The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, November 01, 1845, Image 3

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    I)Ij XCO 23 LSI JL1 'Ci1 J
"THUTH Wl r H 0 1'T rEA "
k tif iti.iy, .xovK.nniiH i, isi5.
N r the t- u T.i i' i IX Co ii v ; ii t i (Mi,
Ai suspieoini ore float that an attempt
Mill bo made at the next Congress, to in
tir'rre with ihe TnrifTof 18 12. il ippenri
Id ii h that it would lie policy for the Demo
cr nic purl) til' t lie noithein coun'iei to holo
a convention sometime in the month of No
unlii r, in eonie i-eninl pniition to give un
i xiression in reganl tu it, would not .V i I k e the nroner idaitT What do our
Wilkesbarie (rieti ! say lo it! Will they lake
it in hand? What do our friends in the never
al northern countien nay to ii? IV ill they step
lorward and tin! in giving a strong expictt
sioii in favor of aimuining a poliry winch
Jiai already produced to much good in
.developing the mineral resource .if the
North? We hope no. and we hope to see a
convention make such a report of their do
inj as will be felt al Washing! tdionld
any attempt he nude to interfere with the
interests of Pennsylvania and ciamp her
future prosperity,
The Wihg ni'ijoiity on joint ballot in the
Legislature i lweiiiy--lwo,six in the Setu le
and sixteen in the IIooset
i . . j
Cabell, the Whig candidate for Congress,
had betn.elecled in Florida by 200 majorii)
over Brockenbatigh, Democrat.
In the recent election in Dauphin count)
there is a lie vote between Mr' William
I). Boas, the Democratic candiiUie.anil Mr
John Zin, the Whijj candidate, lor the ofTi
ce of Pnnhnnoiary; the duty of fi ling the
vacancy will devolve upon the Executive
Ono hundred and fifty-eiht German
emigrants arrived at New Orleans Noyes.
from Bremen' Tlneo were born on itu
passage, and the question arises whether
they are natives or foreigners. A I any
r ue, they were horn under the American
flag, and will no doubt claim the rights of
Ami riiiiu ciii ns al the proper lime,
V1"1 1 I1
(lover ,or Hand, in Boston harbor, sa
lie Journal, has been purchased by lln, Un-
ted S. ofGovrment Henry 0. Andrews
of Boston. The commanding position o(
Fort Winthrop, upon its summit, when re
paired and fortified, will, with he oilier fort
make Boston as safe from fore gn attack as
any city in the Union.
Col K. S. Elliott, Indian Agent, with
a delegation of eleven Patlowatamie Indians,
from Council Bluffs, on the .Missouri river
passed through Baltimore on Wednesday,
on ihcir way to Washington, whither they
aie going to negotiate lreat:es in refcrciu'c
to their nation.
A Boston paper says tint a shoeppg mill
will make forty bushels of shoepegs in
day They are nicely picked in bushel
bag", and era exported in considerable
imiiuifs from that pint for iho London
inarkuia a I'ankee notion!
Died while Playing Cards. A female
named l'!'ia Anzell, was engaged on Sal
unlay niohi, at Norfolk, in playing a gain
ol cauls for a small wai;er,whirh wager tlx
had won. She laid he r hand on the puck
and iiisiantly expired. Slie had been sub
ject lo an affection nl the head.
'v.. ..i. ;! i.'i
.In Old Company. The Boston Cadeii
were out on Monday They have been an
(crganizcd company for 101 years.
' . ii i
On lal Tuesday, says the Morgantown
Vi) Nour.tainerr, at the Iron Works c.f E.
'J'. Ellicott. in this county, 105 kegs ol
.nails were cut in rine hour, with nim
larg machines and Cvo small ones. This
i said to he the besi work eve; done in the
United Slates.
Xnval Depot In Ohio City There
are prospeeis of a Naval Depot of the Lukes
bfii'L' miabliclifd in Ohio rity The old
river bed furnishing an excellent mooring,
the island in front a protection against
the sea, and the high bank in real a com
manding position for a fort, from which
an enemy could be kept at bay.
Kentucky is to have a Tliaiikt'ginng
J iy too a.)iernr,r Owsley haying set apar
Thurfdny 5J7ih ff November nral, fur that
Gov. Port is ai present rcsidinf in Ciin-
t III! I I
ton. Itu nea'.in, iiiougn noi goon, i
lecidudly heller than when ho left pisoo
Mtre Ileitis flutes, with injeriptim in
n unknown tongue, the key to which
las been delivered to a new prophet, named
Strang, have been recently found in Wis
onsin. The muliiipliration of so main
plaies speaks greatly their titlo to credibili
An English Wmehinacer.narmdSyming
ton, has invented a clock, the motive power
of which is the dropping of water: Il re
quires no winding up and but little attention
and is said to be a very successful experi
ment. The- population of the State of Indiana U
now about eight hundred thousand.
On Thnisdaynight, while the express
train of Livingston i$" Wells, Wall atreei,
was stopping at Rochester, ihe person in
charge of ihe various packages of money,
received at diffuienl places along the route,
placed the package he there leceived along
with the others in his trunk, which In
locked diid put a buffilo skin over it.
Shortly after he, went for a moment to tin
plaiform, and on returning to his seat fount)
that the trunk was taken away. He im
mediately gave the alarm, but neither Ihe
trunk or those who had stolen it could be
discovered The trunk contained, as is sup
posed a large amount uf money, but how
much has not as ye; been ascertained. 'The
money was piincipally on the Rochestet
rwlUulfaln bauks'The trunk was (Denuded,
external!) ,of black leather, lined inside with
in, and was about 21 inches long and 11
Il is slated lhat Captain Klaiise, ol
IMnladelphia, has discuvereil lhai liif ri
ver Amazni is navirablu for sieamships
i oni Ms mouth on ihe Au.nilic, to Lima,
n Aiu, and within eight miles ol Ca
jo, one uf the principal polls on thr
A bottle W is pickt d up, on Septem
ber lGih near Dott'ass Mead, cuulain
mg a paper with writing upon it hi pen
il, suppoxd lo give Some information
of iho laie of ihe lol New York nick
el flnp England. 7'lie following is tin
wiiliun: l'..cket ship 'Jutland, Irom
Liverpool, I) (ember 11. LSI I. Lou.
LS 7 lt. 45 10.' Oo ihe It VtTM- suit
'Los quarter boats en feelol waier in
the hold. No vestl it; silit.'
i , .
I he oovcrnnitnl ol r ranre is said lo
tie detei mined lo reel (Xtensive for I i
(icaiioiis on all the most unpoi taol (ioiiiIn
f the coasts. At Iltvre, the delVnces
will be very formidable. Great activi
y prevails in all the dockyards, and
very amnion is lo he mide lo put the
national marine in lo a position of alien th
nd ( iTicieiicy.
A secret club called Young German)
has lately been draggnd lo light in Swit
zerland. Il is numerous ami possesses
extensive ramifications. It inofes-e'
he most violent doctrines, the division
rf properly, the rijrjht f 8siiinat ing
kings, the encouragement of revolution.-
i 1 1 '.
The opers'ives in the factories at I' t's
urgh and . legheny city, having cill
d a meeting lo which Ihey invited lh.
iiaiinf irtti: et s, excUnlihg ihe r firmer
le'jdciv, altinded, and camp lo lerms h
cjriieing to adopt Ihe len hour ysiem
so soon as il rhall he agreed lo adopt it
n the mar. ufac ones Ihioughutit th'
A. J. McCannon, who ws Bonn
months since apprehended near Jick'
yVnnessiT, upon a eh.i g: of murder int
i whole family in Tippah rruiniy, Mis.
has bee" 'i ipiI and rotiilemn d to y
hung on the 1st of November,
TIip express with the English mail-
aine from Boston over the Long danri
Railroad, from Giecnporl, to B'nok'yii
with lliberrna s pasengeis. in ftour
md twenty .minutes running unv a
r ale of forty miles per hour.
j . . u. i .
Two men tickled a gul lo death n
the environs of Paris lately. First sin
nnghed heartily, ihen convulsive-heave
'f the rhesl succeeded. She lose, bu'
immediately fell and expired.
I 1 'M
Iii Geneva, Swit.ei land, so f,imo""
for its watches, it is said ihst the anm''
production is about 100,000; 3000 woi k
men being employed in Ihe buinc8.
The London Times psiimales th cap
ital of seventy-four railways completed
or in ihn course of completion, al X103,
T'ne Mobile Regislcr of the Illh in
-tan t, slates that a large portion of ihe
back part of the city has been under wa
ter for some days, from Ihe fact thil Ihe
Inches, drains and culverts were ob
The English Kli'ous Tract Society
is indtisii lonsly ciiculaiiog trscts in Chi
I t six monlhs, lo .March 3lt,
20,000 had been printed and issued u
hdUghae alone:
i ! - J u u
Forly six men were recently drown
il at Brest by a sudden sq mil whiel
verlook the war sleamer Doris, by
which she filled ami sunk.
A roll of cat peting, laltly fell from i.
clumber window, in bpi uificld , iliss.
on deacon ?'iel Sweeti'er, as he wa
passing, and killed him.
. J 1 -S
Amonir the curiosities ol Ihe INetv
Vol k C'aiile Show were a pair of milk
white leinaln mule'', and a cujijIq ol
ii i I k -vvh i 'C Guinea iowls-
It is said Ihe Magnetic Ttlegrapl
v 1 1 1 he completed betwee i Biltimoie
mil Philadelphia by the 1st of Uece.m-
The mechanic who is ashamed of hi
frock, is himself a shame to It s profess
H I).
Lowell, with its population of 30 000
viuls, has no less ihan 5J3 places uf woi
US. . ii s
i Here wis a severe tall ol snow 9'
Concord, N. II , on Friday.
jdre Damages At the late Circu
it Coun held ai Whileplains, Went Che
ler couniy, N. Y , Miss Coukiin,i Inly
using forty years of age, ohiained a ver
dict ol four thousand dollars against Mi,
Ardison Ilnl.of ohuul the same age (o
tireuch of promise of mariiage.
.1 AVw PiophiH has st.nleil up at
7tiinci L.I lie gives his tollowti-
emetics. S i that thny may vomi' up lln
devil. lately some rf ins soui-punlier-came
near ilesiroymg tlm pjrihly label
oacle of three or lour ol ihe female de
Ii m ij;r nf s . v r n y t h n u s s n :!
ohm have arrived ai New Ym k
il on
loitign ports whihin nine monlhs.
Xrw I' Orvii.?. Tho relur from
fort v coon lies give a population -)f 2,1 ' r
,S0r, an increase of 100,(118 since l.'llO-
There are now nincictu couu'.i' s to ht in
1 1 o m .
S-tne h C"mSus- The G rinan
journals annoiipce, thai a 'lolile is to lit
niecteil al G -noi, lo Christopher Col
iimbus, and lhat the king ol Nudini;.
has ; subscribed to the umuuut of 50,000
.'U Ll-'JSl.iSBlHtSl'".lH.". '.''WJi
MARIilED In this town on Tnesda
morning '1-1. ult. by the Kev. William . I
Eyer, Mr Chaster Straiten, nf Muiersvi(
Seioykill couniy, lo Miss Mortlm f7i7.v
laughter of the lalu Mr. Nathaniel Williu
On thn 30lh of October, by tin
same, Mb, William BnfiwjoK.of Orangi
ville, to Mis, Lath aiuk Smith, ol
Franklin township.
Oil 'Thursday ihe 23d nil hv ihe Rev. (i
W. Uiiteneouse, Mr. Paliert J'.altersnn.
lo Miss Josephine, daughhr ol Uobcri
licLay, Esq. ol Washingion'
. 'X 1
Bt.ooMsiM.'KCV, Nov. 1, 1815
Wheat, f)0
Corn, 4(i
Cloverseed, 4 f)w
Flaxseed, I 12
Butter, ' 15
O.ts, 27
Eggs S
Trtllow 10
Linl 7
Di ifd A pples, "5
While A'eans 100
Beeswax 25
yilir rulisciihi r Hlmit lour neck
mire I a Hvo years old; red
llt'JFKR, olllO vliile in lic r fnie
head. I he m'.ner in rtqiicHtiil lo pidpeily.
pay dinars anil take hrrnwav
(jentre township. Oct, 1 IS -IS
WHEREAS my wife having left my
hnufce, in r nnspqtienre of her d'ran?' nnt
of iTnnd.allpersons are forbid trusth g her
onjmy account, as fholl refuse lopav any
delits nf her contracting hereafter, as I am
hII limes w.llmg to ijive her a good support
if she remains al home.
Orange lownship, Nov. 1 1815.
ro ni: sTi:ij:qTin:n.
The undersigned originated the mode ul
journalizing the proceedings of Congress
winch presented litem eniue. I heir put)
licaiioii was the first and only one thai gavi
chlIi successive stco in every muauie in
Uoin branches uf Coiigtuss; a bru I ol nil de
tales, every important voie: and an Apper.
1 1 X including at lull length all the revised
speeches delivered during the session. I In
work thus conducted by ihem is a most per
iVel political hinlury. Trie Senaiois limii
.lie Siutcs and the Representatives Inon
very siicliuu id the Union bring ltti them
into Congress a knowledge of ihe leeling-,
iciuiuients, ai)d Interests ol Ihe.r several
consiiiueiicies, Public opinion and ihe
public information, as it txils among
diey if present, are embodied by ilieui, auo
in lht crucible ol Congress the wisdom ol
our limes is brought lo us lest, ami is then
oucenirattfil. in directing the political
uioNcuiciits ol ihu whole coumry. I h
impulses thus given through Congress from
every quartet read upon t tie nation as
vnoie, ami ail ua comiioiioui nans art
made hi move in co operdiion. 'The pre.
cannot bu more usefully employed iluu n
cuiidciisiug snd again spreading abioad Un
intelligence ol our free country, lending lo
such happy results through our almoni mi
raculously acjusted Stale and National hi
Having identified ourselves with ihe plai
of advancing the uselulne ss ol Cuugrevs b
publishing lull and impartial reports, and
Having a large mass ol Ihe Congressional
Ulobt) and Appendix, issued dunii" the lasi
ten years, which would be impaired in
ue lo us and utility to ihe public if the work
were discontinued, we have a double 1110
uve to prompt us to extend il through a new
series. We aie retnilvid il pnasible lo givti
it permanence, and lo hand n d own lo sue
cessors as a standard work, wonhy ul heing
maintained and improved. W.sMull entei
upon our new uuderlaking without hi-inf
lisiracteil or Olirdeneil bv any arsoehle la
nir.s ol tin; p i n.-; and, thus uiieuciuihc red,
ihall hope ! make the new hems a sir
ol advance of ihe lonnt r 111 all points ul ex
-1 11 1 1 11 . Wili it iiimv 10 aci OiiipliMh line
ve shall be ('one or the 01I111 ala)s in lit
luiilaiice in Congres il noinpnre tin
11 inuscript of our own reporters ilu
Uiiy reports 0 the cry papers tMcrect ah ;
iy our own ubaei vatiou an I Liiotv ledge o
he pioceeilini;s; mid lit liiqiortant iii.nli r.
vbern that will not aMire us of ihe 11 !e!ii)
of ihu repoms we wi.l rortirn the aid nl
ilic meii'bi is theiii.velt 1 to ob aiu ihe ex
o l scope ol iheir r maiks 'The work. tlm
iiitlieuina'td,vi ill '.e s rnoiv pcd,w hit h is
jminnty that Wfl will make as p-ifnel us i
is posinhle lot us to ill ike ii,wi-,is o dd no
incur rhe expniHK ul mi i'i Ht) ping ii, il wt
lid no ol Us hiinei lorny oter
all works of the kind which have I i m
ire likely to be pnbliM'iet! Ntereoivpiru'
ihu work will enable us to Btlppl) hist m,
tiiutihiied numbiTS, which we u ill (!u.i:h
out making any (diarge fur ihem.
The CongresHonal (Jlohe is nuule up o!
the daily proceedings ofjlie two Houses o
Congress. 'I he speeches of the member-
are condensed, to bring them into u read.i
i . -.1- All .t... . . ." I it' ,
me ler.gui. 'i 1110 rrsuiiiiiiiiH i-lleleil, 01
motions mailo, are given .in ihe moveiV
own words and t'in yeas and ii ivh 011 all
hu important ipies ions. It is in inn d unl
small type bievier and nonjiareil on ii
doulile royal sheet, in 'piarto form, eacl.
number cotitaiiiiog sixteen nival niiario
The Appendix is made up of lbs .Presi
deiil's atiuunl iiiessage, t!ie rcpoiisi of tin
principal (dlicers of the Government tM.
accompany it, and all die long spreihes ol
members oj' Cungiess, r-inicn out 0 revi
ed by themselves. It is printed in th
same form us ihe Congressional 1 J lobe,
and usually makes about the sume .nuuidi.r
of pages.
We pnul the numbers as fast as iho pro
feedings of , Congress furnish 1 nou jIi mailer
lor a number of the Appendix a week; bin
luring remainder nf a 6eHni. there is iisu
illy nllifieni mailer for iwo or three nuin
tiers nl each every week. The nexi sessioi
will tie a lot.g one, ami it is siippnmi will
be unusually .interesting; iht relnie, tie ch
culate that ihe .Congressional .Globe and
ppcndix w ill eaih make near one thousand
'arge quarto pages, printed in small typi
brevier and nomareil. Ve nirnibh com
plete indexes to both al the end of a scss
We have on .hand the (Congressional
(lobe and Appendix for the last luelvi
sessions of Congress nf which .live werr
'on,' and seven w ere slioti sessions i'hr
Congrt ssiopil filube atul A p.peiidi.x for each
session are bound together in ixerlleir
hunting, with Russia hacks aipl corners
Our prices for them, thus hound togeihe;
are a volume for a short, and ?." a vol
unie lor a long session, making $16 lor a
lull set. 'Those who waul the bac.k vol
nines should apply lor Ihem immcdialelv.
as they are in ih mand 'The last ,'Jongres
snbsci tbed for two huntlrrd and twenly six
sets, ami ii ts probable iluu the next will
subscribe foi ai least as many more, as the
proceedings of Congress for the last eight
years cai.tmi be procured from any other
source, Gales t Seamn hiving stoppni
printing their Regisier of Debaies m 1837
A few bundled copies of ihe first volume is
all we have on hand.
'The next session nf.Corcress will be a
Inn;; one, and, therefoie. ihe Congressional
Glnlm and Appendix should be $'i for the
session, which is ihe price we eluirgu loi
the unbound numbers of ihe past long ses.s
ions' bul we have coneluded to reduce tin
price, as follow?, u mil I tha firsl day nl next
January, after which lime the Gnngression
d Globe nnd Appendix will each be loi
the session, and no deduction will be made
111 account of the nu iilierol copies taken'
c'or onq rnpy of the Congression
al (jlohe SI
for one copy of the Appendijf I
Eor fur popies ol eiihar, or pirj
of boih 5
Ear tenlv li;e onea of cithei,
or purl of both V'") 0"
'The money may be remitted by mad .-t
mr risk. i should l;i here by ihu 7li uf
Deceuiher, al fardiesl, to jirofi'io all ihe
iii.nberij ptmipily.
Proprietors of newspapers who rnpv ibjs
I'ruspecius.and seid to iij um'1 nipv o po ir
,iaper eoiilaliiiuij )t, shall have in. ir immo s
nleie I mi our h)uk J hif oiih I'upx of the
Oolicressioiial Cilntje and Apjieiuhx dMring
the session.
Our prires for theje papers are so low
hat we (aunol afj'onl to credit ihem 0111
diereferc no person need ciiiisuine hi
nine in willing lor litem 11111 not s'-nil
tig the juuey,
liLAlR t RIV'ES.
Washington City. O. tuber 4, 1815
-In ihtemtim Pamphlet, called tin
l'Oli Ciraliiitniis t.'ireulation to all person who
vill rail, 1'ret.cnr, and Loud II, ul K. I.tu. .
Hiooin.sliiirg. John Moore, t)i nvillr, John lu3ei,j
Milton, Waller L'o. Uerwiek.
.ill the following mimed .Hrticlen have ob
luinud unliouiideU pupinCiity vtzi
KlieumulMii (Joiitracled curds, Mill' Jiiihih. unit
Hoot, will on. lively hu cured In iho I ilu um: hi
lln; liliiiill Yfjdalilt tUiXtr and l.iniiuutt. l'h(
eeptu-.i wu nmlc lo call and he pi rsonally retei
red to grnlli'iiii'ii id lliu lllgliest standing in Ilu
')' who Iiiim lieeo cuidl ul IvheuiiialiMii In till;
reuii'dv J lev arc wananleil the only ueiiiuiiu
laifiioiltt .MeiNair's .-li.di.iit Oil Un rv
nd Vny stiuewlul in curing tru loud JJialncv
' e liuve many ceitilieiiles limn uho han
ued this (lib with complete sticcess Wo 11: vit
il' who are tryulded with any dldi' ul the L.u
lo examine the pinot'
i.ii''ry v W i:tr 11 liHliun rniliiitu 1. Ihu lirs
family uiedieiiifi 111 Ihu woild it i .1 cine loi Dy
pepsia, Asllinia, Livr;" ruiiipliitul, InUlneation, Co
livoio! .liiuii'licu.Kiiiksps)' Delulil), e, Ai:
. II It riperates wilhiiiit Ihu sIiiiIimI pain, a
1 mild tfit llioiouijli cathaitie, uud iii mt
In' pi.rsrm eostivo even il taken veiy ollen
I lie 1'iles aio warranted lo hu cured by lh !;ci,
line Hays' l.iiilment ami I ohm I'ahit olelnii i, u,
Un money relunded Who will now seller uili.
Ilia dis'.iessjilg cinplainll .Never buy it tvithoui.
he sioineiireM eouistoiK A. co
coo.oi:i unit id .1 i.jinriH.l is un pure alii;'
Ironfall Kxlracl I10111 tins celebialecj luul ,1,1.11
lossihh he mailii 'Tins price is so v.i.soual'lv lion
he poor can all'ord to uv H, heing hut ,ri0 ceiil:
ler Inline, or M per 11 in me ouiy aiinte
that will rlleeluiilly ptltlly the ilood lolu all
iniputillies I hose ho have hecu Impri.deiit in
.' u-t) id caloim l, ejr, will Ii.iJ ituo icliel tioiu
I'.nsl Inilia Unit" Dye Tins dieinind jirejiarji
ion w ill (olor tin' liair any .shade- Irom 'u 1 1 li ;
own to 11 jet hlack, mid nut injuio Ihe hair 01
ta;n Ihe Ivi 11 in Ihe Icail.
I'lrsrnr and lieanly the Hair hy usiiiii Ul-
i ide's ria'pi 0 I' I 'iilutiihia, uloih imineihutelv
ipM lln: Lair liuin l'alilii! out, and ii'Mme it uliei.
Id .Never by il w tlhout the binaluiu ul Con,
lock V C o.
Worms Ki,'iii:!"f'.'x 'fni'f(ign is a :il,,'y
llld eU'eelnal enn ily lor Worn s, III rhllil en ui
nliilts, in evi'v rase, (t is rniiielv Veuelahle ,11.1
o iiiuot injury the uiosl delicalu child even i-liouli
Lite 1 c he 110 Worms. 1'iiiu 00 cci.l s. Don't; con
loiind ii with otlnr names,
V'.'f Molliert Hit 1 J lias hern llioroiir,li!y lestee
hv many eai k c p rieiiee. l.ailna rxpeirin
Ui hecoine tiiellirr.s may re.-t iis-uird dial it wil
Iways aid and asist ill prcpauui; them lor lln
trials I n -1 - r 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 . It iiuirl-, nil iicitou ajlee
ions, allsys looming i-ieklie.-.. call -ii - lialoal .1111
. vei'l re-- ripiali.e the 1 neiil ilinn id' the hlnoil
rettnl ilea Ilu sloiutieli. and I'mliLcrs Ihe hnli
nilhoitt i-ueh exeiuei aliu pains a-, niollieis r
leel. ,1jnyol'oui hest pliciuiis Ut,e il in ihei
iiactire. .New iliseovery, hy which a I Moves mid pipe-.
r irles may ho kept a Jet III. o k Milt as hemti
lid poli-h 11s a Coach Itudv with one Hppliiatioii u
1 jp ir. Il keeps all slnvi'i pno 1 Ipes Irom rilnie
hiounh llie sinnrner. This Vauiili is an cntnr
icw invention; 111.1t suipiises unit ilelihts all h Ik
ise it. (Specimen- ul Stoves and I'iprs in llu lino
he H. en nl "I I 'mil ll.inill sin 1 1 wlle e llie I'liii-.l,
iiiav he had al tin? cost nl " j crnla per hottle,
Uniiit ttndiul hu'i banc A seic lemcdv, Piicc
;.r cell 1 a.
Ih- l.ai7.ett'u ,!iino rordi.l.or Proerpativo Ilhin
cinedy in ease nf Iinpoleucy, Uarrenn, i-s, I'lmn
Mhus, Mciishiicliou, 1 111 oniinencn, nnd alldiseasi-
irisniLT Icoi.i ilelnlita.iuli ul Ihe s ileni where rcnior
liimi is reipiirril.
Ifev. Ir, liarlholornew's Pink!
yrilp, I"' 'no cure ri 1 iiiisinnplirn , Asthma
t'oiil'lw. 'oMs, Spill lliu of jlnod iNielit .S'.vects.
Kxpeeor:ilion, Pn'ii hi the sido Ac, &c
Millie Hair Vil It itivi'D the liair a tieiiutiliil
(ilos. and im Inn'" il to mil, ami wholly unlike
inv other Oil, il liner soilstliu Ii net ladies' lints
in thr lent If any lady or Kent email .hill im,'
1 Ins Oil, in;l liml thcf-e stateniellss Untrue, ihcir
inonry will he rel'iiiuleil
Ctiutifn In tit re..'..). '0.1 Thfl nhovn named
ul it-it-x are sold (iciiiiine in litis cily hv ( 'nisiork1
VCo, SI CoiirtUiidl-strcft, nnd .NO HII U;E!
i;l C evce t ul ' llieir crunliy custonirin
h'oiiu nil'er lake this diri-ction illi yo'l
I iic-c .si'n leu aie to ne n ut in 1111s pinto i t
Waller co. Berwick, John Knscr, Wilton,
Mqvcinlyr, 1, 18 lo iSv. (im
PROM the stibscrihrr, mini'
nine ajoi, an iiideinured boy
aed 1 0 ears One cent, bu
110 charges, will Repaid upon
'iiiibtuio leinrncd lo me, and all persons
ire foibid harbor inn or trusiinji him on my
aeroniii, as 1 shall refuse to pav a'iy dtbu
of his cootracliti!:.
Williamsburg, Aug. 13, I S 1 5 21
k"c'." ni'i !siit.t.ll n i r.I I
lll e.
ceivril uud l ir s.ik at llic iw
L. It. 1! L P . It I
October It.
f. hiam l.liilr. Hloonishurt;. .lolm 1oorr. l).inville!dowii, 21) per cent on. the tir-l ol April next, nn 1
11 ii. .1 1
A I). L'OOi,
AMorpuy a I Law.
KLOOiM.SlHJlu:, tOL. 10 , PA.
Oli'iee in lljuin-slrert, ojiposilu I'mtilr ' llolcj
( iiaum:s k.uii.fjj,"
justick ok tiih peace,
OlIi' M, comer ol' Kaal and Malu.stieet.s
Aloriiry at l.jiiv,
Office South side of Main st. ojpoiita
I'yer ) Jfifley'e Store,
t-vV.I.I( AT'TF.M) COUJ.' ! S IM
Ni i.u,k R;t:.
LiM'ii.L, q iTi.iil.ii ,k yi:sT.
Il'hhlvsiilc Dealers in
incv (;oav .
No. (31 North 'Third Suce:.
Jboye .lich,
Gen. W. J.inviJ;
MberlP Osterloji, L
Wph V'. West.
Ane. !)th-l3J5.
J "' " " "
3TO.VB PU'E Crsale at tji New .,.
L. U. KL'PLU i
IVtoher 1 1.
siiiurr's s i.e.
llY virtue rf a w ril of yen. r.X. 10 ,rne dii'r(t
I'd; Will be exposed to public sale, al thi
Court House in Danville,' n Monday ih4
I7ih nf November, I H 15 al Vi o'clock. M.
the fullotviui; ptoperlv lo viz:
l certain tract nf hind.sitvale in (Ireen-
voint towiibbip, Cultiiubia County conuiti
r- 13 s
more or less u,ooui r.iii 11 1 1 u u r.s ia
. . tun lere . r
vlieh is cleared liml, boiindeil hv lands nl'
Win. .M'.Micbaci Win. NVrt' 111 ,Ker, Cur is
SiHtteu. i ml oihers, whereon is 1 rcictl -1
Ure two story IIKK'K 'IIOIISH a sma'l
Log House, a Saw Mill, iiJath.Mill, Clover
Md frame stable ami ntlu r mil buildings,
two apple orchards, with ho spptirtenatiies.
Neied lakeit m execution and to be tol l
is the property of William J,emon.
' '" ALS '
A certain tract of lnd siMmie in Kishinff
creek township, .Columbia County, contain
14 Acres,
more or lens, about twenty live acres cf
which is t.leaied.honthled by lantls of Peter
Valk, William lkeler; Kdivard iMelleniv
ami whereon is erected a loo hnrue; and .1
loir siable, with the apperienaneep,
Seized taken m execution mo) to be so'tl
is the property ol Joseph IVllmer.
A certain tract of land situate in Gier n
wood township, Columbia. 1 ounty ,con'. aim g
note or less, aboii.t forty tieres of which
n cleared lainl.boiin.led by laii'ls i.l 'ViMiarn
Roaie, Abraham, llece"o.l it mhcn
uliercon is erected a log house, with Iho
' Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of William Swisher.
I R A M riKRR.SIierill'.
SiiEimVn Oi 1 11 k. Ihimlle,
October lll'h, IH15.
'WW. suhiihor will ellVr Ilia II Of'I ;tnl
,Mor! I'l'OiM'I'lj "'de until rhe "Oth
ol IlehcinliHi not. It inM sold hy lhat tune tin'.
lloM Mltlhs tenle.l I'm one os three years roni llio
lit I tec. nl' nrvt The lots nil liich the I'liilnin;: nin
fined trout '''el on Main-strict -the I ! t
4(';t feet hoot, SH dec(i and tloee steiira l.iyl',
I 1 It ot hrii k 111 1 t 1 1. The Moie Hi rise nl won'.
'i5 feetf'onl. di-r ri nnd Iwo and 1 half l "ii".
h'th. 'J'lm H-'lel is "iippo-ed lo do as much hi -
"'"e - s any ns oilier lloici- 011 lie .N nun 1W am 11
theu jiii liiiniiti.tV is now occupied i'y l luirhij II
'I he cninhlioiis of lb" i!i! will bell) pei icr-
10 pgr rcnl nuinialiy line li.dl of the pnu lia..
money will he left on the rejyiiy if de.-iiid.
ton any oilier information eiopiM" et'
1: 11 I3it";(;.v.
ninonishii-.', O.tohe. ".' -.V -1 V,i
- -
5I,'sT id ri'.iu am. ni 'ji lSi new Tio
snd Sheet Iron .Vaiuilac-tai-y. n'l'po.-iir ( "In
l -it'll Hold, several kinds ol I'.lftJ.OJl, SHOt
and COtmi.Yd T i, L, it thr (ol alii .1
Jin fi will U t-tlu liw.
u. j. iiici:.
Oct- 25
N.0TICE. I i,.,.e e, id fotm va :-
MMitccs thai 1 irlian Maiv Ksms. c.l -i
21 loaf, Ii i ciielllali d a sl imier llial I :nc al'-i
and alicinpliil 'n kill mvuitr, und J. C. O.
f. t.'. O. h.i ve ikewi e ilene lie sane il o
.N'o w.if they hit v- done I pr.u'ioiin-e iho r.
falsehood nod il. Older, mill stnikl ready to pi,n, '
at any loiie, '
Ji:i;i:uif ,ri'!i.i;.