The memorable fire In J.omlon, in 1000. ilcs'.ko led ili u citv to the f xtenl of 430 , square acres, consuming 400 streets, 113, 000 houses, anil HO churches, i i Before the war of 1812, ihe only canals in ie U Sutes were the Middlesex rsnal in Masaacliuspu. 27 miles m length, and finished in 1808, and the Saniee canal in South Carolin,22 miles in length.--There are now 4.000 miles of canali, which have coat upwards of $100,000,000. AvoiJ i person that'a all jaw. Remem bcr' ilfe more a person talk, the leag he know. your lean geeae that'a always crackling not the fat ones. Recollec.t ill it and avoid men thit'a got the gift of 'gaba j on would those that had the gift of measles ' " MARRIED. On Sunday evening 20th ult,by Wrn. Kitchen, Esq. Gkobgg Miller, to Lima Ann Snider, all formerly 'of Danville. On the 13th inst., by John Hotline lv-q.; Mr William Ghav, of Blooms tiur, Columbir county, fb Mi's Maria Ca'tharine Cutler, of WiHiamori. DIED. In Uloonishurg, on Satur day, the 26th till. Mm. Susan I. Pain teh, aged 52, wife of Thomas Painter, TEE HU.P.EET3. Hloomsdcbg, Aug., 2, 1845 Wheat, ' 90 Ky", 50 Corn, 40 Cloverseed, 3 25 Flaxseed, 1 25 Uutier, ( 12 Oat, ' 27 Eur, 5 Tallow 15 Lird 6 Dried App'es, 50 White Jeans 50 lleeswax 25 L. E. S32TJ7LEP. CLOCK V WATCH JTI.iUKR. KESPECTLULLY informs tht public, thai he has taken the shop lately occupied byG. I,. Miulu, in ilooimhurg, where he will always be ready, at short notice, to REPAIR, in the Levi manner all kinds of Clocks & Watches; Having been several yean under the instruction of Mr. Sliultz, hf) feels confident of being able to do justice to any wmk intrusted lohis cure and hopes to receive n share of public, patronage idooiusburg, Aug. 2. 1815 15-tf. TIMOTHY SEED. A BY PRIME ARTICLE FOR SALE SAMUEL A. WORMAN. Eepj town; July 26 -1845. ' List of Jurors. For August Ttrm, 1845. (raml Jurors Bloom .S'luart J'icrce.YVillhm Hi&cnbuch,Johi IJarkley, Jacob Keller, (jeorgo Lilly BricrcrctJk John Workeiser. Catlawissa Jlin Fisher. Dcrry John Craig, Reuben Folk, Robert Rru Her, Samuel Gccjin. Pishingcrcek Daniel Kitchen. Franklin Isaac Yettcr, Idborty-Maitiii llillmyer, Robert Auten. Mifllin Marshall U- Kinney. Mahoning Samuel Gulick, William Diddle, MaJisnn George Eveg, Samuel McNineh. Koaringcreck-William Vocum. Sugar Loaf-Moses Yocum.SamucI Fritx. Orange George L. Kline."' . TRA VER SE JUROR S. - Aug . 1 8 4 5 Bloom-Ceorgo John. Wiiarcreck-W. A. J. flrittain. Levi A. JIutrhi ton. -avid Fowler, Nathan Seclv. Dcrrv-Roherl Derr. iieh Malson, Tliomov tary; Mtedhcn Ellis jr. Aidron aldrerv Fishingereck-Jamcs Edfcar, Nathan Flcchrns Franklin-Thomas Clayton . Jacob Hubcr. Creenwood-John Richart, William Lemon, Hemlock-Franklin Mcllride Daniel Purscl; jacksryn-Abrsbam Knous. William Roberta Liherty-John McMahjn. ll'illium Yanhorn Mifllin-Jacob ticupcnheUei, John Nusg, Isaa (Bnvder. Mahoning P. Che:cr,pavid 2J)iillins,Elia Howell. .. Monlour-1 'lie. Liihy. Orange-J ib "leikuntine, 7)aniel fornwald ICoaringcrerk-Uoedian Lauiplell jr. fugnr Loaf-Jeremiah JIe, Jan et Mather. Notice. Is heieby given. that we have pnrchasfri m Uonstab's sale, the followintr articl-s. at the property of James C. Fox, and have left ihe same in bin possession during our pleasure, and forbid any person taking ihetn from him.eilher by perchase, or oiherwise,John dearheri, soutn HrJ oegies. and one without cur consent. One brass dock, one, half east, eighty six perchee jnd seven -,-,n,l tnp. one shovel, one crub hoe. two tenths, smith (?3 (Jeg'ees east, sixty eight One brass clock, one I, one grub hoe. two whovels. one red and while bull, one lot wheat, one canal barrow Wm. M'KELVY, 5- to. 10;I.-I815. lVI? JA1M-Jrt. MII.IULl fcAlskUa. BY virtue ol snn.lry wtua of venJ ex. to me Erected, will be exposed to public a.ile at the court liouss in Danville, on Monday the I8;h day of August next, at pioperty, to wi'.' The undivi.leU three etgn.s panaoi thrre eights parts nf a ertain Tanuiry.Saw Mill Dwelling House, in J 8 Acres, of land, situan in Mdison Township, in the County of Columbia, adjoining lands of Jacob Warner and otheis. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Jacob McCollum. ALSO A cerf 'it tract of land situate in Fishing Creek.Township, Columbia, county con taining 110 Acres, more or less. bout TWENTY FIVE ACRES of whli'h iaclesred, hounded by lauds of Peter Valk, Edward ArVHenry fc otheri.wherenn is erpcted A LOCJ HOUSE and a LOG STABLE, with the appuiten. ances. Seized la4en in execution and to be sold as the property of Joseph polluter. ALSO All the right, little and interest of James Glenn, in the i certain traul of ln'd;situale ... L . tt i u: in Uerry lownsnip, voitiuiui uum, containing 200 Acres. more or lese, bounded by land of John Craig James Pollock, Samuel dlenn, and others. whereon is erected a I'LANK. UARN, ar. old LOG HOUSE, a FRAME UAlM BARN, and an old LOG UARN, and an APPLE ORCHARD, with the appurier. ances. Seized taken in execution and to ne sold as the property of James Glenn. ALSO A certain tract of land siiuate in Sugar loaf Township, Columbia County, con taining . 228 Acres, ' j bout SEVENTY FIVE ACRES o' which is cleared land, bounded by lai of Samuel Krickbaum, Catharine Luiz, am' others, wheieon ih erected a luu uuuat;, a t.A - .. nam a S A NV-' M l LLr villi me appertenance. , . S iz'd irfken in execution and to be soli is the properly of John' Foil'' ALSO ' A certain tract of land, situate in Centit ownsMp, Oolumbis county, 'containing FIFTY SEVEN ACRES; mora or less bounded by lands of John AFesier others; whereon is e'eeted a LUli UUU6c anu a OG STABLE, wrth the aprrtrKwancu. .-; Seized; taken in execution and it,be aulil hs the property of Daniel Spouenberg ALSO BY virtue of a writ of a fnira. facias al hit lot oi ground in Roaring creek town h p. Columbia County, adjoining lands ol tLirmer, Michael llowtr and John Ivhn containing FIFTEEN ACRES more or let,s, on wincn are erei'teu a i,in HOUSE a LOG BARN with STO S TABLE, all cler"d and under cultivatioi xcept aSout TWO ACRES. Seized taken in execution and to be soli ihe property ol Henry Keilur. -ALSO- All the intfl.est and share of Lucas Bras? (eft in a certain trad of land, in Derr ownshintColombicountv containing ahou ONE HUNDRED and N1NTY ACRI- i, ore or lesa, whereon is erected a Lt)(, DWELLING HOUSE; weather boardei LOG BANK BARN, CIDER HOUSl. mil other out buildings, adjoining land o' John Giay and others, lata the esiate o; ohn Benlield, fenr direased, all the in erest of deft, as one of the grand childret nd heirs of said John Bcnfieid deceased Seized; laKt n in execution and lo be sole as the property of Lucas Brags. , -ALSO-BY writ of a levari facias, all that cer lain messuage and four lots, situate in tlx I'own of Moorsbuig, in the township ol Liberty, in the county of Columbia, a foresaid and described us follows a lot no 5. wherou is erected a FRAME SHOI villi the anoerlenances, also lots no. 2. 4 mil 0. b inate on coal street in said town eii. the' same lots which the Sherilf ol Columbia county by deed dated the Cth (!.n -ri1 A. D 1821 granted to the said John banner Seized taken in execution and to be sob! is the property of John Gilroy and James Philips in ti e hand of their administrators lidward A. Kutzner. ALSO- All that reman messuage anil Irart ol , AJ". s .m.. L.,i ,.,,, lanu, smiaie 10 unun. , .outtty, sloresaid, boumletl as loiiows. ue le th(M) a)(1 (ll),r(, j() (ll),ir pr01,rr p,.rBlls, at 10 lining l a corner in a' public road. ibenceL, m.k in ,(1C flrnoon of said day, with their hV land partly of 'Henry .Yohe, (-harlea1 1iller. tmd Christian Miller, south sixty decrees weM 151 perches to' corner, thpiire by land of Jacob Kosteriliailer, ami partly of Dniel tioho, North thirty degrees west. 153 perrhes, lo a pnsi. thence bv land of George Kelcebner, Geoige Driesber, and .half east, eighty six tenths, smith 63 deg'i of perches, north eighty seven degrees east 20 nerches. south 8J degrees easl, 6i pprches, north 70 degrees east, 13 perche and two lenlhs lo Peter Oearlisarl other lanJ, thence by tho same, smiiIi SO degreo perches and aeien enhs to .he1 b ' 1;0nirijn)r NINETY ONE acjijps ONE HUN ORE!) ul FORTY p,,m, prr.HOII ES and allowance, he the mw0 or (?(,((,r h, llt) h,.r iiliiments and aopuriei.ance, i Seized liken in execution and to no toiu ' a 1 I I , ... .-.. cf lVter Gearheart, R ... . 1RAM DERR Sheriff Sheriff's Omen Danville,? . July 15, 1845. 5 ADJOURNED SALE. BY virtue of writ of venditioni exponas a .... II l t mit.lin unne Uireeteu, win oe c cu , .u..v al. at the Court House in Uanvuie, on Monday the 18ih of August, imo. at i o vlock ti., tne lonowmg pmpcuj, "m A certain lot of ground ti'.uate n rmhio. in the County of Co lumbia, containing 0 AUKC9, more or less I' I . ...L. I...t,.. I H u.iri1U bounucu by lanus o, jai-ou ivibuci, vow.ft KaulTman and LJavu hisbui,' wuereon elected a frame house, a Iratne etaoie, a bark house, a currier Shop and tan yard, with the appurtenances. ALSO. M the intertst. jlwe, anilporlion r the defendant in all that certain tract of land iiiiute in Montour township, Columbia county, -containing 100 acres, more or less adjoining lands ol lienry uertiiau, vm.. topbei Woertle 1:d others, being all the in teresis of defendant in the estate of Baylor, dee'd. father of defendant. Seized, taken in execution Hnil to oe soiu as the piopertv ol John 'ay lor. r ' I.llll Ul.n.KT Sheriff's OiFii'.'. Danville 1 July 11, 1845 TO' TIIC PUBLIC. Having been shamefully abmed by Capt. 'Vtlson.of the Packet Boat Eagle, 1 here m cauti6n all Travellers to oe ware or aking passage with htm, if they wwn to u) will treated, but rather lay by one day; k travel with Capt. Ammermon, ol 1 aiket loat New Yolk, as he is a jretitleman. B. S. BROCICWAY. July 15ih 1845. IT O T I C E . IS HE HE BY GJVKN, - TO all legates, creditors, ntL drier jr mois interested in the estates of the- respect ive decedents and minors, that. Ue'' admin oration and guardian account. of said es Mies h?ve been filed in the office of the itegisierof the .county of Columbia, anil v ill be presented for confirmation and al ownnre to the Orphans' CotirCto be held .I Danville; in and (or he cimnty aforesaid m Wednesday, the 20m day 'of August iext,' at 2' o'clock. P'V.: ' l The account : of. .ChViW Jlagenbtick. Vdior. of the Estate' of Jonathan llngen iui L late of Bloom township, deceased. 2. The account eoikf -.mnij'i' the Estate of Alexander Thompson, late of Bloom lowiishtp, depeaserd:- ' 3 'The account oi Lennaiu n. unpen, tlmr' of the Esiate of William Riuer, who as the Admr. iili the will annexed ol Khzi Itiuer, late of. Bloom, township de- eased ' 4 'The account of Leonard ,B Rupert, Vd.iir. of the Estate of William Ruler, late f Bloom lownship.riei eased. 5 The account of Tbonias Barber ami Jaleb Thomas, Admrsi wnh the 'dl an icxedof the Estate of jafiii'S ' Bibor. late .f Derry, township, deceased; ; .' 0 'Tlie account of Christiana Sipinrnm, Vdinrx. de bonis n"n of the Estate of John Steinmanj late of Liberty township, de eased, 8 The account of James Pleasnnts;E.q ..f il.a l!KiiMir l''.ra S. Havhurs; L .. I.. n( ll.O li'lulR ll Mill was uin UAn u-,., ... (ohn P Davis, late of Calawissa township, leceased. 9 "The first and final account of George l. Boone, Executor of the Last .Will and Testament of lit zakiah Boone, lais ofCat iwissi township deceased. CHARLES CONNER. Register Rfoistfr's Officf., Danv July 'J, 1815. "1 THEREAT, the B. Antiiont President of the Court of Ch er and Tr inner antl licnerM Jan ucuvcry, vonu, m vii.,i,u . r. . , ', !, ' ..C f, ........ Sessions of the Pcace.and Court of t'oinmon Pl ai and Orphans' Court in ihe eighth judicial dwricl enmonsed of the counties of Northumberlnni' Cnion, Columbia and Lycomins; nnd the lid Samuel Oukt and Slcph-n Biddy, Esquire VuocKitn .Im cc in l.olniunia county ,navi issued their pr-ctyt beaming date the 'Cth ilsy ol Vmil in the vear of our Lord one inousanu .-i-lit huudreJ ami for.y-five. and to tne direttcd.lor ilolding , . Court of Over and I tr miner, ana urn end J'uit 'ihliviri. General Quarter Srxxion if the Peace, Common Pica and Ortihan s t ovrt. IN DANVILLE, in ihe County of Columbia on the third Monday of Aug, Act, (being tlji 1 8th lav) and to coulii uc one week , I ,.n, a a iiiorni.irn i iTPiii' uiven in ............. ..... b 'toe Coroner, the JuMires of the Peace, and Un- tables of the said county of Columbia. tha Ih. y records, inquisitions and other rcuii' do (those things which to their offices appertain to l uone. Anu tnose licit are Dounu vy recngni z-itnes, to Prosecute jgamst tbe nitsoners that ate or may bo in the Jail ot sncl cntintv ol I olumhia, are to he then and there to prosecute against thim as shall be just, Jurors arc requested tube punc tual in their attendanre, agrcei.h:y to their notice". L'tllCO Hi xaoilir, nic it in urv oi .iuiv 111 the year nf ollr Lord o i . mnd eight K cr,,!, T-i .ii- .v.- ,i.u .1-.. Ar : f.u.i-.i e .u. t-.:..j -f '2 V I. ST DERR Sheriff. Suraur'a Orrirr h.,y i July ii. lou rAr-IILY MEDICINES. J A KA A" IM in TON I C. This Hair Tunio has woducrd beautiful New Hair In th heail of hundred who had hen bald fur years It aUu purities the heid from Dandiull Cures diwuscs of the icalp Preserves the hair from falling off or bscomiug permanently gray JAYNPS CARMINATIVE BAL SAM. IS a certain, safe and effectual remedy fur ))' entury, Diarihuta or looseness, cholera niorbus,suiu mer complainl, colic; griping pains; sour stomncli; sick and. nervous headuch, heartburn, wuterbrash; pain or sicklier of Ihe atoma.'h; .yomiliug; spilling up of food after eating aud nlja where it passes through body uncbange ' . vvant ot appetito ; restlessnes and inability to p; wimd in the sto mach and bowel.n cramp;' uervoua tremors and twitching; seasickness faiitting, melancholy and lownes of spirits, fretting And crying of infinite and fur oil bowel ail'eclions and m'rvous diseases. Dr. MYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE Which is perfectly safa and so pleannnt that children will ntH refuse to take if It clTcctuully destroys worms: neutralizes acidity nr sourness ol the stomach increases appetite and acts as a gene ral anil pcri'ianent Tonic and is therefore exceed ingly beneficial in iu'erinittent andKeiniltent fevers and indigestion; 4rc and is a certain and permanent cure fur l.'ie fever and ague. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken at all limes and in most diseases In liiflmn)a,ioiy, intermit taut, Uemiuent, Dilious, anu every otnei orm of Fever Jaundice and Liver Com plaint. For Dyspepsia lliev are really an invaluable article, gradually changing the tutiated secretions of ihe stomach and livei, mil producing healthy sclion in those im portanl organs. " J hey are" very valuable or diseases of the Skin, and for what is commonly called 'Impurity of Ihe blood;' also for Female Complaints, Costivenest &C and in fact every disease where an Aparieht,. Alteraiive, or Purgative Medicint nay bs requited JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. It always cures Asthma two or thret large iluae- will cure the Croup or Hives ('liildieih in from till ven minutes lo ai Irours, time It immediately snbdui s tin violence of Hooping Cough, and i Heels s speeds cure.' Hundreds who' have beei given up by their physicians as inctirr:ihi with 'Consumption,,, havt been restored perferl heidih. by it. In lad. as a lemedy in Pulmonary Pis eases, no medicine has ever obtained t higher, or more deserved rrpuiaiion. C7 I .he above Medicine are all lor sali at the store -ofV JOHN R. MO Y EK, BUtniiishurg. 30 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. the n'wo xrrsjLXNA,'TOur.iN J7.-V, hifvtj-tittt Ao1-mluf; deceased. N' ( ITIOE is hereby givon that letters of admin isinitiou on. the ai,.)vc mentioned Instate. have been grunted to tho subscriber, living in Cen tre lownsnip. All persons indebted lo said estati sre hci ehy notified to niska immediate payment and all lliosu having claims are requested to pre niillt them properly authenticated to SOLdMON NEW HARD, Adtn'r. May 17, 1S15, Something New fjUNDER THE SUN AMONG the wonderi of this age of im proyenienis.the subscriber respectfully beg leave to call the attention of his friends and the public in general to tho corner of Mail Si., where he has just rtcei"cd and openei frum Philadelphia a general assortnienl ol C O N F E C T I O N A R I K S ,- onsisting amonn other things of Candies, vjtrinus kind's vj Haisins Prunes, riffi, nweet una water Crackers, Oranges Lnnunn, . Lemon and Pineapple St r ups. Soaps, Ai viands and Tobacco. and all other articles usually kept in a gro ery. - ' ;.lsn a good aspoitmenl rf ' . m s SCHOOL BOOKS & S TATI N ARY. All of which he will sell a little chcapt'i than they rQ be had at any other establish mcn in these 'digoics. N. B. Good whim and colered rag taken in exchange for books tc t). U. KAIILI'.K. B'.oomsburj, June 6 h 1 84p BMUinery- SUSS M. 1 IIOHISO', Ttlt'LU renc:. fully inform Ihe Lailict o llloninsbnrg and vicinity, that she has jut ftv civcd a lalge asioitUient of ass r tr a 5 .srV, h5 . , . , at her shop on Main.iweet.neai V oppnsiiepoiDlora k.-opt becond uoor bolow iilvertliorn s, wtore .u h tl th aniclea usually kept in a Milliner s..-,rp The Ladies are all invited In call and cxa mine tor themselves, bonnets and Caps made and done up in the most tJchionaUe stylo, i uivi,-'op"-j ( The Iliglit of .Search.' ' li-NEW ARRIVAL OFri Ileatlv Wade Clothing. 'The subscriber ha just received a LrjM assonmentof READY MADE CLOTH ING, wiicli will lie soli) as cheap lor Cash asnliey can be pun based in Ihe county. Call and examine for youiselvcs. .as llit ' Right of Sdaich' is guarantied to all. J. R. MOVER-. June 7, 1845.-7 . 'A I) MINISTRA TOR' S NOTfcR The Estate of S.VMUEI. K EST Ell tale o Ml Pleasant toii'iiniin; re, cued WTOTICE i he.ehy given ilmi liters of udomi istratlon on the aliuve inuiioiiel Eslute been granted to the fubsciihcr. All persona indebted to aaid eslalo are hereby mililicd to muke iimuediata pay lent; and all lliobe liuviui; cluiuit are requested to pre-sent them properU uullteuti caied to JESSE K ESTER, of Greenwood, ISAAC KESTER, of Ml. l'kmint AUininhtruti,r' June 24, 1845 6w8 (hah Maim fa t J or y . fffHE subscriber havin-j established a .Af;it JH t . .W.f.Vi''.IC 1VH on Aaii,. street, near tho rosiilenco of L. H. Maus, ho is now prepaicd to furnish Chaiia of every description, on as goou terms as they can bo jiurchusad elsewhere n the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as Red Posts. IVagon Hubs, Rose Bluckt, eye. SICJN, ORNAMENT A li IIOUSK PAINTING. Also HOUSE PAPERING. Phis latter branch, from his experience, he believe,. lie can Ho a little butler 'ban any other person ii litis section. (Ej-POPLAR PLANK will be taken in pay nent at tho highest 'r .Ket price SAM I EL HAGENBUCH Blooms.iurg, July 4, 181 j,,. JOHN IVIARIILE, Harness, Saddle El rrunk Tvlanufacturer: r) ESPECTFCLLY informs the public that he has located himself in the shop next door o Samuel Hagenbucha Chair Factory, itaiu streel rlioomshutg, Columbia county, whers lie will ca ry ai the above bus ness in all its brunches. He will ,eep coiiHtantly on hand line and coarse One and Two Horse Harnesses, Horse Collars, Saddles, Rridles and T ranks; -c. ,f every description ; nnd having had a long cape inuce in the husineis, ho can furnish as good work, iii,l as cheap as can oo purchased in the county. (jAl1 kinds of country produce taken in pay uent fur work, at the market price. May 10, 1815 6m3 NOTICE. nowiug theiii T . , , , . , , . LL persons knowing themselves indebted ,!, ..h.-ii ... 1. c... tliei.uhscriL.ur, aro requested to come forward injke pay incut. BAS.E & EIDES. A'ill be taken in puymeut as usual, and ructfiv-d in (xchunga for LEA 1 HER. PHIl.rP CHRISTMN. Uloomsburg, May 1 ,, 1845 4 1$. F. 1IAY1IUU T, WAGGON MAKER, BLOOMSIJURG, ESPECFTL'LLY informs tin' ho has located himself in llio Shon l:ilcl ccupicd by ZIUA RUGHLES, in MARKET- I KELT, whore ho intends carrying on the ubovi msineid in all its various branches. . HEAVY WAGGONS milt and repaired, as well as ono horsc WACUOXS AM) IJlK.'f.'IF.S. if every dascrtptimi, and all kinds of CountM Work, in Ins hue, done at shoit noiicc, and on tin nost reasonable terms. (r"r (i,id Lumber and all kinds ol Country Pro- luce taken in payment for work, but Cath will not ,e reluseu. 11 April 3, l84.'-nm50 BLOOMSBURO Cabinet Ware House. IHE stilwcriber would respcctftilly infoiiiitln nnhlic, that be has taken the sh ip lutcly oc iiwicd by .Vamuel Lilly, near the upper cud ol lloomsburg, where he is carrying on the ii all its various branches, and wbero he will In i, .(. . ...l c i.:.. tappV O wall Upon ail moee who ikbt ibim mil vith their I'Unlom. His I uriiimie ts wairanien t, e made of good mntoiial and duiahle, and he in end i keeping on hand il,'hiards. Secretaries,. Bureaus Wardrobes. Card Tables. Dining Tables. Breakfast Tubtrs, Cu pliaa ds. SI a n ds,lf ush Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs,' Coffins. c. w ind nil kind nfwnrk in his line, which he will sell ipon as reasonable tonus, at they can be purchase! in the reunify. Itv t-lttct attention to business he hopes to rc eive a share of publie patronage. ELI BROWN. April 25.1S13.-Iyl '. C1MKLES K. J5UCKALEA . . Alforiiey at Laiv. Office South tide, of Main at. opposite l-.ytr !) lleljiey e more, try WILL ATTEND (OUR IS IN THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. BLANKS! ! BLANKS! ! rcrJontir.rt Blank EXEC I' I IONS and SUMMONS just primed and for sale ai b,i Oifice NCW CnOOtl; Ilcfllcy & ITIfiidcnlial!, Have just received,ant sre nojv open it . At the old ttand of Rijer & If'J!,, AN EXTENSIVE ASSOKTMEfi'P vy SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Cumisliiig of tveiy uiticle utuully Xy7 in oiiuilry ilure, Among their as'ioriinent will belound,of DRV GOODS Clothsj Cassimcres; SaiiineltSi Gsmbroons &(. for eiimmpr pants; Calicoes. Chini?; Balyonnes; Lawnr and Crape Delaneb &c. for diesses, Hosiery; Gloies ii Mills; Handkerchiefs, Scarfs; brown and bleached Shirtings ibo. colored Yarn; Laps and -Wadding; Bonnets and trimmings, 'They have also; Palm Hals; Travelling Baskets; Lookfiig Glasses ami Brat- Clocks. Sogur, Teas, Colfee, Molasft-ss, Pep. per, Apices, In fact every thing jtt this line that it hi' be called for, Crockery. A general assortment of Trace Chains, Shovels, Nail, Spike-, and I he umi.iI variety of Locks, Screws, Huns, &c, Rolled and 13 jr Iron, Hoop and band 'Iron, Waggon lire of all sizes, DRtTGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All of which they will sell on the most reasonable terms and receive in payment all kinds of country produce. May 10, 18153H1. 3, loomslraps. MAIUJLE YARD- The subscribers have establisliml at the tbove place, a new MARBLE YARD. mi will always be ready, at the shortest uitice, to furnish lo order, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMBS TONES, HEAR TH JAMRS, MANTLES. PAINT STONES, MULL EES, Slc. or any other work in their lino. They are also prepared to luri.isi WINDOW CATS and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS.. A'c, either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind of stone that can be procured in this vicinity. IiT Having had considerable experience) in the business, tiiey pledge their work tci l-irt ovnn.ilnil I., no It n. Ic.wtt A n cl.ta n a i.,n UU ,,, no iMiirifli'iiiu n ri, ,w aa ion lo , e , , c , -., ., ,ibe furnished from hnv yard either in tho city or country; and on as reasonable terms. 'AKT3S I KOMi ii 11 Ul. If K. Blooqisburg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 CAUTION. LL persona are hereby cdutioned against pur chasing a NOTE.given ry the subscribers to SAM LEI. McNlNCH, for $()Q, doted April C, lf'45, and payable six months slier date, with inle rest uflcr3 nioith.u.i w e shall refuse to .pay when due unless compelled by luw, r.ol 'laivng r e rcivej a cuiisideraliou fur it. JOHN PI RSEL. O. H. P, PURS EL. May 21,1816 6 LIST OF CAUSES! For Trial at August Term, 1843. 1. Burt yi -V. Wapples, vs Jeremiult . 'Jr.isTi et al. 2. John C. McCall et a vs Jos. Lemon. 3. Robert Montgomery vs- George A. Frick et ai Executors of 0. S. Montgomery. 4. Leonard Siineuian vs. John Mc Wil liams, "''i' r1 5. Robert Moore vs John Chesirr et al 0. Jonathan C. Pennington . vs John , Chester et al. 7. duties B. Bowman vs Richard Tor by. 8. - Andrew Emmons vs Vaniah Ivfese. D. .Tobias Shiriz et al Thomas Moore head el al. 10. Peter Baldy v Joseph Diehl. 11. David K. Giiiij et al vs Tliomas Moortliead . CATAW1SSA liOTEL, CA1A VSA IUU CU. I' A. gACOIJ DYER infotms travt-llers nnd 1 .:. .1.1 I (.'.. I . ,1..., l. HIS dill riiBiii'iirs hiiu iriiroi,, iihii ,,i iill keeps the above Hotel, where he wll ie happy V) wail upon those wlio favor ni in with their rusiom. His Iioohc is larg ind commodious, and well Arranged to m - oriiinodiie Ins guests His table is always) provided with the choicest Viands the niai keiscaa aflord, and his Bar contains some) (if the best liqurns that can ho found in thi section of country. His stables aie also oTiple, and good ostlers are always III at tendance. Caiawissa, July 12, 1815 2.H.12 "Ah.vYyis i ra ioir s'notice' On the Estate r;IOHN SMITH. Vcea.t e.d. late of Siigai loaf township, Cotum bin county. NO I ICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the above mentioned Es uie, have been co'ed fo the. Subscriber, All ierson ind bted lo said estate aro here by not'fied to make irr .mediate I all those having claims are rrquesteu U present them proper y atitMenticaiea to THOMAS MEN DEN HALL, Executor. il 14, 1813. Ortl-J .J July,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers