"in urn ftumir: mtn s.tnun.iv, .xovfisiBER h, ism. ruui.ic buildings. Pursuant ID public iioiice, meeting of the ciliient of Lilooninburtf was held nl (lit house ff Charles Deobler, nn Saturday evening, Nov. n. The meeting waa or?anizad by appointing I) 11. J RAMS A Frksidkst, mid A. 1). Cool, Secre tary. The object of ihe meeting writ tlaied in very neat tad appropriate manner hy Dr J.lLintaiy, nfter which, upon motion of Willing .lclvelvy, a commute of five per tont wis eppoinied to view the severs! p-opoied littii fur the erection of the new publia building in the town of R I ooiti !n rg & repwl to the next meeting the conditions iiori which (he said tracts of laud are offer- id or may be obtained. Whereupon the -oilowirig gentlemen were appointed Daniel Snyder, William Mi'Knlvy.Ueorge Weaver ddingt Barclay end John M. Chamber Jain. Oil motion of William Nenl.-Hev. D. J Waller, Iddings Barclay and Dr. J. Ram ay, were appointed to ntenure a draft ol the buildings lo be presented to the county Commissioners for their approval. A form of the subscription to be rirr.tila ted for the purpose provided for in the Removal Bill' was presented to the meet fag and approved of On motion of William McKelvy, it wag agreed (hat a committee of five be appoint cil to hold the Boohs, procure subscriptions and serve at a building committee. The appointment of said committee was left to the t hail man. who appointed Jacob Ever, Dniel-Snyder.,' W,n MtKeley, Dr. J Hamsay ami Leonard B. Rupert. On motion agreed that the next meeting 'be held on Saturday evening the 1 5 1 'i ir.st, at the house of C. Deobler. On motion resolved That the pioceed in?s of 'his meeting be publish d in tnc -Columbia Democrat' and all oiler papers an the County willing lo publish them. On motion adjourned. J. RAMSAY, Prest. A. D. Cool. Secretary. Jlloomsburg, IVov it, 1815-agj.'.'.Hi-'.j-jti - Calta-iviasu Kail P.oa ', It will be perceived, by a notice in ar. diher column, that a meeting of tr.e Stock holders of this Company is lo be held in -Philadelphia, on the first if December, to chose their officers for the year ensuing. We understand thai the Mock has lately chanped ha:. dn, and that the road is soon to bo completed, to the Susquehanna River. Tho Road has been purchased by a com pany of wealhiy gentlemen on account of the intrinsic merits ot its location, -and as the cheapest and only feasible loute from Philadelphia to the Susquehanna River, nr.d from thence to Lake liria. and not like uther project we wot o.', fur the purpose of merely advancing tho interest of land speculators, stock jobbers, and sb?ui villages, l,ii:h hate nothing more- lo reeom mend them, than puff of wind, hills, valley '-tunnels and inclined planes. The road i ulreadr graded for tbuut forty miles Iron, the SueipiohnDna river and requires bui about nine miles more grading to connect, it with ths Little Schuylkill Rail Road, mm thus rr.akea continuous H til Rami from Philadelphia city, to the Susquehanna River; emptying int. ha hua-fi itf t!.o Lot Region. The company have HleQ a cliarlci for, and surveyed, routs up Little I-',s,,n,.! cresk, lo Willia nepon. a dii'mn-e of Jinn, f.iriy mill's, hich p.ieses through a vidua b'e iron and roal rec.ioi;, without any ten deep ctilti.,?, iMiuicU or inclined planes'. This portion n it be enniuif-'iced, as'sooi. as :1k roal is romplet, d to the Kivpr a: Cil"wi,a .Thus ii nil- , seen that while the inirrcriclprii'lernrn btluw ais fjjhtii-p ibonl tl.t-ir fo.rnroittees i.ml reports, the ' Cnitvttism Kail R..dd i-, ti!piy, though steadily progressinj completion ,i ,!i im own merits. &we hate no liciu m-y in pre l'cting thalbtfjie they get thfir K u! R.n! tmusffitd from paper, ve shall lime Loco n niivt-s puffin j by us at th-i rv.e of f utv : miles in hour. ' Mil. Bi-criASAX Ft p V.in!,i"if,n j R Journal iys:Th i'di icH frien'! o' the present Secretary of So:;e in IVuustl vania prn'.S'l most firmly ami uueqi.itoo.lit .-lifiinst l.i leaving his preseu! poi;ioii I i ur)i!rrtcod that he lo-.s fully ii ;; mi ne:! ! ) retain t!i l iiMtion he now f J-ecDMiio:) is to Wi is ii.e 4i Yki.V ) '.t oi uj s-.i . :3r.n MUil Road Convention las been lul at Williauisport for the purpose of romplet ing ths Williameporl and 101 in ira Rail Road and to urge the making of a load from WilIinmporl to Philadelphia city. We are glad to see thetn,waking up in their in trrest al lhal place, and we hope they will neither sleep nor slumber until the Williamspnit and I'huira Road is com pleted, as we cud Bestire them, from the knowledge we have of the matter, thai a road will soon bs completed from William sport to I'hilarle'p'iia,ihe only practical k feasible route, by the wa y of Fishingcrsek vnl'v and the Caltawima Riil ILixd. To his road, the eye of the capitalist are now turbd inmasai ni.OOMSBURO 1KONDALE FL'R NACB. This Furnace is continuing to do an excel lent fcusinrss.having made, upon ait average lor the last thiee weeks, one hundred and fourteen tons ef No. I iron per week it in one week, one hundred and mncleH tuna. were nii.de, using Itss than two and a hall ions ofore;one and a half ions of coal, and a half ton of Limestone to a inn of metal This is making more Iron & iising lies ma ter til. we believe, than was ever done in the tame time, by one anthracite fiirnam of 14 (eel boshes, in this country. Tin other stack will be completed and put i' blast in a few weeks. M iiiiunyLi HUM A SNAKE WITH TWO 111 ADS. The Salisbury (N. C ) Watchman hiit e story about a snake with iwo heads, which is said to have been found by Mr. S. G. Temple ton, itjhis brother F.lam Templeto:i on) the farm of ihe latter: in Iredell county The heads were ai each extremity of the body , and were perfectly formed, says ihe Wat.ihnun. The reptile meator-d live feel five and a half inches in leng'h, snd was of a black color' The Watchman telU the story wtth much appar enl eanif:ins and wishes to know what riatuia'it! hate to say about this old sfrprnl. An orphan boy, of some 1'2 years old, living al Suiithlaiid, mouth of the Cuintxr j a n (1 Rivrr, Tenn, while fishing recently, found a number of genuine pearls amongr some muscle shells, which he had gathfifd. Ignorant of what tlmy were, he threw their: .illaway except one, which he kept bHeaim it wag 'so big, white and prettv.' It i. sunncsed lobe worth at least 1309. The i s best of it is, he offered it lo a gemlemHti lor a few rents, but he. suspecting its value refused lo lake advantage of the child' igorance, trgared lo ha'e it sold, ai.d the proceeds invested fur his educalion. A French cook, at the Louisville Hotel, .tho kept a p:iir of big rattlesnakes in a box in his room, went to them on Saturday and found one of iliein at large, lie undertook io kill the smke with a large knife, hot the reptile bit him on the finger: 'I he French man whittled his finger dawn ti the bona, and then dixposcd ot the pair of snakes for 8. i . i II is stated thai the lirst instalment on Jive new railway schemes in Frame, n; cnily paid in. amounted to about -.SO 000. 0C0' M'Hin'joy, ar. FngHih jxji' f str.iin.LriH un deriaken.lo walk-fifty niiles in ihi'tcen hours, 20 miles backward, for eix tuccrs- situ d s. OKF.fJO.VAND SLAVERY. Tho ''regnu Lrgirl .ture has t.ikcn iop:i- tires alirady 1 1 keep themselvea free l. nir the evil of slavery. The Legiclature hav. passnl an 'act declaring that slavery bli;.l out exist ill Oi'-goii,aid the owner nlsljvn who bring them there are allowed 3 yeait io lake them out of the country, am! in do fanli the shives to be fice. The net nhi piohibits free ncrors or mulattoos froii reeling or remaining in tho country, and requires ihem to leave in two years, r,d it h f '.oli to he hired out to the lowest tiddei lo) will hind himself to remove iliein froo die country for the shortest lerm of servii-i -rid itliin six nionths after ihe expiration hereof. Mr- S-niuel IDeaine, of iu-arboro. Me., itely a premium for the bent firm in the "oj'iit . Amoiij; his .-op were six acrct .1 ' l i'.i!, j icldinjj 110 bushels, c:;'i.d to vi:u. Mr. ! '.'r;r L'og, of (J iiocy, lo-t Vi ';!! !.v s!.i-iitii-j an a, which l..-ol died lie h.ul i Mini pi.iicii.rc nn one h tod, a'.c l! i M:j'j)-.s -il.iioiiil 1 1 1 i-periilion,neri.len t-lr, t:i' - lo lled himself wiih sinoe if the .-iniaoiii'iia nii'.tei. :w the -inn hooii hcg--n lo -it-il', ) '.!:'.' v. !n;lt: (-jsTni rcin i:;fi.ctcd. : . i e ff r i t r.ti,;. ihjti a -.tick in ri-''st COMMUNICATION. It lias luken llirse centuries lo develope ihe powert contained in the herbs which rompose the Brandreth Pill's These ccle lirated Vegetable Pills for one hundred years have bven made.- Tl o American . pub'ic hat's found them deserving of palionaae, and ii lies been and is liberally bestowed upon this medicine. Now. However, no sooiur is a new ndvertiaemeni written by the Doctor but it is at ones cut out of ihe pnper, St 'Brandreth; laken out Si, L ilian, or soma other name subsiituttd, indicative of some other medicine some literary thief for its parent. Nearly nil toe Pills at present before the public, are made by men who for years lived by counterfeiting tlx Brandreth Pills, snd have onlj taken to the present speculation, since Dr. Brandreth compelled them to abandon thai method of jeopardizing the lives of ihtir lellorv citi zens. The annalysis of all iheee pretended vegetable medicines, she a large ptfpor tiufi of Crude Antimony in their tomposi ion, ami it appear they rely entirely upon iliia mineral po'wo, for the purgative ef led. 1 1 is a very eay thing lo detect ruin -ral in pills of any kind. H.iW TO DUTKCT A UINKRAI. IN PK.I.8 Take a pill supposed lo contain a mineral place it on a shovel over a red clear fire f there is mineral in it. it will not lose its drape. It is lht:s with the Indian Pills, and oany others before the public. The ad vantage of these pills in cac of war wou! I e veiy great, us they not only retain their shape, but remain red hot a long lime after they are taken from the firff. Een bodinf ihem w'lih sngir w ill not change the ir shape i bit you cannot hurt the slmpe of these- nills It wnu'd be well if thev were a larmless to thne who are very ir.jnrious nuking the pv.icnt exceedingly Mil jcci tc St. Vitus' Dance and Epilepsy, Probably very liule of these pilis are sold, so ihe in jury is not so great. 1 nave also met! the Brandreth Pills, by the sirr.c, and other methods, and find them purely vegetable When tried hy the fire, tliey r hange to n catbonacious mass, r.fscr fjviog, ofTa greai -juaoity of flame The one may bs con sidered the medicine of Life, the other, fire i'tonf pi'l or Mespt g r of Death- Thi 'ommunicaiion it is hoped, will cause those persons who aro ageniH for iheo new tin Tied rre'eiitieii remcui's, to m.ae ior dio-e tx.irriments noon thc-m, ard if 'Imt soil tVt'ii) al.er, not to f-Ojjcl to label thcio jioison. Some of the p ipers state that fears h--r !)een eotertnined until lately ihat L; kc Lrir was filling' so mti'-h es to brcpne bslow ihe level of the canal at Buffalo. Tir ;ikn is I (15 fret, Lake Ontario TM f"t. si-.r! Lake Superior CL) left nbtve tidewater. A very L"od change has been -.t roi'ii n the public mind at tho Fas', Halite ti trie nature of prison discipline, am! that ih separate roi.finen-ent, arid mornl inllueoi-t f 1 he F.aetein Penitentiary ol Peonsvlvanii. ire finJiiig fa-or with almost all plolmi- hrojiists ond public clVn-ers. who h,ie in uimd into the comparative merit j of tlir vanous s) stems. A NO I'll Eli OREGON RUMOR The la-1 Rumor from Washington, is ilia Mr- P.-ck'-nl'aro, the! Diit'h M ini.u.r ' W:m,iT!iftrin, (i:);liog tltt re id little hop-- H iilj t si in,j the Orcfr.iii q-ii'.tion cither !,. promise tr srl'i r..iioii lis propose d to It ate tlit whide terrilnrv in ita rirr-Hent cnnditioi- ur twenty years under the j lint protcc'.io: f Eiil'I and a:ol ihe I J tilled Siales.and v ill he siipiil'i'n that ul the end of saiJ perinf' its il.r o nihf.hiiaiiis uiaV uit,n h tin ;n:,elif ii eitln r country , erect thi my it es int. in iiiili'pi-oilt iii suverigni'y, as they mat :re(er f-asiHSKaaa Air. Wehpter, trt that it is etiquette in China for one rjuc."! al the social board ti- 'ecd .'mother, and ha declaies thai the Chinese love the strong liquors of tho bar- oirians. The Sprinfield (OJ Republic of the lOih nil says that a gentleman in a ride of a da and a half, on horsebaak, on the line be tween Indianapolis and that dace, met one hundred and forty-one movers' wagons, averaging five or six per-mns each. Mr M. Uiid-on, of Harlford, hns rnnnu 'c ured n t;i;i!rt sheet of paper fur the iLirtford ai:d Danbury Riilroad C'ompany. hi whirb i e r'-ceived It ia lo be us d in I'nr.i in;; a ; ri-filc of ihe road it iv 'lu (i 1 1 in Ititj'th nod 0 yaida wide, sr.t'ij?'---! The Indians hii' ci'-g fur ei jicati"'!. I is sta eil lli:it ;heie are now luiil fi in ile tiOHrintr si hoo:H niiinnij tho (Jlim-taws. sus fincil i;,;-.: from pt.-Mi- fi.n'!,- of t' ;,t From the Trenton (N J.) Emporium. JAMES BUCHANAN. 1 Stalesmsn is a maMer of rtra occur erica in America. We have hosts of politics! litvyeri.btil fw, vnry few train d and educated Sitirsmen. Tho con erj -tiice is, that our halls of legislation ire lilted with men who bato words & rgiinicnla at commaml, but who discti irave eubjacls of hili national imioi- atice, with tha siibtltMy and luir-epli' nn of accomplished advocates, inntean of disjilayioi; thoft broad and liberal views which sr taken hy enlarged ami rihliiened minds who have thro-vii oil hi Irsmmeli of special pleading-, ami that blind rpgsrd fur precedent, fhtc is ihe chief boast and etumblioe block of th !eil profession. The greatest laveyei and grestt.1- judge a hare Iron hese causes, offered the most signal in stances of enliro fulares as i' atttsmen. In the Senate of the United Stales within ihe last few years, ihe Democrat ic parly has had four statesmen of ilu t'n si clas, Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Wright, Col. Benton, and Mr. Buchanan il men of the highest order of intellect, who had shken rff snd foigotten the petty filcfties of Ihe Isw, which form tho capital of the euerr ssl'ul lawyer, auo who were dealing with those tea principles of political scimici which in flu-noe Ihe deslintes of mill.ons, nnr! wuh external snn iniernsl questions ol natinnal policy , nrTscting the happinc and the i riiriernv ot the DPntile (I t t tf is Amtrica and the peace of the cmhzeii world. Of one of Ihoso gentlemen we propo'fi to say a few words. Mr. Uuchanan is a native of a neigb- bor ing stiie. He was bred a lawyer, workfd hard at his proftssien, and soot ,'cq'iirecl a handsom foitune, which al rwt him to follow the nsmral bent o' hia mind and to aev ole hims' lf to ih -duly of politics in Hi most enrg-'I eose. Mr. I'ucbansn had bft-n a irierri her of the S:aie L' gislatuie when t--i-yotiPjr snd had early entered the halln of Congrr ss, where he soon rlisiirnuish d himself si a s'rorig and vigorou hi'-k'T. II -j wisrly diterrr intrl to up Ihe practice of the Isw before it had bcunrl snd fittered his intellect wiih the iron bands of legal precedent. Ao min lias prer hren more fur-ceftil in this iT el, snd for the lasi fifteen years t,v )io,.lo of Ihe United Spates ha forg n " n erpirely that he was a tnciiibrr of he bar, nd have only rrconr-is-d him as a s'a'eervai and patrio', who as dc volii'K h .t Inai enirg'cs ti tho wrlf-ri-of his fellfjw-cif'Z- oa end lo the tx'tn sion of thnso ureal principles of e vil $ rr.ligioui freedom, which lie al toe r io' of our rej tilillc-n inst'iiutions. In the rsrly part of Gen. Ju konw fii t term, he feot .Mr. IJ ichstian i.-, Rnii, tvl eic he formed an advanta KT.is irea'y, and during hi? stay h--o-'l tie bfCaiTx? practirally ai qti limerl vi'il .he mrnres's and leeling oft ht fircipi rts'ioo nl Kjinpe. II s d'ploina'ic i i- s vvf II as his rocgrcs.iiornl t.il i,n, wei e k k -o'vleded ry a!1. .1 'er his it-tiin. n Dect'ii b-T, ll;3l, (w linr.k) he tvi-lecie-l t Hi ? St-dtff t f r)i ! um ed Sti'.i- f wt.ich dn fifd body t:e coi.tj: ij. , oiokt d.t riiji!;f( nir-mhr-r, noiil call-i1 u tl-e hihi st i ll'ine in the jift c f the fx "culive, by Pris, (It-lit V k. It is r'ni inj" this por lion of his poL ti call Ii!--, li .Mr. HuciiDnsn has displayed hi puu iiar qiialit ies a a sMie-nun, Il- nia? tereii and eliic dili-d ail the (ileal q i . tioos of hanLii'i, ciitiencv . liiMoc . iinipiido (f S ,iip ilt bN, .In; N iiih .'.( o jtinda ry, I csh and 0."nou, I i.u Lm c' vhic'i it tiinios no Icr tho pi cniiai c: a j, if ' hp department of tvhirh ha i ti,- ii a ! to lllr- irt r tit rvn-stii o (! ;!i.- d.-, no! t-T t'l til Srtth'ioe it o vvh i ! III l; oioii So; li to 111- I- I Cf, Ii lit i es- ,!.! eti'irc nr fj-i Hiitiiiict1 unli tl.e ml j Mll I e il a 'ilillj tho Pi evident in I t H i : 1 1 It t" i -un c !.''i! is tr-. ii I r". !!;ich mao s e -I' ct ar liind h it e in p-ov-d "nol ' ;j , 1 1 t iS;l II ,.'t'. rtUfvn, i I':!?", i ti a '10 Ktn '-r exliihit the ill r a;-:l ii , el c'ei itics nf th(: pi'o.Vsrioual n. .n. Li ne r-. tnai kjbl',- for tluir pore hmI idio- maiie sty le, and for Ihe. s'aiesinan-lil,, enunciation of the highest j i iiiripVs o polmcal sccticc. I-or his prcst-nt post he is pocti'ir.rit fi I d, for he pofscssrs, m a hip,!i (lcer,i ill ihrso preat qualit cs tvluch poit t Inn nit f.ir ihe hilo;st cfiict! in the n fi ! .'he people, ami to winch, at some fo ore period, they will undoubtedly c.iL titni. is sate, calot, and nidations j, ounsil, rssenlislly American in all hi (t eliht;", Ihorounhly vn ed in all om loretn relations, amltvielils a pen r qu , to any-of his predecessor-. Mr. Iliiclianan is t;. conti i' o-io, :f ll;c I)i rnocralic S:a'c ol Peni . lum o the Cabinet nl the President of I,, choice. lie is !. .-ickiiotvltiliri-d Lc-oi. from his re-t'inii tut talents l,i lopj; anil tirilliani srrviccs :-s a I), nn: cratio lea'Ur. 7'o! Dcniucraiic pn'v i-i-otiic-ly t'i-li-d i-.-i'h it. a tvln. f ("i'i i-et 1. 1 M;. I'. '.'n. 1 1 was w. II :-n,t jo ,':ctMi-!y tI C '. tl. 1 s if- ir In is ;,l! a. I oiirably fi'ii ti f. ; !;,:.; 1 1 .-- : ' n-u j-nl-tin! any cliM'-" would ho iiouii-, h i' tvi-tiM o-ark ihe inst-ibility cf p'ifp'w er.'.! et'tsken t!ic h-. Id tf the j-i'rnt-ji-r .( ion on the Democracy, snd countcnanc 1 the sllegition of internal iliBj.-olion mad. by its political foes. We have but one or Iwo wortls morr The political enemies of Mr. BucAwtn sml tome gcod netturcd, kind, very hind Ii i"nd,wish him to desrr! his high poci lion, his hosts of friends, and the dem iciatic iariy of Pennsylvania and the Union, who hive e.lvated him hy theii !fnerinH coofi looce, for the junfar J id4ei.hij) on ihe Supreme bench,- for vhich he was better qtnltfied lifn-ei, s ears sjo, ban he is now. Such a course vould noi lend to elevate him in ihe 'Steem of hi fellow citiz'ns of the Uni on. We should a soon dream of Col. H'riton or Mr. Calhoun sinking their loiies in a black silk gown, or pn t:n on ll-e which Lonl HI. Ion played he mad (Jeorpe the thinl to relieve turn from. It would he as if Mr. P.tt (who tvas bred io ihe law) hid rsined Ins prom:ership to take Mr. Jusi'ce Le 11 arc's scat on ihe Court of King H'fch. Whoever accepts a j j leship drinks of the waters of ih politicil L-tni ill jiolitical connections are ervered.snd ln Uiendi must set k rv-w leader", for the Democracy never will stiller the ermine 'o be soPed by lh aspirants of a politi iTtJodgo. ILs political career must close forever. When the electoral col'fjje of Penn sylvania recommended Mr. ILichanan ro CjI. Polk, as secrttary o!" Si.iie, they believed, unrloiibilj, llial it ws to be permanent, unless determined by the wi'l of the Prra rleri', snd w know Mf. (Jiichanaii's g'-neral character too well to be'icve tbsl he would for a moment break liith with the democracy of I ' own or run rainier to the wishes o ihtt of i ho Union. We iru.n that the nimnr is an idle one, and tve have de voted loo much ij-rxi lo it already. A RICH l! EC UAR. ? correspondent of the Journal nl Comrr-erre tells a story of an old mm who died last summer in Pari, at Ihe lvncetl ate of eighty-five. Ilu was a perfect misT. He came to Par is accom pni-d hy hti son, about three yeair sirtre,in me most abj-ct state of poverty They depended entirely upon thn chaiii) of their nein'ib irs fir subsistence, ami wsrn in the daily habit of bing from loor to donr for snrri-iliirn to rtrpp-ut th!m. 0'ie of the nrinhbor, haviiit missed seinu the old man for a few days, went in s-Mrch of him, and found him j'isi breathing his lat in a miser i t'e hovel, dts-ruteof ntces'irifa. II was lying on a hmp of str nv in one cor nr nf the hut without any C'Veiinn. L lit" ami nl.ire wr his son, abovl lG yars old, with scatcly a rag In cover him, crying most piteou-dy. On sk i"i thn reason; h? snd ihat his faiher -i-r l hern with'Mt' foo I for more than 2 l -V , mil Ihit he had lint a sous () ptir- .-hs ny. 0 -ist r vii'( ne r I ho straw a nre iron htuiid rti"s-, he ii-r'ittcd vhat il co-i'ained. Tlie son replied l;:s ti'ht-r had toll htm n was lull ul ron. ILi then priioed selling it sm' iiav,n pn-cu;e'la key, ' b y r n nt-d it (mi what was ihi jr as'oois' iiii-nt on fi-.tl ion it filferl with p:tces (coin ol L- 'i WI ) ini-t-'ad of i -on, amounting n nil to mi" hundred and fif y lliOiiiiii'l rn.es, ($30,000.) Ii tvas supposed thi ol.! man ha I bccumulat d this I a i i n tiy bi4 ;t H His son bec-m--.Iirn.st m-siie on 'tin ieceiit ol this for iiio, hul he so.pl) tvwjiiled iht: neigii or t h.) had n.isis ed hiio. mm .j.mji.Kiwy pot'tsvillm. The Pt)t',st i'le C iijuiriiiiii pn:i!cs of the ie ,-im! busitrcsa actitiy in tiial place In vr-n oirei-tiuM new tuit.uuit-s are nninjr u I ii -nt stairr-s ot coinp', i.on iirnrovciiiciii ' I -tr-fi-r'S to l"-t t'o j o d.-r of tiie day not on!) i1 IV.tit die but through tho cntiio coal r.- -IKI. ' I i'l- t a I; v irio t : u for- ny 1 1 ; r io-- ! nii!i r ,;o-itr i -l to tchir ,t: i ol T.i,:; iqaa, an 1 .!;e i rnr;.utr.i.-i i 5 V C t w n it'' i-n l!io work with ninjjy, fc-'c! Oltl- It Ii i ivigaliou Coilijmy aia pe;s-;t erirc wit'i r iiiitnt'iul.ble ei. i rev iri tho tidcniiii; if t'leir V an tl 11. 1. Lcis. Esq., the 'rti-ieni an iudefjtijr.iSIf Sap 'rintcmlenl ol Sclnit Ikiil Haven nod .Mine Mill Haihoai' is pi sLinjf to an early crimplclini the con iiectinij link between tho Went Hr-iiieti and rjwat.Ta Riilroads. In Piiitsvillc ihere I an i ntinial de nia itl for business stands The re are four firms from New York at this moment nnxinuslv seel in? elcjibln bn- ntiess stands. Out- of .vhich is intended as a wliol, sale eoiicrrn. The Iieaiiinr; liailroad company i great') deficient in cur? to MTomi'tlatii llin iiiereaseu nnil nicrcastnij oal busiur.s, rtiil are consequently, we are informed, building iwo thnusand additional iron e:,t.s. l.uoiLer ii!iia and scarce l!nti-r, merit, nt-.d indeed all kinds of mar keting, commands hitlh p-ricr-s. iJEVIVAES OF THE DEI I'MOA' W -ill. cp Stni'h , of l' ,iil. i iiic, N. Y . i t iei'tn ol tn MiI'cm'o do nsifin, ii i-o'rtpli-iric" with an imaginary comnnni' of ihe l,"rd 'o .-lay five- pi i sons, a few it-iys .-nice a'li (npl' l,) nuir lcr l.i tv it , t 'io tv is imly preserve. hv' tl'S ii i' i leu r re of the tieil.l.nrr. lie wan r-: r i'tct! !n isot:. new coi;nt:ufi;it. Vi rv skilfully sni-rutsd couoterf' : 110 gol l ptsces, U. S currency of the late of 1810, have been put into exten sive circulation, we learn from the U. (j.izelle. Th'-y may be detected by 'htir lion, which prove ihr-ir being mad f some white rmtal. The die by which they have been stamped. is well engraved & without 'ringing' the counter leils will not be readily iK-tecled. CMINtfSK FRIG ATI'S. Cap1. Ctioyghame in his new work calleil The Opium War,' says the Chi neve aie b-gining to imitate iheE'irope in in many things. They have alrea dy launched a fine frigate built by an .'H'rican, of beau ilul model, which .i no doubt he a fine tiilor. For some few years the Chinese must be ilepen-de-nl upon Europeans, or their half-caste offspring in the East for managing this vessel, but so clever and intelligent a race will not long be left in Ihe lurch when, once having thrown aside the thraldom of their prejudices, Ihey sub mit to be taught by those for whom they hnwrd so unr a cori'empi. O her Ii igMi s are nl-n, we understmd, bein built. M jor Cummins lect-ntly went to ih Caw village in Western Missouii, lo pay the annuity, and found them sick and dyin'j they had lost all ilnir horses hy disease and on the plains wcicjlViunda great num ber of dead deer and cuous. NtlW NOTION. A specnlmive Yankee notion-izcr is dc siiom ol sinking a sh.fi through the cen tt of the Uthmus of Darien down to the mbtenne in current supposed to exist in that loeahtv, and whicti tntl-iences the gulf ureain by ua force. On ibis fhafi he will construct a large water wheel to work hori Z'whlly, having -a large drum above the sui fire, for an endless chain io woik upon; hen constiucl a railroad strait up the moun tain from either ocean, to meet at this sta tionary enjine, and the work of extending die area of freedom is doiif. Lnrcka. Mem end If'i'ie In it hung. Crawford Hur'iett and his wile Latuna havi been -entrnred lo be hung at Vayeituville, rk, 'or being accessaries to tho murder of loiiaihan S'lbbey, The deed w is commit ted, by their son and liu cotiaiii l)i. Crosby is building n dwclling-hoitsn on the bill e ist of the colleee at Hanover, N. II. which will bR an architectural curios ity. It is an octagon, of eight rqutl sides huill ef roo;;h ticginents of stotit; ettry i:)oin in thn house ia a iii,inle K V 1 1) EN CEO f"CiL7uACTE R. ,7ynnog worrtao, hrntic,hi Ik lorn :ha IJ-iston po-i'.e !y, !ileg"d in rle-h-nc of her it-spirt ab'I.ly, that slid wis 4-j-f.inted -.ti'li all the latvyr-is in Ni-tv Vork' Sh was insOn'ty i-ornmi'tOtl for ,,x mou'hs. The Ijic Gr which wis mailt' in England fin th I'liticelon h -s a. rived in New Yoik in one of ihe packets. P.iho;) Mt ('or krry is about to l-.-avo Detroit to discha'gn the Episcnp ilTuric- ions in the diocese of Ai;v oik, in onsi queoce uf Hit! ruspensiori to Iiishcp Oiid-.iilonk. In Cur ing, lk-e-f, a Innicr si :he West say.-. '1 have uff su'erulus in ph-ct! of eiltpcier, and I never hail better hot I.' CENSUS OF IJO.STON. The taking of the rrnnw, by oni -r rif he Ci1y Council of H iton, is in-ai'y :Mniiileted , and the result, according U h Transcript, will not v ary much firm U5,()00. Population in IS 10, J? 333. NAT UKAE LUKUJSITY. .7 white chicken, with fnur legs, is otv in ilio possession of Mr. Richard Tin', ol Geoi gr town, D. V. This freak f N Mor- is th- uura cuilous as it is i v o an.! w i I'. SHOUT I'UAYEIIS. One of the . shortest ari l most comprclin-. sive pr-iyers ol modern times. said Ssir William Viitlham, is that of a soldier be fort the bat'ie -f Uienhcim. Oh.' (Jod! if thare be a (iod, sate my soul, if I have q. s ml. lio-bop Atifibtiry who wis present iai I he could produce a prater as rrtnrisit is that, nod in similar circuui.-i tnces, hui ,o hot'chtina much better spirit. It tvas, hat i.f a pious soldo r, uttered immediatelv nd'orc an cn?agpmeni. Oh! Lord, if in die hour of batik- 1 lorrjet ihce, do not thou 'nrr.ei me. I'ilOOUKSS OF ILLINOIS, The ci itstis (if Il'iinoisi, as f tr as returns lave bn-ti rrceivid, shows a vi ry rpiil til rease in p'-piilaiio'i since 1810. Tin in inisH in ihat Siam will ixceid 200 0(10 ill ivt-M-trs. J'.ii!;iu finm the returns -al- ie .ot- en Kti. i .iiioij now contains over Ttlti.tnH) iiibabitaiits The returns fioin Iim Wetu-ral L tt'd Ollice sin w that over SGIUiL'O arrrsof (uvrrumriit lands hate been sold in lilionois within the last cigh it en month-, i-,t! the probabihiy is ihat n morh cheater amotiol has been sold to ac oi il sciiliTS bv .-loi-.-rcs-'iJetil laud holder