The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 25, 1845, Image 4
Seal Bloom Urlcrrtrek, Catuvviiij, Centie, Derry, . Fiahingcrerk, Franklin. 0 refit 00 J, Hemlock, Jaclnoo, Liberty, Limeeiono, Hahonin Mifflin, . Midison, . Mount I'ieannl, Monteur, Main, Itotrinjcreek, O.inje, Pajilon, fiugailoaf Valley, TOTAL, 2913 Thou markd thai () were upon th FAMILY MEDICINES JAYAE'S HAIR TONlC. T-'w lUit Tonio hit produced beautiful New .ir in th h.,i. f hn.5r-i. hA h.A K t,.M lir In th h.d. f hn.Ar-i. hA h.A K t,.M foryear It alio puriflee the bead from Dandruft Cure dmtejas of the acalp Preserve the hair roitt falling oflf or bacomiug jiermanrntly grey J.iYN' CARMINATIVE EAL - faijjlf, i tniiii, aaio ana cueciuai remcuy ror uji entcry, Diarrhoea or looaeneaa, cholera niorbua.aum mer complaint, colicj griping pains; aour stomach; eicli and nnvoua headach( 'heartburn, waterbraiih; rpain or sick net f tlie atomach; vnmitiug; spilling Hip of food after -eating and also where it pastes through at bo&y .unchsngfd ; want uf appetite ; reetlesne.hd inability to sleep; winid in the t mach and bewela; mmp; uarvoua treniora and .I;irhin,n. ..IrU.... Mnln. trial a.ij rWniwofaniriu.fretti.iff and crvinn nf infants ,, . , . - , ' .. andfora!! bowal afTecttona and wrvoua Jiacaca. &lr. JJrxJir.S TONIC VERmlFliGE 'Which ia perfectly aafe and ao pleanant that .ildrm m tn tot., i,. ' n .m.ri...n. -children wiiJ nol refuse to take if Jt elTtctually destroys worms: neutralise acidity or eournem of the stomach; increases appetite and act aa a gene ral and permanent Tonic and ia therefore exceed ingly beneficial in in'ermittent amlReinitleiil fever and indigestion; 4c and ia a certalu and ptrmanci.t curs for te fevr and aQ. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken at all times end in moat dieeaaei In lnflammatoiy, intermit er.nit- Other ' ' tain, Kemttlent, HiIioui, and every torin of -tew Jaunuioe and Liver plaint. FofDyapepaia they are reajly invaluable article, gradually chanciue (lie AiuatBu aecreuonf 01 me aiomacn anu liver, ...!... J .l. .. 1 ii ..n.l n.Mr -xV.. id. . . . 1 I. m - 1 ... iiu iuuui.iiig 'iicaiuiy atiiuii in uiu-jii nil - i'i ...i. i, riruridni uruaiia. 1 1 rv are verv vaiuauie inpiiBiiiuiiiuiiiipiiiiiitiuuciiciufliyiiiiiiitiitii. ord.aea.e.oftne Skin and for what aMiJl tb third Monday 0f November next, the .aid rmII!!r ' oou't will thenmak. a decree anddeclare; that. he commonU called 'Impurity of blood; t aBotiatf) sha , t))e h t& 10 fur Fein ale Complatme, Coattveneer Title: f -the fir.t Presbyterian Chord, of Blooms .Ac. and 111 (act every diecase where on burg' in the county of Columbia aforeaa'd, become Aoarienl. Alterative, nr PnrrrMtive Mvf!ii-ini ami !m n,rnnmii,.ii nr noliii. miri.pnlilv inilm .may be rcqniied ..,.. ..,.. ..,.... JUNE'S EXPECTORANT. f It always cures AJtlituatwo or three large doew will cure the Cioup or Hives Children, iu from fifiven rninute to an hour lime. -immediately tubdura the violence of Hooping Cough, and effect a - gpeedy cure. Hundreds wlio bave beeo gtven'up by their physicians aa incurrable with 'Consumption,' have been resiortu jieifec t heahh, by it in i. a a emeuy io 1 uimonary uis eiaes, u encotcme has ever obtained a Jiitfhf r.irtT mora dtaerved reputation. ..0Tli hov Medicine are all for nale otil.e ;are nf .JOHN R. MOYER. ill'itiiu.burg. SO JOHN MAUKLr, Harness, Saddle & "TrunK luanufacturcr: . . . . TTJ ESraOTrrLLY taforma the public that he J& haaloataJhimaelfin tho thou next door . to Samual rntmch. Cbair Factory. .Vein street itacMHutr .Columbio county, wheich will eary , tm iSo above bai mm in all i:a branehea. Ho vwll aecp constantly on hand fine tulcoe fi. . I ft IT .t ...... . ! uw nun a wo unrst jmrnt-ars, 'Hon CiyllaTt. SaddUl, Bridles ar.i Trunkt: Src. cerv;.,n; ,nd having bad 1 ex pav itencamtMiiuotnaM, necaniurnisnesgwo woik, end BS cheap as can no purchaned in the county fJAl! kind of eoiintry produce tajeu in J ti.t fur w,t lb m-nifi pjA-. Columbia (Dmmiy Election Meltwm CTOHSEIffi, 1845. of Juntkt. Asiemhiif, Treasurer. o s- 5. ? IS. fig r 8 s o 2 s " ' w 2 a i a. S h s o 4" a s o 5 P ' & ? .2 892 3 347 57 208 30 282 81 20 352 830 3?5 227 103 0 77 107 67 122 73 04 69 105 3 111 111 77 101 64 0 170 9 67 121 99 (S3 84 OJ 2 107 106 73 63 110 100 153 17 121 35 132 18 10 100 157 149 130 37 77 100 72 179 H2 144 80 159 00 183 111 89 210 22 2 180 1 174 5 154 7 102 10 0 168 109 100 103 8 0. 64 42 37 71 42. 64 45 SI U 58 63 39 41 60 0 m i 172 11 107 67 89 100 0 170 164 155 85 83 0 173 15 170 19 149 41 175 20 0 183 182 173 161 32 0 62 0 81 0 50 0 47 6 0 51 53 49 51 2 0 3 181 3 170 65 119 50 100 0 107 132 63 130 42 0 SO 84 39 77 45 60 43 50 3 01 73 &8 101 14 0 fl 689 0 737 33 702 8 725 0 419 34 0 22 62 8 121 24 103 45 112 33 104 44 0 135 132 100 111 37 0 188 53 193 61 169 51 170 67 0 105 174 169 163 31 0 128 0 127 1 121 2 110 9 0 123 123 125 U3 33 0 62 85 77 40 70 34 73 42 0 105 105 84 80 29 0 108 0 100 6 109 1 110 0 0 113 113 110 101 1 0 211 15 174 72 162 40 149 63 5 214 210 174 151 60 3 175 7 131 55 112 55 100 57 22 147 147 128 131 48 0 80 1 72 9 79 0 73 5 00 69 68 64 75 4 00 417 0 17 0 205 fl 207 5 0 214 211 102 190 11 00 8 145 7 145 2ft 114 3 31 01 63 g 0 24 110 0 1579 2570 2029 2493 1770 Removal Ticket, and all elceieJ. CATAWISSA HOTEL. CATAWISSA COL. CO. PA. TT all ACOB DYER infoims traveller! and . ... ... , hi Old ctlil.imer and friends, ih.t be till keep, the above Hotel, where l.e Mill t . , be happy lo wait upon ll.oae who favor , w nd commodioue, and well llliti liilin I It n I mtatn.M 1 1 is house H large no commouioue, alio wen erranej to ac- commodate hia (jueus Ilia table ia alwa)t provideil with the choicest Viands the nisi kets can afl'ord, and his Bar eonlnina aome of ll,e beal ''I"'0" ,hal ran ,,e fou"d 11 is aeclion of country. His siablce are alao ample, and good ostlera are alwaja in at- tendance. Catawiaaa, July 12, 1845 2m. 12 1 The Might of Search.' 7" NEW ARRIVAL OFDI Re&dV MadO Clotllitl Tip a ii Sii r i hn r has ml rpluci o l,r. aa.or.menl of URADY 1nr.. fM.OTII. . ..... w Vfi uH.h h..,ii,l ...i,.n f. - v..n V..11 'y ca" De purchased in (lie county. . u , eo n J , Kiglit of Seaich ia euaraniied to all. oau ana examine lor yooraetvea, aa the J. U. MUX tit June 7, 1845.-7 LEGAL NOTICE All persona Interested will take notice, that an application Vi as made to ihejudgesof the court of coinman pleas, silting at 'Danville' in and for Columbia County at the teryi of AuhuM; A. 1) 1-45, by lb. member, of the first .'reterum Church of filoornsl-urg; in the county of tolum- am. enjoy the pains and tmmumties of a cor oik. enjoy tlie pains a 11 J norntlnn. hv trip linlnA btvle Sl Title of the I first of Bloomsburg and if no ' . Presbyterian Church ..ll" " .1 III. I.. . .. - i auineirni reason snouiu ne suuwn 10 iuo conunry ui .k.. ......., r.i,.. i... ...i ..;iu ... . .. Art iii Ataatri h v in anif-n raun ma (In ami nrnviilfil JACOH EVEKLV, t'rot. Danville Atii .23d, 18-15 JDMIX1STIMTOI1' S NOTICE. The L stale of THOMAS HAYCOCK lalt of 'Fiakiiiffcreik township; da caned have OTICE is he.-cby given that k'ticreof lnin illul1' "'ration on the above mentioned fcstute In1" granie " ' 'ubscrikT. All persona are rted to said estate are hereby notified to ouiUe caUjd diate pay lent; and all those having claim rrfl niiiiML(t ia nrA.iril them tironerlv niitbenli- caiidtto JOHN M. HAYCOCK. Adm'r. Rhorsburg, August30, IS45 6wl9 ENOCH HOWELL. m a d i ii i ij r ik '- ra.tTin vafTir r .i ..III k. . . , . ,l T r i i i. h.ii. imivivt iriln (hit liliililimr ruriiMrlv iwrlllllea hv ii rniT. i r i, .i. y . iniiirriaai to iiuinic uiai rm .... .... .. .... d i t. r v I mc 'iiRi;is(er in itisikci s(reri near in. nrivjr d. Co. store where be will always be ready lo fnike any kind of clothing, at the shortest notice I : .1.1 . r i: 1.1 . . i 17 mm iu u:b i( cm mun msiiioiiaiiie siyie. from his ug experience iU the business, he .flatter himself that be shall continue to give general sal- Uactienand thereby to receive a .Ure.of the nubi ...... ' 1 Licul'r'.t.emion paid to cutting. kinds cfouut.y produce taken in payment r. Wlk m. ' sna o irav tfl i Nfll'irK 4 LL porin kmming Ihemselves imlebted to iSL lhenhaihei,.aie rtqmsteJ to wn fcrwa.d aud ..I. payment. JSrlJ tZ lIJi- will tm i.,n in p.ivmci.t as usual, aud received In exchange lor 1. HA I I I Kit. i f J I.I F ('HIIISTM IllJ.flilfbUrB, M..V P.. f'tT! -.1 Commissioner. Pro'tary. Recorder. Aud, Canal Commitoner. 2383 1975 80 8530 2080 8 hereby given to all person, not to purchase a ccrla,n -,0,e 01 "'' B'v,'n n,c " r rcucrlcK vuwMniD. piiauii niA lllwiJltjei nilCi UH I IT, tan, lilt ll.K received no consideration for .a d Note, I .hall refuse to pay the an mo. WIUllAEIi HENDERSIIOIT. Montour, Sept. 30, 184522 MAHHLH YARD.' The aubsnihera have estaMiched at tl e above p;,re. a new MJIUULK YJltl), and wilt always be ready, at the aliorteal notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB- TABLES, ' TOMB-STONES, II EARTH JjlMIiS, MANTL ES. PAINT STONES, MULLERS, &c. I. : . . i. i. i ....i . :.. ,iv.wm,. c. ,, ,,, M.iirii iu niriiin i nii;i Aiora!n hv the name inn th n. i 11 ... i cm'i u i.rmi. . , ; " ") ? T Hiptisi hmii oii,in, wvj'ju 011,1,0 anu 01 L'.ri'i, either of Ala.ble, Lime or any kind ol atone that can be nrorun il in tins uriniu K7Hav.nB had .,Mlerable experience . , . . . 1 , 1 , , , , , in the busings, tney plaice their work to be executed in as handsome a style ae ran be furuiMlied Irom hnv yard either in the eily or cminirv; and on aa reasonable lernig. AltMSTKOMi & II UGH UN. liWrnelitirg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 () T I C i: f:lMe 0f (;enrge JJdlcrUkt tm 9f JJloom towthip A,cVb ' Deilmrk deeeaecti. mil lake notice that nndersioned haa been aprioinied ao aoditor by the Orphan Court ol Columbia County, . .-:., ""J"1" "lr ""U I'riiuoriioii (jf the . , , , of aa estate, to and amnng the P"-ve crcd.tora. aceordiog to the o.d.r laUlli,ie(, hy aw, mt ul ,,e WM Bllend at the Imuae of Charle II.De obler, in Rl -omalMirai on Monday, iltf 27ili of Ociii . .. . , ... ner next at iti o clocR ol aaui oav. to net- - ' 1 . form the dull- ol hi cppiiiiiiinnil.wlien Si where all person intereaied can altend H thev eee proper. JAMES PLEASANTS. September 5ih. 1645. " S'lSEL'2?ISISil5u(DlS KIIOUSUURU, COLUMBIA CO. VE suhncrilwr resoeclfullv informs bis fri. mlu and the public eenerallv. that nuvinir com- plotod his lurga and commodious ALH IIC)UI4h i ni. i i . i . ... In Rborsburir, and filled it to in cood stvle. is now prepared to entertain travellers in the best manner, ml he assures the duUic that no imins vhall l,e spared to give g, neral .abaction. He hoi by ... ... '.. . . S . a..,. a u . a . .e . i K ,mr" "na r"'e've a snare ni ine pal- ..f .(...... i. . .. ... ,. i.of luit. K puuuc, anu inviies all to Rive inm a t (n. Mi'll.-W.AV KIVllT Aucuat SO. IMS-IOiC ' " m . mur M 1 uaoiiict irTakinS' n tip .iit,;!,... . . .r i, r t . T ic ZtU t ,T "'f?T JL "c hat he ha takin the shop lately occupied lTl' 1 l"T, '"t f V fl e vbuS " e. bu'ne' branches, and solicits a hae of the patronage of the public. 10 In connection with the above L.,.in, 1.. rT..,. . U aervrne as an his scrviuts ns an UNDERTAKER. n will always I r,.ftly to make COFFIN for bJX and havimr rum, I ktmir he will altend with it at the Funeral alihont . cum cuarge, JOHN .LlTTeiJ- 'May ,10 I84rt.-)m3 2639 209- 1058 18 If. F. IIAYHITRST, WAGGON MAKER, BLOOMSBURG, TircSPECFTUM.Y informs the public TISPECFTULI.Y informs the public that JLft. he ha located himself in the Nwp lately l iin i lilMxl t'U ii , nrnii TXT , . J0 in MAhKEJ m nhbt, ivtiere lie inleiiJs carrying on tlic above business in all its various branches. HEAVY WAGGONS built and repaired, as Weil as one horse WAGGONS AM) TtUGGIES of every duscription, and all kinds of Country Work, in his line, done at shod noiice, and on tin most reasonable terms. (jj-Oood Lumber and all kinds of Country Pro- duce taken in paynifnt fur work, but Cabh will tm e reiusrii. April 5, 184.r. 0ni50 NO HUE S hareby given, llmt an application was made ti, the Oolirtol 'iiinimiri I leas oll'oluniliia coun ty, ut the Augunt Term, A D IH'lft, by the 'Hup. Mftl iuurni Hiiu vOUreg uilull III Aluillgnn, ninv- ln 'aK " 10 '" cuMer ol inc irpn. unuicn ami .;oni;rei,Mtioii ol .Mmlison- Whei August 20, 185. the Mie c0..rt havi,1(! me ani iiiMrumer t ana the iirn,-le I!"'C,C;I ''""'" '"' notice of the. p plicaiiou. to be published in lite Columbia Ueiiin. iiivaiiim. nj w ii.niiii.if-u ill 1111: VIMUIUIIIU Ij .ruti tl lU,,e m.lks urevioU8 Q lle of the next term of said court- dav Certified from ibe Records. JACOJJ YJiKLY. Clerk 16,-1945 Oct Teachers Wanted. The School Uireciura of Bloom School district female 'jV,ach,-rs, f.., w ,1c," Zl men,.e 8,ml;l iheflwlof.Nomlir. The Director- ..i ,i.,, .i. ,.; .. . ' want to engage six or eight male, and two ur thrt certificate, of ability and'gnod moral char.i Uy order of the boa id ." "imi'micr. 'HllUlltH IIIUI.I proUUl'l 11. VVK13U, Secretary. Oct. 41845. I S UEREbY GIVE N rn oil i.... v . . imerea.ed in the estute of the respective decedents . ..i ii-KiiiitB. eicu lors. ninl n hrr nnrunn. u """" itie administration end guaidian aciouuib or ine asm eMail-.' have been tilled in llie ollice ol the Hegister j the eonntv ,.f Coliim bia, and will be pieseuted for confi'ma'tion and al I........ :.. t r.. i , ... ... ...nun... iii iiiu ;rnians i.,oua, to lie lie If J at Danville, in and for the conntv aforeiid on Wed nesdoy.the 19tn day nf November 2 o'clock J ai. .1.1 . - n . . i ne account ot Keutien t ulimigcr. Admr. of1 Joiin eager, late ui Koarmgcreek townthip dc- '.. he account of Joseph Brobst Admr. debonis "on 01 me 01 ucor8e Ce" f Catawis aa township deceased. I he au'ount of Joseph Brobsl as fguardian of uarhara t isher and ot Uathanne Fisher daunliture r c... v. i uau,rii(irg Iier deceased, . . . r , . . . ... . : rB,u anne uooar cn a m i or en (i or (.nih.irum tlfh ,. e nf : ' "h; . , V "WUin. y. .tccrMCi mi i.iuasiu, '1'be scd.unt of Alexander Montgomery and Robert Montgome'y, Executors of the estste of Hannah Louguea J;who was the Executive of the esta'e of latnea Lnughi a I late of Muhoning town ship, deceased So far as ahe in her life time ad minislcred the sqmc, CHARLES CDNNER, Register. Danville, Oct. 17ih 1845, Illoonisbiii'g: Ai filloi y 1 ' - - v"" I he Members ol this Couipanv: who have Sworda and Hells, belora-ine to the Companys are required forthwith to deliver them to either of the ComniiMu ed Ofll eera. H. WEBB, Capl. BLANKS ! ! HLANKS ! ! K7"Jiietir.p8 Blank EXECUTIONS ai. SUMMONS just primed and fur Bute ,bw UiEce CLOCK & WATCH 11 EsriiCTFULLV inform, the ciiizrm. lo Columbia county, and the public cenurallv Hint he has located hiimwh" in Muin street opposite St, Paul a Church, where he bus opened fhop, and is nriw ready and prepared to receive aud execute all work in hia lineol busiiicns, (villi dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. clocks tL Watches of t ie best quality, can bo had at hi. establishment on very reasonable termr . KEl'A IKING Si (J J MIC will be done to the satisfaction of the rustorror, as well of Clocks aud W atches as of Jew elsy, and he wnl further, warrant hia work lobe eieulej a well as any in this section of the Stale. He will also make to order SUUVEYIKG 0MPASSES or poiket, and in abort, will do all othrrwoik vm ally done in a well regulated respectable r.tnlilih ruent. He hope by stru t attention to Imsines and a desire to please, to iccoive a liberal thare o patronage Country Produce taken in nay men for work at the market prices. f bloomsburg, .November 13, 1844 30.1 Chair Manufactoy, THE subscriber continue to . can v on the CHAIR Jlf A N U FA C TO H I N ( bustnesH at the old stand of 11. & 8. Ilsoei buch, where lie will be ready at all lime, to furnish Fancy &. Wimlaur Chaiie, fcei tees, Uoalon Rocking Chair &c, of evor leacription, which may be called for. a short notice and on the moM reasonabli terms. He will aleo execute House, Siimi c Ornamental I'ainting, and House l'aperin( hi a superior manner, l rom his experience in the business, am the variou; tiimsci; tha good work as can bi bia facilities of :naniiraciiirin iriicles of his line, lie Hatters lie shall be able to furnish as and upon as reasonable terms lone in the conn try, all of which he wil dispose ol lor CASH or COUNTM I'KOOUCE N. 11- Orders from a distance will bi Jlricily ut.d punctually attended to. I HAOENHUCII. ntonmal tirr, Pec. 30, 1843 Chair M:imi factory. Mn H H subscriber haviii2 cslnlili: Oicd a .VF.IV fl tliJllS Jl.l.Yt F.ICroitl' on A'ain Urcet, near the residence of L. II. M:ni3, he is nov prepateu to turmsh Lnmis ol every dtacrintii n o. as good lernis as they can be jmrcbasud elsewhere tuo county. WOOD TURNING. Such as Bed Posts. Ifuxaon Ilnhs. Rose Blocks, &c. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL II0US1 PAINTING. Also HOUSE PAPERING. Phis latter branch, from bis experience, he believe lie can do a little better hail any olher person ii this section. fcTI'OI'i.AR Pl.AMi will bo taken in pav mcnt at the highest r .aet price SA.Vll'EI, II.UiKJVBrCH 0 TAX COLL I -: C T O R AND TAX I'AYERS. neonsrquint ofa Ciiculer, lulely ist-ord l the Slain ''reasjrer, directing hut the Stall i x 6 ill rjinainiut. unpaid, for the pre cut urn .inner e,i's. must be p iid into the .Sluie 'I'reju -y. on or before the second Tuesday in J inuurs iext, and that every co inly, lulling to pay ii". 'onion of Male Tuxes: ihallbe. tun diarged an interest nf five pir cent, on snci immini as snuu remain unpaid, anu pavinenlh train tlie Mute I reusnry, lor school or ollicpuc :.i.i.. i i .. . i . i i i ... -.1 . ;wr!t - it ii ii f in. nniii Mien uaiuiicc wnil II leresl ii luby paid; we arc under tnc necessity of requiring ihcseverul J ax l.oileclors ot-Cidiimlna .ounly t, collect and pay ovoi into the county Treasury, oi or before the I bird Monday of November neji Al.l. the Mute Taxes fur former years which hlii cumin unpaid. The promptness with which our former Circulu var responded to, both by 'l ax t olleetors and Tu rayers, by which Ihe cuuntv Jreasurer u Mimliled to pay into tbcMule J rcasnrv ul I hut linn equired, tlie w hole ainouiit of rotate Tax dm fi m this county, for the present year, induces u mbeliuve, that Columbia cou'i v will not on tin second Tuesday of January next, be found aiuunj ihe defaulters. lly o:derof the Commissioners. E. MEMM.MIALI., CIcik. f'oniitiissione.s OfTn e Danville, Neptembci 13. 1S46. y Ct "SP SCT A G L E S AND GLARES THE subscriber has just teceived a large in soitmentol UPECTA(;LLS and fsHKf TACLE GLASSES, of the best ouslitv. of bntl white and green, from IS'o. O, ujiwaids. (DTcrsons atllicted with sore eyes, will find i to llieir advantuie to call and uet classes from Inn as they may feel assured of deriving a great Lend! iroio ineir use G. L. SIIULTZ. Bloomsburg, May 17, 18454 BLOOMSBURO Cabinet Ware Honsr HE sulwcrilier would respectfully infoimlln publig, that ho has tiikeu the sb in biielv r- cupied by iamuel Lilly, near the upper end o, uiournsuurg, wnero lie is carrying on the in all its various branches, and where he will 1m appy o wait upon all thute who may favor bin. with their custom. is wai ranted to be made of good mateiial and durable, and he in tendi keeping on hand Sideboards. Srcrvtnrips, Bureaus. IVardrobes. Curd Tuhlci. Dining Tubtes. Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Stands. Wuh Elands. Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Coffins. S'C. ami an Rimis ot wo:k in his lino, which he will sell upon aa reasonablo term as they can bo purchased in the county. By Unci attention to business he hones to re J 11 l t A .... " . . . . ceive a share of publio patronage. ELI unoww. .April 25,18 13.-. fyj IQrandrcth's rills'. READ aud understand ! 'J he tunc will en when ihe medicine, Drandrcth 'ills, will uppiecialcd as they ought and deserve; it w ill l c tiudeistoiid that Dr. lliuiulieth has the alronurst claims upon the public. It is tiuo (but cwiy mi dividual who n ok a Iriul of the Uiaudrelh Villi concede them to be Ihe best inidicme it er exer ......I Tl :.. 1 1 i: .:. , ... uni ii, j hv y uiv uiuii'u a nieuKine annul w run there is no mihluka. Their value in a climale so changeable as ours cannot he snllicii nily upprnciul ed A free perspiration is at once renioied , llms they cure colds, mid coiisuiuptinn is picvenled. Thune who buve a redundancy of b lc fn.d them of die nnift esseuliul seivice, and thould Ihrn 1 e s ce licieney of that important f.u d the Urandreth I'illa haveaiuquiilly benelkiul ell'cct. Olien has tint iinpoitant medicine sated valuable lives in those re gions where the dreadful yellow lever wai prevail- log, A low dotes immediately upon ibu in lection Ining received into iln syslein, will l, al most certain to pieveut any material inconvenience. And at no stage of this drcadlul enidemic is there so procr a inidicine as the Urendieth Tills. J.ol tin medicine be univercally used in tliii disease, a id no loss of blood allowed, and few, vory few, would be its victims. c-o it is with other diseases. Assist nature with this all imporrant medicine to remove moibid hun ors from the blood, and do not resort to bleeding or mercury, and w shall have a "cry great scarciiy of persons afflicted wilh cronic maladies. The fcalheied tiibe thcau iinul kingdom, over which we aie ihe loids, are not ulllicied wilh chronic maladies; neither should we be if it wore not for our priue which occasion them. Follow nature, line tlie medicine whi-li liurmonizea with her, which mildly but surely re moves all the impurities of the hlood.which strength en the leeble.aiid yet reduce those of too full hubit, to a heulthy standard. Let me again say that every epaitmcnt of the manufacture of liiand.elh I'illa is personally superintended ly me, and that every iox with my three luliels upon it may Le relied up iii to have the beneficial effect deacribed if used iccording to the direction accompany :ng A (1 E N T S. Washington Robert M'Kay. Jeraeytown 1. & A. T. ' ise!. Danville E. D.Iieynolds A Co. Cattuwissa C. G. iirobst. Bloomstiurg J. H. Mover. Limestone Uubbil & M'Ninch. Buckliorn M. G. eihneinakur. Lime liidgc Low & Thompson. Berwick- J W .Stiles N'ay 3, 1345 ly- 2. fFHllE Danvillo Steam Woollen Furtorv, for- II nierly owned and occupied by Lr. Petrikin, iu recently bicn purclniM'd by the aubseriber, who eapeclfully announces to his friends und the pub ic generally, that he is now prepiucd to execute II kinds of work iu his line ol business, at ibo honest notice, according In order, and in t tie best ompacitive manner. Having gone U considera ,u expense in repairing bis machinery ami uppa- itu.i and being very p-irlieular in seciring the ser- ices of experienced mecluinics, he feels confident hat ho is capable of cxccniing nil kinds of woik ri his line in a style superiol to any other establish oent int ho country. Prices of ink as lollows: ;iolhijard wide light and dink, from 4.ri lo to Cents pet yard1 Do hr tic greins, olive brow n, Ac. fiom .')() to CO "atii:elH ot ihe above colors, fiom -10 to 41 f'laniichi one yard wide, 30 cents. Vine, brown or Mack, ' 40 Madder red, 45 blanket 2 yds wi''c; twi'Iedor plain, fiom CO to 70 cents per yard. & FULLI1TG- It 111 uc uoue III llie best iiiaunei , and at .be nsu i prices All kinds of country produce wiil be uken in payment for wuk dt tVaiiviltie niaiket licrs. S. 1 Tl y.V E ITS FL A .V.V7, St CLOTHS (J- BLANKETS; Conslanliy on hand, for sulu at reduced prices ir (.Vh or Darter. For the accommodation of customers living n n iislance wool for JAinufactuiing will Lc tcken in it tile following iduces : Cl'Ll MlilA t OI .NTV.-Isanc Kline's Mill, 'isbingc eek; Unions' sli ie, ( .'i,iiim,iin; I (,w iY I'hompaoii's hlorc. Lit Iiuige; . L. V. a'ler 'o.'s store, Berwick; .Nc;irt A I'iikrt-' n."e, ) iingevill,'; m. il.(K(Kv (.o.'s i. , I duoiiiK- "irg ; John (1. .- Inn pie .V foie. ( in law is n; ,. ids store. Jersey town; Deri cV M.I 'ire s stole. A bile .ill; Sironp s store, II ushmtii i, nle. LI ZKIiiNK CUl.'M V beynold'sstorckings in; (iiiderleeve's. Wilksbmre; St eis' stole, I iiu icoke; Judge Mink's Mill, Huntington Plain mil I en directions viunt aceom nany each parcel. Ti. R. G RAT. HEART. D.mville, May 3, 18152 HISS M. K, HOHISOX, Ti'SUIJLD respec.fully inform the I adic.v ot in.. i i ..... . , Ulimilinilirg HMO VICIIIllV, II. Ul s 1C Ills ovf eceived a laige assortment of 0 it her shop nn Main-street. nca ly opnnsitePoelilcr' lotcl, and second door below AilvcrlhornY whem he has oil the articles usually kept in a Millinci's itore. The Ladies are all invited to call and exa 'nine for themselves, Bonnet and Caps made and lone up in the most hVliionaUe ttylo, Ziloomshurg, July 12. 1645, 12 8 hereby giver, to all person not lo puicba.-e thiaeiNolcsof hand, for fifty (Inllurse icb. dnied Inly 31, 1844 signed by the Bulacri'rr and made tmyulde to Daniel lavage, one in one year, one in iwo years, and the other three years from liiie. Also thiee other Nncs of bund, Bi:;r:, d by the mbi rril er. for feventv-one i.d two thirds dollars esrh. .Idled July 4. 1S44. nuide paynbla lo iloses r-eage one payable in one year, out in Iwo veaw, and one in three year lrom date, as there wai a decep tion practiced iu obtuining Paid notea, ami therefore not having received a v.lue for them I shall icfuae U) pay them 0.nIcscrniprlld by biw. TiMA.s'('AK(;'J7F5. .Franklin. Lyc'cming ii,iii iy, Mpt 2fi; lsij23