tlfllrMT fen I have sworn upon the Alter of CJod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyranny over the Mlud of Mn. Thomas JeiioriKm II. WEBB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. XI. OFl'ICK OF THE DEMOCRAT. orpociiiK Sr. Paul's Church, Main-si TE?sl3 : The COf.UMiU DEMOCEJITwill be published every Suturday morning, al Tlf'O DDL Ed IIS per annum payable half yearly in advance, or J wo JJollur. Fiftu Cents, if not paid within the year S'o subscription will be taken for a shorter period than six months; nor any discon tinuance permitted,until all arrearages are discharged. A DVERTl SEMENS not exceeding a square will be conspicuously inserted tit One Dollar for the Jirst three insernonn and Twentu-five cents for event subse aitent nsertion. tfJA liberal discoun made to those, who advertise by the year LETTERS addressed on businest,7iiust be post paid. THE G A 11 LAN 1) With twcctcut flowerg enrich'd, From variuuH zartLrw eull'd with cart." From blaekwood's Magazine. The Last Journey. Slowly) with measured tread, Onward we bear the dead To his long home. Short grows the homeward road On with your mortal load, Oh. Grave! we como Yet, ycl ah! hasten not Pass each remembered spot Where he hath been, Where late he walked in glee, There from henceforth lo be Never more seen. Yet, yet ah! slowly move Uear not the form we love Cast fiom our light Let the air breah on him, And the sun beam on him Last looks of light. Rest ye set down the bier. Once he loved dwelleth here. Let the dead lie A moment that door beside. Wont to fly open wide lire ho drew nigh. Hearken! he speaketh yet Oh. friend! wilt thou foigel (Friend! more lhau brutiier J How band in hand we've gone, Heart with heart linked in one All to each other' Oh, friend! I go from thee. Where the worn feasteth free, Darkly to dwell; Giv'sl thou no parting kiss? Friend.' id it mine to this? Oh, friend, farewell!' Yet, yet ah! slowly move, Bear not the form wc love East from our sight Let the ail breathe on him And thi sun beam on htm I, ait looks of light. Here dwells his mortal foe, Lay the daparied low, Liven at his gate W ill the dead spark again? Ull'ring proud boasts and 'ain, Last words of halt? Lo! the cold lips unclose List! list what 6ouuds are those, Plainlivra:)tl low? 'Oh thou, mine ci.eray! Come forth and look on me Ere hence I go. Now his labor's done' Now; now the goal is won? Oh, Grave, we tome, up the precious dust Lin J of the good and just, Take the soul home! in Ji". J1 We will have a long eptll of in a lew da i; wtaihci, VOInmc HLOOMSIiUltC, COLUMIIIA COtlVTV, 1A. SATURDAY, AWKiMUKIt, I. S5. ' i j i . ' i. . j in TT 1 1 ! i From tlio New York Sjii it ofllio Times Practical Jokers in tliu Army. BY N. C. M. J. Ned C. was a young an! merry Bub ol toe imantry, and what is termed in the Army 'a clever fellow,' It is trne ihm Ned was somewhat given lo 'keeping hit spirits up by pouring spirits down, 'especial ly when stationed at an out-post; hut In never would have been called an intemper ate rran. At the time of my stoiy, the delachmen of the Army to which Ned belonged oc enpied a post on the South-Western fron tier,and might be said lo be in close quarter a the officers aud men, from the crowded state of the garrison, were reduced lo less than half the allowance of eating ai.d sleep ing room authorized by renditions. To his arrangement was Ned indebted for the locieiv of tho Doctor ol the post, wlo ired with him the comforts Si convei. crves of an aj ai tin cuts twelve feet I'he Doctor, actuated by feeling of le gaid for Ned's well being, (il may hav been wiih an eye to bis own quiet and re pose) was in the habit of administering to iiim, occasionally, a dose of good advice. and remonstrating with him on the impio prieiy of staying out late at night, getting. light, and coming home, disturbing peo- le after they had gone to bed;'all of whur Ned took very patiently, but without mend is ways. The Doctor; finding that i was utterly useless to appeal u Ned's sensi of propriety, with tho hope urcotmiig . nunge in his mode of hie, began lo ad dress himself to his fears. Ned,' said he, if you don't stop llm frolicking, and drinking, aud spreeing, yoi II get the dropsy 1 know you will and you il die in spite ol the u I ! 1 tell yoi. once for all lo slop it, foi if you get tin iopsy on jour cheat, you are a gone suck i! all the medicine in my chest won't savi ou! No, sir, burnt brandy won't savi you! i' he Doctor chid in vain in tain did In outinue to cnu.iierale ihu various cases o ;ird drinking terminating in dropsy iha iiad come under his observation since lit had been a member ol the Medical Stuff Ned was incorrigible. As the lectures on temperance, and ll.i lernble picture of disease and death, frou udulgenoe in strong drink up to his view were of no avail in exciting hi tears, tin Doctor was about to despair of eU'ecting i reform, when il was brought about, for time, in the following manner. As usual, late one night, Ned came horn very glorious, singing atihi tup of his voice & winding up each verse of his song will' a whoop, loud enough lo 'wake up hall reatiou.' After making several lurches toward the door, he succeeded in entering ind in (he vain attempt of disencumbering lii nself of coal and boots, at the same mo ncni ouilo a pitch forward, and lighted with his head against the short ribs of hi leeping room-mate. The Doctor's bowel f compassion were sadly disturbed, how ever, after venting on the head of tin falloi ini'inl a few hearty curses. he kindly assist ed him in divesting himself of hu clothes; ind saw linn deremly laid out on his mat irass Next morning; as soon a it was light the Doctor possessed himee!! of (he sleep i's pantaloons and drawers, and, with the issiatance of the hospital matron, had ilirm neatly taken in about four iucnea in ihr waist, then quietly replaced ilieu., and tumbled into bed lo wait the result'. Hail an hour before, (his accustnmed lime for. rising.) .Ned slid out ol bcd,couled his cop pets by a long pull at the water jug, tuid then (ouimeneed the operation of making ins toilet. The Doctor, who wag lying with one eye open and i wad of bedcloiht s siulfed in his mouth by way of smother, mg a desire lo laugh walchtd closely the Iressing process going on before hi in. ' I'i very slut ge,' txc'aiuud Ned; I wor.dtr Lis gi.i inlu these d d duw tre- they were large ti.ongh ytt r il a y , lih liow 1 taa'l make thtrn intet.' "lis ho ii '' "Wiiiiim liiiY 'i ifiiitiiliT ' in trying I'll hitch them up to my paiiisj men inon diew on Ms palaloons, anuiorwird, and introducing a hiccup now and drained himself to the utmost to make them neel ocr his bread basket, but it was no tlt fa, wjln evcry ffl',irt he only increased the size of the bunch of shirt that stuck out 'a feet between the buttons and button holes of the waistband. After exhausiinf himself in vain attempts to close the open iug in his r.eiher garments, he approached he Doctor, who appeared lo be asleep and after arousing hnu, if he could tell what had occasioned the sudden disproportion between his unmentionables and that pari of his person which now refused lo be en closed in them. 'Why, yes!' said the Doctor; rising and scrutinizing Ned closely 'n is just as pit in as the nose on your face you .hive been drinking and swilling, at such a rale lately that just what 1 predicted has come true you have goi ihe drops) ' Greal God! you don') tell me so!' ejacu aleii the poor Lieutenant, as he clasped Ins handa together and full back in an arm cnair. -jiu mat l Had listened lo vour ..I. . ' .ill l .i .1 i . i idvice.iny tleai fellow ! Can', you do somi thing lo save me?' 'I II irj: was ihe reply; 'but you must jo lo bed. keep on low dm, avoid al sum ulating drinks, ai d lake such medicines as I may prescribe' Thank you, Doctor, I will do anything in the woild to gel rid of ihis honible dis esse.'aaid Ned, 'and if you will only cure me, I'll promise-to stop ilnnking aliogethei Doctor, do you think I shall have to be lapped?' 'Il is imponsible to say, Ned. but,' added the DimMoi" 'an inn . ' good constitution, I think we may avoid dial operation, provided you keep still and iin your bacU! Ned fellowed ihe Doctor,! advice strictly , took simples, dieted, and kepi on his buck, whilst the Doctor & Ned's brother ollicers to whom ihe joke h id been imparted, were njo) ing ihemse.ves at his expense. Ever) lay he would leceive half a dozen visits oi indolence from the subs, of the garrison- each of whom would expiess his sur prise at ihe enlarged statu o N''d's corpur isity. At lh end of a week, the Diictm iain abstracted Ned's breeihes & drawer had litem restored lo their proportions. placed by llm bedside of his iinsiispecing ).il.eni; and then (old him toriss and dres iiruself. So indeed he did and Ned sooi ound, lo his infinite joy, thai his clothe -vcre almost as much loo laige for him now. i they were before loo small all symp 1'iins of ilropiy having disuppeaied thank to the kind attei.t ou of the Doctor; which woe liberally beslowed on him by Ned. Doctor bound all ihe ullicers to secrey,snd Ned's dropsy became the standing joke ol i, io garrison Time passed on, and by accident or da "in, Ned made the acquaintance of the f.iii ('l would not say frail) one, whom (he Doc tor employed as semstrcus the very per son he had engaged to sew up the Lieuien nit's inexpressibles as a mailer of course. iik not advanced far into her affections 'iclurs she threw out hints that awakened Ned's suspicions, and with a little manage .neni, he soon possessed himself of all iIikI particulars of the trick that had bceu played on him. No longer having the fear of death fion diopsy beloie his syes, Ned relapsed inn his old hab Is, 'just as ensv as (ailing off a li)!,' and ihe Doctor's nightly persecution agaiu commenced. The temperance lec- mres were renewed, & (he lite hair-hreadth escape was held up before hiin'ilcrrorcm toil lo no purpose. Ned's constant rcn to all the udmoniiions of tho Doctor was a short and a merry one!' At unit's, how flver, Ned would appear meluneholy aud dejected, and would say to the Doctor, thai he w as tired of his existence, and that Ik must not be surprised if he put an end to himself. About II o'clock one night, afier ih Docw had retired to rest, ii. was snoozing away very comfortably, pio'.rcted from as ..jdlii of in o qui toes ly a well lucked pat il it'll, I. e was suddenly aroused from hissiuir-. hir hv liui iilroi.r e ol Ntd.uhu was very nt'iuuth dguised by liquor 1 i T iT' i 'T'T' T (1 ' 'Doctor,' said he (reeling backwards and nun uo.wcen ins worusj 'wocior, gei up! I wan to talk loyou 'bout something that !.... L. . . - L' I , concerns life & death I want vour odvne my doar fellow. I am about to tommit a deed-a fterful d,d- hrnd ,l,.d.' up, won'i youf 'Clear out imd go to bed, and stop your I d noise,' growled the Doctor as he lorn ed over in bed. Well, ii is the last favor I have lo ask ol you Doctor, and 1 ask it for the last time I am tired of ibis life, and if you don'i get up I'll blow my d d brains oul: (and hem ihew and cocked a pistol.) Will you gel upjand hear what 1 have to say oi not?' No, and 6e d d lo you,' shouted ih Doctor. Then here goes,' and as he said il bang went the pistol; and poor Ned was stretch ed on the floor weltering in blood. 'Ureal God. cried the Doctor, as he leap Irom Ihe bed, cairjing wild him the mus quiio bar through which he had., boiled his headj 'what have you dom ?' ih'Mi "easting a glance in ihe comer of ihe room, he saw by the flickering of light in an expiring audit, ihe muiil.uvd remains of the uii fortunate young man As he rushed m agnov f:oin the room he encountered several ol the officers, who hearing the report of tin pis:ol were proceeding lo the spot to learn the cause of Ibis unusual disturbance. To their enquiries ihe Doctor out) replied bv exclaiming '0! he begged me lo get up lift said he would kill himself if dld'nigm up, arid he has done ii! I nij.rin h;r t- v.i, i never, iicver shall lor give mysell! Such were the lametitaiione utteied by the Doctor, as he paced back ward and forward before the door, whet he was aceos ed by Ihe commanding officer, who demanded the cau-e of the a'arm. 'lie has shot himself, and I mighi have prevented il, Sir, but 1 wouldn't get up when he beggee me lo do so 01 ! i ihall alwai s have his death U.ioti mv cuni i w u-iencc ' Hut speak, Sir. who hag shot hiuiHclP iskcd ihe commandant, seizing the Iraniii Doctor by ihe rnmneni of the (iiusquiio-bai which gi:ll streamed Irom his nerk. Lieul. (J, fctii he has jum blown hit train out! 'And have you exttnined ihe wound? lemanded tho commandant. 'No, Sir, no I shall never be able tn ook upon him again,' Calm yourself. Doctor, and go immedi ilcly, and ascertain'lhe exlunl ol the injury' said the commandant, sieinly.' The Doctor yielding to the lone ol luthority wiih which llm last words were poken, slowly returned to (he room where the irag'cal iceue had just been enacted. and approaching Ihe gory remains of the poor Lieutenant, placed his hand profess tiinaily on liie pulse. At the same lime the corpse rising ou one elbow, and bring ng the lip of his thumb in contact with I bl end of the nose, and, waving his open haud. you'll sew up my bteuches again, Old Pill ISox, will you?' The shout ol laughter hat followed showed that inoM 1 1 the per -tons present were in the aeciei, and douhi less had Bided Ned, with the help of liul lock's blood, to represent the mangled rorpst I'hc caiiiniaiidanl with diffit u'ty restrained his laughter, but for the sake of disciplim oluiiuistered a sevete reproof of ihe part) aud forbade fur ihe future the perpetration of practical jokes in gainson. The Doetoi lidu'l see that theie was anything lo laugl it, and said tnero was no tun in causing him to ruin a fine musquito bar which had osi him five dollars, with their internal oonsense. M.zbethd should say you were ,,i! a liart,by the way you ireal the Miss Urowtis. 'Ican'lhelp that moih'r. Hill Jones stole my licul more tlian six inonihs ago, and 1 mean he shall keep it loo. . . Shall I .have ihe o eastiiti (.f wa' i ' , d 711 wttnyou.maoamt sa.u a gentl, man lo a u"',,l,f "- ...uj. maiiK you, sir; i nave hugging enoujjii ai home. i'ii if "i V.: "FTC. iC. A FEW SEASON A ULE Hl I'S. Cattle Yards unit Cult In. l ,ul in .. . .... io your came yards luH supply ol road "t'rapiiijM, martd. mn I, t, mould md ,e:,ves fro n the won la, and wh'eve. othar l'er,!(,,ahlt suImuocm you can ool 1 . I - i I . K 3""ail ".e wno.e oer mum. tak inn care to h iva ihu outer eti hi h than ihccen'ro. As soon ss voiirpasiore- may u -come nc-m' , confine vour caiiit in your yards of a nigh', taking cre li feed Idem with some gooj Micculen pi ovender. To prevent loss from evaporvion, Iru surface of cattle vardi should be at inter valsof a lew weeks, strewed over wild jjlasioi or pulverised charcoal. Il should ie a main obi ci with wry farmer t Dave comfortable sheds or stables provi led lor It 1 1 calllc, as by being kepi dn ind Winn during the inclement wealli er ol winier, nMch less food wiij an ver. Orchard Ai soon as your apple are gathered piepaie ihe followinj; mix uie and ive your irees a painiing lake in Ihe propunion of '4 allom ! ofl soap, 1 lb. of 11 nir of sulphur and I :b. of Scotch snuH, mix Ihe whole loneih er, and apply il to lite body and roots o Irees above ground. This will not only iesroy ma ets insects out prevent in jury from mice and tabbns. Iransplunting Ocluirds. Sj soon is the leaves fall will he Ihe lima 10 plain ut your orchard. In the selection ol kinds he careful lo get the bet varielc-. o buy from some well established re- ponsib e nursery man in whoe hones ly you ran conli le Gnuods in lenrjeil lor oiehardf should il possible, be p'oun'i- ed twice, Ihe second ploughing lo be ac- companje.d bybfrSffouils hml Uxen- s Ihe pasluies no looker atloid a 1'ul- bile, let those valuable creatures houied well fid, cared lor. Animals lhat work; tiould always receive generous treat men'. Ditching and Draining. The lirm avorable lor these operations, and al tho have lards which are loo wet ordi tarily f -r healthful culture should go lo vol k au I have ihi in forthwith ditched ind drained. H eo doing, the li xlnn ol'sticii soils will bo changed, and their Hodiiivinii inor-'a a I lrorn 3'J to .10 ei cent. , according lo the degree of heir pi t bent oIih sh. Sheep. If you h ive not already pro vided yourself with good covered folds lor your sheep, do so al once. Sheep which are kepi dry ami warm will subsist upon one third less proven- er and yield better fleoesihao if suffer ed to endure Ihe winters frosts ami snows unprotected. lhickwhcut Harvest your buck- whtai an soon ns dry, thresh out i( rain, and carefull jitit away Ihe straw tiding a peck of salt lo eacn Ion; il will mako excellent provender. Out houses of nil leuiut. Let ihese if cleaned and white-washed, Fall idoutihing. Still clays are al- w a) 8 the better ol fall ploughing, pro vidud the ground is nut wet when plough ed. Corn Stalls. Save h se for iov n lei for your cattle ifeui into short pie ce8s nd sleLniei', they are us good b clover hay for cat t'e. Hoots of all kinds. Oaiher and put AWiy these before frost has a chance ol I'juring them, Fences Gales and Earn. Submit Ihese lo close examination and thoiougl repairs. American Farmer. CONCLUSIVE A K (i U M F. N T. Soon after the L'orpernican Syaiem l sironomy benari lo bo generally unnVi -tood, an old I'oniiei licul farmer went u I, is pardon with llm following inquiry.' Doctor T., tlo you believe in this new Morv of ihe earth movihg round the sun!' Yes, reiiuinly ' 'Do vou think it is ac cordinu to sciipture? If it's true, If w could Joshua hve roinmanded ite sun to standstill!' Uinjdi!' quoth tha doctor, no whit poz'.ed, 'Jii6hna roinmanded ll: sun 1 fl .1.11 1 lie-. IC". 'n, I li .1..I ,... V ' I U u I (( no,,. .Ye(.. -Very well ow () vou ever hear that ho set it a go ing again.'' A 'HAKMUMOUS JURY.' A piry, which had been lorketl up a1 the Globe Hotel. Philadelphia, from .-..IllllUay IU I'lOtlUdy urii'iL uii. .v i u . , . . , Khaimomze their opinions, comn enced c I .. i. M...U.. 1,..,.,.. .,.,.U i,, s inft ecS) whic wera rema.kablc or iho compais and tueiy oi the dto u? !48 lilJO.W CONUNDRUMS. Well, Mr, Siow, 1 wains lo a you one question.' 'Propel it, den.' 'VV'iy am a grcg simp like a counterfeit dull,,!' Wei!, Ginger. I gibs dat right up.' Does you gib it u.' kase you cau'l piss ii.' 'Yahl yah! nlgja, yon talk so much 'houl your counteifeil dollars. j:st succeed lo deform me why a counterfeit dollar in like an apple pie?' Oh! 1 diops de sujetl ami doesn't knotv nothiti' 'bout it.' 'Kase it jsu'i turrcn,' Ohl de lord, what a nigger? Why am your head liki a bag ob dollars;' lio 'way from me why am it?' 'Kase dere's no sense (eenls in it ' Uingeil I say Why am de Man-duii House Jal greal Hotel obar de iva)--liku me Vig lumbi r yard?' 'Why ame de Mansion House like a nig lumber yard? Ol course, me gibs da( up. Wal, Oinger because dere's a great many boaids den' IJOOD-FULST JUTE An incident occuired on boaid s sleam boat some lime ago. illustrative of the ridn r "lo,,s I,ri')o "ntl "hTeuiorj of the would b fashionable, and Ihe excrglistmgly polite of ihu world, At supper, a lady sat do n to the table with something of the Hon r i - and loss oCl'ieJivuA,..rfvdvnieiiiii Olail o.i lojrd. An hor.ssi iueer looking, but ge t leel young .'nan, seated himself opposti. . and uol being in the mood of wailing lone helped himself lo a piece of bread, and w in his own knife also look a piece of butter u keep it company, The lady (1) imuiediaie ly bridled up,& showed by her manner -mineihing xnusual had occurred; vVaitah said she, 'waiish, take away dial buituh that lude man has had h:s knife in id' She ws obeyed, and the butler vanil 'd lo her greal relief. The poor fi llon Mushed lo his shirt collar iik! fell mlliriri,. embarrassed. ISeforo the supper was ovi i his politeness ai dlaudablo desire to retrii tu Ins eiror, prompted him to piss ',he lady a plate of dried heel, nicely cut up Sim reached oul hor hand very politely and look Millie ou her plate with her fmgeis. Jhm. han instantly started up, and ituh a loud voice cried out iVaiiertake away this "inokrd beil; hat rude woman had her f, liters in n!' It was now het turn lo blu-h. She w 1 1 irly donu. COMIC INTERLUDE IN MAC MET II. Tho ti agerdy of Macbeth was a;l -l .1 . . . ..IT. I 1.'. I . iceciiliy ai a uuvn in uiu k, i.hih mil ainonn the sudiet c w a man , hod hern fifty miles in the course i f i Isy to see Colder, tie mnider- r, In I, U . . . . . .1. . U..l.-f at Dlllly. rl't'liwi's ino ih-iifi rn" mined until the last that the exr -penalty of Ihe law would not he u II (I, lhat the man who hail f-en h'oi o . wa to peftered on all sides lor an oiinl of ihe inelai choly spectacle, il i actually betook biinelf lo the il- I to avoid funlu r importunities. ,1 a-i he entertd, the fttorth scene ! n irarrdy was coinmcncir-, and u .v-H quietly silling himsflf down u i o neit the stap, Duncan began in t voids of the author, as iiuil I execution done ou Cawdoi?' Yes, mi ,' said ihe man, 'I ibw li i longed ill's moroirtg-r-aoa Ihu'- lisl lime I willans vei any morn f ions about it.' The audience wei . coined with laughte al I lie smote ake, anil it was home lime beloie pei formances could I'e proceeded ui n, THE KUL1N0 PASSION. The mother of Kothsehild tin 1 ' v tiaiikei, now in her 97ih j ear, had mi mi m i violent attack nl i.lness; When tecorered -lie rimark d io In t f ie t 'ter No, no. my li lends, 1 am n i ' io leave this world until I ant t ; 1 1 t ;ar.' Meanius; lhai she would c .. -li reacheJ one hundred, Milliliter x. ::gi i