Nov Siotre. 1TEV" OC03a j I' W A U A N i KM K NTS, Ai hntnlmtf but Comlt dwn to ti.e low ( notch ult through. rMiul UiiliBiriltjr navieir ruin u; " - : ..I......I liiti mw fH'11" ...... Milii. . ...... ttlkllkjk nil JlfHlll BiriTi i..- - i 1 1.. ........ jl...Uil II Willi Biwi n rli-ulne new good, which r. L.inl lostvle and price. I I l)liMiiismirji,ni !" . i,,!,..;r' iii.ii i- ivf ' goods, "a ,"T'"ir ... I..- I iIh im tit lower prices ,H. A .,, till. l.llM-K, nllll.H lll HMKirt.llfMtC.H.SlXlN ,l every lliii'S tor comlort Btid adornment in We. Dry Goods, -.,ili..r will) a K""ieral asiorimcnt o( i,,su'iir (some. ew ttylti) School U,k. Hurduvre. Cedcr uare. I in u in-r. Earthenware. Sulina or l i ke, ground, l ine Lisbon nnd Dairy Suit, Sal mon.Muker(il,and Herring, (tvindish Imita Inn Plug. ' cut Si Stinking ''lubucco. Candles Sour. ( "If"' h'rllh.Strt. liar Iron. hosnlesmin erous other adicles. nil l " he sold at a very H prufil.or ready pay, and In would rtrully invito all l"'"" rttM al11 examine his goo.! aud P'iecs. '"f""' ("'"'"""'f I'I.e hi'hct price paid for all kimls of country prouice. j ,j illoomsbnrg, Sept. 20lli, 1845. HITKRT. -22if. Thi & Sheet rHIIK ni'wrilicr respectfully informs the pnMi (jjj licit In- lots opened u shop, oil Main-strecl. nearly nppesiie (Miij Ion's Tavern, in lilonnisburg. n here he inicu ls carrying on llie above bubiiua.-. in all its various branches. TIN WARE, i.fcvcry description, will be kept on hand for sale at liol.KSAl.K or KETAU.. SlIKKT IKON' Manufactured Wilo any form rcipiired, stovk riiM:s,' of nil si.cs kepi constantly oil ham'. Stove.; to order. Heiv.ij determined to do business in the. riuhl kv, he nap-sts all to rail upon him before they pun-base Hscwheii', an he will furnilll nil articles in his line as cheap as tliey fan I e purchased in i"MOU"ty- . D. J. RICE. (September' t!0, 1645-1)22 "PS hereby Riven to "H Psons not to pmchjife three Notes of hand, for fifty dohVs each, lUiled Jnlv 31, ISM. signed 1V the aubacri'mr and- mailt- t.av'able'to Dai.iel .Vavage. one in one. vear, one in j ..i.l 1I11. other thiee years fiom dale. U,.'lhiee other Noes of hand, w-,'iiod by the subj u,.til,.-r for seventv-one and two thirds dollars each. .dated Jnlv 4. 1S44, made payable to Moan iSavau-e, mepavable in one year, one in two vears. ami .mm in th'- ee years from date, as there was a deccp ..ra.-ii.eil in ill it it 1 1 ti ti a said notes, aud therefore not havinii received a value for them I shall refuse to pay them unless compelled by 1-iw. T7OMAS CAKOTERS. Fiatiklin. Lycoming county, Kept 20; 184522 goods 3GW BEcliEoy &. Scndenliall, 'Jlive jift rect are now openine. the old stand of Ejer & Ilffl',, AN EXTENSIVE ASSOllTMENX OF .hhimm: AM) SUM M Hit GOODS. ,CVHsittig f ttenj of tick usually l' ft in oiuutoj stute, Allium llit-ir noiimeiil will be lounil,o DRY GOODS A 'L.ihs: (Kinicre.'.: S-iitlneltH. (.auibrooni- itr. lur Miiiinier pants; Calicoes, Chintz; 15 ,l niiiii l-awnc and Crape Delaiieb it.-, for iliehes. Jlosiery; Gloves Si Aliii; llanilkercliieLs Scarfs; tuiiwo and bleaehi-d SliirtiniiS &c colored Yam; Laps and Winkling; Uniiiieis and trimmings. They 15,ifkeli Cl'Ic'US. have also; J'-d-'n Huts; I rvellinc I o.iLniir (il.isi-is and D:as 2toci':Bi-:. Sn.-r, Ti a, Coffee, M ula.-ff Hi, t r, Spices, in lad every ihing in .lu.r il. al may be called for. Crockery. A jMuit ral asxii Uncut ol Pe ir it- Tiacr Cltin. Shovili, Nails, Spikes Mud ili'- win' variety of Locks S.-fi- . ami 15 JiuMs, KC, Uoliei r Iron, Ilonp and 11 tianj Iron, VVagnon lire of all sizef, OKtjns, JM!NT5, t OIL aii ..( w'Hih thev w ill tell on the nir.Mi ft. . in ,!.!e terms and ru t-ive kinds of p:"lu'e. Sly 10, IHS-3IU. in pavirtent all Millinttvy MISS SI. B. UOIIISO.V, TlHTO resper-.lully inform the l.mlie 01 IIIooiiihI ur and vicinity, that he hasjn.l eieivcd a I iige'asHort nent of M r O 2 2 utlier uliop on Muin-strrel.neaily oppnsiteDocblur hotel, and acroiid door below A'ilverlhorn'a, where ahe'lua all the ariiclea usually kept in a Millinei'a Store, 'J'ho I.adica are all invited to ra'.l nnil exa mine for ihiMiwelvea, HonnoU and Capa made and done up in the most liihliionable atyle, ilooinsborg, July 12. 1 845, 12 Caution 8 hcichy Riven to all persona not to purchase a certain .Note ol liaml 8ivt' uy uie 10 r rcoein.11 Wilier. d.Ued Sent. U, 1845, for the sum ul twenty- live dollars, uavable aix niotitha liter date,aa,hvii.g receivii no consideration for aa d .Note, I dull rcfudo to pay the aaum. MICIIARL HKNDERSH01T. Monteur, Sept. SO, 184322 ; minis m.h tor- s yo tice. I he Eute of SUS.4SX.1 TO U LIS SON, tale 0 Centre towiinhij), decerned- WTO TICE is hereby given that h tlera of admin I) iHtriittmi on the above mentioned Estate, nave been panted to the aulweribi-r. livinp, in ('en- towusnip.- All peroiiK MHli liteu to nam esiau: ire hereby notified to make niiinciliale payment, and all those ha vine claims are requested to pre sent them propei ly authenticated to May 17, 1645, . . 'i4d PnblSc Sale. ,V ptiMiianre of an order of the Orphan 'a Court of Columbia county, on Sulurdai, the 8ili day of October next. I ten o'clock in the fireum)!), Aaron Hot deishot', Vliniiiisutor, of Barbara Cri i, Iain of (loom ownship in said county, deceased, will expose to ile by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain !,OT or parcel of ground situate in llopkinsvtlle. .1 said county bcinir, parts of lots nu noer b ami i u the plan of said town. Of lot number six.sncn li et in biraillll and one hundred Olid iiinety-i-ljlit et in depth, and of ot nuniber seven, fifteen led in breadth and one l.undied ami ninety-eight fiel in depth, and Hounded as follows "T lleginninn at a post on Miiin-stieel and lot numbered six, them e liy llie same Booth thirty-seven decrees west one liundrcd and iiiuely-eiglit feet to a back alley i hence along said alley fouth lil'iy time lirgnesl list Iwcjity-two pt-rehes to a po.-t o lot nuu.liei ...iilunce lliroukh i-aid lot nortli thirtwcvcn legrees, east one nuiiuien wi ui..m ifti. ... post on main utit'el them e imrtli liitv-'nui egrces, eait Via Icet to me piace hi ut-giuinnii there isereited on the premues R1 SSSL fc.M ALL Fit ME . mm . house. leccased, fit ..filie estate of faid deceased, uliiate in the trnvm-hir f Uloom, and county aforesaid. JACOB EYEUI.Y. Vlerk. Danville, iej.t. 17 1845 0 T AX CO L L E C 1 O lx s AND TAX PAYERS. 5"ti 1 ax 1 rnm-rournt ol a tncuK.r, mieiy ismm-u rj the .state Treasjrcr, din-clini; rliat tlin Mate ax still remaining unpaid, for the pro cut unci inner years, tnuht be pild into the Mate I icjmi- ry. on or before the second 1 uisday m January next, and that every county, iauioK m portion of State Taxes: . hall be. olter that time harecd an interest ol live, per ceni, on mm: amount as shall remain unpaio, aim r. o. n ... : I 1 ........ f;-om the State Treasury, for school or otlie-- pur- ,... witliheld. until such balance with it tcrest if fully paid; we are under the necessity of requiring Uie seveiul I ax -o:ie.:uir. 01 i.Hoou..a 3 ollecl and pay ovci into the county I rcasury, 01 or before the Third Monday ot ovcinher next .M.I. the Snite TaM'g for lormer years wiucti tw remain iinnaiil. The promptness with which our lormer v-ircui.n ' ... . ...... mv. .. -,.o.. ...i-r... ... . ..-: I . way rcspotioed to, niiu ny i a uoi liui m... , ..... I... uhi.-h he cou mv j rea.-iurer n -.'.'!. 1 ..... . .i... c:.... -I-, ... i ii,,.i i, i oi I .led nav i no lot; .tiii . i."n -ouireil, the whole niliount ot State I ax ciil oin this enmity, for the piesent year, iniluces u-. ihelieve. that Colombia cou-l V will not on the second Tuesday of January next, he found among he defaulters. lly order of the Commissioners. K. Mli.MJKNHALI., Cletk. olnnlisi"ne. OfTi-e Danville, September 13. Ij45. 6t Fee BSills rort JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES PriiiP I mi a shepi fr llie purpose uf To- is; np in their Olfiees. FOK SALE AT III IS OH H l' -y I'lin Li req'iirf;" Jusiiee an tl oi liable to luve his bill of fees posloci up in us oll'n-e. ALSO Pjlanks for CONS PAilLE SALES. TUP. CHEAPEST EVER OFFER EI) IN THIS COUNTY, FOR SALE BY SAMUEL A. WORMAN. N B Cash paid fur-Grain, Horse Feed and Provision, r.spytown. An?. 23-1., 1845 p. TIMOTHY SRRB. A PKIME AKTIGLli run bu. SAMHEL A. WORMAN. Eiplown; Jtlly 20-1815. hmm Til A T vyrll known 'Vmetu Snind, in Or nnitffville, now orrnpi eJ hv William Ktlf r. the house in h Urg" iwc e'.orv framr) bnjlilinif. PTTiJ large ulile and ihetl mil one ami half acre of land, all in good irder. It tinneceary lo ijive any fother .lescriplimi, an ill inrelmM-r can view fn liimai-lf .V Kiwil liule & "'f'11 wl" l"" iiven,ui)(ii uppliualtoK In the Subscriber. ' PETKIt MII.I.KIt; Orange lp. fppi. 18, 1813, 21-5. OUR M OT1U NOT TO BK OUTDONE nLACKMITHIXG IWTAI1I.IHMUNT. HV KOI!sr & S.1NTMJ . THE undersignt-d having taken the shop formerly occupied by Marshal hilvetihuru, most rci'pepifiilly informa the puhlu! Hihi thev intend lo carry on lite above branch nl bufii'.eut and will at all liiriea he read lo do work a lutle. beiier and cheaper ihan any other egtablishnipnl in the place, and they hope by strict attention to bufiness to .neiit i large portion ol Hie pntilic patroiiug! All kindri (if country produce taken in einhange lor work & the ready not reluseil IS I'ErMlKN "J OUST ISA C ISA N TEE, Bloomeburg Scpl, 10,181521 It AX A WW, FIU)1 the Hiihs.rihrr, Rome lime ano, xn indentured bo . named JAMES COLLINS sired l(J years One cent, bu' no charges, will tie pnid upon his Deiiii; returned to me, and all persons are foibid harborinc or trusting him on my aerotint. an I snail reiuae lo nav any iicois of his contracting. UE0R0E JOHN Williamsburg, Aug. 13, 1815 21 AD.U1MSTUA TOUTS NOTICE. The Estate of .1011$ CREASY, late of Crtitre township deed NO TICE in hereby given Oiat letters of admiiiimrdiion on 'he above mentioned t.a late, have bneti granted lo the Jilhscribi-r, ivtng in uenire lownf-nip. aii person ndi hied to said estate tire hereby noiified to make immediate payment and all these havtno cli.inis are requested to irtseni hem properly authentieated to 1.1. 1 AS CKASY MAUCAUEI' CREASY, Mdmiitistruturs. KlIOIWHURCi, COI.U s) 151 A CO I'subscribsr respectfully inforuiH his frimds dim ion ..u.'.i. f,..". -.,. .L ,;,,,, ,. Icted his large and commodious xa;w iioiii;. in Khorsburcr, nnd lilted it l p in good Ftjle, is mm prepared to enlertain travi llersiu the best inanner, ami he ns-mres the public that m pains shall be ared to give (jineral aalislaclion. Ho hopes l.y in2 so to merit and receive a share of the pat ronage of the puolic, and invites all to give him o c,.' MCHOI.A.S KINDT. August 30, 1RJ5 19tf Bridge Jetting. liKOI'O.S'AL.S will be received bv the Cotii- . . t . . . . - .i - i inissioners ot ioiumoia couniy, ai roe oousi lliraham Manuini;, in Crcenwood township, on Friday, September 12. between the hours ol 10, . M- and 2, P. M. for hmldiriz i UKim I. over Liltle Fishine.reck, in Madison and Jackson town- ips, near Follmcr's Mill, of the followini; descrip tion Stone Abutments feet hih from low water naik 18 feet long up and down the creek -4 eel thick at the top ami 6 feel thick at Ibc bottom win'.' walls to be 15 feel lone from the lace ol die nhutmpnts the superstructure to be a covered wooden Braced Bridge 45 feet between alnit ineta liy order of the Con misMoncr. 12. MUMftKNUALL. Cmbk. Commissioner;,' Office, Danville, Aug. 3D- SMEUIFF'S SALES. tlY virtue of a wril d veil. ex. lo me direet ed: will be exposed m public sale, l the Conn llmsH in Danville,, n Saturday the 4 th ol' October, 1815 al 12 o'clock. iM the following ptoperty lo viz: A certain tract of land. situate in Orcen W00U lOWtlblltp, luiuiuui wuuin; K.Miio... t . I 1 I l: fn. ...... ......I..n II If Acres, ,,re or less about ElOHTY ACHES of v titcli is cleared 1 iml, bounded by bmls ol Vin. M' Hiebard. Win. Shoemaker, Curtis Siatten. tlid others, w hereon is erected a ,rce twostorv BKICK DOUSE a small ,og Iliinse. a Shw Mill. Lath .Mill. frame .table and nib- r mil building, twoapjib irrhard. Willi the spnerienanees Seizeil taken n execution and lo be sold .gibe property of William Lemon. virtue of a writ of a fifii fieias, al that certain tuer.e or parcel ol Lml, w here ,.n the said John Ei-lmer then levied. situate .., iinrarlnaf toWflfnip. ColumllU LoutltV adjoining lauds of Peter ImH, Win; llella, Samuel iireibaiim and Eiias Bellas, con laming 229 Acrt. 71 per.hes and allowances, together with the heredidimmeotp ann appeiienanres. I S'ZI. n'ten i ex'cuii.i't and lo be sol as the property of . I. bn Folmu. IKAM DKRft.McrifT. SitFRtrr's Offi-i-, Dnii;e. ) Septeu bir O h, 1915. PUBSLIG fU X pursuance of an order uf tia Orphan' Cou-l ol Coluiiibia county, on StiUirdny, the Ath day of October ten o clock in the forenoon.JOII.V I'AlfhS Admmistriitcr, &.e. of Phillip Dudiler, lain of Fish- idiiiiKhreek township, in said county, deceased will exiiose to sale by uulilic vendue, upon the pie- mises, a certain tract of laud situate m 1' isliing- reek low nsliip. f'olunibia enmity, containing Aevvs and thirty-aix part-he strict measure, wheicon ic reeled a A LOO HOUSE, A LOG UARN, with about thirty acres ofileured land, bounded by lauds of J. M. liuckalow, Michael Yable, I. La hour and John II. Dudde.r, late the estato of said ilcceseil, situ itn in llio townstnp oi r isniugcri-es., mid I'-ninty aloiesaid. Danville, Augus 1 845 MNV1I.L, O-iTKHLOlI A WEST. WluAtsule Dealers in os:v axE)s. No. 01 North Third Strce; Above Arch, Gen. W. Linvill; Albert V Osterlol), Jocph V. West. Au ir Uih 1815. ! L KG A L NOT I C E All persons interested will take notice, thai applieatnm wa made to inej-iu.ei oi iuu tounw. ...loioian nle; is. sittim.' nt 'Danville' in and foi 1 llllllllllri Coiiotv at the term of August; . D Iti45,by the members of the first f rcsbyturiun Church of UlooinshurK; in the county or milium hia; and State of 'ennsylvania, by a committer duly elected by them for that purpose, lo in quire on ni.iov the imins aud inimuuities of a ryr poration, by the name Stvle & Title of the : first ir..ul,ii...;,io Church of Rloomsbura' and if no sufficient reason should be shown to the ooniiary at the next term of the court to be held al Danville atoie. said; lli! third Monday of November next, the said court will then make a dtcres iiiidd.-chiie; tint the tier .una so associated shall by the inline; Mvlc.N Title: of 'the first 'resbvleriun Church of lilooms lone' in the count v ofColtunbia aforesa d, become and be a corporation or body politic. asreeaniy io nu Act of Assembly msueh rue nude ami provi.u u JACOIJ EYKKLl, frul Danville Aug .23d, 1815 A I) MIMSTHA TOR' S ,0 Til 'E The Estate f THOMAS HAYCOCK Inif of Eixldncre.rk loirnthii; deieued NOTIC1-; i. lu.eby given that letters of admin is'.ration on llm above menlioiied Fstale have been granted lo iho subscriber. All persons indcbleil to said estate are hereby notified lo malic immediate pay lent, and all those L iving claim are requested to pie-sent them properly authenti cated to JOHN M. It A i COCrY, Ailni '. ..... ... o- ."ft""""! ENOCH iiovi:ll. T A I BiO It . KESPKC'TFL'LLY, informs the public that he lusnnved into the building formerly occupied by ihe KeiikU-r' in Market stroet near Win. Kelvy .St Co. store whore he will always be ready to H ike any- kind of clothing, nl the liortesl notice . . .. . . . j . ...i. i ., t.. i'.,,ii .mil in mo oei ano mum i,i.hi...m..i o.j iiis lon j cxpericnco in tlio lulncss, no ll.uiers lioiself tint ho shall continue lo five general sa nfaelion and thereby hopes to receive a share of the public patronage. I 'aitn-ul ir attention pam io cumnij. All kinds of country produce taken in payment foj work. ISIooinsbure, Aug. ! 1 4-. M-10 3IAUIUJ: VAUI). The subset ibers have est.iVilisbnl nl the above place, a new M.llUU.i. l.l.U. and wiM always be ready, al llie Miortesi iioiice, lo furnish lo order, MONUMENTS', TOME-T. -JULES. TOMBS TONES, HE Jilt Til JA MBS, M. 1NTL ES. '. JN T S TONES, M UL L EES, kc. ir anv other work in llieir line. 'I'hf y also t.rcnared io Itiruisi ENDOW CATS md SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, ifee. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kindol stone that ran be procured inthii viciniiy. 51 7llaving had 'lonsiderable experience in the business, they ph-iltfe their work lo be executed in as ban-lsome a Mvle as ran be furnished from f.nv yard either in il.i pity or country ; and on as f-easr-niible lerms. AUMSTRONO fc HUfiHF.S. Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 X OTIC R . Estate of (ieorge Dcilirhk, lute of Bloom township dee'd. I'll E creditors nl ihe estate of tieoroe it I . . t . Deiteriek rleeeasfC. will lane nonce ma ilcrsikMied has been appointed an mucIiioi iiy ibe Orphans Coutiul Columbia Couniy , t,'i adjust ihe rates and proportions of tin assets of said estate, to ano among uie m .neriive creditors, according to the otdu established by law, and ibal be will allem ,,t the buns of Charles II . Ue (inter, n $ rniebiirir on Monday, the 27ih of Octo In r in X ' Id o clocK 01 sain uav, to n- form the ilulies nl hi eppolMrr,ent,wl,en A win re all persons inn rested call atlmd l! ibev eee proper. JAMES PLESASTS. Sepicmbir 5th. 1845. lrnhmimlwrs: Arlillory. The Members ol tbi6 Company ; who lave Swords and Hells, belor.cinp to tin O'l'i't' inv; are required forihwith lo delivei ' r . . - i in; tnem io cutiet or tne t-oinrius-i'ii r.i viii Cl.. 11. WEUI5,CHpt. CAT A WISH A iiOTFX, cul.. CO. p.v. hi olil riisiomers and Iriemls, thai be till keeps the above Hotel, where he will be hapiiv Vi wail upon tlmse wlio l.ivnr, ..... .....I, ...,in,ii 1 1 1 m Iwiiise i. larire ind cuiD'iioiJious, atd vpell prpii'Bed to "f ominodate bis (Jttcsls 1 1 is table is Hlwax. irovtdel with the ehoorest Viands the mai. elsran afford, and his 5ar eonlaius snme f the best liqnros thai can be found in this section of country. Ilia elnl.cs are also imple, and good ostlers are ulwayv in at- endauce. Caiawissa, July 12, 1815 2m. DJ ' The llight of Jieafcli.' ItNEW AU RIVAL QV jr Ready Pladc Clothing. The subscriber has just received a drue assortment of HEADY MAD L CLOTH- l NO, wiiuli will be told aa cheap for Ca-h u il..u r.u he niircliaui d in llie eriuntv. Call and examine lur youiselves, the ' Hiobt of Snatch' is guarantied lo all. 0 I It IIOV I'D J , IV. 11 U 1 l.ll June 7 1815.-7 far fk. tt 0k FAMILY IIBDICINES. ' -iNr- J.IVNE'S mm 'tONjC. This Hair Tonic has produced ht'-inliful New flair in the heads of hundreds who had be.-n bi.ld fur years It also purifies tbo ht-Ld from Uamlrlilt diseases o l ie schIii Preserve llie Inn from falling oil' or lurouiiujj permane.itly gray JJIYXE'S CdllMlNVlTll'E IML &1M. IS a certain, safe nnd effectual remedy for 'ys cntt-rv. Diiiirhrr,:! or looseness, cholera tnorbuH.sum mer complaint, colic; gripinp; pains; sour stomach; sick and nervous licstlacli, rieurlliurn, wateri.rasn; oain or aickuars of the stomach; vomitiui!; spiltniR up of food after eating and also where it passes throuuli .w hodv uiichanEflil ; want ot uppt-tite csUessues arm lliauiiuy lo aicep; wimu hi ioc n-ji-li aud bowels; cramp; uervuua tremors nnd . - , . , :.. I :.. i twilchitiiis; seasickness; I'iiliitlng, inelain Iiol ,.J lowueas of spirits, fretting and crying ol inhmU tud fur all bow.-l afliictions and nervous Jisca-es. Dr. JAYNE'S 'TONIC VERMIEUCE Which is perfectly safe and so pleanant thai children will nut refuse to take if It cllccluulh lestrovs worms: neutralize acidity or sourness ol the stomach; incietises appetite and acts as a gene nil and permanent Tonic and is therefore exceed in 1 v beneficial in iu'eruiitteiit audjicmiltenl lever.- unl indigestion; yc and is a cerium and permanent :urc for the fever and ague. DM. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken n.t all limes and in nosi diseases It) lnflammaloi V, intermil hiiI, Uemiiieiit, llilioua, and every oihei ... . f- i form ol 1 ever Jaundice ami i.iver "oui plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really an nw-aliiah e attii le. uraduaiiv cnaitBinK me niated secretion id Hie stomach atnJIivei, ind producing healiby tciion in those iin- pof.iitil organs. I hey ate very vaumoi. ir diseases of the Mini, anu lor v. nut is :,immotilv railed 'Impurity ol the blood; Iso for Female Complain', Loe'ivenrsf Sir... nnd in lafl every disease wi ere at: Aparieni, Alterative, or Putjjattve Mt'i.icini n;iy be requiteil JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. ll nl ways cures Asthma two or thret arr dose lll nure lint Cioup or Hives Children, in from liltveti iiiiinites lo ai. hours lime. It immediately subduis iht violence of Hoopino Cough, and i ll'ecls I pee.dv cure. Hundreds who rave hcet iiven tip bv their physicians 83 ineurrabb nth -lyousumpiion, have uetn restoitt.i peifei I health, by II. In larl. as remedy in I'nlmoniiry ins . I - ..u... t . eases, no inem.'IIIH lias ever imm,.iihii i higher, or more deserved reputation. (i The above Mi-iln-ine are all lor salt it the More of JOHN If MO Y I'M, Illootiisburg. JOHN lit. Harness, Saddle & Trunk 22anufaclurcr; KSPI'.C rni.l.Y infor.ns the public tint he has localtd himself in the fbop next dom to .Samuel Hageiibuchs Cllair Fartory, .Vain slrcel Btoomshuig. Columbia county, wheie he willca r on the above bus nes:t in all it biainhes. lie wih keep constantly on hand fine aud coarse One and 'Iwn lime llnnie srs, Horse Collars, Saddles, Bridles ond Trunk! f,-r. if evfrv description : ind havinz had a lorg expe rienee in the Imsine is, hncan furnish as (rood work. and as cheap as ran no purrhase.l in the county- irj-All kinds of country produce laki-u id pay ner.t f.r work, at the market price. May to, 1915 fim3 H. l fl.AYIIUKST, WAG-GO W VflAllUll, RLOOMSBLIUO. t3T FSrECFTt LLV informs the public thit Q U hehasloratid himself in the i-hnp lately! ",l l. ZIBA ni.T.fil.ES. in M AbKFJ'l - , . i,.. , i I li L 1. 1 , wnere r.' . .ii i; io no me uiMjM- iiusintss in all its va inus bimihcr. IIKAVV WAOOO.NS liuilt and repaired, as -,i(il ns one herpe AVAGGO.NS AM) UL'GfilES rvprv dascrit.lion. snd all kinds of ( ouiilr Woik, in his hue. thme at shoit no-.i.-c and on the ii.-ist te isnruMe terms. rrJOoftd Lami'w and a'l kiivls ol r.mntrv Pin lucerak'n in paymtnt tor work, hut Csi-h will rml ie refused. April 5. lS l.'. fm.50 BLANKS! ! DLANKS! ! KXI'.CL' TIONS nnd CAttll) V? ii.u r,rniliil !,lld for sale ; . J 1 SPECTACLES- AND (il.ASES. ifcl.i: OLAfrSl.8, of lie hrst qusliiy,pf I-in vv-tiiio unj Kr'tn-1'"'"' N'1- e npwuids. (rypersuu alllietcd with ore et, will l-r" -f to their advaiitat-e to cell anil cet clasies Iri m lib' ns lliev may led assured ul miiving b grmi huh from their use o. l.. siii'frz. Lloomsbur', May 17, 1404 VVAXTR I) Tivo Apprentices rgnO the l.ASl ami HOOT 'J KM-; MiikiiKtl.u- Lines. Smart active bo between thd axes of 15 and 17 will reerive iood encourape. inotit upon immedia.e ppliciHii to tli iib rihi r WIMON C SH1VE Uloomshurg. June 14,1845 Cll uif Lifet of pllcjf. F.M.MNING ill Ihe Post Office, at fllnoms burg, on Ihequaiter eiidini; June 30 lit 1843 Maui Ahrajiam Jivun lliincl jl'epser Culti Id, I bmiu Miss jVary Pi nhait Samuel 2 Kproiit A. II. Fp feiiM Win. or John shij- ' Wychi.ll Y. V. Wakefield Jnrnc.i ; r .inner uanici Hartuini A. I). Jackson Joscpj) Kannady aral Martin lliomus l'ersons i allit:L' for let'ers in the above list will Itiue sa llit y aie udnrtisid. ' J. It. MOYHK P M HE Danville Menm Woollen Tudory. fcr incrly owned end occupied bv l.-r. I'etiikin, has recently btcn Jiuri hafcd by the snbsr ill cr, wh" respectfully announce to his fiicnds and ll.e pid lie sent rally, that he i r.ow preporrd lo em-uto ail kinds of work i;i his ol I ngr ess, ul d;u shortest notice, accordion to Older, and in the best comparative maimer. Having gene to cor:sidri. be expense in repairing his n achinery end np n ralus Olid being veiy parliei'lar in sr firing the ser vices of experienced inecbuiiics, he ft t Is cr.i.l.t ent that ho is capable of executing (ill liids of woti; in his line in a style sttperioi lo any other estol li-h-ment in t he country. Prices el' ik a lol.'iwt : Cloth j yai.J wide lii'l.t i.d diul:. 1m.ui 4-r lo U Cents pet aid Do bottle grc-na, olive brown, tic. from 0 lo CO Wjtii.rts of the above clots, fim to 4 Flannels one yunl il, 20 ci-nls. VN'ine, brown or black, 40 Madrrjr red, J Wlunket 2 ydj wb'c; twi'h-dor plain, f.'um CO to . U cents per yurd. ZlJZXmO & ""JLLIITG- U ill be done in die best maliner, und at '.be Hsu ,ii ptiees All kinds of miliary produce v. id I 9 taken in pavinent lorvukdt ui.ville i. i..k t i'riecs. ....... . SATITNETTS; J l.AJVN t.I.H CLOTHS BLANKETS; Constant.y on liond, for side ut minted price) for Ca-h or Putter. For the accommodation of customers living at a istance wool for iVanuiactuiing will U- taken iu at the following places : COLUMBIA CUl.M .-lwc ivimes .vi.n, Fishingc eek; llojuics' store, Coleiobts; 1 t w t PI. ,, poison s store, l.mii'-JilOge; w. t.aoei e. Co.' store, Berwick 5 Stcwait lockets store, Orangevill.:; Wm. A't Kelvy Co. stoie, lilotna;. imrg ; Joliu fi. tlniiili-n' i.. ''..tumis a: I,. lii- sel'a store, Jersey tow n; Ucn k .iicuiioessiore, White all; Strolip's store, na-luiigtonville. l.TZliKiNK .COCWTY Rey Hold's store.Kinp ton; Uililerslceve's, Wilksbmrc; Myeis' store, .Nun licoke; Judge Mack's Mill, Hunii iglon Plain written .directions must accom nanu e.uch ptirccl. it. II, OI..UU.1....I I . Danville, May 3, 16-15 ',; u loo msb una Cabinet Ware House. 'EHB siib.vcriber wuuld rri;ici'tft.lly infonr. thu public, that lie has taken the h .p bilely e upied by Samuel Lilly, '"-"f l'e -u',rt Uloouishurg, where he is carry lug on llie in all its various brandies, ami wncrc c,e win i t happy o wait upon "II thoi-e who may lavor liiiu i i i. . : 1 1 l .. with their custom, lis ruiimuc ic made of good matoiial una OuruOle, iu ne in tend i keeping on hand Sidettouras, i '-lev. juravs, U'anirubcs. Curd J utiles. JJinnsr Tables. Break fasl Tu!'-, Cupboards. Slu nds, 1 1 'ash Stamlsjhdstrads, Ihuli-trovliS, Vafi'us. C. and all kinds of work in hU l.t-e. vlmdi b will s. Il upon as reasonable terms as t'uey can Lf j-unJitis-iJ in the county. Hv slttct attention to busmrr.B Uo linpcs to re ceive asbae of public patronage 1.1,1 unun.'. Aprd25, l8j6.-lyl r imw V w JTft ESriiCTFl'M.Y itf-rms the citizens'" H Columbij county , ai d the public (,ei eral y that he has located himscll in liboinsbitrg tn Mabi street nj'posite St. Paul' Churt h, where he bus opened shop, and is now rracy ami ujarui to receive aud execute all v rrk ii. his line el laJbintsJ with dispatch and in a uorkinul.hU' inaiiiu r. clocks & Watches ..... i it., i,; f ,ne best q.nh y can be had al L.s .' ' LIT- ....on. verv reatonaiuc term-. in:PA.itiG & I . -. ill be done to the sati.da. tiou of the custnn,. will of Clocks and Watrhesas ft' Jewclsv, w.d ! wiil further, warrant biswrik If I ' tvc-eie' we'll s anv in lliis i.ccliuii ct ll:.- i'-W. 1 - will also make to ( rih r suhvf.vixo roi.ii'AS'rr.s or pt (lift, aud i i short, will do all t. l.i tv -K -i allv done in a well if gidatcil res) 1 1 1; ! !i t.l d li:!i ment. . lie hopes bv slrtt ntiniinn to Ii n c . ind a de irr 'i pirate, to n cmc u hi e r.-1 il i"i u ( (.ounl'V Pro'uio takin in j...i.. lor w-oik at the market pric's. Uli.omsbi v. .November 1 3, 1S44-- I. ' ai'P.I AMvS OF A). I KLND I'OU bLE AT TillS OFHCE n