lid Lu :e&s cd era in j& 'TROTH I r II OCT M4 A.f, OCTOBEtt 28, 1813. The Modioli . W have m i-imtur J thing b say no (ni-ideni l.) complain ufm vexation u ntakn cut'dr; so satislaomry & magnificent is lb general resn!i. Our good nalnit babbles from the depth of a j.iyful hear!. We feel loo well lo he anrv. Our enemies n rt fully lorjiven all llif if venomous slan ulcrs. We stand ready in bury ihe hichet trf.d smoke (hi ralimot of peace. Out coitibti-enes is btul takings np, am! we bon( a 11 ig u( truce on itie battlement .of our fortress. The crash it din of content) 'HT'M have no Irnsei plfHsuie for an nr uliat incline lo peaceful music mingled, w( knowledge with xnltatioii (we are mor but tempered with returning fiiend tlifteas. There are a thousand little ihtngs-tfn-y ccicvitnces, inconsistencies, trencher ie and deceptions about which we imgl I iratse a great ado, anil lash our indirrtiiiiiu. (into f'iiy.; bui, really, we hav'ut the lieari i probe them just now. and we lay ovi r iheii consideration as our friend Taie would say. ad bdkfinitvm. The Malmiing fraud iIih 8 o'clock vmm jr the tiesehery li JJnrns the ridiculous handbill letter frnn an upprimtv: boy the report f Ueiwirk conversations ihe small puiaioe-ciiiieism opita "serious expense" ihe wonderln! iiKV about a $15,000 surplus; are small matter along aide of ihe tremendous vie lory , (hat has rebuked those who were cot rnprlv T-i-pe for condemnation. Vn jire saiUlied lo lei by gnnes pass, and we look to the future fur cnnieniment and .prosperity to all. Disturbed no longer by a sxtntenlinn, thai weakened our foreign inlln- mi!8 and poisoned our domestic quiet, we can cultivate ihe courtesies of lile and en joy .together the prosperity foi which 'si tio'i;isi. rntrrprizt have fi' fit us. The wt, ihe centra and il6 east, (Divisions mij-riemovala iiinhoujjhl of.) will exchange their productions -thrir ore, lime and grain- -cijj J i"g mutually markets at home, and in.cooiiiioii markets abroad striving only, in a generous rivalry for Ihe pilot ol einerprpZ'', and meeting always as c ;i i zt nf ihe sa ne county, connected in itiierfii. in feeling' and in faith, Fmtoiute indeed wis ii for a' I parlies concerned, that the rerenl expression of the popular wi'l was so indisputably derisive. Had it been doubtful, the con (pillion would have been renewed and pro (rafted As it. is the su. cestui parly is in dined to .nagnanimtty, (be other to acquire crncrij; St lar as httoiati foresight can pronounce upon the subject, our local que lion, as rule. for the adj. i, lie aiion of the reo pie, is dHtermined and eut!cd;and it berome proper and possible: lo forgpl that animosi ties have enraged, and conflicting inier ersts, dhiilej ns. flow much more agreeable-will :his he, than the state ol t-rnientioit from whii'h wn have j isl em erged!' Old Suuiloaf Tliii'virtuous township is always righi; and't.eY voice always command ng. She givi-g a vote this tear thai her citiz-ns ma well be proud of, fur it is not only d.cinivi and unaoimoun, hut wlial u still heller, il if correct and honest. Not one traitor, not single bogus republican; lives in the buud. of the good old township. She givei 211 voles fur (he Uemoviil ami not ne a gains :! S.'ie fiives votej for Fuustiin, am not one for Ciark ! 1 A'l honor! Slu deserves by reag.ui of iIk weight ami on animiiy of h'cr vote to the rrnlil of bcini called, (in a contest where all have ilont wel)ihe BANNCItTOWNS!III of ih .Slar of ibo North ' IKONDAl.H IL'KNACG. Ilii lea than font weeks since this Fur lace was blown in under the rrinagpmen .of Mr. Jtoies 'lilston, and is now di tg : jreaier busines than any odier An lrtcie Furnace of the same ruti, in the 1,'niiei' Stairs has evpt brfore done it ia making M tl'e rate of one hundred and twenty loiu of the best kind ol Na. I Iron per wept ii every project of its continuing to do su Others may boast of l!ie superior ability r. Coinihodoie Perry in starling fomacea, anr' crai k him up as the only man 'apble ol rlartirgan anthracite furnace, with as nine), wind as they do their foundry coal sheds and seven by nine abantees, but we chal lerge them to produce an inManre when nn anthracite furnace in the U S. has done a better loudness, for the first four wpeksj (ban the Irondale Furnace. utder the charge of Mr, Ualston. And, yet oh, borriblc,i!ic works aie driven by wptcr po r. A word in Season. Jiticovering, as owi people sie, from lb mharrnmincnn under which they liavi labored, it becomes (hem to adopt and adhen o i safe course of btisiuras in future. Ooi tn net experience should not be barren ol instruction, nor uitprodui livo of improve tteni. Let business nave a regular and lealihlul revival; let honest thrift and pro lenl enierprizt be en :otir.igod, let the re- Hoiuces of the country be developed, sieadi ly and surely but let speculation be frown ipon let artificial aliiiiiilants to trade, (tin lealibful aUays in itnir operation,) be ivoidi d; and lei the baud of toil, rather dian the dollar of the capitalist, be protect -d by law. We have tried all the blessing il enjoyed all (lie benefits of infilled rredi' mil blotted business, and we declare. (h diey have brought more grinding distress tnd suffering upon the country, than al oher political causes put together On1 rue policy for the future is lo keep out o lebi at a coinmiiuiiy and as individuals o keep legislation from tinkering ami med Ming itli currency and trade; and to pre vent 'he increase of coiporations lo bloai Mininesi to compete with and discourage individual enterptize, imliijiry and skill. I, el it have no more alternate expansion? md contractions bloating and crashet liP! us keep the constable, the sheriff and lawyers from our door, by dealing on Kin lo'ph's golden rule of " ay as ton go,' and let us have an opportunity lo pros ji-r, without artitii'Ml obstruction, by reasoi if t xceanive I' giblatiori upon corpoi a'ions. ' and tiade. The best thing oui people can do, is to live honest ami repuili 'an liven, and the best thing our lawmak era ran do, is to give us as liule as possible of their special legislation, and excessive iinkenng nf the laws. iSuch is (lie seuti meni and feelir.g, if we are correct, of tin ureal body of die cit'zna of Colombo county, anil we hope slw;tys lo hmt them supporting the giine wholesome policy. K f. F. C T I O N K Ii T U It N S O I P !: XffSYL V AN I A. DEMOCIU TIC Al.f, OVIili! We give below the returns ol tnu elec lions throughout this Stale, for State and County offices, so far as we have been a tie lo glean them with any kind of accuracy. Tl e result is truly glorious fur the rauet of Democracy and Equal Uighu: DAUl'lIlN COUiVlY. In this county, the Democrats have elect eil Michael Kel'cr to the Assembly, ain Christian Leukerj CommisHioner. The Whigs liive elected Mr. J.irdon, t niitor J ones iM .run, Sheriff John Ztnn, I'r.i;hoi;ofjry John Kuul I ,As sem' Ivn i, I'll UMIJRRLA NO COUNTY. Mr. IJ irns m ijority will lm about ADO Mr. Bright, DdoioiTatic K epreseu'.ativi , is elected by about 4110. CUMDKKLANI) COUNTY, Oid mother Cumberland came up to (he struggle nobly. The whole 1) on acraiic ticket is elected at; by aer?ge mijority 1 1 about 300. JUNIATA COUN I Y. In this county, the Democrats liaveeleci -d the entire tii ket, with the excptions ti) 1'ioihonoiBry and Register. It was a close run. MIFFMN (JOHN IT. I-JaMKS H CRN'S AT II'MK.1 The news fiom Mr. Horns countv is really glorious. His mi-joriiy is The Demoiratic niijority at the Co senior's -leciioii, last year, a a s 73. The mure Democratic tiekei is elected by an aveiagt majmity of 300. I.UZk'ltNR COUNTY. Tlte whole Democratic ticket in thit county has been elected by a large uisjor ny. CHESTER COUNTY. The Demorrais have elected tlieir Pro thonolarj, Mr. Davis. Thj average major ity of (he whig ticket, is something ovei 100. DELAWARE COUNTY The whigs have canied this county by ? mn!l m 'joritc. MON I COMER Y COUNTY, DiiZza foi Oltl iMonigomcry. The Denioc ncy liave carried their entire li ket by a east 1.700 mvjcriiy. SCHUYLKILL COUNTY. The Demorracy have carried this county most nobly. The entire ticket is electee by 5 or 600 majority. LANCASTER COUNTY. The Whig ticket is elected by abou' COO. YORK COUNTY. The entire Democratic ticket is elected by a handsome majority, with the excep tion of Mr. Ahl.lhe candidate for Trasurci Mr. M'Curdy, the independent Dcinona tic candidate, is elected PERRY COUNTY. , Mr. Owen, the Independent Democratic andidate for Assembly, is elected' The other portion of the ticket, with the excep tiott of IVothoiiotary, are alt elected by i- large in joriiy, UNION CONUI Y; The Whigs have carried this county' by about 500. FRANKLIN COUNTY. As usual, gone for the Whigs. Thr Natives Coxrr.ETF.LV Kovtkd: PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. HuzzaZ-IInzza! !-Iluzzt ! !! De inocracy triumphant. 'I he Democrats have lected the entire county V.kei by about 1 000 majority. Agin o! .nine members .if Assembly.' The Natives have not car riixl lino le candiifnie. Three cheers for (he uoterrifi'll Democracy of the county. PHILADELPHIA CITY. The Whigs ha-e rallied the city by a majority of abou( 0i0 over (he Natives. The Democrats have carried' the rt tire Row,' ofthecitj and county offices, b ahoul 000- Clory enough for three years The Natives en completely nvorthrown their death knell hei been sounde.d Re quieicat in pace. ADAMS COUNTY' The Whig majoiiiy in this Couny will run from 150 to 300.' KATC FROM MEXICO? Weretoive by the New Orletr.s Pica yuiip, daies from Mexico eleven days latei thin brought by ihe Pfinceion. 7'hey are irom lite city of Mexioii to the 20tli nil, ami Vera Crt.z to the 221. Tim papers on tains an account of the inauguration ot President Meirera, who took the oath ol office in piesence of both llousrs of Con gress; on the 16th uli.- He pronounced a ilisi;ourse on ihe occasion, but scarcely al ludes to Texas, and doen not hint even ai any tbff'crf nces with the United Stales, lie recommends good laws as essential lo .lit exist nee of a government and the pre ervation ol order and peace. He promises t rigid suprriniendance over ilie polio, with a tiew of effecting a general fetltng of security and of preventing crime'. 'J'ht pure anil rigid administration of the finances i,f the country, and especially the equitable ,iy menl of the poblic cretli'ors, without my show of favor or preference, is annnun i-,eil as one of hi most urgent 'I'his araitch of the Message leads tne Piesident to deplore the utter insulliciency of the revenues of the Uoverfinieni,Hnd giver him an opportunity to dcuand the prompt and energetic cooperation ol'lhi legisla ire body to remedy the evil. A I the powers ol goverument are paralyzed for want ol loeans. In pointing out particular evil.- Irom this source, the President sa) a: Too army cannot move; leiritory usurp ;il; will rnnaiu usurped; and ihe hope ol recovering it being once lost, the usurpation vill be successively and gradually coiniuii el nut., it embraces the whole Ki-ptiMtr ir.d (I ahuddtr lo confess iij Mexico will to manv elements of abundance and ol greatnpss ill disappear from the numbet of independent nations.' The Mexican papers give tin most ruin ute dcuiilsof the mil t;.ry ami naval forcef which the United Stains have concentrated upon the frontier and cua.tts of Mvxicu, Every Mexican paper speaks of a war for the recovery of Texas as a matter ol ourse. There is no longi r any talk about i declaration of wai but the plan seems if !) lo go about the recoit()iie.M of Texas a the enrl esl convenience of the govciiiinein and people. La Eptnmzn, of Taq, pioo, of the 3d ult., savs that letters have been reiftiei: which declare that Paretics was only awnii trig die arrival of $00,000, hourly expected o itike up his march fur the Rio Crunde. There is nothing else of interest in thi papers. ne government is utterly with ml means lo pay us necessary expenses. J I t 1 GOOD ADVICE. We copy the following liule pnragrapl rom an exchange paper, who it emanated 'nun, we know not, but whoever he is, wi eil venture to say, he knows bow to'drin lull cre away, 'as well as lo er joy hear i V laugh, that necessary lo vlukt the rob.wchs from the 'Be content as long as your mouth is full and your back warm remember lite poor kiss the pretty girls don't rob your neighor' hen mots never pit k i n editor's pockets, nor have an iuea that he is going to treat kirk duh rarelo the deuce bli ck your own boots, and pay fur your news pjper.' 1 i area No man is bom nobler than anntbrr. says Seneca, unless be is born with belter abilities and a more atnible disposition. ' The 3 Olh Congress.' When tho vacancies in (he St-nate- are tilled, that body will ri is believed stand 30 Democrats to 21 Whins. The next House'of Representatives vt il probably be divided as follows; -' '-: - liemociats, l-iJ Whigi, . ' ., ( . . 7! . . Natives, 0 22 1 AN ADROIT ROUnDRY. A singular and adroit robbery is said t1 have bfetrcoininitied a short time ago, in on of the alleys of the Ch tinps' Elyeees Paris. The long fringe of the white shawl of a young and pretty woman caught in tin button of a geoileman. The fail dime m releasing her shiwi from its hold amused her captive iib a thousand amiable upolo ies. and' tripped ol with an airy step, till lost under the trees. I he next minute lb jntleman wished lo consult his watch, bin da-, for bun, it li-d disappeared wiih (In lady. CONCLUSIVE ARCUMENT. Soon afier the Corpern'on System ol astronomy began lo be generally under stood, an bfil'Connecticul farmer we-it n his parson with the following inn,oiiy: Doctor T., do you believe in this new story of the earth moving round the sun? Yes, ceitainly.' 'Do you think U is ar ordtng to scripture! If ii's true, Imw ouhl J tshtia' have commanded iVestm li siaiul Mill!' Umpb!' quoth th doctor, m tihil puzzled, Jcstinn cominanded im sui io stand anil did heP 'Y'cs.' 'Well, i srW ei,' did-it no.!'-'Yes.' 'Vety well Now did you ever bear that' he set it a go ing aguiu?' The Thumaston Rccnrder says ihat it New Oilcans they make sausages out ol horse tlcsli, and be tliinks thai youi;t met will become coltish by eating them llorsi llcsli is nol so bad neighbor. I ntl.t r cnief the makers of loese i xcellent edibles pre pare ihun from puppies, kttieiH liver tut nips, and sticli couilimeiits, as are oinlublt lu a dish of sui h fine qualities. ' A N E 0 1) T E O V V, 15 N J A C K ' ON. A letter from Peusacola that a gen tlemaii sojouiuiug there has hiiiusiiI lit ieisnre limir.s in luiiiiinj; up the legentlart history of the place and h is picked up tin ltd n wine: ticii. Jackson, during his exploits r lorida,. w ishing to gel the inosi accural' inf'irmaion respecting Pensacobi, loade una country wagon (t uli i hickens am nniler lite of an Indian in the d a tiuisc of oltl dolies ami a long heard m id Ins appearance there a-t the pedlai ul a rari species of aante chicken: tl iving d uiauded a iicity hili pin e fr bin' gam chicks, he uma long enough in scbiug then to gain a pretty thorough koo w l.'ilge of !) place, aiitl UoaOV reluineil without bi-liU' oispecied. V helher he aui'Ccetli.d in sell log his chickens or not, he ceriHtuly sue needed in the pi. nopal object of his bust II1SS. il ihis is true, il is si'iL'olar that it ha. nol b. fore found its way before tho puhln 'tut there are old circus here who vouci lor the sinry, atnl as every reiiituscence rt ipecling lh (),(! Hero' is interesting a mis tunc, I give you this fr whti it i- worth. A 'IIAKM0NI0US JURY.' A jury, " Inch hail been lot ket) up a Ihe (i ol) - Hotel, Pnilaili Iplna, Iron aiiii tlay lo Monday being on.ble li lal'inooiZ) their opiiiloiH, com oiencei mining g!ees, which were renuikahl. or the eump iss and eoeigy of (tie cbo rus. a onos r c'AUnirr Some youm; scamp in N o folk has beci gliteiiing sundry old lathes and nervine iins on i of sevtii year a grow tb, by walking tin .vtri el so' al mitlnighi, in the gaib d bis gfainllatlier' Heini; oveihauletl at lax ' ihe watch, he was told tiy the propei uiliori'iiti thai ilifie is danger being 101 piritiiHlly inclined and was then peruii'ci to disappear. TESTINfJ THE EFFICACY A person in New York having heard n be wonderful cures peifoimrd hv the new. y invenivd galvanic rttls,orderpd a numbi i f the in in be med as snout rings for ho iL's,in order io curt bis bacon. This is ad as the man who fed bin hoi's , n s'tet nea's lo preserve his pnrk. M.RRIEI-Oaiheeenine fe 131 iiKi, by ibti R"v. Mdion (J. I.inhioer, Mr John EcKt'RT, to Miss Darbaka Ki.nn, both of Danville. On Sunday evening 12'b insi. by tht Re. A. Ileberton, Mr. Ck rgh W Rotii of l)erwiik, to Mt-s Catharine U. IIrmh ToS, of Neseopeck, Lt 2rne county. BBl'!l'.'H!ffl DIED On Sunday morninj 12 h it'i. in jfeadinif, Mrs. Fvh Fricktr. widow of Anthonv Friikii, deceasedaged about 1(12 vcais. TEE M ASSETS' . HtdoMiditrno, Oct. 25; IS 15 , Wbea',1 .' Uyo, Corn, . Cloversepil, Flaxseed,' Uot'er, Oils, Esjgt," T.ll. Ltr.l . )i ie d' App'es', While cans Heewax 5(J 4(1 4 0i 1 1 2 15 a 10 7 7-'. Hit STOTESa UST rerelveJ and for sale, al the new To S)W Slid Wheel Iron iWanutaitnrv,;im;ii. out's Hotel, several kliitU of IFJI Ill.lHS, Mi or mid COOKl.XU M TOVm, i,f the lieai putu-n, wliicb will be suM Ijw. u. J i:i(,'i:. . Oct- 25 Wmi Sale. fHl'IE suhsctibcr will oifer his IJnlcI tUM more rroperiy ioi saie uum mc .j.; l i.'ltuiilifr uukl. It net suld liy that time, th will lis rented tor one ob three years from III 1st Ucc. of next. The luUuit wl.i h the lniililli)i;s at crcicd front 10' fret on Main-street the Hole Jt ft'i't fruttl, )iS deep mid tinea stories biult .11 1 It ot I. rick in 111. J lid Store liensu of went -5 feet front, 88 deep uud two ami a half slorie tit,'ll. Tint Unti l is fcU')i)-ed to tlo a-t iiiut-li In. snow any ti jthrr Hoime on he North I'.-.lith of ttia4tHijutilumia,S: is now nccujiieJ Ly I'h nles 1, VcBhler 'J'hc'co nditions nf ibesule will be 10 per oci 1owu, 20 per cent on the first nf Apiil next, an I0 pijr cent unnually One half of t!ie iurchua timncy will be left on the property if dcfitcd. Kot any other information enquire of E II UICOS Illoomsburs, Ottoltcr 23, 1945 27.f . .LIST OF" CAUSES, For Tr'uili, November 7rm, 1815. I- Huiton W Wsjiples n John F Mann et si ' J.iIiii tj Atcl'all el al vs Jose,)!) I.ainan I loileri Moure va Jjlin Cheater ct al ( .loiiuihun C f'eiiuinglon vs Joliu Cticsteret a 5 A 1:1 to in ms vs Vanin!i Ree (i Titliiaa l.hi.'ts Vii 'J'houius Mworcbcuil 7 Peter iihy vs Joseph Lricld t rt I'ctei IJahly vs David Te'ri in . y llcrnar.l Sieuicr va I botnas M. Nair et til IU 7tvi l Grim et al vs Jaouli haul II Itinlulpb litiniau vs Henry Kostculta Ivj. i Wiiliain Loaiite va Abnihnn Kl.'t, l:j (Jciirye Feitermaii vs John Kline .4 Jcaa Hi. win in vs Jacob oizard - 1") H nj itiiin l.eihcr ct al vs Stacy Murdrum IC John 1) (Chester vs Isaiah olo . 17 ,(aut'iimy & Sinn n'ou vs VVm 'I'regu IS Samuel creiiih; vs Win c Tii'(;. I'J Henry Tory vs William Hi nriu LIS I' OF JURORS' Fir Xivcm'irr T,,-m 1815. G'lJX ) JUROllS, 13 loom Janit l bec Urierc.rRi( Mlwood Hughes, Isaiah Salinoi iilliert Fooler lleiuliick J'j'in c Kinney, John Mcl'eynoliU Jatkaon Solomon c iHtroin; John llariinnii Liberty i'A Hilmyer A!iraliiiinllfiitliii kit M .ihoning 'eicr Kisliul Kobuct liicli.nt Join. f.iiiniy Miuitntir John If J ick John Ilictcriih Mifllii John Mieruian l-ai di Slintna'i Madison Abrabalu ' uitoti Joseph .Vaster ?iMijirr.iii 1'ratl Orange F. G Rieki Is Knsrinijcreef Heioy Keller David Vrser V alley--William Kinney Tn.irF.nsn jurors. Eloom rhendmo McJoMll Biicrcret k -Jesse Dow man Allen M (iant'ena Jacob llombov Fishiojirrceli John IVolir Muses Mclfenrv John j.tstrnn (JiccuwooJ Aaron Kccsc Join, son Ikcler (V'm ox Jbtuilixk Ibtlits Applrnia'), sen J.-hn Old E. l.imeKliiue -John Fulton (iitlcou ertineu Liberty- (iccrgeBnndman VVillianilJendiicksoi Malianitij! Lewis vaaliue Uauief Frzir Moitiitir -Klijall Miller IliM tl W Wlllitts M illliti -Jici'b artzclsen William Attlun G A (low man Elislia R Brown Henry Petit l-aiul Lonjaberpcr Mount 'IcM.tnf va.nucl Johnson OranRe W iiliain Covenhoven C'corge Henry Wulf Roioinscreck Jn'tn ll.jghes Usniel Keller .a- Itan Lee John 'lamer Sut'orloaf Altrahain Younjr Valle) -Jliua -teller 2JNEtr ESTrffiLISMENTa TIN and SZIIIH HT IRON TltR iiirMniber havini located himwlf in nioonn'Mire. is prepared to fumi-h all kind' of .vare. and retform ill kinda of work in his lin of business, at cheap rales snt) at shoit nolieo e'or lias ftiriiislied himself with a new alid splendid dock o! tools, msrhLerv and materials from I'bil.i ieiitra. nno ii a i. a i,n:r pitn-oa'-e oi tuAb auu WOOD fi'lOvr.N, ol various nutte-nK, tu suniily i s customers. lie will to.iatjntlv kueo on b4 d. TLy W.I RE of every description. STOVES, n large variety, neatly and subatan- tialy tiniehed, together with I'll A'. SI'OI'TSdtt buildings. CO IL BUCKETS. A-c.Ae. Ho rrspcrifully solicits public pilrorace H.iv ng l een for some years enencrd in hia bucinefs, ind havim; experienced as.dl-jnts, he feels coni- lentof fsn fylng all who may favor ltiiu u-nh lien cost mi. COV ttlV rjEltC'Jt.T.YTS suprlirj rn lilieral term. Cull on the fun h si,V of .lain-strre t. 3 doors below Ibfl i Hire i f dot Coliiiiibia uuiiKTat. October 11, H' Iv'S S, E. CRAICJ. A I), COOL, Atlonw) nt Law. ni.oo.MsBtiu;, col. io, pa. OiTice In M n'n-strcet, o pusite Ihtl'er' Hole', CII AKLF.y KAJILKII, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND 111,00 SISllURf!, COL. CO , PA. Olli'to, corner of b'aat ami Muln.strcels AUorncy at Law, r'l"ne South tide of Riii tt, oj-puita Eyer lhjjleij't Start, n.r, attend roujrrsiN 'HI': COUNTIES OF L'OLUMIUA VND LUZI5KNK... LrxVfILL, Oill'ltum,!, WliiT, IV Iv lexule fJctrer in IIS5V (;O0!JS. No. 61 North Third Strce:, Jlbuvt Jrch, leo. W. I.iqvillj J iljenl1' Oster'ob, t PIIH.A, lofph V. West. Aug. 0th IS 15. mui sit r. En jstehjl just r, cived uud for s.di: ut the New Store. LB. KLTKr. October II. TOVE Ff PS for sale at the New Stnro. A. B. KLTJJUr, October O. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. rht JUtqte of . IOIIX CRE.ISV, lain of -.Vire tntciuihip deed, NOTICM is hereby givg-i (bat letters nf idininistration on die above ineiiiioned E iif, have been ifranted to the Mihsrriber, vios; in Centre iownbip. All persons tulebtcd to said relate are hereby rioiiieii make immediate payment eH all iliji iivinif claims are re.qnesip( to presen ilein properly anthenticaied uy EM AS CRsy MAROAKET crfasv, fldfliiniitrulur. ur mo rxo.NQ nb BE 0UTDONI? :(L U'KWITIIIXG MT.(n:,II1.11EST. THE iindersigned having taken ihe shop 'ormerly occupied by Mitrshal .Silverihoro, oost respectfully informs' the- public, that hey intend to carry on the above branch nf M'fip.ess and will at all iimeg he readv to d vork a little better'anj' cheaper than anv h' r esiahlisliment in ifue plaiie, jiu, I they lope by strict attention to bu.tiness to nterit larjtA portion of the public patron iu Ad kinds of country produce taltfn in, 'ichaiigc fur work & the ren hj nol refused STEPHEN 'll.'O!! ' ISAC SWTEE, IJInimsti ursf Sepi, 1 0. 1 8 J 3 12 1 7HHRHAS, ihe lion. Josnni 15. Asrro? ' the Comt of Over in.o ., niiter ami (Jcneml Jail Ileliverv, Court, ol iJim 1 1 Sessions nf tin: Peace, and Co U! tof oinnioll i'lia-t 01.1 Orplnuis' Court in the eilt'lh jti.lieiid disiiict oinpoKCtl of the. ivunties of V,r,i,Im:,pr!:ir,i' Union, Columbia and LvromiiiR; mid the Hon S'tnwd Cubs and c :ci H.Jdi, lOHjuiie-; -..." i. i .i,m ,., v uoonoitt coutuyr .liaw tiitued their pr-eittt bear iio dale tl o '.!Jt!i ilay of Ail'.',, in the year of our Lord one lliouno. I i.'ht hundred ami fo' j '.fivo. uud to mu directed for i...i,i: ' """""8 I Court rf Oyn and Tcnninrr, and Cm end Jail JJrliurr;, Ccnrrol Quarter Session of the l,u:c, Common Vkut and Orphan's Court. IN. DANVILLE, in the fnunlv of Columbia n the third Monday i.f Nov, "jievt, ibeing tbu I7rh Jay) and to contirt:o one week : No i e is then fre hereby given jo toe Inrrnrr, tbr f the IVa.e, mid 1 1.- tlBb'esof the snid county of Columhia. ibm ib.v he then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of ra I duy, nidi ibeir rnenrds, inquisit- nis am) other rcirembrar.ces.tti do those tilings wnvh t.j their nd;ces ninrt.j,n i.. be done. And ihoso that are bouml by rceomn . -i i imces, to proFerute Jeainst tho prisoners thai am may be in the Jail of said exnoty of Colmol in ar8 ,n " ' ami mere In prosecute against tbeii) as shtll be jitst. Jurors are rc(pietcl to bo punc ; '" """ n.niiniy io ininr noin c Dated at Ibmvilif, the 25 th day of Hi I. i, flu yearoiour J.ord one thousind eight hundred and foly-fivc and in the C!Hh year of the Independence of tho United Suites of America. IRA.U DERR .'A riT ' SrtTitiTi's OrtiCF, Danvilla October, S3, Id 15. ... 1 NOTICK. T'fERKAS. I have learned front ra-ious ' sotircrs, n certino Marv Utru. nf Ni. ' Karloaf, has rtrrulatcd a slander tbsl I have iiu(l nr,J attempted to kill my wife, and J. 0. O. onij" M. (.. (. Iiavu likewise di-na the an o thiii(j, Vow,;f they hgiedt.ip I ).ronoi,ne the flory a t'ali hood mill hlacder, utij stoml ready to prove if i, :tl si'y time. jli:lm! -ii srn fti,