The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, September 06, 1845, Image 4

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ft very InmNonni friend nt'ours, wIk
few weoks mo was pike J nut of
nmfor;ahlu ollicfl up Hit- river, hi be
lake n hi'iiplf lo Hanor for tunn u
recover dom the wound ii.C r ed upoi
bit feelings by our -unprincipled iroum
jtinjr a Juit(.iratio(j.
Change of ir hivn ! a 1 n in
Plant effect upon hu tpirits, lor, fioni
(J ilcna, ha writes u an minim letiei
which, ariionii, oilier t h t n , telU of a
tlfiprle qirrel tint tok on
bu ird of Ihe boil between a led I i v
tourist (ml a leal 1 ve Yankee seitlcr.
The Utler irjil upon the toes of the
firmer; wheroiipoii the former threaten
ed to 'kick oui of the Cibin' 'lie latter.
You'll kick me out of this c.binn?'
Ye?! sir, I'll Lick you out of this cab
in!' You'll hick mf, Mr. Ili'chcock, out
of iliii Cibmi?'
.Vc, sir, I'll kick you Mr. Hitch
cock!' Well I ities,' said the very
coolly, aftr being peit, cily ; i t
that it was hirmelf that stood in such
tii.minen! peril of assault 'I gued since
you talk of kicking, you've never he;iri
.me tell nboi'i old UraJly and m) marc
there to huiii!'
No sir, nor do 1 wish
Wal, guess it won't et y0ii bick
much, any ovv kickinji' nerully
best lo be considered on. You sea old
-Uradl v is 0,,e bose sartimonious,
long-faced by'Cii'es,who put on a reli
gious suit every Sabbath day morning,
and with a gjd deal of screwing man
age to keep U on until after SPiinon in
-the Bfttruoon; and as I was a Universal
is1, he alters picked me out as a subject
tor religious conversation -and the
darned hypocrite would talk about htB
. .. iii. .i..i .u.. .:...:..
ven, neii anu tne ihvii :n crunmiun
and prayer, without ever winking.
Wal, h'i hud an old roan mare that
.would jump over any fourteen rail fence
in '.Illinois, and open any door in my
barn that hadn't a padlock on it. Tu or
tiuee times found her in my stablo and
I told Uradly about i , and he was'ver'
sot ty 'would watch her,' and in a
hull lot of such thing'', all said in a vcr)
- . m rw. f ti'illi a ( ioo tiuinit .i lunu
ft I iuui ui. mi i ii i , ...... -
a! old deacon Fariat's on Sacrament
day, 1 Knew an ine iime ns ivjs iyiK,
and so 1 watched him and his old roan
tu; and for three nights reglu, old roan
came to my stable about bud time, and
just at da) I glit liiadly would come and
. ' 1 1 i i .1.. n t . i irtnt.
oriuie ner aim i iue uu. iihrn j'uiiuun
.my old mare down lo a blacksmith's
K!rv aiwI hmt iinmA shnpfl madtt Willi
hnn. and had some shoes made witn
coika' about four inches long, ard had
en oared on her hind leel. xoui
heels, mister, ain't nothing to 'em. I
took her home, give her about ten f'-ei
halter, nd litd her in the corner of the
stable, fed hu well with oats about nine
o'clock and alter inking a good smoke,
-went to bed, knowing thai my old m'f
was a truth-telling animal, and that she'd
give a good report of herself in the morn
ing. ' 1 hadn't got fuly asleep before
the old wonun hunched me, and want
ed to know what on airth was ihc mat
ter out at the stable? Says I, go In
alecp Peggy, it is nothing but 'Kile'
she's kicking off fl;es 1 gtif5! Purly
toon she hunched me ftgtin, and says
she, tMr. Hitchcock, du gel up and see
what in the wotld U Ihe mailer with
Kate, lor she is kicking most powerful
ly,' L3y still, Peggy Kate will take
care oi herself, I guess' Wal, the next
mornin' about daylight, Uradly, with a
bridle in hand cum lo the stable, and bf
true as Ihe book of Genesis, when he
naw the old roan's sides, slarn and head
he cursed and sworn worse than you
did, Mister, when I came down on your
toes. Alter breakfast thai mirnin,'
Joe Davis cum lo my house, and say
ho, 'Diadly's old roan is nearly dead
Bin's cut all to pieces, and can scarcely
move.' '1 want lo kruw (says,) how
on aiilhdid it happen?' Now Joe Da
vis was a member of the same church
with Bradly,and whilst we were tlkin,'
up came that everlastiu' hypocrite, and
eays he, Mr. Hitchcock, my old roan
is ruined!' ' Du tell,' .-ays I. 'She i.'
cut all lo pieces,' says In: do ynu know
whether she was in your l.iblr, Mr.
llitclicockf la-t night?' Wal, Mister,
with ibis I lei out: Do I know it?
(ihe Yankee, here, in illusliation. made
a sudden advance upon Ihe dandy, who
made wiy for him, unenn-cious'y as it
were,) Do I know it, )0u no smiled,
nhtd-bf ilied, squa'h-headed, ole night
owl, you! you hrty-hookin,' corn-crib-bin,
' fodder-l'ii'lgin',' cent shavin' whit
l:n' ol nuthin' yon!' Kale kicks like h
dumb beas', but I've reduced the Ihinu
to science'.' Yankee hud not ceas-
pd to advance, or lbs dandy, in his as
tonishmrnt, to retrea"; and now, ih,
motion of ih l-tier bnng acceli rated by
ty apparent demonstration on the pan
of tbefo:mer, to 'suil the action lo Un
worn",' he found himself in the 4orial
hull.' tumblinir backwards over a pile
of bsjigsge, nd learina ihe knees of hi.-
pania en he acrambiiu up, a puieci
scream of laughler ttnnning him on all
sides. The defeat was total; a few mo
meets f1eiv.-ard9 he was teen dragging
Sis tnmk ashorp, while M r. Jlilthcmk
litiidied Ins stny on the boiler - deck.
SI. Lou it h'ei'ciinuJ.
The lC'iickt rb )ck"r contmns sit or i c.
nal anecdote concernl g these ci lebrat
d pusonag s, which is peculiarly i t -'cresting
lium in BU'heiiiiciiy. It ws
'elated to the K iicki'1 l:nck l's cone
lent by the Ute J j lge Uiw.ui, of
u r k y .i eui leiiuii ol ' ilmiinnuished te
town as ju'ii', and who tilled at viinu
times the olliners ol J.ide of (heCuU'l
if Appeal, y 'cretary of Si tie, metnb'!i
if the L-jnUiuic in l s own Siate
which hu alo represented wi'tl) mark
ihilitv in both II jujes ol Loniiies
leUliu the anecdote, t lie Ju le a.iid he
remembered the txacl words ul the pir
ne, and that he w,i ilia only living rt-
ci)iunl of th'in. UiU four pei sous hd
ver had coo Zince of them j these were
Gin. Ilamilion, Col. Bjrr, ih-'ir mutu
al friend Oen. D ,md himSL-lf. II'
had his information from Gen U -,
vho bound him to secrecy during ln-ife-time.
Tlie injunction was removed
oy his death, and alter forty years' si
lence he felt at liberty lo speak. Ju .'gi
liowan is now dead also.
In relating this anecdote, jJge Row
in, who was a nun of wonderlul collo
quial poweis, prefaced it by spying:
'Gentleman,' said he, 'this one cir
cumstance filled up, in my mind, tht
nutlines of ine character of these two
celebratad men; I want no other hisioi)
,jf ibem. You mav wnle i)ouilerou
tomes, eulogistic of one and denunciato
ry oi the otner; bui 1 have a Jucl in m)
tiead, and it is the centre of my opin
ion. Col. Horr, when arraigned fur
his trial, did me the very great honor to
invite in e to become his counsel and ad
vocate, but I remembered the Jucl and
It was at thit period in our history
.vheu the Confederation, having cast oil
he iron hoop of war, seemed lo have
no other bond ot strength. Mali's
niiniers wtre unsetiledj heie was no
ravitdtion of principle no unity ot
ijUi)use -no centre ol motion. Patriot
;mii had expended its enthusiasm; lib
rly had lust its vitality, and loibear
nice its gubctdination. lion believed
nal ine Slag gel lug eictnciiis u
jMl COniujiuii vvi line for a Bertsoa
hat the staggei ing elements would fal
in an-
aichy, and emetgo in monarchy. II
oelieved that the fi-rmeniation, if allow
-d lo lake ils courserwuui lioili auc
rllVrveate. and reClllv by Ci Slaliz lis
the dcpire to put Washington on Hit
.tirotiu. Uo UloUgtH, iiuweVt-r, llli
lhtr(J was 4 b,0,ier way lo -stability,' by
.. . t... n.t int .! inn tC utiumU
t.rni.H. Ita iltou itii . huwever, in
Mini .lie: bv tlie cor juration of aiiveis
nfluencte; a way les sinuous lo nisown
.dvancement. He believed tint tiure
was no mm without his price, while hi.-
. t i
icute discernment told htm mat iiamii
nn'swdsa character which even hie
own naitisatu would turn lo in despan
and prefer it lo his, in testing an experi
ment or trying a theory. Ue lU'i props,,
lion OMtion to lo Gen.II-imillui:;i
wag patriotic or it was traitorous; it wa-
full ol meaning overreaching ihe word
balincine the amhicuily nicely, but
iearching enough lo iind ihe weaklier
had it existed. He knew he would bt
understood, without being betrayed.
There was treason in it but it was n
he occasion, ihe manner, the words, it
you please; and yet it was no where, il
tie chose lo declaim m lie nana piop
to make, but he would not write it!
Maik Ihe man; he could not be prevail
ed on to put it upon paper. lie gave
his friend the words, and the emphasis
and made him repeal both, until they
told right to h:8 own ear. These weie.
the exac leims-:
'Col. Uurr presents his compliments
io Gi-n. Hamilton. Will Gen. H. seiz
ihe pieient oppoituni'y lo give a stable
jovernmenl to hisconntry and provide
or hix friend ?'
Gin. Hamilton did nol hesitate a mo
mnrit, this was his answer:
Gen Hamilton presents, in return,
his compliments to Col Hun; Col. B
hinksGen. II. ambitinu": he is right,
Gen. II. is one of the most ambitious cl
men; but his whole ambition is lo dr-
lerve well of his country.
There is an answer,' continued th
narrator, 'which would have d'heii a
Roman, there is the first of the offtiiice.-
whic'u he expiated at eehawken.
'What would our wives say, if thf
knew where we are?' said the rnptain o.
a -down eani,' gcliooner, when ihey wen
beating about in a thick fog, fearful of go
.ng ashore.
lliiinph! sbotildn l mind iliii, rrpiieii
the male, -if we only knew where e wen
M.L J." 1M.. i. .
A aailnr being summnned lo give te t i
runny before a pnnrl, waa questioned b)
the jm'pe t to his religions creed.
'Aiejcu an t!pitiCO)liaii?'
No, air.'
'A CaiholiiT
'No, fir.
A Methodisil'
No, sir.'
' V hat are you then?'
'I sin tf taio cn ihe for top, iir.'
Concerning the lie in vat if the Seat
f Justice of Vulumhiu Cuuiity.
from Danville to lilimmshurg,
Section t. Ho it enacted liy I ho Semite ami
limit! ol liepreHeiiiativci nl' he ('uMiin'jiiwia'illi ul
t'viiiisylvitiiia in fienerul Aneiulily met, ami it if
hereby e acted liy the uullioi lly of the amn, 'I'litit
it aliullnnd may bo lawful I'm the (iun lllod Vo
ter who have liesldcil In Columbia Coun
ty fur al L K.I ST SIX V ILV.VU.I II
HO.YTHS immtdiatthj preceding the next Ven
tral Median, lo vote ul audi election upon Hie
'Mention of the removal of dieir Steal of J unties from
Danville to aaid county, in the milli
ner lollowing,to wit: 1 lioiie in favor of a Kemovul
uliall vote a written or printed t'u kel liiielled,
"SEAT OF JL'STIUIS," and coutaining the
worda '-FOK UL(I).VI.SIJ(J," aud lhoe op
piined tit a, shall vote a wiitten or print
oJ ticket labelled ai aforonaid, and contaiiiing the
word " FOR UANVi.LEi"tlie8ai(ltickeu tobe
.lepoaited in a box which shall lie provided for that
purpose at each nd eveiy of the election pulls of
-mid county, and the returna of aaid election shall
io made in the lame maimer liy the Ketum Judges
i in the cane of the election of Meinbcia of the
Assembly, and if on the meeting of the Iteturn
Indies it shall appear that a majority of the volra
have been given in favor of Bloomsburg, then the
following ai-ctioiif of this act shall be of full foicc
and effect; but if il shall appear that a majority of
votes have been given against Uloomshur, then
the following sections of this act shall be null A void.
Sec. 2. That it's majority of the voters of said
county of Columbia, qualified as oforeimid, voting
on said question of Kemovul, shall decido in the
manner provided in the fust section of this act in
favor of the Removal of tho beat of Justice of said
county to the town of Ulooinilmrg, the citizens ol
Kloomsburg in said county shall creel, or muse to
e orcctod, .T I'IEIU OH'.'V VliOl'Ell
KXi'fySE, within three years from and after
such election, in the town of j'loomsburg, suitable
buildings of HSICK or 81'ONK, of Ihe MOST
APPKUV12D PLAN, for a Court House and
Piwoti, and dillerent oflices for the safe keeping ol
die county records, under the direction of the
County Commissioners, who are authorised to re
ceive a conveyance for such lot or lets of ground
lor the uso of such County buildings, not LENt
ihni O.N K ACHE, in feo simple clear of all in-
minbrauceai for the uie of the county of Columbia.
die said building to bo erected on such lot oi lots
of ground thus conveyed. And the Court ilous-e,
ind other public buildings and real estate on which
they are erected or is apuurtenniit theieto, at the
town of Danville, are hereby granted and confirm
ed to the i iluhitiniti of Mahoning township, with
lull authority to sell an I dispose of the same to tin
besl advan:age,and that s i much o ' the proceeds ol
said ale,ns i3 neeci'.iary to rufund to the citizens oi
DjiiviIIo whatever amount of money they may have
ivon for the original constiuction of the public
building ut said town, and tho purchase of ihe lots
it ground on which they a e creeled, .-hull l e ic-
funded ti the said cttien-, and the balance to be
piid into the Uouny Treasury for county purposes.
frivtdul ,n disposition or sale ol such public
luildingi shall be made until tl-.c court boose and
put lie buildings a'. Bloomsl urg shall be completed,
inu tho public rccordu ami oIIkCS ciC removed there
to. 8ec. 3. J so soon as th imiilic buiiitinrs
lie completed accordiiig to the provisions of tins
ict, the Commissioners aforesaid bhull file a repmt
if the same in the Cou' t of Common Pleas of said
county and said Court being saliffied lint mid
'luildiugs are fully completed uccuiding to the true
intent aud meaning of this act, and a record thric
if being made by cndoiscuient on mid icport, the
Jommisaioncis ill ritierifl" of said county shall tliere
lpon cause the prisoners, it any theic confined in
ho old prison, lo bo safely icmovcd to tho new.
ind the public papers ami records then rcu.ainine.
in the public olliccs at Dunvillo. to he safely depo
oted in the new buildings so as uforeaid bnili am!
Iirepaied for the reception thereof and fioni thence
'ortli tho Seat of Justice in aud for the county ot
Oolunibia shall cease to be at Danville, ai.d the
lame ahull be removed and fixed at the town ol
iil.iomsburg, in tho said county, and the public of
lices heretofore kept.and the courts of just'ee hereto
f. re held at)anville,incVfor'saideouuttr ofColumbin.
nhallbekept and held al Diminishing in Ihe build
iinjs erected for their accommodation os aforesaid.
Bkc 4. It shall be lawful for the citizens ot
Bloomsburg to obtain subscriptions from ai y per
ion or persons willing to subscribe any nionr v or
materials for the erection of such public buildii gs
as arc provided for in the second section of this act
and in default of tho payment of the same, the
county Commissioners arc hereby empowcicd to
cause suits to be brought in the name of the county
to enforce the recovery of thn same, and when col
lected to be applied towards defray ing the expenses
of such liuihiiugi.
Sec. 6. If anv person or persons shall vote on
the question of removal of the seat of justice ol snid
county of Columbia, at the election authorized to
be held by virluo of this act not duly rjuulified In
vote in ac:ordance with the first seclii u of this act
or sh II vote out of his or their proper diftiict, oi
shall vote more than once on raid question, tic oi
thev so ofTending upon conviction thereof beam
iho proper court of quarter echkioiib of said enmity,
shall bo subject to the penally provided for in tin
general election laws of this Commonwealth.
Sec. 6. If any juile or inspector of the clectiori
.luihoritcd to ic held by virtue of this act, abtih
knowingly nr wilfully reject tho vote of a citizrr
qualified to vole on the question of Ficmoval of Un
seat of justice in said county in accordance the will
first section of this act, or shall receive the vole oi
a pcison not qualified to vote as aforesaid on fait'
question, he or they so offending, upon conviction
thereof before the proper court of quarter fcsi-iou
of Mid county, tJiill forfeit and pay for the ure ot
aid county for every such offence, a sum not Irss
than three hundred or more than six hundred Jul
ius at the discretion of the court, und shall undergo
in imprisonment in the jail of said county for a
period of nol less than luclve months or mure than
two years.
Mac. 7. If any judge, inspector or clerk of the
election authorized to be held hy virtue of this act
shall wilfully miscount, or shall falsely and fiaudu
lently add up mid return the votes received upon the
question aforesaid, or shall keep afahc rally paper,
or shall be guilty of any fraud in the discharge of
his duties, every person so oflending upon convic
tion thereof in the proper court of quarter sessions
of said county, shall be subject to the same fine and
penalty as are imposed upon delinquent judges or
inspectors by the general election luws of this Com
nionwealth. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the judge and
injectors conducting the election authorized to be
held) y virtue of this actio cause the letter to
ita lc-otl.1t. anrl ilifitinrttv milt nnnncita thn nnmfl nf
every citizen whoBball vota on the question of the,
KemuTul ol t(t seat i tusucf as niotesaid, on tne
tally paper oh which his name shall be refiitered,
nd any wiltul emwicn so ic do sUaJl to darnel a
t'r itd,ud shall be punished as Mich i l net oi dance
-villi Ihe piov iriiuns td'the sevenih section of tho
hi.e. :i, It iliull be the duty ui every judge, In
spector and eleik conducting the election aulhoi
i'.'d to be held by virtue of this act, to lake (in addi
lion to (he oath or iilliriiuitiun lie is now require 1 1'
law to lake) an oalh ul uilliination I hat lie will
iionestly aud faithfully toinply in eveiy uwpeel
-villi the piovisions and requirements of this act.
fcKO 10. Il shall he the duty oi the re
iuui judges of taid rotinty, al the tune aim
place of their meeting in east up all tin
vnies received in the different election dia
iricts on '.he question of the Removal of the
teal of justice aforesaid, and shall make ou
two eerulicates showing the result, one ol
which shall be tiled in Ihe oflit e of the clerk
nl the court ol quarter tensions and the othei
it) the ollice of the ('iiiiiiinasioners ol said
!ounty of (Jolunihiii.
Nkc. shall be the duty of the Shir
ill' of ihe said county of Columbia, to canst
litis net to be published in al least three
newspapers published in said count) ; forai
leasi once in every week lor sixty days tin
mediately prcciding the next general elee
tion, and shall on the day' of the election
cause at least two printed copies, one ol
which shall be in the (ieiman langune, ol
said act lo bp posted in handbill form, in lb
most public place nearest the election pul
in every election district in said cniintv inn
ihe reasonable expense of such piihlieaiim
shall be paid by the said conmy of Coluni
bia hy orders drawn in the usual way.
Sec. 12. So much of the c xisttng lawt
of this Coinmonwealih as are altered oi
supplied by this art, he and ihe same tr
hereby repealed; and alen the arlof Assein
lilv riiidsid lCdiJune 1 830 eniitled nr. act
relating to the lien of Mechanics ar.d others
upon buildings, is hprehy repealed so far a
it relates to the buildings lo be erected ir
pursuance of this set
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of ths Senate.
Approved the twonty-fouith day of February, one
thousand ehjht hundred aud forty-five.
nuM;is it, siiuMC
sfiUJLDREN are most subiect to iliem.l-ut rer
j sons of all ages are liable to be nflhctld v. lib I
iliein. Dad breath, paleness about tho hps.tlo.htij
.-hecks, prcklng at the nose.wusluig awnydeauin ss
mill in Ihc bowels, joints or limbs, clistuibcd sleep
rightful drcums, iiioauiiig and soinelin e of voi
icious ajipttite, a:e among tho symptoms of wonus
.lany are doctored lor uiontl.a, lor some ollur iui-
I: .1 .i -ti m.i
Hilary ,n,eu,e v ien one oi o. .-ne itau s vi orm , , , Mfl ,(, (unmh .,
l.o.enges would ellect a cu.c. L). llyiui, corner , 1 i . . ns
d-1'.ioco street and the llowerv, cured a man of,1'1 "P"" rea8.)ahl ter-
i , , I. . in ll, mm litre n I jl Wlllelt
ivurniH iiiik was retiuceu 10 a saeicum, una cy onty . ,
.inn Inv i,l' Slioi-ii.uii'a 1 a- Y i.iu i,..i.t n. iil'i'icnnco nf I. . r Cl)ll OT
Lozenuts: heis now as hit
aa an Alderman 111 lion. Ii. 11. bearctslcv
has saved the life of on nf bia children by II, em.
The tale of over 3,0C0.(jt0 of boxes baa Hilly test
ed lueui, J hey are the only infallible uoitnilia
iroying medicine, hat lamlly wid be
without llieui?
Cousut.'ip; ion, Coiigln-.t.'cdds, Whooping Coughs
Asthma, aud all ufli ctions of ihe bines, w i 1 1 1" ... I i.
i....i.,.5 ,niiiu in on inian s l ough '1 hey
saved the Kev, Lichurd De Eoustj the Lev. Mr.
Slreeter, Jonathan Ilowaith, Esq. and that tvoihy
old hero, Leenord liogers. Iioin the cousi.iiiplive'b
grave, 'j'bey cured in one day the liev. Mr. Lum
bar, the liev. Mr. llandcoik; in. 11. Attreo J'.iij
of dibtfising eoubs. 'i bey no the plvasantcst
cough medicine and cine tho Eoouest of any ki.ovvn
HcadacIie.Sea-siikncFs and ralpilatien, relieved 01
from live lo ten iniiuiies by Shciiiiau'b Cninphoi
i.iizeiigea 1'ersoiis nlten ling crov.ded -ooius ii
'ravelling will Iind them to impait buoyancy ii
pirits und renew their energies, Those sulleiii t
Iiimii loofiee living w ill Iind a few of tlie lozeiiees
tu dispel the lioraoia mid lovMiess of npi'ils. .Mr.
iv ruth, of the Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cur
cd bimseli of i-cverc headai ho by them ,'aptail.
Cbadwick, of tho packet ship Wellington, has wit
nessed their efficacy in a great inany casts of tea
sickness. They operate like a charm upon the
agitated or shuttered nerves, i's Sherman's I'ooi
Man's Plaster doea upon ibeiimatism, lumbago
pain or weakness in ihe side, back: breast or aii
part of the body. Mr. II. G. Dad'crs, 30 Am
street; Henry il liouhling; liuj tlhiitlniii
street Mores J llenrii)iirB Ksq. and i
inultiiiiile of others have experienced tin
woiiilcilul (fTccis of these Plauli r.
Price only 12 cents. Caution is reressarx
to see that you eel the genuine Sherman'
Lozenges and Plasters, as there sire niar.i
worthless n r: it Irs BlleuiUil lobe psluni
oil' in plate of them, by those who wouh
irille. wiili yom tile for a m.iI.iii.
Dr. Sheriiian'i waiebutise is al ICG Nas
sail street. v or ship nv
Jiibn H- Moer IJIoen-sliiirfr
Win L Wafer it co IJei mi It
Low cv 'rhornpfiir Lime Iitdge
K. J. LiiZarits Oranjenile
M. (J. Slioniifker lluck Horn
L. tt A L Hiael Jereyto n
Derr & .M'Bride- W Lite Hall
John Moore Danville.
Stephen Haldv, Cnttav. ifsa.
Jan. 4 18-1537. Gm.
lusfonYoi-: uyomlgl y
CsUBSCRIPTIONS are respectfully solicited foi
the forthcoming History of v yoming. 1'hf
voik, now ready for Press, will make an Octavi
volume of about six hjiuhed pages, of w hid) five
hundred pages will embrace 'lie mum body of tin
tnrrative. 'i he Appendix, besides a variety of cu
r ous and illustrative article, will contain the "Tin
ilazettoi 1 ravcllers," leviscd with numerous addi
tions, peisonal anectotea, incidents and sketches
of character, making about an hundred pages.
j he author thinks proper to say, no paint
have been spared to obtain information upon even
point connected with this rul jcct. lie lias flatter
ed himself, as Wyoming has become classic ground
as uunumeruble errors have herttofort
existed in regard to its stoiy, and as its very inte
resting civil character has been rcarecly touchci!
upon, that almesl eveiy gentleman would desire foi
his library, in reaped to it, an authentic r.airative
J he purpose of taking up si.lncrip ions is to ena
ble the author to judge what number ot copies it
wduld k proper to publish.
The Book will te neatly printed in octavo form,
on excellent paper, with several illustrative plates.
bound in cloth, in modern style, and deliveied to
subscribers at Two Dollars a copy.
.No money to be poid until the Book is delivered-
iiubscriyiwni received at thu Office,
EH u Billing'!
tho presei t oiiportiinitv of
w ill? i t-rvri
expie sing his ihunkfulnen to his fiiemls.uiid
me public gem rally, tlir ,1C ,il,eral patronage I c ,. Mllht. ,!,:,.,. l,..r,.,.He -barged in llloomfchuig,
has heretofore received, iiifonos bis friends ai.d ihe Hlll ,nviug Mipplied himself wih a good J I K A t .S J 0
pulilic in general, lhat lie still continues ,0 ,Mr,y "" be will sin ml with it al the Funeral without any
ihe above business at his old ettablithed land, on exlia ehaige.
he corner ol Main and East slice's, wbe' JOHN BITTERS,
nopes, by strict attention to business, to receive Alay.0 1815 Cm 8
niil merit a shaic of public patronage as heretofore. V I 1"
lie deems it uniiecesniry logo into the u.aue of TT iail 1. IIJI
brag, or to use ony soft sodder about his SKILL in' TWO APP 1 f jT t- J f f c
the ri.OFE&fclON OF ISAVMENi; XLTTIMi fv, ,c LA, flltiJ0t)T TREE Making Lu
is his shop is ol long standing, and his wwk I c jj $nmt B(.,jve b()..g between tho
dunks will speak for Itself, and far more louder 1S )7 r(,c.ive 0(j c(
ilian winds, but, lie would merely say lie
jirnrrmiU liis wur't iliinp with iidaliiess. tliniiliililv.i
. i :. . .1. .. !...... r.. I.: il - l .. : -1 . T. t
lliu in me mo si insiiiuiinuie inuiuier, nun v. 1. 1
uro a good til ill all cases.
N. 11. Charges moderate to suit ti e times.
V. til I II-,
kinds ofcounlry produce luken in Iir
woik, at market prices.
liloonisbuig, .N..v. 9 18-14. 29.
T TIIE subscriber has just leeeived a laree us
smtnientol SPECTACLES and M'lC
I'ACLE GLASSES, of the best quality, of Imlb
white and green, from No. O. upwards.
(Persons alllieted with sore eyes, will Pud il
to their advantage lo call and get glasM-s In m him;
as thev may feel assured of deiiving a great Leiiifn
from (heir use
Eloomsburg, May 17, 18454
Chair . rTanufactoy,
'1 11 L. eubscriber ci.'iiiiuuts to tally on
CIIAIIl M A N U F A C TO 2 1 N 0
biisiiiesM ul ihe old stand of IL & llacri
buch, where he will be ready at all limes
to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chaiis, Set
ipp-., 15 istoti Kockinj,; Chair &!, of evcr
pKcriptinii, which may be called for, a'
sliurl notice and on the most reaponabli
terms, lie will also execute House, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering.
From liis experience in the business, nm'
his facilities of .iiaiitifactiirini; the varij-"
aniclrs of his line, lie flatters limine1-'
It WOlh.
can Ik
ie w
(!if nose of lor L.loli
N H. Outers from
a distance will In
stiicilc "id punctually attended to.
II l II ii ,,1 IU . II
Dlonmshirp, Dec. 30, lb 13
The r:iti(nsislnrs iS. II. 1- to
WCTfll.L keep constantly on hand, a large
y y sorliiicnt of
which thev will sell by WHOLLSAI K and Kfv
TAIL. iiJ "i n goad terms cn tit uitltlis.
can oe cituitere fmitiintvii. iiteiciiums am
libera, muv find it to ibeir interest to call .Ml
kinds of grain received in pavinent.
Brandreth's Tills.
J) EAD und understand ! The time will eomi
O wlieu Ihe medicine, Diauc.ictli l ills, t (
ppieeialed as they ought and deserve; it will 1 1
nndeialood that Lr. Liuiidieth has the slrongist
claims upon the public. Il is true that every in
dividual who mukes a trial ol the IJiundrctli Pill
concede theni to be the best medicii e Ihey vi i
used. They are indeed a medicine about w I. id
there is no niisinku. '1 heir value in a climate, so
i hiingcublc as ours cannot be sufiicici.llv aj.procir.l
cd A fce peispiiati. n is at once rtstoicd , linn
they cute colon, and coi.sunipin.n is pievci.tid.
riinsc who have u rei'iundanev of bile Iind them ol
ihe most issenlial service, and should then he a tie-lieicii'-y
of that inipoilant fluid tho ISrandrcth I'lll
havc an equally beneficial edi ct. Often has thn
important medicine saved valuable lives in those re-
ions where the iheadfnl yellow fever wjj prevail
i .g, A few doses taken immediately Upon the in
f ciion being M-eivid into tin system, will b ol
in ist cotuin to pievent any material inconvei i i ce
A id at iiosliigc of this drcadliil op demic is llit u
s i pioper a medicine as the ltrendielh Tills. Le'
,bis iiic.liciiic be universally used in thii
uisea-e, and no lor-s of blood all. .wed, and few.
vry few, would I c its victims. N it is with othei
-lisenses. Assist nature with this all imporram
uiedii ine to remote, moibid liiiinors from tlie blood
and do lint resort to bletding or mercury, andm
diall have a "cty gii'at teuieily of persons i.lllictet
wiili cronic maladies. The t'eiithei ed tiibe the an
mal kingdom- over which we aic Ihc buds, are
n. t ofllic.'cd with chronic maladies; neither should.
hp be if it were not for our priue which occasions
t'lt'in. Follow n.ituie. I'se the medicine ubidi
tiarmonizes Willi her, which mildly but surely re
moves all the im put i ties of ihe Mood.which strength
ens the fecble.and yet reduces those of too full habit
to a healthy standard. Let me again say that every
department of the manufacture of Uraiubetli Pills
is personally fupt rinlended ' y me, and that eveiy
box wiih my three labels upon it may be relit d up
on to have the hcmftcial elTtct if used
according to the dhcciinna accompany 'ng.
A C K N P S.
Waihington Robert M'Kay.
Jerseylown I., cc A. T. Jise!.
Danvillt E. 1(. Reynolds & Co.
Cuttawissa C. (i. lirohst.
Hloomsburg J. R. Moyer.
Limestone rabbit & M'Ninch.
Buckliorn M. ti. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridge Low A. Thompson,
ierwiek- J W Miles
Vay 3, 1816 ly- 2.
STRAYED from the subscriber,
about three weeks iirice, a While
and h'cJ, Cow, and had her hip
broken. Any persons given in-
foi motion to the subseriter where she niny .r
found shall b icosoiiiibly itwardtd for Ids trcu-
riocm:l-urg;Aug S 15
Cabint XTajdrp:
UK aubseriliei rrspectfull) infuriiis the pub
lic that ho has taki n the shop lately occupied
l y li. S. lls hurst, si the lower end of Market
street Ulooiusliurg; where he intends runying on
the ahovii business in ull ils branches, and sulieila it
thu e of the putrounge of the public.
In couiiedion with the above business, he o(Ti is
his ser.icts as an
11,. , II ! .-I, , v t ml. Cfll'l-MNS for
....,. .. inillll.,!ia .,,ii...iin m ib .nbv, r,l,..r
ril.MON C blllVK
hloomsburg. June 14,1845 6lf m8
l ist of Letter.
rrji L'MALMMi in the Dlooma
ti,liurg, on the quuiter ending June 3Ulh 1845
tvlouiiiH Alniihain kvnn Dniu.l
ll'epser isliis .Rohason Miss Mary
Jl'iilliner Laiiiel Reiihart fc-omuel 2
'.llartnmn A. U. Sprout A. 13. Esq-
Jackson Joseph e'ems Win, or John ship
Kaimady taiah Wychofl Y. V.
Muriin '1 hiimus Wakefield Jumea
Pt'isoiis colling for let'ers in the above list will
Uat,e say they oic sdvi rlin d.
rnUE Lunvilh' r-lenm Woollen Factory, for
Ji merly owned and occupied hy Lr. Peliikin,
has recently btcn un hae( d by the snlncriber, who
icsicclfully announces to his friends and the pub
lic geueially, tbul he is now prepared lo cxfcuto
all kinds ol woik in bis line ol business, at ihe
shortest nolicc, according to order, and in the best
comparative, nifnner. llaving gone to considera
ble expeme in repairing bis machinery and appa
ratus and being very particular in scaring the ser
vices of cxprit need met hanics, he feels confidc
that l e is capable of t-mnting all kinds of woik
in bis line in a style superioi lo anr "Mr establish
ment in t he country. Price- ot woik as follows:
Cloth i yard wide lie1' d'- hum to fi 5
Ck.,i pel y aid
Do bollle Rre-"'1' "l'vf brown, &c. from 50 to CO
Satirets above eolois, fioni 40 to H
..-is one yard wide, 20 cents.
niic, brow ii or blink, 40
Madder red, 45
blanket 'i yds w i'e; twi led or plain, from 00 to 70
ci-nts per yard.
tl ill be done in the best manner, and at the nsu
u prices All kinds nf cmiii.ry produce will lo
taken in piviiici.t ferwiikt y'aiivillc mailut
Constantly on band, fur sale at reduced price
for Cash of Uarler.
For the accommodation of customers living st a
distance wool for .1aiiulacluiiiig wll e ;uttn j
at the fol'owing jilaces :
CCU'MLIA COl'KTY. Isnae Kline -Fishingc
eek; llohiies' stoic. Columbus; Low .
Thi.mpson's Mote. Lime-Ridge; VV. L. Waller &.
Co.'s store, Ilerwitk ; Sttwait tt Rickets' store,
Oraiigevillc; Vi m. diKiU) Co.'s store, lilooiiis
linr.r 1.1,,, C. Mmn.lcss' slote. CuttuwiKso; L. Pi
se l's store. Jersey l" ei Hcri McRride's store,
White all; ftroiipV store, H'f.sliii ctoiiville.
1.1 ZIll.M'l COl .NTY Reynold's store.Kinpa
ion; (iil,!erleeve's. Wilksl in re; Mycis' stoic, Kan
licokt; Judge Mack's .Mill. 11 cnlington
J'luhi written directions must uccom
Danville, Mav 3, 1615 'i
Omngrville, Columbia county, Pa.
Till'" subscriber respectfully informs the
public liifil be has leased ibis large three
lory 'Pan-in. now i" 'lie occupancy of Mr
(Jennie. Seiple. in Orannevillp, Columbia
u'liintv, Pa., and intends moving into it on
the lir.-t of April next, where he will be
pleased tu see his old friends and cuslomeis
As his
will idvcavit be furrii.-b.rd w ith the brst the
n.itkei ntViirils. Ilia PAl? "i'h the rhniceti
nl Liquors And Ins SI A I.LL, attended by
faithful Hustlers, he Hatters liunsell that he
will be able to give general satisfaction
will always be ready lo tnni'purl waleraien
mi their route,
Jarcli 15, 1815if. '
"c lock sTvrcu "
ES'I'.CTFL'I.LY inf.-rnis die citizens a
Colunihij county, and the public generally
tlial he has locled himself in IJIooinsburg pn Mala
street opposite hi. Faul's Church, where belt
opened tliop, and is now teni'y r.nd pre pared to
receive ami execute all work in his line ol tuisniCMi,
'..ilh dispatch and in a woikmanlike n.iirnier.
clocks & Watches
of too best ipiality, can be had at bis esublishtnept
on very reasonable tcrne .
ItKl'AIKIM.' & ( I VA J I Cm
will be done to ihc satisfaction of tho customer, as
well of Clocks and Watches as of .It-welsy, and h
wiil further, warrant his work to be cxe -utcJ a
well as any in this section of the bta'.c. He will
also make to trdcr
or pocket, and in short, will do all otl eiwoik "srt
ally done in well regulated restectable rhlabliih
meiit. tie hopes by str.ct atitnln n to lusires
and a desire to please, lo ifcrive a lilcial sbate o
patroiuige. Country Produce taken in pay men
fur woik at the market prirw.
illoonishurg, Novcmlier 15, 1811 Sft.t