ANIVifF.W JACKSON. Finm ilu Pi Miu Freeman' J.iurnul. I) K A T II ' I l". M. U A t J A( K N. - A picket lii mnved l .iver).ol 01 ht, Finnishes u, tuouli h.iV' in j Imi oil' "iVi loi.r new Loin Amei ic,r, with M.e ili-Pp'y lo ho Imncniml ti dingi of C--'nr'r' JaultK.n' ,llM"1 Tl" tvcnl look pi .11 c hi hw 'it'ivaio icsi.iwnc. lli 'Inrniiii'ii' in ihu western male- Jl, H"i 3 l ol Juno in (He T3 h y of .V A" coair.v.l in in"?. h-Joym ' the veter r,S (lvin bed m hiili! wiih him in h n , conlUi, W.rnl. it h the lot of all men to au-tiin, met his phy isician on the wiy, proclaiming that the hero w no more. , VVe can imninn liow this intelligence lias tier n rcetiv. il ilirnunhoiit Ameitca. J'liem! piNied with sodden grief, and they who were, onre hi Iocs, now vain ftblceulojyHistt'iiis character. Over hi.-p.rn-e lh."e is lizard but one gush of uni VtTMUmiow. Hi death is indeed national c;il imiiy to hiscuuntry men, ami u widti void left in the unknot man -,nol. Tnounh lor years he had noi minftled in active p ihlic life, le oracl .memorable for tiuilt and ago lhu veiled in honoml privacy, was in the farthes mul icupeeicd in ihe highest quarters. very muttering were treasured by the ftvored lnv, who lately oaw him face to face, and the word of his mouth decided the destiny of llie Continent -A great career, indeed, is closed; a lu minal v has gone down in the west, ami the fltsh of his sunJel has come out lo vs, across the wa'ers. America nav well lament her loss .lie had grown wiih her growth, a limn f Ihe giant oak. and in ins ian me end all the branches ate shaken. King' tlie ofien, and ihe common herd of con- flueruis rush down the precipices oi . . i i... r 1 1 tune to their own unuomn, um mo of a virtuous citizen, brave and merciful in wai, alraighi foiward and incoirupii in peace, who made his arms a shield, and his power beloved, cannot be sus tained by any couniiy. however rich in , public virtue, without the sense of be leavement which is never entirely for eotlen. The new world has losl a sec ond Washington in Jackson's death lor I hough their characters may dillei somewhat, their moral construction wa. ilia fJIIlP Times and lemneramem modify ihe opeialion i.f similar princi ple?, and sj with them. Jackson wa. iivre ardent, more, tenacious, more oi the iron cast of Napoleon in his action. . fie was a man of unparalleled In nines- ' . Ii I . I in Ihe camp and in the caome'. imju as if to mould the future national cfurac . ter ol America, his own was deeply mat ked with all the great Republican lineaments. And he has impressed liinuelf more deeply than any other i. man. Washmpton or l ranklm noi ex cepted, on the general character of hi people. He has given thtrn a bound , ies national an;bition an ambition noi to enslave but to liberate not lo cen- tiaiise, but diffuse power not lo hea vveali'i in one impeiial fortres", but to , partition its influence, and scalier its ad vantages over the area of ihe confederacy General Jackson was born in Maich 17G7, of Irish parents. While yet a lad, he enleied the army of the Revolu tion, and carried his musket through a war ol 'Independence, The greatest event ol his rr.iliury career was ihe pioud prerog biive he enjoyed, of terminating by one masterstroke the war wiih Ecgland ol 18-12-15. t)n ihe banks of iliu M itsi.-s 1 1 j i l New Orleans, lie encountered t!ie vein uns of the 1'eiiinsula, und their serried liostf were levelled with the marshy waste, which they had polluted by their presence. In I'Uiiifcliing ihe incursions of the Indians, hi. tifitial fortune aiiemleil him civilized skill mul eavdgt wile were alike brohen belotc I. tin . There grew up in America after '.lie see end war wuh liiiijUnd, amnuiul it onopn IV, ailed tli e Uniied Stales limk. Thi.-nu-at machine, in llie hands nl" ri-uklrss anil ncgliye'iil men, woiil.l, il sullVriil lo e.-i- : have lo'ig since jenpunlized llie liberiies an'i the prosjier'uy of dial country. J-ickson was Hindu President, and he overihrew, un exiitioii td his during genius, iu dan titroua eiioniiiiv. The hi lions tailed, anil die avaricious conspired ?;ain?i him; never was utfSiiKin so billed by the siiarliny -emissaries of a Imsiard RriMdcr.icv; he stay ed not to retort oi to hear, bul inking nn dtr the fury of die Monn, wiih a fioddiil few, he MVcpi away tins sininluig army nl nsureia as cotnpleiely as he lud awepl a way the hosts ol Puckeuhain. The publii nice hi IhaI was heard in his d fence, and he wan placed a sci-und lime in die thir o' the President!. In Ins eight years id ullice he gave a new cmnpiexmii to Ameii can pohiiea, ami one which has never oinc Iceii rliani'ed. We cannot heie enter at length into the ronideration nf the varied events of the lung life of this illustrious man. We sat lilnMf iis, not in common place of sense less enlngy, bill because w.o .consider thai great mlejnty, wirhnul pretention, ambi lion wi'.honl ?ellishnei,s, and success with- out arrogncc, are among ihe best titles to'uo guits uf clothes to eeai!' that high appellative, The world lias n, known no man mote pure ban Jekeon. .. 77, America will feel his loss. nnsi .ntinia.ely. R,a0lnf mke fu" nun' c"nver Hut wl.y should not we here, throughout siuou a le uly man, and writing sntxiraci ihe litro' faiheilarid, jive voice to dep le uki. rctand utler ini'O In our inelHitclinly piide ii (he depmcdf 1 he linme wtiii h hit pa cuts loud tin) alter wheie they were n inietl llie I isi sjiot of liinli mil they mv ru a v he onkuiiu'i), but the l ime ol heii 1'in ii ll.'iis back upon llicir cunntry i hi broadly ami Illicitly lo be conlini d to iiiouluies, or Inve hunt less eKtenuve th:n dm islaiut. Iv'er in hi lih' he was proml if Ins deseent, and his heart nu!d glow a tie sighi o an v of Irelxed'n humb!esi sons Vhile a graielul people over whose 'r'lwih lie has wjiehen, for whose rights i braved death hi the field, and the fur) if a strong hvl faction in peai.e while the are rendering duo honor lo his virtues, ho services, and his example, some sons ol Invalid, h unshed by misrule, will, we trust as a re priiseniiiiive of itie leonle of the lie' ro's fathers, mingle in their grief, and claim us a sad prerogative of his bniliruhi. lo mourn lor the illustrious dead. TIUEVEItV IN AUAHIA. While somn of the Mamelukes were encamped about Miuich, a thief set hi. mind upon cany nig off the horse and wearing apparel of one of the lieys; and wiih this intention, contrived, in the lead night, lo cretp unperceived within the tent, where, as it was wimer lime, embers were burning ami showed Ihe t ich clolhes of the Jiey lying close at Hand. Toe thief, as he cpiaited down by the Are, drew them aolily lohim.and put them all on; and them, after filling i pipe and lighting it, went deliberately 10 the lent door, and lapping a groom who was aleeping near with iliu pipe end, made a kign to him fr the hoise luhirh alnnd tunneled in UOIll. 11 WaS tirouEht he mounted, and rode off On Ihe morrow, when the clothes of the Ue could nowhere be found none could from a conjecture as to whal had become of them, until the groom, on being ques tioned, maintained lo his lellow-gervHiits that their master was not yet relumed tiom his lifle, and told them how he Had snddenly called for his horse in Ihe night, which at last gave some clue it what had realk happened. Upon ihii the Uey, anxious lo recover his hone. is well a eur ous lo ascertain ihe par Uculars, ordered it lo be published a broad, that if ihe peison who had rob- bed him would, within iwo da f, on n t),ck what he had uken, he shoul I not oiilp be pardoned, but should lective lso the lull value of the hoi so ami lln suit of clolhes. Relying on Ihe good lailh of ibis promise ai.d .possibly, loo, noi a little vaine of his exploit, tin Viab piesenled himself and biouht hit- booty: and the Uey also on his pan iium'turlly kepi his woid; but since, be sides ihe loss there was omeiliing ii tue liausaction that plactd Ihe Uey n lather a ludicnus light, il went ban with him lu let ihe togue depart soiree ly, and he seemed to be considering what he should do, so that to gain time he was continually asking over and o ver again Iresn and more ciicuinsiancul accounts ol the manner in winch the iiralatem had been conducted. Tin oilier was loo cralty not to petceive thai no good might be npuing for him, ind began to led anxious lo get safe on! of the scrape; he showed no impatience however, bul enleied minu'cly inn, everv detail, accompanying ihj whole with a great deal ol coi responeln g ac- ion; at one time silling down by tin lire, slily drawing on the diff reni ar ticles ol dress, so as to throw the H-i ind all who saw and heard him into Ii -f laughter. hen he came al last In what concerned the horse, 'it was,' sail' he, 'brought lo me, and I leaped on his back in this manner,' and so i- cfT-ct flinging himself again into ihe saddle, md spurring Ihe flmks sharply witr. the sunup irons, he rotle efT, with all ihe moruy he had received tor the ani-, mal in his pocker, and had gnl mucl oo far, dining the firt moment of sur risc, for any of the bull t to t..k" if ei that were fired at him in h s ll h , aim nothing further was eu r heud f him r ihe hoise4 "WHO SAID YUU WAS?" Pill was proceeding lo dine with llie Lord Mayor of London, and. being un popular al the time, was hissed and linol ed A gentleman in full dresn a join, of liic minister's tail ubserved one ol the nobility looking at him, with bis hand ful ef mud. I'm not .Mr. Pitt! I'm Mr' Pitt ! In vor iterated from his cairiage. "Who said you was, spoone?" con temptuously exclaimed llie fellow, at lb -tunic time especially flinging his handful in die gentleman's teeih THOUGHTFUL .BOY". A tittle boy. more thoughtful than bint genrrally are, but nn more than they should be, nn being tumbled into llie mud by a comrade, wa3 asked why be didn't serve his abuser in the same manner, when lie replied 'It I g'lonlel. there would lo Le J Ax ACT Concerning (lie. lieinnvitl i f the Scat f Justice of Vulumti'ta Vounty fratiDarivilk to lifaomshurg. Sectiuu 1. He it enacted iliu Sennis mul miso rtl Ki'prcaeniiitivca uf I ho CuiimiKiiwrulih of I'Biiiinylviiiiitt in Cmicral AwcmWy met, uml it it liorehy e- actod hy llie inlliuiiiy uf llie Minn,- That it shall mid may be lawful fin the (lualified Vo ters who have Kcaldcd In Columbia Coun ty lor st LEAST SIX C.ll.lVIMK JIO.YTHS immediately preceding the next Gen eral Jikctiun, to vots at such election upon the question oftlie removal of iln-ir Scat of Justice from tu said county, in the milli ner loiiowing.towit.- I hose in favor of a Kcmovnl uli.dl voio a written or printed t'ukil libelled. "BK.r Uf JLSI'ICR," and romuiiiing llie word -FOR BLOiniSttlJUU," ud thobo op posed to a Keinovid, shall votu a wiitlen or print ed ticket labelled as nforesiiid, and containing the wonls" f'UK DANVILLE;" the said tickets to he deposited in a box which shall bo provided for thai purpose at each and cveiy of the uleclion polls of coiiuty, and the ictunmof eaid election nbnll be nude in the suinu manner by the lieturn Judiies ns in the case of llie election of Mcmbeis of the Assembly, ami if on the mretinir of the lieturn Judges it shall appear that a inajoritv of the voles have hion given in favor of JJIooiosIiuik, then the loll iwiiig K ctious of this act klndl he of full force and ell'ecl; hut if it shall appear that a majority of votea have been given anaiiiht Uloonisliurs, then the following sections of this aeuhnl! be null if void. cm:. J hat if a minority of the voters of said county of Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voting on said question of Ceriioval, sliull decido in the manner provided in the Inst section of this act in I'uvor of llio Kemoval of tho Heat of Justice of tiuil county to the town of lilooumluirg, tho citizens ol Hloonisburg in said county shall meet, or cause lo be erected, JtT TIlElll OWW l'lKU'EU KXI'EASK, within three years from and idler such election, tn the town of iloonisliurg, suitable bmldiiiLM of UiiK'K or ISI'OAE, of the MOH'J' AITKUVED I'LAX. for a Court House and 'lison, and dilUuent nIIicch for llie wile kccmnir ol llie county lecoids, under the direction of the County Commissioners, who are authorised to re ceive a conveyance for such lot or lots of ground lor llie use of such County buildings, not LE! llian U.M. AGUE, in Ico Minnie clear of all m- ciunliraiiccs, fur the Une of the county of Columbia, the Siiio building to be erected on audi lot oi loU ol'grmiiid thus conveyed. And the Court Ilout-e. and otherpiililic buildings and real cstulc on which lliey are erected or is appurtenant llioielo, ut the town of Danville, arc hereby granted aiid confirm ed to ho inhuliiluiits of Mahoning township, with lull authority lo sell and dispose ol the booic to tin best advnntage.aud that so much o'. the proceeds ol said 3ale,as is nctess:ny to refiim! to the citizens ol Danville whatever amount ol money lliey may have given lor tho original construction of the public buildings at said town, ami tho purchase of the Ion, of ground on which they arc erected, shall be ic- luuiled ti the said cIIi.ciik, and the IuIiiikc to be jiaid into the Couny Treasury for county purport's. I'rnvided o ilisposilirm or sale uf such public 'uildings sh:ill be made until the court Ihhim1 ai d pub lit liuildings a'. Uloonisl urg s!i:i be cuinplelcd. ind the public records and oilias Le removed there to. Sec. 3. That so soon as tho public buildings are completed according to tlie piovi.aous ol'tlnt. act, the Commissioner aforesaid shall file a report of tliesunie in Ihe Cou'1 uf Common 1'leasof said county and said Court being satisfied licit said buildings arc fully completed according to the true intent and meaning of this act, and a record llicic of being made by endorsement on said rcj riit, the Commissioners iVhcill of said county .shull there upon cause the prisoners, it any there ciMihncil ii. the old prison, to be aafcly removed tn the new. and ihe public pupcrs and records Ihcn i'i uiuihinr' in the public o Hit cs at Dmiville, to be'i lv dceo- sited in It r new puildings so a aforesaid buih ain! prepaied for the reception thereof, and fioni thence forth the Pie it of Justiee in and for the county ol' Columbia shall cease lo he at Danville, ni.d tin same shall bo removed and fixed at the town ol lilooinsbiirg, in the said county, and the public of fices heretofore kept. and the courts of jusl'cc hereto f re held at J.iiiville.ioA ',,r said county nfCuliimhio. hall be kept and held al Hloonisbuiir in the build ings erected lor llieir accnmuiniialioii us aloresanl. kc. 4. It fill n 1 1 lie lawfol fur the ciii.ens ol lilooin-lpiirg to obtain su!sciipti:s from any per- ioii oi peisons willing to subscribe uny nionev or materials for the erection of such public luiildipgs is are pr.ivnlcd l.irm llie second scclion ol ibis act ind in default of the payment of the same, the onnly Commissioners are hereby empowered lo a use suits to be brought in the name uf the connh lo enforce ihe recovery of the same, and when enj- i-cted to be applied towards defraying the txpema f such bniloings. See. 5. Il'nnv person or persons shall vote on die question of removal of ihe feat of juMue nl said county ef Columbia, at the elecliou authorized le ic held by virtue of this act not duly qunlifitd to vole lu ac MOiliime with llie Inst scellon of Ibis act. or sli II vole mil oi his or uicir proper ilistuei, oi bail vole uvre than once on faid question, lie in ihcv so oircoding upon conviction tbeicof l.,.f,, r. die propev court of quaitcr scsmdiis of said couiilv. shall be suljeet to the penally prcvidid for in the general i leclion law s of this Loiiiinonweallh. !Skc. Ii. If any juil(.-i' or inspector of the election lutliorbcd to Le held by virtue of this net, sl.ah knowingly or wilfully icjecl the vole of a ciiizen iiualilied to vote on the question of Kemoval of Ihe scat of justice in ssid county in accordance the will lirst section of ibis act, or shall receive the vote oi I poison not qualified to vote as afurc.-uiil on said question, be or they so offending, upon conviction .hereof before the proper court of quarter scssior.v of said county, rhall forfeit and pay for the me ul s:i let county lor every sueli enence, a sum not less than three hundred or more than six hum 'red dol lars at the discretion of the court, and flmll undergo an imprisonment in the jail of said county for n oeriod ol not less thuii twelve moulds or inure thai two years. Si c. 7. If any judge, inpprrtor or clerk of the election authorized to be held by virtue of this act ball wilfully miscount, or shull falsoly and finudu- leully add up and return ihe votes received upon the question aforesaid, or shall keep alulse rally paper, or shall be guilty of any fraud in the discharge of his duties, every person so ofieiidmg upon convic lion thereof in the proper court of quarter sessions of said county, shall be subject to the same tine and ieualty as arc imposed upon delinquent judges or inspectors by the general clectioii laws of this Com- monwcaltti Ss.c. 8. It shull le the duty of the iiuh'cs and . I.....;..-.I.. ..I. ..... ... ...v. i. i IIIKurt IOIH lUUUlii lli'H i tic ri, Lllon ailllivnil U O IH held') V viruc of lllis ail to cause tin- letter j tul be legibly and distinctly set opprmiie ihe name, of .... l,nll ....... iV i.l . every i uw.eii in" n i ...- u ,u. iirKiKiii ci me leinovtint uie sen. oi junue n nioiraiu, tally paper nn which bis name shall be recisteird.l and any wilful emi-dien to lydo thall l dcuued a' Iriiiul, md fluid be punished us lauh in .o eouhuiM with the ,p ovisioiis ol the seventh section i l tltir hi:c. U. It shall be llie duly of eieiy jinlgi', In qicclor and cleik coiidiicling ilm elecliou iiuthoi .ed to be held by viilue of lllis act, to lake (in inbli. ion lo the oath or alluinaliou be is now ct quire i b law lo lake) an oath oi iillhinution ilut he vii. Iioneslly uiid faithfully comply in eveiy lopcn with the provisions and -cquheiiieuh of this act, SSkc 10. it shall be llie- duly nl ihe re nun judges of said county , in ihe lime am place of their meeiiuj; to rail up all tin voles received in ihe difl'erenl elecliou ill irtcls on Ihe qiiesiinn of ihe Ucniovnl of iln seal of justice aloresaid, and Hhall make oh two eerulicaies sltowiiig tho result, one oi which shall he tiled in the ollitu of ihe cleil. f the r.niM'i ol quarter sessions and the othei in Ihe (illico of ilie L'niiiiiiiaMuiiers of said couniy of Columbia. ISkc. 1 1. Ii shall be the duly of the Slier iff of the said county H Columbia, to catisi mis act lobe published in al least threi newspapers published in said count) ; for a1 least once in every week for sixty days im mediately preceding ihe nexl yeiicial eln don, and shall on ihe day of ihe ilcctim cause at least iwo printed topics, one ol which shall be in the Cennan ianginitie, ol said act to be posted in handbill form, in lb inosi public place nearest the election poll in every election disirict in said eouniv mi) the reasonable expense of such publicaiion shall be paid by ihe said eonniy ol Colum bia by orders drawn in the usual way. bi;c. 12. so much uf the existing laws of this Common wealth as are altered oi supplied by this ar, be and the same re hereby repealed; and also the fit I ol Assem My passed lOih June 1830 entitled an act relating lo the lien of Mechanics ai.d tnhrrs. upon hmhlins, is hereby repealed so (ar a il relates lo ihe buildings lo be erected in pursuance of ihin act FLXULIiY PATTi'RSON, Speaker of the House of UcprcscntativcB. WILLIAM I WILCOX, fpeakcrof lbs Senate. Approved the twenty-fomth day olT'ehruaiy,ont thousand ei'ht hundred and foity-five. riUiNCIS li, fcHl'NK. WORMS KILLS THOUSANDS. CIIIILUIIKN are most subject to llit m.hul per J sous of ull ages are liable lo be ulliiclld wiih 'iieiu. Lad bcath, nah ncss about the hi s.lludied 'heeks. IlirL Itur ,,t tli. lnik. ivulinrr i.u nv ti'tiooj km . . ,-ain in tho bowels, joints or limbs, iliduil ed ske!ii!)rni"IU'"':' iiighlful dreams, uioanmg and of wo- iciuus appetite, are omoi.itihe syiujiioms of worms lany aroductorcd loi- months, for some olher im- igiiary disease, when one box olheiniuii's Wonii i.oenges would cllccl a cure. It. Ujan, corner jl I ii nee stiect und the liowery, cured u man of .vorins rmslha was reduced to a. .kcle.o,,, and by only i box of Sherman's Lozenge.- I.cis now as fat inu nox ol niiermiiii s j.ozcnce as an Altltrmaii. Th Hon. 13. Ii. licardsley lias saved llie life of on" of his children by llicni. The sale of over y,i)()0,l)00 of boxes has lull) lest cd theiii. They are llie only infallible woimiles truying medicine ki.ewn. V hut family will be without them! Couauinpiioii,('oughs,('olds, Whooping (Nuighn Asthma, and nil iillecliuiis nf the lungs, willlind u healing value in Merman's Cough l,i.engcs. They saicd Ihe liev, Kichard De Foresl; ihe h'ev. .Mr. Sticeier, Jonathan llowiiilh, L;q. and that ni7h) old hero, Leonard liogers. fioiu the consumptive's grave. They cured in one day the liev. .Mr. Dun bar, Ihe l!cv. Mr. llundcoek; W in. Jl. Allrce Kuq of diste,sing coughs. 'J'hey -ire the plensanlel cough medaiuc und cure the botneat ofaiiy ki.own remedy. Headache, Sea-sitkiiess and I'idpiialion,relii vid oi worn live to let) minutes by Mieiinan s Canqioi Lozenges Persons olleiiiiiug crowikil --ouius il 'ravelling w ill find them to impart buoyancy ol -pirils and renew their circrits, Those sulleiing irom loo fiee living w ill find a few of tlielo.i n to distal ihe horjois und lowiiciscf sni'its. .Mr. is'ialh, of the Sunday .Meicnry, has repeatedly cur il huiistli ol fcverc headache by them .apian, t.'liadwick, oflbe packet ship W eliii gtoli. bus wii-nesHi-d their efficacy in a great many cases of m-ii. siikuos. 'i'l'.ey i penile like achaini ujoii tin agiinicii or M. ut 1 1 ii tl I, fives, I's Mieiinan s J ooi Man's Plaster does upon ibcuiualisiii, h inl ngo pain or wcakuos in the fide, back: brcist or mi) part of the body. Mr. Jl. O. Dagrcrs, 3D All) sirci'i; Ilinij K (idiihliiigj ii.ij t hatlinn sired Moses J 1 1 cm it tic Lsq. and muliiiuilo uf (iilu-rs hale i x ofricnerd tin wonderful i iTeets i,f Oiice I'laslcr? Price only 12. cents. Caution is peecsar in sre ihatyoii jjel the genuine tShtt man': Lozenges and I'lasters, us there are mar uorihli -SB ar'.ii les alien. pled to he pi.linn ufl' in place ol lheni, bv those who wuul trille w li Ii Mini lile lor a shiHine'. Dr. Shermaii'.i wiirrhoutio is al '00 Na sail street, ( or snle hv John K MiM er lilnnmsliiirg Win L Wal'er & eo - Mci w i. k Line it Tlioii pmi. Lime 1'n'ge K it .1. iriii OranrreviilH M. (i. Micunakt r lluek llnrn L. & A I. I'lsel Jt-rn y tow n Derr t M'liride-U bile Hall John Moore Danville. Stephen IJa'dv, ('t:awissa. Jan. 4 191337. (im, ms'ioiir on u'yomixu CHAKLES MINEK. BY i;BfiCl;lPTIO.NS arc resiectfully solicit 3 the forthcoming History of Wyoming. j.l fi i Ihe woik, now ready for Presj, will make an Octave volume of about six luudred pa;;cs, of which live hundred pages will embrace 'he "main body of tin iiirrntive. The Appendix, beside a variety of en r ous atiJ illustrative articles.will contain the "Tin llun-lioi 1 ravidlers," icvistd with numeruus aildi ilons, p.eiflonal anecioles, incidents and tkilcher of character, making about an hui.drcd pages. The author thinks proper to soy, tt.nt no paint hnvc been Fpared tn obtain information upon everv point connected with this suljeet. He has llatler ed himself, as Wyoming bus become classic ground as uniiumcrablc errors have hcretofor, existed in regard to its story, and as its very inte resting civil cbara.ter has been tcarcclv loucheil upon, thut alinesl eveiy genth man would desire foi his library, in refpec to it, an authc n'.ic r.Hirslive The purpose of taking up subsrrin ions is to run. 'de the author to judge what numbct y conies ii e. ,.i,l,i I n ...Ar. , ,. ...,i.i: I. ' '.iw I ' '" J'.,iliril. '1 !' liooU w ill Le ncaily printrd in octavo o rm. onesicelleiit paper, with sevrril illustiative rl,-;. E I ),.-.llli,l ll, ."'.ll' in . .. , l.l- I "'- m' nun iie, sua ui lr-e'e-I toM simn iu.i,p a, , wu i.oiihi s h cop' , money to be raid until lee icnk i; Mo -p.I l ' Subacriftions tiCeiud al this fljfce, 7!I(K('IN(f iIih (.rcKPrt opportunity oi' 1 epiii'siug bis llninkfulness to bin Ii ieiids.imd iho public geneiiilly, foi the liberal puliounge he lias lien Inline leceivcd, informs his fiiends and the oiililic in general, that lie still coiitiiiui'sto ( any ili dn; above business at his old ei tiibhshed fliind, on die corner ol Main and Last stiee's, wheie he i lpes, by strict utlcnliou lo husincss, lo n i eive ool merit a thine ol public patriamge as bcrelolore. llo deems il uiiiieccwaiy to go into Ihe game of. irair.orto me. uny soli sodder alioiit his H!l,l, hi iho rhOIT-;.S.ii. UK OA'' ML NT CIITI.Mi' is bis shop is of long standing, and his vwok he thinks will speak for itself, and far more Imalcr ;han words. Hut, he would merely say thai, he warrants bis work done with ncalnes, duiiihility, md in the latest fashionable manner, ami will in iiro n good fit in all rases. N. Ii. Clunges moderale to suit the limes, kinds ufcuuutry piiiduce lukcn in cxthunge work, at market prices. liloomsbiirg, ov. 9 1844. 29. & Basses. fft Yl'Iin subscriber has just received a large us S soilmentol Sl'EOTAOLLS and M'KC I'ACLL ULASSKS, of the best quality, of boll, .vbiteand green, from IS'o. J. upwaids. Qj l'crsons ufllictcd with sore eyes, will find i: to their advantage to call and get glasses from him; as they may feel assured of deriving a great benefit from their use. G. L. tslIL'LTZ. Cloomshurg, May 17, 18454 Chair Kanufactoy, 'I'll Ij eubseriber ce'iiinuc lo cany ol the CIIAlIt iVANUFACTOaiNO business at llie old stand of J!- & ll- linen boch, where he will he ready at all lime to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Sei tee, Huston Itneking Chairs &?, of evor scnpiion, which may bo called lor, n short notice and on the must reasoiiiihli terms. He will also execute House, Sign A 'aiming, and Uoiise l'upcring 1,1 a superior manner, From his experience in tho business, ant his lacililies of .nanufarliiring the varinuf j, ,,f his line, ho flatters hiflisel'. (Iko (e ,.,,1 a,,t, , r. r ll tulft as. good work i , . n. . .. i. "P"""3 """ ' V .'I""" " ll'e I'ountry, ml of which ho ivil disposR oi lor CASH or COUNTin PUODUCK N. 15- Orders from a distance will b strictly ui.d punctually attended to. 15 llACKNIIUCH liloomsl org, Dec DO, 1813 &C. B. i'o large Tin Elootiil!;urr ES. t;. ILL keep constantly on hi surliiieut of KAILS, SIMEvF.S. AXD IKOX which thev will sell by WHOLL.SAI K and 11 L TAIL, wiict ii nx zit:d ttvum tin tie tii tiiin van lie rltniirrr iuicl,tt. v(l, Meicbunls ui.i others, nuiy find it lo ll.cir interest lu mil .Mi kinds of grain nceived in pavircnl. JUSsLPJi PAT(J., riiKSiLKM Erandrcth's tills. j5 tniu uni;ersiund : J lie I. me wnl ci tut , whin llit medicine, lirainlrelh 'ilh, will U .i.. .ecialcd lis they ought and tit M-ne; it Will bi ui.ilcis'.oud that l.:r. Jinii.tliith has the atioiige. elaims iijioii Ihe ul. lie. It is true lhat eieiy in oividual whrt makes ti trial ol ihe lliamirith Till, concede them lo be the bet mi dicine they eve-m-id. 'J'hey are indeed a medicine uboiil whirl there is no iijisiiika. Their value in a. climale n v haiigciible as ours cannot be sul'iiciciilly iipprocint cd A hce pcrspiial),.)) is at ontc reslmed , tlni. llicy cure eulds, und coosi;ii;pti: n is picw-i.lcd.- I tlonf who have a tiIim dm :ey ol bile lii.d diem ol ihe must cam sei vii e. and should then l e ,!( . ll incy of lhat imp. ,, taut fluid the ilranih-clh Tilb 'h u e an ciuallv bem fu ial illi ct. Often lists tin., important medicine sated valuable iives in those re jioiis wheie die diuull'ul tliow lover w.h pievnii i i', A few do es imiui diately uj on llie in t'ei lion being received intu tin syslein, w ill b al most ccilain lo pievent ai.v malt-rial inenun i T i ce A tint no stage of this dri adlul epidemic is ihen so proper a mediiinv us thu liienJrelh Pilln, l.c tin. iiii-ilii.ine be universally u.ied in ihi. d.m'ase, and no lo?s ot blood allowed, and few V 'ry lew, would be its victims. N, it is w iih olhc. diseases. Assist nature wiih this ull imporranl in -iln iuc to remote luoihh! Inimors tiom the blood .. id do not resort lo bleeding or iiieriuiy, in tl ut thill have a "cry great icaicity ofpo-sons ulllii t.'i w i Ii tionic maladies. 'J'he 'i 'ihered Ii ihe the an imil kingdom, over which uu ait the Imds, art in t a!l!ic;cd with chronic maladies; neither should we be if it were not for our priue which occasions ihcni. follow n.ituic. I's,: die medicine wlii'h hurmouies with her, whiili mildly but surely re. Dimes all the imj'ui i:ie oflbe bloud'.w hith strength ens die Icelilc.aiid jet reduces those of ton fiiil Imbil ton healthy standard. Let me aeaiu miv liial everv department of the liiiinul'ucluic of Iiniiid ilh I'lli- is personally siipermtended 'y me, and lhat everv box with my three labels uoon il nuiv be relie.l up on to have the beuelicial elleel dc..i ril . .1 Ii tlsei accorilmg to the (Ineclions iiccompunv nir A c i: N T 4. Washington 1,'obert M'Kav. Jerseytown I,. V A. T. iKel. Danville K. Ii. lveyimlds A Co. C'attnwissn (J. (!. Kmlst. l!loums!u:rg J. K. Mover. Limestone liabbil A 'M'Miu I., lliickhorn M. O. Shoemaker. Lime hidgc l.nw A. Tlicmjis0n. 'icrwiek- J W .Mile Vay 3, 1H IS ly- 2. rag ,C KTKAVLlJ from tho subscriber. ft ah"" ,l"',',' weeks N I ' "J fc I. Co'-, in .Jr:Js bit Jen. Any p.r. w uuou. i ii ,vceK', ruct, a uitc l u.... .1. i. . : - -1 d bad hf (-; piv.. hip j. ti. I .i,a ' in ii to the i" 'ib-:. ii':r r Hie fjr II! I;i, I i iuu'i tuaii i 1 rr-;. uao. r . . . i i. . 1 1 i . - i . t! . h lvan: Bloomsturgi Aug 3 ISid WASTHU Two Appro n tier f fHte) ihe LAN I uoo iiiiOT THLt: .Making bn I fl siiiess. Muiart active boys between i'r.n ages of I T) and 17 will receive good encoiii';,ge- mcnt upon iinmcilia.e Hiphculiou to the siiliMj-iber. hl.MO.N ! ISJUVli liloomsbiirg, June I l,l8l.r (iif mS List of I.c llc i. r.MMM.VO in die Tost Olli.e, nl Mb s j filing, oil (he quailer eliding Jnilc '.JIllhHIS i.aiuh A 1 o oil n in It an Liniel i- sei Aallis J-' 1 1 J I ti . t-r I'miiil J,H kmn ,li m j Ii J : 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i i v Snail sniiu 'j beiiiiis liolmsou Miss .Imy henliail i-Hiinn I 'J ISproiil A. U. J-'i-q' f-eins Win. or John "hip W yeholl Y. V. W aki field JiMiies l ei. mis i ailing f.'r h i crB in ihe tl.ovi- li.t will , i,.u.r ..... ,., ,u ,-,tiK. l. i' J wf J. It. iMOYEK P M Cabin t raliing' 'Vl fj subscribe) rcKpcclfully infoimn ihe pub lic that he has taken the shop lately occunud bv II. S. Huvhursl. nl the Inuet end nf l:nl. i.. A' I street Uloouisburgi where be intends carrying on !' r'thc above business in all its blanches, and solicits a shu e of the pulronuge of the public. In connection with the above business, bo offers his services as an UNDERTAKER. lie will always bo ready to male C OFF IN f for the saint! piieus berelolore 'hiirgt'd in lilo"iin.burg, and bavmg rupphed Iiiiiim H'w ih a good 11 LA "Mi he w ill attend with it ut llie I'uneral without uny cxlia chargo. JOHN LITTEKS. May.iO IH 15 Gm 3 Krrn- ,W T n !k1.v . Tr. ,0 cr vr VV7 Viy v 1 L J ,; ;,-, I : (. l T 11 E Danville Steam Woollen Tactorv, lor- mcrly owned aiidoccui icd bv I r. J'elrikin, hu.-recently Ik en Iiurcliased by die snl, w l.n icspeeifiilly turnout c s lo his fiiends and the pub lic geucially, that be is r ow prepared to CMcule ill kinds of work in bis lint oi hush .e.-s, ul do slimiest nonce, according (o ordei, nml in the l ist .uinpar.itive mtviiner. Having gone lo conn'ileni lv. expense in repairing his uiai liiuery und uppu jliis and be:iig very purlii iilar in stcii'ii.g ihcer .ices of e,vprii need mechanics, be fi eU c(,iil'dcnt hat he is eii able of ( xecutii g ull kinds i f veil: n his line in a sty lc supeiioi to any oilier establish mcnl in t he country. Trices ol v oik us loilcwt-: Cloth i vurd wide j..,t und duik, litm 4o lo '.Xt (Mils pel yard Ho b( ll!d grens, olive brown, eve. from fid lo 110 utirels of the above eolois, fiom 'ID to -M i-'liinncls one yard wiile, lit) (cuts. Wine, bioivii or bint k, '1(1 Madder red, -1-r jlaukel 'i yds wii'e; twi'led or plain, from TO to 70 ei nls per yard. 2i.?,DIlIG fo, FTJLLIITG 11 ill be done in the la'sl. miiiiii r, u i d ul lie nsn ii prices All kinds of couiiiry proilu.-e will Id uken in pavmcnl for iii.ville n.iukit iriccs, SJl Tl 7'.Y K 'ITS; 77. ,t .Y.- K L S: CLOTHS JilJLSKXTS; Constant,) on Imnd, for sale ut rtdui cd pn.-c-t lor t'adi or 1 1 a i tor. For the accoiiiui.i!:Uio!i of cn-.tomcrs li'.ioj; al i lislancc wool for .liinulacluring will I c taki n in il the following places : Clll.l MDIA COl.'NTV. Isaac Kline's Mill, !-'i:.:higc etk; llolmes' hlore, Colon. bus; I t w tV-. rholiipsou's store, i'-liiilj'e; W. I.. allei V. it's store, l'crwitk; Nlewait tV Lit ki Is' stoic, 'liaiigevill.'; in. d iKiIvy ln.s si , lilooms- uirr : John 0. !-' ss' slorc, Cultuw i.--u; L. Li- el's store, .Icri-i) Ir.'.M.-. Deri tv Mcliiidc's stole, lute all; Mi ioip's slorc, U'asbil glonv ille. Ll ZLIIAK COI NTVllcvi.olil'sstore Kings on; tiiliieri lecvc's, 'ilksbai re; eis' slme, N an icokc; Jndje Mack's .Mill, 1 1 iinliugloii I'luin written directions must occom nam unh parcel. ii. u. fii;.i;iiLAi;T. Dnivi!!,', May 3, IS lfi " Sv7AH HOTEL, Ofungeville, Co!uvi(i county, Pet. Till subscriber respectfully informs the public lhat bo has least d this tare,!! ihico ory Tavein, nnw in ibe (iccuianiy of Mr ' ... i . , - 1 1 . i , i i i ienroe. M'ipie, in eiranoevnie, uniuninM mniy, I'd., and intends moving into n nn he iii-st ol A;iril next, w here he will bo iliMsoi lo ee Ins old friends and cusluineis V? bis TABLE ivill nlwavf be furnished with the besd llie ii iri'iit iillorils, His 1 1 A I ! wi:h ihe cbuicrst it I ,K otM H And bis ST A I'.LK, attended by faithful llnsllets, be flaiier? himself thai lie will tie able to (jive (jetieral satislaeliun CONVEYANCES. will nlwavs be ready lo tranporl mi theit rouie, I C JOHNSON ilan.'h lo, 1815--if' C-o'i-'L. ii-o b v"'i'ji. rr- V- J 5feI'..s'l',CTIT I.LV ilifriiiis l!ic ciliii ns o r- I -..I.. .!.. . i ... In: ir; i'; burg mi Mai,. I hal lit III .Hill iilin.! I in I'.h: street oiiiioite t l. l aid s l much, where l e I .-litre opened i-hop, und is nr w ri ii;'v and pie and lo receive and eccut.' ull work in bis lineot I ii:iin.s, ..i:h dispatch and in a woikiuuiibke muniicr. cloclis & Watches of lue best tpi.ili'.y, can be had at his cstal lislnni nt on v, i y reasonable tt ui' . ItKIMlKIXO efc ( I TAJ d will be done to ihesati-ilaeliun ef the customer, as well of flocks and Watches as of .Ii webv, and lo will further, w arrant his w nrk tole c.u'-utcl us wellas any in this section of the !Mu e. He i,l jl..o r.ule to trdcr SUIlVEYIXfi COIUPASSKS or rorket, and in short, will do all oihriwr k Vfu- Ial1.1 done in a well regulated rcf it tat le e-!u!:.iyi 1 ' .. I ...... .. I .. ..;, alio l'i ii I., I .Ii m 'v J- imi. o n-.i. .. ..... - and a dci.e n jdra'C. I" net ne i :! fill il me o patronage. t'onoOy i'rr cure luken in )u.n lor w-eik at -.c in "ktl p'.' It..m-.l.urr. NV-endu BWtyKSOF ALL h'lMJS, SALE AT TMSOtriCE. ran