PACIOKY GIRL'S HAYINGS. 'I l.e urn. Mint il nullify deposited bj feu, .le opci nrs in die owll Saving' ) Hilt, IS llj'l l !! IWWll'H bundled audfill) H ill .,ra lor tvfi y luioiy gTl in Hie plsee. ;s nif of the hi have uniil in thousand il t eoh, die i'H'nsI nf -ulij. Ii, nl seven i.'i eeni, wtiuiJ support Iheui I it r Mil. Two ill tisailde UIX amkllg gir's I" Ne ur me baiely able to ae ilieaiacl vr witlmui saving miy tiling else. A 'iifrh mil) of I. niisville, Ky, named amer, has in vt-in. il a nihi:liin liy which Itf expeiis iu mike 1 ,000 girdeti hoes ia h .1 iry They Isik ul kidn rr caitle now by a gal .vanic. battery, l '!' the butehery de- mi mul iliu meal ieiuli r. Ilovv consider jiu! imlnll;, Niniln out yearly I mil son one liliihircd mid clghiy thousands pairs shoes, the cost i( Inch would lie between MX anil seven litinduil thousand dollars. Tne iiinmini pHid lor manufacturing litem A from 2U0 0011 to .25U -UUO. Hy (lilTrrciil nations, every day in lilt week is set np.iri lor pubic woiazip, viz; Sunday by the CIuis.mus, M unlay by tlie (iit-ii.uii. Tuesday hy the Frisians, Wed ifi(H v bj ili- A iiiiiif, Ihuisilay by the Jt.gv ptians, Friday by iht luiks, and Ssl tutUy tiy ihe Jew s . The Americans have six hundred whale ships in die Pacific Oi-fan , valued at mint twenty mibioiis id' dnllHrs. I'lie whole world hem es this iioi Im f ni niy wliali blups as w e. MULCH NO HinM) JURIES. The peiiljuiy ina lale Dial, in Phila .1etihia, ol a man on a chaige ul keepings lisi.rdenj iioiige, not only acijniued him Inil iliai'lfrJU (I (l Hi'Xieiy In lay lh( j-osls of ihe Milt oil the Oram! Jury, who rciiir:n d sui h u Irivulous i .e BS a ,(rt bill.' A coieinporHrv, peakui(i of mfiTltanici iiiiptovenienls' la)S Linle. doubiless, did HVrrv, ihp invpiitor and tirs-: maker of a Ynnkce wooden clock, dream, when he it hiH'iil (oil ihe moveiiiciiK i.flns firsi proilu.-iion iu ihe clock line ith a penknife nuil alierwardi ervei! )n ciciomers with a clock, uncased, Inun hi saihllit b;is, thai (.i a few vear,-ii artic'e conmrui'led on lilt pine iilar.. iIioiijIi of diir.icni 'materia would be inioiif iciured alone ejbllsliuieni in (lit exient ol liiiy ii.oiiMiid ihe yfar A new nape: colled Tin- I'lkeinnian.'has ju,l been id-'.'d al Pikeh.n, Oliio The eilu '"': I he VA'Ti'in.iin is ediied and publishei1 lt .N.imiii' 'ihe, ai filet on, 'fte county. O'nn, upon turi.Ae which i rosses I'n S.'i.oa iiver, al)oiimliii; wiih the moat de licimis fell called piin, mu ihe Oouri ilniise to ihe said Pike on I'ila county, or. Ihe npike, li;.s a noble pike as a vane, to iViw thai the wind blow iu favor or 1'ikc hilt he time.' ILLINKSS OF THE POPE T!ie Ii alih of the Pope ol R one is such hi lo cause Miami auioi.j; bis fi lends. He i ff. is much from a (Miner in the nosp.wiih bi( h be lins been for some time afflicted The dienne li w been la'.'vrly somewhai ( hrrkei!, Inn hag au iin acqoireil fresh vio leuce. lie is now newly eig'y yeirs of COMICAL" OR ASS. 'I'Iip Abingdon Virginian upenks of a ppc . : . C . t . . nun in nie enquiry wncfe me Hrans Is so short from drought, th,,i t,c f; rmers w have to lather it In fire tbey can cut it.' tion MARRIED On the 21'b nil , bv the Rev. Charles Wiimer. Mr. li'ihnn CarrM OuMiMc. to SnniA. daughter of M Francis Dean, of Cattawisj-n. Hv Oie Rev. D. .S fohi e on the 4ili insi Mr. Damki, UtRini.if Mtlmning. lo Mus Mary U i;ii m'j ol Cattawissa. 7 M Xf. tm r .m -J 1 i l)L')OMsDt;itG, Sep'. 6, IS 15 Wl.ea', 75 Ky-i 50 Com, 40 .f.'1nver.ep(f 3 25 Jlixseed, 1 12 JB-l'tr, l-2l 0,:s. 26 T-lloW 10 LhiI 7 Diinl Apples, 62 While 7Aans 75 JcewiX 25 Fee Mills FOR JUS l ICES AND CONSTABLES Prinierl on a fbret for llie purpose of Pus jug on in ibeir Offici . FOR SALE aT THIS OFFICE '"7'The Liw requirrs Justice an Con stable to luvi his bill of fees postod u,i in Ins tfjice. -ALSO-BU-At fur CONSPAULC SALE'S. IV O T I C 13 . Estate of George Dnteruk, lute jf Bloom lOWIISHIj) (ICQ a 'I'll H creditors uf the estate of George Deitcriek deceased, will lake notice thai tinuersigneii lias oeen appointed an auditor liy llie Wrnlians Court ol Columbia County, ui adjust the rules and proportions of the sksuis ol aanl estate, to ami anions lite re spective crediiors, acoorilintf to the order established by la, ami that lie will attend hi the lioiisii of Cliirles II. D nhbr i Ulooitisburg on Monday, the 27di of Octo her nen at 10 o'clock of said day, lo pec form the duties ol his eppoiiiKnent.w lien Si where all perion interested can utietid i! iliev see proper. JAMliS PLEASANTS. September 5tl. 1815. SIIKUIFF'S SLES. Ill virtue of a writ of ven. ex. to me direct edj will be exmncd lo publii! sale, at the Coun (louse in Danville,, n Saturday the 4 ill nf ( )r i i)f r imr. ul i., , . 4 1, or Ui lober, 1840 at 12 o clock. M the following p.operty to viz: .1 certain tract uflanJ.situale in (Ireen- wood township, Columbia County contain '"8 more or less about EIGHTY ACRESoi Vtllil'hia i.Ua.l I ....I I... .....I... I U.. I I. ,1 " I1IIU, UUIIIIUGIJ UV IHIIUS Oil Win. M u.ntrA vv. vi l... " ... inn. , . in. . ' fi ucui unci, vul ur Matten. end oiherg, whereon is erected h large twoaiory liltlCK HOUSE, a smal. Log House, a Saw Mill, a Lath Mill, frame .t.KU u,.,l ,,,,. l. , v..u .,!., uuk jiiiiuiug, iwo app ie orchard, wlili ilm onnonu.. Seized lake,, ,n execution and ,o be sol.l n ihe properly of William Lemon -ALSO 0y virtue of a writ of a fieiia facias, all llal ceriain piece or parcel ol land, where m the said John Fidmer ilien levied. situate iu Sugarlnaf iDWimnin t .t n ru Ki a ( ii. .. r " nltoliiiiiir Ui la of Vmur .mx Win- Smnuc Ureiybaum and Eliaa Uellas, con lining 298 Acres, 71 perfheg and allowances, together tvith the hereili liiameots and aezui, taken in ex"ciui.i i and to be sold as the property of John Folmet Hi AM DKRR. Sheriff. oh';'-ff's Okfiok, Danville, T''bcr O.h, 18-15. PEMPEIfANCE aivgg MEETING. I II E friends of Temncra ,i.. i l , ' ' " MIMIUVIMMK " w,c a-'joinino- c(,n,j. s rt hereby earnestly and respectfully ii,vi,e,j , aiiend a Temperance Mush Ateiin u(t White ILIIhikI adjoining Societies' lo ,v held in White Mull mi Iriu I liil. ,1.... . f o . 'ember, A. D. IJ5 i...mbJr of '.hL i,uLur .. .. lc ur inepcni on me occasions JAMES McDOVt ELL, A UK A II AM WELLIVER, DAVID K OA UN A II AN, ConmiiHee of luvi ulion. August 22, 18i5-3t. SS2I? EJS n u-u' RIIORSIUJRCJ, COLUMBIA CO. uuMii.iscrinsr rcspcctlully informs his fiumL aim tlie nulilio couei-a Iv. ih.n navincr ,.,. t...u ins large ami commodious ,,l..,.l I.:, i . - " in Filiorsbmx, and lilted it i.p in good slvlc is no prepared to entertain Iravelh nianimi uurcs me punnc Hint no p;iis ahall be spared to give e.neral satUlaetiou. He hope bj dome so m .,.,; n.i , . .i - . ...nig so ui mint and receive a share nf the ronage of the puohc. and invites all lo (.ive him Cl11' MCHOI.A.V KIXTi'l- August 30, 1815 19if Bridgo hcttlns. PROPOSALS will be received by tho Com missioners uf Columbia countv. at the him,. ol i4lirabam .Manning, iu Ciccnwuod towm-hin. oi rnday, September J !!, between the hours of 10, . M- and 2, P. M. for building i liHIOCi: ovei Llltlc Fishincreck, in Madison and J sbips, near Fullmer' Mill, of the t'ollowine dcsciiu- Stone Abutmntf.S bet hiub from low wain maik 18 feet lonir ui and down tllP rrnrlf - d feet thick ut the top hii.I 6 le.el tbiik at the biiltnii, wing wiills to be 15 reel Inna from Ihe f.iej. ol the abutments Ihe superstructure to be a covered wooden IJraied JLJ inly c 45 lect between the abut nicts Uy order of the (-'on miwdnncrs, E. M EM JEN HALL. Ci.krk. Connnissinncrs' OUice, ZJanville, Aug. 3U- PUBLIC SALE. X purFuance or an order r.r the Orphan's Cou- of Columbia county, on SuUird'ty, theAlh day of Ocloher len o'clock in the forennnn.JQHX I'AHK AdiniiiiBtratcr, Kc. of Phillip Uudiler.M ile of I'i..i ishinghrerx township, in said county,- deceased will expose tf sale by ouldic vendue, upon the pie- iniscs, a ceriHin iraci m land situate in r u-hing-reek townbhip. Columbia county, containing IS A.VB and thirty-six ptrches strict measure, whereon ii erected a A LOG HOUSE, with sbout thirty acres nf lesred land, bounded by lands of J. M. Buckalew, Michnel Yahle. I. l,a bour and John II. UuJder. late the emale of taid decfied, eiuite in the township of Fisbingcreek. anp county aloresiid. JAOOB EYjSRLY, Clerk. , Danville, Aogus 1845 BLANKS ! ! nLANKSM ICrJofticPsBlank EXECUTIONS and SUMMOXS just printed and for sale ai his Office CANDIDATES. We are requeued announce THOMAS A FUNSTON I I if Jimuii. us n CHiiiliiLiM I'.ir ru i!i! o ihe LEGISLVTUUE it the Ocloher Election. We ire rcouesteJ In iiiiniiiiiica WILLIAM J. IKELER, .f Mount Pleasant, as a OanJiJuto Inr tho Office of rOU.NTV COMMISSIONEK. it the next October Lleclion. We are requemci' to announce HAUM.W LAIIOR, ifFishiiis creek, an a candi.lato f,,r tho Office CO UK T Y fO. M IssiO N t; K, it tho October Election, We are requested to announce l'KTEH ENT, ,,f U 'Hiamsburg, as a candidate for the ..Hice of COUN I Y COMMISSIONER. 'be "xt October Election. e ar(, eqitestpd announce CHARLES E. MANN, i ol i axion, as a candidate for the office ol COUNTY TREASURER, al l,0 novv f,.,..k .. I.'l I.' 1,ie nex Oober Lledtion. We ire irqnesim! to announce WILLIAM HIDLAY, nl I! Innin lnMii.J,.,, us . f .. 1. - I ..oi.iw, as a lur (III i, iiCtj f I COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the next October election. 'V'e are lequesied lo annoiuice NEAL AJ'CW. if Derry, as a lamiiddto for the office of f nllM'I'V Tnrj iDunnn uvyu.iii Ul 'be nei" October Election, We are requested io announce JACOU eyerly, as a candidate f ir the office of PRO ITIONATARY ifep. ,of the several Courts of Columbia County, at the next October Election. We are requested to announce Cll.UiLES CONNER, .s a canr'idate fm the office of REGISTER it RECORDER. for Columbia Count)', at lite next Cclobci Election. We are requesied to announce WILLIAM COLE, "f SuS',r,0i'f a t'il,,JiJjlu 'ur iH'"-'' AUDITOR. Nt ihe next October Elecnon vy GSOOds. THE CHEAPEST E VER OF EE It El) IS THIS COUSTV, FOR SJJ BY SAMUEL A. WORM AN. N. U. Cash paid for Grain, Horse Feed ml Provision. Espy town, Aug. 23d., 1815 p LI M II I., i)ll I J n IVhblcsalc Dealers in v i:st. JSIiCSJ & V) 'S'" S$Tr.1 Wwj.iwaC ssrv ;oo ns No. 61 North Third Street. Above Arch, Geo. W. Linvill; "J MberiF Osierloh, I 5 H I J, A . Joitfph V. West. J Aug aih isia. CEIoonilMtis Arltllorv The Members o( this Couipanv; who have Swords anil Uelm, beloi.iimg to ih (Jompauy; are required forthwtil to ileliv.i i lie in to eiltici of the CommiMio.iei (Jffi cers. H. WEUIl.C.ot. J TIMOTfBV HIAIU. A PRIME A RTICLE FOR SALE 11 Y SAMUEL A. WORM AN. Esnytnwn; July 1815. L K OA l7n o t icY, All pp.rons interested will take notice, that ai ip plication wiib made to thejudgenl llie court ol omman pleue, citizens at 'Danville' in and fm Columbia County at the term nf Augusl; A. 1) Ir45,hv the members of the fust rresnyterian Church of ilnoinsburg; in the counly of Colnm- hia; and folate of 'Vnm.Nlvaniii, by s oommiliei lulp electi d hv tbenii tor the puipoi-e, to aripiire cnj'.v tna paina snd ininiuniticg nt a cor poratiun, by the name blle 5t Mttle of the ".firn Presbyterian Chutch ol Uloomshur' and if no iiifficient reason should be shown to the r.ontarv B nest term nf the court to be held at Danville afoie- id; th third Monday of tpxi, the said on 1 1 will llienmake a decree ar.dderlair; that the lifr;onso oupocialed shall by the nume; btle4 I title; of'lhc first resbytenan (. burih of Blooms iuig' in the county of Columbia foresa d.bcc.ime md be enrpnrated or body politic, agreeable tnthe Act of Assembly in such fuse made and provided JACOB EYERLY, Prol. D.ii'UV if .211. 1815 AUMISIS J IlJi lUIVS NOTICE. The Etlrtte nf THOMAS HAYCOCK Inle 0 Fihinicrerk township; deterged TOTICR i he.eby given that letters of admin P istration on th shove mentioned Estate navo been granted to the nthwribtr. All persons .... ..ic. ,,!,,!. iinmeduwi pay jent; aud all thoae having ibunu! are requeMe-J to pre-aent them properlv authcnU, catd lo JOHN" M. HAYCOCK. AJm'r. Auu.130, 1515-610 Rilorsb jr par TNEiisiup nissoL vim The Conrirliierahi liernicforo eximini; under t i'imii of siu'Eirriioits iV HOUSE, in il.u smithing Uusiness, tn ' Dissolved b V milloal consent. foitk me in the hand of M&mhul Silver thorn, to whom all liavinu (Ihiids on,. are tudebieil to, auid tinji, te requeued apply immeiliaiely or seiileineni. AMKSHAL Slf.VEltTHORN Jul) AH 1KJONU IJIionMl)iirtf, Marcl) 28, 1845. 49 i 17 The llusiiieaa, in futiiie, will be car rieii on at the old stand, by the subscriber who solicits a rominuance of the ctintniii U old friends, and of us uianv new ones "f nny please call of M SILVERTIIORN March 29 40 i:ocii HOWELL. TAILO K . IiEJSl'EC'I'FULLy.iufiiriiiu tho uublic'lhat he u -u iiiuvuo into ina uuuuing lonuerly occupied liy L I -L , -i e . . . ' ' "latur in Market t,eet neat, Wm. Kelvy & Lo. storo whsie he will always be reaJv lo muku any kinj of clothing, nt the' shorten oo.i.v and in tlie beat and most fM.i.,.ble style. Krou, liiilouj experience in the business, he fl.ilter. hiinaulf thil he lull continue to itwa eeueriil aat ifction and thereby hopeu to receive a share of the public patronai;c. ;rWiiliciilii7- attention paid to ctitiine. All kinds or country produce taken in navuient ioj worii. e i Ulooinsburg, Aug. 9 184'). tf I O N w s Ilefiiey & Mciideiihal!, Have IIHI received. and al now onpoin Al the old Hand of l-hjcr & lhjjhjs A.-V iX TENbl VE ASSOIITMKNT OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Cvmht'mg vf ttety mlitle tauully htjt in Ctiuntry tloie, tnong (heir assoriinent will belound,o DRY G00DS- Clolh.'; Casiimeres; Sjiiinells. Gambrooii Sic. lor wu miner pantKj Calicoen, Chimz; uwyounes; Lawn and Crape Delaiu-o Slv. for (lieses, Hosiery; Gloves it Mills; Handkerchiefs, Scarfo; brown and bleached Shiriui(8 Sic. colored Yarn; L.ips and Wadding; Unnneia and trimmings. They have also; Palm Half; 'I'melling liaskei.t, Jookiug lilafees and 1jim Clocks. Sugar, Teas, Cod'ee, MoLd-m ft, Pf'l )( r, Sjjiccn, in fuel every thing in tiny line thai may be called lor. Crockery. jipiicrnl a.-Mji inn ut oi 2 Prani. Cimina, Shovels, Nail. Spike and the usual variety of Lock., Sciew-, Huns, &c, Hulled and IJir Don, Hoop and band Iron, Waggon lire of all size?, DRUGS, FAINTS, & OILS. All of which they will sell on the inns' reasonable terms and receive in pay men! all kinds of country produce. Mav 10. 1815 am. 3 MIPS YARD. The suhsciibets have psiablislipd at the ihove place, a new MAR RLE YARD. mil will always be ready, a; tlio shortest loupe, lo furnish to order, MC'XUMESTS, TOME. TABLES. TOMB-STONES, UE.lll Til JAMBS, MAS TLBS. F.11ST STOSES, MULL EES, kc. or any other work in iheir linp. They ilso prepared to inrnisi WINDOW CAPS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, ifcc eiiher of Ma.ble, Lime or sinv kind ol stone that can be procured in this viciniiv Having had :omiderable Pxperienct the business, tiipy pledge their wink ti be exectited in as handsome a sly Ih as rai be furnished from r,nv yurd eiiher in ll.i liy or c.onntri ; and on as reasroalilp lernis. ARMS PRO NO d HUGHES, nioottihbuig, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 C A TA WISSAtiO T K L, CATAVVISSA COL. CO. PA. ACOfl DY'ER infoims traveller am his old customer and Iriends, that hi keeps the abovo Hotel, where be mi ne happy n watt upon ibosa wjio favoi bim wiih ih-ir pus'.orn. His house i. larn ind coiiiuiodious, and well arranged to in- oinooulile his cuesis Wis table is alwavt provided with the choicest Viands the mm els ran afford, and his Bar contains smut of the best liquros that can he found in lbi section of country. His siablea ate sine ample, and good usiler are always in at lendanre. Ciiawisaa. July 12, 1845 2m 12 A I) At IS IS I RA r OR' S SOT ICE On the Fatal nf JOHN SMI I H. der.iat erl. later Svgarbtif tou-nship, Colum bia county. . NO I ICE is hereby given ihai Letters ol Admin s'rai. on on iha nhorp meniioned Ee tale, hove been framed tn the Subscriber. All persons indebted lo i.iid eftate here (.y noliScd 10 mska payrnenl and , g8 iaVing claims aro ream sled to , , . . H . Pre"nl ,',.;,"I ' Zun v uVf , . v ... i v .L i L' t 11 A I H, Exc'Jitor July li, 1815. The Right of Search.' HIT NEW A U RIVAL- OI'TjI Kcatv Pado Clothing. I he Thu subscriber has jiiNt rco jvfl a l. rui .sH.iriment Mf K K A I ) Y MADE (.'LOIt'i- or to I.NU, wiidi will lie sold as cheap lor CaKli an ihey can be pun based iu the eouiuy Call and examine Inr j uiiselve, as ' Kigbt of y..'nii;Li' is guarantied III nil. J. u. MuytK June 7. 1845. 7 Chair .WaiiuS'aclyj y. fiP !IR subscriber having e5tab!i died a ,YE U JH VUitll .7..WUC"K' .Van. street, near the ru.ideiac of I.. II. .VI .., u. I;v. prepuied w furui-th t.'iiait.-i ol every ducn, ti.,n. oi as good terms in tliey cuu Lb puicbu .n-.i .... a lii'n ii tue county. , WOOD TURNING, Such us lied J'n.its, H'ttiwoH Uub-. blON, ORNAMENTAL 4- liOL'SF FAINTING. Al.-o HOUSE PAl'EIUSQ. This latter branch, from hU experience, he believo- lin can do a lilt lu be Iter liun any other j.croim ii this aeclion. C-l'tJPI.AIt PLANK will be taken in pay cnent at thu highest f .act nrire JAMIEI. HACKNCLl'lI Illoonia.iurg, July 4, 184 p jjj. JOHN YH&RKTmV, Harness, Saddle & Trunk Manufacturer ESPKCTFI'I.LV iufor.ns the public that h haa located himself in the shop licit .Km 10 ftjin'ii I ll.igimbuchs Chair Factory, .1uin slieel uiooniHiiuig, ( oluiubia county, ubeie he willca r 111 tlie aoove bus niv-j in all its luanches. lie n il eep constantly on hand tine and coarse One and 7 wo Horse Hnrnc-aen, Iforse Collar, SinlJIcs, Bridles ami Trunk; &r. .f every description ; mil bavim; hml n bu g cxpe leuce 111 llie limine -is, lj can lurninh ns u'.'.nl vvoik ind aa cheap oti can no purchased in the county. (Q'Aii kinds ot country produce taken 111 pav "lent frir work, nt the in.iiket prices. .Mity IU, 1H-15 tima NOTICE. A LL nnr-onfi knowiiv; ihcm elvi indebted 1. 2 ft. the sub-u', 1110 icpieited tu coii.o forwan. nd 111 j U r payuiuut. will be taken in payment as usual, an. I received ii eu'haiiL'e for LKATHKIt. PHILIP CIJHisTM .. Uloom.sburg, May li, 1 El. F. SZAYBIirss T, HLOOMSliL'UG, KSPi:CFTL:LLV infonns ihe i.uMU- tint a he has located buns. If 111 the Muni hitch copied hy .III A Ii l, til j I, I.N, m ,1 A HKIJ I I liKKT, where ho intends carrying on the ubov business in ul itsvaiious luaiiciics. HEAVY WAGGONS built oud repaired, as well aa imp. horse VAG(.ONS AM) IUJ(.(.'nN. every (Inscription, uuj all kind.l ol (,'ountr Work, iu bin lin-', done ut slioit nuiicc, iiiidiu tin must rcusoiiiiUo terms. rr j umai i.umncr and an kiiiou 01 eouniiv rin luci! taken iu payment frir work, but t'a.-h will m relused. April 0, 19ir. 0:n5d ISLOOMSBUEO Cabinet Ware House. riO'lC subscriber would icscih'IIVIIv infiuui thi pun 11c, in n in- mis luaeu 111a m ip iui.-i 0. cupied by .Saiimel Lilly, near the vi'"'r end 1 Illuonisburg, where he L carry ioj on tlio m ', T.V'V 1S""1 V' in all its various branches, and where be will !. happy 0 wait upon nil thoe who may favor bin with their custom. Ilia I' uriiituio is nairanied t. lie made of good mate; ial and durable, ui.d be in lend'. keeping 011 Imnd Sideboards. Secret aria. Bur cutis Wardrobes, Card Tadrw Dining 7ublcs. Breakfast TubUs, ' L'idoaids.Slaodf,ll'ah Si'ndi, Bedsteads, Di'Vffi-lronsrhs, Coffins, S;c. ind nil kindf n( work in his line, which be w iR m l ppon as reasonable terms as thiy cmi be pun hasci 11 the county. Bv s:iitl attentinn tr bm-inenn he hopes to rr tive a ilia, c of publie patrcnage. ELI BROWN. , Apnl 25, 1R15.-Iy! CHARLES K. ItUCKALGY AUoi ney at Lu. rir;,f n f . si'.' s 'rvrj-.Ys; 'ffut Smith side of Afaintt. cppesit Eyer 4- IFfJleij'e Store, n-T-WII.L A I I END COURTS W CUE COUN'IIES OF COLUMD1 ND LUZERNE. TO C ARPEN'TERS. PROPOFALS will be received ut thi School, in Effpeytriwn.nn Saurd . 'he 3Uib of Aiigoei 2 o'clock, P M for the buildirj; cf an addition to said School Hoi;e, one siory hiph, 20 by 25 fn rong'i wemtief lioarde.J and lirt J w id vline pine b.iarria. wiih a good hK.i P wi friuddaiio.i, ar.d 5uisiiid in si.le with debks, simu lie, for a school. Iir fnnher par lieubis, enquire of ei'.her of the tuUrn bVrs, D N SCOTT. W H. THOMPSON JACOU GARiUSUN. Bu Vtl'mz CtiamilUe. 9o Ceffjfw FAHILY MEDICINE .UVMl'S 1M IB TONjC. ... This Hair Tonic hss produied beautiful Nei Hair in tLo beads of hundreds alio bad bc?n ball i.. iuryeurs It alto punlies the ilJ froui Damiiuli dtm-Kes ut the scaih Preserves the Lair i'ioiii failing oil' or licoiuiujj j-emunently gray SAM. IS a certaif), auf and e.Ti ciuul remejy kr Tya. meiy, LilirrliUii or looseness, rhoiera nmibusjurn- complaint, coliij griping j iiins; sour Rtooiml ; 1 K ami rit-ri'uu l.cadach( bcuill urn, wateibraal; pun or sic.itners ot ttie summit.; imiiiiiug; spittin,; 'p ul f..uJ alter ciiliug and alao v.liere.t pa-.i body unclnnped ; went of appetite ; estleai.Hs, and inability to sleep; win d in tlie sto. jcK'h. and bowels; crump; uevuus tremors a.'iii wilcbimjri; sessii.-knes'sj Wniut, ir.f lam in !y rtnd lownej.; of spirin, fretting and eryiiig nf ii.!'ui.ta md thrall bwl ttiitdiyici and i.fivtin ,!i;eat. Dr. JAYSE'S TO SIC El; Ml FUG P, V'liich ia perfectly s.ifo s.ij io pleinint ibst children will tut reluiu lo t;ik-j if li eilieiLu!. icsirovs worms; neutral. 2i":i ucidity or Hourrusdi f Ihestoinacli; increases appetite and wU us a gene ral and permanent Tonic and is tllercfoie exceed ingly bciichViiil in iii'eiiiiitientiii i'la'inillei.t ftwy i andiudigi'stiiin; .(c umfis -i cc-tjin a.;d pe.-!:i;i.ei!t cure lor the Icvcrtiud a"ii..'. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. Tbey may he t ike n at all times and iu most diseases In li II iminaioi) , inlern.11 afit, Remittent, Piliotis, and every other lorm of Fever Jaundice and l.ivir Con. plainl. For Dyspepsia th.ev are really an inv.dii.ible artjile, gradually changing thi vitiated sccrelious of the stomach ami liiei, ind producing hiralthy icuon in those ini'. por'.ant organs. lhey tne very valuable; or diifiases of the Skin, and for whal isi fommonly called Jmpurity ol the blood;' ilso for Female Complaints, .Cosiivenes tc. and in fact every disease where aii Vparient, Alterative, or Puigattvu Mi:dicine nay be requited J A Y N E'S EX P EC TO li A N T. Il always cures Asihtna two or tlircy. ir'c doses will ctije ibo Ci,mp or Iliu s 'hildri'it, in from iil'iven iniuiitis to mi loun lime It imini'diutely sididuia ibi. violence of Hooping Coiigb, and ( lleci.s n .pepdy cure. Hundreds who have Ivcu .'iven iii by their pfivsicians as iucn: Ig eiih 'CoiiMimpiiou,' huv.t been rtstouLi i eil'ei I health, bv il. In lact. as a leinedy in Fiil.uinnary Di n s i ; . no tiii'di'.'ine has ever ohiaii;ed a ngbi r.or itiore deserved rcpuiailoo. HO1 I he above McdieinH hc :li lor sale) it the store of JOHN IL MOVER. Ulooiusbur. yj ADMlSISTRA TO IV S SO TJCE. he Estate f SUSASSA TOMI.IX. SOS, lute vj Centre township, deceuu;l, M OTI CI! is hereby given that Idlers of ailinin istratiuil on tins a buy a mentioned Llalo, li.ivc been granted to the subscriber, living iu l.'en ire lowusnip. A IJ persons indebted to said eslutijj no hciel.y notified to make immediate -ai!.ii.t, md all having claims uro requealed lo pre' .cut ll.cin properly Bilthenliciiled to' SOLOMON XP.W11AKA Adui'r. Mfiy 17, IS 13, Cw-t Something New (JJUNUEIi THE SUN AMONG the wonders of this age of iip provementsiuie sunscrioer jespecilniiy ueg eave lo call the aiiention of his friends anil he public in general lo the corner of Main Si., where he has just rtce'red and opened, roin Philadelphia a general asforimt 111 of CONFECTION ARI ES, (insisting among oilier ildting of Candies, various kindt of Haisinst Prunes, i'lgs, Awecl and water Crackers, Oranges Lemons, Lemon and Pine apple Syr ops. Soaps. Ai man ils and 7ubaccu. md .II other srljclta usually ,i:ept in 8 grj erv. Isn a good agfoiirneiil of SCHOOL HOOKS Si STATHNARY AH of which he will sell a hide 1 heaper than they can be had ai tiny oilier establish nenl in these 'diggirs. , N.R. l.ood wlnte and colored raps taken in eschatif e,or ibook etc (). C. HAULER. R'onmsburg, June G'h lt!45. Miilinergjf. E. ISOKISOiV, T.O.UI.D respcs;f'i'ly inform the Lmlic o' ' Tl I SliomaVmrg and viciniiv, that she has jus: received s Utga ae? of 3- rithr s'nsp rn Mnifl ftTeit.nea W oppnsitcDocbler's'i, npd fpcnnl rioor I t low Aiberthorn's. where be baa nil the article ii'iinlly kept in a Milliner's More, I he Ladies are nil lnvi ed tn mil end exa mine for themselves, R. .nun and Cnp made and tctie t.p in the mnst f'tishiminl "c style, fll.'cnul'-rg, Jury t. 1S45, Mm. ?