v. ;lt ORIGINAL. Writon fj tV.a Columbia Democrat AN Jkl.LEGOKY, Or tkn i.jfowt'm of two hopeful youth cf ihe neat liillt vill ige of C.iuwiHs yit uite orj a romimio vale on die verge o ihe crystal water of llw W.isquehanim. -'IVsj lo Sprite of the Mountain anil valleys, not iniifitfit witli ih( endearment of their village lump, owing lo the ex Inus'.ions of their frtiln imaginations in duvisllg plan of amusement, an I the euperabind nice of tint ill it forluno in her r.9iks of fancy hail pl ioeJ at their disposal. ' AvYde their frienda, both luli and gonts, were enj iying th iweeta that hours Indus ,"ui)tWy passed always aflVd, fostered an , idea ill 41 jp int me-msly originated from their discomfited thoughts, tint they would pur sue n career of life emenating in the wil -d.irness and euoBinptsaed by the tender el . fusions of their infantile spirit, which, with proper culture tnd more caruful observance than those of their race had ever before "been nurtured, would enable them to beam i forth in tho world far in advance of the age in which they lived, in sagsciiy, in accom , rlishmonts and in worldly wealth. To carry out this plan with ecrupulous regard, -they chose tetreat near the winding of a .-gentle liver.by the influence of well direct cd doierminations.foriied of it a bower that even Calypso might have regarded as an appropriate abode for her charming host! Jlero the science of letters wag cherished w ith the fondest affection, and topics of the deepest interest to the world at lirge receiv- f.-ir nrrt'ion of the invesiif ation of their .-perceptive intellects, and the subsequent 'benign principles which their abundantly -capacitated and skillful genius was peculiar ly ly calculated to afford. ,j" Slaving employed much time with sub ejects of such radical importance o llie wlanded community, they now betook them selves lo an innocent play with cards, i. 'How could these youths, beaming with m inly dignity, the admirers of sciene, and ' -elegince in civilized circle, yd, the advocate of futher impiovemenl in every branch, '. the fond gallani of landed ladies, lh erne- iturj of wit and refined manners, and withal i not by any mean expelled from any sphere for the umighiliness of their persons, fail in the slightest degre to attract tender spirits verging on a kindred with their own? These youths at first, unconscious thst fondness in her brilliant fancies encompassed them.cooj ly, pleasurably and thoughtfully eat in their mountain retreat, and with cheerful coun , tenances played vingtetune.hand after hand in rapid legularity followed for thirty sue cesive plays, in neither of which the num tier twenty. one was obtained. At these prolonged movements the fair spirits thai HUrrounded them grew impatient it though invisible, vet as lamina belles Tad ever waved their minds, they had become so tibmisive to the wilt of the fair, that these gentle ones bestowed on them the conclusion of granting him who might bo u fortunate s lo g ii n ihe number twenty-one, the unparalleled proportion ol five glittering (i en; 8. Emboldened with thi success, Ihe fair ones stilt hovered around with the de termination to make captive the hearts ol these yet unconscious youths: to succeed in this resolution the fact ol their existence must, a thuy plainly saw, bv some mean . b-j conveyed to their oaptive' mind. T;ie play went on through its first l;irr. n-id straigely, it sell-evidently appeared to the now awaking sensibility of the noinina play era, that, the number twenty-one by . come mysterious influence, had been cnused lo fjll lo ihe lot of both, iher now with acrious crir.'enanee and wonderment of mind, looked u', each other with the mutual t.uprnssion it: it a miracle had been pliyed upn l1.'1 r. , agiin they played ami again, with different eards,was ihe number twent one their fa'.e. rystery now pervaded every plant and tree and earthly thing. That there was a power tiding them was beyond all question, Again they played and still again the number twenty one with different card appeared nrioro mem coin, power wa ruling them they Some knew, bjil little thought that nymphs from the silvery stream near by hid espied them in their shadod retreat, and were endeavor inj I) make captive those Jiearto which had Hlready made conquests of iheir own, un- aware of the presence of their fair visitor and (he tendencies of their throbbing bosoms in lusto lliey lefi a spot which portend something to then inexplicable.yil sensibly influenced tVe remits of their actions. Cut true love never fades at disappoint ment enduring but a moment and still leav ina a aense on which to hope. These nymphs well knew thst tender in ilia affections ol thos who held them captive, and by the satin superhuman infhurteo that ruled before, aused i lie m to enibaik nn their nvn nativi 'dement, and bathe around the rock of iheii lueen, which rest on a foundation of bril iant pebbles inierspereed with gold coloured nda in ilie middle of ihe Susquehanna. vhere swift water dance in cryial'eauty, i il it to ihe queen with sprightly gaiety & by 'ier most gracious permission pass away, to iii'ilo ihe coiiiiiitimu stieam lo pay homagr md adorn tho wide sproad portions of hei ovtdykingdom! These now pleasure ieekin volutin plunged into these cryeial waters,aiid is soon ss they were in the elements of ihe lymphs and their lovely Naiad for by thi ippcllation they sddiessed their queen, the omquestof their persons was complete; the most brillisnl jewels were now bestow ed upon them, and tables ladan with deli rious food appeared before them; music in sweetest strains breathed from'inuumera bis K'c-vos of coral end ' oilier aquaeotis gqms, in every part of which were nympha smiling on them with the gracious recep tion of true love. The Queen precenled each with a robe as slately as her own, and passed will) majestic mein from her brilliant throne lesiring.thai.they would reign awhi'e in the ample magnificer.ee of her palace, an honoi which never had before been bestowed on nymph or creature of her bountiful regaid. Thus these two youtha parsed the tune wiihnvmnhsdi Naiad paviiiir obeisanct to their will, they always being in their w ihouchls and pleasures harmonious, but a . . , ; - J .1 one in purpose ano in mum, iuy rniomed in thi splendid kingdom for D , seven days, governing with justice so equal mercy so beneficial , prudence so petfect.and affection to all iheir subjects so sincere snd agreeable, than the queen unconditionally resigned into their hands the absolute regal power ol her king dom.aasl with ihe whole tribe of nymphs richly attired, joined in no olamalions of prai3e,interperced with crie of "Ion st live our lords," we will forever love honor and obey them," completing the rejoicing of the day with a magnificent and sumptuous feast, at which participated a thousands invited guest from the king dome of all the queens of nymphs in the waters of the earth. Sweet music discoursed in each grove, Whilst every eye t ld tales of love; At the c ose of this dav the sun never sal wiih more elegance, nor (he counte nances of these nympha 'beam with uioic animation, they one and all thought ihai they had made a conque st which would immortalize their entire community, and ensure enduring & unbounded prosperity to ioming gonerationst S) careful were these love'y creatures lo provide for their lord, that, thev then wove a curious conductor ol jrasg to supply them with fresh air lo brealh, obtained in piofusion by the agency of the most experienced ol their number from fragrant bret zes. But alas, with all iheir care, all t tie is enjoyments 'or the pre sent and hopes for the future, how soon were their qentle schemes to be blasttd while yet they lingered in tho bud, for there being a scarcity of material in the kingdou. to provide new dresse for so numeroiir an assembly , a nun.borjif their ladyships who sat immediately opposite the throne robed insach scanty dresses that their fish like tails covered with scale were not pro perly secreted, consequently were visible &. so surely disgusted the royal authority, thr the two youths prayed lo the gods of fala.to break tie spell wiih which their person were bound to the will of the aqualim hosi! Their moderate petition wes iin mediately answered. The wateis parted from the throne, ihe nymphs and naiad in stantly retrested to iheir deepest depilm,ani! then, a cloud formed around the throne, which dissolved the reg:il robes of tin vouths, invested them with their forinei habiliments and liiumphantly born ihem oil its broad expanse lo the summit of Catta wissa Mountains that lav near by their vil I sure snd there left them in full view of tlx laud, adorned by their forelathers handt for distance as far a human vision car penetrate, wiih which proceedings the) were much rejoiced and resolved to ever afterwards fallow the pathway of theii illustrious ancestors. The ooral of this tale is, that Your.g men should believe thai their forefather. ways were endowed with much wisdom, That they should not think that all thi fworld before ih.m had gone wrong from the comruenoenient. That iheyjehould listed villi attention & respect tn the edviir & r marks of iheii equals, thaithcy should not be capHvaied wiih show and dies at firl sight a ihrie inighi be some tales (uilij about; ind they should never abandon those who ihey aie truly fond of, in hopes of being (l ittered by beings of anoihei character and mliir rpheiet. THE FATE OF A BRIDAL PAR TY. The Iltfllville (Ohio) Advocate of the I7'h ull, ha s full acjounl of the niel ancholy loss of life attending a biidal Iiriy, which wo mentioned in our last, i appears that iliu II h of July was the lay appointed for the- marriage of Chas. 11. K"ttler, Eq , of l'rairie tin Long, Moororj county, 'o Misi K isilie lluel berg, deceased, of Dutch Ijill, about ten nilcs distant, on Ilia east aide of the link ikia rivor. Intervening about hall vay is the river, which then wis very ugh, and hulf overflowed its hanks. Alter wailing the arrival of lha l)iid tnd her relatives at (he place appointed or the marriage, until nearly evening, i messenger arrived with tho dreadful tidings thst all, except the fit her and ion, were drowned on their way to the wedding; five women ihe mother, the bride, two sisters, and a young female frieod in their company, had met their leaths; It seems that Mr. Iluelberg, the fath er, had risen early on (he day before, ind wiih his family started for (he place. One carriage contained them, and as hey appro iched the river, where- ihe my was awaiiing them, & were cross ng (he bottom on the road, which wa overed with water, the horses were urned off, oversetting the carrirge and lis passenger j into a deep slough or ra vine. I he water was running rapidly The father clung to Ihe vehicle the ion to a cluster of bushes, and both were aved. Uy the assistance of some hunters the bodies were recovered; each corpse wa aken up and placed on a hier, and (he tad procession, by seven o clock in the evening, had reached Ihe house ol mourning. The feelings of this wed ding party of the aged father, vvhoie grey hair are going down in sorrow to the grave, for a family thus annihilated of the brother, who mourns for his mother ami all his sisters, thus struck lown together in his presence of a lover whose heait is riven as by a thun- ler-bolt Ihfl feelings and emotions ol these can neither be imagined nor de scribed. On the next day one grave w;is dug for five persons and cide by side were laid the mother, with her three daugh ters, and their young friend and com panion, Miss Diessel. The funeral wis attended by a vast assemblage of tho neighboring country, and the funeral sermon wjs preached b) Ihe Kev. A. Dony, Lu'heran preacher, of Uellville, who had attended lor a ve ry different servico. Tears coursed down Ihe faces of both preacher and au litnry during Us delivery, and the hearts if all .vere impressed by the affecting cene. What shadows we are, and what shadows we pursue!' THE POOR OF LON DON. Lonlii'iiiation urion conlirmation i constantly coining to u, of the wretched condition of the poor in the &real towns of ihe Old World. Mr. Hi yam, the the American poet, travelling in Eng land, thus alludes to the poor of Lon don. 'Hegning is repressed by tho new po lice reflations, and waul skulks in holes and corners, and prefers its pel i ions where it cannot be oveiheaid hy men armed with the authority of tin law. 'There is a great deal of fimim hi London,' said a fiiend lo me lhj oth er day, 'but the -police regulations drive it out of sigh1!' , A Iwas going through Oxford street lately. I saw an elderly man of small stature, pooily dies-ed, with a mahogany complexion, walkiim tlowly before me. A" I passed him, In snd in my ear, with a hollow voic, 'I im striving lodeaili with hunger;' and those words and thai hollow voice soum led in my ear all day. Walking in Ilampsteail Heath a daj .r two since with an English friend, we vi-r accnsied by two laborers, who .vr re sitting on a hank, and who said hat ihey had come to that neighbor hood in search of employment in hay nuking, hut had not been ablo to get either work in food. My friend ap peared to distrust their ttory. Hut in ihe evening, as we were walking home, we pissed a company of some four or 5 laborers in frocks, with bludgeonf in iheir hands who asked us for something lo eat. 'You see how it is gentlemen,' aid one of lham ; 'we are Mrong, we have come for work, and nobody will hire u; we have had nothing lo eat all dsy.' Their tone wss dissa'ished, al most menacing; and the Eiiglihmn who was with me referred to it several times after wards with an expression of anxiety and alarm. I hear it often re marked here, that Ihe difference of con ditioo between the poorer and the rich er classes becomes greater every ijy, and what Ihe end will be, the wiseal pre tend not 'o foresee.' It is stated that a colony of Iiciliano is about to he established in Texa, and thai the colonists are each p;isseeed of a cpi tal of fiom eiWO lUj$10O,OO. NORTH BRANCH CANAL. The woik goes bravely on- 'lie wheels are moving. We (his week t;ive nniica of the flection ( managcr and officers they are of the righl mate rial. We are glad to see at (he head t familiar name :o (he dwellers oi lh North country. No other would have made the work more popular: the naur of Gariick Mallery is a strong one in Uizcrne, Wyoming and Hiadlord. Ihe managers thai are from this section are good selections; belter could not wel have been made; the gentlemen from New York we know only by reputation nd lhal speaks well of them, and well for the enterprise. O.io thing deserves notice ss connected with Ihe improve ments of Northern Pennsy Ivania. H you enquire at Danville win are the men, and whence the capital employed in driving those large furnaces ami that magnificent rolling mill the answer is, they aro At-w Yorkers, working with Gotham fund. Our own rolling mill i owned by a N-iw Yorker, driven by A'isw Yorkcrs.Sc employing New York capital. The L ickawanna works will give you about the same answer, but may- add thai there is a small sprinkle ol New Jersey and Connecticut there. Go to (he axe and scythe factories, and you will find (he active and intelligent yan kee has his hand busy at the forge ham mer; his is the capital lhal INew Jvig- land sends out with all her sons and may he counted ihu: intelligence added to natural shrewdness industry, economy mleerity, a clear understanding of whai ihey undertake, and promptness in all things; all of the aVuithein agricultural ists and lumbermen pay Ihem tribute. At Carbondale all Ihe immense opera lions there are the fiu;ts of New York foresight and New York capital; and last and greatest, Ihe iNew X oi Kers seiz ed upon ihe North Hranch Canal, tin greatest and most profitable inves mem of Ihe day; of the 10,000 shares Nt-H York holds near 9,000. The only im provement touching LtiZTne and Co lomhia that has been completed by Phil adelphia is the Lohigh and Sjr-.iehanni nil road, and ihe canal of that rumpjny. .tye.w Yoik indeed seems lo have tauten ed her giant arms around ihe gieatesi coal and iron field in the woild; a n . Philadelphia with her millions o! idle capital, has looked on and quietly pel -milted ihe golden hour (o pass fioui hei lorevet. Her rival in Ir.ulo and cam- nerce has sealed herself in the richest pill of her own slate, and is now turn ing hei own artillery sgnns! her. Il hard indeed to give any reasonable ex cuse for her apathy toward us. She ha millions lo lo,m to companies that ip- l'-ir from solvency, but not a dollar foi investment here. 7 canal ii'ai sue should havn had every share in, she has niiie 3 or 400 oi.lv out of 10,000. e -liould have lejniced lo have seen om own int tiopolis which has to bear hei i.iri ,,f il. ("!:. v h inn I. r Ihe. niooev ex. I'"1 " , j iinnled on 'this blanch, reaping the hf n- t fiis of the investment ; but she lias turn ed us ovi r to llie slianger the faiiesi .ind richest portion of the stale. Our inclinations were elsewhere, inil our ympaihies go with our necessities, ami we have cause lo regard New York more fi iendly to os limn Philadelphia. We Mured out lospfak of the North Branch Canal, and gelling df 'he track ,ve have been tl Km t somi what at ran dom, and can now only add, lhal by resolution of the board a funher instal of $9 per share has been diiected lo he called in; the limo am, puce ol pay ment we shall ntve Lnnly notice ol. This will eniitla the company lo thi oosx' ssion of Ihe cana' from the Pool li he I.arkawnna. We hone the leliinn will lake place this fj ; there can hi oo reason lor delay , and Iher e are mar y tut' haste. We shall ever look back with pleas ore lo our elfins in regared lo )his im provement and il will be a happy day indeed tj the people of our valley, when our coal shall be travelling over Ihif canal lo the North and Vi:s: maikcts ihat cannot be slocked, and where we shall go without rivals. As we have said before we shall come back to this subject again. Luzerne Democrat. RATUEll ' FISHY. A down east paper slates that, 'as a gen deman was fishing between House Island and the Cape, a large shark camo near hi boat; and after looking wishfully at die firshcrman for a few moments, irave a spiing at ihe man, who quickly dodged him, and the shark went completely over die boat. More IrighlenrU than harmed (he poor fisherman hurried his litile boat lo ihe bore. Il is a wonder that the fish iliuu i follow, and have another jump for him. ROASTING ARABS. An expedition from the French Army in Algiers, after succeeding in penning up six hundred Arabs in an immense cavern, find nig the natives would not submit, the French rnasied them lo deaih by budding a fire in the mouth of ihe cave. The is one of the most horrible instances of barbarity on record, and equals the Uiiiish system of thinning off the natives in India by lamina. , "T1UTH VlTHUl'T THH &.1TVIUUW JIl tilSTiQ, I1S, Fee BSills FOR JUS I ICES AND CONSTABLES Primed on a sheet for the purpose of I'om nig up in iheir unices. FOR SALE AT TIMS OFFISH i"ir7The Law reuuires Justice nnd Con stable lo have his bill of fees poalod up in in is otuce. ALSO Blanks for CONSTABLE SALES. JVcw rMWice Law Tho new I'ost-Oflk-e Law went into . neratnm on ifee fiM of July. Having licielcllno aiseitcil mat" 1 iik Columbia Dumciur" was the only paper tint rould bo sunt FliEU uf poMuxn to imc- ry IVit-OlhYe in tlio County of Columbia, anil it Having been domed by iho Uanvillu papers, we liavo curefully arranged a lublo of dutunces from Uloorualiur! and Dunville, to the dill'erent oll'ii-os in the County, by tlio neaiest mail routes, by which it will be seen, that there are FlVlWost- Ollices OVEIt TIIMTY MILIIS FROM DAN- VILLK, and N07' ONE FKO.M LLOOMtf- ULKU. Distance from lilooinsburg, Di.ilnnce from Danville. Miles 14 00 17 Allies CO 14 liloomsliurg Dat.villo Espy I. iine Kidgc Berwick Foundryville liriercrcik Light Street Orangcville I'ealera Fishingcreck lientun ( Wilccreek Centro Kliorsburg (ireemvoud Millvillo VIonlaiiKville liucklioru Jeraoylnwn White .ill .tfifflinvilla 20 26 12 14 12 17 10 21 23 22 20 10 10 21 35 87 36 40 24 27 21 It) IS 21 28 81 15 1'J 10 1-1 17 11 15 OattuwiBsa Forgo ucuvor alley Cattawis.va Nuuiidia Moorcuburj lioiiilxville VVashingtunvL'l Deiry TOTAL, IS 16 13 389 69 The friends of the Removal must all be aware of the importance of the Oclobei Eleciion, ihe result of which will be either for weal or woe lu ihe future prosperity ol the bounty of Columbia. As there is nc loubi of the acceptance of ihe bill hv ihr icople Ly an overwhelming majority, it is necessaty thai we send to the Leg in 1 mure i irue fnend.to prevent our onnouecrs fron pelting amendments which .nay be ealeu ated lo embarrass ihe ruining up ihe pijh'ii buildings. Ii j8 likewise as necessary tl.i.1 the bond of County Ciirnmisioners.slinuhl iLL be friends lo llie quesiion. 'J'iie trim of Mr. Edgar, expires, and some good anil rue num should be elected in his plase L IS rillW 111)011 l IK niPlllher X- (InnlmiiLlnnp. 1 V ln 1 1 hat Ihe Danvi'le fMiion will bring il.eir iirceg to bear, :ia 'lieir onlv hone of sulva 'inn by gelling men elecifd who will nn biirrass opeiaiinus under the bill, and ilii.s pui off the final completion of the businc I hcrefure, their old game of two opi.oHitioi lickets or of volurrter candidatts, will b. resorted lo, as usual, this fall. It deppn.tt. hen, upon Ihe actions of the frieiula nf Re mnval. I hev can defeat ihemselvea. lu livision in their ranks upon these can hdaies, or by a union, rome out of the struggle gloriously triunipharil, and forover put at rest this exciiinir quesiion. From ill we can gather, we are satisfied lha: such is the deterininaiion, and that a vicion awaits the Removal parly this fall by n majority unprecedi ntcd in the county. IRON DALE FURNACE. Has nearly reiovcred from the difficuhv which has attended her in consequence ol the breaking of one of ihejerank wheels.and is now in a fair way of doing a uccesful business. Our description of the work and properly attached lo iheso furnaces, U necessarily posiponed until next week The Philadelphia North American says: Enciiuiiaoement op American Skill. We learn that ihe Bavarian Government has sent to this c;ty, lo supply itself wiih the kind of Fire Aims invented nnd patented by Vm, W Hubbtll, Esq, a Member of aur liar. The extent of die order we have not learned, but it comes direct fiom the Bavarian Minister of War. This gun is loaded at the breach, will do execution a mile, and can be loaded and fired by the troops in the ranks whilst lyirg down, or standing erect, twenty times in four ruin uiss. In the list of delegalei lo the Cn i Oomniiisioncai Convention, to be held m llarrisburg, on 7'hnrsday, ihe 4thofX,- lember.published in the llarrisburg Union, ihe name of the Repiesentative deleim from this county is omitled. Ii is ISAAC S. MONROE. Til 12 STATE INTEKIvST. Bickuell'y Repoiter, in noticing the fad il the payment of llie State interest at ilia Wink of Pennsylvania, on Friday lam, says An ev deni cheerfulness pervaded nil classes of our citizens, arid lha attendance at the Hank was large certainly, but by no means 'rowded. Cofindeuce in the honor and inicgrity of (ho Commonwealth appealed to be thoroughly restored, and claiman's in general exhibited no particular anxieiy.no feverish haste for llie receipt of iheir cfivi (hinds, We congratulate our fellow citizens on ihe maintenance of the now high rcpu t a lion and fair fame of Pennsylvania. f.lWHIIMJ., Wllj F L E C T I t) N K E T U R,N S . NORTH CABtOLIXA. The Returns fimn this slate aie bin partial iy received, iliotigh enough to show a large dou.ocralic gain over the vole ol last hill. KENTUCKY. Mr. Tibbatis dem. is re elected by 124 majority. It is saul that Mr. Martin dem is elec'.ion in the G.h disuii-t, lately represented by Mr John White, former Speaker democratic gain. Mr. (iarreil Davis Whij is probably re-elected over I'hos. Marshall independent by some 400 voles. Nothing further, lu be depend ed on,has reached us as yei from Kentucky INLUNA. Returns for member! of Congress as far is heard from. First District. The contest between linberi Dale Owen (Dern) and G. I', R. Wilson, i3 said lo close. We have returns from ihe following rounlies, Harrison, Wilson's majority 140 City's nifj. was 108. Crawford, Wilson's majority 99 Clay's av'y was 05. Mr. I'olk's rrii-joiiiy in this district was 1,972, and Mr. Owen carried it by 002 naj. in 1843- Second District. Thomas J. Henley (dem) ii re-elecied over Roger Mailin we) by aboul 1,000 majority. Third District 'Vws. Smith (Jem J is re elected over J. C. Egglcsion by a small in jrity. Vourth District Caleb 15. SiriiilwJiipj is re-elected over John Funey ('ii.dej.i u dent W'hij)hy 1 COO votes. Fifth District. Wick ('Dem J is un doubtedly elected over Foley (whig) in llns district. The Ohio Statesman claims a demncritic. Bain of 5 members lothe legts a'ure. 'i from Union, 1 fioiirJeflersiMi, 1 Itoui F'ojd. I Iroui Marion. ANOTHER LONE STAR. The Texan Unnveniion, now in session it Austin, will probably make two Sntes f ihe terriory east of llie Nueces, making the Brazos river ihe dividing line, ('running up the main fork ai d ilniice due iionb in die Rul river,) leavir g the ti-.te of Texas n the east nnd Ausiin on ibe west of lhal iiver. 'I'lie population of both Tcxi s and Aus'in, if the Bn-zos line be adopted, is o ihe rnnsti uiioua! icqnireinents. cr??-3ijft"-ka Gov. )-rr. afier some dwlav, nrrisi"!! ,ii,n his ill lienhh. has fnumi hiinself t b i! d, from the same cause, lo defer mill f.r her naming a day when he will accent die invitation of ihe I'le.iior-raiic (-5ener.il (.'nin i.iueeol'Ne'v York, to visit that cjiy. He las said in a letter to Messrs. i'entrv-Purdy mil others of the General Committee, da t d die I iiih instant: You would have received a prompt an :wtr had it been in my power to name any lay on which I could promise myself the pleasure of once more taking by ihe hand if.e democrats of your ciiy, among whom I mi luppy to recognise many personal 'riends. Hut I regret lo say that, on tho lay that might be assigned, it is more than .irobablo lhal I would r.ol be able lo fulfil 'y ei.gagement. Physical ii.firmatives have been exasperated by the Inngjprotiact d, malignant, and useless severities lo which I have been subjected by the Alger- nie despots of ibis slate, in order to extort a recantation of fixed and unalterable polit- al principles dearer than liff; and tome nine must elapse before I can expect to regain the ordinary healthful condition, to which, by the aid of a naturally strong con -motion, 1 may hope lobe restored. Al ow me lo say that I shall not wait for un invitation to teport myself et li e headquar ters, where, as a representatives of the peo pie of Rhode Island, I met with a reception in 1812, never to be effaced from memory. We quote from his letter. 'It would give me pleasure to dwell upon the topics of your letter; and I khould be unwil!irg U forego the orcasion no offer ed, of recurring to several subjects connect ed wiih the histoiy of the late struggle in Rhode Uland, sod of ihe pet j tar, if 1 di , ( iA