The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 27, 1845, Image 2

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A letter Imm I'.-nsicoU stl ! he
Mexican Cuvgr it lui adjourned' ivith
out funn lly declniun war antiit thi
couiviy. Tuiii if l r .iq settle ihn q
tion nt war which hn boon niti'i"tt
ruinnufiiiy iVr oomn momlis past, sod
insure probibly pr?mnent peice
tvilh Mexico, or at leu' atimtany wtr
nrisint (i urn annex ilinn. Rimotiis ol
lorniid tble bolie ol" M xictn troop
muching to Tex still come from van
oui qmrttfis, but have evidently th
ime oriftiit, and re Lul the echoe of
reports which fuva a'ready b- en prov
ed In be itroundlcss. I'1 addition to the
want of the necessary funils, the Mex
ican Governtnen! hn to contend with
revolution and diiornmzition in Us
own department. Lte accounts lron
Tobsjco represent Ihat province haa ft
up the standard of revolution and insert
ed it independence, nd '.hat the Mexi
can Government was about to finish th
revolt by lending n army there. V
doubt even its ability at present to at
tend to this revolted province, but it is
evident, with rttcb adverse influences at
wotk in its own territories, that it can
uever, at the sanio time carry on a war
with i lie United Slates. Mexico will
no doubt, choose the wiesl course, and
settle her difficulties with the United
States by negotatton.
AVoah Brown, whose death wis an
noiincod in A'ewark a few daysao was,
formerly one of the firm of lSuh and
Adam Urowoi extensive ship builders
in the city of New York. When that
firm disolved some years since the de
ceased received upwards of S150.000 in
money as his share oi the joint property
tut owinfc to being cheated, going se
curity for others, and making bail specu-
1 ittons, he became very poor in nts otu
age, and for some lime before his death
procured a scanty i-ubsistance for him
self and family, by caulking and repair
, ing old boats by d.ys work.
Important Movement amoso the
Jhoctaws. By a recent movement
-among the Choctaws and Cherokee, it
appear likely thaijthcse genuine natives
will make application for organization
under the territorial' laws preparatory
to feeking admission as Abates of out
Federal Nyslem. .Pilchlyn, the elec
live chief of 2.5,000 civil zed Choctaw
V.MttOil, tbe Mississippi,' says the Free
) h i s Winter, lor the purpose of apply
ing to Congress for the admission of his
notion as a territory to the United State?.
with a dt!"gate in Congress. consti
tution, it is said, has been adop'ed by
the votets of the nation, and every pre
liminaiy step taken for submitting ii to
Congress, and this distinguished chit f
selected as ibeir represeniai ve.'
The London Mining Journal gives a
brief description of the gigantic, Loco
motive? Establishment at Si. Peters
burg, Russia, organized and directed by
Messrs. Hmrison Si hiistwick, former
ly of this city, in conjunction, we be
lieve, with Mr. Winnans, of Buhimore.
It characterizes it as Mhe most ex'iaoi
dinary, a well as gigintic Commercial
L-dablishmenl winch tan be found in
the history of the woi Id, ancient or mod
ern. 1 Ins establishment was called in
to opeiation to supply the large rum
hried o! Locomotives rr noin d for the
great chain nfraihoads which the Em
peror cf R $ ha-di eciitl to be con
structed, (M-nr Whistler, a 13 jsiuni.iii
being Chief-Engineer,) and is so huge
in dimension? that 3,500 operatives are
imployed in it. Tu keep ordir in h I
mtxeo mass of Americans, English,
Scotch, rish, Germans, and Russians, a
company cf soldiers is kepi on du'y in
-conjunction wilh a police force, whos-
duties are confined lo the works ll
the operatives aro refractory they aie
('iscbarg'd, uiilers there happen lo b.
-I'uians among them, and when ant
of tnesu Ufend against the discipline ol
the place, they ate immediately lied up
to the ti jangles, soundly (logged ami
sent to woi U again, and this praclirp is
continued notwithstanding Messrs. II. n
poii & EnUvick have strongly appeal-
ed gainl it. Il'urn a man present
hitiiscll fir t mplo) ment at this establish
nii'i.t, his name is not asked, Lul ho i
presented with a medal having un it a
number. In the py house are 3,500
wooden boxes, ami when a laborer pre-
fen is riunsell on Saturday nighl for hi
money, it is iven lo him and the tu-,;
si liken from him as a receipt. Tin
medal is dmpprd in the box correspond
ing lo iis number, and a new medal i.
(livrn to the laborer at a pledge uf tin
. ploymetit for anothn week.
l-4-"" ''er of ihe (ilavelon Civi'
Sat the U. S. troojm an
,the defeniv irpell
ment which imy 'i
itory of. Texas, btr
1 in retaliation, upoi
i:rmc r vnow the xai:voo
S iIh inhabitan's of the earth mnv
prepue for n second company of preach -
ii in Ilia lorm of 'eanliqmkei Mhun
lei and 'lighlnl.ig,' &c.
Toete seems to b! some hard hearted
people in the woi Id trying to firu lh
iiidign.ition of ungodly men agunsi lb
L t er-day-y .inm, but he thai sits in th
Heavens, pit's hooks in Iheir nosei an '
eads ihem into the pit ihey had dug foi
i heir neighbor. A i, knowing ihat iher
ire oilier judgment in sioie for i h .
.vhoU eirlh, we will venloie a predic
ion, and that shall be ilorm and .hait
-imugii to Causo a (amino, ami show l'u'
.nhaOitanis of the faith, th it J-uh Chris'
tnd not lttf Mormons, vexes ihe nations.
Enough of the present generation shah
ee, hear & feel it, to be witnesses that
he servants of God tell the truth.
Watch, lor you Anuw not tne houi.
nor ihe daj ; and you cannot accuse tlu
Mormons of maktnp hail; so, watch! foi
ihe hail, ihe earthquakes, and war shah
eome to vex all nations.'
LY. The Si. Louis New Era of the 3d in
stant, relates the following melancholy
disaster which be ft I a family of Gei
mms, named llaepiman, consisting ol
the moiher,two sons and t wo daughters-in-law,
who left Philadelphia on the 23.
tilt,, lor that city. A short lime belon
reaching Pittsburg, the son, a young
man, about 25 years of age, fell from
the canal boat during the night, arid
was never afterwards seen. O i iheii
way lo Cincinnati, another boy, 12 yean
old, fell overboard and was drowned.
viimost overcome wtik giitf, the three
women concluded to continue their jour
ney, and accordingly alter reaching
Cincinnati, took passage on board tbe
Ohio Mail, for 6'i. Louis. It would
seem thai this sevtre loss woulJ have
been sufficient under (he circumstance
to have home down the strongest mind,
but (till the widow's cup ot bfilictioti
was not full. The last nmfuitune hap
pened when the boat was opposite Lib
erty. One of the young wo iun went
lot ward of the cook-house lo draw a
bucket of water and in attempting to get
t on board, her feet slipped and the cur
rent which tilled the bucket drew bet
jvei board, and she was drowned.
own Idol week,' and" coiiiniiiied in -de
lault of bail, on a charge of pausing two
oonnteileit bank bills, of ihe demonstra
tion of Five Dollars, on (he Bank ot
Middlttown, Pa. They we.e passed
upon two tavern keepeis, both on tin
wine ivening, within Hie space of an
oour. The otltiiider in this case wa.
piobably an instrument in Ihe hands .ol
jthers. Several similar bills have been
put oil in this leighboi hood; this f.ici
and other circumstance?, lead to the sua
picion thai theie is a gang engaged Ii
ihis nefarious business among u:
Counlerled fies and lens on lb
IIoiie.iUltt Bank are a I mo In ciicualion
Both lie well calculated to deceive
e append descriptions ol Ilium iron
Bicknell' R-porlei:
hank of liJiddletown, Middlctown
ru 5 .. May be delected by th
letter M' in the word ' Middletown' a
'he top vf the bill, which h.s two floui
ishes, in the genuine it has only one
Eng'aving coaise, but calculated to dc
Ilunesdale. Bank, Honesdale, Pu
5 c, 10 s, and 20 s, altered Irom bio
ken Tenth Ward Bank. May be de
lect hy the names ol ihe engiavets. Tin
genuine wore engiaved hy Rnwdon
W nglit i- IIj;ch, New Yoik htsdlter
ed by Underwood, Bald, Spencer &
1 loin , riiiladtlpina. iihesburn
A droll verdic ws rendetfd on AInn-
lay at Yilliam.,b'.tig, ty a tomnci'. ji.
ry that had been inquiring into the dealt
jl Prick Canada,, who was an habilo
illy miemper-te man, Ihe verdict ol
he jury was JJaih by the viaitalioi
)('God . consen uence of being intoxi
oated. A. Y. 'D ue Sun.
A ciiculai fr jni the Post Master Gen
t .Mates that any memorandum iijioi
itwsp.p n, or new-ijuper wrapp-i.
unjecis the same to letter postage. i
hechaige is lobe governed by tin
weight, correspondence in this way wil
oe louiid lo oe ruher . mitre exjiensiv
h 'li in the ujujI mode
The ii'jmber of slaves in the world is es
imaied as fallow-: In there mi
2,500.000; -U. S. g,500 000; Sp.misl,
600,000; Fieneh Colonies,
-J50,000; Du'ch, Daniih, and Swedisl
olomes, 100.000; South American Re
lublies, 46d,O(J0: Tojal, 6,(i5O,O0O. -
The Rnyal Priming Officii of France
iossse. tonis ol ivrie uf ji,,ivar,l ,.f
" -i "T"1"" "i inaHyiarK was. brougni out by people in the
; . 1. IT- '"T"' '"'ni..? '"ill tbisphalloiv ,rk tahe? We
till r.ciivn extensive additiw
L- LU i- CD C3 ill vx vJLi
ui:jiovai tickesT.
Tlioiiiri A I'uiistuii.
Charles T illniiii. (
l'eter lint
Willinm Cole.
On our first pge will be found the power
ful Si unanswerable address of the Sianding
Gommiuee, upon the subject of the Re-
urt.i-.l V a nol nil In ro'jil !l
IIUTUIj a a r n 1 1 w i i u it i
In all we may say during lliis campaign
of volunteer candidates, we do not wish lo
be considered as attacking private charac
ter. We feel noe.nn'uy against any per
son named for an office, who is nol on the
Removal ticket, nor in speaking againsi
diem, aa in duty bound iu do, have we any
design lo impeach ihem for any ihing ex
cepl their present public position and con
duct. Their reputations are, for ought we
shall alleilge, pure and unsuspected, Some
or all named, have been removal men in
profession and practice, but die position in
which ibey have now allowed iheniselvei
to be placed, is trulv unfortunate. Can it
be possible thai lliey fully appreciate the
nature of their sitoiiuon and the peculiar
strength and of the teproacbes ihat
can bu levelled against them? Tliev
allow their backs lo be turned upon their
menus, a,,.. h
,. , - "( and hope to
me iuc. i ney bihiio aniaonibi 10 ine
cause ihat they have heretofore professed
la support, and expect must of their vote
Irom its bitter and deadly enemies, h ha
lisen by reason of solicilationg that shouh
have been resisted, and fioin want of rrflee
lioi that slionld have been indulged in thai
they stand where they are in an ill chosen
position before the voters of the county. It
would be well judged were tliev yet, to
lo decline the contest, and avoid the pci
tloiir- field before thun. Bui w ith lliein
fsts the responsibility of their course, and
if diey decide to make themselves the vie
lims of Danville unlike and selfishness ihev
need nol expeel from true hearted Removal
iiifn any support. For our enemies w
have blows; for our frienda when erring re
fI7Two weeks from next Tuesday. lb
people of Columbia Counlv, will be callcit
upon lo perform an important duty; l
themselves and to their posiperiu to voti
for or against ihe Removal of their countt
seat. For upwards nf thirty years, a nia
jor.ty ofibe county have from year lo vear
peuiioncd to llr LegiLiurH for a redrew nf
their glietaiices, nm! have as nfun bei.-i
lenisd iliroujb i lie l in.tiitrii.e am) ihhii
yeii'enl ol the I),.nville laciion, hut tlnnik
lo llie f.iillifulnrsa and peievernce el Sen
ntor Ross, and our late we'ribers, Messrs,
Snyder and Fimsi.-n, i',,. pH,i)e 0! tl
County now have an oppnrtuitiiy nf vindi
cating their own i;ghl, and of peeing th
UMl of Justice, where it should have been
ilar.ed ori(jinally wiihoui any expense lo
iheniselvei. The Danvide faction will, ol
course, contest the battle; ir.cli by inch, and
nol hesitate to oae all the meani within
ibeir reach, however deiestaMe and degrad
nig they may be lo ihemselves or the in
strument lliey may make use of lo eflVci
tlieir purpose. It behoves, then the friends
of Removal, to bo up and doing to arouse
every man to bit duty that we may push
lorwaru in one solid pliulanx lo aieriain;
and glorious vi.Morv.
aa our paper was going lo press
wex.we 'cceiven a requesi io annonnceif(,lind in Bpmhf r column.comnosed of imo.l
1 - .1 , .1. I I . . e . i t
ustiu viara, as a ennmu ne tor ine iegis
Inline The same announcemeiil was sent
o Dat.villn, n,,d Best refused lo publish it,'nver ay thine the ami removal faction can
until afr il had tppdated in our paper, thai
die people might be duped into the belief
Mat .lylsrk w as . brought oul by oenole in the
.... . .
R!incmber that uexl Saturday, Oct 1th,
is the last day thai any man can be assessed
to have a vote this full. Let every man,
then, examine the list of voters put up ai
the place of holding the elections, and see if
bis name is upon n. IT not apply to tin
Assessor before Oct 4 ih.
!!' lU.'JK'L'W JI
C7We were presented, on Tuesday
last, by Mr. Murray Manville with a beauti
ful bunch of Raspberries, of the second
growth, grown on bin Island, in the Sot
qiiehannali river, oppos'ne Espylowr, tin
present season. They were fu.l grown
and ripe; and delicious to the taste as tny
that we have eat this season. We have of
ten seen tbe second growth of apples, plums
Sic. but ibis is the first lime (hat we ban
ever iieard of ihe second growth of Raip
Much has been said about (he expense thai
ihe Danville people were at in putting ii
the public buildings at that place, and uonte
quently, provisions have been made in the
Removal Bill, for refunding their original
subscriptions but ii appears from the ex
iract from the Commissioners books, which
follows, thai llie story is all gammon, and
ihat ibey could not have paid much, if any
towards the erection of the public building
as il has always been undetslood thai llie
original eusi of constructing ihem was on
about $ 5,000
C7Siatfiment of amount paid by thr
County of Columbia for putting up Publi
Buildings, at D'nville from ibe Commis
sinner's minutes.
Paid by County in 1815 for
building (Jourl Mouse $523 00
Paid by County in 1810 for
Court House and Jail 2 1 60 00
Paid by County in 1817 for
touri House and Jail 1131,19
Paid by County in 1818 fjr
iouri House and Jail 1 18 85
$1 033 01
Valentine Best, has been travelling ll
County, ihe past week, lo gel up a can
didate for Recorder Me has mode appli
cation lo several Removal men. but has m
with a decided rebuke, and we have nm
beard, ihat he has yr I been able to ijpi an
.ini in consent to be victimised hv h
I tine, however, will Show.
What was lli-si doing up (he rrpek tin
nthei day? EleciioNecrini; against the Re
moval Bill, or !gainsl tbe ticket? who
tell? whatever il might be, it is not pro
halite lie intended lo advance llie in teres
,,f ilia r,0l ,.t .1.. . ,
c I" "i"c in imhi sHcruoii, as ne nas no
other iibjHci in view than lo defeat the Re
moval. Look out for mad dogs, fur ihev
ire dangerous when sneaking about ib
tvo cannot too ohen warn tin
Mn.a vi i ii it jiemovai lo oewun
of Ibe falsehood cire nlatetl( by lli
Danville faciion, as lliey will not stop a
any thing, however base and contemptible
to defeat the Removal question. In proc
ol ibis, we have only lo mention, the fact
dial ibey are now circulating the slorv
ib it some of the principal men iu Bloom
i....... . ... i ., , , .
h "i iimmm'u io neinoval, aiul tin
refused to subscribe, as much towards ih
erection of new buildings as was tlioiu'b
bey nuibt As a complete refutation o
ibis fulsehood, we have nulv to sav, ilia
.I.., :.. i'. .. i
iw, .i nnigir ji.-ii, in 1 IIIIIIIMIJ!T ri l)'
linsi il to remo-al, and thai ,) far I'mm ant
peigon having refused to subscribe towarb
ibe buddings; no subscription paper 1
ever been jol up, nor will ihere be any,uii
.1 ,.r.... .i. ..I : i ... ., ,
mi .iiii i uir ririniuii, ncu ine puOiic ma
be assuied ibitbcre wi'l be no lack i
liinds io erect buildings to the eniire satis
faction of the Couniy and to ihe lull ie .T il.o Kill 'f'l.
...n , un i ,s v me un., i ne guseriions io
ibe I) anville faciion lo ibe contrary riot
Our friends in Colombia counlv, by mil
oral agreement, have formed llieir Tickc
iipuri distinctive local grounds. The vuu
will be this fall directly ttpnn ihe merit ol
tbe local question; viz for the Seat of Ju
tice fio n Dannlle to Bloomsburg Upon iln
result of this contest will depend the seitle
mer.l of tout hiiheilu peiplrxed and per
plexnig question. Tbe Ticket will bi
men, nominated with great unanimity, and
will be elected by fifteen hundred maioriu
(,,, - i,,tu the field. (Liz Dem
1 . Tl .....
v-niunne li 'oi, on unaay Inst
' u.-ei, on ijunaay instj ns;
!!'" "d Dery, on an titc.ion
tring loir. What a cliiisiurt
Ve are rrqitfstdl to mention, that Mr.
Easierbrook. tcachei of Music from the
East, will meet the singers of ihe Episco
pal clioir.on Saturday, ('ibis) evening, w iih
a view if engaging a class,
ill-'- H 'f
The trial of John F. Hum, fur the iniir
hr of John A. y.cvari in inning coun
iy, has determined in tbe c.un i.Mioo of
Hunt of Manslaughter, lie was sentenced
'o live years nnpii.souuieiii in ihe Piio-n n
tiary ' '
The I) on. ci .il ic Cuoleiees fron
Noi'thombei laud and Diu phio coonti)
have been unable to agree upon a Scot
'Olial candidate, and John M. Fouler ol
llanisbuig, and Lewi- L. Bewail ol
Sunbury. have each been nominatvd bt
their respective conferees.
Late intelligence from Oregon states thai
me English residents have had for souk
lime a regularly organizjd government, au
ihorized and protected by the British Par
i&uii'nt. The American settlers were in
nidsiofan election for ibe higbesi offices
of ihe ir government
Professos Sillnnaii states thai liylnninf.
rods cannol be relied upon unless llie;.
reach ibe earib were il is permanently wi-i.
even in limes of ihe severest drauglii, am
ud the besi security is afforded by carry
iiig the rod or some good metallic condur
lor, duly connected with it, to the water n
ibe well, or lo some other water thai ntvei
The Detroit Advertiser records a thrilling af ir.alernal affeclion, exhibited at
the late coliston between the steamers Kern
and London. Among the ladies was out
Having itvo children; who were in then
txrihatthe time of tne collision. The
moiienl she wenion dd k she was taken
lio.n the Kent and was placed on board lb
London, but immediately returned to ll
ilc k o.' the vissel for her children
She was again put on the London, whei
she made a second -j 1 1 d succcsnful tH'orl
reach the cabin where her children were
if- succeeded in bringing them ibiuugli tb
vater, then nearly waisl deep, to the dee
md the third lime was placed iu safety oi
be London.
ll 'j I.. I)l.:i. .1 I. I .,
v 11 ii .imu iii i iiiidUBipnia inai one
Villiam Ryan, well known in the npo
,nriol Pliiladifj.bia county as a hoist-
lealer, his been iirrested in Montrea' oi
i. -i ... ' ( i . . i
oc tiiaiJH oi oeiug trie principal acto
n the murder of the Castner family, am
hat he has been brought to -New Jessey
or trial What if it should prove th
t : - I I i
ins man, aim ne aione, was trie perpelia
or of the murder which Parke and Cane
hive atoned with their lives? New Yorl
I'rue Sun.
I lie lollowmg iMpital toisi wis given ot
i late dinner of the lksty Pudding Cub in
'Our c irn-fcd boys and corn-fed girls
ibe right im'crial lo form u corn fedeia
Mr. Milton, of Monroe county, stale
o a letter lo the Evening Journal, tin
i .r.i.i i -i
resilient ni mar nincp j l r. -iorali-in
Ivg oii'-C'iilriurn'-i Colboine alu
1 1 1 c r, io ibe facul' v of menial calcuU
ion. 1L multiplies 'in his bead' 1:
dices ol riiiiiee by as ninny dices o!
i i r -x -'In' i e -u 1 1 urcopving 26 pi . r i
Injure-! Colhout 0 , It IS slid, coiib
ol go beyond oioliiplying G p aces In
The Washington Union of Thursdat
asl,ass' rts io ihe nioi empliai'c inaoni
hat Polk, MS NOI
J?RM. 7i'ier this positive drdiralioi
in Ihe part of the administration, ivi
irust, tve shall bear no more tnsinti ilinn-
'rom "he whig piess, 'hit Piesidenl Polk
vill again be a candidate for the Presi-
encv. This delerminaiino ofour patri
tic President to serve but 0 N TATi M
in riot fail lo have a most salutary ii (It-
nee upon the fuiute usages of Ihe Djm
cralic Paily.
VVe learn with great pleasure from
he Washington Union of Siiurday Ijsi,
hat President Polk has appointed the
Hon. Lrvi Woodbury, a Judge of the
Supreme Court of the United Siaies in
placr of the Hon, Joseph SToay.deceas-
I. -Th s honor could nol have been
eMowtu upon one more u siinLOisiied,
or inure prifjuodly Icau.tii iu tin-law.
The Sou'h lit ml I'Vre 'iess tic
ibe death of II. C., ) (j
of that county, on Sunday niominn if
last week, by lightning, while ilresting
o accompany his family u Cl.iurli.
He wis a rut-Hi her of ihe Ivgit huii e io
IH 12-13, and was buned vtuli M .sonic
bum Ts. '
Tl.f -p ru of revolt h rH.cnr-il ('hi
i la. 'I hr guvi nuripni having oiaile; a
l i -ii mo no the nrcupieis of Cl rgy
U .vv.s Ml (Janadi Wc.s', or back
ieni nol inifieM.soo these land.- in tbe
tuivo.-b p t,f Aonusta, ihey have had a
meeiing sod 'unanimously r solved
never lo submit to the payment of such
an unreasonable demand' and invite ill
ibe occupiers of 'Clergy Reserves' Mo
leesM by all constiiutiunal means, the
ment of bark renti, and interest on
such land,,' at the suite lime piolleiini;
'o all disposed in act, their ciodialsup
port and co-operation io the s:rugle.'
A writer fiom. the Whue Su'pbur
Spung-, io Vngioia, says the pioprio
ior of the hotel ai (hat, estmires
be piofiis of ihe bolt I at $80,000 a sea--on,
this heing tbe simllt-M income ever
ealiz 'd in any s.' Ii soinesi lines
imouots io SLI0,000.
MARIED-ln Djnville.Sep'.Inh by
Uilliam Kiicben, E-q Mr. Mosrs
Gibbons, io M ss Julia.v Oaiii.v(jek,
ill of Danville,
On Thuesday, the 1 1 1 h insl. by J S
M'lbr, Mr. Roclkt McMovi io Elks
. V oiuus, all of Col t'j.
In llie ion of Danville, Sept 13 h
by Ihe Ri-v. John H. Cooke, Mr. yM'
OlUFFMS 10 Mis. GuiLLIAN JoneV
botti ol ihat place- '
Hy the R v D. S. Tobias on ihe 25-h
"ist., I'amei, Akivl-s of Hemlock
0 Miss Fkick of .Madison.
HLooMsutnia, St-pt. 27, is 15
Cloverseed, r
Huti'et ,
1 1.'
D' i' (l Apples,
While Jiv a ns
Ilf-l (.W.-IX
e are requeMed lo an iiuutiee
'f Catlawipsa, s a candidate f(;r ti e I e.
Mature at the ensuing election.
Wo are aiiihorized to announce
of Hemlock tOWOHblri 'IB .1 nr. .. ,1 1 i .. . C
oiijuinaie tor
be office of
f Columbia county at the ensuing election.
St'P' I Dl'i J 8 13 2i
We are requested io nnnounce
( Greenweod, as a Volunteer Camli.
late for the cfiice of
tl ibe next October Election.
A'e 'ire tequeied tl) mm, ounce
f liloom township, as a candidate for the
fllce nf
t the next October eleeinm.
ilillonii v raw.
'ffice South .siVe of Main . tjiotUe
Kirr $ Ihfflerfe Stvrc,
niE cohn'i u:y oe
icriAHM II till i:,jz3
I.I. persons having unseltln;! accounts either
willi the subscriber, or h llu- la c llr tn cf
ilvcrthorn & Boone, whether the l.all.inct l in
is favor or egainst hi;n, are icjm.-tcil to cuinu
irwarJ and settle them imniidiati'lv, he nunr
Ioe hi liusii.rss an won an rioi-siliL'. A nonl u
the wUe is Ki.lTicicnl.
Scptemhci 20.
LL 'ron knowing themsc.'vci; i,H!i iif:! ! i
tliesuliNcriliti, are lequmti j to cc;in f. "a jid
anil make payment.
wuiui lul.t-n in pavn.cnl as uaa-l, u:J uctiviJin
exthmigofi.r LEATHKii.
Elodinsburj, May 1,, 15; 15-