The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, October 11, 1845, Image 2

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"th-th ituui." fkah
h ilt UU.1V, OCTOBER U,IM..
" "cVsAl. COMMISSION-!?.
j amiss mmiss.
iiksioval; ticket.
Thomas A. Fumton.
Charles F Mann
rtcr Ent
IVilliam Cole
. Feixow Citiikns: Having learned that
report has been pul in circulation thai
it elected, I would favor the repeal of the
Kcmoval Bill so far as require the erection
of new Public
of expense lo ihe county, an'J eupport an
Act requiring them to be built by taxation,
i think it proper for me to say, that the re
7orl is altogether incorrect. ' At the time
.if the passage of the Bill in was
accepted by Us mends, ana wey ao not .eg
in be reliaved front its obligations. There
fore, I shall oppose any project of taxation
lor the erection 01 tne new rjunairga con
lemplatedby the Removal Bill.
Oaiober 8, 1845.
Look out for fraudulent Tickats, end
remember that the Removal Ticket to be
voted, i
. Examine your ticket before voting, and
eee that there is no deception, as . there i
dil to be spurious tickets afloat.
Itcunre of Fraudulent VOtiu
The law has carefully guarded against all
L'uM of fraud at elections, and we warn all
persons concerned seainst any violation off'm1.
the law at the election next week. The
Legislature in (he general election law hat
provided, fine, imprisonment and disgrace
or all who knowingly invade the purity of
th elective franchise; and in the Removal
Bill additional safeguards are thrown around
the election this fall, in our county. The
law will be faithfully and rigorously enfor
ceil trains! any who may violate it; this
may be depended upon. All the following
requisites eie indispensably necessary to
qmlify any person to vote.
hi. Th U lie be a while freeman ovet
the age of 21 years.
2J. That he be o native bom or a natur
al zed citizen,
3 '. That hs have resided in the state
one )tr end in the election district 10 day
iuiiiiidiately before the election, (except in
the rase of citizen . of the' stale removing
finin it und returning, who can vote six
months after his return, if he has resided
if n day in the election district,
4 i. That he have paid a state or county
t;ix uiiSin two years that shall have been
n.sesssd ten diys before the election. fRx
ct pt in cast of voters between 21 Si 22
jmr of tge, this tax qualification is dispen
n d with, but no other
5 !i. In order to vote upon the Removal
q '.cation it is necessary in addition to tlx
ffin-gning qualifications, that the votei
h.iuld have resided in the County of Col
umbia for six monttia before (he election.
All ihese rrquiwies are easily understood
pud tin rc is no excuse for any person who
v::Uiea the law, either as an election officer
or a voter.
FT?" The people of Columbia, county
Ii iva been engaged in local sirife fur the
.List ihiny years, and next Tuesday they au opportunity of giving peace and
ti:i'u;l tb"t"r county, by casting their vote in of the Removal JJill. If the BUI is
n .iTt i, snolhet thirty years sirife follows
tn. prevent a division 01 in counij, b me
. f . i . . I
people no"rr will be aalified wilh the pres-j
cnt location of the public buildings. It is
then the duly of every man to vole for
Bl'mintburj. and pul this exciting question
at rest fircVir.
Mr. Funston's noit to the public, io re
(irui to the Danville slander about taxation
tins this ridiculous story to knocks
rum under the Danviller the last prop up
hi which in their despetstion they have al
nmpled lo lean. That honest man.
Thomas A. Fuuston, h.s the confidence oi
i lie people, and lie merits it, by a life regu
'aied by honnr,faithfuln-ss and truth. The
desperate efforts made lo defeat h i in are in
vim. The people of Columbia county never
desert a faithful public servant or listen to
Zanders against him with any faith or in
lulgncei So may it be always!
' ' t.'-"i
Y Our readers have nhserteil that id Dun
ville newspapers have ccniinued up lo this
lime silent as the grave on the snbjeel of the
election, Why is ihist We all remember
how violent and furious they were a few
years sgn before elections. They then let
off thunder and steam without stint or cal
culation, al every body in general, and 'the
Fly up the creek1 in particular They are
now however as quieland polite as a newly
shsved Deacon at Christmas. The editors
of the 'Intelligencer' and 'Democrat appear
0 have abdicated the chair editorial, thrown
down the quill in disgust or desperation and
taken lo riding over the county to edify the
people with their oral instead of printed
eloquence. One day we hear thai the 'Best'
of men is in Madison, or Monteur; a day
or twoafierin Orange, then al Berwick
.nd'ihen down south of the River,coeet7ir
newipaper accounts at a mailer of course!
The gentleman who 'Cooks' up Democia-
ey and the Tat iff together into a kind of
hotchpot, follows on the trial of the Kicka
poo, ana ii newspaper accounts too are
in a wofuly unsettled stale & require speedy
adjustment We sincerely hope that those
accounts .Ha be arranged lo the satisfaction
of the parties concerned, as they appear to
be very troublesome concerns, and what is
a little singulai lo require very great atlen
tiou, just before the election, and particular
ly on Sunday.
Let our friends in the townahipsjsee that
tvery voter comes out on the day of elec
tion, Leave none at home. If it should
he a stormy day, let greater exert ons be
used to obtain a full vote. Recollect that
nearly ,lhe whole vole of the Danville party
i -lit tit
lies compact, anu win De potieu, rain or
shine, and recollect Qlhat this is the last
battle and that if our troops ate all in the
field: vie gain a victory that is decisive and
Si !..Ul-g.1-"
It is rumored that Mr. Ellis the Judge
of the election board al Danville is u
resign, or decline to serve, on (he da)
of Election; We wonder if he is too honcsi
to suit the purposes of the wire-workers a1
that place. Look out fur queer things it
M. honing
Some of the Danville bullies have threat
enedlokick the Sheriff and the Con
missioner's Clerk out of the Court House,
if they shew themselves there on the day ol
the Election. Tho intention is we suppose
. u. v . i i .
io orow.uoai uiki Keen uu every man woo
would detcet their illegal voting, Look
out for outrages in Mahoning,
C7Remember that the election of the
Removal :icket, rlong with the success ul
die Bill, ends the local question finally anil
C3The Dau ville faction have been veij
industrious in circulating a false report, thai
Mr. Funston, if elected, would procure the
repeal of that portion of the Remvoal I!il
requiring the public building lo be erected
al of expense to the count)
and require them lo be built by taxation.
It will be seen by i notice in to days papers
that Mr. Funton, has put a quietus to this
report, by telling the public that he shall do
no auch thing; but thai he shall sustain the
hill as it is. What the Danville faction wil
get up next, it is impossible for any one to
For tho last few weeks our paper has noi
been as acceptable to our miscellaneous
readers, as we could have wished, owing to
our eolumns being ciowdcd with advertise
ments, and the necessity we were under nf
devoting so much of our pnper to election
matter. But as the election closes next
Tuesday, we hope hereafter, lo make am
pis amends.
That next Tuesday settles the Removal
question forever either for or against it.
No man, then; should neglect casting his
vote for it. Let no consideiation keep you
from the polls. Attend early, and.sce that
your neighbors are there loo
We iiieii'inned in our tart, that this fur
iiacu had blown in. It has since continued
io do well, end is now doing a first into
business, having made, in nine days about
80 tons of good iron.
On Saturday last, Measrs Thomas Si
Fin'her,blew in the, a new charcoal furnaoe
upon Catlawissa Creek, near Cattawissa
We understand that it is working admirably
There are row tlrrn furnsre in blaii in
Columbia county, and three more to be in
blast this fall.
Believe no stories that you hear on ihe
eve of the election The enemies in their
desperation will resort in anything.
On Tuesdsy nexi, snd give your voles
for the Removal Bill' Let no man stay at
home, but go jlo the polls early, and be as
punctual as if vour vote would save the
question. Remember (hat it has been
thirty years war, and that your vote may
decide the question for the future peace and
prosperity of the County.
We again 'w&rn our friends to beware of
Handbills eminating from Danville, as il U
said that the county is to be flooded will
them, on tho eve of the election, containing
all sorts of matter, with a view to have in
fluence upon the result of ihe Removal
question. Therefoie, we say, beware ol
them. , -
We forewarn our friends al the seeming
indifference of the Danville faction lo the
result of the coming election. 1 hey are
stealthy and steadily al work, and when
the day of irial comes, every man of thsm
will be al his post.
Removal men, that in (he contest waging
between you and the Danville faction, as in
war, ihe only wav to win a victory is to
work for it unitedly shoulder to shoulder.
No good Removal roan will suffer an
imosiues to influence his actions at the
Best, and a host of the Danville faction,
are travelling through the County election
erring sgainst'ihe Removal Ticket. If it
makes no difference in regard lo the Re
moval whether Funston or Clark is elected,
why are they so anxious to defeat Funsion?
would they ape oil their lure and money il
they were not lo be benefitted by it? Echo
answers would they?
For wanl of anything belter, the enemir
of the Removal are slandering the Removal
candidates for Representative, by saying
tl'at he will if elected, try lo get tin
liemnval l.i I repealed in panand have the
p ople taxed to pul up the new public build
ings. We pronounce this lo be a slander
out falsehood. Neither Mr. Funston nor
his friends have any such intention, and it
is only an electioneering story got up in
order lo elect the Volunteer candidate. All
true hearted friends of jusiice and faii-dea(-ing,
wi II have their friendship for Mr. F.
quicked. when such base and malicious
charges are made against him. and he wil
receive the usage that Lores! men general
ly wihfrom the peop'e, lo wit; an tntlum
a . tic support and a triumphant ..lection-
Col. Enq
The lickei put in nomination by tin
County Convention, is, ss we have already
iaid, a good one throughout, arU oeserves
a triumphant election. It is very important
that the officers elected should be the warn
tiiends of the Removal' If any others ate
elected the question will be delayed ami
baffled and the battle may have to be fough
over agin. Every one that wishes well to
the county, desires to see the local ques
tion fully and finally settled, so tliat there
may be no more agitation and excitemem
in regard to it. To produce this desirable
late of things, and lo secure long delayed
jnstice, let the whole Removal Ticket bt
supported, and both objects will be attained
Harmony will than prevail, and all paitsol
the county will have reason to be eatitfied
with ihe arrangement of county affairs.
Col. JOnq.
October 1. 1845.
Messrs. Tatk Sz Giluorb;
Dear Sn : The
amount of Tolls taken st this office for the
mooib ending the SUtb of September, is
.3(14 V3
40077 16
Whole amount 950262 09
Yonrs, tc,
John MiRetkoiw, Coll'r.
Aftsusilimtiou Dreadful Mute of
The St. Louis Republican of the lOih
ult. confams further particulars of Ihe
errible outbreak in Ihe Mormon coun-
ii) ill
y. franklin ?. worm, u-q., in ee -
timable caizn and merchant ol CarthsKe
(III,) in no way connected with the lis -
tuibinces, was assassinated on Ihe 16 h,
hy a party of Mormeni, while lie ws
Ih n in rnmn.nv iv
. i ..ii.. Ti., k..ii .n.
SCVCIII UlllOI k c hi I v hi c i'i 1 1 v noil t ii
tered Worrell's breast, killini. him in-
stantlv. This outraite has aroused nub-
lie 'ndignalion against ihe Mormons lo
j high pitch, snd the. Warsaw Signal
iays, 'revenue, now the word
ind that 'blood will and musl flow, if
necessary, to rid the country of the
cursed authors of our troubles.' It n ti
pears that a war of extermination has
now been declared, and that ihe Mor.
nions will be driven from Adams and
Hancock counties. Some fifty or sixty
houses have been burnt, and ihe woik
:.. ...:u
The anli-MormonsJho pays.' The Mexican plan migh
la 91 II I UII1 Ull. I NO Vllll-.'A-H Illunn j
are divided into two companies-
the 'Fire and Sword' company whose
duty il is lo fire Mormon houses, the
other to act as spies. The military have
been called out. The greatest excite
ment and alarm everywhere prevail.
A letter dated Adams county, says;
On (to-day) Saturday, several more
buildings were burned. In passing a
long a road about three quarters of a
mile distant, about lour o'clock, 1 saw
ihe smoke and flimts of two rising' up
in the air. On arriving at Lima, I as
certained the buildings were situated a
hout a mile and a half fram that place.
Met. & women were collected in group."
in the sireet.,and the doors and windows
of the houses were filled wilh women
ind children looking in silent despair
upon the wor k of the dt-stroying ele
ment. Jfnere the work of desuticiinn
vvill stop, God only knows. The feel
ing is deep and intense, and the r-xcile
in en I continually spreading. U In
Friday morning, as near as 1 could as
certain, tweiity-lhree buildings were
Mr. Worrell, who was killed by ihe
Mormons, staled above, was in com
maud of the guard at Carthage on tin
day of the murder of Jo and Ilyram
A war of extermination is determined
on by Ihe tnli-Mormons, and in that
war they include nol only MormoiiSjbut
all who favor or harbor them.
7'hirty-thrce hou?ea. it is reported,
have been burned in ihe Morhy set
tlement alone, and two Mormons killed
4l Q.incy, and three or four others
The troops of Adams and Pike coun
ties were lo be called out; and a messen
ger had been despatched to Governoi
Ford. Warsaw was vigilantly guard
ed. Il is reported here, and credited, lhat
the same process of burning out the
Mormons lias been commenced in tin
upper pul of this county. Il is said,
ihat they have commenced burning tin
Mormcn houses in the Li llarpe set
tlement and Camp Cret k settlement.
.Uore ITIiii'dcrs Tremendous J-v
. citciueiil.
The Warsaw Signal (extra) cl the
ISih gives what follows: 'We are cal1-
d on to record another murder of a
moit brutal character, committed by lh
.Mormons on yesterday. About 12 o'
clock, a party of ten men were ridinu
apross the rrairie near uear ureeK.
where they fell in with the Sherill'.
Mormon posse. The Litter immedi
tlely fued on litem without provocation
md wounded a horse and one of tin
i.irty, a young Irishman, named Sun
I-1 M'l.ratmy.a iiam.'Ur, in the tin
jjloyrmntcf Gould and Mtllen. shoi
him and alter lie was down, stubbed him
with a Fvvord in sevcial places, and cu
lis throat and head in a most levoltiim
manner. They then left him in the
pen Praiiie, taking h:s liotse with
hem. Another man,by ihe name of Ma
!iia, is missing, and, il is feared, thai
ue loo has fallen a victim of Mormon
1 he Quincy Morning Courier has Ihc
following: 'About three o'clock on
Wednesday, about fifteen men, who
were engaged in burning the house al
Mi. Lovelace, on Hear Creek, three
miles lrom Aolton's settlement were or
Icred to surrender by Sheriff Dacken
'os but they refused lo comply, and im
mediately made off. The Sherifforder-
ed his poise to fire on them, and it if re-
polled that two men were killtu and 3
wounded by the discharge.'
A last dates, upwards of 100 houses
had been burnt, and the utmost conster
nation prevailed.
There is ao old lady in Vermont who
cannot light a candle, because she is a
(i ca I scold and cannot find her match.
The editor of the New York Even
ing "tar ssys, that the man who eai
tomatoes every day, will live barring
catualaies, more '.hart a hundred years.
It is ilaled, says Neals Gazelte. fits1
; Mexico, a man who kills another, io
lsl'y boU1"1 for ,ha debl4 ol ,he ,1h
rested; and lie mu.t, Iherelore, aiiei
"V'H 'Hcineo run anmgonisi wi n
L.,1'.,! ..L jnllL nit ftr linn in siuMlilla.
,"""' ",au l,l,r "T '" .--
'y "i. It is a wise provision, ami
'olln aflords a sufficient reon for tie
cluuut, a chill.'ne, where moral eswie
re nol fell s binding 'Cm i affml to
ihSriOOl VOU. Ml '00 expeilMVH, U'll I'
'vou want to bu shot, produce vour bill
v "
. , i i i..j
receipted, or et now a uiwuarRe iron,
your cn-iJiiors, biloie receiving a
charge fioui my pistol.' There is rath
er sn abatement heie lo '.he chivaliy ol
he tliir.p, bringing one down from ih
:ofty atmosphere of gunpowder glory,'.
the cordiu legion of dollars and cents
esneci'illv as a larto maioriiv "I ihr
pugnacious are apt to be jui oi tnai ue-
wripnon of young gentlemen who car-
y the individual cieilil'systf m to il ful
extent, and who believe with aliak
DBsr.'s Pistol, lhat 'baie is the slave
iciiucicu uuilijj'cia iii.-Mij,
I, .. I I... .....Linif I 111-
sutvivor lecponsible in every way ioi
ihe obligations of Ihe deceas d for his
debts, and for the support ol his family.
Il would be a just provision.
Terrific C'ollieky Explosion
lamentable explosion look place on th
20ih August, between 1 and 2 o'clock,
P. M., in Jarrow Colliery, a lew miles
from N.wcaalle. on the south side ol
the Tyne. This colliery is t ho proper
ty of Mr. Ilrown, who, wilh his view
er, Mr. Jobltng, saw an unusml amouni
of smoke issue from iheshalt.On descen
ding the pit, il was found lhat in oni
division ol the pit the men and boys
were wotking entirely ignorant of lh
tragedy which had occuired in anoli.
par.! Every effort was made to resent
those who had been woiking in Ihe
liensham team, whei e l he explosion hai
raken pace: from 35 lo 40 men and
uoys. were carried op, of whom three
expired; and jcob Dtfiy, an overman,
fell a viclim to his Zeal in rescuing oth
eis , as he ventured loo f ir into Ihe al-er-damp,
and perished. Il was itrijioss
ihle to penetrate far into that part of
ihe works where ihe explosion took
place, until fiesh air had been thrown
uuo it, which was a woik of lime, liui
it was physically certain lhat all the
men al work in ihat part, believed lo
have been from 35 to 4o in numbr,
must have peiished! The occurrence
produced the utmost horror and disiiess
in ihe village, where so many families
have been bereaved.
The excitement prevailing en Sunday
was greater than at any previous pen
on since ihe explosion. The bodies ol
about 30 of the sufferers wire consigned
io the giave in Jarrow cliuich j ard, tlf
funeral heiin 'witnessed bvuuwaids ol
- j '
3.000 sncclatnrs. manv of whom had
1 j
"nine from a con; i lerahle distance.
The bodies were placed in decent col
tins, which weie wailing lo receive
hem when brought lo the surlac, and
vvere conveyed io the churchyard in
narts belonging lo Ihe colliery. wn"
if Ihe surviving relatives of each joined
n the melancholy procession, and, a.'
usual in Ihe colliery districts of the noril
pf England Ihe Old Hundredth Psalm
was sung on the way to Ihe b.irial ground
The scene was exceedingly solemn.
Mr, E. L. Szuleczky, ihe A'ew Yoil
Journal of commerce Says, has commenc
ed in that city ihe manufacture of tin
irlicle, which he says is alieady in ex
lensive u.-e in .Europe among ihe lughei
olasses. A quart bottle ol tins fssenn
cos's but six shillings, and will m..k'
("mm one to two bundled cups of i xce:
ent Culfre, according 'o the s Zi of tin
cup, and the laste ul the di inker.
A fine litile fellow, 11 yeais old, soi
of Mr. llampson, Toiuino, was prism-
led by some ludenoy lo (I i ink hall
nint of whiskey, on ihe 2 1st. Ii alums-
immediately depiived him of his senses.
IIi companions carried him home, lu
left him on ihe sups of his ialhei'a ImtiS'
wheie he lay several hnuiK. In lU
morning he recovered sufficiently to tel.
his stoiy, and then died.
The lown ol limine, in western New
York, containing a population of over
live thousand, has been built vp by f tic
lories for making pncldles and ours
frurn the ash, thousands of which are
shipped by almost every vessel for
England, France, Germany, Prussia
Sweden, Russia and throughout all the
East. The junks of the Chinese are
now nil managed by American oars.and
the small boats of all Europe and Asia
are now propelled by the enterprise of
the people of this village.
A compositor on the New Orleans
Courier had fortune of $10,000 left him
. few days since announced lo him by
teller while t work al the case He
cooly completed his work and left
Missouri, where the property lief.
For some days pasl, workmen h"? been
engaged in igi;ing a well on the llmln
ground, in Charleston, on land owned hy
I'hineas J. Sione. On Saturday, quite hi)
tfXi;iiemfiil wis produced by the disenvi-rv
ul' ssvural emirs humaii skeletons, and no
lome careful leairh being ninde, a larf
uu in bnr of other article were fmnd, whn 'i
l ones i'leniified trie depository of the n
hi tins of a laige number nf those who fell
mi dm nieniiirahle batile of ihe 17ih June
I77d 'Tho akelctons were in an unusual-
y miond condiiion,4iid on one of the skulls,
i wifund, appirenlly inflicted bv a aword.
vas plainly visible. On another, the h ait
was i'liind almnsi entire, ind in a reinarka-
hie state of pieservation.
Quite a number of metal buttons number
ed from 43 lo 52, were also thrown up.
These beir ths numbers of several
nf their regiments snd aa il is well known
that none such were wnin by ihe Amen
eans. J ne otner artieiea ronsisi oi uneir
buckles, nmskei balls and copper coin, ihe
latter being loo much corroded to discover
iheir character or dates. Tli9 place where
these remains and relics were found is sup
p-j.ed lo have formed a pari of one of lh
main entrenchments at the time of the bat
tie, and that the bodies were rovered up
where they fell or where thrown in imine
liatly lifter the conflict.
'This common grave could not have been
originally more than three feet under t .
surfare of the ground, but the earih having
since been filled in and raised considerably
in order to produce a gmluat slope from
dio Monument, it is now found to be some
fifteen feet below the present snrace
We understand lhat since ihese discover
ies, ihe project of consiruciing a well at that
place, has been abandontd. JJoslon
In the ca.e of sudden wet, if you can.
procure a raw onion or two, eal it by
ill means. Nothing will kfpp the cold
more effect unity from your stomach.
Of this I reccol ect Colonel (now 71j'or
General) 11. G. Hare and I had a most
convincing proof having fished an en
'ire day, wel throughout; ard walked 5
miles aftenvai ds, without catching cold,
though we look no other precaut on at
he end of our walk.
A Wash'tgtoo letter yays, it is
mated thai the dtfiiiency in the
Office receipts, chargeable upon
Treasury, will be nearly a, million
half of dollars.
RITORY. On the east il skirls 800 miles along ihe
Rocky Mountains, on the south 300 nnhs
along the Snowy Mountains, on the west
700 miles along the Pacific. Ocean, on the
north 240 mi'es along the North American
possessions of Russia snd England, ThU
urea of immense valley conia'na 3G0 000
quare miles, capable undoubtedly, ol form
ing scv n States as larjie as New York., or
forty Slates of ihe dimensions of Massachu
setts. Some of ihe Islands on llu coast aie
very large sufficient to form a Stale by
The re-burial of Dinifl Uione ami
ilis wife, al Frankfort, Ky., look pl.ica
on Saturday, Ihe 13lh ult. From 15,
000 to 20,000 peisons were present from
ill geciionsof the West. An immense pro
session was formed, the remains were
home on a hearse drawn by four white
horses, and attended by Col. R. M.
Johnson, and other distinguished men
as pall-bearers The Methodist Confer
"r ce attended, and, after appropriate re
ligious exercises, an eloquent and thrill
ng address was delivered by Hon. J. J.
In the new Constitution of Texi, it
i pn posed to incorporate; this novel
feature, lhal eaeh ciiizen of the new
S'ale shall hold his farm, ofa cntiin
ize, firp from nil claim and leg! pro- Ul rr uisp, ila man wants C.ei'it
musl be hail on sump other hasu inn
the land he owns Such a provision,
t is thought will have a good e fieri by
'he inducements ii holds out lo eveiy
citizen to become interested in the soil.
A iicppsful attempt lias been rmd
n Virginia lo cultivate Ihe Chinese h-a ,
plant. Mr. Picket is to hrve upeci-;
mens of his tea in ih- Henrico egricul-
ural fair in November.
Al Delhi, N. Y., Ii 1 persons have hcei
indicted for murder in the first degree
ind 39 for consprary and kidnapping.
The edilor of Ihe Ohio Cultivator fay-
that about seventy acres of land has
been sown in mustard seed in thai State
so far as has come to his knowledge.
New Svpstjt-TB for Coffee. --A 'el
ter from a gentleman to Hon. H. L. E!!f
worth, Washington, says the ripe seeus of
die plant okra, much nsed in soup, Sic,
burned and used as rnffee, cannot be dis
tinguished from it, evrn ihe best Jars, i he
seeds are sown an inch deep in drills, fcur
feet apart, in May, and cultivated like corn
or peas. It yields abundantly, anu is Tfry
healthy. Mr li. has the seeds