SUl"!!1!'-''.-..!."." ' Gil AN ADA. Tin maul temmkshio object in Urn mined cspiisl of the ancient Moorial power end splendor the Alhaipbie. The extf-msl p;iPirmie of this re nowned nalsre h lecnai kblt ff mimM tml (Itfcrmiiy interns at enemm i for richness and trace . I ii nrrrUolv what Swinburne describ a heapofasuly building" vv'"1' fce seen, ill huddlod together, seemi"!) without llto le intention of formimi one habitation out of them. The root Is covered with deeply channeled lib The wll ire built in slovenly man ner, and coarse'y plasterrd. There io out the aliftheot attempt it external or fiameni no lympiom of reulaiiiy o' daio: o that ihe whole im look like a confused tie of coarsely finisheii barnaand granaries. I know not wheth cr Ihe external ugliness of Moorish pal acejis the result of design, and in ordn to incresse the rtlect by contrast of thi taste, beauty, iichntn, nd ayminetrj within. Certainly the iS ct thus pro duced, is absolutely oUrling, and Iht urprise one experience on entering literally bewildering. The suddenness V.rih rhunat- anneais like enchantment, l)v and obscure and rudely-finished . i 1 1 . I lcr, ami through a Heart wan, me m ttruction of which would discredit t farmyard, we are uslitred into a palact which miitht rival the most brilliant de scription of eastern romance I bhal .net attempt to describe this lingular ed Jfice. No description-, indeed, can con .1 l . . .. t UA lut l.tin.i vev mo aiiitnieai nit a vi mo ' .'nher in the arrancrme it of its opart nenls or ii iis decoritionj. They are eltogether unlike" any ihinR with which . the eye la lirniiiariaeu in tjuropeau m- chtiecture; and the very names uj which we should be forced to disliiv mh ill. rtifT.rpni rnmrvirlinenla. would 4 HIV ' . . . " J" " pecwamrily convey a fjlsa impression ol their appearance. io uescriuu inr 'ornaments and decorations of this fairy na1a. wnuld eameia'.lv be a tiopeles: tatk. The exq'uite symmetry of the various courts ana ruiii, trie'iur lightness ana elegance ol tne seuuei ..martite i.iilara. with their fanciful cani "tals-and richly ornamented arches, the gorgeoua coloring on root anu cupou the tasteful minuteness ofstNCCO l-'CC work on' walls and ceilings, the pleasing . . i . i. .. ..: .. variety ol Mosaic pattern, anu uu em onlar airv loveliness and most iiraccfu richness of thu whole, are things ol which neMer pen or pencil can convey any correct idea. The fresh loveliness . of the brilliant decora'ions ol tne ai - hamhra. nrptni to mock the faded tt'o .rip nf its ane.ienl lords. The perfect ivmmrtrv of the aiwiments. and the J a J - - , .. exquisiieharmony of their decorations Jetract much hum tneir appartrni' size. Itui ihoiinh ooIm .M t- rrf larorr il miensioi than thjey appear? they are by no means 4r grcrt size. JJeauiy, anu noi gnu Iamt ! iha nhii-rt aimed at bv the .Moorish archiledi'snd the -.dimensions of the various apartments aratJmirably proportioned to the peculiar style ol decoration, tne iigniane eiegn jui Urs, with their endless variety of eapi talj the lineal ana yei most gracem .min.iipnp of the fretwoi k which adorn ihe wall-; the beautiful, rich, but fanci ful ornaments of the arches and ceilings; m . I I'll' Ihe carving and inlaying; tne Driinaui Vermillion ami azure coloring oi mo ai mim. would, in anariments of erea - i 1 i " t lize, be.regardcd as Irippery and gin- gerbreau. Here mry are in penec harmony, and accord so exquisitely with the tyle, dimensions ami propor itnna nl panh aiutlmeni. aa to nrouuee v ..w..- - -y w wlinU nf iiiinvallfit nace and beautv The Court of ihe Mvrilts, by whicl; we enter the palace, is the plainest and ha until ml much in it oi naments: but nan il nul Inr iia nrnximilv lo ihi Com s-of the Li one, would be exceeding- 1.. . I ' I Tk. I.. I .. . .vn. ty dUIIUIVU. t lir: idBl 19 p lliUDi ct- aile sptcioien of Moorish archive ui 'he open couit from which duubi liss, the Spaniirdt have derived iheii patio. Thb plegiiit and oft-describcii J'ountain of the Lions, atill shoots uj . . . i .. . . : .i f a:. .. i. us rrys ai jei in me cenue oi whs rpien 1 . i . -. . . . c . .1. ..LI . (HU VlJlil'. j: C0II9IMS Ul B UUIl'IIO III U I 1m:ii. on r'cinir on a nedts'al from the eniiiie of the 'oilier; and from the centre of this Mpner b is n, the wain fivei fl'iwi into tne lower, and i din chirked fioni the mouths of tbe twelv lions which ippoi I il. The lion an groiejq'ie, mi-ii"en, ngly-biute . Tin bacinaaie nl v ry urgjul Mispe am woikmaiiihip, nriiamenicti wiiii sculp Inrerl frilnnn mill Arjh'C inscr i')'lon 1 1 is iii io imc ocni cuiiaiiuiie.i rn fessed'y in imitation ol Solomon's moi t. . !! . - I. . I . ...I . ten spu; to ihe dtt-crip ion ol which, ii 1st King, it ben no mll rcscinbLnce It stood il; on twelve cxr n, 'l.r?e look ing toward ihe nonh, looking towan wet, and ihree looking toward ih south, and three looking lonsid ihe cax ITiil tr.e sea was mi nouve i nf ni , ami ai .lha'rT htfldir, pans ii.w'arit. Am it was On hsnd-hread Ii iIhcL, and tl blim thereof w wrought like the br ni of a cop, Willi Jlowen of lilits. Tl. OXCnol'the molten sta ruppnried the basin in the same manner as ihe o- in the fountain of the Alhnibra. Th Cciiirivfihe Lii-r.J f-robably rcsn.lul lie most finished specimen of irchitec l url beauty mid cl'gance in the world. rcording lo Swii burn' measurement i is one hundred feel in length and SO io i renin, u la surrounueu ny an open roiridor of indtsoribiible lightness sod legsnce, the roof of whuh nM on iehly .ornamented arche, supported iy on hunilrt'd and sixty-four nibble oluinn, curioutly sculpturetl, and with ocn a variety of cjjitls, that no lo ppear lo he alike. The ceiling of th' Ci'Tiiuois is ol CKiveu woon, orinniai j Oigeously painted in azure, ve:tniHiw tid gold, and inLtd wdh ivory; but on ly enouiih remains of these decoralions lo prove iheir ancient mognitnence. rhree noble and gorgeously ornament ed hull open fiom thia corridor; name ly, the Sala de los Abencerrage, or Malt of the Ahencemges,'onlheoiiih he Sala de Ins Dos ILrmsn, or Hall Tlhe Two Siatera,' on the north; ami :lie Sila de Jusicia, or 'Hill of Justice,' )ti the tast,' N6 niuBiitjug'! OE.P.LES E.SLE?. WTVUHIUClNtt the preicr.t opportunity of mA expreiMinn hm iliiiiikfuliicii tohiatri'nn,ami die public generally, for the liberal patronage he lias heretofore received, informs hi tneiuifi ana ino public in general, that he atill contimieeio tarry uu the above buninei at hia old ertublinlied ctand, on the corner of Main and Eat nUeo'a, vrhorc hi nopea, bv itrict attention to buninetia, to rereivi ind merit a aliaio of public patronage aa heretofore He deem it unnecetitnrv to co into the game ol brag, or to ue any soft todder about hin 8K1LL in iho PliOFEKlON OF GASMEN!' CUTTING as bin aliop ia of long standing, and his work he thinks will apeak for lUeJf. and tar more louuer tbanworda. But, he would merely say that, In warrants hia work done with neatne.-, durability jnd in the latest faaliionable manner, and will en uro aeood fit in all raiot. N. B. Charees moderate to suit the lime. AI kin'la ofcountrv pioduee taken in exchange Ibi work, at market prirea. BluuotBburg.Nov.O 1844. M. lllooimbui'ff Artillory. The (Members ol this Company; who have Swords and Belts, beloi,cii2 to the Company; are required forthwith to ilelivei i he nt to either ol the Oommissio en Ulli eers. H. WBBH, Capt. & Classes. TUB aubecribcr bas just received a lurgtt as sottmeiitot bPECTACLES and SFKC i'ACLE GLASSES, of the best quality, uf bulb white and green, trom Ixo. Oi upwardit. fTj'rorHOiia alllictcdivitb oro eye, will finJ i to their advantnie lo call and Rut Klae Iroui lilm as thev may feel awured of deriving a great benefit from tlieir ua, G. L. SHULTZ. Bloomaburg, May 17, 1815 4 VIIR i.ASTXOTICE MTIHt; subscriber having pliceil HI4 AC I COUNTS in the hands ol CHAHLES ICAHLEH, Esq for collection, requcsu all those indebted to huntitlicr to como lorward anil pay their resocctive duen, or eUe confess judgment fur tbe same on or before the HUST DAY Uf JULY NEXT and suv cost, 11 BIG03 May 20?i845 5 Chair ifianufactoy, I lib subscriber continue io carry on the CHAIR JlfANUFACTOaiNG huaineas at the old stand of B- Si K. Ilnnen buch, where he will be ready at all time to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set tees, Boston Rocking Chairs &e, of evory description, which may be called lor, short notice and on the most reasonable terms. lie will also execute House, Sin & Ornamental Painting, and House Papering, in a superior manner, From his experience in the business, anil Ins acuities of manufacturine the various utieles of his line, he (laiters himself th;u he shall be able to furnish as good work and unon as reasonable terms a can hi dnne in the country, all of which he u il dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. 15- Orders from n distance will bi strictly ai.d punctually attended to. I! IIAHKNUUCU. Blonmal tire, Dec 30, 1843 NAILS, SPIXEESr&cT The i:iooulur K II. I Co ILL lwep constantly on hand, a laigo sortnient of SAILS, SPIKES. AW 1IM. whhhthey will sell by WHOLLSAI V. nml I.T: TAIL, and on at good trtmt at Ihe ail lilt tan be elm here purcliatcd. Mfichmits am others, niav find it to their intefst to cull kinds of grain received in pameri!. J08ErH PAX'TON, PumnxT Vdli TNEUSI1IP DISSOLVED. I ne onpiirtnership neretciorn minnj.' inderthe fi, m nf SILVERrlOi .V UOOSE, in the BlKrkamiibing Business, ' UiMiilveil hv mntn.Tl cnnspni. I w Bivik are in the hands of Marshal Silver thorn, in whom all having ilaima on, or re indebted to, e.iid firm, are requested In ipply imn nliBiely for eiilemern. MARSHAL SII.VEkTIJORN. JUDAIJ BOONli Bbv. nurture. March 28, 1815. 4'J fr J The Business, in I'ntnie, will hp rar ried on at the nld sImmI, !)' the suhtu riher who so'iriis a roniinuai ce of the rntom is oni irieniH, and oi aa many new ones ii f ' t a of miy please call fll. SILVLHTUORN'. M jn.ii 2d.-'J BEMfiVAIL BQLIL. . AN ACT Concerning Ihe hemrwal i f the Seal f Justice of Columbia County, from Danville lo Iiloum&hurg. Section ,1. llo it anacUid by the Senate and fousa ol Kcpresemativcs ef tbe Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it ir hereby acted by the auihuiity uf lh same, That it (ball and may ba lawful (u tha UualUie4 Vo ters who have Resided In Columbia Coun ty for at JLKJtST SIX CtLK.YiMit Jt .V'7 immediately preceding the next Ven tral Election, to vote al such election upon the question ol the removal of ihcir Seal of Justice from Uanville to said .county, in tne man ner following, lo wit," 1 hose in favor ol a Kemoval shall vote a wrrttenm printed ticket libelled, "SEAT OF JUSTICE," and containing the words FOR BLOOMSJUKU," and those op posed t a Kcmovsl, shall vote a wiitten or prinU od ticket labelled as aforesaid, and containing the words" FOR DANVILLE;" the said tieketa to be depoaitcd in a box which (hall be provided for that purpose at each and eveiy ol tne election polls ol said couuty, and tbe returns ol said election siisii be made in tlio same manner by the lieturn Judges us in the case of the election of Membeis of tbo Assembly, and if on the meeting of the Itcturn fudges it shall appear that a majority ot tlic voles have bacn given in favor ot ulooinsburg, then tlio tbll.iwiiio- sections of this act shall be of full force and effect; but if it shall appear that a majority ol votes have been given against Uloomaburs, then ihe following sections of this act shall be null If void. Sec. 2. That it a majority ot Hie volers ot said ountv of Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voting in said question of Kenoval, shall decide in tbe nanner proviilvd in tbe lust section ol tins art in favor of tlio Kcmoval ot tbe Seat ol justice oi sum ounty to tho town of Uloouiiburg, the citizens of lllooinsburg in said county shall erect, or caunc to io erected, JIT Til El 11 OW. I' HOP EH EXM't'JSE, within three years from and after such election, in the town of iloomsburg, suitable buildings of BHICK or STONE, of the MUSI APPROVED P'jAN, for a L'ourt Houso ami Piison. and different offices for the safe keeping of tbe county records, under the direction of tbe County Commissioners, who are authorised to re ceive a conveyance lor suon lot or lots oi gruunci lor iho use of such Counlv buildings, nut LLnb than ONE! ACRE, in fco simple clear of all in- cuinbrances, for tlio use of the county of Columbia. ihe said buildiiu to be erected on such lot oi lots of ground thus conveyed. And the Court House, ind otic, public buildings and real estate on wind) ihey a e erected or is appuitcnnnt thereto, at the town of Danville, arc hereby granted and conlirm- ed to thu inhuhiluiils of Mahoning township, witli lull authority to sell and dispose of the same lo the be! advantage, and ihutso much o the proceeds of suid .inle,as is necessary to return! to the citizens ol Danvillo whatever amount of money they may have given lor the original construction of the public buildings at said town, and the purchase of the luti- nf ground on which they are creeled, shall be re funded 1 1 the said citizen?., and the balance to ur paid into the Couny Treasury forxounty purposes, Hi iivided No disposition or sulu of such puU'i' buildings shall be msde until the court houe and pub lie buildings a. Uloomtd urg shall lie completed and the public records and offices be remuved there- bt-C. a, i nat so soon as the public buildtflg .ire completed according lo the provisions of ibis tct, tbe (yoinmissioners aforesaid shall lilc a report of tho BBinc in the Court of Common l'lens ot kjii counlv and said Court being satisfied 'diil buildings are fully completed according to tlio true intent and meaning of Ibis ait, and a rivmd tlieie- of being made by endorsement on said reoit, the Commissioners iVSbcritl ol Paul county flisll there upon cause iho prisoners, if any llierc confined in the old prison, to be safely removed to tbo new and iho public papers and records then remaining in the public offices at Danville, to lie safely depo sited in be new buildings so as aforesaid buill a ml prepmcd-for the reception thereof, and fiom thence forth the Scat of Justice in and for the county of Columbia shall cease to lie at Danville, ni.d tin same shall be removed and fixed at the town nl Blnomsburg. in tho said county, and the public of fices heretofore kcpt.arid the courts of jusl'ce hereto fi. re held atZ)Hiivillc,in&fiir'saiil couuty ofColumbia. shall be kept and held al Ulonmsbuig in the build ings creeled for their accommodation as uforcauid. Six. 4. It shall be lawful for the cisizt;i ol lllooinsburg to obluin subscriptions from any per son or persons willing to subscribe any monev or materials for the erection ol such public luilldiiigi- as aro provided for in the second section of this act mu in default ol the payment ol tne same, lln county Commissioners are hereby empowered to cause suits to be brought in the name of the county to enforto the recovery of iho same, and when col lected to be opplicd towards defraying the expenses ufmich buildings. Sec. 6. If anv person or persons shall vote on the question of removal of ihe seat of justice ol sniil I'ouniy of Columbia, at tho elecliou autiieriwd t be held by virtue of ibis act liol duly qualified to vote in nc:ordanic with the first section of litis act, or sh .ll voleunt of bis or their proper district, oi .hall vole more than once on (aid question, be oi tbuv so ofli'iiclini; upon conviction thereof before ihe proper court of quarter tessions of said county dinll be subject to tlio penally provided for in ihe ;cncr,il ( lection laws of ibis Commonwealth. Skc. C. If any judge or inspector of the election lutborircd to bo held by virtue of this act, sUII 'aiowinulv or wilfully reject the vote of a citizni pialilied to vote on Ihe question of Omovul of lln jt of justice in aid county in accordance ihe will :irsi M'ctiini cf this art. or shall receive the vole oi i poison not qualified to vole as aforesaid nn said piestion, he r they so offending, upon coiivictioi thereof before tbe .nropr r court of quarter festioi of said county, rfball forfeit and pay for the ute ol aid county forewery suih offence, a sum not lesf than three huixlicd or more man six nunurrj uoi larsat the discretion of ihe court, and shall undcrgi in imprisonment in iho jnil of raid county lor s oeiiud of not less than twelve months or more that, two years. flic. 7. If any judge, inspector or eleikoflhe ..'lection authorized to be held by virtue of this act ball wilfully miscount, or shall lul.;ely and fiaudu- lenlly add up and return the votes received upon the piestion loreui.i, or soau seep a i.ii.c uuiy puper.pomi cniinecteu wnn mis suijcei. lie nn iiatter r chill )i atilllv nf anv fraud in the discharge of nl bimielf. as Wvomine has become classic rrroinnl n j j - - - his duties, every t eriion so offending upon Coiivic- lion thereof in Ihe proper court of quarter sefsion:e.isfeJ in regirJ to iti story, and as in very inte-jon of said county, shall be subject to the same tine and iienaltv as are imposed upon delinquent unites or inspectors by tbe general election laws of this torn- monweallh. I 8f.c. 8. It shall be tho duty of the judges and eillldllclil.ff !b I'lr. li.ui .lllborl?. .) In K hM i y viruo of this ait to causa tho letter to' he legibly and distinctly set opposite Ihe n4il,e 0f cverv citizen mho shall voln on ll.eoueslion of the Drmi.v .1 nf Ihe arut of iiiHlicn .. nfiicrii.l nn lhn tally ppcron which his name shall be retrisleied, :n J wilful .5 i dy .hill le -JctnifJ a 1 fraud, mil shall he punished as such i'l aeenrdance with the provisions of the seventh section of ibis act Sf.c w. It shall be Ihe duty of every judge, In snector and cleik coiiducliint ihe election auihoti ml to be held by virtue of this act, to tale (in addi tion to the oath or affirmation he is now required!) law to take) an oh 111 oi alllrmalion that he, will honestly and faithfully comply In' every inspect with the provisions and requirements of this act. &i;c JO, it shall bu the duty of there nun judges of aaid count)', at the time ami jilace of their meeting lo cast up all tin votes received in the different election dis iricla on ihe question of ihe Removal ol the seat of justico aforesaid, and ehall make out iwo certificates allowing the result, one ol which shall be hied in the oilu e ol the clerk of the court of quarter sessions and theoihei in the office of ihe Commissioners ol saii county of Columbia. SfcC. 1 1. Il ahall be the duly of xhe Slier iff of ihe aaid county of Columbia, to cause mis act lobe published in at least three newspapers published in said count); forai least once in every week lor sixty days im mediately preceding the next general tier lion, and shall on the day of the election cause at lens i two printed copies, one ol which (hall be in the bennan language, oi suit! act to be posted in handbill form, in Hi .' most public place nearest the election poll in every election district in aaid count anil ihe reasonable expense of such publication shall be paid by Ihe said county of Colum bia by orders drawn in the usual way. Sec. 12. So muih of the existing laws of this Commonwealth 88 are altered or supplied by thia act, be and the same are herebv repealed; and also the act ol Asetn bly passed IfjihJune 183(3 entitled an act relating to the lien of Mechanics ar.d others upon buildings, ia hereby repealed o far it reUtes lo the buildings to be erected ii pursuance of this act. FINDLEY PATTERSON, Speaker of the Home of Representatives. WIELUM P. WILCOX, Speaker of ths Senate. Approved the twenty-fourth day of February, one thousand cit'ht hundred mid forty-five. Fit, dN CIS R, SHUNK. WORMS KILLS THOUSANDS. ("CHILDREN are most subject to thcm.hut per J sons of all ages are liable to be ufllicttd w ilh them. Cud breath, lialencss about the lips fluthed cheeks, picking at the nose.wastiug awuy.leaniK pain in the bowels, jomUi or l;oitm, iipiturhed sleep, frightful dreams, moaning and somt times of vor acious appetite, are among the symptoms of worm. Wuiiy aro doctored lor months, lor some other un- aginary disease, when oue box of Sherman's Worm Lozenges would ellcct a .cure. JJ. Jyan, cornei of Prince street and ihe Uuvncry, cured a iiihii ol worms tha was reduced to a skeleton, and by only ouo hox ol filierniun s i.ozenges; r.eis now an un as an Alderman. Th lon. U. JJ. Jlcardslev has saved the life of onu of his children by them. The sale of over 3,000,000 of boxes has fully test ed them. .They are the only infallible normdes iroying medicine iuiwn. What .family will be without theni! Coiisumpiion.CougliH.ColtlBiVlioopiiig Coughii Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, willfiud a healing value in Sh.:rman's Cough Lozenges. They ndved the Rev, Richard De Forest: ihe !.-Mr. jonnunw) rloviarth, Esq. and that worthy old heru, lunsid .Rogers, fiom the consumptive's grave. They cured in one day ihe Rev. Mr. Dun bar, ihe Rev. Mr. llandcock; W m. H. Attee F.eq of dislejsing coughs. They ire the pleasantest cough medicine and cure the soonest ufuny kl.uwn remedy. IIiadache,Sea-sif kneps and rrd ilalion,relievrd oi from live lo ten minutes by Micinnin's Csiiiphoi Lozenges Persons alleiiiling crowded -onus ir ravelling will rind ibem to iir.part buoyancy ol "pirits and renew Ihcir energies, J'hosc sulli'iing trom toofiee living willfiud a few of tite lozcrigcs to dispel the Jioriois nnd lowness of spbils. Mr. Kralh, of Ihe Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly t or ed himpcliof severe headache by them Jnptsiii Chadwick, of the packet ship Wellington, has wit nessed Ihcir efficacy in a great many cases of sea sickness. 1 bey operate like a clinnn upon the agitated or shutured neives, rs f-hermnn's Pool Man's Plaster dues upon iheumatipm, lund ngo pain or weakness in the side, back: hreist or an) part of the body. Mr. II. CJ. Daggers, 30 Am strrei; llcmy li (I'niildinn; .'i5i Cliniliaii siieel Mopes J Ilenriqnes ln. and a multitude of others have experience i! tin wonderful eflVcia of l)iese I'lasters Price only 12.J cr nis. Caution is recesssirv io see that you get the genuine Sherman! I.ozcngeg and Planers, as there are marj wi.rihless nrtii Irs attempted lobe palwet! off in plate of them, by those who wuuh inllf) uih yoni lile Inr a shilling. Dr. Sherman a warehouse is at '00 !as sail strrpi. for mv ny John R. Moyer Blooint-bnrg Win 1. Walter it ro-Bciwick Low & Thompson Lime Rn'ge E. & J. LtiZarus Dranceiiile M. (i. Shoemnker lluck Horn L. it A L IJisel Jer'f J low n Deir it M'DridH White Hall John Moore I)anvil, Stephen llaldv, Caiinwissa. Jan. 4-1815-37. f.m, msionr oe u'Youisc by CHARLES MIXER. SUBSCRIPTIONS arc rcppcrtfully aoliciud for the forthcoming History of Wyoming. The work, now ready for Press, will make an Octavo volume of about six hjndred pages, of which five hundred pages will embrace 'he muin body of the nrrative. The Appendix, besides a variety of cu r ous and illustrative articlevvill contain the "The Ilnzelioi Iravcllcrs," revised with numerous addi tions, personal ancciotcs, inridenta and skitebes ol character, making about an Imi.dred pages, Tho author thinks proper to say, no pains have been ppared U obtain information upon every - - , 0 - ns Kniiumerabln erron bivo hcrptofore ri rung civil character has teen scarcely touched upon, that ahnesl every gentleman would desire for In linrary, in reaped to it, an authentic rative The purpose of luking up fubscrip ions is to etia- ,l,c ,l,e a,,lhnr jui1(? what number ol copies il "OUIU UC proper tO pUMIStl 'J',,e Uook wi" kc n,a,y Pri,l,c' in ,1,vo form, f - n excellent poper, with several illustrative plates, 1umJ Clntll, in modern stylo, and deluded to-' 'subscribers at Two Dollaif. a copy. -o money to be paid until Ihe Uook is delivetcd.' Subscriptions ri ecked ul this Ojp.ce. ' CLOCK & WATCH prmES'KCTFl'LLY informs the cilir.ens ol B B Columbia county, and tho public generally ihul he has located himself in llluomsburg un Main trect opposite St. Paul Church, where he has ipened shop, and is now ready and prepared to receive ami execute all work in Jiis line ol husincus, villi dispatch and in a workmaidike manner. clocks & Watches of tne best quality, can be had at his establibhmeni on very reasonable term-. II EPA I KIN (J & CI TAl H will be done to the aaiiafsution of the customer, af well of Clocks and Watches aa of Jewelsy , and In win lurtner, warrant nis work to lie cxe-utej ai' well ai (ny in this section of the Sta'. He wili also make to crdcr SURVEYING COMPASSES or pocket, and in short, will do all oiheiwoik w ally done in a well regulated respectable olablish ineiit. He linpea by stiict attention lo busines and a desire to please, lo loeelve a liberal jdiure patronage. Country Produce taken ill juyrjieu or wont at me mamei prices, lilooinshurg, November J 3, 1844 -30J PROSPECTUS OF IHE UNITED STATES JOURNAL Bv Jesse 13. Dow 4 Co. HE first number of our new paper will be is sued this (first) day of Muy, wilh an entire new dress new type, fine white paper, with other important alterations and improvements. 1 he pa per will be devoted lo a fearless exposition ol De mocralie principles; it will zealously and tuircuiit liugly oppose each and every effort to establish a mammoth monarchy bunk and olhcr mischievous corporations and cousolodtions of wealth, vim! subverts the rights of the people and undermine ihe pillars oflhc Repubhc;it will oppose an oppres sive and anti-republican larill system, the assump lion of the State debts by the Ceneral Government and all other Federal principles which have an in evitablc tendency to destroy public prosperity as well as individual h.'ppwes. Against all such po liti. a! delusions we ahull wage unchanging, un compromising war. The Farpier and Mechanic who produce all th real capital of the nation, will find in our paper at i.nwavcniig champion of their inalienable rights the long cherished principles of the editors are toi well known to tho public to require any pledge oi this point, lo the Miscellaneous Dcparlmcn particular attention will bo devoted, li e Ladies n il .iIvThys find in our columns a choice selection fron the current literature of the day, as well as original contributions from the most talented writers which ourcouniy can boast. A general summan of Foreign and Domestic news will bo furnished; regular price current and a correct list ol Ihe puce. of stocks will also he given '1 he conductors have already secured Ihe aid am co-operalion of a large number of the niostilisliu guiblied literary and political writers of tho du arrangements will also be made, a I the earliest pe nod possible, to embellish our columns by Ihe con tributionsof cwrespoiidellls' -from abroad. Will this, brief nnd imperfect outline of our plau,wc vcrv ro pecllully suhnut our claims lo an .extensive pa trouage to the consideration of a generous public THEOPHILUS flSJv, JESSE Jl DOW, fJjUTOItS, TERMS. W-eokJy paper by ihe year $2 01 do for six months 1 (Hi Semi-Weekly paper by the year, in advacee 5 (it do do for less than a year., 50cts, per monlht iJaily paper by the year, in advance ill) 01 do for less than a year $1 per month. Subscriptions lo the Daily for less than two, ihe Senii-W'et.kly for less lhan four, or to the Weekly for less than six nioinlhs, will not bo re ceived. If not paid within the year, the 7)aily paper w ill be ?12, the&'ciiii-weckly'SG, and the Wcely 2 50! a year. All payments to he made in advance. Those win have not an opportunity of paying otherwise, tnai remit by mail, at our risk, puslage-paid. 'J in 'os muster's certificate of such remittance shall l:t a sufficient receipt therefor. The notes of an) -pecio paying bank will be received. Brandreth's Pills. EAI) anil understand ! The lime will cojue w hen the medicine, Brandreth 'ills, will be anprecialed 8s ihey ought and deserve; il will be undeihlood ihat Dr. fJinndieih has the strongest claims upon the public. It is true that eveiy in dividual who makes a trial of the Biaridrrlh Pilh conccdo them to be ihe best medicine they evei used. Thcv are indeed a medicine about whicl, there is no mistake. 'J'lieir value in a climalo so changcuble as ours cannot he suflicicutly approciut cd A fce persiiiration is at once restored tl. iir- they cure colds, ami roiiMimptinn is prevented. Those who have u redundancy of bile find them ol the most essential service, and hluuild then le a de ticiency of that important fluid the ttrunlrcth Pilh have an equally beneficial effect. Ofien has thlr impoitant medicine saved valuable lives in those re gions where Iho dieadlul yellow lever wa3 prcvml ing, A few doses taken immediately upon the in fection being received into tin system, will bt ul mol pievent any maierial incmivci idiee. And al no stage of this dreadful epidemic is then so proper a im dicine as tlio llreiHirtli Pills. J,e this medicine be universally u.'cd in this disease, and no loss of blood allowed, and few, vory few, would he its victims. o il is with othei diseases. AsMit nature with this all imnorrani merlicinc to remote motbiil humors from ihe blood, and do not resort to bleeding or mercury, and we shall have a "ery great scarcily of persons afllicled with cronic maladies. The fealheied tribe the an imal kingdom- over which we aie ihe birds, are not nfilictcd with chronic maladies neither should we be if il were not for our priuc w hich occasions i hem. Follow nalute. Tsc the medicine whi' h harmonires with her, which mildly but surely re moves all Ihe impurities nf the blood.which strength ens the feeble.and yet reduces those of too full habit to a healthy standard. Let inc again say that every lepailirient i l the manufacture of llrand eth Pills is personally superintended y me, and that eveiy box with my three IuIkIs upon it may be relied up to have tbe bentfo ial eject derribrd if usfd aiv-ot.ling la the directions accctr p nny iig. A ti V. I I iJ. WiubinctoD Robert M'Kay. Jersey town L. ct A. T. Aisel. Danville E. 1). Reynolds & Co. Cat!a,wisa ('. fi. I'rohpt. lllooinsburg J. R. tloyer. Limestone Babbit & M'Nincb. Buckhorn V. O. Shi nmaker. ,Liine. Ridge iI,ow Se. Thompson, Berwick- J -W .SliicB May rj, lift-15 ly- 2. rt ' ti Fublic Sale IN pursuance of an order of the Or plian'a Court, of Columbia County, on Saturday the second day of Auguat next, at ten o clock in the forenoon Marshal (1 Shoemaker. am! John Christian Adiniuisim terg die. ol Jacob Wellivei, late of Ahdistm township in said rnunlv.deceusul will ex pose lo Sale, by Public Vendue, upon ibn premises, a eriaiii tract of laud, containing Acres, r thereabout, situate in the township of Madison, and County uf Columbia, afore aid, adjoining lands of John llendersliol- Valmiune Christian, John Hillheimer; John iieyiihsrii and Christian. late the estate of aaid deceased, situate in he township of Madison and County afore al(l. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Danville, July 1-1834. There ii a about 73 Acres, . f cleared land. There is on the premises one and a half story LOG HOUSE, 'ealher Boarded. Log Hunt & SMALL ORCHARD. WANTED, , Two Apprentices 0 the LAST anofliuOT TREK Making bu siuess. Smart active boys between the ages of 15 and 17 will receive good encourage. inent upon linmcdia.e application lo the suhserilier. C MllE Dloomsburg, June 14,1845 Ctf in? List of JLcticr. EMAIMNG in the Post Office, nt fllonm, burg, on the quarter ending June 3l)lhl315. Iduins Abraham Jivan Danel Dcpser allis Fullmer Daniel llartman A. U. Jackson Joseph Kiinnady Sarah Martin Thomas Kobason Miss Vary Kenhart Ssmnel 2 Sprout A. D. Efq Seuaa Wm. or John ship WycholT Y. V. Wakcheld James Persons railing for If t'.ers in tbo above lint will i lease say they are advertised. J. R. MOVER P M Cabint iviakins' MjnHE subscrihei respectfully iiil'oniis the pub U he that he has taki n the shop lalidy occupied by B. S. flayhuret, At Ihe lower end of Market slreet Dlcomsburg; where he intends carrying on the above business in all its branches, und solicits a shii. e of the patronage of the public. In connection wilh the above business, he ofTcra his services as eo UNDERTAKER. He will always bo ready to make COFFLVS for the same prices lice In fore -barged in liloomidiurg, and hoving supplied himself wUh a good JJEAS&K he will attend with it at tho Funeral without any extra charge." JOJL BJTTERS. May.jOlSlo-Gm 3 BlasiTillo fHM'L Danville Sleam Woollen Fivcilifv. 1cm incrly owned mid occupied bv L-r. Petrikin. has recently hi en purchased by the subscriber, who respectfully announces lo his fiiends and tlie jiulw lie generally, (hut he is now prepared lo execute all kinds of work in bis line al business, .at dio shortest nolle, acoording to ordi'r, ami in ihe lust comparative manner. Having gone lo considera hc expense in repairing his machinery and .appa ratus and being very par.ticiilor in vi ewing the' ser vices of ex Krieuced mcchunics, he feels confident that he is capable of executing all kinds .if v oik in bis line in a style superioi to any other establish- ment nn :e eountry. J'rices ol oik us hilliws: Cloth i yard Wide uud durk, frojn 45 to f.5 ernl8 pel yard Do bottle greens, olive brown, Ac. from 0 to fifl fatir.cls of the above eolois, from 40 lo 41 Flannels one yard wide, 50 cents. Wine, brown or black, 4(1 Madiler ku), 4'i tthinket 2 yds wi'e; twi'ledor plain, from CO lo 70 cnts per yard. CZ-PsLIlTG & FULLI1TG H ilj Ue done in the best manner, and at the mm ai prices All kinds of country produce vt ill l o taken in payment forvwikat .'onville moikct prices. Ssl Tl T. R TTS; FI. A NSEL Si CLOTHS 4- BLANKETS; C.vtstfinliy on Jiond, for sale at reduced prices for I 'a.-h or liarter. For the accomiiiodalion of customers living at n distance ivonl for daiiufacluring will be taken in at the folln'.viog places : COLliMllIA COI.'NTY. I.aac Kline's Mill, Fishingc eik; Holmes' store, ,'nhniihus; l ow ,Vi Thoinpiaiii's store, Lime-Ridge; W. L. Waller A, Co.'s store, Berwick ; Siewait V lickel' flore, Orangeville; Wm. J;' Ki Ivy t.'o.'s slore, l;oi nis burg ; Jehu (i. Miurplesg' store, (,'atlawiK-a: L. lljr sel's store, Jersey town; Deri oV Mcliiide's store, White all; Mroop's store, U'asliinetoiiville. LI ZKKNE COL.NTV Reynol'd'sstorcKing ton; (iihlfrk'cve's, Wilkhiiire; -Myc is' fciojic, Nun, licokc; Jiid.'C Mack's Mill, lluntingloii Plain written directions Jtcconi puntj cuti purccl. d. 'H. ,o JJ A lir! tA nl , Danville, Way 3, 18153 SWAN IIOTEL, Orangrvillc, Columbia count), T a. TIIR su'iscriber res ifcifully inor;ii ptihlte thai he has le.isril this la;e ihr'i rury Tavern, now in i!ic ocrnpaii' y y x Ceorse Sciple, in Orancevilje, klpUiui emmy, r., anil inienus niovuijj uno it rti the first nf April next, where he will bo pleased to f.ffi.his old friends and cuMnmrrs Aj his TABLE will alwavs bo furnished with the best the market afforiN, .IJi' BAR wiih ihe rhui-e.-t of Liquors And his STA I'. LC,aienilid bv faithful Hoarier, he flatter!" himself that )ic will he able to give "eiirrnl saiislactin;) CONVEYANCES will always be ready to transport on their rouie, I C JOHNSON eV-reh 1.5, 1813-if m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers