiipiy mil on Mississippi uitb
g T .? Nn grntlrui in, I know yut woull