"I I I.tet (litei from rhiladslpl.ia qnolaj wheal it 1,18,and a eorrssooudinir rise in. all oilirr gum ihu ii owing in din failures of the grain ami poiatoe rmpi of Europe. MARRIED lly Ihe Kef. I). S, : Tobias, n the Gill inL. Mi. jArnn Wehmu to MisCATiuuiNE CjIlukht, I boi b of Jounl Fleam.!, fMMMMMHnVMHaBMHMm Mr. (..'aims Jackson, aged 30. ; , TEE HtooMsBrna, Nov. 8, IS 15 Wheal, Rye, Corn, Clover.'eetl, Flixsped, Hotter, Oats, Kite, Tallow Linl Diied App'e, While yeans Eeeswax 15 27 10 7 75 '00 J. II. VANDEltSLK'E. j-jEGS leave to inform the public, thai folia is prep ired to attend to uil the nper aiious in dentistry, Mich ns removing 1 he Tartar and nt her Foreign Sub stances. From the Useih. rendering them clean, anil the gums am) breath sweet and healthy. The cnviliet vf Decayed Terth V ill be dressed out and filled with C!old or other loll; of the finest quality, ai the rase may require, which will generally prevent their aching or further decay, and render them useful fur year; and in m.ny cases iluring life Teeth, and Slumps of Teeth Which have become unclean n troublesome will be extracted in the most careful man tier, with the latest and teat improved in strument. Porceliain Teeth, Ofihe best quality and latest improvemen will be inserted on pivot, or (in conneriinn with Dr. Vallerch imp, with whom he is in p iternship in phiie works) on Hold plain, from a single tojth to a whole act, to look h well as the natural, and warranted in answer all the use fid aiid ornamental ur poses promised hy the ait. In (.hurtvery oj eratton l longing 'o the profession, will f peformeil in the hem iiianncr. with ehoisvst material, and at the shortest notice' Ho therefore hopes, by siriot atieniion to business, in obtain a thare of public patronage. Any person or pci sins wishing to obtain the an, ie respect fullv requested lo aik'H him a call, N. 11 The public an? Iierebv 'ii.formet! tint we. the subscribers have euleredainto a special P.irmei vhip rslaiiii'r only to plate woriv as ii is inure convenient lor each lo attend to the other branchis of the sricnci cn his oivn account. A. VALLEROflAMP. J. M. VaNDERSLICE. Mount Pleasant, Nov 8di. 1815 Urn. Ojflee of Hie TAitk Schuylkill an J") Susquehanna 1 1 ml Road Company I Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1815. ' J The annual meeting of ihe Stoekholdeis of this Cioiijuny will be held, agreeably to to Hie charter, at their office. No 3 i, W al not street on MONDAY THE FIRST DAY of December next, at 12 o'lock.noon for the election of a President, six Mana fro, and a Secretary and Treasonr of sa;i! Company, for the ensuing year. TIIO. HAYES, Secretary. i:ocii i rowELii. TAIEiO Si. T;:,SPhC"l I- LLLV, informs t!ie puldic'that lie .-noveil iiilo Hie liuiiaoiK lonm-rly cif-vu it, I . : Hcjirtt.-r' in Maikel Khoi l near VV'ni. Ki bv .c ,... lc)re where lie will always he rendv l nuke any kind of clulliinc, nl the kIud-Ii'sI imiici' and in thfi lcst mid must fashionable Bty !;. I' nun li Idih cvperii'iici! in l!ie lui.mii'ss, he flalli r hiuwcdf III it he h dl continue to give general s.il isf.ict inn an. I thereby hiies lo icceive a share ollhe jiuhlic i.itroiiat;e. Q " 'a'lieiil a- attention paid toeniiinsr. All kinds of country produce taken in payment ioj won,, l!loomsl.ur, A113. 9 181."). tf 1 0 NOTICE. A M, person k nov. inK tln nisi Ives iiidrblrd to i. Ihe hubscribel, arc rirpmtcJ t0 cou,(. (t.,1Hi unil make p lament. will no taken in payment as usual, and ncrivid in exchange for LEATHER. I'HII.IP CIiniSTMW. BMomstmrg, May I,, S 1 UIIOIWIJUKH, COLUMIJIA CO. f ;nnuhsnil.sr respectful!) infirm his fri. nds li mill tb.e pul lii- veneraliy, dial tiavin,; com pleled bis lare and cumuiodiniis '.') I!hnrburir, and fitted it 1 p in f 0nd s,tlc, is now I rep ired to entertain traveler in the be-t mainn i, Mid he assures the public lint no pains shall b( l ared In ive ri neral f nUi liic'ion. He br-pes bv r'oimr so to r'linl end rerrr r n r-hnic of i,-,e pat rernn;e nfliie punhc, and inviles all to pive him call. MCHOLA, Kf.MJT. Aiiji:t 3", IS 16 IPef 100 s IPublic ale. HITTT.Ti K A Brlli 1 at ttntiltn mnln hu Mm V ue'uvt.an I of JOHN P. KYK-S . at the house of Joi.n Welliver, in Jerscytown, Columbia coumv, on Saturday, December 10. 1815, al 10 o'clock iii tin) forenoon, the following valua- Ij ll' l I PC 1 1 V , to V 1 1 I 80 ACRES which iiro creeled I DWELLINGS HOUSE, LOG J. MX, SjLvV MILL Largo Tannery; lift 5q with Water Power attached, seventy or eighty 4 g good vas in good repair, and all tlii) in'it'ssary Buildings, situated mi l.iiltn FisliingciooK, in Mad ison township, adjoining land of Jueob Uuruei 1 1 2 and othsrs. ALSO Acres 9 U. M llElt LAND, adjoining the above pnperty ALSO of rMMPI,nVv'D LAN), of a c.iud "nualitv. nilu,led in Madiwui lnwriship, a ljomiim lunds of otcplicri lillis, Jiitiu Martin and uthois; ALSO A Warm 9 CONTAINING ItS Acres, ituated in Madiunn township, well iinproveJ. w ith several acres of Meadow und a r-ond ORCHARD. FRAME HOUSE, 'h lois haun.4.c. r,, dj'-'J'ho whole will he sn!J together, 01 in scpu rale iurts, to hu'i tho pinclniier. l'cuons wishing to view )c above Tironert before Ihe salo can do so by calling on ( 'ulcb Tlnun- h.q. of Jerseyown, Madison lownshin. or on Benjamin Kes and John K.ISvcg. MiMvilic, Green. A'Oild Inwusliip. Conditions made known on the dav of sale. OALEIl THOMAS, Tl K N.I AM IN EVES, JOHN K EVES, Jluizntp of John f. Evts Xovoinbor 7. 1S15 0w59 CaaatSoaaa WHEREAS mv wife having left m Iiouhp, in ronseq,.i,nre of her d.-raneein-n' nf inind.all nera ms are forbid irn;i n hei on my arconrii, as I fhall refuse to pay an 'leins (d her eonir anting hereafter, as I am all limes w.lling to five her a g;iod stippor' if she remains al horve. PETER X11LLER, Orance tnwrship, Nov, 1 18)5. NOTICE f! S barrby rriven, that 1111 applicalinn was nmdp le y the Onurt nf oninion rims r.f( 'olurnbia cnun y.at the A moist Term, A T) U'lo, bv Ihe -.'up. ii iiinreli srnl COHe,reniitl'.n in Madi-nn, piav iiijj aid Court to Riant ll'.cm a clmler of inempn at en by tbn name and style nf ihe ' (tniitii f'hmeh and Congroiialion ol Madisoir' Wheie- cpon, August '-(), 181"), the mil e (.'mot ha- int; examined Ihe said iiislrimm-t and the nrliele-, directed the same to he filled, and notice of the ap plieatinu. to he nblMied in the (.'olnnibia llernn "rat. nt lei'it three weeks nrrvious to the first dny f the next term i f said 1 onrt- Certified from the Tlcrnri's. JAcnij ;;vj:kly. cieik Oct. !(!, 19!5 TT-r' f 1.H. into the eneliwnrei ot Ri C. lf' 'Ryilie rubeiiber about four week til' si'"''' " hvn ''i"s ldi red eJCVVrSaE IIF.IFr.IJ. vine white in her f.oe luad. I he owner is rr questrd to pri ve property pay charges and tako heran .iv centie township. Hit, l is 15 DISSOLU MUX. T'HE mpar'nerr'-h'p l ereti.f. re rxistinc under ibn fnni n Arm'rong & IIoc.ee. j; i!ih 'one emiinir business, is by iiiulitii consent dissolved E. ARMS TRON (I. P. IiL'GHES. Nov. 1 1815. 3SAI2KLK Y i4 k THE huinees will he continued .y ibi ul scribe r at thr dd slain'; where mat be bad at all limes. AWXUMEXTS. TOME-'MEL F.S. TOME.-STO.XES, llE.'IR Til JAMi:s,M,lSTLESlQLT STOXES, MULE EES, kc. or ar.y other work in his line. He ig also prepared to furuisi WINDOW CAPS jan.l SILLS, DOOR SILLS and S IEI'S. te. euhtr of Ala.ble, Lime or any kir.d ol stmie that can be procured in this vicinity- p! "7 Having h id "oiidetablp rxjici iem r iu ihe businrs. he pledges bis work to be executed in as hand-some a Myle is ran be furnished lioin r,ny j ard either in ihr cay cr eountrt ; ; n J on r,e reasocaldn terms. E V 1 1 Ii A I M ARMSTKONii nioiimsluirg, Nov. 3, 1 8 a. 1) 28 MS T OF CAUSES, For Trials, November Tirm, 184S. I Hurtnn W VVnpples vs John Y Mann ct al 5 John C MeCall el ul vs Joseph lonon I liobert Moore vs John Cheater et nl i 4 Joimthnu (' reiiniufjlnii v Jidiu Chester ct al 6 A Kunn.ins v Vuniah Knew 6 Tobias l.hirts va Thoinns Moorchcad 7 Peter Haldy vs Joseph Uicld 8 I'elor llaldy vs David IVtrikin 0 Bernard Seilicr vs 'I liomas Mi Xair t al 10 favid (iiiin et ul vs Jacob Nawl II Uudolph Minmnn vs Henry Knstcuhn.lcr 1" William 1, nance v Abraliuin Klotx Kl Ocorgo Fellerinaii vs John Kline .4 Jess Uowman vs Jacob o7.srd 15 benjamin l.eiberetul v Siacy Margerum 16 John 1) Chester vs Isuiai colo 17 iliMilL'oinecy A. Simoutou vs Win Trego 18 Samuel ereigb vs Wm e Trego 1!) Henry 'J'ery vs William Hcnrio TRAVERSE JURORS. Bloom Theodore McJuwell lliiercreek -Josss Uownian Allen M Cancewar Jacob lltomboy r ishingereek Jokn Pooler Moses Mollenrv John yaslran (iri-onwood Aaron Reese Johnson Ikclcr ro Cox Hsmlock Haliis Applcman, sen John Obi Esi i.imesione Jonn l ulton Unleon Wertmen Liberty (ieergeHoudman WilliamHendiicksoi Maliauiug LuwU Vast'mu Daniel Fntzor j Mnntcur Elijah Miller Goorjie W Willius Mllllin Jacob artzel sen William Auten ti " Bowman Llishu K Brown Henry Petit Ituili LoiiKalierRer Mount 'leasant Samuel Johnson Orange Williuui Cotenboven Ceorge Haruian Henry Wolf Koaiingcreek John Hughes Dutiiol Keller Ka han Lee John liaiuer Kueorloaf Ahrubaia Younj Valley Jjhua teller LIST OF JURORS For November Term 1813. CM.M) JURORS, Bloom Daniel Leo Hrieren-ek Ulvvood Hiliibes, Isuiuh Salmon Gilbert l oitler. Hemlock John c Kinney, John MelJeynolds Jaikson-!Sslomon c (Strong John Harlmao l.i berty (if oigo Uilmyer Alirahamllendiickson Maliiiuia,' fuier Kishel liobet't llichart Join Lundy .Montour John II Q ick John Dieterich Miflli'i John Sherman Isaiah Slinrnan Madison Abraham fiaiton Joseph .Musters 'Senjauuu I'.aH Oranqe ft G Rickets Koiringereel' Henry Keller David Yeager Val!ey.. WdlianiKinney ADMINISTRATOR'S NO 1 ICE. The Estate of JOIIX CREJSF, late oj Centre toivixvnp dee d. NOTICE i-i hereby giyenMhat letters id irtmiiiisinti'iii on he above mentioned E ale, have ben granted 10 the subserihtr, iviug in (Jeti:re township. All persons indebted lo said estate are heieby niitifiie 'o tnkw iinoibdiate paymem ai;d nil i!u:!.e iaviiij chnos are rcqmsteil lu presen heal properly atithcntie iteil to ELIs (;r.sy MARUAREP CRKSV, idminixtrutorv. TXErV ESTJRUSMEXT.Xl. TIN anil SlfilESTIRO THK subfciibcr bavinj: located himself it. illooms'nirg. is prepared to furni: h all kind 1 nl vare, and pei'onn til kinds of woik in his liije ol ausiness, at cheap rates and at shojt notice I!t 'las furnished biinself with a new ahd siilcmlui lock nl tools, Bi.n hiiierv and materials from I'hila lelpha, ami made a la'(;e purchase id COAI. and l (JIJU B 1 O V f.S, of various iiltenis, to siU'ldv Irs cnstomi M. H will eomtantly kep oa Uai d TIA H'.IliE oi'evcry dt.icription. fiT'H'HS, n larrtc ariety, neatly and subftan- lialy finished, tcllicr il!i t'll'U. sim:rs(,)t iiuiidimjs. ctt.iL nt cKtris. ,u. c. l!o re. ncctfully soli -it a public i.i.trnnnB ITev- im; been for Mono yce.rs euur.eetl in his 1 u- iness and having ep.'nenecd asst. Ia:)t;-, f.e fee!.-, eotifi- lent of euti-. lung all who may favor him will heir cnil nn. tor.MHi' .yizxciT.uyrs tm-nei m liberal terms. Call on the entrh tide of .Vain-street, 3 door: i.elnw t!ie M.i'T et thv Columbia L'cnjocraU 0:toUr U, lilo ljSj S, E. OR A!;!. I5LOO.MSI5URO, PKSPECFTrLLY ii,for.s the pul He tl, y . be has bw an d I, in. self in ,(! s-hep :,iv "cctipied by YM', III (,G1.!-;h, ii, MAliKi: '- 1 Ii 1. 1. 1 , where he intends carry ii.g on the abevi iiusincss in all its vanous bianihis. HEAVY U'AOG().S biiill and rejiaiicd, as n il as one hnro WA0.M AM) Jtl77r. if t-M-ry tbiscription, ami all kinds of Cosniit oik, in h:s line, donu ul s!ioit i.t.licc. mid cu tin must reason ible ti ro.s. ."j-'Goial Lumber and all kinds nl fViuntrv Pro lueet::!;i :i ill ';;yimnt tor wcik, hut Caoh v.ill no: e reiiifCn. April ', IS 1.'. Gruud VJZI.Vr, f!-.A SUt:i:K AT1;j:L jurt re rived and lor s.,l nt tho ,Nw Mori'. I.. B. K L P Lit I". October II. The Members nl ius Company; whr have JJwords and IJei's, beloi.mnjr to ibi Company; are rrquireil forthwith loihdiiei hem to cnher of the Coinmisi.ord Ofli H. WEPiB.Capt. BLANKS !! BLANKS ! ! ti-PjnslirrsI'.lank KJt HUU'PIONS ai. M'MMOXS just piimed and for nab- bis UHire liLANKS ! ! RLANKSn FOR SALE T THIS' trriCE. New twe i""!"!,hi r.i7i-;''V't 1TSV' GZOZZ, N E W A It B A N G C ill U NTS. Vo humbug but Goods dwn to t'ie low et notch all through. rrrHF. gubscriher having completed his new ll store house, on Jlain street mar Mai kef, in bloiiinuliui,'.aiid having stueked it with a stock of entire new good, w hich were selected with ;rcat care in regard to style and price, be (bitten. Iiiin self that he can offer fresh goods, and newesr ... .1 .1 l. - L tyi i,snu iiiein ai lower prices tiian nits r otien illcred in this place, and as tho assortment consists d' every thing for t-onilorl and adornment iu the Dry Goods, together with a goeral assortment of (ueeuxwar (some new styles) School Books, Hardware, Cedcr ware, 'Yvdlc ware, Earlnr.nwure, oitina or Lake, ground, Fine Lisbon and l),iiry Salt, Sal mon Mackerol,and Herring, Cuvindinh, Enita ton Plug. Fine cut ii Smoking 7 abacco, Candles Soap, Copper Ket t!es,Stet, Ear Eon. besides numerous other articles, nil of tthich wi lie sold at a very small profit lor ready pay, and h wuuld respectfully invito all persons to call and quinine his goods and prices, before purchasing. I ho lustiest prices paid lor all kinds ot country prod uce. L. B. RUPERT. Eloomshurg, 8ept. 20th, 145. SMif. TistWheei fnHE subscriber respectfully infermsthe puMit j that be has opt-iad a chop, on iMaiii-stiuet nearly opposite Cla ton's Tavern, in UI00111 b ok where Ik intends carrying oil the above buuinese 111 all ils various branches. TIN IV J RE, f every description, will he kept on liand for sub it WHOLESALE or KliTAIL. SHEET IRON Manufactured into any f .1111 reipiiieil, STOVE FIFES, of all sizes keptcmstanlly on baui'. Steves fn'Vi d to order. Being determined to do business m tho riijh' vay, ho reip'sls all to cail upon l.iiu neforc the) ptiivhase else" here, -is lin w.ll fnrnith iiMjriulc in his lino as cheap us they can le puicluised i: 1 lie county. I). J K1CE. September W, ly?J THAT well knntsr T.iu ru Stand, in Or- anrjeville, now oeeum ?Ja-'U ,,,H imm iB a large tw, mriM''iS s:t,rV frame biiildmir.a K?x;i,.w;J.-t ijijc ri.11110 anil sued mil one and half aero of land, all in good order. It is unnecessary in give any futhrr leseription, as the ; urcliaser can view fm timsrlf A good tilde Si er.?y terms will be ;iven,upon application to Ibe Subscriber. PETER .MILLER Orange I p. Sept. 18, 1913, 'il ; ., it i:iiic ;t , '"X'irin tibscribersrcsperlftil!y intorm the ub ) he, that they aro now npeninp. rJ tb.e snnr lately occupied bv E. 11. I!!Gt;.V. on Miue.strci t I.-0j and exttsiMvc n -.Miilna-ut nf FALL AND WINTER Clrc ccr: c s, ISarrtivar c, uarziicr.i wauv, KAUTMENWARE AND .11 fact, every oitn le unisioilly kept in s counts -tore. Aiuo.ij their assortment may he f.miid-' Cabcois, (.f the linifM pattein. Si'ii C'iulns, (,'assiu er.-s, S iitmefs. Vest ins, IJIi-cl.i! and Iiro wo Shirt Ii;;m, (ilovts :i lit) Hoe, !;ii,d kerchiefs s:id Shawls, Casino res. .jo. And huvin rejected them with prent ea of Ii pialily and lice, they 11 - cnal-Itd lo m-II Item "V.er ptiecs than ibev hiive t vr b( fi le I ecu oT en d in this vieiuitv fur Cjnh or Cnui.tiy I'm-.lin-e. :;j Ilav'ui:; made arrangement in t!ie City fori o.n-l.mt siinnlv, any arliclo in their line V, I i. l liev have iot 00 haud.caii bo funiished nt a vm-k latiec. I'er.-nns toe rrqucMed t. rail and rtanure then ;ooils anil prices lielore punliani: rlsev-hrif ALBKIGHT 4 M F KCLL. U'lvem lung, Oct. 1 1, Is 1 j -1:6 "Fee MnlUu FOH JUSTICES AND CONSTAPJ rs 'Prioed on a sheet f,,r ij,e , e ,,j ii, ( og up 1 n ineir t 'liiccs, l'ORSALE AT THIS OFFICE f'T'Tlie Law tniiiires Jusiiee on r'.-n stahlfl to bavu bis bid uf fete pur'.nd up in II1S t'l.U B, -AL0 ri..nks or CONSTABLE SALES. JMMlXlSrSJ TOR' S XO TCE. The Entute of JONATHAN STROUI lali ot ALiunt Fleasent township, decea NOTlCn is hereby given (bat letters of admit islraliou on tho above mentioned L-.slul. Imve been aranlcd to the subscriber. livim: in Hem lock townsnip. All persons indebted to said estali aro hereby notihed to mako immediato payment and all those baviuir claims are n (1 nested to bit sent them properly authenticated to ADAM STROL'P, Am'r. Oo'.ebcr, il, 1813 Gw'-'S. Columbia County ti. n lbs Drplnirs ct url ef a o rein W 1 it or Partition or valuation of il re d estate of Samuel Killer , lute el Hemlock township, in s ii I :ounl deceased, and lauds valued, rule am ipiear in sai ,1 ci tut tho Uiird Monday of Noveu er next, and accept or rcfusu the said estate 11 l. n jtiidii.,1, nr thovv ennse. wbv the name s'i, not bo ordered to be sold, for which the sud heir. i.d legal reprsscntivcs will lane iKiin-r.' BY Til 10 COI'IIT. Certified fiom the records, Oct. 3d l.i 15 JACOU LYEIil.V, Clerk List of ILrtlciN. fJEMAIMNG in th.) Tost Offc at BIosoh SilS burif, on llieuualter ending t lit. Ullth IjSIo VV in. Beeher Eluor I'hdlcps Uaitholmny Cianstou i'eler Culp A. ti. ('uuimings iamucl Diooinhore Mrs. I.vdia Kobins biruon Keedy Thomas Thatcher jr. V. in. II. Williams Isaac Karnes Isaac iVabeo Mrs. T. Williams James Youii' John M'Cutchun Persons calling for letters on tho ahovo list wil please tay they sro advertised. JUU.N K. Mul Eit, IvV NOTICE f9 hereby piven that I have purchased at Con stable tale us the property of John Xauftle,on 'y maro and have lefi tho same in his possession hiring my pleasure, and forbid ar.y per-en lakiu: it from him cither by purchase or olhciwne vilb tut mv consent . " THOMAS W YOUNG September 21, 1S1.V 23 NOTICE ? hereby given to Ihe Klotkholdrrs in the cm puny for erecting a Biiilpe over he iN'mthin oiaiieli of ihe ritt r S'tistpirl aura I ctwcm c town of f'utluwis su and ihe iiienth ol Fi.'.in(.i it h t the dana-crs l ave ibis day di eland a tiivici . f three per cent, on tho Stork of said n n psi or tlo l..sj six months, which will paid sai. lockhoblers or their legal representatives, at tin I'rcHMiter's ol'.icc, CaUawi.ssa.on or aficr lbs 15t! ..St. DAVID CLAb'IC. I rcavurer. 'J'reisurci's Office, Cattawissa, Oct 1, 1 PPaOCLAlrtATIClT' "T"3?7''''-i die Hon. Joski'ii 15. Antront 1 1 resident 01 tlio L onrt nt (Jvcr mul J c miner and General Jail Delivery, Court, of Quaitt SessiniiK of the Peace. and Court of ommr11 f leas and Orphans' Court in tho eighth judicial di.ariet I'ompos'M nf the coumies nf Northumber'a n' I uioii. Columbia and Lvcnminc: end the Mm x-iiiiurl 0,rfi.i and Stephen JJutv, I'stiuires Visociaie Judges in Columbia county ,lmvi issued their nr"oent bearuincr t Hie the itiiih iLv ol Aug., in the vear of our Lord one thousand ight hundred and foriy.five. and to mo directed, lb? holding 'I Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gen end dull Delivery, General Quarter Sewion of the Truce, Common Flats and Orphan's Court. I.V DANVILLE, in the County of 0:1 the third Momhiv of Nov, iet, ibiinc tin 17 ih Jay) and to eimtii ua 011,1 wetk : iNotici) n thcriToro hereby given to Nifl (.'orr.ncr, the J ml ices nf (he Pence, ri .1 m. slulilcs of t!iB said county of Columbia, thn' liicv ae tb'-n nnd tl.eie iu their proper persons, al It ) clock 01 the torenoon of said dav. widi Ihci- ccoids, iiinuisitions end ol lit r remembrances. to d those things wliii.h to their offices appertain 0 bo done. And thi.se that ore bound by rccogni Mnces, lo urnsivtik' .fiainsl ths prisoners that art or msy lie nilbe Jail ot caul connty ol ( ohiiid.ia ire to be the': and there to pro-eciite against Ihen 11 shall lie just, Jurors are requested to be pure uial in their attendance, agreeably 10 their notice . Uati 'l ut Danville, t!m 2o l!i day of Oct. ii, I he j ear of our Lord one thousand ei;;lr hundred and foty-livc and in the 6SHh yeai of the Independence of Ihe United fcla;t:f of America I RAM DERR 5'.',eri. Snrnirr's Ofi'icr, Duntillo October, S3, IS 1 5. O U R M O I'TO.N O P TO HE OU I DON E .VH' j:r.ACK5.Mniiia liSTABLmiMtxi. 'I HE undersigned having taken the bo for mi-ily rw'fiipied by tMarshal Silvesibnrn most resjecdully iiifonns the public tin. they iiiicnd 10 carry on the above branch ol business and will fit all limes bo read,- lo t!i. wm It a hide belter ami cheaper than nnj oibt-r e!i,Hjshtiiei)t in the plm-p, 'nd tln icpe by "iricl alteniion to business lo .iu'lil 1 larrr portion of tin! public patronage A I kinds of country produce lakin it eribai'ge f,r work & tl e rccuh) nil refused S I EPI1EN 'I5.OH ISAAC SAN TEE, Pdoomebiii-f Sept, 10,1815 y I A LL irtsnn hiivtii.i tuiictthd necituii'.s rither U. iih the fobsrril er, or with the lali (iui, 01 Miw rlhmn & Bnoi e, wlitl.t r ibe I i!i.i;rt If in his lnvnr or nirainst l.im, i.re it ij, tied In eon e (orward ni O n 10c tl tin 11. 11 n!i-,vlv. tl 1 1 I e moy close Ins I iisn rfs ns n oii pe.-t-il !.-, A t id lo Ill WW 1 1 if wise is m 11 u' 'vi 1 1. V A I; 'HAL SUA I I.'i L U.N Srp'rwi i'l It). V BUSINESS CARDS. A Fi. COOL, Altorni'j' al Law, BL00MSBIUG, COL, CO , PA. Offlce in Main-street, opposite UaJiWs HoteJ. CHARLES KAULElt, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AM) VQ3i V KIMA'CER, RLOOMSUURO, COL. CO, PA. Olli.-e, comer of East and Malu.streets -ilAIlMN IJ. IIUCKALEW Adoraey at .av. rifflve South side of Main it. ovposilt fyer ty- Iliffley'e Store, V7-WII.L ATTEND COURTS IN LlNVl LL, o ,TI- a LOII & 1VES1. IVihlcsule Dealers in No. Ct North Third Street. Above Arch, leo. W. Linvill; ) lhtriF Osierloh, L PHILA, Im-ph V, West. J Aug. 9th 1815. Sl'OVE PIPE forsalo at tho New Sto,,. , L. B. RUPERT. October 11. ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALE. iJY virtue of a writ of ven. ex. to me ilireel ed; will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House in Danvillp.on Mouthy ibe 17 h uf Nuveniber.lSlo al 12 o'clock. M. the loilmviiig piopotiy lo viz: A certain tract ofland.situate in Greer-. vooti lawtiship, Columbia Cotirjiy contain "S lit Aenc9 uore or less about EIOI1TY ACRES i f v bcli is cleared hnd, bounded by lands i l Vni. MWJichnel Wm. Shoemaker, Cur'M 'iHtie'ti. t nd others, whereon is erected u argo two story URICIC HOUSE a smnii Leg House, n Ssw Mill, a.Laib.Mill, Clovn VI'll, frame siabla and oilier nut building t wo apple orchards, with he appurtenances Srizi-il taken :n rsrentton and lo be solo, '8 ihu pioptrty of William Lcinuii. ALS'O- A ceetnin Itscl of Isnd n'liale in Fishinr reek luwneliip, Columbia County, contaia injf 14 Aeres9 more or lea, about twenty live seres of which is denied, boudded by lands t,f Peter Valk, William Iltelar; Edward AiclJenry tnd whereon is erected a log hoiue; and a og stable, wiih the appertenanees, Seized taken in execution and to be sold is ihe property ol Joseph Fullmer. ALSO A certain tract of land situale In Creep vood township, Columbia county ,containii B fffy fa a oore or le? s, shoul firty erres of whi. is cleared land, bounded by lands of Willi i Roate, Abraham Titmun, deeesfeJ ot 01I10 whereon is erecteJ a loo luiuii', with t,,. inprrlcnanren Srized taken in execution anil In ha S' .-i h the properly of William Swisher. IRANI DERR, Sheriff. Sin r.irr's Ort irr,, D inville, ? Oiiobtr lO'.h, 1815. S rWUF, subscriber will ,,fTer his Hotel n: "l M More i'M.'perty Tot tale until the ' , if P. bembei ikiM. II i,ul s...l by that time ,. iln.'el wil! bs rented for ore es tbrt e year iron. .1 l.-t Pec. el next I helotsoii btbt - buiblint 1 ) rectd front f)J f.eten .Maii -s:eet the 1" Jfjt feet front, kfj deep and llocn ttoiin I i. ' "lilt of brick in I K 1 1, 't he Moie llense nfvtr.., .'5 feet front, SS derp Bud Iwo and a half sKci s niuh. The Until is suppo-rd to do u mucli r sines any as other House on lie .North Branch .;' dieSuscjiichiinna.iV is now octui itd by Charles I ladder 'J be cnet'iiirn r f 1 lie inle will ho 10 per in t lnwti. 50 per rent nn the fust nf A ii! next, 11 d 10 gr rent annually Or.o half of Ihe porcha, money will be lefl oa the property if iVsired. Eor any oilier inforinai.on enquire r f E H EiCGS BloonislHirs:, October IS. 18L"i 27if g I'M roroiveu soil lor rile, at the new Tin fjf end f beet Iron .Vsinil'jctiirv, rr pesite Cln loii's Hnlil. sevend kiruls of V-lliJ. UK, MIOJ 11r.1l (;AM7J S'I t)Vi:s, i,l the Ll tt stterns birU will Lo suit! bw. P. J. LICE. Oct- S5 N O T ICE. T55TERE.!5.1 have learned f.om ratiors V Veuree. ibata ccrtian Maiy Hatri. r,f 5. pi loaf, has ein iibMed g shuder that I bavp autr.'t sr.il Htlcini nd to kill mv vt ifn. nml J. IV () ml CO. hate likewise dii.e ihe nine thing ( 'o w.if lin y hate dm r ro. I prriiet.me ibe ru rv s ifabtbord aril flam'tr, and stand ready to fruveit ko. ot auv time. lERCMIAJI STILE?