COI.UMHIA IWUOChAf'. Jk'oMjni;uu. Scpiem'isr 0 h,!8lV r.": KI.IU.U DOKRHT. THE LE YRN'ED !l.CKSUTl.; ) n friend, Mf. Ci inje.wer.of tSi ..K-y.1 icJi "S.srcf tlie N.irih;vVtas'in the. Ui Inm-.Scr of hi paperin" hhgin.l article from 4hi pen of Elihu 13 irriu the learned "Black, limit, under llie heading of 'Ti fat I'.nty Million,' whirhwe copy with pleas ira into our column ihts week, ami font mend lo llie attention of our readers. I' portray in tr';king colorshe foolishness mitl ittnilncAS of war; how ihey dry up. n wculdi, end lo what an alarming ex piii, even in ihi country, we have been nxod M prepare fur and to support 'them. All tUia is shown byircf and not by de .-cJaniation and assertion merely, llurnll i .. resiJenl of Mawieliuseiis, and hnw n luipj 1 lis ili si he t blitl t n original ar tittle in a country neaipiper, away here in PcnnsyWani-t,. we no not exactly under stand, but e da aasote Inn Out in trar.a milling his lucubrations to Mr. Gangawei, .lie hts communicated wii'.i a very clevei .and intelligent Editor. From tho Star of the North. Original. M'ACrSFOIl THE FORTY MILL IONS. Mr, EJiordn you make room in -some corner of your paper, tor s lew ficn which I have collected with some -l.bor, afld which, I think, seriously con mn the working people of the Anglo -sJ.vnn race? Tim national debts of sixteen of the (European Governments, at the cloiest rsUmite thai can be made, amount, in ,r r.nrencv. to S10,305,000,000i a inclined tor the expenses ol war. mis sum embraces merely the arrearage not what ha been paid, for carryingjon war. The average of this amount is ;gG3 25 a head lo the whole population of those 10 natin. The interest of ihi vast sum neaily rq'ials a tax of One 'Dollar on every inhabitant of the globe. Smte the Information (.'') Great .Uiitjin has been engaged 63 yesis, in the prosecution of seven wars;. lor which Mm rxppudn.l, in our currency, SS.982, 180,000. It has been estimated by out Miionaries that a school of 50 heathen try i . .'ihildun, on the continent of India. WVfltVucaTPoVroVtlte ' Tie a I lien' ' Ivo'iTfd have schoo'eiMG)062,l51 children per an Hum for 65 yem! blowing 5 years to -each cliolar,ihen 503,308,000 childern mihgil ove been educated for the money 'Great Britain drained from the sources and channels ofh-r wealth and induslr to waste in wais, every one of which degraded her peopb in every quality of ineir condition .From.l793lo 1SI5 a period of 22 years Great Hritnin, Fiance and Austria upended 7,330,000,000 in war. Th intern! cf this mm at six, per eenl would have 8upporled30,000missioiinr;e j.Oinng the heathen during the whole pe tiod of 22 years, in which these chiis tian rations were engaged in doing the devil's work on each other. The an- f,rrgate amount would have given 5 years whjohng lo 4S3,C66.6fiG naean thildren on the Lanrastei ian plan. The )iitorrsi tor one mon'h at the above rate, unuld build 14G6 miles of railroad at 23,000 per mile. f ' I.: ... . i . .1 ... 1 lymifuumg me nesi auinorilies i can command, 1 find thai the aggregate a mount of tlie expenditures of our own C ivcrnmrr-l, from 1785 lo March 4 1643, is 9 1,11 1. 375,734 IS'ow pnirioiic Americans! will you ioi rear: in s riU'Ctingi? of this vasi urn there hare been expended only lift sin n.7 f.w i-..n i mg i lie Civil Lio, Foteign Intercouist- ml Miu't-llaiieotiK expnn. Then ii follows ilut SGy,7')5.eSO have beei. !....;. I . .:. r iinuu ujiun pi I'p.ira'ions i.r wr in lime cf iece wkhin Imle than hrf a eeniui y, by this model Re public ! ! I Ano'lier f.ct; From Jan, 1, 1336, to Maif1, 3, 1813, the war expen se of ihi- Governn ent wrre 2153,95,.' SSI ! ! Five Millions wore than all ihe cm l fjpvnsea if tllt Government .from Ii83 to M3 h Ano-her fact; From lSIGto 183 , . dghiren year, our nutional exp?ney umonni to S433.9J5 75u; srvd of this -turn nraily $400,000,' .COO went in one wy and snciJier for .war, i.nd only $.G1,000,000 for nil othei ..lli a rt I l tlx.!.... l..fU..i.t " J""- """"h inciMj-iwa minions rj-ear tor war mi liuut three million. Mid a half lees than one g.xh of ihe whole lor the peaceful operations of i govemmrnt thul plump itself on iif nS .C'fiC pnlirs I If we lake into mcount all the expense nd ell lows of war U this country, il will be found lo hvr wntrd for u, In ixty yesrs rome two or thee thuutand millions of dollars' E. E. Wcrchtiier, Aug. 9, IS 15. WAR VV1TII MKXICO. Ti e.m'niit ii Min the m.idnen of tin M.-xica'i CfC'ittve, in prcpoiiiu Cong-ei a wir wiih ilio Unilud S aU, id needl--. Ut few comments a.'r Uin tn the iniigior of a rep, which, f met by ou' c iumry s it ouht to b vil aniiitiili'.c the Nli-xi:.n power, hik r leirihfc Cniiiinent of Ii opn inirigur bin wir nrigmaird Hi put in tle SHU uls it-the M.-xi''! fictions fi power. rh iit'm-l counny, ever ninci; imp iraliim fiom Saiihu been llie field o miiention anioni politic it cl il'ie, oi iher until i ry clmftatos struggling foi iower and as it ignorant people uie ex p nted by the lio ol I exts, anu lead) i i . . . 1 1 n . O sujiport any ieutr who win iimei heir bemnhitid ranity wnh I pionnseol it reconqotat, thfe clique aie now HiibiddWK each otltr tor uvor, by threats of war sgins the Uniten Elates. But these politicians, knowing hat Mexico alone car.nol contend will us, would be able lo amuie their peoph w thoin actual hngtiliiies, and would heiefute cainiuusly avoid such I ft Up if tluy weie not encouiag'd h) promise of foreign aid. Mexico is ti ed with British agents, plotting mischiei recording lo the invariable custom ol liriiish stents in all countries; anu ihesi gents are liberal in their promises ot oecuuiaiv and naval aid. The 13ilili govemmrnt would gljdly involve Mex ico in war with un, it il coulJ keep it' sell clear of tho disturbance. Hiitish merchants and ininl'actun r suppos-: that (his war, bv excluding all ' nen cut commerce from Mexico wou l give to themselves a monopoly ol its) maikeis and lit ii ish stale men probably suppose that this war would induce an inminec lion of our slave population, and for cible dissolution of the Union. Will these views, British agents encourjg the Mexican government to hostilities Then a portion of our own press, and portion of our own politicians, are con iiuuallv denouncinir our novern ment lor its ihare in annexation, whil another portion are co operating wnl the Biiush guvtrnmcnt upon the sub jeel ol enuncipanon. Such proceeding nduce the linlish and Mexican kLovein tr.cntilo suppose that our people are de vide J, and thai one half of them woul not summit their itoveinnieu in a wai igainst Mexico. Under these circ Jinsiances, the dut if eveiv American, nativeor naturaliZ i obvious. He should aid our ovein mm I with all his energies. l id on govemmenl is bound to prosecute thi arl,wheri onp.e bepiin. wth JliejJloins, ireuuiy, and Ihus strike evil duers oi heolher aide of she .lantic with aalu 'ary an J Idling teiror. We shoul nrvcri'i,,. .1 k.,ir ....... " "pi"aii iTijr .ncHsuies. iiyex ico can be easily and speedily conqer nu. cm ii ougm 10 oe conquered quit 10 me isinmu, auC awnexed ihe Union. And if Mexican leilers marque, navigated by foreign pirat-o assail our couiiiificf, Mich fdreium-r iiouiu ue treated as pirtts. , II w make a shori jub if Mexico, we sha not only clear Ihe continent of a mi- i i.ii. . chievous European influence, but coi vince the British government, and th riench loo, thai they will loose nvr than ihey can gain by inteiference wn! OUT BlTil.'S. I he trench nation ha n desire lo quarrel with us, all its mn-i ests being best promoted by our pto (jcrny ana our ir lenushm. Itui ih. French govfrnmenl, or rather the kint na nis minuter, entani:led in mm family considearoons, may be dispo.-pd 10 wiynsuccessio linlish designs.igaj,) is. uul any direct co-oueralion hese (wo covernments aeiinst uw ionl, probably produce a revoluilon in Fiance. And whatever be Ihe deHiDnt of tin French govtrnnif-nt or nation, Russia i our naturally against bolh.and especiall) insi tne Urilish II then the war be 41ns, lut it be speedily ended. Wemu- now ahow our power, and show it by r r . ui uniuii. Lieoer. LONG PRAYERS. In ol I limes nnd even now-a days in e backwoodj, ministers used lo mak. edious long prayers. A friend has jo, elated lo us a bona fide anecdote il jeeurred in a town in Maine noi inmn years since.m meeting neutron Sim lav. V'he ministpr w nn f ,i,. long winded kind, end on onentni- hi service Sundsy UlrJrning, usually nrsvei three lets of an hour. One Sunday tfier the minister hid prayed about hn iul lime, and the congregation had go preliy much lurhered out, a ven.Ti.hl. luaker, who wenl by the name i f U ,.U I. .!... i.:- i. : i i uuhii ins name, urmg Jonil JJJVif nnd who wa considered s Imle 'ou if his head.' looking up enrnf-stly t( the minister, suddenly said, IIul-' prsyrdabont long enough hadn'' 'bee h-tur B,for Christ's suke rf. mt-nF The ennereasiion fmind rrliff in i, v url"1 u ici arm ui.rie John was iU..Ur..l ii... .? i TT .1 r . mdoneil, for he was a favor .Invert fcx Poputi. - A TIG STOKY. Tne Brooklyn A I vtrtiser lulli the tol!oving: O i Siturday afternoon Ijst a largr ow, aceompnid by a h'wr of young ii;, was piing leiourcly up Fulton t., hHii a Cart coming a'o'ig chance'd lorun vcr and k one of th s'li'kli'rtgx. : It ;ive one unearthly squeai-a ,4t. yi,eMei ij) Us life, whirl) attract )! the . muthfi 0 the soot. W alkiiiji artiMndiii several i'livt. Hlie smelt II and tinned it- ovei villi h'-r snout, hut il mave.d init. Sho eemed aware lint it w.ii dead,' hut we ancied that we Cou'il discover deep grid 11 llif C J'iducl of Ihe mother sow. Alter lUjteiiniL around it some tun-, anoth- r (jiv, sow ci na trailing along with a litter of young ones about llu ize of her own. 1 ne ilinousul tte sow walked leisurely ui 10 the new cumer, nd apparently grunied the compliments of the monunji, but peaently aeiZ'd one of her neighboi a ou-pung in hei noutb, mide olf at full speed pursued v me inothei of the stolen piz. The aiier, however, was much Ihe smalles1 nJ unable lo ovetlake the Ihitf Giv ng up the chase, Ue returned,' and on nee'ing the young pigs ot her neighbor e Z'id one, cai ried it some, distance, plac d it among her own, and then drove them bt-lore her a block or two, ihiuk ig doubiless that a 'lair exchange is no robbery. When vou enter a lMniing Office, naku as much noise as poinib'e - sing levtral comic songs dance a j'g or twi ii order that Ihe lyi e standing may n de lo dance take the lasiett napei off the fi'e and don't put them on agaii take the mallet and try your hand a I rum beati ng.lhen look over the shuu lets of the compositor to see the nauu f the copy he is selling up L). all Ihi nd the Dinner will be able to loiin ume idea of your disposition Those who hesitate about their abilitj 10 lake a newspaper are advised to kte one lien more than usual. S'ie will pay i l t lm cust besides eaiii.iz the wui nn & grasshoppers. ii j a. ,i..ggg EXECUTION OF CARTER AN PARKE. The solemn sentence of the law wa luly executed al BilvideiP, N. J., on 2'2 ih.. upon Joseph W. Carter and V iei W. i'ai ke. eimvieied of iheCaslne'i umily. The culpi its died, protes'ing icir innocence. llie execution itiended by ten thousand persons. . . i . . i , i Wa Th ecuiion puvaie. li was rail.rr a public 'peciacie. i ne iletcrir, lion of the scent s like that ol a horse race, or any sinn I i i i .... ur uisgr uctlut exhUution COINAGE. Dd'ing the month of July the Mini an uriorli Mint coined Ihe followinu nounr oi money. lo eagles 555.000 n half eagles, $131,00 ); nu ir er eagles 6,737 50 loii.1 io t'd I. S171.73S .10 in hall dollar, J571,O0O; in quader dol- ars. uio.uuu; in (lain, 129,000, in an iiiines, $ 19,000-to-al in silvei, oi,uuu. In cents, $3,343 57. Total alu-? nl iIih roiiinge ol the mouth of July asl 159,0S1 17. Total. n her ol pi eces ol gold coined, $34.01 5. Total lumber ol c in coined, S331.2G7. Tu tsi number uf pieces coined, $2,8'10,' JS3. A distinguished chemist recommends he following preparation as a s.fu ami excellent ilen'r fic, viz; of white sugai md p twdeied charcoal, each one ounce; of Peruvian b,u k,h,ilfn ounce: of cream ol tartar, one drachm and a hill': and ol canella, iweniy-lour grains well lubbtd together into an impalpable powder. M.stuking a Governor for u Slave I'he Cincininiii Herald ul (he I5,h m.i ny fiat hx Governor Corwui, who Iihs s vciy swarihy complexion, while travelling . I. Ci..., i uiMii uiirvii nines iroin that n aea. ized by a pany of armed men, who rushtd mi nl il.e woods, and swearing ilui he wa. eoioreu mm, ihey lriei:,aiid bore hun to il a a runaway s,e. AFRICAN CANDOR Did vou attend Clinch to-day, as I clurf 'A I you?' enqoireil an old plainer of one 0 nia staves, us he returned to his dwelling Ssriin, ms,' was CutMo's what two inighiy bitj siorirs dai pieacher na arii, Hush! Cudjo. you tnnsni't lalk that way what nlor:es were ihey?' W by, he tell the people no man can wve two mag38 nuv, di .is dn r.,ac Hoty,' case you see old Cuiljo earves you. my mo massn, sno ul?o y nutijf masia John ll.m ,1a .unl. .1 . ... : I rn,uin.,a,r -ne w ml nn in ami tittie ihe oilier while, de Ltd L ,.,.. nait you boj) Vha Not f.An.i. .L. .1 ...I...IHIIU1 "iimi 5 iiihi mpr are ihout ,400 newspaper primed in the uniiet, states, giving employment lo sbnoi I ! lfl1 I.-. J . ll I . i.ui'ii naiinii. in trn nn.nhr.. nit . i t N'.... .i. . ' ."Mijuri v ;i nil'. . ' - ;'ennsylv.nin Thi, atts1,Tc;1,(IrJwa,4.a,id 0. vale "TBprU wiTUOCT YIaU i run lit v, srp r:ji3 su o, i s is. DHI.IiUATK K I F. C I ION tou.vrv :oflvi;ivriOiY The Cinzf n of t'olninbu (Jimmy .fiienJ ly to Kemnval, are requested in meet at tin usual place uf huhling the Ger.ertd Klee imn, in llieir reupmive I'.lpetion Dmirieis. tn Siiurday, the Oih dav uf hepiember vext, beuveen tho liinit uf 2 ami fl u eloek in the afternoon, and fleet Iwo ileleeite U tepreenl each disiriel in a C'oiiutv Lnn inn to he held at the house ol John (.'lay mn, in Hloninnhurg.on the Muiulay follow iug, si 12 n cloek noon, lor llie pii.puse ol noininaiing a Ticket to be auppurtcd at llie ensuing Oauber Ii'ection. MICHAEL FORWALD. LIS VI TATE. JOHN LAZARUS, SAMUEL KISNER. Standing Committee. IfjIIavine by request, announced Mr ACOB DEMOTT, of Madinon, a a can lidate for the ofiice of County Treasurer1 we Me authorized by him lo say, that lie lerlineg being a candidate for thai oilier his fall. Collector's Office, Berwick, Srpl 4 OoL. Webb, The following is the amounlof tolls lor ihe ii onth ending 31st of August, 1815, lso llie omouni of Coal cleared al this 01 rife. Tolls for ihe month of August $10,803 90 Whole amount since the first .fA-jril, $10,977 10 The amount of Coal rleared n die month of August ia 27,716 ton. Whole amount since April lt, 107.742 JOHN M ('REYNOLDS, Vol Singular freak uf Lightning an-l for lunate Escape. About 4 o'clock nn Tues day morning last, during a heavy thunder shower, Lightning siruck the chimney o die l wo story house, of Mr. Moses Katil man, of tins village. The chimney wnssitu ned in the centre of the tiorlli end, and il lightning, after taring the io;j of it lo pierfi separated into three juris. ..Ojiejiassmj! ing its mark upon llie board, nnd iht-m tlown lo the cellar. A crib, in which lav child, was standing close by the ceilinjjjwhere ths ligtiinnig passed. The other Uo, sep ...i i ... . i . ar neo, anu went unwn llie opposiu roufs to tin water spouts, which passed round the house and connected a I the souili east corner, rid ilien down within froe feei of the groundr where it hfi iliem am entered the coiner of the building between dm (siding and plastering, and set Cue to it ForJunaiely however, il was iinmeihaieU liscovered vnil put out. Yet singularly tu relate, notwithstanding the linhtuinn shut ered boards within the room in which M li iuf.uan slept. broke a window lo pieces in tl:e gible end, lore up the shingles on llie rool, and passed entirely round llie house not a person within it received any sensibl shock. IO The Slate Convention for the nnmi nationof a candidate far Ciina'.Coiixnissiori- er was held aillariisbnig on Thursday last. We have not heard the result. We ropy the following from an exchange paper, iliinliingliiiat a goodly nuinher cl experienced recruits may be.obtBimd in ihi. vitutiiiy. Wasted. One hundred nnd seventv fine ymiiig men of all shapes and sizes, from ihe tall, graceful dnulv uiih l,alr enough on his upper works to stuir a bar her cushion, down lo ihe little hump back en, necKie laceu, Dow legged, parrot. Th ol jeri is to lorm a gaping Corps, lo be i aitendanee at ihe tlmn h donrs on eac aaonatn neiore llie eniumeiiremenl ot di vine service, stare b'. the females hs thci pnier, and make delicate, friendly mn gentlemanly remarks on their persons mn dress. All who wish to enlist in Ihe ah,vi Corps, will please appear al the varimi church doors next Siblmih morning, wher ihey will bi duly inspecied.and their names personal appearance am: quantity ufbraiin registered in a bonk kepi for that purpose, cud published in the newspapers. To pre veni a gfneral rush, it will be well to sun none will be enlisied who nussess inieller- nialcapafiiy above that of an ordiitarv wil bied donkey. A lady named Sarah Pareseho. died at Resufort, N. C. a few days ago. al ihe ad vancrd nge of 107 vear. She was the motliif ol four gencraiion s eggggg ii ' 11 n h-ah i . . . . " ""Mil iiiisur you; el rum nun him calm, cool, quiet wav of treat n- you above their influente, THE ACQUISITION OF LOUISIANA. The Paris (Jorrcsjnnideut of llie Naltonul Intelligencer, Robin WhUIi, lq., iiolice in his last h uer the fourth volume of Then, if the Cumulate and the Empire, just pub ished. The follou ing passage is rj noted rmn it: When a renewal of llio uai -wiih and seemed no longer doubtful, all On lolonizing ilreinii of the First Cnnsul van . . a. i ..." istieu. tiis resotinmii in res.iert to inns ma was insianily formed. I will ml at- empt lo keep (si I lis to one ol tiis Mini" lers) a province wl.ii h would lint lie si i tiu in our hands, uliieh, perhaps, wnuld i in- broil me wiih the Americana, or mate r oolness nn llieir snU O I the i'oniiarv,t ill turn il to acentinl to attach iliem lo ine.'o leate a q'Mrrel between lliem&ihe E ilis'i. it I wili raiss up for England enemies wbo will one day revenge ourselves My run lion is settled. As (lie Americans has lm errimry in give me in cxelnngn for L ursi a . i e . i. ma, I wi,l sell n in inein lor a su n niii vill piy llie expenses of an extranrdiiarv Armmiient agnuisi (ireut Briuiin her self.' ' Thus,' adds the hisinrian.'did the Amer icans Bcquire from France that vsi reginn which has completed llieir wav over North A tierica, and rendered iliem rnasieis ol the (!ulf of Mexico for ihe present and hII the uiure. Thus, they owe theii birth ami greatness as a nation to the long g.rugle of France against Englard.iheir independence and possessed ourselves of Louisiana will) ml French ro-operaiion; yet adds, 'but we would acknowledge the benefit of earlier ind mure terrain results.' (Bahimoie incrican. WORDS FITLY SPOKEN. We know not from whence the following xcellenl sentiments oriainated,'!! we would nvo llie credit where it is justly due; al it auv rate we desire thai its sterling truths should be read and treasured up in eveiy lialiiois's heart in the land. United States lour. Which will yon do ? One or iwo things inus.1 be done in this country. Parents must spend money in educate their children ir ihey must pay laxes lo ttnUI jieniten liaries and lo punish crime. Some sup pose a clearned man is an edaeaied man. No such thing. Thai man is edticited who uiows himself, and who takes accurate ouiiie very learned men are die greatest fools in the world, the reason thai they are not educated men. Leani ng is only ths means, not the enil,hs valin .iiaisin in gmi.g Uie means ol arqiiuiuy die discipline .which, when properly man igeil, il gives ths mind. Some of tin ,'reatest men in the world 'teie nol over stocked with learning, Inn their union prut- "d thai Ihey were thoroughly educated U' i ; ., ..... 1. 1-. i t.. naiiiiigiiiii, i raiiMin, iiiui Herman weie mis class and similar lliongh es sinking iiislaiites may now be found in all eounirics Co be eiliieied, a unm uiiisi learn to think onipareaml dtcule acciiratelv. He niav ''.tidy melaphysics till he is gray, and anguagas nil he u a walking poly-got, anil he is noth;ng more, he is tin educated man. ere is no rlass it. the country who Iihvi a larger interest in the education of their hildren Chan the fanners, and ihe suhjec honld receive from them the iitteuiion j leserves. S'niulorPrtsenn!ion of a )ea Doth Li). I odd our Minister of Russia, (I scribes a remarkable ense ol an mt)ecaei 'indy which came under his notice- Th hotly is nl Reval, on the R,iie. Ii is th f3.. Pi l. .1 . n. .. ri wcu. wnuR us v- iov, a rreiicnrnan wii is ii) the RuFsinn service, under P.ner th ('real. Al his dedth. in the hrcrini?io llie 18;li ceniurv, his creditors di. ml mlow hiso friends to bury his boil iniil Ins heirs should pay Ins debts. Th ody lemnined in ihe church unburied, wa epi in a dry room under ground, and it i npposed by some thai the composition ol 'he soil (which is ,-,alk and limestone preserved it from decay. T,e ,0(y js pt.r ecity dry: some of the teeth and while hair re in a perfect state. The ekin is of i rown color; and was represenicd, hn irst exposed to the air. to he vciv elasiic If ynu strike the chesl or ihe hellv. ii oi. hollow sound. The stockinw rP n..,ii. lecayed, bul the boots aie eniire. and the haire of the wig are in good condition. I'HE EPfSCOPAL DIOCESE OF NEW JERSEY. n Journal ol ihe (Jonveniion for 1S45 lurnislies the followinir siimmrv Cr i-ar nn. in , in i..... M . .. . r e . i " j "i nd ,.w ho.d;rs: "l-" ' of Baptisms, . 3U Q of Communicant. - 2 HE) Pupil in the Sunday S.-honlg, J igj ; onuiouiiona lor various pur- j 'i he (Treat copper RE(i!ON of AMERICA. Southward fiom L ike suprrinr, a loir ired miles alone its southern border and in plaees for an equal distance inland, stretches ihe great (.Supper Region of A nerican pei i.tjis the richest Mineral depoiite nn ihi-i oniinem. Although as yel but panialiy md luipt rfecily explored the n suits ilieady ri porud parallel ihe wildest revels of An nan romance. I'nlil within (Iid last two il was but vaguely known that Cj ier(ince irangjtor'cd to Washington) whs me of the w onders of the locality the 'ele ,hem' of ihat remote, rarely tisited wilder Ness, Last year was the first of meihodi cal mining oiieraliors. which have thus lar been coiifiiied lo ihe immediate bonier of ihe Lake, bin the veins and deposit! hnve Vieen trai ed superficiary nd fnfully ovrr the area above ind tated The results have siirjia-si d the tnosi singuine expcciainn, livery var eiy of black and grey oxide of Copper, yielding from fifteen lo eighty per ceul of the pure metal, have been obtained, he veins having geiif rally a nearly perpeu ilieulat inclination, and increasing in neb ness as ihey descend. jflie mineral appears lo havi been furred up through a fused lock by volcanic lires, ant! in some Cases snHI portions of il have been made lo assume a purely metallic. Some of the black oxides contain eighty per cent of me nd, anil are scarcely inferior in value in pig Ooppr, ton, (or ton, the oxiilc' being tho form required in ihe manufacture of Vnrol. Many of the veins dip directly from the shore of the lake, and are tiaced from the surface from five to fifty feel above i; in one ease, the ore is found imbedded in the rock of a cliff six hundred feet a hove the lake level. A part of the ore is ningled wiih silver, amounting to five per cent of l!i euiire weight, worth sonie $30 to $100 pel lo:i; are also informed that (.old has also been disomied though of this we have seen no specimens . N. T. Vribune, RATHER KKMAHKAI1LK. Capt. Bunker of New Bedford, a highly respectable shipmaster, engaged in the whaling business, in the ship II oward. on a l rrnise some years sine'', in North latitude 10 depress 30 mir.utesi and E-si iinnnih 151 degrees, threw a harpoon into a largo whale. The whale was not raptured, nnd which by no means pleasant, is not unlit; quent. It was about five years afteiwaid that b.-ing in precisely llie same latitude, am) East longitude 140 degrees, he made f.,si n a noble whale, ami after a hard struggle nicrecil, d in gelling ,jm alongside Wlnlw oiling hi,,, Wj,t a (lur)( ,ns ed off at llie 'ha-ik, was found fist .nichored in the old fellow's 'cutwater.' 'llelloo.' said Cam. Hunuer, ' 'here is my old harpoon!' And wha he said in a joke proved io be iruili The haipnnn was ihe one he had lost fivo years before ind hatf on it the ship's name, and Ins own private mark. lloalon Journal. A NEW ARIJCLE. We have received says the New Orleans Picayune, from Win. Laughin & Co., ample of a bale of Chinese silk cotton, hich ihey have just received fiont he plantation of ),. George V. V.c- Elralh, of Harrenton, Mississippi, by tlm steamboat M. 15. IJamer. This is a new e.'rription of coiion. of oht .Ap)a al)( of nsi hi aunful, ilky and delicare lexiure Every year we note wiih giatifiration the ffjris of planiers lo improve tlie qualiiy uf he greu Southern staple. According to ,P)mrl 0f ,)e p.rj,;, and Foreign Biblr. Society for the past year io fewer than live bibUs the in inn to lave gone out lor ten hours every dav ex cepi Sunday, making three thousand per lay. IMPORI'AN l" DISCOVERY. The remains of an immense Mstadori vere discovered an exhumed lasi weei bout six miles west rd Nrwbiirgh. The ollowmg are said lo be the wright A;dimert ions of the licini's;. Head and tusk, II i p bones, L"gs, Back aud neck, Feel. Ribs, ' Shoulder blade, 60-Jlba. IS5 SI i 107 83 120 Oi 12!)f.:ri. Eve (nrUi mo.... on :..i..."i j - "".""'iiicj a mi hps in rir. um.erenee. Thigh bone 3 feet 6 inches .. r - y .'" """" ,ncn long. Ribs e.e, neUeB li,n?- ' Fore leg and shoulder brade 0 feei.wiihout counting foot and ankle oones, Head 4 feel k long, and 3 broaij W.513,Bfl Tuaks 0 feet long.