REMARKABLE. A couple nf tads in the village of Sicnben. I . . lii'iiiii raiher tired of remaining above Kfdiicil ilui inn the tint weather some lime Rin f , (we ouri Ire hwl very little eipei.J t , lion hi bi'inj! svn in ilu tin at thai (line) went into a nu ll to puiy. I he hottoin ws nearly dry, Inn niter a little while (lie hoy tiPinl h nti'mg amoni? the stones ahoa them 4111I iliev becuiua alurmed. They i hi in r 'I i :t e I y attempted to makj thiir wiy 'iii & one of ilim succeeded, hill the othei w as obliged in return to the bottom, and onii afterwards the stone work fell in upon Mm. I he alarm was noon civen and the citizen assembled tn out tli a corpse oi the miMiHirmii'mi victim, whom no one ex peeled In 1 1 . 1 1 1 i live. They had not dug Cir, however, before their apprehdnsions were set at ksi by the lilde follow halloo ing tu them, (hat he was 'cold and wanted lo I'onie out,' mill nn digging a little farther hey came to him sfa and noun I. sure i noiiir'i. Tlie sinncs in foiling had formed no nrc!i over lii ii. mid he wan only a little brosed. tin was taken out after remaining in the well about two hours and a half IVe ire requested to innnunre WILLIAM IIIDI, AY, of Bloom luwnihip, at a candidate for tlie office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the next October election. THE 1CAPJK3DT3. Hloomsdi'iio, Sept. 13, IS 15 The following it the si ae of parlies in l.i'Hial:inii f of ,birt i S 'li ite ) -noru '20: Whim 13. II use (3; hi 37, Ucinociano majou y on j nut 3;) ,1 Waahinnto i coi respoi.denl of fr or- Sin of Ang 30, s.iy.x; Supplies ot a nmii'iiiin n sic, forvn rd ing ftom ihe ai-eml by almnat every conveyance to ihe Smith declined foi Texas. The woi khons resemble bee hive. Tha nr-chanies at Ihe MvyYaid have all iheir tools in or. lei, and att teady fur a ct'f a' any moment. The story ihat tx Governor Corwin of Oiuo, hail ben seizul as a tunaiv.y slave, lit a hoax The H i'iw Tmiriil of Mood.,y say.; The S'ai" i-f MassaC-hnse'ls ha tins il.iy leciived a ilividcrnl l 30,000 no n hais in i he VWfiern Rail Road On ilu '0 h of I' biuaiy 1 si it ieceiv il i like aiiMuni, making a total ol 60, 0(;0.' The following leiier has been received Sy the Slate Treasurer. Ii shows, at least, thai tliere are some pi rvins ho are not only willing to ir,y i in-ir .nxe, but tu cnn,ribuie liberally to sards cancelling the Sulc tlcbi; Statu Thi;viry Ofhck. lltirrixbtnir, Srp !i, 1815 The Si; le I reasuicr it knowledges with ximi'h pleasure, lie tempt of a i-itrr ol wliii'li the following iii a ropy." 'Pnii.ADtariiiA, August 30, 1845. 'Sin: You will please appropriate the .enclosed hill (tiny dolluisj towards the pay jnent oi the uneiesi on the State debt, and .oblige a noii resident but a native of PENNSYLVAVIA.' To J a mls R Sn.WDLn, hlbq, Treasmer f l'H. The sum enclosed, a fifty d-illar bill on tin- Philadelphia ll nik, will bj applied to jmrpose iudicattd b the generous donor. JAMES K. SNODEN. Wheat, 75 Uye, 50 Corn, 40 Cloversced, 3 25 Flaxseed, 1 12 ll'it'er, lii, 2C Kti Tallow 10 Lanl 7 Dried Api'es, f2 White .Vans 75 licewax 25 Fee GSilBs A DOVli RETURNED. .Ifr Eiehliol z. of I'otisville, had a dove w lii' li ilie .Journal aa s had a great uver mm to i prison, :.i;d a tiiroiig desire to be In i ; i s mru'gles wi re ho conliiiued and jMi.J'iii, tli. iiiii, ally a feeling of compassion in .vi'iinl, iinO fie genile, eoo ng bird, was .e; iii li'n-riA , oiJ ivsav it sured, awa fi'i.iy iih r.ijilil H im.' I lirt e weeks or iiuiif I iji-eii, rtheu Mr. Eli'lilmiiZ Wi'.S mm I -ris-e I, o!ie iimriil: lit a (I ivc, .v I I h heeilied u. rla.nor tor aiu ninm usuj a c.ij. e; a cayH was ii vi-n H.wlieu m,' In ei rluii mi-iniMi.ihi'.iliii- m.irhr, Mr. E knew li t If Ins i) ioi.(!iiii IValLa-ted pel, Willi ii had re im lied, wounded and vvenn, to be nursed. .Some relc uile s porwdun had liot ii; one leg was hmken, and bird waa nihil w isi iiijiired It m now well, and vteiiis per teed) hapiy in its wite wrought house. Here is loud fur thought, iind material lur j oeiry. New Ri-t!f.ird ronta'ns 12 0)0 inVahi l.inis. and ii valuatiiKt is $12,000,000; aier-ging 1000 !o each tnn, woman, and 1'OB JUS TICKS AND CONST M,ES Pr i ne I i'i a sh,',i fir 1'ia purpose of I'os nig up in iheir Olh -es, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE ' J Li rtfiiinros Jiisuce an din 'table to have his bill of fees postod up in Ins olficH. ALSO Blanks for CONS CARLE SALES. Foi Sale. Til A T well known Tavern Stand, in Or- aiitjeville, now oiTiipi eil bv W illiam Edj'ar tin lioiiiip ia a hirire two ina-w- Mis3 "-,,y frame bi.ildinir . riS! large aunte and shed and one and half arre of land, all in (rood order. It is unnecessary to give any fuihei description, as the purchaser can view fo' himself V good tittle ii easy terms will bt iivn,upon application to the Subscriber. I'K I KK MII.I.KU Orange tp. Sept. 18, 1815, 21 5wi OUR MOTTO.NO TTO RE OU I'DONE liLACKMITIlING lT.IIH'ilIMi:T. BY KECOIZ-Vr & ati:i;. THE tiudersifined having taken the shn formerly occupied by Marbal Silve; thorn itiost reaper fully informs the puhlii; thai iliey i'lleiid to carry on ilie ab.ive branch ol iiin'iiiess ai d wilt at all timeg bn ready lo do work a lilile better and cheaper than au oilier tsi. blishnieni in the place, and they hope by strict attention to business to merit i large portion of the public patronage All kinds of count ry produce lakrn ii exchange for work &iihe reotli not refus i) STEIMlEN UVOIlsr, 1SAC SAN TEE, Blonmsborg Aug, 10,181521 HAS AWVY, FRO VI the subsi'i iber, souk time agn, nn indentured boy named JAMES COLLINS ag d 10 years One rent, bm no changes, will oe paid opni iio-ii. niy ie tirnco to me, and all person re fotbid liarbuniiL' or tiusung bun on my account, as 1 shall refuse to pay any dtbis of his cuimac'.iiig. CEORCE JOHN. Williamsburg. Aug 13, 1815-21 A I) OlMS TRATOR'S NO I ICE. 77ie Estate of JOIIX CliL.lSY, lute oj nlre luwiin'iip die d- NO I ICE is hereby ti i veil Oiat lettt rsol tomiiiiniraiion on be above meniioned h ie, liave been granted to the itibscribcr, living in Ceuire township. VII icrsoii mdebied to said es'i.ue are heieby umifiet tu niiike iuuiiediate payment and all thest having elaiiiis are requested to (iriten iliem pruperly auihenticHied to ei.ixs i;iusy MARGAKEf CREASY. sltlmiiuitrutorii. iirf Acrcs. t ' more or less abntt' EIGHTY ACRES ol which is cleaied Uid, bounded by lands ul Win. M Richard, Vai. Shoemaker, Curtif S. alien, rnd oiherg. w hereon is erected Hrge two story URIlK HOUSE a smal L i House, a Saw M't, a Laili Mill, frame table and other out gilding, two apple Among their Bssorunent will be louoil.o Mellaril, Willi tlie Hpe irnanees The chip'tienis ol specie frnm New York ,fiine July 31st wne $426 820 LlA l Jy iJi, t . I 'r ,0 MA RR'.ED On the 7th mat. bv ihe J'fiv. William J Ever, Mr. Mivhral 'Am ttiirrnian. U Mms Iruticin E. JJroifH, both .ol Roai ingr ei'k. (In ihe 0i!i insl by the same, 1Mt. oin iSliuiiinn, of Espvtowp, to Mis -Catharine Smuk, ol Catlawissa. lIKf).- n Rioomsbnrg. on Wrdnrsdiy jlasi, Mariia Mchilvy. agd 2 years, daugh ler nl Mi Aaron llenibrfhol. SVe are rrqucsird in unnounce JOHN STALKY. ;f (Jr. rnwc (id, as a ultii,leer (.'jnili (late for i(ip i (Tirp of rOPN I'V (MtIf;S!ONF.R. il tje O. ;,k n . t ..-p. PITRf JfJ S Af JR I MliTXERSllIP DISSOLVED, "ljs, I he (joitrtrlnershin liereinlore exiMimu iii.JaK iL Ii,,.. if I'fifi inryiii' IN piirau.nceofanonlcrofilioOrplmn'.tWt , 7,v,. ' , V A ' of Columbia county, on UUUM.. lit the IHarkiinillm,,, ,IN,iieH, Saturday t ike Atk day of Octoher l" Hi'J iicl.atteno'cUkintliefreiio(in..IOHN PAHK8 .ilorn ... huvi ' " Ad.n...istrnlcr,&o.ofll,illi,,l),l.ter,-il.eofKih.! . .'i . . V " I,h",," '"'" "'." iHbinglireck towiediip, in .aid countv, deceiiHed, . . . ' nr,n' " requested lo will expoHe to salo by nuhlic vendue, upon the pin- aFI"7 ""'ueuiaieiy lor seiileineiil. iiiies,t certain tract of land situate in Fishing- MAISAL 81 LVEK THORN. reek township, r.oliiinliia cuunly, containing I JUDAIl ItOONL nrn Jt uioomsourg, March 28, 1815. 49 6 Vll fjM WjS The Business, in fiiiuie, will be cir ried on at the old stand, by the subscriber nut tlurty-six paretics strict measure, whereon ib who solicits a continuance of tlie iMii.,n rcciru a laa olil Iriem . ami of n . m l ' " ' T IICW A l.OO I1UUSK, of may please call M. SILVERTIIORN. A LOG WARN. irrh 28 -49 ones illt about thirty acres of i lnared land, boumleil liy lands of J. M. Uucknlew, Michael V alile, I. I. a liour ami John II. Du.liler, late the estate of said JAt'OH EY'RLY, Clerk. Danvillv, Au-ua 1845 TNEW ARRIVAL OFXH Rcaclv iade Clothin.T The siiWribcr has jusi reejnd a I, rei aasorimeiii ol READY MADE CLOTH. INC, wiich will be sold us cheap for Cast, as iney can oe puitiiascd in ihe county. Call and examine fur youiseltes, as' ilu ' Right of Sealed' is guarantied to all. J, R, MOVER. June 7, 18 J5. 7 Chair Maiui(;u lory. rBHKaubsorilier havinij elalili.lie,l n II 'muse- J.'WAE'S lUillt TOXiC. 'This I fair Tunic bus timtured la uiilifiil Kcw Hair in Die lamia of hi,niln ils vio liml lic. n lal. lur years it ill -u iiu ilu s I be In il frnin Dniubu.t Uuios diseusei, nl Ihe scalp Preserves the liuiii lioin falling otl' oi iixuuiuiug peninineiilly gmy uyxji's ivjkmlwj Tin: IS a certain, safe and cfTi cltial remedy fur )ys. uiery, Diarilm i or loOhCiies's, clfuleru iiioiIius.hii i. iier coiupluinl, colic) Rripinp pubis; sugr slori.utl ; iek and nervous l.eadiu h, lieurlburii, wiuerl'ias! ; mi or sicKiiers ol the aloinnili; vnniiliuc; vi Mtiriir Posts. ll'l nn m4.V. I w'l,''"S)5 seasieknci-K; liiiiitiny, u.el.iiu link m., AW liloclfs, Sfv. Hici;i, iienr mu rusiiieuee Ol I,. II. Il nils, i.e Is now prnpaieil lo furnish Chans of every ili-si rii.tioii. oi ENOCH HOWKLL. " f, . 08 lMy CU" l'u,c""sjd " U of food alter eating and also where it lssh. 'V II (til ' l iirmign .nj uoily tun tl inpcil ; mil ul nppe T3PsiDP-i'r.iti t . , . . Wllllll II I '"".-.n.,.-, niiiiiiiuwiiiiv ii.siee ; winil III Ilie Mi. lecesed, tiluutu in the lowiisliip of Fishiimcreek, k... , '.i . , 1 ,c "T "e iimtt niul bowels; c rninn, iie, v,M Ir .r m and counlv ,i... .i . ...7. T.. . . . 8 ."1" "7 OS ISM ' . inc -ii:L:iaiur in iviaiKflE nlrnHl ntir w. K .lit jt. i.. .. i .... . -J iv .,u. hi. no wnere lie. win nlwavs be reailv tn mike any kind of clothinii. nt the shortest n.ui.-.. Sf3 N. f) U N A M V. NT I . Jt. IWIMV1. ,.,! i i .. ,, .. . ' ..v.i. ... . mu must laniiiou in n Hiviu. r rum I I) I V'I'I ' ' CIJcdipcic ol T70 llii I.,,, .,..,.;.,...... ....... i'"-" ".u Jiu,iui' r oiiiii i. r i'.iuii.ti in mu uiiHinesR, nn uaitersi .. i- ""clt tlui be hIuiII conlinuii to irivn ou..r,il ,.i. 'vlio ; oircci f...,-....., ,, ... , ? . iifitrcv n iMiwirivi receive a share ul l ho tioi (iiijitr This alter brani'h, from bis t peiience, he believe be can do a little lieller ban unv oilier i.rrson i. a ii i.:.. i .- . . ' ... . ' " ;in Minis ui country promiee Liken in nnvnioiil tills wellnii. fiu work. n r i'Oi'LAI! Pl.A.VK will l uL.m ;,, ., ... l"V iiieut at me nignesi ,Ket pine SAMTKI. HAliEJVULX'H .t r . . . 11 I viriuo in a writ t'l veil. ex. 10 me inreei ; , , . , ., , ., ed; will be exposed lo public sale, at the Llhjc pir,,,,,,,,,,. Court House in Danville,' n .Saturday the j j-'uiiii ul ir attention paid in riming. 4in oi ucuiier, llo ai Vi o clock. ii ihe following piojierty lo viz Ji certain tru t uf land, situate in (Irce.n wood township, Columbia County contain ne flloomsburg, Aug. 9 181.r. If 16 MTatllV aflaltlfia nviiess of spirits, frcttinc anil trii,n el liilann Hid fundi bowel allectioiiHaud li rvoiis .Iim ii es. f)r. J.iyXE'S TOMC I7:,'MUTCE Whiih is perfectly safe an, I so pie mant lli 't hildrcn will unl refuse to lake if it t ill in iiliv lestroys worms: unitializes a. id Iv or soun.i. sef lie stomach; increase,! npj,, liic t,u, u as a yei e al and pcriiiaueiit Tonic and is lliuelo e evenil. nily iHMielicial in iii'eiiniiieiit iiui'.lo uiiiiciil lees Old iudigeslioii; ic mid is a te; lain unj pivmaueiit ;ure lor l!iu li ver ami uui'. Oloums.iurg, July 4, 1 Hi p Jll Ilcflley ITIeiidi'iiliall, ItJVe IUSI receiveil.mid are now orionim .It the old stand of Eyer & Mffley, A. CMDMIVE ASSOItTMKNT OF SPRING AM) SUMMER GOODS Cunthtivg of rveiy mlielc umully itpt in cnunixji mote, Seized taken n execiu, and to be sold s ihe properly of W il'i Lemon. -ALSO A Bv virtue of a wrii of a ficiia facias, all hat cerlain piece or parcel if land, where in the said John Fnlmer tlij levied. situate in Sngarloaf lownsnip, Colqibia Counlv ulioiniiic lauds of Peter Luiz Win- Bella. i I,,., , an, I l'liu J(..n.. .rtlllUI IIKIV.UIU o,,. fc.'.'VCIia3 Lll lining Acres. DRY G00DS- Cloihs; Cassimeii ; Sattineils. Oambroons &c. lor summer pants; Calicoes, Chin,z; ualyonues Lawn? and Crape Delanes fcc. for )exse. Hosiery; Gloves fc Milts; D.'ndkcrchiel's, Scurfs; brown and bleached Slnrliniis colored Yarn; Laps and Wadding; Rounds and trimmings. They have also; I'.ilni Half; Tnvrllinti liaskcis; I, (Hiking JOHN MARKLU, Harness, Saddle c Trunk Manufacturer: 11 KSIMKri'Ft l.F.V infonnsthnpublicllial h m. lias loi'iiteil biinsclt in the shop next dou id Samuel llagenliuclis Uhair raclory, ilaiu slree oiooinsnuii', t.oiuinnia counlv, here lie wi ca r in llieiilmve bus ness in nil lis lirnnches. He wil vccp constantly ou hand line and coarso One. and Two Horse Iarue-srx, Horse Collars, Saddles, Uidlcs and Trunks; A c. p . . ... ...... ii every nescriplimi ; nut Having i:n n lofg expe iciice in Ilie liiisincis, he cm as gmul ivuik .iii.l as cheap us can uc purchased in the - t (Xj'AII knuls nf country produce taken in pa meiit for work, nt tlie market ptices. May 10, IHlo lim:i NOTICE. M .1 II , ii"'n.', ijuoitiii" vn.issis ami liijSf 71 per."hf s and allowances, togilier tviih Clocks. be hercdi li Ainems and appcitetncps. S z 'd. l lkeil in execu io'l mid y he sold is ihe properly of John Folmei I RAM DERR.Shcfj. Shekiff's Okfick, Danville, ? Sepieifber 9th, 1813. i Till: CHEAPEST EVER OFFif Ei) ix mis couxtv, run sjw SAMUEL A. WORM AN; N R. Cash paid lor Grain, Horse nd Provision. Fspylown, Aug. 23d., 1815 p. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, IMulafjcss, Pep per, Spices, in fact eveiy thing in lins exchange for LEATIiElt A 1,1. persons knowing lliemselveK iinli lileil t I jA. ibesubscnliei, are reiUi't.le.l lo come forwan iikI make payment. villlui taken in payment as usual, and received i: DR. JAYNE'S SANA TIVE PILLS. They may be taken ul all nmt s di,i! in nusi diseases In Inll iinniiilni v. inlrrnill- .ml, RiMliillenl, I'lliiMis, and etervolhir rni ol 1'evcr Jaundice and Liver t'om ilaliit. Tor Dyspepsia liny real!) an iiv.iluable iitllt le. crai!ii;iliy ciiatii'ttu' Urn iilialed secretions .f tlie stoma h and inci, .ml producing hcaliliy tciinii in loo-n mi- lor'.aut organs. J hey ate vi ry,, r diseases ul' ilie Skin, ami fi r v,. ij oininoiilv called I ) t .urit ul iSe lih.ot';' 10 for Female Coiuplai'iu, ( 'usiueiK-.'. l'- anil 111 lad fveiy (!ie:e n beie mi Iparinnt, Allenlive, or I'my iiive Mei'irino aay he rennited jay n e'o f.xpectoran r. It always cures AMhma two or liiivs irge doses 'A ill cure UicVioup ur lines 'liildren, in I'riiin ii !'t fii iiniitin s in p i oinrs tuiifi Ii iiiiiii'i!i.iti h siilnlufs tl: i ioleiicc of Hiiopinu Collnh, and i Hi i is t peeiiy cure. I luuilrros wlm fuee he, Mr 'l veil up by t!i! ir p!i o, j:l,s s i',eltrr;,l.i 'ilh 'Con? iimplinii,' iiai i. ln i M icsloii li cilia t hcalih, by it. t Spike. LI VI IX. ()TI'.ltI.OII A WV.ST. Wholesale Dealers in DRY fiOODS. Nn. 01 North 'Third Stree: Move Arch, (Sen. W. Linvill; Mbert F Osterlohi onjph V. West. Aug, 9th 1815. THIL1I' CIIKlsTM .. lllooinsblirg, May I,, l.s.-,4 IJ. T. ZIAYIIU22 T. ISLUOMSIiUKG, W ESPEl'FTTLI.Y informs the public ib u It "" "'" nn ateii nun;. i n in ilie .iioii I ii Heupieil by ZIIIA lil'iilil.K.s, in M AbK IM'- nTb'KIO T, where h intends carrying on the show piUMuess in nil its various brunches. III0AVY VAGG0:NS litlilt mid reiiaireil, as well as one hnrsn AV.W.'COXS AM) IIlJ(;f.!!N. ,.t more i.,.,ei.,li.v.. .....I ..II I I . ..1 I ... II. I ,, "i ' ' ) imni i i I'lnru, Ullil till ft 1 1 III I'I oil II I ' " . '".B " r"'H 8"U rr,:e,Ve Pajmeill all VV.k, in his hue, done at shut! in.iice ami,,,. tllltis nl country produce. nwM reasonable lerms ISTJS-SnffilLz' l()' 18 '5 3. Q-j-l.'oo.ll tber and all kinds nl f'onnlrv Tro P iliicelaken in pay meiit lor uo.k, but t,a.-h mil no v? H m-Bklk ClRkiiaBi I'C relusi 1 1 r. n b x m pi n n wi r n im m M .w m mm yj NF wll Bl line, iliat may be called lor. Crocknrv. A Kfiieral aol iiiii iii ul IVace Chains, ShoveN. Nails. and I he usual varielv of Locks. Screws, Hulls, &c., Uolletl and liar Iron, Hoop and band Iron, Waggon tire of all sizes, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All of which they will sell on the mos- JMllI.A, Ilooiiiil)ui' trlillory The Members of this ('oinpauy ; who ave Swords and -Belts, helor.ciiii! to tin ompatiy; are required forthwitli lodelivei bent to either of ihe Commissioned Olli rs. II. WEBB, Capl. UIIORSBURG, COLUMBIA CO. f KEsuliscribsr respectfully informs Ins fiumls J ami the public generally, Having com- , Ii ltd liis large ntnl coininoilious iioiri;. n Txborsburg, ami lilted it l p in good sly c, is nm prep'ired to entertain travellers in the best iii.iiinei, and be assures the public that no pains r-li.ill be spared to give gi ni nil salisf'action. lie dupes by doing so lo merit and receive a share nf the pat ronage of the puiihc, und invites nil to uivc him i. call. MfHOI.A.V KIMJT. August 30, IH-15 19lf Bridge Letting. HKOrO.SAI.N will I c received by the ioni. nn -sinners ol iniumniu enunt v, at tlie liotis. il .'Ibrahain Maiiuilig, in Crecnwood towusliiii, m Fridav, N'plernlier I", between the hours of 10, .M;and a.T. M. for building a lilllH'i: ovei Liitlc Tishincreek, in Xl.idisou and .laikson town ships, near Fullnier' Mill, ol the following descrip tion Mone Abutments feet high from low wate, ma,k IS feet long up find down the creek-! lei t thi, k at the tup and t feel thick at the bolloin utier walls lo be l." ficl long from (lie lace nl ilie abutments the lo lie a V'"'"'1 woodili Llrated Uiiilgc 'JO feet L'elwieu tlie nl ut iiii ts liy orJi.r if the I 'on nli.siollr, L MtMiiBNIIALL, Cu-sk. ( , nr 'f'i' P"- 1 ,T e, . j,r. Acj- 'CU- TI3IOTIIV KK1. A PiUME ARTICLE FUR SALE 5Y SAMUEL A. W0RMAN. Esnytown; July 20 1815. I, EG A L N O T I Cir. " All persons iiilereitcd will take notice, ill it ae ipplicalion was made to the juilje.' ol ibu couilul ,'oinuian pleas, silting ai 'nam ilk' in ami lo, l 'obinibia Cuunly nl the lenu nf Auitusl; . I IS45, by the members of ihe first r'rcnhy leiian f'hurch of iloomsburu; in the rniiuly of (.'obun bia; and Stale of 'eiinsy Ivnnia, by n oommiliei duly elci tnl by then for that purpose, lo iicipiin am enjoy Ihe pious inn! iniiniiiiilies ol a nr jioration, by the name Mle Title of the : liisl I'ri'sbyleriiui ( burcli nf Hlnninsbiuu' and if lie nllicit tit reason should be shown In the eontnirv at Ihe i.ext term ol the court lo be held alUativillealoie said; tl.'1 third Monday of November nex', the said court w ill then make a th ere? and declare; lhat tlie per ons so associated shall by Ihe name; Nvli'A Title; of 'thelirst 'resbyterian I'liuri h of Ulooms iurg' in ihe rolility ofColuinbia aforesa'd.beioiiie mil he a corporation or body politic.iiareeably tollie ct uf Assembly iusiichrase made and provided JACOB EYEKLY, I'rul. Danville Aug .23d, 1815 CATAisSA.a)TlilT, I'M'Assa tUL. CO. I'A. ACOB D'. indium travellers am1 his old cus.rM !MI iriemls, thai In still keeps the ai- 01,.. w,re ,e w j be happy Vi wan,,,,,, ,ll)fie w) fuvn, him with iheir en,,,. His house is lart. mil comuiodious. well srranije.'l to m .niiiinodale his t'lli, His lable is nlwa provide I with Ihe ,j,TKt Viands the null kcis can afford, an i8 ;ir rontains soim of the best li.piros l ,.;lM 1H r1u j( ,(ljs section of country. l6 slllb,.s aie HM ample, and good osl, are awaj j a( tendance. ADMIXISTllATOirS XOTICE Catawissa, July 128 152u 12 The Estate of THOMAS HAYCOCK ;,,,,, y,,v , late, o' ttmmgc'ctk lowiwnpi (let caed " -''I'l OTIUE i h'p.ebv given that letters of adiiiin j On Ilie Estate iJ JOHM I TII. di ri as istralion on die meniioned Ks.a.e ed, late of S"SurloalU.nsll;pt Colvm have been granted lo the .oilisi ribcr. All persons COtinly. indebted to said eslale are hereby notified to make. VMi H't.' I,.. n . . i . . i ii ,i i i ; l.i I I v I . is lien iiy g,, .,,iirr ni n.,iit..1l!.l,. l.uv ..I' nil, I nil lliiw. lui'iliir f lulu, 11 Ol'l l.t'O IS 'l ire requested lo pro-si'iil them properly aulhf uli April 5, 181.'. fiin.'n) aled to JOHN M II WCOt'K.'r. Iihorsblirg, August oil, ISI.i (iwl!) III. ANNS ! ! I5J.ANKS ! ! rr?-Jupti'-.-Blank EMM'i; TIONS and Sf'MMOyS ju-t j'tnud am! ior vdi ;.t AiJiiiiiii'raiion on Hip all ,,., jmt j;, late, Have t n L'r..Heil lie Subscriber. All icrsons indebted to aig,.. .,re i.,.r- by notified to make uniiur., paynicnt and all those having claims ar, Mv( ,(, ptc-rnl litem pinpirly sui!irs,, l() THOMAS MLNmiam,, v.' tc'ttor, 3 iiy 11, 1915. 0,12 House T W A aama- m- -m r aat - m Se stibsciibcrs have rstaSlished at ihr fi'iVtit'irtt 1I7- i-r .Wnlace. a new MJIHIU.R l',7.'l CaDmCt WJllC mil ,11 ., I, l. i. i ffjllt: subscriber would respectfully intniin ill, .i ,vuu; i oiiui it-ai pj nun r..r..;.iv t .,..- jL. " tinman ill Ul ur rt Mf'VMEXTS, TOMB- TAD L ES . TMn-STOXES, 1 1 EARTH jaw a, max tees. i'.ixt poxes, muleers, lc. of any 'u r work in their line 'They also prerci , ymxit WINDOW CAPS and hll, )()0 SILLS and STEPS ,vi. c)iut0 .Ma.ble, Lime or any kinil ol siom, iiiaa,, )P procured in tins vicinity Ji'Jr,ILni had considerable exneriene in ihe bus.gSi tj,ey ,,1,.,!; (lfjr vnt (l be execute' n as haiblsotne a slle as liii he lurnislM, (,v yiir, ri,,r i( city or com,-; .,, on fPHsenahle lerms AR STRONG k HUGHES. Bloomsbu 'ov, 3, 1813. y o public, til it he has lakcu Ihe sh ip lately ciipieil by .Samuel Lilly, near Ihe upper end lllnonisburg, where he is earning nil the in all its various branches, and where lie Vill tn happy o wait upon all those who may lavor bin with their custom. His Fiirniluie is wuiianlcil I be made of good mate, ial ami dui.ible, und he in lend ; keeping on hand Sidrlxiards. Si err fanes, Jmreavs Wordrtilies, Card Tallies. Dining Tallies. Breakfast Tublis, Cttiljoai ds. Stands, H ush Stands, liedsteads, Join'itronis, Co fins. A. ind all kinds rf wok in bis line, win, h he ill nl ipoii us ren-uiiable teuns a., thev can be pun i in ihe roiinly. liv s'licl attention In business he holies In n i i vi' anhae ol ubhe piiltniiin:e. iii;ou.. April 2:, IHIii.-Ivt Alloriicy al l,au. nffiie South side of Main si. ojionit, l.ijer y U1! e Mure, -- WILL A T I END (OUfMS l THE COUiNTIES OF COLL'.MUL' Mt I l I BNE. Cslnte of (Irorcte, Ik itrru k. hue. lllooin loimsltip dee'd. T II E creditors of ilie rstate nf Ceni lli'Mrrt. k di ceasi (',. wil! lal-o notice ilm undt rsiL'iied lias In en appointtd an nudum by I'leOiphaiis ('oiitl cl Cell nit i" Conbly ai'jii'i 'he rates ai.d proportions cf il c issi nf said estate, to and amoi g the i- euve en ibiors, areornin" lo ibt: oi'lir eslaiiiisbed by ii , :,m ilial le will alti nf illhe nl Charles II. De illi I, ii III' ooisbnig on Monday, ihellTdi i t l'r:n her neM at It) o'clock of said day, lo e -form ihe iluliif nl hu eppointint ni. v. I i i u w hi re all pi tsi r.s jiiiert s t d en u'tii.d I.' the tee piopi r. JAMi;s ri.i::-.N i at. f-'.'j'lr:i l.' r 11j. In I. u t. as :i ir'tneily in Pn'mnnary Dis asi's, no nii ilii'iiio I,, is ever nbuiiod .itrbrr,!!!' inori! ihscrveil ri'piilinioii. t;.j'Tb(! above Medieinn are all fnr::lu l ihe store nf JOHN J!. A.OVE!.'. ljlooaisbur,'. i ADMIXISTIIA TOR;S XO J ICE. he Estate of S('SAXA TOM I AX. SOX, lute rf Centre township, dictinci'. Jt ITIPH i-i hcre'-y ifSveu t.,u 1, nf iubniu. i-tration on III,' aliove meultelieil l'i.-lal , ave bi'i'ii griiiiteil lo Hie s.iosL'iioer, livuii; in I en- iv low iHiup. All persons iiitlelileil In .-ai-l -.t:i'o ne heii'liy iiulil'icd to make hiin.i nii.le avni-i,it ind all those hut iug claims me iciiJcMnl lo pie tut lliein prnpcily aiil'ieiitii 'ii'.eil lo MI,().M'JN Ni'.W LAI!), V.lni'r. May 1, U;i:, (ju I (?TUNl)i:U TJ!K SL'.N'.i) A10'(! t!ie wonders of ibis ape of im irovctiieiit-.Oii: subscriber r sjiectlully heg ave to call ihe al i n'ion ol bis Ii f inis and lie public in general lo ihe corner of Mam t., w here ho has just neerul and openeil nun Philadelphia a general assortment of CON F ECTI O N A II I KS, otisisiing ;i in nn r other ibinas of t'aiidies, variant; l.ims if Raisins, 'runes, Vv, Street and icaier Crnelii'rs, Oranges EeJii:s, Leinnn and I'nic a .!e. Si nip's. Snaps. , iiumds ami 7 nharca. mil all o'her srin Wu usually kept in a j;o nt . ,.lsi a fjooil fls'oilniriil i f SCHOOL BOOKS .L S TAT I )N,RY AH "I w Im b be ill si Hi hr.le i Lr.-ipr p Ifi'iiliey be pad .it any oil;, r t's'.abliali oenl in lliesp 'd ;egirs.' Good wiiirrt and ru'i red ragi iken in I'xclianco fni I'm 1, & (f. V. K A ELER. Ii'onmsbtirt', Jopc (Vh 181.3. CWOl'LlI re.jie:-. fully in.onii the f nlic. , y y libioin-bini; and vciioty, thai . 'lie lias j,.-1 it find a I.ii f xoiliiiii.l ol Jt LA I k 14 I. r-u t ' iiti-t-VVT-y. ! Y'-r ib .p no ,i hot. I nn ' Hi , I M i' i i" r i'.'.x It.:' 'ill i'l" en .. :", .. . Tl c I adie- : , -,, .... :e f i 'Il -1 i . I l ! up in the ino-t la-l to:ia; "' . . i-luir-r, July . M:., Ad I i i i . I .. o e -t !e ips llli'l l I i