The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 22, 1845, Image 1

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" I hav sworn upon (he Alter of Rod, eternal lioytfMty to every form of Tyranny over the Mind of M.ut." TlemfiH JeirVrmm
YOtiimc A I.
i'lTiksnu Sr. Paul's Ciumii, Main-st
yiff cor. UMiu.1 democrat win it
published i vert Saturday morning, at
J'lt'O DOLLARS per annum payable
It'if yearly in advance, or Two Dallam
Fifty Cent x,if not paid within theyeai.
So subscription will be. taken for a shorter
period than nix months', nor any discon
tinuance pcrmittcd,until all arrearage
are discharged.
Jl I) I LIl riSEME.VS n ot exceeding a
sijuare will be conspicuously inserted at
One Dollar for Ihe Jirsl three insertions
ami Twentn-live. cents for even subse
quent nsertion. C7V liberal discoun
made, to those who advertise In the year
LE TTERS addressed on business,must
be post paid.
1 . . - 11!
THE (J A K li A XI)
" lVi'i f lowers tnrich'd,
i'rnm v irion "' C ill'U wilh cure''
From tho United StatiM Jo itrual.
" 'If thou be a severe, sour-complexioned
man then 1 here disallow ihee, of this, to bv
a competent judge. Izaak Walton.
I have banquoled oft in those cvci
green bower
'Where pleasure lies carelessly (milling ai
Cozing out on tho dance of ihe light-fooled
When ilicy sped like a boll on its pathway
of 11. line.
1 have followed each moment awhile in it
With a look of despair, and a sigh of regret
As we mourn for, a star that stcata out ol
the night.
Though another more beautiful shines
h here it set.
And when pleasures was o'er, and its once
gushing springs.
Were as dry as tho sorrow that knows not
a tear.
II jvc 1 heard from a far tho sweet spirit
that singi
Of a clime that is fairer than dawns on u
Then away at its call has my wrapt fancy
Ever seeing that home of the soul and ol
Where I've gathered again the rich Ireas
ii res beloved,
In the land they had lied to, when faded
from this.
Then for aye will I seek the chaste glad
ncss dwells
In Woman's blight eye, and heralds the
Of wit and of feeling unchaining ilu
That a brig lit Fancy wears when sha stray
from the Earth.
And treasured for aye, be the moment thai
Hound the timc-fctterm! soul in its pilgrim
age drear,
And bless while they brighted the waMc
of in wy
To a clime lhit is fairor than dawns on u
()),! there are hainjueir. here, but the ban
qiiets above
Are tlio feasiiiif of ang'li iJi.ii meet in the
U i 1 3 ,
And the songs that they rchoaie nuiriiiu'.-.
Ami liic lights 'hat fl ash round thim th(
beams of their eyes,
Tho'we breathe not their song?, and may
iv f ave not their dance
.; 'lie rude ,'! ur of E irih, tho' our ncct.n
u v, i:te
Yf i ;!.e res', i still curs we have all the
. ... ::.c 1 . J tl.f ir i ves, ir..! 6 'cs. y' '1 1
Ii I F K' S L A 1) D E It .
'Mary,' said Mr. Stewart to her daughter
I think you go loo far in allowing such par
tieular attentions on ihe part of James New
ton. He is of excellent family and quite
ajreeable, and for a partner in tho dance,
now and then might do, but then he is but
a poor doctor, and now when his devo
lion becomes marked it is time il lime ii
was checked.'
Mary blushed and dared not look lie
mother in the face, for she felt guilty ol
having received Newton's attentions with
disfavor, and she was to much under the
control of her step-mother to ank whethei
ihe objection against her new admirer waf
valid. Mi. Stewart saw her demeanor th
reading her heart proceeded.
There is George Sanford now, who is
independantly rich, and could maintain a
wife in the fust style. lie admires vou,
ind, with a littlo encouragement, could be
brought to propose '
'But ma,' said Mary, looking np licsita
tingly after a pause, during which she plied
her needle with inrrcased velocity, 'it is
ight, is il maidenly to make advances even
f one liked the gentleman?
Mrs Stewart laid her woik down on the
able, and sealing herself in tho chair,
Ileally, Mary, you are so full of such
romantic notions, rropert lo bo sure
Maidenly? Why, how else would a bash
I n I man, such as Mr. Sanford, gel a wifo
Xo girl oug'.il lo overstep certain limit.
It ui when she sees a man dying for her,
who is so modest thai he lacks the rournge
to address her, she is a dunce if she d !t
not encoutage him. Men have lo bo man
aged, child, men have lo bo managed 1
would nol lor the word tell you any ihiii.'
ndocorous, bul neither would 1 have yot
hrow away a foiluuo from false notions ol
iropricly .'
Mary plied her needle again with mere as
i ranidily, and 11 n all v said, timidly
'But suppose ono cannot lovo the rich
She did nol dare lo raise her eyes as slit
puke, and when she had finished, hei
heightened color and nervous agitation
u-cincd to imply that she feared the t-fl'ec
iier words would pioduec. Her mothri
suffered a minute lo elapse before replying
luring which delay Mary Ml as if sin
oiild sink ihrongh the floor, for she knew
hat her mother's eyes were bent on hei
lisapprovinglj , though the saw it nol.
'1 am aslou'shed,' at last began Mrs.
Mewart, 'I am astonished Maiv, that you
will persist in these fonli.-h iiotiors. I.ovc!
what is it? The love you dream of is child
1 1 s 1 1 , ridiculous sentiment which is disipal
paled the instant you enter on Ihe realities
of life No sensible woman entertains ii
loi a moment, am! the silly gills who feed
on ro in a n ccii marry with such feelings, lute
iicin with the hniiey moou.atul p punt ilu n
ondiict during the test of their liic, 1'he
i wlit kind of love is abasid on a knuu IcdiH
of the means a nntor iHMhrtg lo make
you happy, & the chid ol these is wealth.
It is an old pruvnb, 'when poverty mints
in itthe door love flies out of the window,'
and if you look around among our ncrjuaiu
i nice, ) mi will sco ihu truth ol th't saying
I'h' re is Mrs. licei h, now a poor i-n kly
ic.itmc, woi u down with care, wlio when
married, was the belle ol the Hiile. She
married fjr love, and don't now, 1 In lie v,
pcni) inn l.nppy day in the year, ('ou'rasi
'or with Mis. Jones, whom vou it nn inlw,
a thin, ruib.u i isstd girb but ho siin'e her
union w ith the rich Mr. Jones, Ii i.s l i en
ransloiiiied into one ol the l.idv-likt;
if our ai fj'iaint.ini c, ami ha,; a carnage a In'.
-.eivaiils al hei control. Stie alwavs dicpts
ot tin- It i t style, gives clcgaiil partus, and
s the envy n all who know her '
Maiv hsoiu.l in s-.l.ticc. not d.niiiL' to,
I iiing to reply. A f ileiicc ol hi veral mill Wi: he .ml mi old ihu nibrr d.-y.
ute 1 1..- in il, wh ii Mis. Slew. in iisuiiicd.i.dviMui' a oiiiii!ltr lo fi ininnil. lie
:n a ihil'lir toue.
I '
I e .("'. to ihiiik, Mary, thai
ol, i i.l. it. lil cd I I'i'liiiK t i- let i'iv'
of a more ecquainlancr.for this young yhy
eician. With Sandford it is a different mat
,ler. He is rich and would ensure yoi
happiness, but with Mr. Newton for a bus
band, your life would be a continual sltug
'gle against mortification, want and misfor
tune. Hut I havo the confidence in yon
which persuades mo that you agree will
me. and that on so important a matter at
this, we shall not differ You have al
ways been a dutiful child Mary, and
hope, in this 'natter, you will not pain my
Mrs. Stewart had nol been wrong in he
estimate of the effect these words would
have on Mary. Tears gathered into her
daughters eyes. She flung her aims around
her mother's neck, and promised lo obey
her wishes She had been conquered
The cay circle in B soon heard ol
the approaching marriage of Miss Stewart
to Mr. Sandfoid, for whom, il was curious
ly whispered, ihe poor Newton had been
discarded. The wedding was celebrated
wilh great mangnillcence, and ihe equipage
mansion and furniture ol tho bride, were
for six months ihe town talk.
Years passed. Tho young physician
'radually acquired a practice, and married
in estimable woman, with whom he enjoy
ed unalloyed felicity Al firsl, indeed, the
young couple had to practice the mosl rigid
conoray, but their mutual love sweetened
whatever might have been bitter in thcii
lot, and when they contemplated their sma
bul neat parlors, neither Newton nor Ids
wifo would havo exchange! their lot I'm
oyalty. Gradually their means increased
and when they moved into a large house in
me of the principal streets of tho city, ihey
injoyed their now roally handuome dwil
ling the more because il had been slowly
This event happened jusl as ihe great
risis in the financial woild eomo on, a lew
years since, when so many families lost
heir all. Among others Mr. Sanfrord was
educed lo beggary, by the bankruptcy ol
he United Slates Dank, in w hose stock
lis whole fortune was invested And now
ame the punishment of Mr?. Sie wart's
nerccnary spirit. She saw her favorin
laughicr plunged into poverty, which a hus
band with whom Mary could not syrn
utilize, and who, by his habits of luxur
ius indolence, hail become unfit lo struggh
with the world for his daily bread. Thou
was no hope iherelote, thai he would evi i
lise from the situation iulo which ho wat
now plunged.
Do you know I told you,' said one ol
M iry'a early friendj lo another, 'that Mr.
Siewarl might live to repent hei nfusal ol
Dr. Newton? 1 wonder if my word's havn'i
conic liuo.'
Her companion sighed as she answer
'It is a great error lo look only nftei
wealth in marrying children. For ilu
daughters to most ol ibis anil every city, ai.
iiuhibtrous young man is the most filling
'inband. I.ct young folks begin hutnbU
il' they would live well in the innj.lln el
life, a- d old age. Heller lo start al tin
il the fool id the l.uhhr ami asrtnd, than
iicgin at the top anil go don n.'
I'hninaJ, tlu re is inuih hudi
Whcie, Pa.''
'I mean tin ic I too miiili iiouc yon
must Mop it.'
'1 tioic a biisile, I'a!'
Yes, child.'
'(Jolly gracious then sister Sally does
wear the biggi'M xnvc you ever aw;
'Pa, i Mister (.'lay goi Iiiiiu"
'Noihild, why do you askf
tilt cause the papein say that Mr.
nut irjnin:,! Mr. ("lav. ami I
it i
have knocked him down-'
l aiise, the:),' she he, 'my
somebody lufJ! til' y our
iv l ee I U 'o Ki'Ilii' ill C!ik .'
aiy, you'll h,n(
bents Kir uu
I'Voin hc liimaii Citizen.
We found ourselves, a few days since
in board i lie floating palace, the 'Bur
ngton,' commanded by (hat prince of
aptains, Laptain Sherman, gliding; over
M waters oi the bcatililul (Jhampljin
Hit day was delightful, and the pa.isen
iers had sought the promenade deck lo
:njoy ihe attractive sceno. Good lit)
mor shone upon (ho features of all, as
they in groups, and solus, gazed uno
he the cnchanlina scenery, chatted and
promenaded. Among Ihe crowd shon
ihrce pompous specimens of monarchy
cvnose sun cravat?, etraigtii-bultoned
snilou's, and military air, indicated their
profession, and who boie upon theii
Uronlispiccc the uoya' Coat of Arms
telling (hat Ihey wore il by pcrni'ssion
f her IWajeslv, tiueen V icioiia. With
mijesty in (heir niein, and a lordly con
tempt for the dwelleis in jnnnpldnhnd
upon wieir loyal torows, (hey paced Ihe
.ecu in evident saiisf action with them
Helves, and wilh an occasional glance of
lomlcsceiiuing pily upon (lie lankee
natives about litem. .t l:ngii iheir
eyes lil upon one of those queer sntci
meni ol Yankee production fiiquentlv
seen from every feature of whose face
poke Ihe Yankee. 11a was a lank six
fooler, wilh a careless, saunieiing air
his hands thrust into (he pocket of hi
;oal, hi j caii set on ihe back of his head
and with supreme indifference Id all a
ound rum, waslazlv pacing back ai;
forth before ihe Diitish officers, whisil-
ng 1 ankec Doodle. 11a chanced
wear upon ihe fronlipiece ol his cap.
itamped in leather, ihe 7mci ican Eagle
with some appropriate motto. Taking
idvantnge of this, and wishing lo have a
littlo sport at his expense, uno of lit
cprcscnlalivcs of Royalty accosied htm
'Well, my friend, I see you wear th
itgle; I suppose you belong to the Ar-
Not exactly, replied the Yankee
oucliing his cap etl u mode lie miUeire;
bu! I have the pleaeoie of infoi mine
you thai 1 hold a licutt nam's c o in miss
ion inthe 2d Company of tlio 13lA
U'-gi. of Infantry, in the State of Con
Indeed,' said the officer, i9 that the
tgunent in which they use pumpkin
ines for trumpets, and bean-poles lo'
'Look here Mr. John Hull,' said Jon
lian. 'if that's your game you've woki
ip the wroug passengnr. May !)
uuipkin-vines and h'jan poles wouH
lo to thiaih tho imptidenco and starch
tut of your bul I-headed beef enters, bu
n a pinch we can muster yet a few ol
he same old inu.-kcts and Long Toms
with which that pumpkin-catuig ankd
ol'onough once made vour tin kt-
utk, Downie, pull down ibc Eiilisl.
ig. on thisfiog iioud of ours, and blub-
ter for quarter. You've beam tell ol
hat bit ol a spree, hain't ye'
I his home ilniist evidently disturbed
he officer, am) by this time lliu pasncn-
ers liaJ gatheicd about them. liu.
allying he said.
'That was rather an unfoi Uiuate afT.iii
tr us. Hut what do you think would
)e the result of a war no a?'
'W'hal do 1 ihink?' ipplmd Jonalhan
why 1 think we'd hell you I ke d
'Ywi think 4 ?'
'Woiildn'l we, though Uy th: time
we y,ol Ihiogh witii you, (hero t-uu!dii'l
lie eniiugl) left lo make a grease spiV,
We'd use you up, ion you out, t xcoin
inunica'c you, 'uidica'e you. 1 toll you
what stranger, if you don't wanl lo w.iki
op and Iriil yooi cake dough, you hail
lieltcr kctp that lion ol youis nughiy
Hut you don't inugine you could tuki
(iut hc'r'
'7'jko Qii-bec? Why, we'd walk i ,h
!at (! iliei sit ir ol yooi s, and put up (In
ngle on youi flig si.ill, some moining
'etwecn sunrise and breakfast, josl fo
livcision lo slurpen our nppt'.iies.'
Well, you seem very confident ol
i our sucngil) whcieisyou army lo do
,11 this?'
',7iiny Maybe, stmngtr, yru bain'
i a v tiled (hi nigh these pai Is mm h. h
niy.' Wh,, did you evil heal of I'latl.'
lime, "I aialogi, ol liunkcr 1 1 ; 1 1 . ol
New Oihait", if lb iiningion, oik-
li tvn, nnd poine other .vio It inuirMui
jdarts to you I'ntisl,? Well, the tilon.l
iiMlic Juhn Hills lint inuiuiid thou)
places , ias ui-'cd a )iij;ti:y lal: lot o
"iiu'ji uuiiipioms every limine in
these parts is a burack, an I every nun
woman ami cltiKi is an enlisted soldie
nd al (he first urowl of vour lion we
bo down upon vou lik'i a chain of liu
deibolts. You wouhln'l be itoih.nn
our hands. We would'i Ic avo VOU
loot of land from New Ilruim wiclt to
Oregon. We'd sweep you clem from
me lace ol tho earl h thai (hedevil nevei
would be able to find mora than half ol
The crowd that creeled these sallies
'i tno Vankeo witn shouts of laiinltte
Ac our officer seeing thai he ha. I mistak
ing lnsman.hegan tocdee oflf.hut Jonathan
iouowc'I nun pouring in his btoadsides
71 last Ihoolheer said:
'tVell my friond, I do not nrelond t
be much acquairwed with your military
esources in inc Mates, and vou must ex
'use me, I must go below;' turning at
ne same lime on his heel, and ho will
His brother officers sleeting for the
Hold on,' said Jonalhan. 'Jou't irn
off mad. You needn't havn inhl ns .f
your ignorance. Tna way-fai inc mai
hough a fool, may read that, bul wan
nil 1 II give you a lew items of infoi
uittioinliut may bo of advantage t
Hut John Hull had disappeared and
our Yankee resumed his walk and hi.-
Y auktc Doodle.
When a youih leaves school, or Icoui
letes his college course, his educatioi
s not comiihlid he bus only laid Ihe
lounualioit upon which he is aficiward
io rear the superuiruciure of his fame &
torlunc. J lo has slill to go through an
other couiso of education. r behave
to depend upon himself to make his way
in lite he has to choose some trade, oc
ctipalion or profession. As in this coun
y (here sro vci v few who have not it
abor, in some way; if ho do nol emphn
his hand in rough and toilsome labor,
he must woik with his iood naht hand.
One ol the mosl important considera
tions then, which should occupy a young
nan when liu is about to prepare lum
en lor Hie active duties ol lite, iy Ilu
choice of a trade, pursuit, or picfcssion
men is uest suited to ins genius uno
tpaeily ; hut in itothing mo largo mini-
Dors moie coniplcltly mistakiit. Wi
know souiullnng ol this form persona
xpuience, had our t'jiiaciiy and tncli-
lalion been eoiihulle(, we would uevel
jeoo placed behind a conoid ; but uii
umstauces controlled inclination, hiu
thus il may bu with others. Many,
jowever who uro lell free lo choose, en
ter upon iho bludy of hw and niedicinf,
engige m niLitli.iiidise, wito am fai
betltl (jua died lo handlu tho jilough.
it the lancied stijici ioiuy ol ht.vj ovet
I oilier pur sunt, they entirely overlook
o.-e loi which they are lined, and
net! conipairtively few succeed.
1 liasolieii been a matter ot Miiiisi
us thai so many mtu who have been
til ought up in Ihe coilitliy, should uuan
Jon their own 'vino and lig lice,' loi tin.
locat ious business of rnci chaiuliza, ot
lie trpially pi teat ious ptofi ssionj o law
uid medicine. i7i!i iculllii c, when n.oii
ly aliended to, il it do not had toepluu
d foiluots, h fiords the moans of inde
nilcnce, w lulc success, in the ol hei
oKf .Sious ol ljw& medicine oio ovet
(it ked. Our medical colleges furnish
D.'s by llwosaods every year, am'
art.yvrs are m iiiulaciiii ed wtlli s Imh
(oublt. It is liue riiuiu nijl.u hits, bu
one Buceeeds f'.ty l.n; whcic om
icpiiit8 tlisunciion liny diag on a weaiy
i- ...i iif w.uout hope.
In loo many catcs many enlei thesi
ii ufussions liotn a mistaken hmiiicij
ion of thoir own talents; many liom
'oolisii )tnle fiont a foolish notion
t practical fanner, or a practical me
haoic is lets respectable in sueiel v.'hcy
should recollect that.
'Honor and :lu ne fiont no conditioi
i ijet
Act well your patllv rc all tho hon
or lies.'
'iS.iin, is vou 'quaintcd wid any legal
;jeni men oh dis plan-!'
None, 'ct'pl by icpudialiuit tcpulation,
I, means.
'Well, dci.' why am lasers like fiih
'I docseit i meJdlt. wid dat Mi'jec, at
Whv,' kace dev aiu loud ub !.'
i'..iio J
ran i I... T T
A Son af at Schenectady heard
ihe breakfast hall ring on board a carul
hoat, jmt starting out to Huffalo. Tha
iragiance of the viands induced him tu
40 aboard.
'Sure, captain, dear,' said hr, 'an
what'il yuax a por mm fir travelling on
yer illeganl seven ov a boal?'
UJnly a cent and a half mile and found
epl ied lite opinio.
Vin is it ihe villi . ye tnein to fiud;
'Yes. And if yott'ic going along, go
down lo breakfast. '
l'at didn't wanl lo he (old a second
ime, hut having ilccnded into the rah.
hi and made a hearty meal, ho came a-
jam on deck and rirjucsted lhalihe boat
might be flopped.
'W'hal do you want to slop for?' inqui
red the captain.
'How far have we come just? asked
'Only a tittle over a mle.'
l'at thereupon handed the captain two
:cnis, and cooly told him thai he be,
licvo ho wruld noKgo any fit titer with
tun, as Judy would wail her breakfast
10! knowing that he hud bieakl'astcd
The joke was so good that the captain
uok t It 0 Iwo cents, ordered the boat to
be stopped helped l'at ashuie, nnd lold
him thai should he evei havo occasion
0 travel thai way again he should ha
most happy lo c.u 1 y hint.
'I ll U El) I'M EN IKS
Trust no friend whom you have not prjv
d. There are ittoie guests al your 1,1
blu than coinfoitti al (he door ol a 101.
A man 1ms three fiicmht, two of when)
he loved very much; but lo the thin! ho
was indifferent, notwithstanding ho was tho
nost worlhy and sincere of all. ho
was summoned before a tribunal, al which
icwan sincerely, but uniusilv inclined
Who a nongst you,' said he, 'will go v 1 1 U
tie and plead in my behalf accused and th0
Cing is enraged ' The lirst of the liiutdn
xcused himself by saying be had olio r
iiusiiiess lo attend to, tho second accom
panied him to the door of the house of
judgment, bul from thence belled for fear
ol the engry judgejihe third and the lasl yue
hi whom ho depended; went with bun, and
0 clearly showed bis iniioienec,- ibal iho
pidgd liberated him.
Moral Men has three ftiends in this
orld how do they act in ihe houi ol
Icailr when God calls hint lo judgement?
Money, his first fiieod, him, and
'ovt not with him. The second ib his re
atives, and fiimida who accompany him lo
he door of iho grave, and return lo then
liomes. The third, whom he Ind mosl fm
otlcn in hie, his faith and good woik.;
they alone accu npany him lo the Tlt'ono
f ihe Judge; tiny go bcfoif, and speak hr
imaand find mercy and p.udon.
The follow ing exctllcnt bint, we cut
liom (he Richmond Star, evety woid ol
Inch we heat uly endorse:
Folks who don't hkn iho way pnpets
ue edited, should ak leave lo pul in b
pocimen of thH liylu doit. Any Editor
will give .'Ui h ipcibons a thanto al any
Everyman who thinks it c-asy to iclil
a paper ixactly ugh'., ami to uniu rsdl ue
eplam e, out to liy it. May he he would
ic better eniithd lo a tew.ud than the dis
overei of pcipetual motion.'
'Euibel'ii.-bed with Steel Engraving and
'.Vood cuts,' us the bobber said, who aliet
living tun one of the rnemy tluoiigh Imiu
'lis bayonet, slun k him scveial tnntj om
die hoad with the bull ol his gun.
Mot, i;r.i. Aii Johnson on Prn ihi-." .
A conversation between Hoswtll and Juhn
'oil on Ibis subject:
Suppose sir;' said Hoswell, Mhal lift
mill is absolutely sure dial il he livts a
f : w days longer, he shall be delected in
Irani!, the couscquenees of which will t
ttiei ditgiace and rxcuhision Irom t o' :
Then, s ir, smil Jnbrison, 'let bint f
oine 1 la.'e v here he i net kr.,'" !'; V. 1
1 him ' -i to Hit; dcwl whsic bv 1- i.i,.