' I'Hl'TII Vk t I'tKICT H .II sitc:i tiT, tnrTr.vuait so, iis C VNAL COMMISSIONER. TANKS IUTIIXS. IIKJKOVM TICKET. SE.VT OF JUSTICE. TO BLOOIttSBURG. ASS12MRI.Y. Xlioiuat A E'linstoii. .ntOTUONOTAUY. Jacob i:r.iiLV. i:C?lSTEU AND RECOUDEK. 1I1AULCS CO.WUK. TREASURER. CItaiirti T Maim COMMISSIONER. Tetcr Unt AUDITOR. VHI I in in Cole ,-7Prifn(ls of Removal, we warn you againm (he old trick of your enemies. Tliey do not vemurfl to nominate a t i f k n l of iheir own, knowing thair weakness, bul ihej will attempt to 'break into our lanka by in ducing Removal ixrn.rfalor pretended, to run as volooleeri. Shall they lueceed with this trickf There it no aafcty, except in 8itpptrttiig the whole ticket, put in nomina lion by the County Convention: and we hope iht no friend of tlie question will throw away aainglo vote on an irregular candidate. It i necessary that the public cflicen, who will have the doty of carrying out the will of the peoplv, in perfecting tb Removal, should be the stern friends of thai measure of justice. If they are not, no om can foretel the consequences, the will of the people may be disregarded or delayed, am! the measure receive a deadly stab from it pretended frienda. Let no one then, b persuaded from his integrity at this junctun when every thing depends upon finunes aiT position. The sky is clear, let no clou' darken it; and may we move on harmoni ously unite J in every thins, to a victor) that shall be derisive and final! Trom all parts of the county, we con linue to hear the most cheering news ol 1he prospects of not only carrying the Ke oioval Dill, but of electing tho whole ticket, by a tremendous majority, Bul the friends of the question must not be inactive, lor they have 4wily foes to contend with, and although they now appear to be asleep,they tsre making use of all the secret stratagems that thfiV can devise to defeat the question Not dsring publicly to bring op an anti-re-tuoval candidate for any office, t)iey are firm seeking candidate! in the removal interesi with the hopes of dividing our voles, thai they raiy on the eve of the election tall) their forces and slip in their, own candidates between We appeal to the friends of Re nioval to disappoint them, by being firm ur.d united. Remember that this e.eciion deeides 'he controversy, and rcmembcr,ioo that UMTEI) WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL." ARE YOU ASSESSED! The lime is fast approaching when it is necessary for a. I who desire to cxetcin' tho iuviluable right ol suffrage, to examine the assessment in his ward or township, am! ee lhal his name has not been omi ted. I should be remembered, that if yon have noi been afsessrd, nt lentil ti n pays before the ne xt election, ami have mil piid a State or Cuvn'ij t-.m w'ahiu two Ji'irs past, yon run not vuc. Let ft. ry one then, imke it his csj cu husiticsr, iii tsiiiir.e the essisanieiii in (. r nnn, rc ihii i-is ns no is itis.'M'-d Tl.i duly iu.T in: performed on 01 before Sauir ihv, il.i i h of CKtotcr. Af tr thai daw . i! ;(' be tvt lu! 6. A LIBEL. t? V: uni briile groom his ii'Sti'iiU'i! n siit for libel, against I ho editor of a pi per io tlie inteiior of N w Yoi k, becau e lo tlie announcement of his niarriag was attached a piece ofpoe'iy. wMiiu l:im all scrls of 'connubial blisses.' DEATH WAURAJVT. Tin: Goveiner of Pennsylvania Ins if led his warrant for the execution nf )hiz Hyd, convicted of murder io thfsUr Co., io he carried into f rject on J'l'wLy, 'st u .Vjyeoiltr next. j LirZEItXE COUNTY TICKET. The DiMiiocrat! of Luzerne Cuunty.havr nmiiiuaied Win. Mfrririilil and James S. Csniphi II fur the Legislature. Harris Jen sins; Register Si Rot-order, Jaliu Jjhnsien fr.'smirsr, Philip Meixedl, Commissioner, ml Christian Beitela, Auditor. Antony nher resolutimis, (lie Convention passed (he following. H-solfed, Trnl Chirlea R. Bucks iw,(providfiI Columbia County concurs) is the Senatorial Delegate, to represent hij Senatorial District io the convention io nominate i Canal Commissioner, on he 4'h of Mirch next; and that Will, am Meriifield and Jmt S. Campbell be Representative Delegate! from this eouu'y. II - J '-'SI COMMITTEES OF VIGILANCE Briiircreek Benj. S. Gilmore, J.icob (lirton, Nathtn Sitely. Bloom Siewart Peaice, John K. Groti W. S Thoinpson. Centre Solomon Newhard Isaao Low Isaiah Salmon. Citlawissa Juhn Sharpless, Isaao S Monroe, Abraham Ludwig. Derry Neal McCy,John F. Derr.John Ciawford jr. Franklin George Mears, Peter Kline Peter Dolman. Fishingcreek Harmon Labor, Daniel Peeler; A. N. Kline. Greenwood Nicholas Kindt, Juhn Rob bins, Geo. W. Morris. Hemlock J. Pursell, Isaac Leidy.Thos Vandersliee Jackson J- F. Knouse, Dan'l Poust Chester Smith. Limestone Judge Oiks, William S Davis, Frederick McBride. Liberty John Martin. L. P. Siineman VIoses Siecker. Madison Jacob Demoit, Caleb Thomas .evi Bisel. Mahoning Iram Derr, Elias Menden hall. Monlner George II. Williig, Juhn Die erich, Leonard Lazarus; Ml. Pleasant William Howell, John lluckel, Andrew Jaroby. Maine Isniah Shuman, John Gmvei John Fisher. Mifllin Samuel Creasy, Marshal G. Kinney. John Keller jr. Orange Isaac Kline, G' W. Loll, John B. Edgar. Paxton Christian Shuman, Conrad Jredbender, Adam Michael. Ruaringcieek Michael R llower, E G. Priee, Amzi Brown Sugarloaf Henry Hess, Isaiah Cole, Abraham Young. Valley William Blue. The Standing Committee, nppoint th foregoing committees of Vigilance in the sev eral townships, in puruanee nf a resolution ptssfd ly the Ri moval Ctmvrniion on iht 3'h inst. The -Committee of Vigilanci will see In the atiendanee nf voters on the lay of election, and uniil that time, supph die people of their seveial townshios will correct informaiiun upon the Removal Question, &c. Sept. 10ih. 1815. C. R. BUCK ALE v. T. J. HU rCHISON. WM. J' IKELER. MICHAEL R. I10WER. M. E. JACKSON. Standing Committee Hesy C. Ever. The editors of tin Democratic Union, hsve neglected lo men lion in their proceedings.of th) ('anal Corn nissiuners Convention, thai Heniy C Eyer had bem nominated and that In name was withdrawn before the ballot ling eoniiuenced.Mr. Burns, Mr. Painter & Mr, Ever, were ihe thrte prominent candidates Mr Eyer would have had a strong vou m: the liist b-dlot, aliliough ' he hi Hxrried himself but little lo secure his nom iiiation Ilia friends evidently held tlo balance t'f power in their hand, bul wei alt, vviiltoul a tingle exception, hUo il.i iriends uf Mf. Burns, and widi the consn IMr. Eyer, wisely coiwenirated t'ei' whole force upon Art Burns at first, v. hii i icciired his nomination on the second bul lot. It is but just io Mr. Eyer to make ihis siat?menl thai his frienda may know why his name did not appear in the ballon mgs. iiunbury American. Gl'N. JACKSON'y COAT. The eoi.t worn by Gen. Jackson at th liaiile of New Orleans liaj been piesenieil to the National Insiiiuic by Gent Thoina. I. Bradley, in behalf uf porlinn nf ih eiuz'Mis of Tennessee, with a reipiest thai it have a place by the side of ihe one worn by the father of our rouiimin couu'ry Geiural Geojge 'Wbshingion. 0 FFI C I A L. I N TE R ESTLN 0. Information from (loniial Tsylur's head juariers at Corpus Chrisii. has been re. ee.ved as Isio as to the 30m of August. Sin. his luii ,U.,h i.. I.. , ., . 1 he 7th regimenl of infantry have arrived it his camp. The General speaks in com aendatcry terms of the battalion of artil lery froui New Orleans.under ihe command if J.jur Galley. The gallant Teans ire determined to In thsir duty in defence of their Siaie President Jones has notified General Tay lor that he has taken preparatory steps to organize one thousand men fot service, if ne ersssry. General Taylor lias communicated to Gaines his wish r.oi to have any more mi litia force sent from New Orlesus lo him, lot apprehending thai there will be any oc asion for their services lie slates that there is no news from Rio Grande Some i lie rumors are riccasioirilly brought in from that quaiier, bul the accurate iufurma ion he possesses so entirely discredits; hem. that he does not think them entitled' o repetition. Union. FATHER MILLER'S APOLOGY Father Miller has published an ad Irtss or apology in relation to his doc trines coocernin the end of ihe world. He admits his mistake as to time, hut .ays he was actuated by pure moiives ilso, that sinco he Was wrung as lo lime in can only live in expectation of the vent. He concludes thi.-: 'For my indiscretions and errors, I ask ,iardon, and all who have spoksn evil of ne wiihoul cause, 1 fieelv forgive. Mv abors are priori pally fntled. 1 shall leave r ' J ' c. 'o my younger breiheren the task of con-counly be nol lVfr beture the see teudingfor the iruth. Maiiy years I toiled ond Tuesday in Jatuary in each yea. done; God has now raised those who will fill my place. I shall no cease to pri.y for,Cie ll,e amount Koiaining unpaid, all. i he spread of truih.' Another. A leading Milerite,of Port land, Me,, has confessed his errors and a tiamloned the ridiculous imposture ' The Tiue f .nerijan newspaper.which was removed by a mob, from Lexirg- ion to Cincinnati, it appears by a letter rom ihe publisher, is not to he publish -. again, .13 he has returned a remilia nee 'or the subscription. Mr. C. M. Clay is ecoveiing from his indisposition. !! Willi im Wneeler, one. of the ring leaders of ihe gang of negroes, who re. ently left Charles county, Md , ha leen tried by ihe Coarles counly, Couii tow in aessijn, on an indictment for insurrection, and found guilty. The lunishrnenl is death. One of his ac complices is on trial for Ihe same of- encc. The Maysville U gle announces the leath of ihe R.v. John Collin-, of the M. E. Church, aged 77eais. He va 1 preacher for iimre than half a ct ntuiy. fiavirg commenced his labois in 1776, 10 New Jersey, front whence he rem iv d lo Ohio in 1S02. THE WAR FEVER. The Alexandria G 2-ii te says; Il is id milled now, on all hands, ihai there has b en more bomba.ii, lus, fusum, mil, and nonsei s", about iht. Mi xieao IV i that is lo b, or is not lo he . 1... 1 1. . 1 t. ommence a contest witli a poor, wea md miserable one. The thing has bee arried s fir lhal ihe national goil ei.se begins lo revolt al i'.s fnihur ce' inuance. NOT AD.MISSA 11LE. A LtTcrpool coi iei)(indenl of be Coming l cial A Iveitisi-r.slales ill il a the recent conference of the Wtsliyai', a readier from ih country presoted Teili'iitials fiom Uishop Suule, o tin nieiican Mf'tlinilisl Church, arnM he ng ac. r'nineii iliat ihcy had bee Ijiv mi since Hi shop S ml e li ul joined I wrl. he Method. i Church S hi h, ail tb n be Carulidi'e ry inii.ith'Z ! wifl in n novemeni, Ihe con IV re nee preip'onl) efud lo mlrnit or receive hin either n ihe capacity of preacher or fother, A NOULE ACT. .2 Detroit Express of Fridy evening pealfsof an ii.trepid scl perlfmed by h son of den. Urooks, which (U' rvrs her Iding. A young man lei' orn board rom a steam ferry boal; 'lo trying io dii) a nail of watar. 13'ne nut ol lis depth and unable lo iwii, he Was in real rlanger of drowning, '"ben ihe lad pokeii of, being younger'1'l much les muscular, p'unged in auif'CUfd him. Although Ihe boy is but Jt'een years ol ige, ihis is ihe second iiJe that hi has pei f.j i rued Ihe noble fea rescuing a ft How crcatuie.from iistndin death. nan ever oeiom umgiateu a sirong a o 4 .,, .... ,i .. ...... . lis nol paid at liieinnea iovesiat. il inweifu Ilia Ion in IS 111 en .ration 1,1........ vt' J 1 1 " ' . IMPORTANT CIRCULAR. It will be seen by the annexed circu 'ar that lh S ale Treasurer is resolved I"1 " no ' of " " bi 'rl shall bu wsnl ,.r;,M8 10 '"ure the prompt payment of the , State Interest fillmir due on ntr due on the tirst of February, 18IG. And we lrel equally serlain on iriat day Die credif of the Uommon wealth will be met in full. The words failto pav' and 4BErui)t ATION,' were banihed fiom our Siaie on Ihe fust day of February, w hen 111 payment of interest commenced. State Tbeasurv Office, llarrisburg Sept. 1, 1315 lo the of county Our tfToiti to restore and sustain the credit of the commonwealth, have been successful. Toe interest on our public lebt has been fully paid, and all other legil liabilities promptly discharged. Let us mutually congratulate each oiher ind determine that the future ahull be is Ihe recent past To accomplish this, our united elfur's must be energetically put lorih; io so good a cause, and with uch ample means, failure is impsssi ole. The net imount of taxoi now due from the several coo iiies of Ihe Com monwealih, for this and preceding years, is about gl, 000,000. I wish it lo b distiuclly uudeislood, that this amount mul be pan) into ihe Stale Treaxury helore the second Tuesday in January next, in accordance wnh ihe ioiiietn ecuon of the act of the 2 9 1 h April, 1844. ynat part of ihe section reLling to this fu'j'Ci, is in the following words; 'T.'iat il shall be ihe duly of the Con misiioners of the several counties, io cause to ho collected lha taxes as afore said adjusted and assessed; and Ihe speclive Counly Treanurei! shall pay ni'lT I hp il a ii,0 ua I'jcl t riilL'Otuil 1 1 th. c, , 'p " , .f . . ... Stale 1 rrasurer : am III Ihe O'lola o am- to the Suie Tiesniier, then, and in uch deilucliiig such cormiissious as are or shall be allowed ry law, for the collec tion of ihe sine, shall be charged against said cotin.y on Ihe hooks of ilu Stale Treasurer, and shall bear an inter est of five per rent, til paid; and no pay merit shall le made to or on bchall of aaid county under Ihe various act." relating to cuMnon school or ant other acls, orlor any oihu' purposes, until Ihe said hallance be fully paid am sahsfieii: I'nvided. That if ihe m ver il colli ctorsjf such coumy have ncr collected aid paid into Ihe county ire s my, the auounl of stale lax due by sun county , lien, and in that case, the liciency stall be paid om of any money hi Ihe Inasury of said county, or wind, iliall be.heitaller firsl collected ui.il laid in l the same, whtlher on the do- I'licjie or siaie or couniy ix: Provided Ihalilli shall appear from i he nceipi ...f the 'ourity l ieasuier, thai lire said tax sh;ll have been p.,id into the count 'reasurea hi lore ihe tunes sprclii-d in 'hissi'liou for Ihe paymeni imo il,e Siaie I'l easury, then and io that cast , ihe Ouniy Treasurers shall be peisun- aiiy isuie io ine respective count, ra fo , .. nt.riil t,hi.l. ..Hj ...v.v.i ..in,.., ,jy auciueon sucn unpiid ha Iincc. SioTE. The words rnibnred In hi ckets are repealed by Ue four h d vi ion of the first section of ihe Acl lie 1 6th Vi IS 15. Im f.. i I it . i I. , . .1 i- ....j-n.iiu fiTiion u uie farm I, gives lo ihe aiiprenie Cm I. ami i tyons oi Loriinion rk-as. on IIC a,,,.!; Jlion ol ihe Sialo Tieaurer, pown ward writs ol o.id,.niiis to enforce Compliance wnh existing Ws. i il I lie amount doe I'm,,, rU ' . n . n i villi' V n.teresi secounl w, he 0)PIU auv ft I H" ur'"0'itog county, nod paynums i, Jl' 0(1 behalf ol Sllell rmnuv ...111. sucn coiimv. wiihhe ....... .-u..,. uiance and miensl sre lu'ly ,jaid. Thu iSiaia Treasurer earnesih ,,,.,! ,. i.i . . uni ue win no, l)L. r, q.,:r( tt l lUl r lo enlu.ee the0 provisions, or Iln 'i.e au!l.onz, ,v ,e f. , .. ., i,;, ,. ,,,. ifi 'rieu io- Tho J. .,,! ,,,i,,.f (iilW JIUIIt' "ere exlnl.iled by many IIIJIlll.'1. In r... . i : . '"eUiil, of M,y, and .3 I of June last, -' I'viiuiiit IMS Mil' ui.tr ouueesmm ,0 Otl.cve, thai ihe enforce iieol ol Iht s,. ., p. . . . ... c' " ''ion-, or ine one an- nonzeo y 1 1 1 fu r. V - I II 1 1 d section a, h,. oi Mated. no( ,)(f p 0(ll . ' I I I '7 I . u i . . I . 1 justly 1,-ei 11,,-inselvea i.idenl;!i -d wnh ihe h0 )r fri(iil o(- Commonwejl;!,, ;,nd H.at he pnmperiiy nd i.ilegr.iy 8re ins. p.rable from iheir Jii. They are satisfi.'d th.it the taxes hl-y P'y a,e righ fully epp-npriaied i-d thai not only the inteiest of our lebl can be paid, bill that even a nor I Inn -! the principal Im be, n liquidated, by "c 'ymeni ii, Sjiate ttuck by p.'ison. vho have herclof,.re been drfaiilirrs. kJod that wbi'sl the debt is thus be inn liminished, the wealth and icsnurcen ol he Comrnonwealih are increasing, and Ihe weighi of indebiedness coniiiralive- I.V leiseiierl. The clolld is dupe lied, an. I I tnn.ylvania has again assumed thf lositioo to which her ancient fame, her '"tended mineral 8 nd agricultural wealth nd Ihe high inie gi iiy of her ciliz':i.s,i en'iiles her. Ta mair:t:iu tiiis nosiiioii ler cii'fena will checi fully pay wh il ilie law au'horig" ami iiqiines. l.'cenl eveoti fully joshfy the roi.fi lenee I f, t l ind express, and I sni saiihlicd 3 otir miii I 1 Tomtit and enerifiii wili he pui forth to accomplish an ol-j-rt .11 a . ....... .. I .1. . t o eminently woithy of om umt', long. I deem it (ro)r lo ad. I; ih.it i ,nv rejioil lo Ihe J.-g.-l.nuie. 1 will aPoo.ji to nolice as ll,-y il-s-i V , ihn-f p..inl. . thit so sili-l icoi ily lesponrlfil to m) f oi mer ci i on ' -m, anliii'M pliced tin I leasury in ilu- cun.i o i io in et ib. August intrres'. T'h.sh coiioUc", how- :ver, lhal ili l mil aid in Uni iinpui i.m i ! duly, will have an opporiumty ol r- n deling as great ?civ ce to the Coiiiiii.hi wealth, by paying within Ihis year ih. tinoum due. The arrearages of formei years will of course be expected lo reach the .easury will: in ihe lime mention ed. Willi the highest respect, I am your nbd'i servant, JAMES 11 SNOWDEN, Slate Tna&urer. A TOUCHING CASE. ' The Weeichrster J (Tersonian, in no icing ihe deal!) of John P.iiton, a la. I 14 years old, allnboies it lo ihe nn lan- jholy effects produced by the murder (.1 the brother of ihe deceased, Wes v l',.t loo, by Jabiz 11. yd. The edilor says; 'The (iit.iilated ami dislinurcil remain f Wcsly haunted his imagination day and night, and gave his.youthful rue mo ry no rest. To us his own lanyuag. be could n H cover Wesley tip.' Frjm he moment ol wKnessieg ihe sad ami harrowing spectacle presented in iln fiendish murder of an atf.-riionaie broih er, a rleep and senled gloom took )o--sesiiou ol his mind, whico Ihe constant care of those aiouud him could not a 1 1 e- vnle. He was seul lo school, in done' hal ihe scenes of boyish fancy, ami ilu ningled play ol youn associates, would tiling back ihe life and joy io his eye; 'nit no, there was no rest, ro rerpite Uoiri ihe gloom around him. In the midst tf play, and while repealing his lessons, Ihe spectacle was still before him, and he uould burs out in uncon trollable grief, until ihe heart sickened it his siiflbriegs. His frame rm.k under he oppression, and Mill the vision wa 'here; and when a short lime before hi death, maternal care hung over and in u qoiieil his wants, it was sli! Wesley,' 'Wesley is giving roe a di ink of w.i e r,' was Ins reply. Who can fnhoii. he depth ol his suffe ling.? JJu'lh-y are now over; he has led ihis eatihh cene, and passed into Ihe em'.irace ol an aflei linnate In ether, who s'ood U in the bright shores ol eiern i'y, beckon ii j; him lo scenes of joys unnu r.bt'ied. ' WHEN DO YOU SHAKE? A lady writing from Springfield, Illi nois,sas: -II ow would you like lo live in a place where a man's sal ilalion lo h;s neighbor ol good morning, sir. is full. .wed by 'is ibis y nor day ol siia!, v .' . ,i " . i , , . ing, Mir ari'i no, i..-s mi c l .nl, I .loir i sln.ke till l.-moirow,' or llie dav after : ine rise may ne . it Detng tier lod .en in its attack, musing some evt iv d,. it a ceiiain hour, others on every secom ii tliii i! d i v .' DON MOT. Mr. Clay, siys the Wheeling Times came up ihe River from Maysvillu U Giiyandotie in ihe excellent Whcr.lm.. dean tr Senate, MiJLovr, masler. A- ie was going on board, he rcmaikei that he had hoped his public life va. Muled, bul he perceived I.e musl go in o th-i Senate stain. WHOLESALE UO ASTI.NCJ. The 'A' earn H"i.,' a hitching ajsp-n-nus al Weliaw ken, u-s btrned on Sit- :inhy night, log'oh.r wnh si vera I t hot) "Hid duck-, chickens, tuikies, & c. , n. ill stag' S. The I'ottville Jounul stales I hat i unman left her ii.l'.n.l on a bed, wlnlt he went down siairs lo attend to Minn lonies'ic iluiies, and on returning sl. found a large cat lying upon ihe infmi'- tireasi, wiih ils head near He child'. mouth, as if in the i-cl cf sucking ii- n ath. I'pon X .ii ina'ien ihe child was discovii'd lo be dead, hr-ving me1 isdeath in this most t xn joi ilin.ny ami lisiressmg rnannrr. DIED lo niooohurg, on Friday norning last 9,b inst . Air Animm. Prr.LKn. fi.rr.,t r!y of Fishinjjcrctk, egul On Thursday lasi, Mask P. ,,.,! :i years, J;iiiijliu-r nf .Mr. U'illi.rn JJ. wn3t.ii um.,J.m ,. lrilll; : " ' e arc requested lo announce TMViri in tor' i'.tlL UI..AKI).. of Cntlawissn a8 a candidate for the Lc. fi.-1-ture.ithi ensuing eleciio:;. county TRE.vsuin:;;. We sre authorized In announce WILLI VM GIUTON. Em "I" Hemlock ionshii, as a caiidiiialu for .1' r ihe elli. e of TI!ESI!RK( f ('oliiiiibiii cniiiny at il,e ensuing election. cpt, llih, 1813 U U e r- r. ( icsled lo Mill, Hill, e JOilN STALKY. ''' C'ern..v.o,l, as a Volunteer Cindi-IjIi- lor m i. i ilip,. ,,( ( UUN ry COMMISSIO.NIilt. ii the in xt October Election. IVe are reqiientei! to snnnunce WILLIAM II ID LAV, of nionm township, as a candidate for ilia ifliee of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the nexi October election. 1TE7" GCCDSS SEW AK1IAXCEJ1UNIS, Ao humlug but Gonds d. ton to the Jow est nut eh all tltt ((;(. rnlin suhscril.cr Loving ronnilctcd his new jj Hlore huune, en Jain ntcrct near M;nk., in liloiiiiii!iur''.anil Invin,. rti,-k.'.l il Willi a Block id' entire new ynnlrf, wliicli were nclcclcil uiili Ureal care in regaul In bty Ie on J price, I.e flutters liiii.nclf lliat lie can ofl'ur lV.:.ii yn.i Id, an J nt'vvur iylt-.atid them al luv.er priin ll:;in I, as ever l een ..l!'..rcd in litis place, Mid an the ic.Hnitmei.1 cniisi-.ta of every lliing for tuiiilorland aclmiuiieut in the Dry Goods, together with a general a-.surlii.ciit id Qtiecnsivure (.tome new styles) Fchiol Hooks, Hardware, Ce.hr wire, 'I in ware, Eartncnware, S'llina or Lake, ground, fine Lisbon and Dairy Salt, Sal HDii.M ti In ral(tnd Urrrins, Ctiviiitlith, Jmitti' Ion Plug, J'ine cut Sc Smokini! 'ltd. into. Candles Vow', Coj.'er A'mti-H.Sltfl. I.ur Inn. besides iiuiiicr.nis other articles, nil nf liieii will he 5.. Id at a very hiiijII pi. lit for rendy j.i.v . ai d h. svhiiI.I res pec I hi Ily invite nil .eis..i.s to' n! , , exviiniiie his ijnbi! mid puce, hif.ne -.iin-i.i.iinj. I'lie hiliea iicciaid for all kinds il'tuui.nj proiiuie. I.. Ii. RI'I'KKT. Eliointliurg, Pert. 20th, 1815. -Jif. .',1 i-iO !o j -. .tj. ;nUK snlwriher respeel fully ififnries lire pnhlic; 1 that lie lias f,i, .'in d a i,n . I :i i 1 1 -. t r. , I nearly epp. sile ( 'l;. Inn's Tae,n, in l:.n.iiif.,uru, i.ricie r.e nilenils ciirryiiiij on the above Lusii.fi.j. in nil its various Nrnm-hcs 77A' IK'ifJE, -f every description, will .P kept on hand for sal it WJlUI.tfiAl.l-: or KKTAlf,. sncirr irov Manufactured into any f,,rm required, STOVE 'JIM'S, f all .-Iz.'s kept cr;iistaritly on ham'. S'luvcs f.ni.-li-d to order. Ueir.g determined In do businivs in ihn ri.-'it way, lie reqcsls nil lo rad upon liin, l.el'oie they eiii-ii,..-e clscwiieie, us In. w.M Inin i i arli.-lci in cis line us chenii as llu-v can I piiic'ui.ied in ic coiir.iy, D. J. r.IL'E. fc.lcml.or 20, 18-I5 1V2? fL I.I. personi nw.n unell, d oec.tili.ts rirln r J.. hli tlie subscrilwr, or will) th,' a:c fi,,,, ,.f ilve.tli.'lli iV II. tone, win Ihcr llie h,.!l.i,;r. ,(. i,, lis f.iv,.r or a.!;. inst lii.n, m-c rcom-.-ie I I.i f.W:ird ai.il Kiltie llicm ii'l:l:e.li i:. Iv, l!i.,r . ,,., ii- his Im.ni. i ki .... .. on as .... a;:i.., v,,,,,; 1(, the who ii suilie;eiit. M USUAL !fli.Vi7'rji'ii;y SeliU'lit'.'Ci 20, I T B Iierc'tv to a, ii".,iu not r.-, ,,(..i,n.. n ii.,.T...i.' ..f.iiaiid. f..riiv, ,:,.::.,:i . ildy :'l. It-. 1 :, ,.e iv :!., ,',.1 r;,r ll :ll li to I !, !Ct .-V;'( (',. !( in , i c v , ,,, ,. j,( iv. . ears, ni.d :.r olher thi.eMdrs (, t,m i'.c- v AN,, ll-.ra- ..rliei .. oi I .i, ,. ly iu. M: K-ril er. for n-vci ty-one two thirds d.H.iis ts,-l, dated July -1. lhi I, made rij i)., til .Mcwrs K,. oil.-payable in one year, och m ,.() yr-urs, oco in three yfaiv lrn;r. dste, !.s ll.ere ,'!.,., ... jlfjn pr&iticed in ol.taiiiiivj caii! n.,n s, ?a, .i.r f.,J0 not hn'ii.g received a value fur ii,, ,.i 1 ,jilf) tu pay tliem unless compelled by b.w. T;iOMAb'C'Ar:OTKIV. Tianklin. Lycoming cauely, Sep: 20; ISIS U E - f.f:;v (,'ivpn t) all .ers,)f.s .Oel in poTc'tst a l - J ceilin ,,tp .,1 I, .... I ... r .i ..: - J",l!,'r. ' pt. p. !S45, f(,r :!:rsu;.i oii--r.tiv. five dollars, p3j!.leix iijiths.-iftpris!e,a,havii".. rcccivcrf mi coiiMdcmiion for ta d .'ue, I .-h '( ,u ' n vvL,m,r ' Mu,,,tur,4uS-!r 'I0If'' Mew