An enslcni paper st.i'ri ilui a min amo where down on CapeJCod.has drunk nine tit one thousand nine A- hundred riglity-three "'asses of rom in the last 3d year 'I'hf cost would i.-nonnl lo near !?0 000. ami w. venture lo n:iy he is not worth it 'iip.' li i! fault with hard ii nit"-, nn (I wonders why I) get along in iho wmil, We Irani from 1I16 lldinnore Anierirai 1 1 1 .1 1 ihtiH far ihe number of bou which have aitcendt'd the Tide Wier Canal this year is ahotit lrtl) more ihm weni up dur 11 j the whole of I .i7 year F10111 this t i it e ihe close of the navigation there will he in ereased activity in the business of (he ca ll ;l. r....... ,m Whit will 11 0 1 I'i-ihdo lu? In New V01 k, the ladits have gone hark lo their hoop and long, taper bodices, mil the fjenileiiien well nih, sod some of t'lem ( (i nil, to I hi; waU'eoil wiih II ins, and all 10 31 long and big, k j r as llieir gteat giauilfitheri of a centuiy ago. The 0 hi Fellows ire erecting s )len .did hill in Si. ,)iii, Mt. It wmi com roe need in IS 13 by the Older, which numbers 800 numbers. x'l new potaio dii'r was recently ex liihiied in operation ut Silent, N. J. I iniew out uijon the urouiid, with two hoists, at iln; rate fl live or ix acres per day, and as fast as iliirly hands could pick up and carry them aw iy. 1 In noil produced -100 bushels of polatoo per acre by the use of comport muck. The Pelcuburrj Republican announces the esth ol the Rev. Andrew Synie. I). I)., iiifi il ninety-two years, the oldest clergy man in Virginia, The commissioners of Chester ennntj have bton sued by ihe JL ig ide Inspecioi lo recover itie penally of three hundred dil Urs (or neglecting llie neresvy arrange inents for colleeiing the miliiia lines. The whole annum ol foil received 01. the North lirancto Canal, at the Collector's Office ai IJerwiek from the first of A j r i to ihe first of November; is Sr(jJ 600, 9J CANAL A writer in the II iili lays mi g Siutid .r.l . reco nmemU the ieiionui;aiioii of William IP Posit by the convention of the Til of M irch next fur Canal Coin-jiisiiioiier AGAIN IN Till-: U. S. S12XATH The (Ion J. C. Calhoun has const nte i.ilit iliotial lntf ltitfi'iieei has been assured by - received a from Charlt clou, hu u I a seal in the Sciiaiu ol the Unt'.etl in Nitmbci of Legal .Voters in New ,; Ulaio by the recent cencus, is f. hi ml e u.j'J, (j'JJ. lie liiy'iest une evil ilttl was 163 8S2, which in more i! a. uliy iliouaaiid less tiiau iiumbi r enuled t vue. AI'POINT.MHN P li Y THE (JOV '.ipt. John ''ridinan, of Lebanon. 10 lo A iil t'e Camp in his Lxc lltucy, with lank of Id jut. Colo.'it I tin The receipts of die Tteasury Dcparlnicni for tbe quaiter entlint; St-jit ."Mih. were ff'J .'HiO dlj'J 49; the i xpenditures S?8,lG;t, 0J2 11, President Polk was 5D yrats nfage, Sunday ihe 'Jd day of November. on N K VSPAPKIt REGULATION. The Poslrnasler (Jelieial his decided th it ne wsjiaperj i od pamphlets be carried out of the :iml, by mail itmtraeiors wnl.ii. tinny milts of'. he place uf puldicr.lioi). Tkkmkxdiis I'iki Jin Sao Hard r Lom. Island Uvut Oni. 11lnpki:i) I?i ilimnh 1i:stk iYkw. We l -ai n that ;. n txiensin nntJ most di.s isiious lire broke out on I'hurs day nioh', in Saj; il ubor, equal in extent n eoniptraso!) u iili ihe itizfl of the town, !t the lire at Piiifburi:, Qaibtc, or the New "r!; coiiflagraiion. i .te fire originaitd in a womleu buildinrr it. soon exiendetl lo moie than one bun ('.red houses, (one acttonnl says one bundled miiI seventy,) which weic entirely cornsuui i l A ni utg the hiiildiiiirs burnetl was llie isulLl) Cnuniy Hank sn.d both id the lu telii I II.' loss iii buildings is variuwdj n'a'cd -A 5.100,000 a !t I 50,000, while ti loss iii. inert liaml ze ( anno yif be tt-iima ed. huf in u - be veiy laiue. The portion burned was Mic be?t business parf of M.e fnwn, i n I has cap.! a sli mln over t pros pecs hi, will no, we fear, soon be io inoKil, M A Kill HI) On lh Slstr.f S.pif n.her l.v Charles Kal.ler, Fstj. Mi. Jihrii!wM Slirlhifiirnrr, of Salnn Luz 'rue C.innlv io .Miss Mitrgnrella Kijcr, of Mount Pleas t-iril. ' n ihe Mill insl. hv the rv. W illinn, J, Ever. .Mr. Suutml Snath, nf nriereeek i.iwiishipo Miss llunnuh I'clltt.ut .Milllm township. LIED Iii this ( I '.; i.n Tuc a .'ti Cru.t, d:ni r cl Juj.: j.-i .1 11m a,', Ui'V l:sl i ( 1 1 1 J 111111 mt!"l' THE 2A?.EET3. IJ i sn tr ; Wheal, Rye, ('urn, Cln verseed, Fl .Xseed, 11 itter, O.n, Kngs, Tallow Lnd Nov. 2.',lSt ') 4 j 15 27 10 I)t i'es, vWiile cans 1 Joes wax 1(K o ICIIFAl'FIt THAN LVF.Itjj f?.-! . Xvw Arrival Sjjisia At liih NOTIILR ppleinlid asortmerit of COOU: lias just been added to llie fnnner sine! ine .wi'inie; wnii n we ran sen ene ipee man ,vni ever liefnrr nftered in this iniuket. (ieiilleineu wdli wish CiXll) mid 17KAI' Cl.OTll.S'. ami wlm want FAMHONA Hl.i:. (H)t i) ClIKAa. irlii les lor OK liJSSSKaJ, of every ilesciiplinii, v,1 lni'l it for llieir 111 erent lo call, as we kmiw tin) w ill be satislieil wilh llie quality and piice nf on mnls. (Jiir nioltri beini; ' Clieaper tliuii the (.'hcair st,' wo can antl will live up In it. 'Ull IIK'I'CI 45 Ceil s n r mil. und evei thing else in irnpnriinu. Al.ftlilO'HT A, MI.AtiAL. .uveniber 23 WORMS IX CIIILDRCN. F all diseaes to wliieli cliiblreii an' expose, none are so fatal to ilium us worms. I uf,,, U ia. ely cliiblreii 111 0 sdilnm lire from lliein, uti.l ''-' imitate llie syiiiptoins nfnlnmst every olhn tmiplaint tlley nllen proilure ulaniiiiiR ell'. cls wide .il iiciiig suspecled. W'dihis are nolonlv n cau.n tliciUM'lves but by tbeir iirilaliou iiu lie an otner aiscasea, wau.lerui'' from nne part 1.1 L .. I. I . . . ... . ' a.- uooy .0 ine ullier, v 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 lliemelves up in ir'C dalls mid whslrurlin ' llie innvrls an. I fuaiiiei.t- me iiirnai, e.iu-iii'' ruin unions aud lo. nl.r. iealll," 'i'lie ilesiie.l reimdv uiil ! I'.iiiinl i., Il, ivne's 'I'Diiie Vernufi. '. wb eli will ve.v mioi rs.ioy mi! Willi. IS ail'! 1 II V - I,' j II' 111' ,WCISIll ileslloli so us i) prevent a relurii ..fibrin ror sale l.v Jj)M R. er, IJ.d.iiiubuir. N.vuiiiber 2 NO TICK fT li re.iy irivsn, lliat I have pur lia . ai a s! ili'.e salj, Itp; proprrl.- of .lull' .ouii .Mo.e, follow ill!' II OH'l7v, to wit Tivi Hluck ones, (inc. Ihllj Horse, Three Selsnf Team lirna.s, O e Ten ni Suildlc, One 3 rse ll'uirym e Hid, ill. I liavr li lt the same III his prs-a-nnii during my pleasure, un.i nerel-y any pe.soii lakint .iiein mini linn, eillur by put.;lia-e or otlicrwisi ivilboiil my consent. i'Ei:;:v 'i;'u;i Noveinber 18, IS 1031 Eshtlc f tVira'iinu ''', ale risn'i ifcreri luumsliin ilr.rcnseil. JTICIi is hereby tfiven, that belltrs of Aii im i 1 1 i r 1 1 1 i u nn lb,; all ve ue'iili ioid i.-.lii.. iae liecn mantel lo the suliseriber, living in l'i , . i. lr rri k low ii snip, ,-mi persunH mtlelilei to sau si lie ure hereby nolil'.rd lo in ike iaiiord ale pa nenl, and all lliose having i-Ki-n. ure u .nested I. ,ire.ient them pioja ilv ainlirniii aloil. to !))) N rKl.Llii:, AJmV. Noveinbei "'1, ISS.a Ijv. I ADAUXISTItATOR'S NO I ICE. The E'tit'e of Thmas Pali,e. Lite if Llooni tuirn.fh!) die d, NOTICE is hcrel y given that letter o idiiiiiiisiraiion on he lmve meniinnril ; ate, have been granted to the mbsci iio i iving in 111. nun toiviishi All pets lis n.ienir.i u; s no estate are iieieiiy noiiliei. to make liniiiediale pa) nun! ami all lliex- ...ii i . . i . . laving claims are requi sled lo i)ri (ii;,i hem pi'oi.eiiy sm'hrutieaied in CMAlil.l S HEt LEy, idmiiiiihuior. November 22, 1815 GOl NOT ARRIVAL AT TUK 1X27 B"JILDinC-3. urPF.iir, ?! B tU.- o-itl .1 1,1.-1 lirst Mork .1 ..f id f cnml.;. la vj. 'i-i i i i n a i;.r oniei nn.l in ni pb II ml :..-i-',riii,i.jil sun;.!'! to ll ie h'jmiii, consi.-ii.ii' ol us j;ooil a nin. 'v 1. 1 Cloths; SttUltu-tx, fimnlmrrm 1 "ntlng for .Men's wear, as can be bad at any other stoic in 'he county all of Si!;, (ittltui, I.f Hutu, i'oot!.n or ll,;- tr,' loths for I.inlies' iim !as, Ca,.-;ihin and lb,, k 'loots und Shoes, M'ty ( heap,, bi'M.b s a l.iri- as orlnien: of ;iitt)CEJMES, II.UIDWAUK. CLASS AND QL'EliXStt AICI1, Old in fict, almost nrrv lliiriL' thai can br found in any oilier si. ire in ihe counlv. IN !.rrin.' lhai a nimble mih ih r i brtlec than u i . ii 'I.. . . . ' "in ii.liiin. lie mil . oninoi,. ls. II hi,. o.'i.h i.l a ana l atlvance. for readv p.iv 1 Ir ttirirbn e in- .it -:ii; io rail, , , In a'l li' d li ith hi., p; n .'ov lo assuir.l that Ihrv will be ami s.:n srs:i;r. lli't ir t.l aim l,.r f.ilc :.l the A. w Scar. I- I!. HI P.K C .lo rr I 1 . liLA.NKS! IM.ANKS! ! -.L.'-iif si:;,.rd, E.XECHTltiNSni Vi' .1 70.V.V jt..,i print, d i:i lui Office iflho .ink Schuylkill aiuH Susquehanna Euit lloud Couijianu I Philadelphia, Nov. I 1815. " J Philadelphia, Nov. I, IS I.) I'he annual meeuni of the Sioekho'der,. 100 01 thin Company will bn ltd. I, noreeably ti A ... . 5() k the charter, al their office, No 3 i. V jr. inn street on siU.MMY I SI M' ' 01 "''"inner next, at l'i o lock, noon, lit k 1- 1' Ik 1 jo lor ihc pipptinn of a IVniilfiit, nix Main icrg, hiiiI n rvrreturv and treasurer ol'san I Company, fur ibe ensuino rar, I 110. HAYES, Scc.rr.tanj. x k w is o o t s A S I SHOE STOIIK. 7 fKjlilli Piiliicrilier f j infiiriiirt the nit Hi: tliul lit! hiK lj V t iiiitl a SIIOK !- I I li 1, Ul llirllAUT end ul Maui Miett, Aldiitiuiiiir, ul llui Htore fi tn I Iv m't niti d I')' V.. I.ulz wlieni lie i 11 1 i 1 1 1 h lit keep a irener il aorliiienl of hlmes and Iiiidih. lor men am v. miens ware, wliieli lie will m ii nvv, if nuti . man 1111 na ii! tin 1 iv u ir. 1.1 .1 r.l 1 lie 11 in .t 1 . 1 , . , n!'i:i cniiiiiv kiiiiU nl biinis iiinl lines, atshurl niilire. Ilav n ileleiiiiineil In m'II luw, fnr 11 miihII lniil'il. he reKpeeifiillv inviiiei tliii-c wli i are in wunl 0f any llliii ' in bis line, to Live him 11 call. - . li. AlluiiiiiU binii'lil nf u,e an; warranted In be in reeiiinnieihlial. Nov. I.itli ISM. 1FT Ti j! Ml .flf,' re 0 Ur3J. & CO. wiivi: Main Jil-t rereived ul llieir OI, Stand in flin t, 11 lingo iohI exleiinive assoii iieut nt E'.-iil and Winter (iomU. wliieli lidded to tli. ir I'ornier si. i.'k, renders it as f.ollinlel.! IU fail be fllllid in ll.r rnnntrv I ll.t.11 ' ' Dry Goods may he found i rs r,n. fill(, inM,,..', r,r,.i olnrs, Caiiuers, Sallinelts. Orleans Clotli.lVinU if all ijiuilitifs.aii'l of llienewist patterns. Crane Ji-.aiu H.Mudiu Uridines, (Van.- ,e Mvenf a new a one) Ca-biners, Itonnct Velvet. Shawls Silk and I'nMon llanili-rehiefs.Silk ,i, O0U011 It,, sc. (ilnves ail'. Mtl. l.inen. blrai-ln ,! l,r,.n,i I ,.n..,. SI,,.,.. inus. Hal.-a i I C. Motor.'.,; rilf ..India I'l.i. k u(. is and . Ovei !,!...! .-!. &e. .Vi: ; L ASS, AND QL'EESUJjIIE s go.i I a n assortment ns can he found in the oiinli v. tOL' with all kiuda of Ited Iarthern-w are. nrt:iieut i 1 1 1.-1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 everv ihiii!' from in. nclinr to eanil ria in-t ille, lhat a faro t r or nech-nie wants in use, including Ifouud. liar, Siieet ;hii ( 1 1 1 ; I run. ii liable for wa" on tue or a n v other use V'nleii-vare; large quanliiy i.f Ced l ii'id Pun t 'lis It'll lllh-'. Pi.nliesl. (.1 all HZ'S vtf.. ('o;.)er an. I lirass Ke lies, sll kinds ol in, stove pipe, and Upper and Suit (atlier. I'nl what is 'he ue in n.irlirularisin, as iruiv an tr'ieie in iin'ir ni.e can no a km I . . . i i . . or hut what they can fiiriiis'i tlisir eusiuni ers for pi'impi ay, or in all kinds ul lum ier, and cnuirrv protluctia Nov. lo, S.-):!(l- IT 11 AS PEIvl'i: C 1 LV Cl.iiED Mil Piiti.A.'tiii.riii,., Deeeiiiber. ISUT To Dr. D. .la) lie Dear S, i he as mulshing anil miraculous lieu. Ii' i..l eli'.ii ...I.. I.I.. I.'VIII.' I I.l I V I' i . inn vain. in. t; i,v, ni'in i iia.l no my neighbor, the Itev. Mr. Hushing, ihm!, si; (ivoiali'e impression on my uiin.l, ilia several Irin.ds, mi. learning that ) ou weie a legular i'r.n inioii er oi on 'iiieniH, I eai eu iij.on you, nii.j p irch-ised half a dozen bottles, and in .1 vuu dial il l lived u. lake il em, you H ionid l.sve a gi.o l reiort fi tun me. I am alive hi,.! we. I ibis d i ! Tliuks bt to a mere. I nl (in. I, am! your I'lspeeinrain : 1 now I couit! foi wad rhetilully lo fulli' . promise. For twinly long years had I been a con sli.iit .-ir.-. i r fioth thf i If. cih of a V.ud, tin rough, pain ill Ihe, and i!,iii.-uiv n' lireaihing; ihe lasi li ve of which chihs uio' levers, eveiy sprtni: mid fail, lidded lo tin miser, I was worn awav to a n.fn skelion; w iili the tireatest dilliruliy on curil I gel uti mill now n stairs, my iiiieui. was go:ic, and my strength had so fir (oiler .lie, lhal my lilt.'lids were persilailcd coiih. not surviie iiianv week , unless I obtaini i! relict, iniieeu. mi, ii. y Mimrion I'eilectly unseralde lo inyse f inrl i Was Mi t-o ills rreing to my fan dv, ll at I felt widing h ie, wheneur il deae the Mislri to take mc home, lint 1 braid ol vm i med.cinc, and n lit I came. Yes! i1 prove. I the T.i!m ol lii'tatl' to rpv poor I'll.:!, ii hidv. Hcloie I hail li.k.n out! h.ili'c ex pcricnced a iiiititiaii.m of nil uiv svu'pioius ami lo Hi V gli al joy I In uid in ihe eniillnu ed use of it the dappii st relief. In :,..ri sir.lT Mas ...ade a I'llK'l lie I ci i.i: til Ml. :n tl I call in. I i,ii , 1 devire to be l ein i . aV 111' i. . . ii no i'v-1 la-H'ig gi'jiniKie, I am tieai 'ir, ) i'ii i iiMigri! (i n i.ii. MAKV UI.L. Corner i f Rose Sinn and Ci i maninu i PhiU- II-.. lie The above tieiiieiiie are '.11 for sa .'C-i!.N !i. .Mt'Vl.K, shir;, uiii'l; l Henley Ai. TSeiiilrstlinll. M jil lei eivpil ul llieir olil liiml curlier! ul Main 11111I Mnikel-Mituth, u new urn ml ill assortineiil of Fall and Wintor G-oods, v It if li lliey niter hh Imv m lltey cull ho iunh:ixil in llm counlv. Anions ill ir uasorlmi'iit limy lie I'.iiin,!, Cloths, CasHimirfH, Suttinrlts. Sutins. SilLi. Si k I' ht:t tmd other new lt vf VtHlin'., (''isiuncrfs, Criiif, lie .ai nft, iiiii n up. I ,iiun a, flhriiincx, Jl upucca.i, I'uramrttu ( new uruele) (Hug hums. 11111I every variety of I'rinl fioui (J - In "27i fouls ier yunl. GLASS t1.'D qui:i:k$u'iiie lLllll)SiNl:, Nails, round, Imr anil sheet inin, Imr and spriiiii stiel, (itnve pipe, . nis, raps, men's and wnmens tl inu lliifk buotv mid (In:?; &r. ic. in short, all oilier uriieles usually kept in a cutintiy Mure 11 .--.. I. 1 ' llll'V lA'l u.' "1 ., '. I'll ..11,11 I...' i-ii- 1 ..I fninitry prcihue, Nmeinlier 13 ril't; for wilo at the New Slnr, i..u. KiTi;i;i October 11. Jl I) UlSIS'llJl TO IJ S A O T1VU. 'I he Entitle iifJO.r'.l.V STIIOUI' iiitc ij Miunl rleuseiit tuwnnhip, dectut ed. TVTO'nrT; is lirrel.y i;ivoii tlmt It Iters of ri'inin istratioii nu llie above ineiitini.i d l.slali liave been ufiinteil to llie snlisrriber.livini; in llein lock townnip. All .ecsolis iiiilebled to ai.l rsliite ire hereby nolilie.l lo muke i'l.ini di;.!r pnyiiicnt and all those liavinj; elaiins ure reyuehled In ne oeiil tln.'iii piojierly uutlienlieiilrd to A HA M sriiOL P, Ain'r. Ofi'ber, il, IS1.. Cvii.i. rrnilR sill FCiil.rr will oiler his Hotel ii StOl't) I'l'OIX'C'tl fol sale tlulil ibu '.'1Mb u "'' f D' beiubei ue.M. If net s. I.l by that time tin iocs iilidjocl will bs rented for one os three year, irom lb. It Dec. nt next. 1 be lolsoii wbu h llie huildiu art .'tried front V feet oil .Maill-stlrel l!lr Hole .,ri feet f.ool. V' deep and lliiee sloiieH hili. built ofbrirk in l"t I. Tin! Store llciiie of wi nd ','.") fi;el front, HS ih i p mid two and a half stonet hic;!i. 'I'lie Hotel is su,ipOM!d to do as iinn h bn siiiessany us other House on he .North I!; ,im h o: ihe Su-.piehaiinaV is now occupied bv I. h ub:.; II Diebler 'J he coiiilitions i f t he r-alo will be 10 per rm; down, iili per cent on Ihe fot,t of April next, and 10 percent inniioilly One half of the ..iieha.ii money will be (ed on the neej ertv if desired. i'.oi any other iiilorinallou ciiipiirenf ll ll ISIGG.S IJIoijiusbur;,', October SO, lS lo U7if .j. u- v.M)!:!isi;ii:. f'Ti r,v n R kiJN ii lib il TVA'S leave tn ii:fi-rin the piildie, ih n !)he is pi ep tred !o iilleln.' to all ihe oper atintii iu d'-nti.s'.ry, hiii Ii a a rciuoiing The Tin-tar ami olu-v Tureiu Sub blances. From the teeth, rendering ihrm clean, ant! oe otin.s and lireatli swet t iiml liealthv. The. cavities wf Decayed Teth vVill I.,' dr.ssed oni -i 1 1 . 1 (illed with Cold r toil; of the qualit,-, as iii, is.' m iv r. quire, whi.-li will gruerallv I'lrvem their arhing or further decay, an. 1'i.ihr ihem n.'lul lor )i:,ir;-,- and in many uses during lif., Teeth and Stumps of Teth H liich have hceoiiiH useless nl li'iiohlesomt will he extracted In the Ul 'St can fid man er, w ith the latest and best iuiproie.l in still (IH lit b. r.n-ccliiin Teeth, Of'.he best q i iliiy and I iic't i i.j'rov enieip will lo- iiisfr'.ci; ou pi vol, or (in connreiioii with Dr. Vaili reli iuip, with whom he is in ,i ilcriisl.ip in plate wni ks) on Gold dale, .'rom a spirit! loolh to a whole si t, In look is well as the. natural, and warranted U. mw er all the useful and ornamental pur puses protio'cd hv the art. In short,! erv operation tulongi.g lo his ; rod ssion, w ill b. pr lonned in the lies: .laiiuer. with eh. dsi st ma't rial, and at tin -l.orli si notire lie ihrrt f.ue hopi s, .e slricl nl't inioii to liiisiiie., to id. lain siiar .f pllhlie p .lioiiat.'i;. A tl V pt isot, or pci ons w s.i!!g to 1 1 , t; mi, ate respt el oilv r.''U.'sleil to give him a call. N. li The public are hereby i, fnrmeil h-'l we ihi su'.jri iliri? have enleu d lulu lal Parine isl.iii rrlaU";; only In plate vnrk as ii is more rutin hi. hi l.r eiieli io iitriid to ',l,t! i( In r braiichis ef llie s. ieiii '. 'll his OA'll areouni. A, V A LLP. hi CI! MP. .!. ii v NDi:u-!,ic:: . Mount Pleasii.i, N iv Sdi. Hi:,om. riNOfif HOW tiLL rr 11 T' F a ii Ct R f Til t ' IT I 1,1. V. infoiir.t llie public il.: I h" i.r an V oll'et w urk ill his line. lie is i i, m .i.'d int.. lb.' buiblniL' fninirrlv nrceeic I bv:u.. ,'r, o. red in lorois i lilNhlHl CAPS he 'K lH'o' in Ma.l.n sl.rrt m .. Vi in. Keli Co .. .... .. .. .1 .. ... .. hn .nn.l.. . . !: anv kind ' f i.i .oil.,, til,,,-!, i no,, o I io Hi" I'.'s' ai mo-l loi.luon.U'ie slv Ie. I roin elnc'l' il. t Tl it h" ! ill the bii-i.i.'.js, he fi itler II t'oti! inue I" cue emrral r., .1 li"- .od lb it ' b. lo let n i c ii shau ol'l.u . ior p.iln.l...i;r. ; ' '.nil ! a; !.!!',nm p od to riillinj. V!l i.i'i I- .d' count';, pii.dii: r o o . 'SWC8 S'lablic nlc. '"W'ILI. 'wmilil at pulilie sale hy the, y V ot'JOII.N I. KVi:s in llieli.iiiHC i.l June Hi'llivir, in Jersey town, (.'oliiuiluu eminlv, u tttitrdai, December I'd. Hlft, at 10 ii'i.lni k in tin) fiireiinou. llie fnllutviug .iiuu bin irnpe,tv, In nil : m aches nt land, 11 purl n wliieli U iiuprutej, uud upui wliii h 'in) vrei:ted a DUFI.I.INC MOIJ.SL', 1.0 a 11 juts. v. iO- r . TIT AM) A Largo Tannery; with Water I'ower ollielitd, or ei'liiv irond vurt in repair I all llm iii.t.-:'u IJiiil.liiitfs, situate.l on l.iillo ibin ieeK in ion towiinhip, uiljoiuiii!j land, of Jacob ami ulliein. -ALSO- Acres Of Valuable. UMHKIt LAND, i'j')it)inr; the above pr.ij env VLSU- rt''X'j r?J&&. A of r,MPI:OVi"i) l...J, of il ipiod 'nualih o,, -I..1 i., M...I; . .. .1.:.. . . , ...... ..v , ,,. ,.v.M ,w, o.':nt, iiUjOiiiini: liii.ji e- Mejihen j-.lhs, John .Mailiu and olliun,; A LsO A. fflm'BM) CONTAINING IIS Acres, limited m Madison township, well improved, willi ever.u ucrraot .Ueailow and a you. gfih orchard, m Mi'fmvM i. nr. mi?v .JC XI'li!! whol;! will ho sold together, or in scpa die puis, io sin mo purcliaer. l'ers.iiw wishing to view the above pr.iiert irlore ine sain can do so l.v calling on ( ileb Thoui i . . i i , .. i , . is,i,. .j. ui jeiseyrown, .tia.iihou lownsliMi, or on Deni imiu Iv'es and John K.Cvcb. .Miilvilie.lJiccii voo.l township. Condition made known on the dav of sale. OA LEU I HUM AS, UEN.iAMlX EVES, JOHN K EVES. .1signr s of Julm P. Eves All persons 1 . ii v : i . c.'uio.s ie iniiictcd to pre sent, thrm iininediatelv. November V. llo 0iC9 WllEltCAS my wife havinn ( fi m utilise, in conscqiieiire ol t.rr ilrrantnien' f iiiiud.idl pers. ns are forbid trns'i g hr- in my areouni, us 1 shall reltisr to nav m. obis of her coniraeiinn hereafler. as I un ill liines w.llmg to give her a good suppoi if she remains at home, PETER MILLEit Orange township, Nov. 1 1813. NOTICE N h.irebv Cvrn, lhat nn application win tmide lo the I loiul of r'eliitnou I'lruS nft'oluinbi.-i conn y, nt the August Term. A I) t4.'i, bv the -.'..ii :.. n I...,. . . ,- . isv i n.iren uiri i. (iiiirre inioii in .ilailisoii, piav iii said t-'iiurl to irant llit'in a rhaiter of iueorp.. ai on ny ine nam,, and ;i I'.iplisi liuteli Hint (. iviL'ieualion ol Ma.! heie .il'on, .inrjisi .-ii, in i.i, trie sane i our! riavme 'sammci me said instrument mid llie iiriiclcs, Ina rlrd the same In be filled, and notire of the nr 'lirulioil. to he rubb -hed in 'be Columbiii Ijrmo. rat. at lerirl llirre wecl-.s urevimm to the first dav d l!io next term of said court- Ceitjlie.l from Ihe Unenrils. JACOJ) CVEKI.V. Clerk Oct. 1(1, 19 1M1, into tbe enrlosiirn" (.l n-'t,W '47 tin- rulisriiber n'.it.ut tour week 7 s-'Viy smce n two yeais old; rn 22AVIir,IKKK. some hiii in her foie brad. '1 be o'.iiirris ri queslrd to pr. vo properly ply charges and take her awav liANH'.r, KCINEHT, centre l.r.vuship. Oit, 1 Is IS DISSOI.FCION. I I! F. ropirtiieirship hert tnfrre rxistin iiuler Hut In m .1 Armsirong iV. Iluges. in lie 'oni' ciiiii!,.r business, is bv mutual consent .litsoiveu E. AWMSIHONO. P. IILCIIES. Nov. 1-181... 3IAiJSnj-: Y All D- Til !: bii'ines' w ill be coi.tinunl .y th oils, i n.rr at tin oli! siai.i;; wl.tie mat oh. siai.i:; w I t ie il.; be had a' : 11 linns. M(.-M 'MEM'S. TOME- T. 1E.KS T()ME-S'K).:S, ! E. IK Til- .. .i .' i:s, m. i ." 7V. r. s. : 1 ;. r STO.ES, Ml 'EE EES. kc. mid MLLN. DOOli SILLS ai d S I EPS. 'vi' I . .tn i "i .wa.uie, loiiir er aev kii.t! ( stone that can be proi ured in .ins iicinitv f: ''IlLiving hr) '.'o: m.Ici ,d Ie ( e: if r.n i'i die Iuim' (, ne ' ' i-ii r r I, is woik It Xi eilted III MS hr.i', Mime n s' it; as i ai Mil i ii' r in tl.i ;, i rra-'t r. Id.' tenos 1V ; pom; !M:i. h-'.S ; ;rr.i'hi .' I'lmn i.nv ,v (if I'lvi.'rt : und i"'. ! 1 !! ' MM !',' ojm-'.ir .', .-, ,iv. 1! nmanrtpfMif fHKV IJIJ.SIXLISS CAliDS. A I). C()6, Attorney at Law, liLOO.USHl III!, IUL. to , PA. Oll'n e in Muin-ilreet, nj msilo llo:ilei- HiKel. IIIAKLKS KA II LlCIt, Jb'STICK OF Tin; fkaci:, AND ilLOOMSliUUt;, COL. CO , PA. i Mlii t', corner of L'aJt and Mahi.streeta ri i:tLi:s ii. i:cKALKw Attorney at l,au, "JJle South aide-uf A:iiiiit. ojwite Eijer 4'- llifjlrij Store, fi 'UIIL ATTEND COP, IMS NIK COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA VM) LUZEIJNE. i.i.wii.l. ot i taii.oi; ,i west, ll'li lesule fk'tikrs in id: No. 01 Norili Third Strcel. Move Jlrch, Geo. W. Li, villi 1 dieri F Osterloh, L JMIL'A, loiph V, West. J Aug Olh 1815. NOTICE S hereby given to lliu Stockholder in the com f;i puny lor me. lin a Bridge over the Noilheim llriiucii of ihe riwr fcuMiueliHiin lelwoen lh town of Cultuwitsu mid the mouth iiflisliiiiBcna ill it tin) jlaua,'i';-D huve this ilny decluied a dividen of three per rent, on the Block of find company or i:i iu ij six inoniiH, Wlin it will puij sui.l tockhohlers or their legal renresentutivm, nt ilo, l'i. lamirur's oflioc, CkIUwUsii.ou or ufiei the lllli IliSt, DAVID CLAKK, Treasurer. Treasure! OfTjr", Caltawii-a, Oct 1, 1645 TIN and rilM mb.-ciiber liaving loraltd him. elf in Blooinshurg, in prepared to furnish all kinds of wine, und (iciform iii kii.ih of woik in his lino of isinc-s, nt cheap rates uud ut shoit mdico Ho las turim lied limisell wil l a new nb.l si l.oi.h.l lock ol tools, maeliiiierv u.ateiial, from Phiia elphia, and imide u larpc i.tnchiise ol f.'O.AL im t OOD HTUVliN, of various oulterns, to suppl Ii a cuslomers. Ho will coiistuntlv keen on ha ,L 'l'l' II.;, of every description, STOVES', a larnn vurielv, neal'v and kubdttui. aly 1'mi.died, toijelbcr with I'll'll, SI'OVTSU buildings; ( O.h III (KKTS Ac. eve. Ho rcspeclf.illy soli.'iU public imtroiinire Hav- ni! been ferAoum yeucs i'ii"Hied in Ins biisiiiefs, in liavuij? experienced asMstiuils, he (eels eonf nit of satisfying nil who may favor him wiilj eit ciistnin. tOVATKV MKUCU..YrS eum .die d mi beral terms. Call on tho bou'Ii si,l of .Vaiii-slrct, 3 doom low Ihe ollico i ( the Columbia cmoe.rut. OctoUr 11, lnir lyi;5 S, R. CRAIG. M R MOTTO, NOT TO BE OUTDONE HT. A( KsMI'tniNO i:STAI!LlHMi:T THE undersigned having taken the shop formerly orcupied by Marshal Silve: ihnrn, nosi rrsperifuily informs the piihlm thai hey intend to carry on the above bianrh of uif iiieks and will nt all timm be ready lo do 'Vtuk a little boiler and cheaper llian uny uher eatablisliment in the place, "and their lope by strict attention to business to .neril i larjn poriion of the public, patronage All kinds of country produce lakrn ia lehaiige for work & ihe ready not rt.foi d S ITM'llEN 'H II l) 1) 1SAC SAN I EC, Blomnsbur Sept, 10,1813 21 B. l SIAYJIirJEST, IiLOOMSUURO, F.SPECFTPI'I.Y informs the public tlml , h' bar- I. Haled hi.nscif in the Shop lately '.copied bv 7,1 HA tirfiOI.FS, j M.AhKijf. sl KMKT, where he intends currying on tl,c alioitf niHiiii'Mi in nil iu vn.ious branches, 1IKAVV WAUCONS mill and rcpnirrd, nsi we'd ns one inrn W C(.()S AND VillCGlV ,f evciy (!n-cri lion, und all kinds nf Cntirmy vV'tok, lo his line, done ut shoit iioiiec, and on tin) iiont rcusonnblc terms. q jGond I, nniber and all kinds of ( 'nuntrv I'm. lure taken in pie, mini for work, but Cu.-h will not e refused. A j 'i il 5, IS CniSO RIlOUSlHIRCi. COLUMBIA CO. rfFii,i--ciil'sr respectfully inforrrs his Iriip.'s 2 nrv I IliP pill It.- KetiiTallv, that Paving con. b ud his t,u,',c mid coiiiiii.hIioiis ii Uhrvsbnre, run' thted it i p in coo,! fivle, is pr.w .repire.l to enter:.." ImmIiimmo the best leaimei, lid be sssincs ihe n' lie that no . tiilis shall I n parisl lo (jive gi m i al sati.-la. lo ll, lie h" ts by loll,; to to until und receive sha'.p of the ; lit er.."'.' ff the Uiihc, tmd inviies nil to pive him it ill. NICHOLAS KINDT. Auuci S. 1st: lOtf 15LANKS ' I M. vNKS '. ! FOR SALE ,J Tilts OFFICE. 1 V, I ?. i:--ir. ! VJihtO