The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 19, 1845, Image 4
fiotn Noah' Weekly Messenger, YANKKE TRICKS. BSVOLVTIOlfAET 1KC1DENT. Common consent i rery queer inonior. Com nan consent mike wiu df slupidulei; fooli or win men, gallants of Josephs, ind rancals ol honi mdi tidusls. ;Comtnon consent dmperi Yankees1- in their ft'it dyi as nhriwd, incompirtbia inckderi, and common consent wii pruy near ngh iuil at that lime. Whether the Ysn- 'keei are a match for opposition now ve leave to oldet and wiser heads to de lermine. 'We Rained our independence by sheer forca of arms- Now and then fortune would favor our aide with lit tie extraordinary good event or circunv . . . . -i . mince, oui not very irequentiy. ji wis iig,ht twenty limes where il wis msnoe vre successfully once. The English, always on the look out for 'squills' and lankee triclti,' not unfrequently de ceived themselves in the most ludic- roi's manner. In the month of Msy, 1814, Sir Jimes Toe, with a fleet of vesstls to the num ber of thirteen, of various sizee, appear ed off the moulh of the Geneisee.ihreat oning to annihilate Rochester, and de filroy every improvement and person in "the vicinity. Great alarm was created by this. Messengers were despatched at once throughout the country for aid. The -people were aroused like the i fiery cross of Rhode-rick Dhu the eum- monj sped, and what, think ye, was the -result In Rochester there were then : just thirty-three people capable of bear ing arms, and about half a dozen came in to help them. Truly a formidable ar my to repel an English fleet, and op pose a clever oOdhot of the British for ces. The first thing that the little band of Americans did was to throw up a breast-work rude and alight near the ' deep hollow, beside 'the .Lower Falls. 'This breasl-work was called Fort I3en- tier. They then hurried down the junc tion of the Gennessce and lake Ontario ' because there the enemy declared they ' would land. They left behind them two old men, -with several amall boye, to remove the women and children into 1he woods in case the British should land for the provisions, and the destruc tion of ihe bridge at Rochester. The Rochester forces were command ed by Francis Brown and Elisha Ely, who acted si captains. Isaac W, Stone was appointed m.ijor. The Americans 'were elegantly accoutred in various gar--ments of shapes and makes almost ante tlelutftan. No two men were dressed alike. No two men were armed with the like weapons. Certainly they had alliirearms; but they were not fashioned 'in the same style. The discipline of these troops were as curious as their cos tume and equipments. But if ihey dis played so awkward front to the warlike eye, they also exhibited -sagacity and courage two tjualitiesfluite as much needed as a pretty uniform and tacties. The-enemy watched the on-shore pro 'ceedines with considerable 'interest; They beheld, as they supposed, nun merou bodies or militia marching to head quarters, and preparing to give them a warm reception. To deceive the English, the forty men marched and countremarched incessantly through -the woods, from point to point, in such a -manner as to convince the soldiers in the vessels that the whole country was aroused and preparing for action. The English thought it was high time to be 'CBUtiousand therefore sent an officer v.'ith a of truce to the ahore. One of the militia captains, with ten of tht best-looking snd most soldier-like men,, -were sent to meet the officer. Thf - men carried their arms ss upright at mifcht' be consistent with their plan of being ready for action, by keeping hold of ihe triggers- The British officer was astonished, lie looked all kinds of thing, utterablf and unutterable, and with a swelling crtst said: xSir, do you receive a Bag of truce, under arms and wiih corked iriggeis? Excuee me, 1 beg,' said the Ameri can capiaio, we ere not soldiers, onl) backwoodsmen and know more obou felling timber and following the p!ouj . than of military tactic;' saying whicr the American, to rectify his first error, ordered his men to ground arms! This, of course still more astonished the Brit M). lie looked indignant then ?u)iciou5 tlien a little terrified end at lust delivered a brief meisngn ii haste, and incontinently aought the flee' again. He declined (tut the ignoranci of taelia was leigned to draw the com mo dore into some enure, and informer) those who cent him that some Ysnker trick' was under process ofdevtlopmenf .The British wanted ihe spoils, bu they were loou:sj)irious to attempt landing, if by makings compromise, they would secure a purl of them. Ac- rordingly another officer, with snothri fl ig of truce, was sent to parly. Captain Francis Brown was this lime deputed to reeeite the ofi:cer. Brj jvn look a guard with him. The Biiiish ofTiu-r lo; ;:d very sus piciously ujion lli own id upon the guard, tie conversed with the utmost caution, and walked as though he ex pected either to Cod a trap door, or s springing mine beneath his feet. Af'er pending a short lime in conversation, the oflierr suddenly discovered that the width and clumsy aspect ol Brown garments betokened something not ex actly right. He thought that Brown was a regular officer of the American umy and that his regimentals were masked, for some strslsgem, by clumsy nd hastily made overclothes. Impress--d with this idos, -the Briton suddenly grasped Brown's panlaloooa by the knee exclaimingly hall jocosely, while he handled the cloth most firmly. 'What s pity such excellent cloth should be spoil ed by a bungling tailor.1 Brown smell out the object of Ihe of ficer's movement, ad quick-witted, he carelessly replied 'Oh! 1 was this preventeJ from dressing fashionably by my haste to meet and salute distinguished visi tors.' The officer then made a proposition that if the provisions and stores which might be in and about Rochester, were delivered up, Sir James Yoe, would pare Ihe settlements around. Will you except and comply with this offer?' Inquired the bearer of the dig of truce. 'Blood knee deep first! replied Fran cis Brown, with startling emphasis. While all this parlythe last clam of which was enough to affrteht the old est and toughest soldier an American officer with his staff, returning from ihe Niagara irontier, was accidentally seen passing from one wooded poinl to anoth er. 1 his with other very curious cir cumatances, confirmed the Britons in the beliet that a large American army was collected.and that the Yankee offi cers shammed ignorance for the pur pose of enticing them on shore to be slaughtered and annihilated. They had not proofs exactly ss strong as holy writ, but Ihey were irresolute, undeci ded, and frightened, and were thus half conquered. No sooner had the the of (ruce got back to the fleet, than shower of bombs and balls was sent from each vessel. The attack was immedi ately acknowledged, with great spirit low.' why a rusty old six pounder had been mounted on a log and scoured up lor me occasion, and as soon as it codld be cha.ged it was 'let off' on Ihe thir teen English vessels. A few hours were spent in this manner, and Sir Jan. Yoe, assured that he could not be in safely in that viciniy, (nd with one of nil vessels badly shattered by Ihe afore said toe-mounted six nonnder.) run n- J, down to Puylteneyville. about twenty milea eastward of Gennessee river. fhere they learned how thirty-eieht or forty green militia men "had beaten off and prevented a large British flee! from landing, by a very successful Yankee trick! As soon as (he keen edge of mortifi cation was worn off, Sit James and all his people laughed heartily at Ihe strata gem and its result. .It was a noble Yan kee trick, that. Chair ianufactoy, THE subscriber continues to carry on the CUAIR NG business at Ihe old stand of 13- & S- Msgen buch, where he will be roady at all times to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Set tees, Uoslon Kockinc Chairs &c, ol evorv lescripiton, which mav be called for, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also execute House, Sign & Ornamental Painting, and House Tapering, 10 a superior manner, From his experience in the business, nnd nis laciiities ol manulanturine the various articles of his line, he flatters himself thai he shall be able to furnish as good work, and upon as reasonablo terms as can bt done in the country, all of which lie will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. D- Orders from a distance will br strictly ar.d punctually nitenrieH to. U 11 AtiKIN UUtJlI Blonmshire, Dec 30, 1643 NAILS, SPIKES; &c. The Illootmbtirg U It. 1. Co JW.u keep constantly on hand, a large oriuien: 01 NAILS, SPIKES. AJW IRON whirhthey will sell by WIIOLCbAI B and RE TAIL, and on at gttod term a tht arttcUt can bt tletchert.yurchated. Meichanti ono others, mav find it to their interest to call. .'II kinds of grain received in payment. JOSEPH PAXTON, Pbhipmt PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED, Ine lunarineraliip neretotnre existing under ttie tit m ot H1L V JLU 1 11 UJiIV & BUOXE, in tha Blacksoiitbing Business, is Dissolved by mutual consent. The Hooks are in the hands of MtrBhal Silver thorn, to whom ell having claims on, or are indebted to, said firm, are requested to apply immediately for settlement. MARSHAL eiLVEKTHORN. JUDAII BOONE' Bloonisburg, March 28, 1845. 49 ICTTlie Business, in future, will be rsr riett on at the old stand, by the subscriber who solicits a continuance of the ciirtom as old frinnilo, and of as many new ones of may please call. At. SII.VERTI10RN. March 28. 49 AN ACT Concerning the Removal of the Seat oj justice of Columbia County, from Danville to Eluom&burg. Section I. R ii n.i.J 1... .1.. u . .v .i.vivu UJf W1Q UVIIBIV VIIU Zoune ol Kepreiwniativcs of the Commoriweatth of -uiiiiijitniiiu in general AsueHilily met, and It l hereby e acted by the authority of the same, That it shall and mav be lawful foi tha Oualltlfrt v. tcrs wbo have Heslded In Columbia Coun ty for at LE.18T SIX C.iLE.YDJll .HOJVTiJ immediately prtculiiig the next Cen tral Eleelion, to ote at such election upon the question ofthe removal of iheir8eat of Justice from snille to said county, in die man ner wti.- .1 nose m tavor ol a liemoval shall vota a written or nrininl l.l..n.i - "... ..lmiv I.L'CilCU, "SEAT OF JUSTICE," and containine the vords "FOR BLOOMSBUHG," aud thoao op posed to a Removal, shall vote a miti nr mini. cu ueaei laueuea as aiorenaiu, and contsinina the 1. Vnn ll Kltnl t n it . .... word." FOR DAN VILLE:" ih iiii iiVbni. i, i!l deposited in a box which shall be provided for thai purpose at each and every ofthe election polla of said couuty, and the returns of said election ahull L. , ' . 1. - I .. . ue niaue in me same manner ny tne Ucturn Judges ... ,u tDu. .no DiBcuon oi .wemDcrs ot the Asaomblv. snd if on the mectinir nf tl,. Din,n . , r .. " ""W1?""1? f the vote followinir sections of thi. act ahnii i.. nf fn r nao ueu utvoii ill lavor 01 ii ooinablirir. hen thn and effect; but if it shall appear that a majority votes nave been given against Bloomsburg, then thefollowing sections ofthis act shall be null void, Sec. 2. That if a maioritv of .he vnim nfmii.1 ,. f n. ,. 'IY I V . manner provided in the litst section of this act in lavor of the Remova jf the Ki nf f inmilv tn thn Imvti nf Hlr,.imul,.,r. il,.-:,: A j - iwMi :uui (j v.lU blll.i.lia UI Bloomsburg in said county shall erect, or cause to be erected, JIT THE HI OW PUOVElt EAi-EjyE, within three years from aud after such election, n the town of flloomsburg, suitable buililiniM nf HRKMC nr Km'l.! nf iI.a uaut 0- - w. I .11 W 4 I APPROVED 'LAX, for a Court House and Prison, and different offices for the safe keeping of ihn r.nutilv rii..nr4lii iinilpr tlm Aimt',n Ar .1.. County Comniiasionera, who are authorised to re- coiva a conveyance lor such lot or Iota of ground iveyance for such lot or loU of ground of such County buildings, not LEhS ACRE, in fee simple clear of all in- for the use vri.u nvi.u, 111 ICO O.UI.I1B Clear 01 Bill- the said building to be erected on such lot 01 lota . ..... . u.uuii&.iccs, lur mo uhu ui uic count v 01 imnnitim. uiBIUUIIU WUB tUII'CJTU, AIIU IDS l,Oim 1IOUSC, and otliemublic buildinira and real nn u,h.rh r .u.. 1 ...I II.. . II . they are erected or is ai.purtonant thereto, at Ihe town of Danville, are hereby granted and confirm- ' ""i00"0? or """'m., lor some other nn cd to the inhabitants of Mahoning towiuhip. with i5"13 dlM'as0wlli?n 8 box of Bhcrman'i Worm .n ....1 : n ... 1 .1: .e .1 1 ., liOzengcs would ellcct a cure. D. Rvnn mriu, iuii uumuiujr iu bcii aim umiiueu UI IUC SUI11U lO IJ1C best advantage.and thataomuch of the orocceds of iaid sale.aa is nocessarv to rnfun.' t ib rlii,nn. Danville whatever amount of money thev mav have zivonibrthe oriainil r.f ,hn .,Mi, buildings at said town, and the purchsse of the lota of ground on which they aro erected, shall be re funded H the said citizen, and iho balance to be paid into the Couny Treasury for county purposes. rruviuca lo uisposnion or sale ol nuch public buildincs sh:ill be made until the mint !uuka ,,,.,1 pub lit buildings a. IilooinKburg shall be completed, l .1 i.:: l.. i .n! . i ... aim uiv fjuuut lutuiuo unu uuittf oe reniovcu I'tcrc- Sec. 3. That so soon as the nublic hiiilitinra . e' are completed according to the provisions of this act, me iommufiioncrs aioresaiu aliall lile a report of the same in the Court of Common Pleas of nai.1 county and said Court being satisfied that said buildings aro fully completed accoiding to the true intent anu meaning oi tins act, and a record there i)f bciuc made bv endortvmrrit nnsi.l r.uinrt ilm Commissioners $ ShtrilT of said county ahall therc- . :r i i ujuii mun mo iiiiQuuuib, ii pnv lllt'lU luunncu in the old nrison. to be safclv removed lo tl in nrw and the public papers and records then remaining in the public offices at Danville, to be safely depo sited in the new buildings so ns aforesaid built and orenared fur thcrccuntion Ihtrciif. and fmm ilmn.i. forth tho Seat of Justice in aud for the county of lioiumtua snail ccaso to be ut Danville, and the same shall be removed and fixed at the town of Bloomsburg, in the said county, and the public of fices heretofore kept.and tho courts of iusl;ce hereto (...."I . rtt . .. lure nuiu aianvuie,iiiauur saiu county otuoluinlun. shall be kept and held at Uluonisbuiir in ilm l.nil.l. ings erected for thoir accommodation as uforcsaid. or.c. 4. . it snail uc mwiui lor the citizens ot Bloomsbum lo obtain subsr.rintiona from mm hit. " i "--j i - mou or nersons willinc to anhNrril.ii nnv nr materials for the erection of such public buildings as are proviuea iorm tne second section ol this act and in default of the payment of the same, the county Commissioners are hereby empowered to cause suits to De brought in tlioiameof the county to en orce ine recovery oi inn mini- ami . in m . lected to be annlied towards defravini? thn , lii.1 '- a 1 Of SUch builuingS. dec. o. ii any person or persons fihalt vote on ,i, .,;., ,.t.;.J.., j.i.' ... ..:....:.. . -, county of Columbia, at tho elcctiou autheriwd to beheld by virtue of ibis act not duly qualified to unlA in irill. lli. Urol .nnl!..n ..f il.t. ... iiio uiiLiuuii ui ivukmui ui i uorui in iRirrR ni a nil 'U'V ... .'.LUIUHWl. ...... ,1.U I.IO. OV1.11UH U, U1J8 Btl, or sh ill vote out of his or their proper distiict, or ,IkiII vote more than once on said question, he or they so offending upon conviction thereof before the proper court of quartcrecssions of said county, rihall bo subject to tho penalty provided for in the general election laws of this Commonwealth. 8ge. 6. If any judge or inspector of the election authorised to Ae held bvviitueof thia nrt ahr.ll knowingly or wilfully reject tho vote nf a citizen piaiincu to vote on me question oi licmoval ol Ihr cat of iustice in said county in accordance ilip will, lirst section of this act, or shall jsreive the vote oi poison not qualified to voteTi?l'orcfQid on said 1 1 It ic linn ham nv tMaw m. iAaiiiIimi unnn hh '...! . thereof before the proper court of quarter session) if said county, shall forfeit and pay for the use of am countJor every sucn oilence. a sum not ess than threeMiuridred or more than six hundred IttTSat th discretion ofthfl rnllrt. find fillnll lindnrirnltilinili-pil norma n.ill .mitral '1 ....... -r.i . " mi imprisonment m the jail of said county for a penoa 01 not lets wan twelve monins or more than two yea. Bsc. 7. If any judge, inspector or cleik ofthe election authorized to be held by virtue of this act ;shnll wilfully miscount, or shall falsely and fiaudu- ioiuij ouu up mm mui ma votts re. eivu upon mc ., .. ...u n)i .. .niij .pci, .r shall ba guilty of any fiaud in the discharge of till H 11 tl ClM JivslPir TUPlnn Mt e(T nmlmn .n.n aiim.i 1 .... v.v. j r..v.iau vmiiujhk ktyvii whmi- tinn thorstrif in tha nrnnjsr rAiirt r.f nna r tot lAiniitn r :: ; r- -...-.... ... .a.u lu ... .lUi), BC0 af ut Tet.- me, r said county, shall be subject to the same fine and resting civil character has been scarcely touched penally aa are imposed upon delinquent judges oriupon, that ahnest evciy gentleman woald desire for inspectors bv the general election laws of this Com. hie lihrarv. i 1 monwealth. Sic. 8. It shall be the duty of the iudires and!o!e llu) author lo judee what number oi couiea it insoectors conducting the election authorized to lie held!) y virue of this actio cause thu letter J to he leirihlv and rtiitincttv ul ntiTinsitA thu narrni nf I .. . '. ..".. -0---J J - w. I. i ii . . . .i . .! . r . . i vi-iy . nul l, ruo siian vois on uie nuesunn oi ine Kfinuvil of the seat of iustice as afoiesuid, on tho tally paper on whirh his name shall be rceistercd, land any wilful omitsion so to do shall be deemed a Iftaud, ind shall b ptinlslied at such in sceorjsnce -nn mo provisions or ine seventh section of this act Bic. . It shsll tic the duty of every judgo, In spector and clerk conducting tha election authoi ud to be held bv virtue of thia art In I..L ..11. tion to th oath or affirmation he is now required b law to takej an oath or intrmatinn iti I, a honestly and faithfully comply in every respect I'.uvimuiii ang requirements ol tins act. Sec 10. h shall be the dutv of tliA m turn judges of said county, at the lime and Hiaco oi nieir meeting lo cast up all thi votes received in the diflWent tricts on the question of the Removal of the e oi justice aloresaid, and shall make oui two certificates showing the result, one ol which shall be filed in tflA AfTti tf ilia nL.l w Ml v w V4 MIU IICIII ofthe court of Quarter sessions and i!iA.ith, in ihe office ol the Commiiaionera nf v, vUlUIIIUIHi "KC. II. It Shall hn thfl r!ntu nf iha fiho. ff of the said county of Columbia, to cause ibis act to be published in at least three newspapers published in said county! for at icasi once in everv week nr mru Hqi . m mediately preceding the next general elec lion, and shall on the dav of the rlenim. cause at least two printed sopies, one r.1 VI " . ,n.M! German language, of , I?. ?Mea "' "andbl" rrm' ,n 1,1 J m0B P C Plac nearCBt the election poll ln evcry election district in said cotinlv and il.. LI. m . ... " reasanaote expense ol such publication otiau oe paiu oy Ilia satu county ol Uolum k;. u .,i .i .. . . u.o ur uiucm uianu in ine usual wav. Sec. l2. SO much of thB ,., law. i . . . t ' 01 ,n18 Commonwealth as are altered or of8UPP''cd Dy tn8 aci De and the same are nereoy repealed; and also the act of Assem bly passed IGihJune 1836 entitled ar. act i-uU.;,, ... .1,.. i: .. i . . i ... inauiig iu uic ncii ui itiuunanica ai.u uuiirs, 1 e 1 8 10 , DUII(J,n6s 10 bo creeled in pursuance 01 11118 act. FINDI.MY P ATT FPSnW O 1 ' Speaker of the House of Representatives W1ELUM P. WILCOX, Speaker of ths Senate. Approved the twcnly-fourth day of February, one thousand eii'ht hundred and fnrtv.fiu. O m.wj H . v. FRANCIS 11, SHUNK. WORMS KILLS THOUSANDS ,iTr nnr v , , , .11ildlW are Diost subject to them.but per .V B01.1' 'f.,ll,l" ""liable to bo ailicttd with ,!,, 1, 1 , , , , ' f,"s "ose.wasiing away.lcanness I )HM1 111 ilia Wiuiula mini. Iimk I f 1 . . ... r f.intm II ' ... uunvioi tulllta Ui IJ111UM. 1IIKLII1 lllfl Ullfr t ,c , , , . ""(' lrl6tlllul Mumi, moaning and sometimes of vor- WUi api'?1 ltc' nlnon8 mto oi worm f l : . , , j, c? ,slrc,,t a!ld """'y. cured a man ol "'"" " lna' was rcuu;c,J ,0 a "Keleton, nnd by only " . . . whorn:' 1-ozengw heis now a fai 88 B" 'ucan. 1 a lion. ii. B. UcardNev SUV"?'1 l' ,,lo"f ?" "L1"9. cllill,rc" b7 The faJc of over 3,000,000 of boxes has fully tcbt cd (hem. They are theonly infallible worm dea troying medicine known. What family will he without them? Coiituiiipiion,Coughi.,Co,ls,Vhooping Coufchs Asthma, and all affection nf tin. Im.,.u . itu',...i . .. ' - - b"i ..i.i.i.ju u healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozcngcy. 'J'hcy saved the l!cv, Hichonl Do Forest; the Rev. Mr. Strcclcr, Jonathan Howarth, Esq. and that worhy uiu utTo.conaru uogers. lioin the consumptive's grave. J hey cured in one (lav the Rev. Mr. Lnn. bar, the Rev. Mr. Handcock: W m. JI. An Kc of distevsinrr concha, 'i'bpv m ilm .,!nn,i.., cough medicine and cure the soonest of any known itiuicuy. Headache.Sca-sickncRs and Fulpitation.rclicved oi from five to ten minutes bv Sherman's Camphoi I.o;.enucs Persons attemlinv '.ravelling will find them lo impart buoyancy ol "piritti and renew their energies, J'hoso sulleiing fiomtoofice living will find a few of the lozenges to dispel the horiois and lownesa of spirits. Mr. Krath, ofthe Sunday Merctirv. has renfntnllv n.r ,ed hiinscli of severe headache by them. Japtain Chadwk k, of the packet ship Wellington, has wit- i.csseu uieir euicacy in a great many cases of sea sickness. Thev onerato like a charm mv,n ih.. agitated or shattered nerves, ns Sherman's i'ooi .Man s J laster does upon rheumatism, lumbago pain or weakness in the side, back: breast or anj part of Ihe body. Mr. H. G. Daggers, !I0 Am street; Henry II Goukling; 35i Chatharr street Moses J IlcnriaiieB Msn. .mil 1 - j - multitude of others have experienced tht wonderful effects of these Piasters. I'rice only 121 cents. Caution is nccessar io see thai you gel ihe genuine Shennan't; Lozenges and Planter?, as there are main worthless articles attempted lobe palniri " n ill rtutu ui klirill, UV lUtHitS WHO ..,. ' :,. yr f ' ..;,,.. WOllll n ci - l " Dr. Sherman s warehouse u at inn Na "au trcet. For sale by John Ii. Moyer Ulotimsbtirg I IT.IImi. tr fi..'. - Wm L Waller & co Iietwiek Low & Thompson Lime Ridge 11 & J. Lazarus Orangevitlo M. 0. Shocmoker Buck Horn L. & A L Bieel Jerseytown Derr & M'Bride U hiio Hall John Moore Danville. Stephen Baldy, Caltawis6a. Jan. 4184537. Cm. HISTORY OE WYOMING BY CHARLES MINER. CJUBSCRIPTIONS are respectfully aolicitod for J3 the forthcoming History of Wyoming. The work, now ready for Press, wilt mnlto nn dol-lvolume of about six hjndred nr.w,. nfmhi.-h . v...... ... uc 111u.11 uuuy 01 ine ururative. 'i'hc Appendix, besides a variety of cu- r ous and illustrative articles,will contain the "The Hazettoi 1 raveliers," revised with numerous addi- tlone, personal anecrotcs, incidents and sketthes of character, making about an hundred pages. The author thinks proper to say, no pains nave wen spared to cblain intorrr.ation upon every it vumiek'icd nr.a inn suijei't, 119 has tlatter- led himsctf, as Wyoraing has becoriie clonic cround u uuuuaeruui crrora Dave Deielofore iaia,) ! ai.1 i . .. - t t. t . J T . - --I nu.ucuiii.- iMimnve. The purpose of takinz un subirrin inn. ; i,..a. 1.11 .-....! would tie proper to Dub hsh. ... " The Book will be neatly nrinte.1 in ru-invn f,.rm on excellent paper, with several illustrative plates! ooun.i in ciotn, in modern style, and dcliveiej to subscribers at I wo Uollais a copy, I ."No money to be paid until the Book is delivered.! Subscriptions rccdved at this Office, I CLOCK & WATCH ITlAKIMj. REafKCTFULLY informs the citiicns ot , Columbia county, and the nnhlir o.irll that he has located himself in Uloomsburg,on Muiu street opposite Bt. Paul's Cliurrh. wlinm b ..a. opened shop, and is now ready and prepared to receive aud execute all work in his line of business, with dispatch and in a workmanlike manner. clocks U Watches of the. best quality, can be had at his establishment on very reasonable ternu . KEPAIItlKG & CAVKWr. will be done to tho satisfaction of the customer, as well of Clocks and Watfhesaa of Jewelsy, and he wiil further, warrant bis work to be exe-uteJ as vellas anv in this tutiMinn nf tb K... n- .-:n aiso make to order - mw i U a mi, SURVEYING COMPASSES or pocket, and in short, will do all otlicrwork timi ally done in a well regulated respectable csUhlW nient. lie hopes by strict attention to btminrs anu a desire to please, to receive a liberal share i puuuuugo. vouiury rroauce taken in pavnicn tl9 Mn.U - . . 1. I. ...... I - .ui vuik ii me niaraei prices. uioomsburg, iNoveniber 15, 1844 -30,t PROSPECTUS OF THE UNITED STATES JOURNAL Br Jesse E. Dow Co. THE flrat number of our new paper will bo is sued thia f firsts dav of Mv. Ullh fits s-nlin. new dress new type, fine white paper, with other HiiuurLniiL nirtr.iiiinH nnd mnrnvAmn.iis 'i'i,.. .... per will bo devoted to a fearless nf tl mocralu: princitiles: it will zenlm.!i. ...1 ,,nr,,. ungiy oppose each and every ofloit to establish a mammoth monarchy bunk anil nthnr iiiit..inur,0 corporations and I " - nim n subverts the rights of the people and undermine -:n r.i. i. .. .' "iu jiiiiarsoi mo ncpuoiicjit win oppose an opprcs sive and anti-republican Inrilf cvdnm t - ... j w4 H09UlilJ- "on ofthe State debts by the General Government and all other Fcdoral nrincinlpi mhii-li kiun .n , "'7 '7 mo ocncrai irovernmcn andal other t cdural principles which havo an in levitable tendency to destroy nublic evitable tendency to destroy public prosperity as oJll n.liui.l..ul - ,J litiittl dolusiona we shall wage unchai.cinir.iin .giuunwuai 11.. LJIIIIlcnH. Htm I1HI nil Cl.l. nn compromising war. The Farmer and Mechanic who produce all tin real capital of the nation, will find in our paper ar i.nwavering champion of their inalienable rights; the loner cherished orinciules of thn well known to tho public to require any pledge on thi point. To the Miscellaneous Ueparimeni particular attention will be devoted, the Ladies will always find in our columns a choice selection from tho current literature of the dnv. nn w..ll nr;;.i contributions from the most talented writers ol which ourcouniv Call boant. A ni.lll.rat GI.I.HY...I of Foreign and Domestic news will be furnished; a regular price current and a correct list of the price, of s'.oclis will also be given. J lie conductors have alreadv eecnrerl iliu iil co-operation of larce nf tl - z - ...un. ...oini- guished literary and political writers of the dav i.aiiBiuuins wiuuiso uc maue, at ine earliest pe riod possible, to embellish our columns by the con tributions of correspondents from abroad. With ,.hi61 brief and imperfect outlincofour plan.wo ver icfpectfully submit our claims to an extensive pa tronage to tho consideration of a generous nublic 'nilCnniltl Ml, n . , . . , . JESSE E DOW, 5 'T0"". TKRViS Weekly paper by the year $5 n( lo lor six months 1 oo oenu-f cckly paper by the year, in advnecc 5 0(1 uo uo lor less than a year,. SOcts. tier mi-inth. iJaily paper by the year, in advance :10 Od .. . . r uo tor less than a year $1 per month. the Semi-Weekly for lesi than four, or to '(hi mipficn iiions to tne r imiv tor pko n.u.. 1..-,. 1, Weekly lor ess than six months. ill n,.i ceived. If not paid within tho vear.the 7)nilv nnnn. mill he $12, thei'enii-wockly $0, and the Wcly $2 50 u vi-ur. All payments tole made in advance. Those who nac n.n an opportunity ol paying otherwise, may .v..... ..ji nm. 1, m. our risii, psiaic-paiu. J lie oa'mastcrscertihcato of such remittance nhall bt a sulhcient receipt therelor. The nolca ,of any -pccio paying nana; win uo received. Brandrcth's Pills, EAD and understand ! The lime will come 14, when tho .medicine, Brandrcth 'ills, will be iniiri'i-niti'd as thev nunht ami ili ti'i-un- it uilll h iindcistood that Dr. Ilraudieth has the strongest claims upon the pubae. Jt is true that every in liviitiint whn nuikes .1 trinl nf llin Itmn.lrntli Pill. concede them to be the best medicine, they ever used. They are -indeed a medicine about which there is no mtstaio. 1 tieir value in a clunato so changeable as ours cannot be sufficiently anprocint .... a r : : : . . . .. -u iri-c jivibii.iaiiiiii i ui rcsiorcu , ttius lirtf p.irn rnlils. nnd rnnsumnlir.n in hraiant..! Those who have a redundancy of bile find them of lliA m-int rRCP.ili:il HPrvir.n nnil hniil.l ll..i..l.a IA ificiency of that important fluid the Brandreth Pills U . .!!.. l.nnC:nl .IT.... M.. 1 .. iiuv mi t-iuaiijr ut-utub.fu t.-ji-Lv. uuen iias inis medicine saved valuable livis In tlnioc ro. gions where the dreadful yellow fever was prevail- ing, t icw ooses ranen imincuiaiety upon the in fection being received into the system, will bt ab mn:l certain to n.evrnt nnv innfc-int iii.-im.nnir.iA And at no stage of thia dreadful epidemic is there 40 proper a meuicine as mo urcnuieth Tills. J,et this maitifine tin n.iivnrRiilItf mnil in t.;e disease, end no loss of blood allowed, and few. very few, would be its victims. 80 it is with other diseases. Assist nature with this all imporrant medicine to remote morbid humors from the Mnn.l and do not resort to bleeding or mercury, and we shall have a cry great scaicity ol persons afflicted with cronic maladicn. The feathered tribe the an imal kinTiliim. over tvl.irh we riAaUho lnrrtd am not afflicted with chronic maladiejie ither should we be if it were not for our priae which occasions them. Follow nature. Use the medicine whi'h harmonizes with her, which mildly but surely re moves all (he impurities of the bloud. which, strength ens the feeblc.and yet reduces those cf too full habi' In n lirnltnv atnnilinl mp nrraiii a;.v inr,, department cf the manufacture ofBrundicth Pills a perseniuiy EuprriiHenucvi y ua-, anu mat every box with my three label" upon it may be relied up on to hove the beneficial effect described if used according to the directions accompanying. A I. 1. IN 1 S. YVodhinetoD Robert M'Kay. Jersey town L. cV. A. T. Ztisel. Danville E. U. Reynolds cV Co, , Cattawissa C. G. iirobst. Bloomsburg J. R. Mover. Limestone Babbit & M'Ninch. Buckhorn il. G. Shoemaker. I.ims Ridgn I.ow& Thompson, ferwiek J VV .Stiles Msy 3, 13-16 ly- 2. IMssolliiUOii Of rartorvOiirt NOTICE is hereby giveu ihai the I'nrt nership, heretofois existinor between iKa subscribers, under the tha firm of Eyer & llelley, i this day dissolved by iniitual consent', arid the Books and accounts mav be found with Charles Hefley, at the old stand, who is authorized to settleall accounts nf the firm, and will be happy to wait on their friends in settling the having accounts of long standing are partic ularly requested lo call. JACOB EYER. CHARGES HEFLEY. Bloomsburg, March 181845. new Arrangement. THE subscribers would respectfully in form their friends, and the pubiic generally thai have they have entered into Partnership under the firm of Ilefley & Mendenhall, in .he mercantile the stand former ly occupied by Eyer St Ilefley, and havo uken their entire STOCK OF GOODS, to which they intejd making such additions as will suit '.he seasons and make their assortment general, all of which they ara anxious to exchange for cash, or countr: produce generally, upon very liberal termsi They respectfully solicit the patronage ij their fiicndg and tha pnblio rpnerally. CHARLES IIEFEKY SAMUEL MENDENHALL. Bloomsburg, March 18 J 845. ipecfaelcs asses. TTHE subscriber has just received a large as soilmcntol SPRCTMM.i.s anwr- TACLE GLASSES, of tho beat quality, of both whitoand green, from No. g, upwtrds. OTersons afllieted with nora fivps. will find t to their advantage to call and get glasses from him; as they may feel assured of derivim .1 0m.1t Unn.,r,, Irom their use. G. L. SHULTZ. Eloomsburg, May 17, 1S45 i cabint ntraKing 11 HE subscrihei respectfully informs the puh lie that he has takin Ihn Ui by B. 6. Uayhtirst, at tho lower end of Mitr-t. street Blooinsbyg; whero he intends carrying on the ahovo busitcjs in nil it,.,. ,,.,.1 '...1;..:. . -- aiiu nuui:iia ft share ofthe pa;ronage of the public. in connection with tho above business, be offers his services as an UNDERTAKER. He will always bo in ml.-n cnirpivu r.. tho same prices heretofore harged in Bloomsburg, ind having supplied himself nih a good II EA HAK ho will attend .with it at tho Funeral without any extra chargo. JOHN BITTERS. May,!0 18Ufim 8 rinHE Danville Steam VV mcrly owned and nrm..;..,! U. 1 ,r p..,':..:.. - 1...... . tu IK, ,1 , has recently h.en purchased by the iiuhserihcr.Avlio ..-o,i..iiui.jr uiiii.iiincca to ins Infills and the pub lie generally, that ho is now prewired to cxtculo all kinds qf work in his line ol 'business, at ihe shortest notice, according lo order, anil in the best comparative mamer. Having gone to considcra be expense in repairing his machinery and ratus and he.'ng vciy particular in semiring the ser vices of experienced mechanics, he feels ct-nfidcnt that be is capable of executing all kinds of woik in his line in 0 style superior to any other establish ment int he country. Prices of weik as follows : , Cloth i yard wide light and daik, from 4.r) u. cents pel yard Ho bujtle gresns, olive brown, &c. ftom 50 tfj.GO Satircts of the above colors, froa 40 ( 0 .41 Flannels one yard wide, 3fl Ctn:. Wine, broyn or black, 40 Madder red, 45 blanket 2 yds wWe; twi'ledor plain. fro.B,t30 to 70 cents per yard. Mill be. done in the best manner, and at the nan. a. prices All kinds of country nrndnpn .... .- , - j 1, - . ...u no taken ui payment for work at Xanvi!e market prices. SA Tl TNETTS; FLANNELSi CLOTHS BLANKETS; Con6ta;it.y on hand, for sala at reAnmA r..; for Cash nr Barter. For the accommodation of eustnmnr. i;,.;n. - distancewool for .Uanufai'tiirintr Will tin tat'nt. In at the following places : CULLMuIA COLNTY. Isaac Kline's Mill, Fishint'c ck: Holmes' slore..Ci)liirnbn. r.n, &. Thompson's store, Lime-Ridge; W. L. Waller & Orangeville; Wm. ;lcKelvy Co.'a store, UloomR-' burn : John G. bhariile8s'torA..Catliiu;ica. F. 1i. jO. S store. Dcrwn k : Mtewn.t A-. R w-Lni.' .in. sel's store, Jersey town; Cert & McBride's stoi c, nue Man; otroup s store, ivashingtonville. LI ZERNE COUNTY fievnnhr,tnr Km. ton; Ciildcrsleeve's, Wilksbaire; .Styeis' store, Nan ticoke; Judge Mack's Mill, Huntington J lam written directions must ar.-nm pany each parcel. B. K. GEARHEART. Danville, May 3, 18152 SVAN HOTSL, Orangeville, Columbia county, Fa. THE nibscriber resnectfullv infnrma tha public that he has leased this larje three lory Tavern, now in i!ie orcnna.irv of Mr George Reiple, in Orsngevillp, ColunJ i.i county, Pa., and intends moving into n en the firsl of April next, where be will Kn pleased lo tee his old friends and custonuis as ins TABLE will nlwava be furnished with the best the market affords, 1 1 in BAR with the rlmir.M of Lienors And hie 8TA BI.E.aiie ruled l.v faithful Hostlers, he Adder? himr!f that he will bo able to give gener.d s atislaciinn CONVEYANCES will always be ready to transport watermen on their route, I C JOHNSON arch 15, 1815 tf' '