tlENEltAL J.V(Ksi)N. ' 'The Mlowinn incident occurred on a visit of ntuj io UVhinnion city in li$ 1. In truth m.iy be iflitil on. 1 widow lady in mlnr s'r.iteited ntc unittitci'S It 1 1 ejn keeping a IwmI , hotiitv dor yr in th cny. i! Iiumi ilit! fnvritl i o' i iiion of c bu'fM, nmwiu ri lh cm ucy (! 1 4Hjjf nitmta of 'hal t j i , !' -it in error, and to pay mme of hei, osl ur'til debm, senl such of her fur. 'nre at she ould jws'ibly spam lo mc in), 'flu? (lurch i T wh a cleik a"'1 m of pibhc loif.r of v 1 1 i t-1 htr" In Iviy huflit too nnoy it ' V .!tii!tt'H an I -U?, who m i i lent MJar s thay can o hi sin ciedK S .viMiout ever lutjinling to py. To I i ly cjI!vI on the au?ti,)iir t r, a r 'p' c Mo mm name. I Minr), I be'icv. e ill til i Ilia vhi propped i p ly at soon is his mon h n il j i y tv.i due. Tn month iclkd r'i'l, and Jme succeeded Mitch and S -itrnibei ui", without payment binj,. r.ia.Ii', t, the jrest diMri s of ihe widow '" U!,f suiess of ih auctioneer. A ml at er f i (her application, I lie i-flioe holler r fu H absolutely to do anything, ullifii it out of bi' power lo pi). 'I'bo n, sriitoo Itrga for lh auctioneer to sparr oui-of hu own pocket or be would hive p:il it himself, o tlffep'y ili. I bo feel fir-tha poor credi or. Io ihit perpUxi ty, he coue'u led t oil ttpoo the Vnsi dent, and -state the cmk, hn;iinj( In would surest soma relief: 11a wait'-d iherefore-on Genera! J 1c kso n will) hi. rnwstive. ' The 0:d man's eye fin hed fire. 'Iljve you Mr. P ' no.e?' ho luqrred. No,' was the reply. C tl onhiir. then and williou' speaking of the purpose foi, which you want . Ret hi .negotiable rsot and bring It hen-?' The auctioneer accordingly asked P fir hi i note, ' What do you want with (he iiioic; I don'i know .any body who would ukft ir('i remarke J the debtor, adding, howl er,.as 4es-sat down to write, 'there itis.' MiktrO promptly returned lo the Preid;n! 'lauding him the note,. who without aiyin.' i oai.ct-'li)n and wrote on the bai-k o: ilhe,pipr 'AndreivJakson. 'Now air,' -i.i L.iiwi.OeHeMl, iehow Jlr. P she .endoiaeinenk and if be don't pay you, li ine.kiujw, it.' The first man AJauro met rui he eiwered Gadsby'a lljlel wa P ; 'Alilaaid be, 'have you paned the note' Not yei',' aaid the other, 'but 1 expert to fur a.firai -rate endbtart In i.? JJonaanae,' iaid P , 'who ia it!' Th ,iu!tftemenl wa atrjwn him. He turned vplei begged the auctioneer lo wail slew tininuifrar4ect out, aud in a short apace of ttt ne relucneil wiih the reorwy, whicb: was tgrvtfncrttion of all par:- P-- kepi tie t on Uie euilject for years, but finally on .a remark being a x'e. in Li. preaenre, tlini (Jeneral Jcliaon (jiil.noteridowe .for anvi ibody whatever,-remarked be knew beiter'i for ihe-.-cijeral had endareed onee for him. and produced as evidence, the note, io the .snrpriae of all who knew not the circum toe case. f tl ! UWil'WJH 'Amonjtlhe pipers read at a late meel of l he Paris Academy of Science -was one-bjr.-Mr. Meiit, oftnn.ylva which -wa on lbs means of. cuiinn . 1 . I a . irie-ayffieor wue mjdy oi new born children. U, says Mr. Meies, Ter eienlilic ol this malady and its cusrs,lhe h i hi - be lurned on v rtht5ide. wiih Ihe boily and head rub 'i cir J niirrits Win J)e ,IB- lently'-fiHed with ot ly oxygna blood Sod ihe blue tolor will disappear, Hy this simpla melhnil, be says, he sv t I from (ieath'30 to CO children out of i 00, vrhvress all oiher modes of (real rfieni hive hitherto been , -unjueppsi fill! W ljok upon fid as one-xf rv . Importance lo msnkinJ. "Tlioujand-rwl-tervi of lhoutndt are annmlly u(i thriK'Sijno.-ane ef this simple athl in -te s circtinvatanse. hhvy cf th j.oor, and:i:idt ed all clae, are . unat tended by medfal mer, on such occh sion; yet those attending can as - web adopt, the practice stijiseMtd ds the mos skillul. physician, and ihut prettrve tbi Utres of their tfT-pring for (he ninhdv .we know to bs a very common one. :FOitUErFUNlCSS. (A wtiiir in'on Alias relHtfs ihi fitllowinje;; A Cormectlcui hdy, nho w in iha h ibii tj Jwys leaving sontethint cr other btbind hir nhint vir she weo: . cn s jou'ney, w.s not lor g since prom. i.ed by her huband ihe present of i hatvd-totnn -shawl, if on the .oecmion i,J tier le-ar r n b'Mno nexl day, e carii every thi. ai.e war t- J hr. Th. lady of c:u :e excrtrd herself io the u . noai, n: the pir set cflT towinN tin , pkee f -llKir. destination. 7ny bar' riot procet!ed n Up, howf-ctr, whu the lady rxh,b:U;l jymptome ef fifee livenr;, as UiHi.i'.jtnd-on lier.hiiband'f - jnrjniinn as !'4:e f auff, lacUimcc if) li'fc,h', lG')'odHtS!i.'('acicfU.'. for- . got Iki buty? .' Sa the tihavvl was .Ion by thai time. Ml estimated that the lolls on hr Cn,iUh rf New York this year will 1 xret d $2 500,., afcout wiOO.noy more thau the re- t;y;ts il my previous year. The 0 xfui .1 (drane cotin'y) Repub lic.rt contains the pu ticnlai t nf a ntoti li ndisli aiif mpi al Greene , N. Y -. innrler a Mi. Il ir lirk, fjiiin-ily ili" HKier, who resi led in the stma hou with her hiishtod'.t rrth r, M'. ll" rnond and wiff. Her m-ith r ics d a very near. fo!linv-: W o C'-py the account h 0 i Miindiv eriiinii. H irdlrk and wile had rt'tiied In bttil at uniii', in Iih.Ii iimn nu Ihrt uriuind door, on I til vhicl) lber opened two door one in o a m Ik rnoni, from which iheio wh tnnther door oneninu out of the bick lint of the hniitfrt. There was a win In v with Jhiittei s npeninn fiom llo ied room not at the btek put of tl )ntip. After retiring to bed, at befott ri-hited, Uurtlick ttros' ami went into the kitehei, where wr r II f.inmnd,a fttmi 'y, for ihe pm pone t f die!ttin) a bruit iiinn hit U'i which wat nitntyl While Hnnliek was sheni., ihe bed- rnon) wj eiiieind hy two persont, eiil)-t-r Ihromh Iho window, or the ddot onnninif into the milk room. One ol the peisoot immediately SfiZ'd Mrs. 13 hy the thro', nraping it so lihily ac to prevent b r Tro'ii calling tor attts'sncf tlie oilier person sci.-d her f m I or n klet, nd th-n both endeavjred to lakf her from the bed. In the struggle h Jl tally succeeded iiisofjr .rtleasing the hind fiom her throat i to scream, upon vhichvthe persons both reletjted their hoi I, and eea,ped. II- r cries for In 'p immedi.itely fceottljt her hu-band and uheiJ into theroom with light, bi he depredators iud did, leaving m race behind except the mark of the violent hands upon Ihe neck of Mrs. U., m I a caoe, or Vandyke as it i called, wor upon the neck of one of the intru lers, which was pulled off in the s rug 'le,.and which Mrs If. immediately re connized as belonging. I ' her mother:. Ii was Ihought ber.t by the (jmily ami leighbon not lo give publicity to thi; rinsiclion until the next night, think mg ilui the attempt might then be re peated., and they resolved lo keep a strict watch about th remises. The next day, about 2 o'clock, P. M' Vi'ssrs. Ham nond and Burdick being n Ihe fialJ work, Mis. H. fu-el n tin ell, went into the strne room to lie lown, having first taken Ihe precaution o tuve Ihe d tor opening into Ihe milk room and the window blinds fis'enei1 n the inside, the window being lef raised. Whe.i she In I partially lallei i.lee), Supposed to be about 3 o'clock) the window shutter was t.ken oil Irom the hinges, and the room entered by men itv disguise, whoseizd Mis. U the door, and cut led hrr out of th room through the burn-yard to the bick part of the bjrn, (is is supposed, J and th-1) across the fi. Id, half a mile or nvrt.lo a wmp upon the.fjrm of JCli ih Kilhbnrre Io forcing her from ihe room, same no'se wjs mad', which w.i heard b Mrs. Ilimmond, and a dr miker, young lady, wh ) wa at wot k for her, n ihe other room. I hey immediately svnr.lo 'he b'-d room and found Mr II. gone sod the door an I window nper 1 hey give Ihe alarm, and Mr. 1! m mond went immediaiely to the villi for heli) to search for Mrs. li. Sever of the villagers went on to Ihe t) fabout half a mile from the Lhenang House) and commenced searching t K premises, barns Jj-c. .Iier searchtni in llecinil y for ome lime, Meatis D .rby, Tluubr and ran Osirand,slait- d across the fi-.-lds in ihe direct on ol he swamp beloie mentioned. o r. .... noon a ner entering it, iney were llracled by a strange noise, as ot one Neaihing very hard, and on going to he spo", found Mrs 1J. extended on hn tack, in a smill ditch or ravine, mndt iy a rivulet-her hfliids tied ighily lo- U ther wi'h a pit ce of cord a pit re ol loth wound veiy ligbily, and then care- ully-sewcd, in someibing ihe shape of n egj:, about. live, inches long, thrust in ..I i I. C . . . it I o ricr iiiooiu aa lar as 11 CO'JIU oe, so jige s to distend the mouth lo its full apiirjty, 3 handkerchief folded and ltd tightly 01 er her mouth and nose, vo is 10 ket p the jig in its place her a pion taken oil and lid over her eye n twn a manner as to prr vent her see ng mi (I her-body and the back part ot her head in the water. Across hei body and limbu w re- Lid three larg og-, aumesjx inc.ies ,in jdiameler, lo keep her. in the position in which she was Itfi -She was .entirety senti lt vhf n ftiuml, and remaiiifil I wo or ihret 1. ins in that state. She was so far re- o vi red, bowev.t r, by. the. next day a o ate mipy ol lhe,,pariicular9 aLore elated. Tfie me.n, or riher monsters who thus.tteated hi f, were ilisgiikted in such 1. maurn r ihat sMe rould not recoif.niz' rtiin. , ll r mother and one of her bro thers have been arrentetl.tipon suspicion o putic;aiiiig, in some way., in ihe rae. Thty rc now under esamin- a'ion, and our ciliz ni are upon lhe aleil if" re out the v.Uiins, and, if nussible ' 'nU ''( in to justice, It IS Stlnnns r l,; 'hat Mis. U. V sill w pmCi.urin III Some of '.cs-.tttt, vshicl) 'he prsor;s impbcatcu in hii uttcm, I io murder arc- fearful will ha levraltjil.. '1 here have been transic- ions with which this is supputed n tave some connection, wh eh, if th ruth were known, WJiild m'ikc work fur the hang maul '' The Ktliimore Patriot f. St urdiy 'oittaius the cxliaurdinaryt mtirativt ttat follow; 1 gnileman an I Inly, wiio had been tniiing it tho A'xol) 1 n n-i Hotel foi toiiia lime pis, at man ami, wile,. It f m Ihe oars of Ihe Uallimore snd S is q iehanna Util Road Company, on Kt i ' 1 .1 y morning, on their way in York, Pa. A geiiileman who hail been so journing at Mirnuin's, was alio a pisien ;er in the same c irt. Ha observed, ai er the cars had gotten some mile from llaltimore, thai Ihe supposed .husband .f the lady wis not among. Ihe visible. Tim next discovery made hy the grnie min was tht his pocket-book', conttin ing sonxt S 10 in money, in I some vatu ihle papers, was gone. The fact ol the ierson- who bad been accomptnying the myrtteriout lady hiving left lite cars, ex eited suspicion upon ihe pirl of the In ter of he funds. II 1 kept the secret lo himstlf, but on reaching Yoik, pTeeiv ing that the aiitl pretty little French giil, or woman, took her ptssage back to Ihltimore in the return uain, he a'so dnl the same, and on reaching this city, gava such information to the police as In . . . . t o cui-e mem 10 snese-ner. r:)u was ac cordingly captured on-Fridiy nigl)t,and Dken to the police clbce, wnh a view, more esp citlly, la ascertain ihe where- bout s ol her apparent hubaud. On ex iiiinaiion of the .prisonei's trunk, it wa- found to contain much valuable clothing jewelry ; &. I I-r p- rsou also under went private invrstig dion, and arounu r,er body,, in a be I'., a found 1000 i" a a - t .. g.-ild. AirunK, Known to oe in cnaig f the man (a ifrenchman) who aecom- panied her, has been seized, When ipened, it was found to contain nearly t bushel of lette:s, running bark in date for teveral years. Thes9 letter an sioaily written in f reneh; some, how ever, are in Hebrew, Spinish, Itilian, Germ m, and other languages. 1 hey proved, on pirtia! examination, lo bi cot respondence with celebrated thieves' in all the pr incipal chips of Lurope and America, fil ing iletailed accounts ot ex 'en-iive robberies, the best moles of elu ling detection. 5.C. Some of litem, it siid, men'ion the fact of a laig- rob iery havii g been perpelrattd in Paris s 'in vear. ao. and a s j narrate the m inner in which papers containing ac .mints of it, sent in New Yoik, .to be .'-Mljli.tio.l in lf)H ' 1 1 c n r h Firoch . mtjer the .seif nv tn niuer mere oau Oi in suppre e n 11 net coo cernel. In the trunk, which the wo man undir arrest would not claim, and denied all knowledge of i's ownership was" also found S 1 000 in7 liericm g-dd besidtj a minatore likeness of Caidm uichelieu, set in jnhl, and a himlsome 'y consiiuctert seal a'amn ol 'raw head and Idoodv hotiis.? The money Iki iteen tleposiled in bmk, and the lelti r given to ihe French Consul in ihis city tor his insprc'snn. When ,pt rued, we fou t) I not iluy will give some aMoimil ng inielligeiice, am! probably d vulge he srere td of one of the most ex.euive unds of robbers rver herd of. Fur her develoiimf iris w ill be made afttr he letters are read and translaicd.' A P PLF.S-I ;VilKN SE ORCI1 A R D. Mr. lloherl hivinirsioii Po l, of Pelham Ulsit r county., N. . ha an orchard of Newiown Pippins, cmnpiisinir twenty thou amis llonnulunf trees, from whlih he hail been enabled tn gather and' pack,. this Year nearly four thousand barrels, all nf which te preparing for shipment to Europe, Cuba blnna, and oilier distant countries I'fiev iiesoiuiii nr iiuh, uy 1,1 j ...1.1 :.. v r...i. l.. . nerchant, at nx dollars per barrel, as fa;, is they arrive by the boats from die corn iron and slovenly mode of nsckini; appiea, says me votnmereiai, is lo slake them from the tree, throw thern into barrel good and bad together, and head litem up. I he consequence n, ihatthey rh.cav alter few day's eonrinnina'ii ;n the hold ol a ship he 'I'elhain Inn : on ih rnntTary, i acked by hand, carefully seleried, and tain in barrels. and until p'aced in the hold i f tht vessel, la tiri.her lollen nor e.irted conse uently, ibere is scaicely a ri.k of injory, he order in wlm-li this fruit has arrived H Eigbink heretofore,- has obtained fur it an onvi ible reputation and a higher price than any other iwo veiy important requisites for the shippers. rzrol.. Krrhnn,. ,.f X.nnr .i,jWors' 111 Ol the Oilier COUIHIef Punishment by Prisoners. A inosi re markahle discovery was made in London; lately, on the apprehension for theft; of man styling himself William Fitch. The prisoner was identified as having; gome time ago, bee n tried with another -man. whose name is , Filch. Hmh being ron victed, they were ieiiteneedf the man nam n.l Fmdi -to three month's imprisoninrnt:and the prisoner who now assumes ihe name of Fitch, to seven year's transportation. It now appears iIibI while in Tothills field prison, the parties agreed lo change names, ami or course punishment, and Fitch, in stead-'of ihree wombs'-imprisonment is now serving nui the ndieiVlt rm i f transpona ' I , ' 'u 1""" " '""i" 1 , usauiiiurj;-. me name FlH;h. Iinderw enl hii rnmnnlf,' cn le.nce, and was rci eutly liberated. ,ly DISTRESSING - CASE OP HYDRO PHOBIA. A diHtrrsginjj ease ef hydrophobia occur rod ut Kii.tdiiig, llurka couniy.l'a. last week l), 1 the 27ili ul Auytui laat, a a ir. of Mr. William JjIid, a !ad, seven years of ae, was aeverly hiiien by a dti) belonging in Vir, Daniel Kne & supposed to h ive been rtlnd. No unoiH.iiaie nad ellVr'-a followed upon the wound; it became liualu l, snd the boy was healtliy;and weul to school as usual until Tuesday last when he complained ol indisponition, which; however, exeited no hininediiits alarm. Uut ou Wednesday he exhibited such unequivocal symptoms ol iiydrophubia as were 1101 (0 be mistaken,and it om o pronounced iu jIi by Ins medical si lendenl. Spasmodic paroxysms oerurrtd at Ircqijont iniervais, which were brought upon him, and increased by every effoii to drink water, and on triday oiurmn be ex pireu A NEW STATE." The West Tennessee Whig, published at Jai-kson, I ennessee; proposes that a new State shall be erected composed ol West Tennessee, ihe northern portion ol Kentucky lying west of (be Tennensee river I he district between Ihe Tennessee and Mississippi livers, would make a State larger inan six of ihe old Stales, and num bera now 2 1 respectable counties, without I ail.lilinn r.fanu n..rl,..n f Nl. til.. 1,. . 1 , , i.ii(in 11 comprises 1 j rivers, not niciuu nig trie lenneHsee- unn and Mississippi rivers, winch, lhat paper says; natuie seem 10 have funned fur the boundary line of Hit: Mule .'S,l2L-.? HEAD QUARTERS Washington Correspond - iu wasn.ngion o..rreapoii(.eni ol tin ri itr 1 - 1 . . New York 'Commercial Adveniser, thu describes a srene in ihe United Siaie UtMirt, silting in iho city of Washington. th Capital of the Union; The other day a very ludicrous- scene lectured in another Court of .the l)i rn i. though the issue rf it was any ihins bu rmnsing In one of the parties. The (Jump troller of th Treasury, Mr. McCullouglt, va.s uniier examination as a witnegt, am1 in tits course ol 11, tioeamo very much ex i led "gainst one of the parties. No', be. iil' abl) 10 pet any thing satisfactory out of tin person, he tranelerrei his indinati n lo attorney, .ut. Bradley. 'Vrm words en rued, which ended 111 Bradley's heing'pilch ed into' by MoCullnugh. The latter was mon floored, with a broken collar bone, The juke of the affair was, that at this eriti ca moment the bsnnh., t!io beadle, and thr bar; unanimously uprose, and threw them selves upon the eomhaiants wnh a view to preserve the dignity of the Court, but such was the prowess of the leading counsellor on this exciting cause, that in a .trice hs had every moiher's'son of them pi'ej up in r hean aronni! his prostrate toe. I he.spi'n n ...l 111-11 ior tiifir.-i all ami iritii the ex cepiinn of the poor Cemntrollor, they join fd in s tegular ioira' When his snuatioi vas iliscon red, however, .Ihe - victor mg nhnimouiy oiiereu Ms assistance in sell nu i l to riuhta. an idfer which the dist-nn lilet: repelled wnh iniltonanon. A surgeon ua liastily siimmorieil, the wounded man re moved, ihe robes of the Jmlj.e - adjusted and the Court sgain 'clearetl foe aciion.' civil, personal, or mixed, according- in tlit temper of the p irties, advocates, and wil uesses . . - INDIVIDUAL hlAI'lM l Y The stockholders in Hanking instiiu ions ouhl hu ini ivnlually liable, avs ihe West Chester Republican, beyond the amount ol heir stock, for the debts of their respective Ifiriituiion. This is a doeiiitie founded in pisiice and sound policy and meets -ihe ap probation of the great body of the people Ii is a doctrine winch the Democratic pailv il I'ennsylvania advocate, and is disposed o enlrrce. Hy ihe elJorts of ihe represen taiives nf that party in our Slate Leo 1 slat tin die principal has been incorporated . in the hariers ol several of our Hanks, and if the oople are true lo themselves, they send no man '.o the Legislature who is tint mlavor ol incorporating it in il e 1 barter 0, every Hank, as opportunity presenls 1 ne uernocraitc party of Cheater tonntv s in favn of this principle, ihey have lime and again so expressed themselves We are pleased to know, that many Wttij;s imong die farmers, mechanics and laborers of our county, btleve il lo be just, and cal cnlate I to proterl die cnminunny lo sonu extern against me evils i l a Hank napei urreucv, CONNECTICUT We hear that in '.he counties of Fairfield " New London and Windham containing - boul one-ihird of the populaiinn id Connec ticut not a single Town tins voted to'zrant I'u inccs for the stf.e of intoxicating li In neither ol (he Has a m j iriiy of the towns voter lo license probably not over twenty towns in die whole Stale have done so, A'. Y. J)aii 1 nuune. erThe Parisian editors nf j.ntri.als are pen- dially very polite to eat h other in ll Cir seussinns; and in fad, ihe Parts Press is hb v.troi i ,1,,, u,n.l I 'I'l, . . tie hL'trst in tlie world. I he must eminent n . . men in hranrs are 01 have been writers for newspapers or ettitors. The profession ol editor leads lo ihe highest employments in tne .kingdom. Jjaiely, however, there has been a terrible quarrel between the Globe and ihe..P,rse. both of them on the ron .. . . ' c 1,11 seivalive si le of the qurgtinn. Personal r- .;.i .. . """"" mm" " gmtae-pi mini was lavisneo on One nllll in a u le worlhr r.t.o of our whig.jouroa'.s. .inwsisrnA tow s yo tick. m rotate vfjfhx.rmis sriiouf lute vJ'Miunt Tttastnl townnliip, decent tit. OTlCr, in herel'y given thnt Irttfri of ailinin iKlratioif on the above iiieiilinned Kutiiti tiuvu been granted to the nulmcnhcr, living in Hem lock tiiwuiiii'i All (irrmuis iniltliteil lotaiil estate no liurcliy iinlilWil lo nnikii iinniciliHlu payment, and all Uuko having ilninn ire riqut'bted to i e sent iliein prnporly authenticated to ADAM SfKOLT, Aiu'r. October, it, 1813. 0w23. Columbia County tt. n rbs Or, linni reiirt of roid rniini : Writ or Partition or valuation of '!) 1 .....I - w 1 , -k f vAv rrui rsiuvv 01 nDinuoi oiimt, lain u 'Af'MllMz n 1....1. ....!.!.. :.. frjrfST-i?! t'"i". ,,nni(' lif BIH'I JUUIIi. vvaujin ueceioeil.aiiU Jitiula valucd.rule an "pear in said court the third .Monday of Noven. ror next, and accent or refuse thu eiiid enluta a the valuation, or allow cauae, why the same ahul not lie ordered to ho sold, for which iho aaid hei" and legal rctireacniives will take notice- 11 V TI1K COURT. Certified fiom the records, Oct. 3d 1 S4 5 JACOll 1.YKRI.Y, Clerk I.M ot Lctlcis. EMAINIM! in the Pot Ollire. at Rlooma ti U.l'ioi?, mi llit cjikiiKt rniling he t. 30 1 h 181,r) V 111. bechrr h.lnor rliiuepR Mra. Lyiliu Ilubinu Uartholouiy Crnniiton 1 ok!r Lu,l A- A. CuriiminiS Simon Kccily 'J'lioinat Thatcher jr. Win. II. Williams Samuel Droombord Isaac Karnes AtrJ. ). Williams James Younjr Issue Aabeo John M'Cutclnin Persona culling for letters on the abovo list wil! please say they are adveili-jcil. J011M MOYE.t, K- . NOTICE lliat I have 1 srg herehv civen that I havo niirchasnl nt Con- I M . " . ' slalilo aule as the properly of John I'aUL!o,oii( '.iy maro and have led thu nainu in hia in is.-c-ni, ,11 during my pleasure, and fmliid ai y -persun takiiie it liom hnn either hy riurchahc or othenve wnh out my consent TIIOMylS W YOU.NO September 21, 13-15 25 NOTICE R s heiel y given to Ihe intocklioldcrs in the corr, a. 1 ai y h.r eic(in? n Bridge over ihe Aorlhc " inicii or iln rivir tirqurliartin Icluein th t' lvinf ( 'hituwisMi imdihe niuuih ol Firhingrni 11 ' llie ?s 'Ave Ihis day declarrd a divi.'n ' l'it c i;i- 1 i'lit. i n tho Work of said ron mm, 'r t!:o las, six months, which will paid said stockholders oMhcir legal representatives, ut the Trcn-uier's olHie, C'attawissa.o.i or after the 13th .list. DAVID CLAUK, Treasurer. Trejsurci's Office, Catluv.iK.-a, Oct I, 1815 JWJOURXF.I) SHERIFF'S SALE. tl Y v irtuo nf a writ nf ven. ex. to me direr. ed; will be exposed 10 public sale, at tin Court House in Danville, wi Mnnd..y tht, Uil.of Nuveiiiher.mS hi 12 o'clock. M ,1. . 1 .. ,,,(; ,i,.,ri iy in viz; Jl certain tract nf land situate in Green- vnoi! township, Columbia County contain 1112 more or less a mill K (i M"Y ACHbN ,,i hich is cleared I mil, hnunileil by lands il Win. M Hichard, Um. Shnemaker, Ctiri fallen, rnd others, whereon u ereenil i rpe Iwosturv II RICK IlDl'SK a small I.i'C House, a Saw Mill, a hath Will M,,vp, W'll. frame stable am! other mil buildings two h:mh nrthari Is. wnh iIih omirifiiaiii,p Seized taken m exer-niion anil to be sold hs the property of William l.emnn. I RAM DKRR. Sheriff. .MTKIUFF 3 (IfFtrK. Ilaiinlle, October lOih, 1815. ;9 A LL nerKons limine unsettled accounts eliber 25L with the siihsriiher, or with the lute firm ol ilverthorn & lioone, whether the hullance. be in his favor or against him, tire requested to come forward and settle them immediately, lhat he rnuv close bis Lush. ess as soon as nossiblj. A word to the wise is sufficient. MA R.SHAI, SILVERTIIOKX. Septenibei 20. 22 KAX AWVY. jC FROM the snl'scrihfr, some time ao, an indentured bo 'XV named JAMES COLLINS S,,'I 10ears One rem. bu 11 i. 1 r JJ 1 'in paiu upt'll nis tie nit; returnpu lo me, find all nrrsom re foibid harbnnng or trusting him on m crotinl, as 1 hall refuse lo pay any debt, I his coutractmg. OEORRE JOHN Williamsburg, Aug. 13, 815 21 LEGAL NOTICE. persona intercs'ed will take notice, thirl ai application w as made to the jodces of ihe court ol oiionan plea, ailtina nt 'Dsnvillt' 111 and for Columbia County at the term of August; . V ls4S,Dy llie nienihtfS of Ihe Cist r'resbytenio (. hureh or loomsl.iiri;: 111 the roimlv of Lo um. Wa; and Stale u( 'ennsv Nania, by a oonmiittei July elected hy them for that purpose, to arquin f"Jn" i'ov,r" "mnu",u'' "' rnr porauon, uy ine naws Mvlc tt I It e ol llie nrsi ii ,-, -i u , , . ... , .. A .c I 1 imi'l 11 nun V-lMlllll ll U II'l'MII'lll Ullll II III1 L,)iciei.t reason should l thontnrhe cmtiarvat the next term of the court to lie held ullfaiiville uloii said; ll, third Monday of .November next, the sail court will tin no, like a dicres ur.dderhur; that tin prr on"" nss" hwA hM the name; tyle A Wl , ''J? V VT hnro 111 the rnuntv nlli Umlim uloresa o. reco in "ea corporao- ncr l'iy pg'.rir.asrnraoij io Act of Asjciiiblv in rm h r are made and rrovded JACOll EYERLV, I'rot. ;DanviI!e Aug 231, 1815 Mew Store ., 111 rfi. 1TSV GC0L3, N li V It It A N U AI Ii M TH . .Vo hiimlni liut (iondit d.ti to the low rut notch all through. TCnilK subscriber having completed his ner jg Htom houne, on Jain street near Mmke, 111 li'oiiinsliur.uiiil having atocked it with a stock of entire new goods, which were selected wills Ureal earn in regard tr style and price, hu fl.rtlcM him nelf that hu eiin olliir freh goods, and newrnr -1 VI Miiiu mem at lower prices than has ever been .ille'cd in this place, and as the assortment consists of every thing lor comfort and adornment in (hu Dry Goods, together with a general assortment of Qneensivwe (some new sfijten) School Monk, Iardiran; ('titer ware, TMIe u urr, Earthenware, Sitina or Luke, ground, Fine Lisbon and Dairy Salt, Sal vion Mmkerul ,and Herring, Cuvindinh. Imita Ion Plug, Fine, cut ii Smoking Vubacro. Canities Soap, Ctfjrr Kettles, .Sit e. liar iron. Iiemdcs numerous other articles, nil of hich wil he sold ut a very uni.ill profit for ready ny, and he would respectfully invite all ersm s to call and exttiinne his goods mid pi ices, before pnrchn.-ing. The highest prices paid for all kinds of country produce. I.. 13. RUPERT. Eloonishnrg, Sept. 20th, 1845. 22lf. Tim & rrrHE suMcriber respectfully inforn;stbc public; that he has opened a (.hop, on Miiin-Mrect, neurly opposite Clayton's Tavern, in lihiom.-hurg. where ho intends carry ing on the ubovo Lunincttv, in nil its various branches. TIN W.1UE, f every description, will be kept on hand for s:i1j at WHOLESALE or I, ETA II,'. SIIEHT IKON' Manufactured into any form required, STOVE PI.PICS, of A sh"s kcpteonstantly on banc'. Stoves finish-' ed to oidur. Ueir.jr determined to do business in 'ho rkht way, ho reiesls all to call 11 p n him in-foro tbev piirchisK elsnwh'!ip, us ho will funiilh nil articles :i his lino as cheap as they cuu Lo purchased io iho county. U. i. KICK. September !."0, 1815 ly23 THAT well knnn Tuveru Stand, in Or- ant'eville, nuw neenpi V?Vii! Si : r,wi .. "'e rouse 11 fSyJjlN story frame me iiouse is a ,,io(. 1 t(. hiiildiriy.a large sible snd shed, an I one and half acre of land, all in com! order.- It is unnecessary lo yive any fuihfr' description, as ihe purchaser can view Inr iiimsell A good tittle & easy terms will be given.iipon appliranon to the Subscriber. PETKIt MILLER Orange tp Sept. 18, 1815, 21 5w.' 'RnE auhsceibcrs respectfully inlonn the puh O lie, that Ihey are now opening, at ihe stoic lately occupied by E. II. HICU.S', on Mnin-stiect, 1 la,; e and extensive ossoitniut of FALL AND WINTER mix CtHHiS. Groceries, HarcUvarCj C V.B:K, EARTHENWARE AND LIQUOUS; in fact, svery article iisusnullr kept in a country store. Among their assoitmcnt may he found Calicms. cf the newest patterns, Si'k, Cloihs, ('asstmeres, Sitiinelts, Vest inps, Diesel., d and Drown Shirt ings, (tlovrs and Hose, (land kerchiefs and Shawls, Cashmires. oj-e. Ani) having selected them with prcat care ns tp pialily oiid price, they are enabled lo sell ibem nt ower prices than thev have ever before been of fered in this vicinity, for Cash or Country Pro- luce. Qjr flavins made nrrar;enicnta In the City f.irn nnslant supply, any article in their line whic1! hcv have uut oil hand,cau bo fui iii.ditd at u wctks iiatice. Persons a'e requested ti call and examine their oods and prices before purchasing risen here- ALBRIGHT y MKKOEL. Bloom bnig, Oct.Jl, 18-15 25 TFceBiHsT" tor JUSrlCES AND .CONSTABLES Priiied on a sheet for the purpose of Pos ng up in ih fir ('liters. FOR HA LR AT THIS .OFFICE lrC7The Li v ri'ipiires Justice an C;ri stable to have his bid of fees postod up ia his office, -ALSO DIar.ks fur CJS- I' A I J L SVLES. Cm 2? sn. n K'.l MJ KIM 14