PERPETUAL MOTION AT LAST. The Pittsburgh. (Sazette having seen a new invciiiinii, railed a 'Calnrui Engine, ' invented by Col. Boone, ol'New York. says it in a vciy curious, indeed, wondeiful mach mi', i i perfectly nun mill if it in noi jit)iliml iii'itiiiii. ii is inoiinii perpetually i ini mint ii. The power is applied by ill e ' xpHMMioit and contraction nf a liquid foil or mcnui ) ,) cuutained in a a.uul ylubu, from the ordinary change in attnnsphere. Thit panrioii and contraction moves s piston roil, whirli i u rid in a cylinder, this piston rod w mils up a spring, whirh, moved thus, Decomes a constant propelling power. At the machine is so cnnsirucied thai it wind up ilic spring whether il expands ur con tracts, (lie power is perpetually perpetuated An engine of this kind ol fifty horse p wer is ut present constiucling in Mew Yo.k. REMARKAULE SAUACITY OF A HOUSE. In a stable burned in Albany, a few days since, were two horses, one of which (a ware belonging to Mr. Hurst.) was tied by a strong halter, farthest from the door, with Iter head near the spot where tlx fire origin taeu. Alter her lieau anil eyes were con iderabh buined.she broke her h.iltar.juinp d over the partition bar, broke open the coor, and made her escape, and, by runn ing '.u .the bake-house nave the fiisi ulaiin .ol lire. This fact seems to reverse the fule of action of horses similarly situated them in suih rases, but It lias been found almost impoa aible to withdrawn them from Hie flames vliich ware consuming them. K . .... j. i AN EYE 10 BUSINESS. The inhabitants of Key West have lo iient occasion lo act ns wieckem, and ive not a little profit from salvage. 4 respondent of the Charleston Mercury riling from this Key West, on the 20th u It, wiih h is eye wide open lo the dangers of a slack business, writes thus desponding ly.a '1 hi vo uotuiiig in the way of slur news to communicate to you by this con veyance. Business is excessively ddl.anii wrecks distressingly scarce.' NORTH IJUANrCli CANA L. The inciease of business ou this Ca rial, compared with fount' r seasons, is almost beyond reasonable- computation. tOii one day last week alone, ihere were irom 75 lo 80 boats parsed the Collect or's Olfice, at this place, which is a In lie belter than t he usual tun of buines Imt may be iei(irdeil as a pre i ' v fair in lx to its ordinary opeiaiioii. 7'ne Tolls for the prescnl momli, as esliina ted by tho CjIIccIoi, will ani'iuiit lo full twelve thousund dollar. Enquirer. SHOUT WOUK. Cassius M. Clay, the celebrated abol iiionisl who has been engaged for some time; publishing in lexingicn,Keniucky fl paper devoted to thai Cause, was wail (1 upon a few days ago by a committee of s;xty, ho repaired lo his office box ed up his materials and placed litem ai Ihe railroad depot, subject to Mr. Clay.' order. This was deemed the most sum mary way of getting i id of a nuisance Mr. Clay acquiesced. mm mill minpy AFFLICTIVE OCCURRENCE On Saiuiday afternoon ll, 1 lit Wilbesbane Advocate Robpri Miner, aged about 20 year.", son of Mi. lorhua Miner of this place was drown ed in the Susquehanna, it die Rock, ear the upper end of the Uurough. lit and two other youths were bathing am all attempted to swim across the rivet which at this point is narrow and a poi ion of the way vei y deep. One of the ompany had leached the opposite thou he other two being about one third of ihe way over, when ;he deceased cried help twice, and sunk. Soon he cum up, the top of his head barely reacriiii the suiface ofthe water, and instantly unk to rise no more, with marial life.' Rapid Consumption of c is slated llut the total loss by ihe fue in N. Y. has been vaiiously esiimatml ..I from $5, 000, 000 lo 8,000,000. Tht fire commenced at about ihtee o'clock Jl M. and was not subdued till t-levei. o'clock, P. M. a period of eight hours, upposing, therefore, ihe 1 ot 1 loss in ,ave been SG. 000,000 ihe averaged t-r minu'e was iS3,125, and the aver e per second, war 852,05 Aa a party of emigrants were juturipy in( r. gon, w hen on the upper I'lalte rver, ii theit number were killed by Sioux Jians One of ihem was Mf7 A (lis Robin n. of Tioga county., in this Stale. Mr. Francis Roach, aged 1 06 yean, died the 9.h ult, at the residence of his son, i miles noriheast of Ed wartUville, 111. was a dative of Fairfax county, The anti-rein troubles continue in New rk Delegare cnuniy is said lo be lear c f x'-i'ed. and ihreais ute openly made r,si the ollicers of the law. ninterfi it i5 notes, Hank of Middle i ietter i . aie in ciri-nlation The t-n itiK is rough and paper bad: they tna) detected bv a flourish before the word Mild' which is riot in the genuine. The citizen of lows Territory have second time, refused to enter tho Union ou tho lst trial by a majoiity of from 2 3 hundred. A. C Dodge, l. sq is re-elected a dele Kale in Coin; rem 'I"' Ttiritory of lo tva. JI J.... J'." J- ,T- iurtuuici), uii sumiy evening HI i nninh . Aug. 10. by Rev. 1- Hahl, Mr Samuel Smith, of Nescopeck Forge, to Mis fllAtiY Kinebold, of JMifllin township. in iiiiiion, on ine in inn. ny nev C. F. Saver, Mr. Benjamin Swartz T. Hi . . i . i i of Ohio to Miss Sarau J, IIommer, Delaware township. DIED. In Derry township, on 17c tnsi. ot consumption, Charles Rjbi son, aged about 30 yeais In Hrisrcreek lownship, on ferine day morning, Aug. 13, of cauct-r, Mr Cathauink 7oam9, aged about 70 years. . I . LL 1 mmm!!mmml UiSKUSI THE HLooMsuritc, Aug 30, IS 15 Wheal, liyc, Corn, 7 50 40 Cloverseeri, Flaxseed, Hutter, Oats, Egg, TalloW Laid Dried Apples, While eans Dees wax 3 2 1 12 11 26 b 10 7 62 75 25 1'E.M PERANCE MASS MEETING. Til E friends of I'tmpcrance throughout Columbia and the adjoining' counias art Hereby earnestly aim iepecilully ntviieu In attend a Temrterauce Muss Meeting of the W hite Ha l and adjoining bocieiies, lo be held in White Hall, on the lUth day ol Sep ember, A. D. 1945. A number ol a bit Speakers Mill be pirsent ou the occasions. J A. MISS All.- UO W 1SLL, AUK A 11 AM UELL1VER, DAVID K CAKiN AllAN, Committee of JuvLation. August 22, 18I& 3t. ws?y??9'i . m Irakis , llllUUSUURU, CULUMU1A CO. nuliscribsr rea)ci:lfully infonui his fr'unil and llio iiulilu- gunuj-ully, thai Jiavinu cuui- .ii.tcU his luige unJ coiiunodious ill Khoraliu'g, and lilted it tp in guod sly le, is nu ji t- i re J tu i-iitt-rtaiii truvvllcis in llie bt-nt nuiiiici, ud he assuiea the puiihc no puins thull U iiarvd tu give gt in rul sulinl'acliun. lie hniieH In lining sii lo merit und receive a elturo if the jinl. ronuge ol tho jiuulie, uuu iiiviich all lu give luui u cdl. JNlt'JlOl.AAi hlADT. August 30, 1845 1 Olf Bridge Lctting. "JKOPOSALS willle received by tho Oom- niiHsioners ul Uuluiiitua euunty, ut the houw il .Ibruhuin Muniiing, in Greenwood toivni-hiii, on Friday, September 1 "-!, between the hours ol' 10, . M- unil a, I'. M. tor building t BKIX'L over .i.tle rishiiu-reek, in Mudisou and Jackson tuwu- hips, near Fullmer' Mill, ol'lhe lullowing desciip- tioii Stone Abutments 8J feet bigli from low water iiiink 18 feel lone; up and down tho creek - 4 leel thick at tho lop und (i feel thick at the biitlom wing walls lo be 15 feet long from the f.ieo ol he abutments the sUiierstMit-tuie to be a covered wondin liraied Bridge 45 feel between Uo abut inets lty order of the ('on niissionnrs, E. MEMiJENIIAI.L, Clkhk. Commisbinners' Ollice, Jauville, Aug. 30- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The Exlnle of THOMAS HAYCOCK, Idle o' Imhin' lowmhip; deiened. OTICE in he.-ehy given that letters of mlinin. istralion on 'be ulivve nientioned Ehlaie liiive been granted to the rubscribcr. All person indebted to said estate nie hereby nolilieil lo make immediate pay lent; and all lhoe having i biiins are requested lo pre-seut thrill properlv authenti cated to JOHN M. HAYCOCK. Adm'r. Ithorsburg, August 00, lilj (ivvlO PUBLIC SALE. N purMianrc of an order of the Orphan's Cout of Columbia connlj, on Salurd'iy, tlie-Mh day of October ten o'clock in the furrnnnn.JOHN PAHK" Adininistratrr, Ac. of Phillip Uuddcr,Maln of l'i.b isbinghreek (uwn.hip, in xaid county, dereaieil will expose U- tale by nublir vendue, upon the pie miFC, a certain tract of land situate in Fishing reck township. Columbia county, containing 1 Acres and thirty-six porches strict measure, whereon if. ereclcJ a A LOG HOUSE, A LOG BARN, mm wilh aboul thirty acres of cleared land, bounded liy lands of,). M. Lurkiilew, Michurl able, I. La hour and John II. Po lder, lale the estate of saiii decrascd, situate in tho lownship of Fishingcrcck and county afuicsaid. JAtOB E YRLV, Clerk. Danville, Aiigti.,1 27, IWj. l'J CANDIDATES. We are requested announce THOMAS A. FUNSTON' il ddison, as a candidate for re election o the LEGISLATURE. A tho October Election. VVu are requested lu announce WILLIAM J. IKELEK, f Mourjt rieaaant, as a Caudidiita lor the Office of ("O UNT V COM M ISSIONE K. it tho next October Llection. We are reipioHloi' to announco HARMAN LAMOti, if PittliiiiK creek, ns a candidate for tho Ollico vf COUNTV COMMISSIONER, it the October Election. We are requested lo announce PETER ENT, of Williamsburg, as a candidate for the ii luce of COUNTY COMMISSIONER. u the next October Election. We are lequesled announce CHARLES F. M ANN, oi i axtor.. as a canui.iate tor ine otitce if COUNTY TREASURER, t the nex October Eh dtion. We are requested to announce JACOB DEMOTT, of Madison; ig a candidate for the office of "COUNTY TREASURER. at next thetOctober Election. We are lequesled to announce NEAIi M'CY. f Derry, as a candidate for the office f COUNTY TREASURER. at r he next October Election, We are requested to announce JACOB EYEKLY, as a candidate lor the ollice of PROTIIONATARY itc. , of the several Courts of Columbia County, at the next October Election. We are requested to announce CHARLES CONNER. is a canr'idate foi the aflice of REGISTER Si RECORDER. or Columbia County, at I tie next Cclobei Election. We are requested lo announce WILLIAM COLE, fSugarloaf as a candidate for the officf AUDITOR, the next October Election CTPOCKET BOOK LOST. Xfi OST, n Friday or Saturpnv of last week, in i JJloonwliurc. a CALF .SKIN VVALLiri'. ontaining several Notes of hand, and other paper- no use lo any one but tho lha payment the uolea has been stopl. 'J'he finder will be 'orally rcwaided by leavn.i; it with the subsi iiber. M MLYEUTllOKN. Augu-st 30. Dry CjiIso THE CHEAPEST EVEU OFFER EI) IS THIS COUNTY, FOR SALE SAMUEL A. WORM AN. N. B. Cash paid for Grain, Horse Feed ind Provision. Espy town, Aug. 23.1., 1815 p. IJNYll.I., ()!H M ( ii wi:st. IVhulesule Dealers in IICY Cs'OOIIH. No. Gl North Third SlreC. Ahove Arch, (J co. W. Lin v ill: Albert F Osierloh, Jojeph V, West. Aug, 9th 181.r. JMII.'.A. Itlooiutbiirr Arlillorv The iMcinbers u( this Company; who have Swords and Bells, belonging 'to ilu- Company; are required forthwith lodelivei iheui to eithci ol ihe Coiihm-miuk-iI Ofil crs. H. VVKHIJ.Capl. TflOTIIYSKi: I)7 A I'iil. ME ARTICLE FUR SALE II Y SAMUEL A. WURMAN. Esp ylown; July 2 0 1 S 1 5 . L E G A L NOT ICvT. All persons interested will take nolii e, tint an ipplienlion was nuido to the jude of the court of iMiman picas, citizens at 'Llaiivillu' in and for ','oluuibia County at the term of August; . I) H45, by ihn members of the flint r'resuvtorian Church of Jlooinsbing; in ihe county of Oolnin in; and Slate of 'ennsylvania, by a nninniittee Inlp elected by ibemi for the purpose, acquire mi. enjoy the pains and immunities of a cor miration, by the name Style & Siltle of the ifirst Presbyterian Church of Blooinsburi;' and if no sufficient reason should be shown to the contarv ai next term of the court to he held at Danville afoie ,;.i. i m i rv .i . T:. tii V ' 3 , ' . "8.U' '" -. '"ai me per ons no associalfd shall by the name; Sulo.V: I'ittle; of 'the first 'resbvterian Church of Lloonu mr' in Iho county ofColmubia afornsa'd. become mil be a corporate,! or body public, agrecahlo lo the Act of Asscniblv iiiFurhcae made anil nroviiled JACOB KYERLY, hot. Danville, Aug- i3J, 1815 IKQRTXEnSIIlP DISSOLVED. Tho Conarlnershin heretofore existini; under th fn in of SIIJ'RIITIIORN l- liUUM., in the Ulaeksiliilhing Business, is Dissolved hv niulua ronsHin. ' 'hp Books aie in the hands of Ahrshut Silver a t. . . i i a i . inorii, m wnom an naving ciaima on, or are imUbled In, said firm, are requested to apply immediately Tor seiileinent. MARSHAL SILVEKTHORN. JUDA1I BOONE Blonmsburg, March 28, 18-15. 49 ICT'The Business, in futiiie, will be car rir-d on at the old stand, by the subscriber who solicits a continuance of the custom ns old friends, and of as many new ones of may please call M. SILVEKTHORN. March 28 49 KXOC1I IIOWKLL. TAILO II. RESPECTFULLY, informs the puhlic'that h has moved into tho building formerly occupied by the 'Kecmter' in Market street near Win. Kelvy iY to, store whore lis will always be roady to inako any kind of clothing, nt lha shnrtoat notice and in lha beat and moat fashionable style. From his long xperiunco in tho business, he flatters hunselt thai ho shall conlinuo to give general sal faction and thereby hopes to receive a shura of the public patronage. O articular attention paid to cutting. All kinds of country produce taken in paymont loj work. Uloouisburg, Aug. 9 1 845. tf 10 New fwooils Ilcflley & jHciidi-iihall, Have jusi ieceived,and are now opening At the old stand of Eyer & Iljffley, AX EXTENSIVE ASSOltTMENT OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS C umistitig of act article vsuully kij t in country store, Among their assortment will belound,o DRY G00DS- Clolhs; Cassimeres; Satiiueils, Gainbroons itc. for siiininer panls; Calicoes, Chintz; Balyonnes; Lawns and Crape Deltines kc. for diesses, Hosiery; Cloves Si Mitts; Handkerchiefs, Scarfs; brown and bleached Shirtings &c. colored Yarn; Laps ami Wadding; Bonnets and trimmings. They have also; Balm Hals; Travelling Baskets; Looking Glasses and Brasr Clucks. (;koci:;ii Sugar, Teas, ColTee, Molassess, IVp per, Spices, in fact every thing in. thf line that may be called for. Crockery. A general Hsaoi iineiil ul race Chains, Shovels, Nails, Spikes and ihe usual vtriety of Locks, Screws, Bulls, &c, Rolled and iijr Iron, Hoop and band Iron, Waggon lire of all sizes, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All ol which they will sell on the mnsi reasonable terms and receive in payment all lunils of cmir.irv produce. Mav 10, I8ia3iii. 3 illoomsburg MAItHLK YARD. The subscribers have established at tin tbove place, -a new MAR I EE YAM), mil will always be ready, at the .iiorti-st nonce, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOME- T. I Ji L ES TOME-STONES, HEAR Til JAMBS, MANTLES. PAINT STONES, MULL EES, kc. or any other work in their line. They also prepared lo luruis.i WINDOW CAPS and SILLS. DOOR SILLS and STEI'JS, $M either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol none that can be procured in this viciniiv lillaving had considerable experiencf- in the luismrss, tney plcdpe their work tr be executed in as handsome a style as cat be furnished from i.ny yard ciiher in tl.i city or cuuntn ; imd on as reasonable lerms. AR M STRONG Si HUCIIES. nioomsbuig, Nov. 3, 1813. ly 28 CATA WISSAK OTI5L, CATAWISSA CUL. ft). PA. JaC0B DYER infoims travellers am! his old customers and Iriecds, that hi siill keeps ihe above Hotel, where he will be happy V) wait upon those wlio favm him nith their custom. His house is lar mil ciimmodious, and well FrranpJ to ur rornuindate his guests His table is alwaw provided wiih Ihe rhnicrst Viands the mai keisran afford, and his liar contains snuie nf the best !iiurns thai can he found in lhi section of counlrv. His stables are also ample, and good ostlers are alwai in at lendance. Catawissa, July 12, 1813 2m 12 admin is i it a orrs NOVICE On the Estate rJOilN SMITH. Wi ed, late of Sugarloof township, Colum dia county. NOTICE is hereby given thai Letters ol Adminisiration on llie above iiii ninmr,! 1'- . . . .. UlP' ,inve 10 ,',e Sub.eribi-r. AH ..eraon imlebted lo aid i-Male are here , r i i i ,,y ,,,'lke "nme-.liale paunent slid ",0!,B 'lllvl,ltf claims a,e n (ii-sled n- present lliern properly siilhenneaied to ' THOMAS MENDEN II ALL, Executor. July II, 1813. 0 .v 1 2 The night of Search.' fc"7NEV ARRIVAL OF. fit Ready Made Clothing. I'hfl subscriber has just received a lre assormient of HEADY MADE 01.0111 IN(i, wHch will be sold as cheap for Cash as they can be purchased in the county. iir in tha hoads of hundrmls who hnd been buld Call and examine for yourselves, as ihejforycara It ulao purifies tho hetd fioin Uandrulf Kighl of Soaich is guarantied lo all. J. K. MOYER. June 7. 1845. 7 Chair Manufactory. tit, I !1 I '. , a ...... n tj 8iinncriofir imvinif emaoiiKiieu a o r, ii Cl.IIlt .r..V!-'. C TO It V ou iliiiu airuei, near ine remiluueo ol 1,. 11. ftlaus, lie la now prepaied lo furnish Chans of every deaeription, oi, as good terms aa they can be purchunad vlaevvhere n uia county. Wnnh TIII'VIVP Such ns Hid Vitals Wnannn Tlh. 11 icu HI -c (. - ' " """"'cjh SIGN, OUN AM ENTA L 4' HOUSE A1 1-. A . .-viso lJUUdr I il t.lliU, .,(, .. , , . . . .... I ma lauer nranen, irom tns cxaerieuco, he believe no can no a lilllu nutter liau any other person in lllia section. rrj-POPLAR PLANK will bo taken in pay iiein ai iuu iiiuueai i- .rfi orico ... .1... I.: .1 .. SAM I .EI. 1IAGENBUCII Bloomsourg, July4(i8-i JOHN IVIARKLE, Harness, Saddle & Trunk Manufacturer; ' IESPECTFCLI.Y informs the public that he hui,.nl,,ihi,,.ifi ,h .i, .v,.i,w., o (Samuel Uucnnbuclis Chair Factory. Main Hlrei-i Mioomsbun;, Columbia county, where ho will ca rv n the above bus nesa in all its branches. He will xeep constantly on hand hue ami coarse One and I wo Horse Harne'ses, Horse Collars, Saddles, Bridles and 'Trunks: &c. if every description ; and having had a long expe- lence in the liusini'js, he can liiruish as good wuik. and in cheap as can oe purchased in the county 0" r'AII kinds of country produce taken lu pay nent for work, at the market prices. .May 10, liinJ NOTICE. LI. persons knowing themselves indebted It the subscribe!, ars reuuostej to come forwan1 ml make payment, 3i.?.E & HIDES. vill bo taken in payment as usual, and received in xchaugu for LLA 1 II hit. PHILIP CHRIVI'MN Uloonuburg, May 1 1, 1S15 4 IS. F. 1IAYIIUR T, WAGGON MAKER, BLOOMSBURO, KSPECI TI I.L mlorins the public thai helms located himself in the Miop lalel) iiiiied bv ZIUA Pil Ulil.ES, in MA KK l, I - STUIOIjT, wbeiu lie intends carrying on tho ubote business in nil its various branches. HEAVY WAGCO.NS built and repaired, as Weil as one homo WA(.'(;().S AM) I5UGCIF.S. f every dascription, und ull kinds of Counlrv Work, in his line, donoaUhoil noiicc, anduii tin most reasonable terms. rrWinod Lumber and all kinds ol Country Pro line taken in paymtut lor wok, hut laU will uoi be refused, April 5, ISir. OtiiSi) BLOOMSBURO Cabinet VrarC HOUSC UZ Milm-riher would respeclfnlly info.,,, tl..- iniblic. that he has taken the sit p lately oc ' .. . . ... ., i . upied hy .Vamuel, near ino upper euu oi Uloomsburg, where he is carrying ou the eiiliUK'l-i1 EUr:S) all its various brunches, and where ho will b, I ioiiv o wail III on Ul I oif ui.iv avu ii 1 1 1 . 'MM1?. 1 3 ... ,i .i. . .. l r... i. .. with their custom his l' urn line s wa ra uei i lie madn of good mateiial aad durable, and he in nil i keeping on hand Sideboard. Secretaries, Bureaux ll'ardmbes. Curd '1 aides. Dining Tables. Breakfast Tables, Cupboards. Stands, 1 1 'ash SaiidtfBedstcais, Dnugli-lroiigis, Colins, S,-c. ind all kinds nj'vvork in his line, which he will sell pmi as reasonable terms as they can be pun based in the county. Dv sinct attention to busiuo) bo hopes lo ic- eive usluu of public patronage. L.l.1 UliUN.V April i"), 1 SI 3. ly 1 CIIAKIjES II. lUXKALEW Attorney at Law. fine South side of Main st. vppoaili Eyer 4' lhJleje Store, r, -"WI L ATTEND COURTS IN HIE COUNTIES OF COLUM1IIA UND LUZERNE. T O (5 A R V E N T E R S . PROPOSALS will be received nl th. School House, in Espev liivvii.nn S.ilii' he 30ih of Aiii.'vis, ui-l at ' uYlm k, I" S r the building nf an aildi:i'u In s aid Scluini llnusc, one siniv liih, 2tl by 25 bet nigti weather boil dill aiii I linil wnl hut' pine boards, vviiti yoml i-l ".e wnl folilld .tln,.. and finished in sid w nh desks, 'seals it", f,. ,eaia i,i . in ti.-ula-s, em r a sen, 'nl. For I'niiher p. emjiMie 1. 1 I-1 i'r ol !l'- m,i ti l i bcrs, ,'. ' :"( '. S. iiit) -.i i'80 JACOB CARiiiSUN. Cuiumiltee. Buildin: I 7Tft.. 77- MMam- ntteS.BHlttiG'j' Si I"" " w " FAMILY MBDICIPSs X- - JJ YAK'S 1U1H TOA'iC. ri.i. n.i, T.o.i. i,. ,,i,,i i,.:r,,i k..- I Cmea disease ol the scalp Preserves tho hair I1"1 laiiuig on or iiscoiniug poimanenuy groy WJIYNA'S CARMINATIVE BAL SAM. IS a certain, mfe and elTectunl remedy fur Dva. i-niery, Uiarrhuja or loosciiesa, choleru inorhus,suin I ... . . . iner coinplaint, colic; griping pains; sour stouiaclii nek unit nervous lieadach, heartburn, wulerbranh; pain or hicknera of the stomach; vornitiun; spitting up of food after eating and also where it passes I lirougli ,n hody unchanged ; want of appetite s Irestleasnesnandinability to sleep; wimd in llie sto- loiach and bowela; cramp; uervous tremors and twilchings; seasickness; tainting, melancholy and wi. i-..! !. . .-, . . luwiitwin npiiun, ireuuig uuu crying oi imams andlurall bowel allectiona and lu-rvous Jiaeasea. ,)r JAYNES TONIC VERMIFUGE I .. ... I v hich iii perfectly safe and so pleiinnnt that ih;Mr..n u,;n 1.,.. i, ;.. r, ..n-.... n.. lloolrovs wonu.s! neutralizes aridity or sou muds uf i . - . . . the stomach; increasca anuelite and acts ua a m;ne. I rul and permanent Tonic and is therefore exceed- Iiniilv beneficial in in'erinittent andKeuiiltent fevera and indigestion: eve und is a certain and nerinaiant I -. I euro lor Lie lever and asua. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may he taken at all times ant! iit moat diseases In Inflammatoiy, intermit- lant, Kemiuent, uihous, and every other lorm ol rever Jaundice and Liver Com Plint Eor Dyspepsia they are reaily an I. I....I.I. I. ..i :-- .i. , ,C " T giaouaiiy u, K g .... secretions of ihe stomach and livei, PrOUUCIIIg tieallliy letton in IflOSB Itll- L'OTJani organs. i liey ate very ValuaUlu ir diseases of the Skill, and for what itf iommoiily called 'Imnuritv of the blood; dso for lemale Complaints, Lostiveness tu., and in fact every disease where an Vpanent, Alterative, or 1 uigaiive iMcdicuio nay be requited. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It always cures Asthma two or three arge doses will cure the Cioup or lives Children, in from fifteen minutes to an tours lime. It immediately subdues the 'iolence of Hooping Conph, and effects a ipeeov cure, iiuniirens wno cave ueeu i nil t riven up by their physicians as iiicurrahlu vith 'Consumption,' have been restoreiit erfect health, by it. In (act. as a remedy in Pulmonary Dia !asps, no nicuiciue lias ever obtained a more deserved reputation. JO'l he above Medicine are all for da it the store of JOHN R. MOYER. Rloomsburg. Uii ADMINISTRA TOR' S NO TICE. yJC Etlule of SUSANNA TOM EI N. vy, v late, nt' Centre lowilshin. dtClUied. ' J ' OTIC 13 is hereby given that letters of admin istration on the ubove nientioned Estate, aavu been granted to the subscriber, living in Ceil irn townsnip. All persons indebted to said est.its ire hereby nolitied to make immediate payment. ind all those having claims aie requested lo pro- nt them properly authenticated lo WOLU.VIU AKH'llAI!i, Ailm'r. May 17, IS 13, bvv4 Some thing New (0-UNDER THE AMONG the wonders of this age of i rri provcments.ilie subscriber respectUilly begs ' HtlPnllon ol Ills I. lei us arid lie PUDIU! in general 10 ine eorner oi itiaui C i . .i.. i... :.. .. : I i I pi., wnere lie lias jusi ricei 'eu anu iiju ih u irom Philadelphia a general assortment of C 0 N V E C T I 0 N A II 1 E S , ,.-. .. f.el ,un9 nf i .... . 11 v Ti Win. dieu. various kind at Rmsins. Prunes, I'igs, owed unit tvtler Crackers, Oranges Lemoiia, Lemon and Pine apple Sy r a ps . Soaps ,,'U 11 ion ds und tobacco. mil all other articles usuaUy Lcpl in a gro cry. Iso a good Sieoilrnctit nl SCHOOL BOOKS & STATIONARY All of which he will sell a little cheaper ban the y can be bad at any other establish nent in these 'diggii's.' N. B. Hood wimp and cult-red rags laken in exchange for bonks S. t). v.. KAiu.i;::. B!ooinsburg, June G h 1815. miss 71. r. iioitisoy. "JOULD respectfully inform the Ladic.v ot lilooiMburg and v cii ilv, that she buajiist received a laige assortment uf Nt urn tuitt, O to it her shop 'ii M "in-i-it i- t.i'i'a ly oppesiti Doebler a I bell i, and MVi'lid linr.r below .Silverlbom s, vtliera jsbe h.'Mill the nriirUs u--. idly kepi in a Millinci'a i Mure. 'J be Ladies me nil iin itcd tu cull and exa MiUtneru. km:' mw mine for themselves, Poii.'uts Biid Caps mude and done tp in Ihe h,ot c si vie, Zj'iufinsboig, July i. 1 e 1 0, 12