The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, August 09, 1845, Image 4

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Ttis greatest ouiuile lo the improve
ment of Agriculture in (his country, h
the pt opeortity olthe farm r the manm
I rr.itht well csll it to own more land
Untn he can till In advantage. Ami ii
11 thus llut we sec scattered over the
country r trscis of steril unproduc
tive land, which, under good cullivstioi
would yield bountiful & viluiblu crop
P-Jot Only ti dictates of sound philoso
phy, but numerous Ucts drawn from ex
perience, ire conntanlly end loudly call
ing upon the farmer from every qnsitei
1o occupy small farm and cultivate n
well. 1 wish tint thii admonition could
iba thundered into the para of the agri
cultural population of Ne w England, un
'till a complete revolution should bo pro
duced in the firming system.
vThis great truth ia already beginning
lo be understood in other countries, and
la attended with corresponding advanta
ges. Tlie densest population in Europe
iniy be found in Flanders and Lombar
tly," where the land ia divided into amall
lVma, and being thoroughly tilled, pro
ducea abundant food for the inhabitant.
And the experience of a quatter of a cen-
Uiry in France, proves that, by the oc
cupation of (he country under amall
working farmer, the land is producing more food working and sup
rporling a population one-third greater
than when it was possessed iu large
The law is universal it applies to
every country that the secret of suc
cess in agriculture consists in the tho
rough cultivation of a small piece of
ground, which, well manured and well
worked, yields up its treasures in prod
igal profusion. In almost every part
of New Eogland, one capital error runa
'through the whole system of farming.
A great deal of money i invested in
land, and a very litlie money employed
jo it cultivation. And it is sad to see
'the owner of a large farm pride himsell
on the number of acres which he pos
sesses, and undertake to cultivate iht
oil without sufficient means. Such a
man has been happily compared to a
merchant, who expends all his capital
in building for his own use, a large
roomy store, and ia afterwards seen
Razing with complacency on his bare
walls and empty ahe'ves.
lie has chalked out to himself a hard
lot and voluntarily enters on a stats of
servi ucle worse than Egyptian bondage
His work is never accomplished. lit
toils at all hours, and yet is never ahead
of his woikj and his work is never hall
lone. He has no time to accomplish any
thing thoroughly. His house is out ol
repair; his barn dilapidated; his cattle
poor; his fences In ruins; his pasture
. overrun with bushes; and acres of land."
'which, under proper cultivation, might
be made to yield a rich harvest, are but
little removed from barrenness, perhaps
doited with mullen, burdocks, thistles,
-or filled with sorrel, while weeds, or
other noxious plants, which root out the
j grass, and eat up the life of the soil,
without alibi ding nourishment to man
or beast.
What a harrassed, unhappy being
must be the owner ol such a larm! Iu
has no time for recreation or mental im
provement. He is doomed (o lha tread
mill for life; with his spirits depressed
despondency stamped upon his haggard
linaments and the worm of discontent
gnawing at his heart, wiih him, there
hie no pleasant associations with the
pmt, be present is full of anxiety, care
and hard labor, and a daik cloud rebls
t'i)on the future. He reminds me of
Hood's touching 'Song of the Shirt,'
and it may be well said or sung of him
Work woik work!
Fron weary chime to chime; j
Work work work!
As prisoners work for crime;
Plow, and harrow, and hoc!
Hoe and harrow and plow,
Till the heart issick,md the arm
benum bed,
And misery stamped on the
Such a mm ha little to pride himself
on his extensive possessions, and, para
doxical as it may appear, he would, in,
nine cases out of ten,add lo his riches a?
well as to his enjoyment, by giving a
wsy one half of ihem at leas'. He is,'n
the true sense of the word miserably
poor; in f act a slave, and, vvhe ln
i yes are opened to ris real condition, it i
no wornler that he is glad lo emanci
pate himself, by selling his farm fui
what he can gt, and enctpp, post haste,
to Texss or Iivvj. Sieeter's Auri
ccxtcual Arrnr.s3.
A Novelty is MAimMosy. Afew
dars shrce three arrived at Souihpori.
Wisconsin, in the steamer Empire, a
lot of emigrants to the Vet anion):
whom were two pair of twins. Those
twins were born of different parents
but under the same roof and at i he same
hour. Each pair comprised a boy mid
girl; they lived near e ighbors fiom in
f.i'icy, and the same day before starting
West, they were united in mairiage
the male A female of the different pairs.
They weie from St. Lnvrcnce County,
'etv Vol It.
to riir: ladies about walking.
Would that some of our belles could
'y persuaded that a stuge strut is not
dignified, nor a pendulum oscillation be
low the waiil graceful! A calm, effort
Iras, fi.m, yet elatic walk, like a sweet
voice, in an 'excellent thingin a woman,'
And we may here remark that no female
an walk wt-M, whose frame is enclosed
in a vice of laces, jan and whalebone.
It is necessary in order to step with
freedom and remember fcraca cannot
-xist with bodily restraint that the
mujclea must have room to work, the
body move naturally and in harmony
with the motion of the limbs, and the
organs of respiration have full play.
This cannot be while a lightly drawn
inelastic ligsture encircles the waial in
Us deadly fold. Give nature a chance
young ladies. She is a belter guide than
fashion; and a natural walk, believe us
is far more attractive than 'the farced
ait of a shuffling nag.' -
MIJIHIIING the present opportunity of
exprsieing his thankfulness to his friends.and
the public generally, far the liberal patronage he
has heretofore recWved, informs hia friend and the
public in general, that he (till continue! to carry on
tht above business at his old Of tablmhed stand, on
fi.: . t. . . .
the corner of Mam and East streett, where be
, u, .u u .ucnuon 10 Dusniess, to receive,
.u..u oi FUUllc pairoungo as uereioiore.
UOOu.. uucce8ary w go inio mo game oi
"'o'"1 " u, "jr souuer buoui ma ohill in
""""'"f1"" ur uuiilttta
as his shop., of long standing, and hia work he
thinks will apeak for itself, and far more louder
than ivnrfla Rut K a t A ..1m m at,- I. .
k,Uis ..x.u.. wuu u WUUIU IIIU1HIV Buy lUttU 11 D
warrants his work done with neatness, durab.l.ty,
and 111 the latest fachltnnhlA mnnni anil urill n
win en-
ura a good fit in all case.
N. U. Chargoa moderate to suit the times.
kinds ofcountry pioduce tuken in exchange
work, at market prices.
Bloomsburg, Nov. 9 1814. 29.
Blooimbiirg Arlillory.
The Members of this Company; who
have Swords and Belts, belonging to the
Company; are requirod forth with to tlelivpi
them to either of the Commissioned Ofli
cers. H. VVEI3U, Capt.
t jjTHE subscriber has just icccived a largo as
H soitmcntol Hf ECi ACLLS and SPKC
TACLE GLASSES, ofthe best quality, of both
white and green, from No. O, upwards.
(Persons afflicted with soro eyes, will find il
to (heir advantage to call and get glasses from him;
as they may feel assured of deriving a great benefit
Iroin their use.
Bloomsburg, May 17, 18454
liE subsciiber having pi iced HIS AC
COUNTS in the hands ol CHARLES
KAHLER, Esq for collection, requests all those
indebted to hirn kither to come forward urid pay
their resoective dues, or eUe confess judgment lur
the same on or before the FIRST DAY OF
IULY NLXT and ssva cost.
May 20, i845 5
Chair . Manufactoy,
i tin euoacrioer coiuinuen lo curry on
business at the old stand of D- & S. Iinuen
buch, where he will be ready at all limes
to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set
tees, Boston Rocking Chairs of evory
leacnpuon, which may be called lor, ai
short notice and on the most reasonable
terms, lie will also execute House, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House l'upennj:,
in a superior manner,
rroin his experience in the business, and
hia facilities of manufacturing the vuriouf
articles of Ins line, he flatters liimstK that
he shall bo able to furnish as good work,
and upon as reasonable terms as can be
done in the country, all of which he will
dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. 13- Orders from a distance will bt
strictly at.d punctually attended to.
Bloomsturfr, Dec 30, 1843
The ISIooiMKbui-g It. It. 1. Co
ILL keep constantly on hand, a large
sortiuent of
which they will sell by vVHOLESAI 12 and RE-
1 All., and on at good terms at the urttcltf
can b eUtchere imrchascd. Meichanta ami
othersmay find it to their interest to cull 11
kinds of grain received in payment.
JUSEl'lI FAaTON, PataiftiiT
The Copartnerahip heretofore txaiinr
under the Ann of SlLVERTHOHX b
UOOSE, in ihe Blacksmiiliing Business,
is Dissolved bv mutual consent. The
Qooka aie in the hands of Mttraha! Stiver
ihorn, to whom all having claima on, or
are imlubtod to, said firm, are requested to
apply immediately for settlement.
Blooinsbtire, March 28, 1845. 49
i'j"'l'ho Business, in ftiiuie, will be car
rint on at the old sinnd, by the eubicriber
who solicits a continuance of the cuxlorr
as old friends, and of as many new one;
of may please call.
March 28. 40
Concerning the Itemovul rf the Scat
of Justice of Columbia County
from Danville to Bloomsburg.
oecuon t. We It enacted bv the Hernia n,l
Mouse ol representatives of tho Commonwealth of
I'ennaylvania in General Assembly met, and it it
hereby i acted by the authority uf the same, That
ii nuiiniiu inny ue lawlul toi the tluallllod Vo.
ters who have Resided In Columbia Coun
iy lor at I, E l S T St.X V.tLE.XU.Ut
run immediately preceding the next Gen
eral Election, to voto at such diction upon ihe
question ofthe removal of their Heat of Justice from
L)anille to said county, in the mun
nor wit.- Those in favor of a Kemoval
snail vote a written or printed ticket hbell
-or, a i up justice," and containing the
words -rUK ULOOMSflUKO," aud those op.
posed to a Removal,' shall vote a wiitlen or print
eu ucKei omened as atoresaid. and containiuc ilw
words FOK DAN VILLi);" the said tickets to be
deposited in a box which shall be nrovided for that
purpose at each and every of the oli-clion polls of
am i.uuuijf , aim ins returns ol euld election shall
be made in the same manner by the Keturn Juducs
am in l . . c .L. i "... . "
" wie election ol .Membeia of the
Assemoiy, and it on the meeting of the Return
auuges ii snail appear that a majority of the votes
have baen given in favor of Bloomsburg, then the
mowing si cuons ot tnis act shall be of full force
and effect; but if it shall oppear that a majority of
-me. no, uecn given against Uloomsburg, thei
the following scctionsofthis act shall be null it void
OEC. 2. J hat if a majority ofthe voters of saiii
county oi Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voting
" """'i, iiii uuciuo in im
manner provided in the fust section of this act in
uii mm H'lesuon oi Kemoval, snail docido in tlu
lavor ot llie Kemoval of the Seat of Justice of said
county to Hie town of Bloomsburg, tho citizens ol
, Uloomsburg in said county shall erect, or caute tc
oe erected, JIT TUEIH OWW I'lHtnF It
4SJJ-iS.lw, within three years from and after
,such election, in the town of bloomsburg, suitatl.
buildings of BRICK or STONE of the MOST
a iinii..iTni r. ... -
ATrttl J V r. 1 1 11. A , Ts. 11 i
' Hnnon, and different office a for the safe keeninc ol
'U Mn ... i . P .
me county records, urn for t h ,llr...i; f ii,
i -. w Hiiubtiuil Ml lilU
lounty l omnnssioncrs, who aro authorised tore.
Al ceive a conveyance for surh lot nr Inti .-.r om.....i
for fur the use of such County buildings, not LESS
inanujNti AUKfc, in tee simple clear of all iiv
cuiiioranccs, iortne Ut,e ol tlie county of Columbia
me saw nuiiuirig to bo erected on such lot oi lots
of ground thus conveyed. And the Court House,
and othorpublic buildings and real estate on which
lliey are erected or ia appurtenant thereto, at I he
town of Danville, are hereby granted and confirm
ed to the inhabitants of Mahoning township, with
lull authority to sell amldisposo of the same to the
best advantaL'e.and that so much of lh nrml, ,i
said is necessary to refund to the citizens of
uanvuie whatever amount of money they may have
given for tho original construction of tho public
buildings al said town, and the purchase of tho lute
of ground on which they are creeled, shall be ic
funded ta the said citizens, and the balance to be
paid l .totlictounry Ircjsurv forcountv uiirnnsrs.
I'riwidcd No disposition or sale of such public
buildings shall be made until the court house and
put lie buildings a. Blooms! urg bhall lie completed
and the public records and offices le removed there
to. Sec. 3. That so soon as tlm
public buildinp!
are completed according to the provisions oflbi;
act, tlie Commissioners aforesaid shall file a report
ui luc.uiue in me i.ou'l oi toiiiiiiun fleas of sail
county and said Lourt being satisfied thut bUid
buildings are fully completed according to (he true
iiueni anu meaning ol tins uU, and a record there
of being made by endorsement on said report, the
Commissioners 4 Sheriff of said county shall there
upon cause the prisoners, if any there confined in
the old prison, lo bo safely removed to ilia m tv.
nnd the public papers and records then remaining
in the public offices at Danville, to be sal'. Iv deno.
sited in the new buildings so as uforcaid built and
prepared for the reception thereof, and fiom tliHn. r..
lorlli tho Seat ul Justice in and for iho county of
uiuuima snail cease to be at Danville, ai.d the
.1.11 i i .
omiiu snail no removed ana lucd at tlie town of
bloonislmig, in tho suid county, and tlie public of
fices heretofore kcpl.and the courts of jnsl'ce hereto
f ro 1... I.I al ).,.mII,. ;.,.r.. ...:. I ; ... r. .
.. . .....i, t.i4.Mi'ii!i,luu.iui MmiL-uumy niVvOiuiniua,
tiiau ncRept and Held at Ulooniflbuiir in tho build
ings erected for their accommoilation as aforesaid.
M:c. 4. It shall bo lawful for the citizens of
Uloomsliurg to olitaiu suliscnntions from any per
son or persons willing to subscribe any monev or
maienuis lor ine erection ol such public buildings
as are provided for in the second section of this an
and in default of the payment of tho same, the
county Commissioners are hereby empowered lo
cause suits to ue brought in the name of ihe county
to cnlurce llio recovery of tho same, and when col
lected lo bp applied towards defruyiiiE the exru iim c
of such buildingn.
Stc. o. If any person or persons shall vote on
the question of removal of the seat of justice ol said
county ot Columbia, at Ihe electiou authorized to
be held by virtuo of Ihis net not duly qualified to
vote in ac;ordance with the first section of this acl,
or sh ill vote ont of hia or their nroniT .i;t.;..,
shall vote more than once on said question, lie' oi
i.n-Y u oiaiKiiug upon conviction thereof befort
the proper court of quartrr.fes.sions of said rnuntv
shall be subject to the penalty provided fr ;., tf!
general election laws of this Commonwealth.
tc. 6. If any judge or inspector of the election
authorised to ic held by virtue of thia act, shall
knowingly or willtilly i.jcct tho voto of a citizen!
.uaiineu to vote on tlie question or liemoval of the
eat of justice in said counlv in ace nnlnnrn til
first section of this act, or shall receive the vote c
a peison not qualified to voto as aforesaid on snirl
question, he or they so offending, upon conviction
thereof before the proper court of Quarter sestioi.K
oi saw county, cnall torleit and pay for the use ol
saiu county lor every ucli cilence, a sum not lest
than three hundicd or more than six hundred dol
tars at tlie discretion ofthe court, and shall undergo
an imprisonment m tlie jail ol said county (or 0
period of not less than twslve monlhs ot more than
two year.
one. 7. If any hid, inspector or clerk of the
election authorized to be held by virtue of this acl
shall wilfully miscount, or shall falsely and fiuudu-
lently sdd up Hnd return tbs votes received upon the
question aforesaid, or shall keep sfulso tally paper,
or snail De guilty oi any irauJ in the Jwcliarge of
hn duties, every person so offending upon convic
tion thereof in the proper court of quarter sessions
ol said county, shall be subject to the same fino and
penalty as are imposed upon delinquent luducs or
inspectors by the general election laws of this Com
monwealth. fr.e.. 8. It shall be the duty of tho ludires and
miiooctois conducting the electijn authorized to be
hcld'j y virtue of ibis act to cause tho letter J to
tie legibly and distinctly set opposite the name of
-wry r.nizen ho6hall vote on tbo (mention of t bp
m-novai oi Uieiwutol usllco as afoiesaul. on id
fl l r . . . . . . '
tally paper on which his name shall be reeisleied.
ind any wilful omission so to do elull l deemed a
fraud, ind Plil , jumiJied as such in accordant
Willi tlie pz-ovisiona of tho sevemli m-clion of this
tike. D. Il hul be tbo duty of every judge, In
speclor and cleik conducting iho election aulhor
ied lo lie held by virtue of this act, to lake (in addi
tion to the oath or affirmation ho is now required b
luw to lake) nn oath oi nlllriualion that bo will
honestly and faithfully comply in every iepec.l
willi the provisions aud requirements of this act,
Kkc 10. It shall be the duty ol the re
linn judges of said couniy,ai ihe lime ant
place of their meeting to cast up all tht
voles received in the different election ills
triclson the question of the Kemoval of tin
seat of j'uatice aforesaid, and shall make om
two certificates showing the result, one ol
winch shall lio hied in (he office cf ihe cleik
of the court of quarter bessions and the othei
in the office of the Commissioners of said
county of Columbia.
Sec II. It shall be the duty of the Slier
iff of ihe laid county of Columbia, to cause
tttis act to be published in at least three
newspapers published in said count ; for at
east once in every week lor sixty days im
mediately preceding the next general elei
lion, and shall on the day of the ( lection
cause at least two primed topies, one ol
which shall be in the German language, ol
saiu act to De posted in handbill form, in th
most public place nearest the election poll
in every election district in said counlv and
the reasonable expense of such publication
siian oe paiu oy me said conniy ol Colum
bia by orders drawn in the usual way.
oec. 12. So much of the existing laws
of ih ig Commonwealth as are altered oi
supplied by this act, be and the same are
hereby repesledj and idso the act of Asse in
iiy passeu toil) June 1830 enmlel sr. act
relating to ihe lien of Mechanics ar.d others,
upon buildings, is hereby repealed so far at
it rehies lo ihe buildings to be erected in
pursuance of this act.
Speaker ofthe Houso of Representatives.
Sneaker of ths Senuto.
Approved the twenly-fourlh day of Fcbruory. onc
(.uuusauu eigni nnnurcd and lorty-fivo.
(CHILDREN arc most subject to them.lut j or
J sons of all ages aco liable to be ulllictld with
them. Lad breath. nalniChS about ibe lii,i..flii.lii-i:
checks, picking at the nose.wasting way,ltiiniics
pain in mo soweis, joiiiis or l;mbs, disturbed sice;,
frightful dreams, moaning and sometimes of vor
acious appetite, aro among the symptoms of worinr
.Iany uro doctored lor months, fur some olhcr im
ugi'nary disease, when one box of Micrnii'ii' Worm
Lozence. would ..i;.rt . r,.rn Ii D.,...-
oi Prince street and the liuwerv, curul a man ol
a - u i.u.u( Alton squill
worms tha wan reJucei to a bkt'leton, and ly 0il)
ono box of iSheniiuirs Lozengci: Ic'm now an lui
IiU Itri A . 'I U II. . 1 Ii 11 .11
IIIUI1, 111 ill) , Ii. 11 . l.i'AXt s I'V
bus saved the life of on0 !' his children by ibcin.
1 lie sale ol over 3,000,01)0 of boxes has tnllv ii
uu iiiem. i ney are llicouly lnlallililo woi miles
. i .i -.i . . ......
iroying meuicme Ki.own. Miat lumily will br-
witliuut llieni!
Consuinption,(:oii2hn,C.''o!d.Vboot)iii2 Cnnrbi.
-l-Miiinu, and all ulleclions ol the unes. wi 1 ind u
.i. . . ... . "
Healing valtiu in blierman s Cuueh Lozenees. 'I'liev
- i .i... i, ii- i i i. . .. . J
ine ncv, lucnaru uo l ores : t ic liev. Mr.
S'treeter, Jonathan Ilowarth, Esu. and that worlu
old hero, Leonard Rogers, fiom the consumptive'
grave. 1 liey cured in ono day ihe Rev. Mr. Lun-
bar, the Rev. Mr. llandcock; Win. H. Attree K,
of distcsbing couglis.
They aro the pleusantei,!
cough medicine and cure Ihe soonest ofany ki.own
ilcadache.Sea-sickness and Piilnilnlinn. relieved oi
I'roui live to ten niinules bv jSheimnn's Cniiii.tini
.OiEciigc Persons attenitiii" crowded -onios h
ravelling will lind them to impart buoyancy tl
spirits and renew their energies, J'hosc " snllciiut
Iromloofiee living will find a few of tlie licuges,on' "ihlerslervc s, ilksbuirc; .Slyeis' btore, Nun
i.. ,i;,...i i i i
iu me iioijioia aim lowncsa ol sinn
if siiifils. .Mr.
Krath, of the Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cur
cd himsell of fevcre headache by them JuptuirlHin each parcel.
vuuuvTim, uiu pne-Kci snip n eiiiiigion. lias wit
nessed their eilicacy in a great many cases of sen-
tI..L-. ...... 'I'l ri. . .. .
,.,....,. i in uiu nivu u enariu upon tn
.1-ril.ltK.I n. . I. ..II..-. .1 w-l .
,.0. ....... , nu.iuiivu inivcK, i's . ni rmnii k j ooi
iM.hi s 1 lahter does upon iheiiiiiulisiu, lunib
..-.ii, nr .. .... .(.. .'. I .. 1 1. . t
!...,. vi nuuini o in ine siuu, oacu: urcist or uu
pari of the body. Mr. 11. U. Daggers, 30 Ant
street; Henry Ii Goulding; 35 Cliailiau
slrept Moses J llenriaues Ksa. nnd
multitude ct cithers have experienced tl(
wonderlul cflects of i,ise Master
Price only 12. cents. Caution is recessan
u nee ui.ii y ou gei ine genuine aiieimim, I
I rnn,.m.. n...l l .. ...... . - .1 I '
iwtKiigi-t uim i idsici.-, us mire are main
w nriiiiiss uriu ies Biieniiniu lo lie nalmet
A u . t . I . . . I I
on in place oi,inem, by iliose who woul
. . ... .
trifle wirli v on i life fur a thilliiii'
Dr. Sherman a waiehoute ig at 100 Nas
snu street. 1'or sale bv
John H. Mnycr B!oomlmrg
Win L W'alWr k co lieiwirk
Low & ThoinpKHi Lime Judge
E. & J. I.azatua Orangeviile
M. (J. Shoemaker Huek Horn
J,. & A L I'ieel JerM'y town
Derr & iM'Iiriile White IIa
John Moore Danville.
Stephen Baldy, Cmtawissa.
Jan. 4 1845-37. Cm.
rirnsoMOTinva . . I
, 1 . , ore fcspeeuully solicit! lor
IJ the forthcoming l,t,y 0f Wyo.oing. The
woik, now reaJy for Frees, will make an Oriaiv,
volume of about six hjmlred pages, of which five
hundred pages will embrace 'he main body of the
narrative. J he Appendix, besides vnri..iv ..r...
. . , -
r ous and illustrative art.cles.will contain tho "Th,
laiettol 1 ravellers," revised with numerous nd.ti.
done, peiBonal anectotei, incidents and sketches
cnaraucr, making about on hundred pases.
Jho aulhor thinks pioper to sav. no m.lnJ
have teen spared to obtain information upon every
.l. , i-"-1
point connected witu this sul iect. lie ha.
ed hiuisetf, as Wyoming has become clussic grount'
as utinumorable errors hava K,..r....
ejtistcd in regard to its suiry, and as its very inte-
hhiiiik n'u iiiomvior ous ocen scarceh; i,,i,..l, :
u(iun, iiioi mim hi evny Eeniieman weu i ili airo r...
Us library, in respecf toil, an authentic i.airative
The purpose of taking up subscrin ions io f..
ble the author to judge what number of copies ii
TKi Ttnnlr will Iia nniilx I
- ... - "... - i-vuiit I'limtu n OCTHVn tnrm
uucw.iiiiBjKr. wiin eevpmi UfuBUalive pluim
bound in cloth, in modern mvle. and Hrliv..i . '
Biuw iiiTcin di i wu ifiui8 a copy.
.No money to be paid until the Book is delivered
Subscriptions received at this OJfue.
Two Apprentices
O Ihe LAS'I and LOOT 'J 'KEF. Making bu
siness. Smart active bova between iln-
igcs of IS and 17 will receive good enconrnw
ment upon ininiedia.e application to the subscriber
Bloomsburg, Juno 14,1845 tin' mS
I.Ut of itlcr.
F.MAIMNO in the Post Office, ot Ulnoin,
burg, on (In:
quailcr ending June 30lh 1845
Iduuis Abiuhain
K)un Llanel
Kobason MIhs ;Vary
Kenharl Samuel 1
proiil A. U. Khi-
Pepser !llis
Fullmer Daniel
llartiniin A. U.
Jackson Joseph
Squis Win. or John ship
Kaiinady Surah
Martin 'J'hoinas
vi yciioii x . v .
Wakefield Jainr
Persons calling for let'era in the above liki will
Jleat-c say lliey aie advertited.
Cabint lyTakinfr
f EIIE subscribe, respectfully iiifims the pub-
14 maniH nus ibki n ine sliop lately occupied
by I). S. Huyhurst, at the lower end of Maikct-
sireei ijioonihburg; where he intends earn ing on
mo auovo business in all lis branches, and solicits a
snaie oi me patronage ofthe public,
In connection with the above business, ho offers
ins services as an
He will always be ready to make COFFINS foi
tlie same prices heretofore 'harned in Bloomsburg
and huving supplied himself wih a good II EA SAL
no will attend with it at the Fumirul withoul an)
Alia L.tlUljUt
Mny.iO 1R4! Gm 3
TBtlE Uanville Steam Woollen Factory, for
JL merly owned and occupied by Lr. J'etrikin
nas recently D.en purcliascd by the subscriber, wh,
lespcetlully announces lo his fiicnds and ihe pub
uc generally, lliat he is now prepared lo execute
an miiub oi worK in ins line ol business, ut ihe
.moriesi nonce, according to order, and in tlie besi
comparative maimer. Having gone lo considera
te expense in rejiairing Ins macliinciy and appa
........ ...(, -n; jiai inuiar in securing ine ser
vices ol e.xpnenccd mechanics, he feels Y,no.l. i;
mat no ih capanie ot exccutine all k nds .,1' umk
iu his line in a style superior lo any oilier establish
ment, im uo country. J'nces ol oik us follows
CliihJ viinl i!J. i;.i i i- at . ,
4 Illil UIIU Uillll, ilUHl Hi) 10 cj
cents pei yard-
I'd bottle greens, olive brow n, &c. from 50 lo CO
aln:ctH of tho above colois, from 40 to 44
Flannels one yard wide, 30 cents.
Wine, brown or black, 40
lauuer red, 45
I ti i ..!... n .. 1
.1 "lU'iRLl V US
wi''c; tvvi'ledor plain, from CO to 70
cents per yard.
I '
It ill be done in the best manner, ond at tlie usu
al prices All kinds of country produce will le
taken in payment for woik at Lnhie n.u.lm
Constantly on hand, for sale at reduced price
lor asu or isarler.
For ilie accoinmodation of customers living nt
Misti'tiee wool for ilanufacturing w
be tuken in
11 lollowing places :
('OLUMLIA COIj'NTV. Isaac Kline's
'' '''hmgc ei k; Holmes store, Colunibus; Low
''hompson's store, Lime-Ridge; W. L. Waller eV
Il'n'j ul.ini D.ipu I, b Kl ..... I Jt- ... ..I..' ...
Oo. s store, Lerwick : Stewuit &
l.iekets store
Orungcville; m. Jckelvy C'o.'s store, Llooins-
'"Kg i Jolin Ci. Shnrpless' store, Callawissa: L. Li
-el s store, Jersey tow n; Deri & Mcllride's store
White all; ttrmip's store, It'ashinplonville.
Lt'ZERNE COI'N'l'Y Reynold's store.Ki
!icokc; Judge Alack s Mill, Jluiilingtoii
Plain written directions must accom
Danville, May 3, 1S45 2
Orangcville, Columbia county, Pa
THE su'jscrilier respectfully inforiiis the
public that he has leased this laii'e three
lory lavern, now in tlie orenpaiif y uf M
fienroe Scinle, in Oranyeville, Columbia
ciinty, l a., and intends inovitio into it mi
the first of April next, where he will hi
nluaseil lo see his old friends and customer
. his
will nlwavs be liirnislietl wnh ihe best ihe
market itlTurds, His BAR with the rhuit'CM
of Liquors And his STABLE, attended by
i ! . i r. . I II ... I I. n . . i. : . ir . . . .
laiuiiiii liosucrs, lie nailer.' inmseii that lie
will be able to give general satisfaction
will always be ready to transport watermen
on iheit route,
ALtoh 15, 18151
a- -'"oi, u
m i.f r.i.. 1TI.I.I.V H.t.irn.a II. t. . .i
flLVL t;oiuniiiiii county, and the public generally
Uial he has located himself in Uloom.h.irg on Main
street oonosite St. I'nnlV Cl,.,r..h .,!.. i. . t
opened shop, and is now ready and prepared to
receive and execute all work in his line of business
- .viiK disnaii-li
-"--'' n (nullum ii iuii in r.
jf '" "t quality, can bo had al his establishment
vcry rcasoiiablo lerm-.
unn ,
i m2j l j i ii 1 1, i iV c i I- yi .i ii.
will bo dune to the suliafaction of the customer, as
well of Clocks and Watches as of Jewelsv, and Le
will further, warrant his work to le enemtel as
well as any in this section of the ituW. iie will
ilso make to crder
or pocket, and in short, will do all olherwork iisu.
ally done in a well regulated respectable erlablii.h
ment. He hopes by sti 'it attintiun lo btiniiics
aim a ucire w piease, io uceive a nncrai snaie o
patronage. Country i'roduce taken in payuien
for work at tho market pricts.
Uloomsburg, iNovember 15, IS44 -30.t
...l.aa iiin. wiiiL
Brandrcth's Ittlr.
np EAD und underhlaud ! 'J he time will ,, r
JBB. when the ninlicine, Uraiidreth ill,., will U
mini .fi iikwi uu Hi.... ......i.. i i
uubMstood that Lr. lliandiclli has the sinnt
claims upon the publie. It iH liuc that evciv in
dividual ho makes a trial of ihe, 'I'ill-
concede llieni to be the b.-hi i,,. ,i
used. They are indeed a medicine about whi, h
"tic ia no I1IISUIK3. T heir tu Hp i u ,.,
thaiigeable as ours cannot he sufficiently t pioc'n
ed A freii pcrsjiiration is ul omc resluied tb
ioiy cure colds, and consumption is pievcntrd.
I hose wlio have a redundancy of bie iid tln' 0f
i lie inoht rsseuliul Bei vice, and should there be a i!e-licicn-y
of that important fluid Ilie llrandrelh Pills
Have an equally beneficial effect. Often has this
iinpoitaiit medicine saved valuable lives in those re
iuus where the dreadful yellow lever was prevail
ing, A tew doses taken iinmcdiatelv uimn tlm im
itation being received into tht system, will b al
most certain to pieventauy material incorncei, n, e.
And ul nostago of this dreadful enidemie i- ib..p
so proper a medicine us the Lreiidreth PiIIh. I. mi
Una medicine bo universally
dirinann, anj no loss of lilmul llllllUJiwI t.ti.l I". ...
very fow, would be its victims. So it is with other
diseases. Assist nature with this all iinporrant
medicine to remove moibid humors from the blood,
and do not resort lo bleeding or mercury, and we
shall have a "cry great scaicity of persons ufilictcii
wiin cniiiic maladies. J nc leallieied tiibe the
imal kingdom- over which we aie the lords,
inn atiiictcd Willi cliromc inuladies; neiilier should
we be if it were not for our priou which oceaiiun j
them. Follow naluie. hc tbo medicine whi-h
harmonizes wilh her, which mildly but surely re
moves all the impurities of ihe blood.which strength
ens the feeble.und yet icduces those of too full habit
to a healthy standard. Let me again say that every
department of the manufacture uf Lrand.elh Pills
is personally superintended ly me, und Ihul every
box with my three labels upon il may be relied up
on to have ihe beneficial effect described il used
according to the diieclions occin iiy;iig
Wa.vhiiigtoD Robert M'Kuy.
Jersey town L. & A. T. y'i-el.
Danville E. D. Reynolds & Co.
Callnwissa C. 0. Lrolst.
Bloomsliurg J. R. Mover.
Limestone Babbit & "M'Ninch.
Uuckhnrn M. U. Shcemaker.
Lime Ridge Low & Thompson.
Berwick- J W Utiles
May 3, 1845 ly- 2.
New Good
IltlZley & iTsCiideiih.-il!.
Have iust received. uml ar nf,r
--.--.-j.....,.., (l,v ii;uill
Jit the old stand of Eyer & Ilfflry,
Consisting of every mtidc usually liCj,t ,'t
cuuniry Mure,
Among their assortment will be!ond,r)
Clothf; Cassimcres; Saitinetis, Cambroons
&c. lor tsutntner pants; Calteoes, Chintz;
uaiyonnes; J.awns and Crape Delaiu-i,
fcc. for iliesses, Hosiery; Gloves Ai
Mitts; llaiidkerchtelg, Scarfs;
brown and bleached Shirtinps
&.g. colored Vain; Laps and
Wadding; Bonnets and
They have also; Palm Hal?; Travelling
Baskets; Looking Glasses and Bias
Sugar, lea, Cofl'ee, Molaes,
per, Spices, in fact every thing in
line that may be called lor.
A general assoi iint-m of
Trace Chains, Shovels, Nails Spikes',
and Ihe usual variety of Locke,
Screw.", Hints, &c, Rolled
and Jjr lion, Hoop and
band Iron, Waggon
lire of all size?,
All of which they will sell on the most
reasonable terms and receive in payment all
iiinos ni rounirv produce.
May 10, 18-15 3m. 3
The subscribers have established at the
above place, a new MARBLE Y.lllD,
and will always be ready, at the shortest
notice, lo furnish to order,
or any oilier work in their line. They
.so pre pared to luriiisi WINDOW CAPS
&iJ either of Ma. hie, Lime or any kind of
stone that ran be prorured in this urinitv.
JrT Having had "onsiderahle rxprrinica
in ill e business, liiey ph-djio their work lo
he executed fti as handsome a Myle as can
be furnished from Miy yard either in the
iiy or ciniiitrr; and on as rensiMiiible if rirg.
Dloumsbiiig, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28
U" ACOR DYER travelie rs tr.d
his old customers and Iriendr, thai ,n
still keeps the above Hoitl. where l.e will
he happy wail upon ilmse wiin favor
him wiih their custom. His house i t larce
and commodious, and well ?rrnnjjed in at
cominoilaie his gtiens His table is always
provided wiih ihe choicest Viands the mm.
kei8cnn allurd, and his Bar contains some
ofthe besi liquros ihat can he found in this
section of rounirv. His stables are nl
a' a"d ed 08llers Bro ''lwa, in al"
Ualawista. .In 19 lRino.. in
, , ... . , auiu Ul.l