V Pm.u,l J,mm )l 1 ".!, 1 . '- 11 SINGULAR rilKNOMU.NUN. ON LAKEONTAMO. TheCnSurStirsvi that on Jtirdty,i moi' txmordumy t:ccu rcnca was no tic? I in Ihe l.k , il thil jIk'b. S'urrCj In fore noon o-no g'trlimen s ' k i on ilrt in luit, happening to cm then tye upon ihr wviT be' worn Me irf , uitr iTUik nnh tha veiy u niMtil p-p.- :rucc tf a strong current or tide, s li U were Jelling directly out to o. I; si ruie l tit it the whole lik wis gn ing bmlilywy. lnifv minu'es (ierly i itiii.l put of the inner hirbor, wiili a eont "ponding portion if ilio shore oi euhi r si le, Wi left fnMrtly b,ne, whei, suddenly (1)0 tide turned and came, rifii.tty back agiiu fi ling the harbor a least two feet higher than il wn before Th;e riliurilinry action of the Lk was continued at regular interval nf every eight or Jen minute tilt afkr dirkt-9 highest u.le co iced being t luils before u in the evening, when l ie witi r rou seven inenei higher tha-i it w i$ ljt ipi in , ami j nl iwu feot snd fl inelt above it present level. Wd ji lers sr. I t'lfl suae neiurreiici was no iced at other pUcse oa the lake, mid heir ihit at Port Hope, Ihrtffcct was so jl,rei that toe steamboat Pnitftss Royal i-rvuld not (et into the haihar it all, mo oing hud aground when mora than hei length outside the entrauco to the pier The ciue of e-1 emreordmary a phe nomenon ie at present a matter of vari ous C3ejC!ure', bm the general .opinion B?mi to be that it could only have leer produced by violent earthquake i some put of the continent, which wt shill probably soon hear of The leading editorial in the New Or lean Bulletin of the 82 J of September contain i pretty correct intimation tha' General Taylor' Army of objervation' will rM re main math longer at Corpus Chridi may fea awaited wiih interest un der Ibc expectation ofheaiingsottiething fui thr snJ more d Quale as to the uln mate destinstior. of our littlo army, We are disposed to look upon, the encamp met t CVj u Christl if a temporary ivrid. zvqu.e, -judiciously leleeied lo h -rojiceiioii and concentration of nui forcp-0. 45ui it certainly cannot bo tlx iriientioa lfc-t ttio army abalj ttop ilure. Tha positioo Js fur Jo ih rear of tin loe!tiin( boundrv of Texia and lo matte M v... ..t :l:.4fr neeum. (inn. wwU bo.mitimouni to urran. nir of the f i (affitory lyinft b tween Aha Ilto Grand and ihe Nuecea. i wa rpieail) nakea halt thereat firM. A a depot i4 aaiui f if recmnniianee iid prepiraiionunn oiore con v( mom nu1d hve bfen ai-lee'ed o the coiat. .fu isiC8 from the Rio Or inde was a -e-f uri y aiiinat eurprise by any hos'ile tnovrmeiii by tha Mnicans, while it- lo2iun on the tea &oiq firrtishei the ,li!t f3ii iea for disembnklng of troop "jnd laitdinr, iBgojliooJ of war.' How, frir.'eer aineo the place tiaa answred all tle purpose of a rendtzvon, aad our nerftd batialiona are collected imo well appoiaiwJ ai)d formidable army', i i-ie to m-sva ifce catnn. Wo carifi jdentfy .oiioijrfJ that O n. Tatiob' UiPMirti Wiiii rnarcti t tho K;o wrende, vith tho view of occupyinji; ti;?i t'wai m 1'm Jii.e of our western bmindt r. h net rt all unlikely tht le jnovtinn t'a'reidy ceiig made. SJ N G UL K a CA OF I AS A N ITY In r ne ltovo, s stated thai while Thrmn M ller, a farmer, and iMilyim wfeat Junilv, 'were laboiina "A a cornJitlX the eldest ion manifesteil ' the ror.st eiiravagsnt ayiaintnma it luna cy Sliorily after a jrounger brother. oet the to sister, and the Mher, dia iajei wis uma violent aymptoaia o' rUi-raogprnpni, appjrently through eyi mhy. The. Uvq sons and the faihrf -re no.v e n Sued io the County Poo' ' IIouf. II ipr re enuriaioed of iheii res'ora:ion. ils lieil men and philoso .iher lo 'ild enq-iirc whether anything cott'tert"'! ivii ia! so I or vhe cropjiro duced ihi ie't't'riry insanity. UJG TIIUMjICII' anu -ni3 PAST lT.".i r sm. ,1 l ist wt klt, iha! D -e'nt IJ.inli'on lud been sentenced by tin Jji.le tu p' od thp remainder el" ht- y in viie Slate wr.sun, ihe fnnty ol Cliiiiiii". 'lie )) i-tny y era ol.l,w: 't1' 5) .s tSfis'c'iear eo'on'y, In Vlie lowr fiT i.i.to, ata.Iuited at Middlel'lirg Cut Irije t . IS.iO, reived the decree of M.: V. at Kinder. Collie ifl AVw YrJt, piMCiisn! ieil .fiii K. r.'il.cia Sprie liurinj; l'.,e h.um f 1.,33 ant! 34, nmii t Jjr4tli ll ,i n-r lit- rtn, where tf . 'rpj.iy with tit ;. . f ' Itrientfd Uejiti . '-.i)i'ti O'll of the . ,, when he ralisteit Vs . ' ! 1 '." it Alb.it!) i: lo .: ". -ii't fun, who u'jf ;i ' 'ijinl, and went r V.C '.. lie va.4,:J' Sii'i''- y S -V I). N rlfstowo, Hid t Inland. ' lit Wii mill Fuu.i- o i .V.; siegeon ifl tne tttejrri't'tionary fjrecs, a-r 'be doe of tKa. Wer w.a jipixts. KYtRAOR HILARY fHANGIS OF! FOUrUMi. . A correspondent of ihe H tston Con mr wining from llutTilo, sys n imli- ndual ot Hut city who in ihe (treat t x p ti'Sion of busitms in 13.)fi, aimd nrxt 'O Kit tunm, the jtcroud in U.o hilt of 'ie 'oca, who ttavelled inrouhth Cutnur) in iti'i Kiiii wSo pent liUndrrili ol iloi lata :il llie lnirl i f an evemtm, ai.i! htiii turn d ihn landjrnls tor nut eh ir( .iii; hitii t. who tun rh the iiei Ohii Unit I, fit I know nt how tnnrli Hl'l tKpi ii l.il f i) OuQ ir. I'triuahinn i ; Alio iV 't tf.pi'oteiud with nwr, miuI lii ik .d u:),lo n'r'i terfrcufi w'io I sihl I" live k, Vcn in h M.I.L'iiui:-. in b.ti.ki lljil Py if noiiie eleven millinna is now etiinit- ed in ihe humble, but lionat employ- (iien , rd iluvinK liurse-cari, and pl dlnt4iul hoit tlio Rireeis of Ilutfilo, while Ins wile aujip -rts htrself as a nursf, a cukious iup:a. The wnptension and noiions which some pf rsoiH lake are very ttingnUr anrl curious. We have somewhere read oU man who was tor nun ed and nude ver wretched by the number 3. Whenevei 'h;(t faiiil fiiore or number presented it elf, it ihtew hi in into great trounle He lo ik a fancy 10 hoy a wutch whirl ne iuw luni,iri up in a pawnbroker'? l)op in L iiiiloo, which caused turn six moniha miaery.- Sometime after, on winding il up, he perceived thsl it wa lUmherea 333 and i h sat an addition to ill this (he pawnbrokers houe was 33 -nd whRt morulieu -him -tm more, he '-eccoliected (bat be paid 8 guineas for i, 1 bat completely unhinged him, and fier suffering half a t ear of intense niie;y, ha made a journey of two huu Ired miles to the niwnbrok's its L in Ion, and sold it to him sgiin.fot mo ;uineaij and from that mumcnt became ell. Tha lending editorial in the New Orleans Uulleiiii ol Uio '2i l ol Sepiember conum.- 4 (pretty coireot tiiitinaiiou that Genera a'ayler'a 'Army f obaervaiion' will not ro n-iirt mucli iongrf at Corpus Ctumi. I sayaf The next advieea from Corptis Chris'i ny ba awaited wiih interest under tha ex pectation nf hearihj; smneihing fonlier una nore definiw as to the iiltnuaie desiiiia'icn ii our little ar ny'. We era dispnaed to look upon the encampment t Corpus Chriu ia a temporary (emtrzvnus, j'ldirioui'y eU.a.t iila rnllf I'll. iii an, I i-nm-.nir.ii.,,, 4,lt OUT TUII.V.. U :. , u. he tntentinn that the amy ahali slop mere. Thepoaiiion is far in the rear of ihe legui. nate otwndry of 1'exls, and to ,nake tlui iur pouU of military occupation, would bt tinaiinnunt to a autrendur nf the v.ist ten i i iry lyiiiij between the 3io Grudt and he Nueces. It was prndent make a hal there at Aral. As a depot and a point loi reconnoisuance and preparation, none nion convenieul could have been aelecied on thi coast. lis distance from rhn Um Grumtt vaa a security agtinst surprise by any lion tile movement by the Mexicans. wh:le air loeaiion on Hie sea alnre lurmslied tlio bea faciliiies fur diasiub.irktn? nf nonpi and tandiag tnuniiioiis nf war. Now, howevei lainca the place has aniwer all the purimseh id a rendesvo'is, unl our suaitered banal- ions are collected into a well Hppniuted and iorinidible army, il ia limn to move the camp. We eonfi lenilv aiiMeipaie thai (en. Taylor a division will march to the Itio Grande, vnb ihe iew nf oeupyinj tltst riser as the line of our wemern humnlrv It is not "l un'l'tB'y ,'ul ",tt moveinoni is already ben.'' t inad't. Disruuci vt: Fine. Fire broke out abn...3Vi.:k ,his mg in a block of.buildm or. a In, ornery aireet, running back to sugai ' between Light and Cliailea street, whu eonsumeJ tun or twelve small houees,own- id by Mr. Owen Thomas and occupied by lunv or forty families, chieflyi colored persons an J others of am all inetni. Musi f Iba aJwellings ra.ntainrd two or lime I'imilif i; eome ocrujuying the cellars and ilhrra the garret 1 tie buildings were oully eonHuuieil, together with most of the uiuitiiTe and e.haiilen be longing to ihe in natfj. ilistcene wa rendered truly uis- ressitig fro the hvt llm' several of the tic lupania of the diiTt-rent .woins were proc- lateil upon beds of aie.kness with the null pox 'I'heae invslide v-ere removed n tbeur trTiri."2 condition itro.n their sick teds lo the epcu .atrtet, a're they ere ompcllod to reiiniin, and w here soma ol diemtil! weie this morning. viilvro shelter ut n umbrtlU and a lew '! clothes. A unall child, t-ick wiih the sml! prx lied wbilsi being taken from its pexilnu iiuaiion, Otbersf ihe afafted r no -xe.aieil .to 6urvive. Arranpfments nr nuking to take them lo the kka'S-hoCs". 1 va repuried,(hul we believe u uhoul fiun- Jation.) thai one or more tf the inmint lad pewlied in the flmiea, A more di- rfMWf pirture could ecareljr be presented. At diirtrrnl ptiinu on tlis uo rd pavement; uuld be Keen it) is morninf, ihe poor iinlor tiuate anffrfer, clustered d round the te iiKiiiing lug uejis uf their I'.ittle ail, fcep- T.osl plieonaly. Poverty had oppreesd hein lii-Cut'.f iu'i now II -fcxl nreaned iIihiu yvtil, r fl;i'si bopeles wiigtJt. Villi t'at. lu Mjxien, n there $ie 3,300 secular elery, 1, 700 (O.euks, end 2, 000 nuos, owing ,i )ioirV va!ui I at JJ iOO," 'TBUTM ('fl!l-'f EA." s.trt'KtKiy, OC'IOUKK I8 IM5, M'e havf. met the tuemy and ihty art 'M'l The I'leetion is over, and we 'ava the gratification of announcing ! our' iriemU a mini glorious victory, as it will be een, by tlie nlH-'ial reiiirna in to-davs ipi r, ihiil the Kiroval bss a majority nl I 3511 majority fat exceeding . wlut e live ever promised our fiiends a'ltotd 'hat we would give, besides electing t'ur vliole Ueinnval Ticket, by a handsome majority, W e congratulate the citixens ol 'he County. upon Ihe final senlnnen; of the hiiiy yeais war, by lestorii g lo the peo ple there rights an long witbeld from them 'y fraud and trickery. With the County Seat in the Centre, Co) umbia county will now go on prosperously, k she will soon be one of the richest and mr.st populous countie in he slate, accord mg lo her territory, Gwe, then. three hearty cheers for tbc'SiarJof the Notth.'for well will the hereafter deserve tin tiule. CHARLES F. MANN, Esq. Ibis gentleman was a cnndiiaie for Country Treaaurer two years since, and defeated by an unholy combination. lie was again a candidate upon our ticket, ami he has nnw signally triumphed over all hi enemies, a majority larger than any other man on the ticket.egaingt whom an oppos tton vne raised. Unl what renders llm liiuinjih still more graufiirg i0 his feelings, after the abuse and slander that has been hurled against him by his enemies is the indorsement of his character.ihat his neigh bors have given him; at home. Tliema:n portion of Mfuin, I'uxion and Maine tlis- iricts, are from the township tfold Mill.n; iiv.iia,Mjj iii , iii v 'i ne no a reatueu tor several years, and been actively enngei! in hiininesa. In thoie district the vole foi Treasurer aiood na fullo. . l.nrndl.l. ...l..'..U I . I. . M.inn, Girtoti Mfflin 2 33 Main 10Q 1 Taxion si 0 302 HI Paxion ia ibe district in winch he no esi Jes Valentine Hesi bus r.ow capt the climax d Ins poliiic perfidy. At a time whei 4ieat exertium were making ibrougliuiit tin oate by the whig puty to seeuie a ui"j nil) n the Legiilanire and at a time tnu, wher i change of fouie two or three member vuuld probably effect that ubjeel, Valendiu Dest, in-connectmn with the whole demo- t-ratic force in ihe Dinville tnerest.is ridini; ihe roiinydiy&iiiglit,usin5 a I his :nfincnei to securedie elccttun of David Clarkja whiy o the J.em!aiure, in eppnaition to thu launch Democrat Tlioinn A. Fnniinu. iiit this is not all, wherever lua iufirri,.P xifnded, it appear that he lua opposed ihe election of the Drtfrmcrv.i ranitidine for 'Paris' Commii'tdonrr. But he'uflV.'ted noth ng hyoi d his home, h iMrmning (own thip, Jamea Uorns rrcfivpd Z'i voles, and in Vally, originally a part of Mahoning, he reretved 22 votes, while Kirns received HGvoicy, Whether this game Ins been played in other portions of ihe a'a!e where ' e lata rmvrrnni Piirlpr. an,1 In, ouil iln. ll.. " ' ' late h10'''"'' of ihe H:irri.burg Argus, -ii. . . ,ave iuflu..,,cr 18 e,m 10 1,8 ' .... I : . s mighty itifluenu ,,,,!, C( J"v nowevei iHs.only beea, et,M ,J only majority sonit 200,bajt h has rovercil In in ell' wi ll po'itii-al infamy, aii'i hown him se'f. what we have often declared ,ll,,a ", n' i man wivhoui any polit;i al principle, ready to sell himselt for gain, to the higher bidder, lie is now compleit ly iiidsniilin' wiih tU enemies of Gov Sliunk's adrnii letraiion, and there let him remain, for lit will not hereafter be able lo cany a Demo cral with him out of the lownalnp of Ma honing. .L m The ieau!l cf the voio upon the lie noval Bill musi be peculiarly pleating t Senator Koss, and Messers. Snyder and Fnnsinn, becsuse il more than rait fit al their podiiont at llarribberg in relation l a large mojoriiy 'f the people of iliecounty being in favor of the Kairoval vhlle on he other band ihose geniieman fmn Danville,- ho made such strong aisevrratams lo he contrary must feel any thing but pUasni?: when they meet their old fiienils born ,bey so wofully deceived. It ia a bittei ?ill for the Daoille genileii en tothkf, it is ..roe;rbul il inuft go down, it nm:v C. Y. Bright has been ieolecd to the fz-jjiolitture fryro No.-tlmrubrlettl rottr t. J Ji-fTlte roto ttgalnaUlu Removal Ciil' a 1579. ,1ahoning end Valley townships vith origiuially ouo township, lutve polled il ihat number 73 1 votes,' or neatly out lallofthe whole vote , against the que tton. II. - "'!! t;"Liisl November Mahoning polUd dtout 490 voties at the Presidential Klec ion. this tot may Dave ponni uu upon a question requiring six months residence Dots anv one believe that ihera wore 2,00 oiore voieis in )aiille, on Tuesday Lsi with an months residence, than they bai in November last with only ten dy rei dence, when it is well known that tl ii1 laborers are changing daily! No man it Ida senses will Iv-lieve it. ' Who art the Virutet Best susiaiued David Clark a whig for ihe Legislature, in opposiii in to Thomas A. Funaton, Demo cral, and prevented the Democrat in tw of the lower townships in this county, a leasl from voting for Burn; the Democrain candidate foi Canal Commissioner. W'lm now is ihe Pirate? In the late election in Maryland for mem ber of ,Congrea. the Dpmecrats carried four out of six, when heretofore the Whig have usually carried all. IX'.. l . . am Since the result of the election was knnwr in Danville, the barbers charge doubb nrwe for ahavintr sometcertain citizens nl that place, in consequence of the elongation nf their viaages. If all reporia are true, he will earn i money. OFFICIAL CONS TRUCTIOV. Since the paeaxge of ihe new P. O. Law, il liaa been supposed by many persons, thai it might be evaded, so far hs carrying let lets nut of the mail is concerned, by omit ting to fold the leltet in the UMiat loiio. or leaving it unsealed. Not long since the opinion uf the Post MaHcr (intend was olicited en this point. TIkj followi g ex irant from hi raply, will khnw what rick i run by those who piaciice the Kiodn ol evasion, above alluded to : 'A latter is a written or printed message r any communication made by vijible char icier from tine person to annibrr at a di lance.and it is not esiential uhcihir is seal diI or aen filNI.' - . nun . , p ( ., j, p, j REGION. Itis a singula! ari, stye a weiterr. piir that in the. neighborhood of the Likrf Superior copper mines, in llm Por''U'tni mountain., trout a lilll six milex lm n l I'oinl -omei a sound like n iienie.l ill. cliargca of aitd.ery, who h on r ! a, d,i M.hen'irl dimiuetly. The gent of die Amer ican Fm Company nnce imagin'-d tin- noiai1 to proet-r d from a ship belonging to ill oii p tuy in (ln?liiM, and eent a Itoal to the rp-ciei The Porcupine mountain are 30 miles from I, a Point. Ii ia snppntie . i. , . i mere mus' on zinc.anii otner metals in cop jier, and cloced up in the mountain, wind ive nut the sound. The Indian have tradition tli.it ihtu sound wi:b w hich ihe arcuf iniitiar, i the anry voire of the great ijnrii enra e.l thai i(, copper should b lisitirb-id, and for tbin reason, alihougl lamiliai wnb rich bed, ihty refuse lore veil this kuoih (IgM, iMfi nn q pi risuuuo. Pittsburg. ' aaye die Chronicle of tlni city, '!ias risen from her ai-he. aiil wher- i lately all was desolatinri, now aciivin nil bustle ami tlie bum of buitie8 ar. ieen and heard.' The editor of the Citron o-le say thnt he rourned a lew day apt two hundred fi eiglii warehoused,dwelling( nantifactiiring enlabtiklimenl rf-Vuj ! t and e-occupied since the j;reat eonfl .graiioii !n addition lo this number there are about ive hundred buildii.gs ir. iliffrrcnt stage. f progres. from 'be laying the foundation. 'o i.be pining onof the lasi tinisliing toiiehet. il the painter's brush. Among the build mgs nearly rompleied are two bruel of tin largest class. ind a large number of splendii' .vare honaes on Wood, Market mnj VV'aiei oreets 'We wit-h ' remaiks the Chron He, dial the kind hearted friend in all pari, f the country, whoso aeiurously came l mi assistance. could pass tlirougb the burnt listriit and see the Trent wnik which (hey lave aided to accomplish Our city re milt i the rami suitable monument that otn jratitudd canrrect to tbuit generosity,' mE!'-J,"!!"..'""W The Great World'a Convention, with Robert Owen st its) head, is now in full blast in N. Y. If the Convention starts my project by which the wor d will be made sny bilier, Si i s psopln wiser, health er and happitr we will apprise oar rerdrrs in due lime, At present il sromi lo be go ing on its old sinful nnd esrrb-ss rourse, not seeming to care a whit for the pliiIsos phrn fiisemlbd at Citnt m Kail, MAINE ELECTION. Governor Anderson's majority over all opposition is about 2 000. Hie Senate will stand 28 Democrat to hit. Whi24. I'o the House there are elected ftl Dem- oeraia lo Whig an I ahmit fi'iy Dmriri t'l will "ii wore i no cnoo-e. or wnn-n nave oil been lii-aid from. A unjoruy of ibein IisiriC'S are decidedly Di'iniicralic, e., iba' ur niij irity in the House can Imrdly be r lured. T p. Gkkat Nativk AatniciM Party At ttie recent election in ihe Sui ol Vl.ny land, the native polled a IrdU oci line ihounand vr-tes II! These are the uen who where to annihilate the two giea patties of this cotir.trt ! MjiW.'S 11JL'.1 A Font Hack id to mile for $1 000 i'ain o(T on the Uencnn Cikimi neur N Vork, on Monday, between J n-Uon the A uerican Deer Htitl Barlow, heretofore a vie r in several such cnuiois. Barlow, won tins to S) Hi- TEXAS Two candiilate hate already been nam :d for ihe office of (io'ernor, (Jen Rusf, ho was the President of the Convention mr forming tin Consiru'.ion k Gen. James Pickney Hendeison. CONNlill(;UT. The last Legislatures itdopted such mess ures, that hereafter elections will be decided by pluralities, not injoriiic s, This will nit an end to the i nporlance of third par ties mmwmmmmwmKmwm A C LUQ Y M AN K I LLE D. The Rev. Philandei Powers, of lh' .Methodist Episcopal Church, wa kiii ej n few tlsys since, near his lesidenct t 'ainlrd Po.-t, Sieuben county. N. y IU wa I hi own from hi horse bv a spat of lior. a thai Iik'I runaway. Cneifhn lei wa. broken in thiee plat9, anc hi skull was fracture. I. SICKeN KSS IN ILLINOIS. The Alton Telegraph says, that tli- lickne-'.i in "he fotiotiy siuroiiniliog tha city, was never giexler than al tlie ore. enl lime and what adds lo the -ffl ctio is, lhat it i" of an unvsUdHy laial chuar ler. Tlie disease geueially i ol Oiiioi. fevi r of a huh type. MBpwrvmA-w THE MOK.MON WAR. --i nlc.tiTI TIES A -1 1 1 lioin 'ii. N oivoo N inlibo- o Cl , il d 'lie 2 0 III ''ll'., i'lUll 'lll 't r -ply of ill. M i III 'Oi " xnilloo h - miii ii . re .i iv t lh- I- r w-.i V I- oil If ' cifk eoiiii' t . Alerli V'.-ii X,) i v (j fe Ii '.li s l- t i 1 1 v e I- p -n- i ll '.I e e i , 1 '.-I e ' ll -in r i' i (I i 1 1 i n v ;.ie- u-y 'Wn rop'ise to lease lln ' ti'ii'y iii xr ciii'ii, f.o o mi m eino e ilia the will not b any didi u :y 'Villi Ihe people ami onHV pioviiied 'i-rtiio propo-iiioi.s n c saiy for lb icroniplisiiir.eni ol our temov il, shall ir iheiVHi ' The pioposnioo relate ti le di'po-tnl of ihrir pioperty. 0 her accoiioi.s received Irom Unl ock ciiiimy, s'!h ihat both pafie wen - n-n ito ti oi ili'-ii f tc s f )i' an ericotin er. A h'.dy ii voliieteei coriiis'ioi; o 500 oi' o wet e on tie r march towap' lie scene of ac ioo. Tin cinzen ni Mi-1) inoiith have had a ineeliin:, a v. ich M'olutioii wei -dop-rd S'-vt-ie-V denouncing the M nmoni and dt-cl h ngtlui ihey ii.hs no ltjni"r h" p-im t eil (o live in t tie S:ale. The M iihiii ne boy c)iimioii,dnvioij and sla ig'i- i -i I ii i I a IV r U - li tli r nl It ie ea -. am' .. layio; io a neivy -iock ol provisions lock of provi rovine bim' wers i-aid t" be busry eo j i 'lted iii niinagioiS nod pluodeiion I In i I J leserted of ll e iluge. , lM I 'ROM THE SCKN E OF THE MO I? , MOA' RIOT. i fo.n.a'i.io tnd b-eniec ived by th ! Licle le, al Si. L ioit o i 'he fi n i o ., halGi-n. Haulm, wiili two In ! nen marched on Oi'ihag1', and loot. the town. I he IWoi mo . on Hie ap noach of ihe hi sur ging lore, 'ook r. ug in the Coin t House, w i'di lort.fi- tod nren-led lo d- felld. G -fl. 11. a ' ' . . -.. i . once sin round tneir rni'iei, una or ered tin m lo smrenibr, civmg ttiMt lil'eeo inino'i lo deliht'i ate. .'t llt ml, of llm time they lad down theii iiiiit, mill ivrir .-....rM.i . . . . . .. .....t .... k . . ... i.jmiir. ..I uf .1 i iii. ... .. I . 'I'laiiini'- iihiii win, oori, lor II e 1. OIK Oil jcertmn ifthrtl. ihev weie oerm tta.l In1 ' " iepirt oo tr parol nf honor! I T J I THE LARGEST YET. v ii . . '. . riii.i a in ikIi lOrt nrpHPO. RRapon hit vvelijhj 104 ) lbs. 1 iiank'givin'i' ' . . M . ..... coming. a ..... ' . . . Mr. U hiteney, tlie projector of the ureal National foil road from Lakcu Michigan to the Pacific Ocean, arrived . . t I ai si. I in At. Louis on ihe 19th ul. His tti cent exploration cf (he eonttmpUted rent reaehed avt Isr i ihe greal bend 0fUBU"u" ",r,,UB 'c"'rn,n " cmmiry, ihe Missouri river. lie is very 'inKtine "'i'4 lhe mention rd becoming n citizen ef to '.hi feasibility in'J success of htMhe jundetl'king. J l.-gncy of 6500(5 tvm !. f. J: , e,r ' ra..z.o.n-ow. , ' ii... a i ... .I'.i i . v f . . , . , , 3: f ()f Fi(( (n( ( s ron( (,( IliiihIix Hi... I., it... 1. ... ... CnU'Clies Were imoli; lh- Tiu?tje-, w ' lisereiiun-ny pewer at to ihe nun). l" Pl ')" L i Said lh it a fci ri HI P t'-fi -Id iv 3 oiuck diiinl) by ihe ) i of cnn"i . nice llien a nuoibei of iiMrneil m- , 'ay an i xchang", have ioviied ilie ai-iHi-ry ciiiiipioie t, r.7in and ilisct) 'lieii piiciROO their premise. AN APPALLING DEATH. Tint Alton (1 I.,) Telegraph, relate be death of a Mr. Howell, (,?,) H)1, sleetueil citizen of M li-mn rrfr'yf vho came i t hi denh ah-in ite.lv- nfee, by a buioing tree lalling on In1. He lay (or gome hours, wi h one of hj I' H broken, iine"sini' Hie approaching (1 mis. Ai l-nih the ft e le.iched hi ji rsnn, mI Ie eutleicd a lioneiiog leath. Toward the c'ose of Ihe appall, ing scrnr, his wife sccidentally reach ed Ihe spot, but he lived hut a few mm t. tes after her an iv-al. SANTA v?NN.? It i. said ilnl Gen. iiio i'e niiin lain an active conespoi.ilence with Nul la Anna, at Cuba and t uiiaries , em ployed in eveiy diiciimi ihronghi Mex ico, to lake advaoiag ol the ir eoi d;s-ortianiz-d coudiiioo of affairi, lo ioviie mm to return and asiumc the tujnenie commad. VULCANIZED INDIA RUMMER. This is a new invention, intended in diminish the vibration of nilways. Th preparation is a mixture caoutchouc and sulphur. Its elas'ictty is of a surpris ing character, sud il i also said in b naeserved under intense ptessui'e lor a long period. The number of em gran's arrived at ie port of QiiebeCj from Ihe l.tof My t Sepi. 27,- wn 24,910, showing an in rease ovar lasi y ear ol 5001. Of ilii 't'tnb'r 83S0 were from E land, 13, i)3l from li eland, and 2123 hum Soot land. Ii is said thai for iwo hundred d-iv luring the season for ir-iV-lling;, fia.-- hjnilied pas ngi r on an aveiae, p;,i up the lakes, of wht m one half at leal are pniinranis, going 'o mk- their hom in the West. There ire in w piirjtHheii in j.-ev-r C mada 2!) . iivini,. rv, an I ii- p , r ''.'-.oa..-, 21 ... It. ii a i t-l ni 63. S .nui h oly n ii v ni . 1, - , . v he adl'v llj!te. hi .l iini, e i Im, !,v Ml,. ling them no k cm It. I ,,l)l en-" ouch to ny th xi i loiHot, Sue1 kei S guiol nil the year loiind, :l tiopiie I and picked in a siune jir an t foveled with molafei. A yi'ltng lady. m(Ii!( 'en-g h M'' L u- 'hii, called turn Jjiilil) I'fhe conoid t t iodeiicate io -y l ti S -ir.ehody av Ul' a -tlfe wvn ap- p'ecia'es duiiienc ecuiiomy u-r . t I .r cr needs (Lueath good bread. Here i ,wbat some rusty, rrnsrv ohj acheor say of the ladies. What b-:..l te done wi'.h the ineorrigiable old sinner A Sti'OU bn .Fact. The Brooklyn Ail eruser says iJip the Adanuo Ocean rv with a iiapurn stop ihi journal fiom joing ahead iwun voor heel into ihe lo if Koot-oiaU poatmaalers iie.frm ' ., , , llf,,. nod f nhsiriheii ni i n. . . - , . . ' . rinler ,.n, nn TidLinir l.fiiiLa uinl, K..I ' iion and nidi lor etvir j' t astnde fos "','t-('u'" ram '..Uii ""miii)' il-iwii !ie ih cateiaei of i remember where yon left run ..hrellrr. - ciiom; a musqi-iio unit a l in khat-.j. "hull, prove all ihiif hiiriertu ronsMlere-!' uiiossible lo he pos-oble, Inn never no, iuii ,11 eoix w i nm 1 1. iy b, mi l when be has mada up her mind to aar t,e won t A ll-islon paper says thai s ahoe ppg mill vi lli make fur y bufln-lj of shoe pros in a tliv I ney are nice y nnrked a In. hi 1!. ami are exported m roiuuteralln r ... ,.. ... , ., , , ie niaikets. There have been exported fivm St. Lmii since the 1st of January last, nelve. mi! lion pound of onrk unit hai-.in. List w in r were iauguierea mere i a fino l. i i . j .i. i increase ol several thousand nver tlio preceding season. O ie esiablisbmeni alona ... , r-uniDfr' Vkm vZ'-TTi Vil" i... - ... in" i Ola, siiihai icuiiini uy n U'l . r"P""c " " "DnQ,,n' 1 ,Jr; u Ucpu?ii He purposes s'.'idying fir he b.if,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers