T Tint paper of indenture were efuie inliti pobesinn. I however wiole im mediately, nuil received n ans.vor in the course ol a werk ilu( Mis. Pu nan 'would gladly take the child, could eh' he sent fo Troy. I emnniunicared tlx Tiel la the na blnckamtlli, whose eyes spaikled with joy. Leave th rest to m Miid he, 'V I nutnge ihe ilun. The uieeoe 'to. ntonow morning at tfour o'clock shi hil nfely he ilt-liveiell lo your mule." that evening, I will dress her in m) own ilaughtei'ii clothing, and lake Ik i lo Troy myself. I wis to lo noihwft more in the alTaii 4)ut I must acknowledge iienibled (in the result. Nut '1 quieted my sciupl "hy remembering the abolition doctrines jf my hosier, who would have gladly induced slave to run away Iroin his (inastsr and aid and abet his escape. Thenext morning there was a greai noise in the house, and I hranl sundry punishment whenever the Millie huzzy' should nmke her appearance. Hul day after day passed and she did not come, 'finally Mis Wilson's conscience h gti lo trouble her, and 1 verily believe feai d that Ihe child, driven to desperation by harsh treatment, had made way will herself. On going to the Post Office, one morn ing, I rtceived the following letttr,a pari of which I will transcribe: Mr Ukaii Miss Marsh: With yotii sisier'd permljsion I take libeily of wri ting a loiter to you. I have always lov ed you, but I dul not know until I lef', how much 1 wasfndebted for youi kind ness, Mr. Kilbourne, too, how good In lias been to me. There is nothing u, the world 1 remember with more pleas ure than his face, smutty and black as b most always is. 1 cannot tell how hap rv I am; you remember the lit lo bird l hat used lo imitate their notes, and wish 1 was a free bitd loo, Ijui now 1 would not change my situation for any thing, and yet I cry a great deal loo. !) not blame roe for it. I am so ur.aceus lomed to kind words that when Mr. Putnam speaks to me just as if I was a child of her own, the tears will come though I do try to push them bacA. I hope Mis. Wilson is nol very angry a bout my coming away. I do nol lay up anything against her, for I did not al ways do light myself. It was very wrong for me to lunch Ihe Piano when she foi bidden it, but I did love it so, I could not keep my hands finm one tun when I went to shut il up lor the nighi I nray foe Mi. Wdr. very niirbl After I have asked God to bless my kind friends here, and you and Mr Kilbourne, Ihen'at the end of my pray tr. 1 remeinher lJr. Wilson too. We start fir New Yoik lo morrow, wher the steam p icket if, in which passenger? go lo lvjropc Mrs. Putnam takes me with her, and il semis to me I shall be almost crazv with joy lo see snmo of those places tha I used to read about in the girl's gogra iihy One thing more about Mrs. Wilson. I diil nnt lake anvlhinir iwav fromlhep excejyling my Bible snd'Arabian Nighi' J " ' I those ore now in the bottom of my lit lie trunk going with me lo Europe. Ever.v thing Mrs. Wilson gave me is in the little attic. I shall think of y ou & Mr. KittournA every night when I an fa ill i' g on the blue ocean. Your grateful little friend. JANE HENRY. I carried the letter and handed it t, Mis. Pilson, (xptciing ome violem Irmor stralions of anger on her part. JnH to my aston aliment she was pr foctly catrn. Ii spems that tiun to hi principles she still frequented Iho mei togs of the aholiiioniMs. Another lec turer had visittd Ihe p'ace, one who was iuibnrd wi'h the spirit of Jesu Christ, lit; hdd dwell not only npm i-'ie vvron-s uone to i lie roiorert man., l"H upon the wrong and injury of whicl ddfiirenl members of society ate jjtiili) J Je i Spla dfil ami illustrated the gre:i: Jaw nl love. The heart which Ihe black smith' h.in.r.ii r could not soji'-n, w?s touchrd tiy the power of dimple, iru'h. ?iot so with her husband. i I is riruh was WLundtd, and he Mi iiid'gnani llnt'l Kilbourne, the h'.iiksmi'h should hav iot I filed in his f.nnily cnncein. Hi used every rllorl in his power lo citid 1iC puot man, and injure his business but in vain; die Wave headed wnrkmn w.is loo much beloved by ide villager; His business increased daily. As Trustee ol the Academy, he en ileavortd to avenge himsi II upon th j.)DDi teacher, hut hefure he could pu . . . . t i his limits into i xeeu'ion a nn ipy noon had been urovidud fur me, and ouci Installed mistress-of my own fireside, Jlnght, the lemonade trickled through, lintel the clieei li-Mi home nl the Wil I soil's. Ten years had pased since tin J Mifitlen disappearance of 3 me Henry I and that leng'h of liniC woiks many -ft elianvcs. The blacksmith's bu.iness had hrei fiiofiiublp. His daily gains had beei I frfrt'fully saved, and placed at interesi, Nay and he was now able to retire Irom his shon. and leave t!ie hammer and fugi- .1' It, his son. Air. Wilton had specjla- oifi . i . i f :l I II.. .1 ... I . lil .. were in t factory at a neighboring vil lage. Tt.e while house had past-ed into the hinds of Mr. Kilbourne, and now ndeed the lose and Woodbine, as ihey tiinnled their fragrance and hlos.oms, lee-mml ppl emblems of the harmony f congenial spirits vv i i h m . It was onesu iimi rs evening the eloors ind windows were all open, lights were n nearly every room, and the passers y heard ihe hiiin of happy voices, anH he music of a piano played by some killul hand A lady it was that touch d those key s, one just in Ihe blush o' npeoing womanhood. AVar her stood one who claimed and richly deserved ne inle oJ husband. He had travelled nuch ahioad, mingled in the gay saloon- il Paris and in the select circle of Lou ton; but a native born American, he ad chosen for his wife one of our own Green Mountain maidens, and shenon ither than our little bound girl Hum he face of our good blacksmith would 'irighien with smiles whenever !)' urned his eye upon l ho now happy lane. During the evening 1 missed her from (.he parlor; and conjecturing whither she irght have llsd. I went up to the It'll iltic; and there seited on the very old uoken chair which formerly had mad art ot its furniture. 1 lounu her in eais, the looked up and smiled as she met my glance, M came here lo mak i vow,' said she that in my prospetny I will never forget lo succor the orphan uid the oppressed. II J. I I! 1.1 STARVATION IN SOUTH CARO UNA. We are sorry lo hear (says the York vi 1 1 e Miscellany) that so many of oui worthy and wealthy citizens are making ip their minds to leave our district, on iccount of the failure of the corn crop. It is most true we are in atight squez1,' out relief will be had. The Legisla iure will furnish the means, and agent' of the Stale will bring a supply of con tl least ;o Columbia. The lower coun try, very generally, have acted mo" ihenlly in all proper appropriation". When our situation is liujly represent d and a judicious plan, proposed, th Legislature of our State will not b rackward in moving on the aubjc. Ask what is right, and it will not hi denied. A loan was made to Charles ton in her calamity. The same will no e refused the upper country in her ten old worse condition. liut wh.it an hose lo do who have no means to pay nil n credit to sustain them? Thetv'r lie rub? Will individual cnarny ht ufficiem? We know no'. Our advis iovv is, make all the indusiry you en in the fall crops use all economy re 'y on be justice o( the Legisdaiuie, and iot on ds charily, and anally Keep coo md don'l despond. IN AN .fWKWARD PREDICA ME NT. The laws ol Florida impose a heavy penalty on all persons who gel married without license from the clerk of tli. county court of thecounty in which they '" ' ? .eR.i.nui nave anonsneu . 1 i l l... . i. . i : . i. . .1 those courts, but have made nopiovi ion for the grnling nf marriage hcen- s! Ihe Mobile UerAI thinks ha die legislature acted knowinaly in tlv piemises, and that they designedly coin el the lair i" lon'dians to carry oui th' t ate motto 'Let us alone.' There i ine satisfaction, thai Ihe Governor is ; bachelor and will himself have to feel he tfJvets of his insidious legislation. GOOD THINGS 01) r OF PLACE. A correspondent of the AVw Yoik )iserver, in discanling upon the irrev n-nce ol church choirs, says that I her ire some pretty goings on sometimes, vh re the chon,? are surrounded w i ' ( io nl thick curt iin-s and I ho chorister re concealed from t ho congregation t " t i . . S'me reart, some p"n, ami otl ei- ..Iconvt rse, doubtless most lovingly ot oveatjle subjects, arid aie kindly - il-c- lionale one towards ano'her. Hut hi oientioiis a pai neuUr cae as conujg tin ler his own observation, which is alio- ;etliei too refieslitng a story not lo b. rirculated in this hot season. T;ie sine rs, in warm weather look care lo b Lrovided w'h refreshinents, and Iho- tn y replenished their outer man wh.l. he congregation fed the inner nun O' lex! substantial but more annrinriai. loud, tine very wjrm ahernoo'i, th- singers had waier melons and I moo id therewith to coniole themsi lve-, am: I happeneil that one of the genllemtn, u doing ihe agreeable lo his lady vis a bus, upset lemonad-jug. The floor ol ihe singing loll not being quite water mu ine congregation sit tinder Ihe Iroppings of t lie 'sanctuary' moie liter 'Hy than they expected or even desn TURA'lP FLY The Western Farmer and Gardner thai repeated and varied expcri-i oienls have proved that hall an ounce sti'pl U', mixed with a pound of tui .ltd, will comjleli ly jjievciit tfoe ULI J,y 111 J aVa "TRUTH Wirlltll'T HH iiiLOii'ariSita- o CANAL COMMlSSIONElt. jami:s HUItXS. im:movail ticket. SEAT OF JUSTICE. FOH BLOOIVISBURG. ASSEM IJI.Y. Tlioiua A rtmtoii- PROTHONOTAKY. jacoh i:vi:klv. REGISTER AND RKCOltDEU. ClIAKLLS COi:i, TREASURER. I harlcsj r .11 a n ii. COMMISSIONER. IVIcr I? nt AUDITOR. William Cole. THE TICKET. TlieTiiket pni n noiniinninn by tln- County Convention onMondiv hist, is imly a good one, and well worthy a gmerdl support. The Candidate for Assembly. I'. A. FUNS J ON. Esq lid been tried anil not found wauling, and in nrenrd ince with universal usa iliniiiorinui the Nuir, he is nniiiinated Inr a seeond irnn. Ifhonesiy, anittiy, anu I iiwiiiiiirs ure (lesir.itiie in ; Representative, lie has them and if eleeieil e are assured by his past course, dial lie will do nothinir to the discredit either of his ' onsiiinenls or himself. Fur ProihoniMary and Register and Re order, the present incumbents are re-nnini- taied. The eiuzens of die cmintv aie well equainted with both Iheso g en lie in en, am! 8 they have been faithful ud iicenni-nodai-ing puhlie seivants, we trust the people will extend to them ajrain I hi ir eoiifidenre nut support. We wish them lo emne )iIiiim with the Reunival to a more central a-ul jnsi position, and to have the privilege of sav ing hereafter thai the voters of ilie cniiuix qiproved of them along with the greit ques. tion with wfii'li they were iilentified, For (Jointnissioner, i.s presented a geni'e. man who gives tlie strongest guaranty that he will suit the people nl the eniintv in ihe fa i that he siamls well wherevir lie is knumi lie is a merhaiiic, iionet, inielllgent and unassuming, ami he will strive, il elected, to keep up ihe present exeelleiil idiiiinisir i- lion of county affairs. Weliive, foi sonn vears, been forttira'e in srlecing Cuiiiim Commissioners. U'e have tnnd. nlain honest men anil we (ind our County nut n- debij our stale la xe s paid up HOinpily, iini- our credit in the stale, lirmlly cslablished The candidate for Cnriniiitsiiuiei now pre rented, io just sui h a mm as we wanl in assist in C'jiiiiniiing ilii- slate 0f diiiu's am therefore worthy an election. The candidate for Treasurer, has been n faithful friend of the Removal, ihrninrh acod and Ihroiigh evil lepnri, and is wel qtiahfii'd f ir the office of Treasurer. Li i Removal men give him an enilniH.isti. -uippon for he ii worthv their mics sun' I'leii confidence. 'J'he iniii wlm nevn leserted a principle or betrrufi! a frirnd, tdrlv nominaieil f.,ran nfTn e ib.it he will lii! wild credit, and lie (niL'hl lo I e triumphant y el. eted hy the ec,(r, ,,f (!0m,iin.. County. .Mr. Co'c nl Su2irlii.if,ivil tnal.e a "nor Auihlor and e trut thutfor.; to tic, hi. eleetcrt to that (,fiice. Such is ihe. ijc-kei that ihe Cunventioi ha selected ami put before ihe people, aril e venture lo s.iy.ihit it will lie deeicd b i very large in j uity. All part of ih inly have liren firaly dcill widi in fnriiiuie it, ami no one lus any prnnniU nl (li-"Htis nun nr complaint. I.et all our Ifer.its.i'iei like hold anil jiive i l an ardent si);pnrt.ain we will tiave good'aml h-on .si in n fi.ling (he places of public trust The ineetipg of ihe (,'ouniy Cnnventinn, 5'ive us an opportunity of conn ruin i'l persons Iruni all parts ol cmiiiiy, upnn do prospect of die mic upon the Rem aval I!;1! in October, and all concur in il.c opinion thai li e vote will be u ore. than two io mo in favor of in acceptance. Rut one h tl irg appears lo animate the public but ion .seiuiiiicni pervade, the public mind aecqn die irovisinns of the Removal I'iII, nJ let ua hereafter have peace and harmony io ihe county. The people of Daanllt; !'.'.., : t CAN L COMMISSIONER. The State Convention which assembled CO U MTV C0. VH.VnO.V it llariishurg, jii ihe 4ih insl.iioiiiinated on; Conventiini met at the hoime of Join die. seeond lullot, JAMES HURNS, of M.filin County, n tilt) Democratic Candid aie lor Canal Commissioner. Viva a go 'd seiecion. lie is a sound unweaveriii! Dem ocrat. an honest man, an I every way r)inh tied, from long and active experience lur die duties of the office, and of elected, ol which there is not a pariiual of doubt, he will assist in perl'eciing ihe good work of Reform- upon the public worka, whii.h ha been so nobly begun, by the present able board of Canal Commissioners We shall publish the proceedings of the Convention in our next. Never were the proceedings of a Convcn lion conducted with more union hvinouy ii good feeling than were those ol ihe Reinov al Convention that assembled it) Rlonms burg on Monday last. AH faces were pleasant and smilling, al ihe sure pio-peci of nol only sustaining the Removal Hill b an overwhelming vote, hut of eleciing, the whole ticket by a triumphant iimjoriiy nv r any opposition thai can be seared up. Every man upon die ticket except Commissioner, being nominated by acclamation, bin lliere being ibree candidates for lnit office, all were mutually pledged to enter ihe field with the firm deteruiinaiian of abiding the result, and go heurl anil hand in the glorious cause in which ihcy weie all so deeply in- leresteih which was carried out to the letter. In lad, eeerv feeling s"em ed wallowed up in the one principle all for ihe measure noiliing fr men. Thi- good f.o In g m - I'esied i.i the Couvfiiiion; is a sure presage .f ihe determination ihr )ti;;hout ihe couii'Vi '.o make a long pull, a sirong pni', and a pull ill ing-ibfr.at ihe Ocioher eicciion.i.i , 11',; -' i (inal settlement of die long Vi xed rpie ion and ibus give lo the people f ihe euiiniv, dial justice, which h uciui s i I ju, ami -hanielully wiihheld (r un ihem. m..u, Sii far as we hale lit en able to "aiher 1 1 oui sjenileini n i r in various p ins o ihe count), no lii kei for years his been ruin ed hy die people jjencrally. with crcio-r f inn lan lite one i 1 1 ii in imhih,, n-m - the Kiinoial Coiivpniion. Frtciuls am! Iocs ali acree ihal n is a slrouj; one, ami in me d.iil'its ;N sni'cc'ri by a laie m j r i l V . shioihl .mv Oppo'-I loo, i.l ail ;:ri.-.C aali it. Of an iipiniiiuii lick' l, we are not n certain, ihoiih icjiori saw ihai il e Dai. vide laeiiou me (inlciiiorii'i; ;-g on lo i v.w.i some ond cr. Z '.is ol die upper seciio.i i.i ihe county, hy t" 11,1 U thiol to inn " volunieeis; bin we ihiok they nil' haiiht liuil any who aie willing to he s .erilii i d upon the a'lar ol their ctipu'ity and wia h i De nioi'l a'le p 1 1 1 V llH c vei V r.'a-oli In rej li'e nl '.he jildieiMiM M-lrcinni by .Inl'le I limn nHO'i fo i.uiii tnatlnl) lor Conniy (y'aiiieiiiioii of on mi we i ipn tli d in 'u a -orei . il.c I iiloA,n Iran was read hy ihe illiporlani i lii-'e ol Can ai (J.tiiiiiii.-si.iti- i i). i "i, a-Jamkh ISiiiN-. o .1 him , -uiutv. I He is a stannc'i repnh . ., a s oind j , " Pr- H '' IS:) ileumcrat, and poses.- a mnme jn.-'jr . Vu the l' ri ili;l if ihr ,' inveul Con menl, prai lical uisiloin aid Imiir i. en j (!l:ce. III? I It'll IIUI. bail fir sun.. f is tveu (Itn ciid lo our s ti ni ot I i i i n d Imnrovements. and he i.s ni iin ni U aeon nn i led with iis operation in ill is d, ia. s llis slerlini,' irai s ol charieli r, and prae Heal rxperietn e are sin li as lo inspire ihe . ..i cimnnence o, im-ru oerm-y, no.: to insnirri the iierlormniii e ol all the nlnl-ies m-ii e ... . i i , ' , , iv I ir -in ii y. r .1 . i i- in i r .. 1 1 it lily f.dlhlul tnid able i.'tsi -hitrie of the ilu ii connected whh the posi, lo which he will oiiiliiiihtediv be rei led ll is eraltfy ii.l' In n 11-cl i!ut ihe mimi i.iiijii vvasiiiade in peai e and harinmiv, llil a ni ii in i i JOni iindeislai'ilinir e.Msled 'ai'ivveen il,c , n-.. , ,.f lr, , inn ;i, (ilis, if ihe m'lT 'en'!einr:i whose naoo s Mere used in tlif c.an enlio:). ani ihal a ihe Tieinoers rd h ,1 hndv h i.-e e; cry i Dulin.-nee 0 :he ii,!.:iin"f, ; -I .v:i! i.-c ' i r b r i r- x hii;i? lo pr, ;.(s: !;',- f'( -1 .11 ' ' :.'oi ai-n-": . ii '!.' s irv t i !e cticce i c . . i. . . i . i i I our i ! :.i i. .:::: r , ' is n.' i,n:i i lice o( no eh.,, O r pi,- i ( no i i q-n- n 'ac, ion lie Is a (A nu-ei 'il. and in his v hc'i'iii lluie it) every ihiti? vvliieh shorili h arilloii l?, liolliiiiu W llicll Call lliSll 1CI lie party Let everv "ennine repnl!ican. every ad. ocale of an hunr-i and ccnno'nic.il man Ojcnii'in of I'o! luKrn.it Liiprove i.enli ol i'lnc-v 1 ni.in give a lm lv nsp-in-e am . i . 1 1 1 v iih il -lipporl lo the i.omii aiion of ihi ' iiventiioi. Dim, Cnion- I'lr j-iMarl ih h in'i rt id I! illiiTo.rn tint ine ll'C I i'c. war. iii'i iid -1 1 ;t n-l, utri "Mi env on lh memorable 1 'J h of Sept cm bcr 'I he prcMih ni h;,s responded lo thi ii poiite note, in which le s .,nl v ill , - II" rf him liiiic Ii p'eaMiie lo have an pp, . c . t i . i t id i Xrliailfjlf.p .(-I'Otiai JallilalieiiS w tit a lam! of pairio's diiiueiii:-1( d nnd tni dc ervinii a i.niirii.V ltiiiiii, J.- .Vi ihe delendei d Ujhiiiiuif ol lil t ' WHAT M; 17 A !.';ti M fas in i n nr. ml ;l to a 'f ro-, Ctil'e mm ,. i.i Pii.V.'io :. j,. ', '' j I. he hndy n, 1 1-.- ,., .. , ,.; , ; l(i nd ll.eii con. es nnt iii-i f,,;. i ; may be placed i.i a nii.l.e iri i.h -, oiiJ udur SiU'.uarY. I'lcasaui r. lice;;.!!! 9. V A 1 Cla ton in Hlooinabiirj, Monday, Septum her 8 h. Irflo.ai one o'clock, I', M. the eon leniion wm uiganiiid hy choosing the (ol 'hnving ofiicers ,M0:!11S()N F, JACKSON. Piii-..sidi:n r An mu: w R .1 ac oiv, IVicr Klink, $ Srctf.hirit The name of ihe tnwinhip '.voro ealleil over anil the follow tug delegate appeared and lO'ik llieir sni in the Coiiventjon. Dnercieek M. E, J ukaon, W'm. A. J liriii.ni Hlooin Charles Kahler. William S riiompHoo Catlawissa Stephen B llyi Isaac S Mon rot! Cemrc Solomon Ni wha d. .lacnS Ilef Deny A. H. Coiiimiiiga, William C. Ileiidershot Fthingcreck Thoinas J. Hutchison John 1 1 ess Franklin 1'eiir K'ine, William Rolu hack (leenwood Jacob Evans, I'eler (Jir loo Hemlock Thomas J- Vandersliie,.! du Simemaki r Jackson T'lninas W. Young, Jiil'ii .vage Liheity Leonard St int mini, Muse, .Sucker Limestone Gideon Wertman, Daniel S Folmer. M,.houiiig Irani Dcrr, Elias Mcroien h,, , M l -CI ri, ian Wolf, John KUr.jt M uli-on f uliu IK Her, Joseph Sheep .louui 1'ie tsani Amir, w K. Jaeoh '.i ip Kel. r Moiuoiif-lVitr "upeil, John Di iur N , j ! Alain John Fi.-her, John Grnver ; Orange John 15. Eily iri Uauc C. John. sen j) a,0 Christian Shinnai, Conra. Micliae Willian liredenbeuder. liiiiiarinj cutk Ilenfy Me ,, !. Ilower Sua arloiif John M' Henry, Colo On moiion. ihe Convention procciilcil lo 1 1 it- iiouin.atioii of eailiildates. On mo mo. I Imhu is A. I iinsiiin war noaniinoi'! inoninati d a j a candidate i'o U.-pri Kcniali ie On uioinni Jacob l.'yerly was unani'iinns v iiou.iu.iiid a CnidiJaie for I'miltona tar V. On million Charles Conner, was iiiiau iini ti-lv noinuiaieil us I'ainhil.ie fur J f i; i in a:. il lin'iaOi i The tla. in s of C'ui if F- Alailil, E-( I i i i -v' i 1 1 'i 1 l i join v-ot. .ie,n i iicin preseine-i to i ' cr1. '! n, iwif in i ii. s-'iu i : I..', i i.i I...- r.-t'.ir i!., 111 ) leel iichil lo III'." IVl.'U inn hi,- do- Iliioic ol .ii s :riot nv u i-ne ! ,l'r t;' ' en io., a, . - a-i-h lai- f,.r V uiniN IV' a-u re r, ' ut as I have a yre u-r in .-in- f,,r ,K union and !,. roionv o the i--oi.'V,,l . .... a.,xiou lor an olli.-e. I ri - . . , --oeei In I! V leave lo vv i nucivv ii i y iiaini i ' from before ihe Couvcntim). M',.L M'CAY. Upon mo'.ioti, CliarhsF. Mann, was i ri ) 1 1 1 in ' ii I V iiomiiP'teil a a ( aiidid.iie olli "C of couinv 'I'rcasun (. For Commission, r A' ui. J ivi1. .and ll n mon Labour, ind on pro crdinij u ballot. IV :. r Cut had V m. I. I '.i ! t l id I'ie'er, Fftei weri: iiaiunl. I j vo'rs I ti iii'i i te: ; lw re he pi oivedi il li I I! I .01' !..'' -t.l had 11 V ii " ' ! ' ': . ( ' in i . noon I I Ji'.-eolnl ll'.lilOl V, lllil ' il l Fill had Will. am J I'i.ler had 17 voles 1 H von s- II iriii'iii Labour, hid 11 votes, llifn Oill being no elmicii, ihe Convention pro "i.eili d lo a l! lid h.n'lol wl.eu I'cier Kui had 23 votes Uiliinii J. Iliih r, had 19 votes, where n.on 1'iier Eiit. was declared lo he duly loniin in d for I 'utiiiiii ssioner. On moiion, illi un Cole, wa unani-imiii-ly liomilialed as Candidate for Audi- ior. On moiion of Mi, hai l l. (lower, the ollow ing cenileinan were apj oillled a Coin - to repori ri soiii'ion to w it; A!irh:.el Ii Ilo'.ver, Win. A. .. Urillian William S. Thompson, Solomon iNewhard m:l Thomas J. Yandcrslii e, who after re 1111,7 re poind li.e following rrfultniiiii, I li b vvei'c : d; C is ihe fni Cotuny, , " H ioj tr, ihirii I il 3 31 ) 1 7iVoic7; ib ,t i,o opportunity nfT.rd '.hi I ill to seilln oui local ques'imi by ih fairly expressed voiienf ihe lax phi rs and vutero nl the louiny,! mailer for concraiu 'aiiu'i and rejoicing lo all who wish well io he pnblii: peace, r.nd desire lo ach long de iVrriid jufoiee done lo the eemral and eaaterii iinriion nl our territory. iVvnfe,; thai ihe mode by which ilof !, iiioval will he effected; lo wn, hy iho me f a oiajniiiy of ihe Conniv, will de niivc ihe opponents of the measure of all put uroiinitH of on v il hereafter, as they annul ah ie ibat ii whs eairied by accident or dial a majority of those interested wertt mil in its favor, t'i:iolenl Tva ihe provisions nf ihe Hemoval 1LII are framed in a spirit , f eour leoumiess and liberalitj to our opponent; their oi itfioal outlay (or county purposes, is reminded, and the new buildings are to 'v put up without lax nion upon them. I'ln ir acquiesi enre in ihe measure would dierelore be i.eiiber urinaiural or unwie llewlntil riiai the wirm graiiiude of he cinzi'iis of ibis eoiimy is due in Messrs. Snyder, Rons. Finision, Wright, Ciahb, Roiimfort and all others w ho have beeu our friends in ihe L' sislatnre, for the sincere ind aciive zual with which ihej have la loreit to brin this local quesiion loajust e.nlenieni and deierminuhiii. Amid dtlTi iiliies and opposition, ihey have been (aiih hi I and true, and ihey wIM have die pleas ure of seeing ihe people perfect ihe good wink which ihej have supported. fevofee That Wm. AlcKclvy. Jhn Laz ru", Charles H. Do.bler, Thomas Ufndcnhiill. Daniel Sot der, Daniel iMeleck, (I oilier ) J., cob llageiibucli. John Kmor, Anihnny Dciiahr, John F. Derr, John Sharpies and Ceoroe W.Morris, be enm iiiiiti e for li n purpos" of pro in ing sub scrtpiiiins under the Rill in eae nf in a(; 'cp'aiii.n.'e by die people wnh powe r lo add to 1'ieir iniuiher, and ihal ihey are lecom mend.'d lo promre them before the first day ofJniiuarv next, in order ihal there miy In; no delay in putting up ih,; nrw mMj. inirs csi)lvc(t''U;a (he niemhers of ihig Convention will support the whole itcktl put in nomination this day. I!tsnhed Thai Cb.ilcuK. Reeka.ew, Tluimas J. Hutchison, William J Ikler, M. R. Ilower and Morrison E. Jackson, be ihe Sianding Comuiiitee fur die ensuon; year, and thai they are requested lo prepare, il publish an ad, Ires 10 the voters of the County upon the Removal Queni and lo ippoini eommiiiie, of Vigilance in the I'ownships. Ihitifretl That ihe pro"et -dings of tins neeiing be signed by the officios, and pub I'S 'ed. 'I'ho Convenlion ihen atljourncd, wnh t 1 1 f hearty e beers for the success of die REMOVAL IJ1LL, and the W HOLE I'ICK El'.. fSic;iir;I In (he tjfu-rn; ) 9i rrv w- Tm jtufgj Til 10 CIM.MF: OF -I'lJOMMITY'. 'I'im I' ::.-.s i , (1 ,., ,.-, . i ; v ,. , .-, O I IV - 0. S'. , V', (.w.l-i, if, . Ill-, lii ' 0:0 b- (I.- i.l.l,. Oe , , ' i . ; ' . . tl- llCr- I I lil , x ii , ' ; ! n ...ol-.,-, ,.. Il '('. I II' I'- S . I ' f r ',,, . ..,i ion hi'll I y nl th- il'vn "i.i, , I, f he .., ..' nl i he s 1 1 i y , iv : , icn v , . i.n 1,1 cents a week bin no iiccnUn' nl be i haijie (; f pnijri nil 'I ! : Mot,' Mild c, I iiei'i l Was ;U.i) ul pliiXlilil'y III uiy I IV.' ANOTHER W ON I) ICR OF Tin-: WOULD. On one cf ihe peaks of ihe ?lps, is a block of granite weighing, by es'unale, 1 31 ,o7S ions, so nici ly b ilaneed on its none of itr i v uj . i hat a singk'- en an may 41 vi: II a lock 10 i 111 oi ion. A CUOD REFORM In Compliance vvilh a deCisioo maeh by ihe pi'iiph-nf Al.ibim., al tlie liiu election, hy a large m iori'v, the lil.-eU 'm iis of ihe hguslaiuie ol thai ij,atc w Ll 4 he biennial. A HOLD F I (JURE OF SPEECH. At the cat Council of lb" Senecu Nation, held las' week, near- Ji.f'alo, he Mibjf-ci of leinovin j; these Indians a eio-s the MiS-o.ippi In 11 jj under dis ciiiMoii, one Indian spea kr r can! he l.ae 111 cm fidence in Ins -a lult failn T.; why should he havi? His while lathe is haii oniMlnvd their Saviour, and what kind of Ireaioicnl coulii a poor Indian ex peel fuini men who had killed ll.e auu of G01I?' r ywg"ii".;"M A HEAVY VI Ivl)!('T 1 iinin ihe Craw foul Deir.ocral pu ilii j; I rivveui iM. It Lovvrv : V. e th 0 am. L-q. i n rie Em- ('anal Company, oi,iiu I10111 11 1 in al (tiimaif 1 ( w,,, Ujip: - .(.ii i. pa,-,, nniiT, n t 11 i ' II 'I Wf '1 1 it inn. Ii i.'' ' ': 1 il il l,r;j I.MS a..M. .:. I,,,:, I t.- I";,,;,!, Mujf, a vf;d,u i .j ,;. Louiy, L 5:,(it.' r,.