J'iuiu the Sihuny tiitltifitor, WIN TICK CHAIN. We MiouM bo in favor tl (twin rye tii ea 1 1 jr in September s rcticble jatid whore ihri 1.1 no iliiiivi lo be fjar0 fmm ihc fly, we wuull observe I It s ime tulr id rcgml lo wheal. Theit is j i r I : eiI ' r remon lor em'y sowm iye' t!ii season, and ilul is the i Ivan l!t;e it will ulljnl far feed lo klieep sin) youn r-t icli. Tlie dry wemher ha lessened lite buy ci oi lo a g'etl ixu-n -end (lie supply ol (Jisss in pastures inns in many rustt) be veiy small. Kye il allowed (o n-i good i out, may be pas lured with lihi siock in I Mf fall, and to Mine ex'e til during the winter. In home cases il mty bo even ieIieni lo feed In Ihe spiing. The diminution which result lo the yield of grain is not r qui valenl to Ihe advantages a pus lure. 'I he nop Mails vtr)oon,& i par ticularly adapted lo the dry land on which ihe grain has suffered niosi. Would il not be judicious lo sow i!n CJnp largely, to be used this fall and next snimitas ?ubstiiute fur hav and id crass? In passing through Ihe couotiy we notice in the barn-yards, and around the barn, or sometimes by Ihe road-side considerable piles of nunure, exposed to waste by evaporation and washing ol tains. II some of ihe fields where Ihe trass it dried up were plowed, and a Ihe manure now lying titeless, wascaie fully collected mid b ppl eu to them lare amount tf feed inighl he produced which would bo available before much trass would be had next season In the preparation of ground for win ler grain, either wheal or tye, wedotib Ihe propriety ol bringing lo the suifact the award, and vegetable matter which had been buried but a few weeks before ffprcially where Ihe soil ii sufficiently porous and loose. Somo tool should be used which sufficiently mellow the roil, without reversing (lie furrows. cultivator if righily constructed, and woiked at fust mostly lengthw ise of tin furrows, is found lo answer a good pur pose; The ptepsration of the seed is an im porlanl matter. 7'iie cleaned snd heuv - est should be sown. f it contains seeds cf pernicious plants they should be la hen out, It will amply pay to pic over by hand a peck or half bushel ol Kod clean ground, purposely lor seed lhes, oats, ond other seed lighier iha wheat kernels,mty be principally lakei out by pulling ihe grain in sWong brine a small quantity at a time and Stirling wnii a btick. I he loul seen will rise and maybe skimmed off. When il has b?-n finished it may be put on a fl ioi a nil dried off, or rejdered fr for 8 iwing by mixing with it air s'acked lime oi pljslcr. Passing the grain 'owl) Ihiough a good winnowing mill, will clean it from nearly all ihe small seed, such as wild pink, wild mustard, ami ffleils of mosl shriveled and inipeilec Kei ne Is. The vnrintii kinds of smul in grair have been well asceitained to be vn table parasites of the fungi 1 1 i be. Thf fpccies known as Credo vzhuir., ami commonly called 'dust, or pepper brand is Hie most injurious lo wheal. 1 feeds are so minute that lliey are believ ed to be taken by Ihe spuiuriolei of tin .plant, and ate with the sip diried up the port 8 into the civity as the entbryt Keintl, whttie the funnns reproduces i f.eM; causing an iniiiiiioii ol the (,'sn rind giving in its place a black du-d the most pungent and disagieeable o.lt'i and tasir. There is no longer any dotihi tha this substance may he etadieattd fnim wheal hy means of r.piiain subsiineo dpplicd lo ll, seed, S ofien has I'm hern proved hy sctuil experiment, tha we 'hohl him no longer untitles,' win r-egU cts the application of the remedy The regftitive power nf ihe fungus in i h kiled by lime, axhes, brine .soiui ion f arsenic, vitro', &t We have 1 1 i nearly all these snhsUnrca, and give th' i.irhrenpp to vi'rol. Dor mode of lis ing il has In en as follows Dissolve i l ot water two ounces rf dine vi'rol (ni'phaie of enpper.J fin rt rh bti'hel n wlifai; add j nvich wipr u n necessu lo cover Ute gr-tin, stirring the ml'iiim well. Soak ihe wheal two or tine hniii, and diy s owirg. it wi'li p'ajier befon ,75 IU C V 1 4T U 11 A L A N C COOTIv l-nnom l-risiniii, as metitionud b Plin y, the It.vnvi hitoi un, wn ni nally slave. Having lien mule Itppil mm, li rnKcb s ! as na'l n'i t l ground, from which he nhu n-'d tlirmiti1 his unwearied in histry much finer cr.-;i than any ofih? n i.'hbirs'who had lir erfirm. Thi excited t eneral rnv which his enftnies r.anied lo uch leng'h ai t) srcue him of enip'oyme vagi,; char m In render hi" own ground f".'ile on I impoveri'-h thain. Th I' hie ea'Med him In he summnne I !' iipie:ir and answer ihe rhargo btfore Up people of Rom Cresinu nueyf d lli mindaie, aecompinied hy his daujhtei a fresh and li"shhy. colored girl, chim which pppoP'l io graipr advan'tg. fiom the simp'iciiy of her dress. 'i'li- iccueil sis') hronghl with him the tools tnd implements of his profession. His mattocks weiu icinaikably teady; his plough was of an enormo.M si?.1, and :iia Cittlrt weie all sound ami fsl. Huholdl'sKid ibis truly dig 'ili I &, i lignani farmer, 'behold my whole mag cal q lip ig't! behold ihe etiarms which I have iiroiiisc I l Th"re are others, ndeed, whieh I am not capable of pro lucing hi f jro you 1 mean the iweai if my brow, and incessant (oils both y d i y and irght. ' This ni'ive elnqiience dpcided ihi nailer j h was honorably acrpniied b he unauimntis voire ol a numerous ami ipplaiidiug assembly. l.M PORTA NT TO l'AM EUS. 'I'he following account of new a Rea) mg Midline, used on ihe farm ,f Mr. John L)el.ifi?ld, at Geneva, N. Y., w lind in a late number of the itirnal ol Commerce. II a machine, simple in construction and ea.ily minaged c.ipible if reaping 20 acres pi r day, can be pur chased for $100 il is one ol Ihe cheapo1 investment a farmer can mike; . Mr. Djlafield was in the mid i of h n vest, and had alieady githe.rcd abou1 60 jcres,&,what is still more wonderful itn ilas been done without the aid of eithei oiadle or sickle. lie h is a machine seal him from Miryland, which is thi most expeditous reaper I ever saw. 1 it driven bv lwo hoi sea one hoy lo drive and a man to lend the machine Uoth of them ride. Toe horses are pu upon a quick walk, which sets a uumbei it cutters in motion, and the whtM iall back upon the platform in liaudsomw oi ler, as fast as the machine pi ogresses ind when a quantity accumulates sulfi cient for a sheaf, tha man in attendance shoves it off with his rike. It fall smooth ami even upon Ihe ground, and another is immediately lormed; and co it proceeds without any trouble or Oil ficulty, U'Hil the lOOacie field is fim.sh ed. Tbeie eight binders accompany ing the machine, and it frequently ha io be stopped, lo allow ihem lime io ge out of ihe way. It will rut 20 acre. m a day. 1 Dave never seen anyming n the machine line woi k mire com pletely. It ceiiaiuly will prove of iht jimosl utility io faiMiers both lr expe dition and cheapness, h can now bo ob allied for about $100. EL E! MOW AIL LIGHT OF THE MOON. As (he moon's axis : neat ly perpen licuhr lo the plane of the ecliptic, fl) ran torcely have any change ol seasons lint what is still more remaikable, one lalfoflhe moon Im no dai kuts.s, at ,ii vvnile ine oilier litll lias iwo weeks oi ight and also two of dai kntss, ultei udle y ; the inhabitants, il any, of ihe fus tail' ha.-k constinlly in eai th-hine, with- tut seeing the sun, whilst thus: of the alter never Stie Hie earth al all. l'oi, is j'isl tilled, Ihe earth rtfl;ct the hgln l Ine sua lo (lie moon.in the a ne mm ler as the moon does io the eanh; thei ir lore, at Hi". Urn ; ol conjunction , or new noon, her lurther suli must bi enlight- I by the sun, and ihe ueuiei halt bt he ear.h; and ai iU- i:me ol apiosiuo r lull moon, one halt ol l.tr vvjl In uligiitened by thu sun, but ihe mhti nil will be in loul daikness. To th unai lans, the taith seems ihe Uiges ori) in the uuiveise; , r n Bppers it .i t nem mure man inite umes ine s z) el lie un, and llmueu linn's g cater than tie moupdoesto u. exhibiting tunnl r phases lohei'self, Inr in a rcvuire nnlei , lor when the moon is lu I, ivi earth ii- ivisjble io them , and when (he mom. i new-, Ihey will see tne eaiih full, he face ol Ihe moon appear tJ us pel n incut, but to Ihrin ihe ratih pie.ins veiy dilleifcui hiiii'mi h.ici-s, the I'jc Hid A 1 1 I ) C Oceai.S. in je CJlllS:' 'i.iiiil.tinl hIi dl !m nini-.lic.l itsin h hi aooi.liie villi die irdvjiuimif ilieht-wiiih m climi i l the !Sm-. . Itsliull lie tin-duly ut' ctny jiuIki', II. ip.vtui ami i lcik i'i'iuluctiii elecllun uudioi .i:.l to lie held ij virluu ul tliin m l, to lake (in u.Ui i. m to tlif oath or mIIii iii.ititm lie i.H now require 1 1 .v to tulie) mi oiitli ot ulHinmtioti dial lie wih aoiKMlly mill faithfully eouiily in eveiy uirei willi tlio proviiiioiia uud -oijui. ciih iUm (if tliu an). bii;c 10. It shall utj die duty id Hut u nun jinles of saiil county, at the innu nmi .ilaitt) of iheir meeting to east up tin votes received in ihe different ileeiion ills iricii nil :hc queatioit of the Uemoval of ll.e teat ol jiisinti) Hloresanl, and shall make ou two eeriiueaies Hliowing the restili, one ol which bliall be tiled in ihe ofln e of the eleik of the court of quarter Mtssitina and ihentliei ill the ollii-e of ihe Commissioners ol sail! county ul Ooluiubia. Si:c. 1 1. It shall he the duty of ihe Slu r ill' of the said counly el t'oluinhia. lo eausi tuia net to he published in ut h'Hbl ihrti newspapers published in said cutuitv j fur nt least once in every week lor sixty (lavs nil mediately prodding the next eenerul elei tion, ami liali mi the day of lite iltciioi caiise Bt least two printed 'jn les, one nl hit Ii bhall be in thu Oeniian aiigune, ol said aet lo be pus led in taiidhill form, in lb most public place neuiest the election pull in every election disiriei in said cnumv nut the reasonable exptnre of nnh puhlieatiim shall be paid by Ihe said cmn.iy ol Ooltini bia by orders drawn in the nsi way. Skc. 2. do mm h of lbs existing laws of this ('oiiHiiniiwualih r.s aie altered oi supplied hy ibis art, be sird the same tit hereby repealed; and also die ni l ol Aspim ly. passed lOihJum; I HO entitled hi; an relating to the hen of Mr tunics m.d oilier. tipmi buihlini.'s, is herelv" repealed wo far a? it reUtea to the huildin;S lo be erected ii pursuance of iImn act FIMDMO' i'ATTL'RSOX, Sjieakcr of die lloso of Kei)e.M'iitutives. WILLUM I'. WII.CUX, Speaker of tlis Senate. Approved die twenty bu lli d;iy el i eln uuiy, one thousand cilit hiniilre and forlv-five. Fi;.M;is jf, SltUMC fl ach Irtenu-loor hiiu s, will MKCt! si ve- y uvellheii aiieniioii, and the veloci ty ol motion musi ex.'ite bo;h cuipri; nd co j cure. Tiuug'i, as aloie-an!,' ed-iin ot those g.-nt'emco only behol . the ejt'h for half mui.tli at a time, hose near th. border see it on i v occ i- lonally, and those on the side opposite he eaiih never set; it at all. The moon being but the fifiielh a 1 1 f iIih bu k of our globe, and within J3S,000 ini'i'S of us, may be brought by projit r telescope, which magnth-s 1000 imes, to d. im di' as she wuulJ lo m .ked eye wtre she only 2i0 miles ofl. The K.laroai o AM i. higanj Telegnph iys, at the present rate of Su e Warrant- liO ce-its on m dollar,) any one witli $15 n lihv k'l in iy g 0 the I, mil Office in iisha'l, and secure 40 acres nl land.equ d any in ibis or anv other Stale- an iu- nsimeni ( II improved) sullicient to sunnort - - funilv. Thu is an imponsnt f'.ci fur uiirantH. as M ichig m is one of the most ude Stales in ihe Union, hmc ii. bihm- iii such as to -allow the great bil k ol uoduce in besput to market ' What m ikes v ou suend vonr tirne so AN ACT Concerning (he hein ivul if Ihe Seat f Justice vf Columbia County, from Danville to Bluomsburg. Mection I. IU it enaetfl.) hy tlm H.-nute and oilse ol l!eprei)OUlative.i uf die C.'.iiiiiiviihciiUIi of I'oiiiuylvaiiia in General AihimiUv met, and it if mreliy e acled by l!i.i aullioiiiy of thu sami), Tlut il slmllaml may lio lawful I'm thu Utialtflcd Vo ters who liave Hesiilud In Columbia Coun ty for at i.H.ISI' SIX V-ILK.YII.IH HO.YTIW immtdiattly preceding Ihe ntxt O't'i fral Election, to vote ut such election upon the miotioii oflhoreiuovalofdteirSie.it of Ju.-ilice from U.iii"illi) to lllooiiiMliuig.ln auid counly, in the mau ler following, Lo wit.- 'J hone in favor of a Hemovnl -.lull vote a written or printed ticket liiiellcd, 'SB T OF JL'HriCB," and conlainiiig the wonts "KOIt ULOO.Msiiinja," nud tlioe op oosed to ii Kmiiov.il, ninth volo 8 wiilten or prim ed ticket Irtlielled as aforesaid, and coiitaiuint; the word." FOK UANVll.LU;" the naid tickets lo he deposited in a box which shall ho provided for that purpose at oath anil cvoiy nf tht) election polls of saul county, uiul trio leturnaol aald election hhall he nii.lo in the name manlier liv the Keturu Judi;e is in the case of the election of Membeis of the Vsitemlilv, and if on the medio;; uf the Return J doVs it sh ill appear that i majority of the volea Have tmen given in lavor ot Uloonisliuir;, then the lollowmg hi ctions of this act shall he of full foice and cllect; but if il shall appear that a majority nf voles Iiavo lieen given ngamst Uloomsburj, then the following neclions of (hit. act hhull be null i void. Skc. S. 'J'hat if a majo.ity of the voters of waio county ol (. olumlua, quahhed as uloicsaid, voting on amd question of Keiuovnl, ahull deciilo in the manner provided in tlio fust section of ihis net in favor of lilts Kemoval of the Seat of Justice of t,aiil county lo the town of Uloom-liurt;, ihe citizens ol Hlooiuahurg in said county shall erect, or cause to be erected, .f V Till: 1 11 OW i'HOI'VIt K.ll'EASE, within three years fiom uud utter such election, in the town of (loonisburg, suital h buildings of illiICK or STONE, ofihoMOS'l AI'l'KOVKU I'l.AN. for u Court House and Piison, and different allice for the sale keeping ol the counly records, under the direcliou of tin County Commissioners, who aro authorised to re ceive a conveyance fur such lot or lots of ground for the nso ol such County buildings, not Ll'.i dinnONrJ A CUE, in fee simple clear of all in iniihrances, for the uc of the counly of Coluinhiii. he said huildin.; to bo erected on vuthlot oi lol if (,'rounJ thus conveyed. And the Court Jloin-e. m l otherpuhlic buildings and real e.tJte on which they are erectei or is aiipiiiteuaut tliereto, at Ihe town of Danville, itre hereby granted ant) conlinn jJ to tha i di iliil ints of iM ilioniin; township, wlib mil authority to tell an I dispose ot the same to Iht bi'-l udvantaje.aiul that so much o' the jiroccc.Is ol s'lid ade.us is necessary to refund to the citizens ol Danville whatever amount of money they inny have jivon fir thtf original construclion of the public liuildings '.i I .said town, nud the purchase of the lots of ground on whidi they a.c erected, kliull be ic fundcJ ti the said citizens, and the balance to be paid into the Couuy Tiejsury for enmity purposes. Provided No disposition or s.ile uf nuch public buildings shall lie made until Ihe court house ai d p lb lie buildings a'. Iiloomsl urn shall be coni lelcd, and the public records and oiikt, he removed their- to. Skc. 3. Thai so rood ns ihi? public bnililin;s are completed accordiiig lo the provisions of this ict, the t-otmmtMiouers aforesaid shall tile n report if the same in the Coiirl of Common Tlt .is ol said -on ii l v uno said Court being s.iliil'.i il lli:t-,ml lniil.lings are I'uV.t completed uceoiilin lo Ihe l.i.e intent and meaning ol tins at t, and a iccord tlicic- of bi'ii( made by endorsement on mid rcoit, the (oui iiis.iioners .VshccitV of taid counly .shall then - iijoii cause th. i pvif oners, il anv thin: conlinn! in too olj prison, I be sulely iciuovcil lo Hie new. ind ill.; pulihc. papt rs and records thi n n imui ni in the public olii.-et ut D.tnvi'.le, t ) lu s.iltly il. i o- nttd in tic new bulltling. so as iiforeuid buih aim! re a-ed for Uic reception thereof, and fiom lln'iict - jXt . r..eii. ..... .1- i.....: . : i i"..- .1... i . . Villi Llll Ul JUIll." 111 U.IU .Ul .11.. Wll... IWt I. ill t ... i I I I , . , Uoluoi'iiasliull ceas: to be ut Danville, m.d l!.. -i, ,; , , ,' , ;"' - '' " ' J at the low n Iir ,1,..:,.,,;.,. ; ' ll : ;.. . i.i ...,!.- ...! ii " v" . - b" "i ' t .M i i st i .u....,.,l, i,, v , nul.. ivi.....!, u. v . -( L .,, . - ,- . . ... , . i.i . i: .- i. . '-" i. ''.iiu ices neie:oi.ire kcoi .ami me couus oi '.si ce ru n i t re h.: I atJ.iiivitlc.im'W'iir saideuuiiU' ofColurnl hail be kept and held at 1!I.i..iiis'.i:il; in tic lo: mas er.'ded lor their acc'Hiniio.i.ilii.u us al.nvnat !St'. 1, It shall be lawful !' r tin- ciliy.cn DIoouhIiu'p; to ol.tliu n.ilicriplioi. froiii a' y s il or pcrjoiH vil ma lo subscribe any iron materials for the election of sin h la.Wic l iii. I Cabint ETalu! III. t uh:,t rihei iCsptcll'utU I. II,, i i.i' hi c m. j.-ft Ti m c ffVAB. e 7MIIlCI.(i il lit' lots laki II the sliuii lad I, o, i ni.e by li. N. liavhuii-l, at the lowi i end cl Miukn hlit tt Llooubuii; where In- iiilt-niln cany iii mi Ihc nbiit'c business in ull its I'iiiim In ,,, iind oi-ln its a i-lia e of the putruiuie i f ihc pid lic. In coiineclion w illi ihe ubow I usiiifs.,, he o'lt ra l.u sen in s us an UM)KlT.Ki:i. will iiIiv.ivh be rtailvto iimke ( 'Ol'' K I .N S f ir Ihc lau.e pliers hc't'liibire 'buriitd in l.lo.iu.sbiii , unsell'wih a (uiul II EA '-' I i il... I I .. .,i.... ,. iovc busiut'ss ut hid old ...i.tl.li.l.u.l ..... I , J ,1 , . , ,. . . ., '. ' " ex 1 1 a elidii' ...v t,,,,,,-,- ui aiain una Last Mire's, where he .topis, by strict intention to busii,ts, lo itet ivu mil merit a shaieol public patroloipe lis lierelolioe. He deciiih it unneceN.i.ry tu pi, iulo the c;., ,. i,( :t. or lo u-e unv soft soddec about his SKll.I, in' diu I'l.OFE.SfclliN UK OA' Ml N T ( I.'l 'J IMS' h his shop is t.f lone sliiudine. und his w,ik I.e. fO0 ''- '-Ahl aim JIOOT Tii EE Mukina thinks will spcnk for itself, and far more li ,lcr J5 -'"ess. .nun wows, nut, be would merely say tl.ut. I n '"i'soi i.iiinti ( will receive umiil ciirounijjo wiirraula his work dour wilh neiiliiess, tlundiiilv ul""' iniinedia.c api lieuiiini lo the sulu fiber I... . .... :.. . r i .- hut iit'Ki i:i i' ' MO I 1 1 ii 1 1 oi tii evpieisinj- his thunkfulncss to his fiii iiils.iiinl pooiie i;eneiauv, !oi tnc ulicial pallol.uce l.e . . nuorni-uisincn.is aim u,c ,uli. , .,. .(, i K1 - Jl, lllill lie Kill CO II 1 1 III ICS II) 1 ) I ill I .. ii . -.i he above business t bis old ... ,..1.1,. l' .... "''"''"'" " " J01L DTJ'TLUiS. A1.iy.i0 ISIo-lim :i Tvo .rnrcnticefs iSinait active boss between Ini-tl.l tnd in the lud st fashionable muiincr. ond will i'i ure a pood lii in all cu es. N. li. Chmgea iiioderale to suit the lin es. kinds ili-ounliv i.mmIiuc ii.l.tn in woik, at muikct prices. bloDli.shUiK, A. v. U 1. : I'Mhtilyc I, 9. MMON C M1IVE Dloomsburs. Juno M, 1845 Gil" mtf I il Of I.'M ('!-. lAI.MMJ in the I'ust (Jllice, at Cloomn ,on thequailer ei. ding June L'tlhlSlS ,r 13TS EMAIN Lli'nirg, on OS a WOUMS KMaS TIIUUAAXDS. 11III.DREN ai imsl sidjert to t!icm,l ut tr HE subscriber has just received a laree us srulmento Si'r.CTA I ' 1. lis .....I Ml1. TACEE GLASSES, ol ihe l.psl niinlilv i.i' l,..il white and ciccii. froin o. o io,.v...,lu ,y-. I . ...n: . i -.. ' . . lij i i isni.s .jiiiii ieii won sore t vi s, will I in! it their iidvunlace lo cull and i;t I classes fren. bin i Ihey may fed uasurul of dtinii.u a "real l.ci.ilii uoin incir i.'se (S. L. .S11LETZ. Iilooinsliurtf, May 17, 18-151 iiiaii.k Alnahuui 1 't- scr ".itltis KulliDcr lluuit I llai'tiinin A. Lt. Im krtiu Jon h Eaiiiiiiily SjiliIi M ai tin 'J lion. us 1-yan l'uiie liohast n Miss .Vary l-t'lilllllt llllillcl Sprout A. lt. Esq SiuiH Win. or John stiipf V, veholl V. V. M ukclield James Chair Hr-anufactoy - .... uuw. nj ut -3 IU CollV Oil die chair -VANi;rACTo;ii.o Misiness at the old stand of 15- Si l. Iltigei nifh, where be will be ready at till umes 'o llirillsll I'allcv it W im stir i ions S..I 'cs, IJ.iston Roebiii). Chans &, of tv.'r li'senjoion, w hieh may be called lor, ;i .short tuiiice and on the most reasonal h j suns of itllaiS ue liable lo le ulllicltd v i.E ! tiTili s. lie will also execute House, Slt.m i t'lein. liud lireai, paleiit-ta about the lii s Undo d t )i iinmrnta I'aintimr. uini llnnse I'ai.i rin.r heeks, picking a the nose, wasting iiwiiy.lcuniKsJin ;) superior manner tain in tlio Imwi'lj inl. nf limbs, ilislurbcd (liinl .' rs. ,;,' :., ,i i , ii-ii i ' '"in his e. per ei ee n the Imsines.nni right u drcauisnioai.nig uud sunn tunes o mii- , , .. - e . ' ' ihcHV.iiiitou.sofwoni.s "ln. -itanuiaciunno 1(,e vnrioii I I eisous t ailing for lel eis in the ul ove list will least su tin v uie uilvulinil. J. K. MOVER P M fRUE Danville iSieuin Woollvn 1' aclnrv. for uiul occiipnd hy 1 r. I'etnkin, niei ly ow lied mid t ii'ious appi tilti'e among the symptoms (.fwuiius l.iny acudocH'd lor months, tor some other im.. n"'"'s ,lls ,lc natters lilinsei: igmo-y tliscat nen one n,.x ut Niciiutui s W oni l,,! snail Du aine lo lurnuii as "nod work, liyun, t'orutr and upon as reasonable terms as can In lone in the countrv, ail of which he will dispose ol r t AS lir l.ozcngcs wind clkct a cure. D d Prince stist and Ihe l.owcry , cured a man t.f worms thu reduced lo a sktleton, mid b i.nlv olio box (.f Sherman's Eozenyes: l.eis imw as at is on Al.l'iioii Jh Hon. 1). . licanlslcv . i 1. . I ' C 1- It . , . . . lias saved ie me ( I on u ins clulilreu by Hu m. 1 ho sali'l over .),(H)(j,(iU0 of boxes has lull) list etl Ihem I hey me lliconly infallible woimil.s trnying ncdiiine kt-tiui. What Emiiy v.iil .t vi;lnu, Jlein? CosJlnpii li,i'i.HKli.-,Colds. .o.ii-g Coiipbs Aslhei and all elions nf the limps, willlind n hcahf vabic in Mi 'riiuiii's Ci.i.vb I.ozi iij.iv. ' 1 1 tavcd.c lirv, liiehaid De Ei.msI; i,c 1,'ev. 'r. .Slrtitr, .lonalliaii ilowuuh, Esq. and lloil v.oihv old i.'U. l-conaid K(..ge;v. Ii,,in the c iisiiiiq.tie'"s gr.m 'Mity tl.'red in one day I In- Kev. Mr. lli.n har, h't v. Mr. E'ai.dei.i I,; V. in. II. AlPie Em, itsll'i tiHii.,i.s, j i.cv arc ine nieasriiilis! CUU-NTin 1)1 w ll con medium, and cure ihc Mjom id ef.inv ki.owiii'"" iciJy- ' -''.In . . .i . t. i . .1 . . . . l :. jj.ua nt ,ocb-sii i.iicss and J i.lj nation, rehevt d oi f,-,. Cv,; to leu luii.uiis by Miin iin's (. an. I.,, El'3''s J'e's.ois mii n im c, oimI, ( -o, ,m s ii ehing will lied ll.tm lo iii.ait buoy amy it ''it" ami lei:ev. their em iit s, l liosc ' si.l'i i i, IU loohec liin:.; will find u !', w of t.it-lo.i n:.ci Olsl t llll.' IIOIJI.JIS ill.il I IV. I.I ... , I i.u l. Ill- 'uinlav .'lieu i,i -, , i in of lor I'lIODIJCK N. II- Orders from a distance Miiouy ai i. juini iuaiiv iilicndcil io. M I1ACJKMJUCII. Iilnonisl uro, Dec. yo, lfc NAILS, SPIKES; &c. i lic intMitJi.!)!;)'.'; 6. Hi. B. 0 WII.I. k'cp conManily on hand, u .j,st. s.iitiiicnl of .ILS, SI'IKF... AN!) IftOX vlmhthiv will sell b W HOI. ,.M : ;;. TAIL, unit in Kiwit itmm tit, tit- ' Uf fUtrhiTf .l.-f ,: erf. Meicliimls n s, I : i a lind il lo i., j,- iut i in t elf ved Hi a im i.l. I'MSii I s I J, 1 .11 1 1 I I I J'vtEPH PATU., IMIS. lei, A t l;, a i lia in I until cs M.i in npuii lio i.n.ulism, ir,.ac :,,.tl- is n e provhicd f.r in tnc second src'iou tnd in def.iult of -he pavoicnt of the O'liily Co.noiiasi.iiier.s a.e Hereby (inpowiJ 1 cau-te suits to tic brought in the nan." of i l.e '"' : enforce ll e recovery of ihe same, nod v. I c' lected to be upplicd towards delra. ing tin- . if such buil. lines. .Si r. Ti tt.n- i.nr.tn nr liprs.tiw J..i''d ('' .he quesliou of reiiiov a I of the s.e it 1 1 jin-li ' 'oiiiily of Coluiobia, nl ihe ilic'ioo ni.t " u held by virtue of this act not duly i-'U'd n VOIP 111 ll- -Mid. in. 0 U'ifh tbn f'-.-.t u eli. n bis f.ct or all .11 v.iternil of bis or their proper 'I'"'1 ..lull v. i!e more limn once on said qm-n ' '' lIli'V It.l i.ll'.llilili.. lil.i.ll r ntivii-lillii 1 1 I'CIOIl ihe ri Kiii-r court oftiouiti'i sestMi.s if' 'ouii!j shall be sold, ct I.l Ibi- Moiallv I ii tii '"r HI lh j - i .'i 7Cllpr.il I'ti'i'liilll law's nf tlli I 'nliiii..ni,l,n Hr.e. 0. If uny jndeoi inspector sutbori-cd to tc held by voice of Miowmviv or wiilullv ii led Hie vo qualilic.l to vole on ts.e quistioii of sea! ol ju.lice in said county mac line. st cM'Mi ol tun a.-t, or snail re he rb ctini i a: t, ,.al ,)l a riii.i I I'.Hoval o! Hit ,,ilice the will , ( Hit- vnlc e a poison nit qualified to vole ns c n"' q'icilioii.he or lln-v r.o olVciulina'0'1 ''onviet.oi I hereof before the proper court (.18rU'1' fessioi.s id said coimty. t!..i!l f.-rleit nti.V ;"r u'c 1 sii.l county t'.ri u-'V su-h i flen. M"" t uii three' hun.hcd. or more lit.-1 l;tjt.dr-il .'o! I irsat thediscretion of ihc rour-"1 fUM nt.di rr;, an im-nisniinooit in Ihe i-iil ..'' county lor r oerind of n n le,-. iban n-.'.-lvn j,,s ur mere than twoyea's. ISko. 7. If anv jtot.cjo, ins 0r. or l',,'.'k of ''' dcclionnuihoiizcd to be )r!f vrlur ot ibis aet shall wilfnllv miscount, or s,r',ls,'1.v anJ h'idti-le-itly a Id up mid return the ' receivetl upon lla question afortvuid, or shall iV'11' '"lly fai cr. orslmll be guilty of uny fr. llle discharge o! h.sdutiei, evurv person s.1"1'!'!! upon convic lion thereof in ihe p.r .per ft ol i";ntei sessions of said county, shall be su? t0 ,lu; HiU0 ''"'-' "d pendlv as are imposed ,oi.-"iiiqiii nt judpta or, inspectors hy the general :llon laWi' llilK t;,,n'- monwcaltl). opi ngllalt:,l ur slum, r, tl.iu'ji I lastei does ..am or WeakiiCsMii the sa'e. 1 an of i In- b.j iy. Mr. H. C. V:'l '''J l'l'l iy I' (iot.li.n.j; '.Ittrl .Miii, j J i;.:ii:.i llllililUili! i, f (,';.( ;s jiavc wi-rili rlnl ifiVcis id Price i nly lii.! ccnis. 'it H. t.- ih'il on i.ii t t,i I,1 zciifcs and I'lasii rs, ii.u lio ii's Jill I. Hi. I a:,, ,o I.: I, n ist . r Dair.L'cis, :;j Ai, ; 1(5 ( hush;,,, it ....-q. und i xyt iii m i i! il,, d O.i sc Plaster. I 'until. n is rt ccssur1 ("M.ii, r fSlifiinnn' iis thi re i.re ma' t vt i i . 1 1 1 s.s arm li s i.ii, i. oil' ill t.lat e nl llirin. I llle U lll 1,1,1 hi,. ,,; i;r. hei'ihiiii ,s v im I j Ii il li,(s, I sl.ll iiM.se ;..lll:l I Won! iaii tltfcl. i ! s;i! .E.lin !,'. Mo ci Wm I, al;. r A I.i M & 'I In ii r. i K c: J. l.aZifl's M. to I f w ho II. o. is at U:(5 Niis jraiKLrcth's Fills. !TTi I'. 1 1 ... .1 ..... it . tpjf ''' I l:i- Iil.lt' Wii eella o.t .heme, Pi:i,.i.i, t, ., n i iiLt.t mat ili-.m; it will la .t'J. iiitlh has ll.e hIiiiI" . lain . hviiii.i COI. ('I'd Wla ll I'p.tvialid i.s th I" i ii-lo .il ibat 1 "I"1- I id i.e. It i, tine ll.al , vi.n in I e. l o iai.i:, a trial ,, i.,. )',, ,.,!,, ih '(;.;. lo le the li.-l l,i!i, n,. il,,.,- .... Jed. 'J 1., v arc ii.i'.ad a iiadi, ice a! . a, I "u I ii I I" '"' ''!. 'I i.i a tin,,,,:,. i.uoct i.i.ic i.f t, nr.. i ..nm i I e .. i (j., ,,iv I.. " -v mi' 1 1 r.-j i n;i ai i,, ai , y eon 1 1. ins, ai i; etu.s i ii "-i w im nave a n I"' mosl i s a llll.il "I I"'' ' 1111 n.iid ll.i.: fini ti- li i.i pinoniid.- a.iiilaiii of fi:,. I-, .1 ,,., , '' e.ai.il sin old lie:, I.. :1 c by liloi'lii'hi.rj,' en Hi i u n ; - I, line I'ii'jjh Or II I' I t (t: "'lency ol tii.,1 iiop,.,iaii lluitl ilic Erambetli IMh 'Otcan.ipalh !,ni!':eial (ll,,t. (m,.,, ., ; ,!. Iin,),tai,l ii.cdi icesaM d vahnd.V ,'i m i ll.,e , , loos where the ,!, i adl'nl u;,iW Hi,, iU1 ,,,, ' S- A 1, w iIom s taken imin, v ,.j , , j ,. I c ion I lint; Mined ii.t ,, h,.,:, . .,,n h . , I cr lain km it ai;v i:i.,i, ,i.. j,,, . ., I ill's iha :'i: , , ,1 j . , 'he Hit i:.l,. il, I',:!.. I . ','K mei. ci;:e le uiilvc.sacv ,,.,, 'j '1-taM', ai,.: la, ,,,s ,,i ,, aMUll , , , n: i 1 e il ielin s. Si, j :,, " "'I' this all in, ...... i l:i..it!i ll.,,,: thi J "I li .anil. ::: r ,, . IU A id at no Ma a ' r.o .a i a on di, it i". asrect nlly lx t il ltirchiiM il l v ihe subst riber. w ho its) cetfiilly annmiiiies Io his fiiunis mid the pub lic cenerally, (hat he is now pripaicd to exrcule ull kinds of wink in his line ul business, at ihu shorlest milieu, according to order, and in tlx- best .empniative mriincr. HaiiilLr lP (t.i.sii!e,a- be atus and being veiy pai tiuilur in ncirii.p ll.e sir xiies of exp-'iit need liiechiiliics, he lei Is lu.filu.t lhat l.eis ciij able uf cxtiutii" nil kinds t.f w,k in his line in aslyc supi rim In uny other e.-lalilish-ineiil in t he country. Puces of i. , i k cs follows: Lioiiiiyuiu wi.it I uln m il ,!ik. In in rr. ends pel uud' Do bottle ric..ns, olive brown, Ac. fiom SO I.) I'll sth els of the ahoic ci.Iois, f.iim -10 l,i 11 I'iiiiincls one yard wide, ;:n cuils. W ine, biown or blaik, .Jn Madder red. 4 5 A'lunkct Sydswii'c; Iwi'hdor plain, fn.in bO to 7J cuts per laid, Si-PsDIlXG & -"JLLIITG- It ill be done in the In si u nni er. m.d ,o ;. ,,sll. .uplift's All kinds of conn. ry pn duct- v i.l bo lakiii in pnjmci.t lorv.iikut .ui.mI!c n.a,I.,t iriccs. A'.y 77 TSE 'ITS; 17. , XVA7. cloths 4- nuj.Kjjrs; I'oiislanl.v 011 hand, for bi.lc ut ndi.i.d m,,,, lor ' 'ii.-h or IJ.nter. Poi the accommodation ol cusionicrs h.ii g m a ili.ilunci wool li.r Jauulatluiiii; will It M.ui in al Ihc follow ini; plaei s : ful.t MEIA col N'l V.-Eiipr K'.ur, Mill, I'i.-hin-c etk; Hr lnit s' f,.n , Coli n bi s; I ow iV 'I I:. InpM ii's stole, hiiia-llii'e; . ,. Waller Ac (.'o.'s -toie. Pciwiik i Mtwail A' .;, k, t-' .-i,,,,-, Oii,iM,.t.H..; ,i. .l.iKtlvy I o.'s sltne. 1 bal:,-..' huii: ; .Ii Im (i. M.ni le,,' sioic. Ciiiia wis i,; I,. st l's sli.ic, .leisi M,,v,,; )i ri ,V .Mi Hi i,!, V stoic, White all: Mr..l,.'.', ,.!i.le, 1'Vsl.it -I. I.i!le. 1.1 ZI.li.M-: CO I .N'l y-I;evuoldV,iore.Kiri.s Ion: (iililcrdecve s. ilsbairc: H ei n,,i e . !. ; .li.ibji. Mm I. 's Mill, Jh.niii.yi.jn J'luiii vi'Ulin diici:liuiia tnv.it accent ;iunij (ut.lt l ttntl. li. K. CL'AKHEAET. D.u.vii!,., May .'!, lbl.1 'i SWAN HOTEL, OiuitistvUe, Colvjubtu cuuvttj, fit. TIIIu sn'jocrilier icsj ceifiilly infnrn s ll C' mbiic thi,i l.c bus least il tins ' laroe three' ory 'Pan in, now ill l.'ie oec.iipain v id .Mr (I'. tifcf Si ii'le, in Oiancn i !, . ('nli.-jiibia niiiiv, I'a.. Mid intends mciino into ti i ib A;inl M .-', w hi: ,,. ,t ill ho ite his old iiiep ds and niMninc! the I'' i nl iieasi il to is s h Wi a "3T trs -la.-es. A.-, i. l naluie ft. it no- lo reiiit'ii- ue.i bid l im mil on I'nl li . oil t,i I li ill llHM (J. Mii' i in. lit I Hoi I. Horn I,, ck A I. Ps, J, .( s ,, Deir Si ,l'l;,il!e- l(u. IJa .liil.n Moon iJant il!c. Sir pl.cn ll.ddv, (hitirm i.spa, Ian. 4-1815 37. Om. JlSJUin oi: ll YOMIXc, ny fiiAiii.ris ,n:.i:i:. ISijChlPllO.NS an' respectfully soil, it al I, - int.- nil u.l online ,,1'HJI. L'l ll Oa.r,w, , m i.. r, - ii ' .. :u 'i ',. ..i., i, v.. i.j... o.t i us, viiii inahc mi Ueinvi lun-e cfal'out six h.nah'ed r.i.''t.s, of width Hm iimdrril pa;!t s will cinbruce 'he main l,i!v of tin i irralive. J be Appendix, bc.--i:!e a vsiiclv of en r tms uud illustrative iirticlcs.w ill contain ihc "Tl: l.'r.zelltn '1 ravelins." icviscd with iiiiiiiim.uk ..,M on,-. pciS'imil anecii.tfs. iinidents and tkitih I ehuriii !er, tn;;kins about un hundred pnes. I lie author llnnks proper to say, ti nt no calr. nive crcn fpnrcu to f.i.i'iin inlorrnalioli upon even i'iiii t'l'iiiiicico nun mis kiii j.c'i, jf fl tn r t" i .1 i,;,.,,r OJ vv. I. ... i - -i t.iiti i., u.t ,..i.ni,H ton. i.eei.inr cill.i.MC prnnm iis niinumeriible errors Imie bouiol',,. i-.visieii hi irji.oo io us siiiv, una us lis vcrv nle. stmir civil cliiiiiictcr Ims bun mircclv loutl.et upon, lhat abntst every iici.tleman would i!tsi,P , his library, in rr;pcc toil, un authentic iinrativc i r.e purpose or in j; up m,i,mti) ions is Io en:i- t.l topiis n !V . -i a. ilv I 1 I) ; ! Ilii l! e ;, ii.ll ll Iht ,.i i't Hi.t I sl'ooii; l.i.'.'l o'-ea-i.ii,- lin . i. cine w,i. 1 I't t stirelv it- vnii i unit- nndaiiies. 'I I. mal ku,i;i!,,ui- oer w bit ii i i'.ii.i'tt'ii win t hoi, ii- vr be n it weic not bir our I rioe i " oi. i o.ioiv li,: In ie. I m. t .i :t.:rn:oi,r.cs with l.er, whirh n,ji,! " " '. 'in hi ;, t.i ine l.iooi' w no , sir k ens Ibc let-ble.iii d u l icdui i s ,os,- , (,., ,,n i. ., :. a healthy wa.!:,r.l. Let me uain sav that t-v'crv oc -1011111 nl i.f the mai.iilactini. of ll,,,!,eth Pi. IS Cis.aialh -'lltniiti'lid. d 'v me. ao.l il,,, .'" ."'.v ,.u my inrce lala U tiiit.i, o ruav In 11. .1 "' ' Iieill tl i-l t desr rll r.l il scconluig to the i!i:ei-iioi,c ,-,, ,,., ; A c i; NTS, ' U a.liin.;toii h'.ibert M'Kuv. .teio!ovn- I,. A; A. 'J'. ;',M,:. Dun m I, j;. it. le v iu.I.!, A- Co, Cinnmissa C. (J. Iliobst. Ploonishur .1. Ii. .Mover. Limestone-Dnhbit & "M'Ninch. Hlitkhom ,V. O. Mi. i maker. I.iu.c l.nlgc Low Al TIimi lerwick- J U .KiiU-s May 3, 115 lv- J, mil iihvnv, 1IL. luriiism: , w i t, il ,. I ..si il r. illarl.i'l iili'unln, His Ii ,R widi Ihc clinlcisl .1 I lu. mis Al.d Ll;, ' I'A I'.I.C. , , l,v lalll, I... I I i.s mil be able ic y'aiu rs l.imst II' tt. at he to me ir , i,ci- sali.slaeln.il. Ci'-: Vi:' V.M';s l!i ;!" ''" ' i.. i.,i,spn waiin, 'ii i.'.i it mi. it-, I V. JOUNSO.V .i,..i'.'ti i; lip. .Used I n I I , fljSLs'crm'LI.V i,llWnis ., 5.. ' "luinhi., countv, and the cub': l"t"Hed l.inisclfin l!l,..,,.l icci opposuc M. J';ltl-S ( licit he ha npsoll. C'lizens o ueneially 11 oil .Main in fll wl.e'K I... 1. p- ncd ,lio,. in i.l it. ,,,v iv , ' J rcci ive and evceule all a,l ;, o;, i ' . !. , , . o"t r i hi. h and in a wtnL-i, -ms j cloclis an VatcP'1: ;of tn.i best tpiality, can be lia.l , .... A w jon veiy rca unable le ! . jslu'..:.'.lii;ic.it I iii;i'AiiiA W'UI 'Jl' ,J,,(. (0 tlr i;tl., '-.f. II .a' ; ' .' i it. iil lurther, wan.ii,' ( rcM , JiCk! -;. c. 7, ..vi v. . HKv nl i ic in. .in, Nil till' c.lltlir.r lo Mdce V bat 1.1. iii )''!. ase ll is ihe Only thiol! have lo iii,rs.ei,,is r Ii.rii,,n rfc' 'ion nollmricd lo be j would bt i ioper lo i nbhi h. . . " . . . , ., . .'i-i .. i... i. .. :n i i - . i . pi-IIlT Ibelii v virur i.l ihis ii' 111 Ii w: 'o ic in.niy priiinn in ,.'.,,, )linil be k-L-i'ilv and disliuct:'1 "i I ' '1:u nun.e ol .m , .., ,.i , aj 1 1, v.iin men iiiu.- l, alive r !,,t, f " . . ., .... il .: ... r.l .. I., lo , ',.,1 ;,. i. ... i . , ' evcty (Itizcil Alio bill " ""- M",:"'"0 oiiiii- -- ... i ' , ami likll'.iuj i, I'enaiv d of the scut i "'''-e 'is "foresaid, oil the sub.-cril t-rs ut Two pnlkii s a 1 1. y. l.dlv pa pet ,.: which 1 v refiialcicd.j money to be paid until l!,e Honk jB d, !ivc;tJ The path that ertds In weallll i-cs thrnuh the narrow dt li e ss which men of tx.died sin l' 'iflMlj t llf III f1 .in-1 it cu'iii ii FrZ?$T S,r,JAVnD f""" the silhserlbr,, ll - " ;"";" ,".i.s fiiice, ,, , ,,. j i,i U Irca'J will il or.ii l;do '" 'c damed a Subicrhthns ucdvuLl iUt ';" ioi.1 I. cl, i. oiv, i,i; ,,. I,.., jlli'l.Cll. Al.V itlaiil l.,'v,' j i.i iiottinii t,, tl.c bi....,,:!.r wine ,!. n(ll '( '"l.lid dull Ll reasoi.al.'y le ; J 1, I hi'.-. I . J . I tlooi...-Lurs.Aus, 3 i well as unv in tbi also make to , rd linn aichcs Ills it section f VA If.' of t'v cusloiav!-, . is of .l.-wt-l.-v, an ! !n jrk. la lie cic -n't i ( I Ui- Hv v.:!l Tt.L il',,:VfV COMPASSES '',I"!M'. M.d mt' . ... .. llbV I.l .t IKIt. J! i.r.d 111 u VI . I., , t t .-!, I I his -(4. I a. i i.uj. I'' "ui, li I, . t: r .if ri, ,i mi on un in itu i.:K 'i-ai I Kii.ljlctl riri ttt.il. le t-l.d.il.if if 1 v ;ii 1 1 nf ' mii n io 1 uf'i ,--. , :,or. I,, iniio j l;!iii mi t t i.O.i I !' i I.i e I..1.U, in i ...a i.t I ' Ii i ,-. , Act ii,;.,.-1.'., !-iu....:,'. 1- 10 -'' .'.- AV;.v, im s an ul: I