TUU COMMON PEOPLE. V ti-ii h siri.nco ihiiiR is ibis which w r. II eivihznionl Where should wo fim i lie Rothschild, ill v Chard, thu Aior.lli .mr Mini five Moiy granite ami inarbU house, llm splendid midnight parlies, ibt CnionHU furniture, ilie lich rquipaga el tin- opulent merchant, without llm labor ol i,; so c iuiu toiling, ihiultjiui;, ahauu full) wronged common people, who alone create wiultti, and who allow themselves lo lir treated wiih cold indifference if liol abso lute contempt, by those- who never earned a dollar in their lives! A JO Kill I) TiSTE. A oiil named Ann Cray was rommili-! lo prison in New York, on Monday for Moling ilirea novel. Mia wai arreted while reading ihem in Si. Pmil'a Church yard. A Prophet liu hern arrested and im piinonrd al Quebec fur having loioiold ihe tleaiKii'iion (il llial poruou 01 me cny recently destroyed by lire. II o i supposed lo l)H more of an 'incendiaiy' Uian a prophet, aliliom;'' ie diua to be w laiur. PARENTS. WHY DO YOU AL low viiui chddren lo suffer fioin worms, when iheie in such a peal to the in as Slier nr.ii'a Lozenge! Many diseases and even death, arise Ironi worms, without llieir ever being suspected. The following are a few symptoms of worms; pain the tn joints or limb, oflfiisive bieatli, pricking at ihe nose grinding of the ireth during sleep, ami M linns a paleness about ihe !i)s, with Hushed checks, a growing sensation at the siomach, headache, drowsiness, disturbed ilreams, sudden itarting in sleep vuh frigln and screaming, voracious appetite, gripings, a sense of something rising in the throat, itching towards night, a frequent desire to pas something from the bowels, and some times a discharge of sliinft ami mucus, lie i-u re you jot ihe genuine, as come unpiii, ctpled de dear aitempl to palm oil' lln ir worthless imitations. For sale by JOHN 11. MOYCR.BIoorns burg. MARRIEI)-0n7ih mt , by the Rev James Ewinf, Mr, Job Evans, lo iln-s Sarah Allkn Nicholas, all oi Danville. In Mlflinbnrg, Union, county, on lh 3d inst., by the Rev. Mr. KeillYr, Mr. Thomas Fdrster, jr. of Danville, 10 Mis Raciikl Lamiart, o! l!ie former place. On the 8di inst by the Uev. 1. I5ah!,Mr. Joscpn 1 1 Arir, to Miss Kma Ann Cool boih of Nescupeck, Luzerne county. i lED In Lerwick, on the 5th inst. Klmira Jam;, daiighier of M E. and S Jaeksou, aged 1 year 5 mouths and 3 davs. On Satuiday, 5ili inst, Claukxcb Wil III; R, miaul son of J. l and S. A. Dav s, ngrd about 4 mouths. On ilie 9;h insit TiiEsDRU,son of A runs nnd Sarah Coles, aged I year and 13 days. In Deny, on the lOih inst. Mrs. Mar cart Carsaiii'N, aged 75 years, widow l Mr. Daniel Carnaiintn. She was follow ed to her grave by 52 grand children. In Moniour.on the 11th inst,Mr. Prank is I!kmiarts agedUl, son of Mr. John liOird This is Ihe second son of Mr. Richards, llial has f died el the Pulminary Consumption, within the Lsl inoiiih. At IWw'u'k on Sundiy nighl last, Mrs, Hannah Doan, commt of Mc. IJenjrtinin Doan.nyed about 73 years PP.CCL-2C2-TIC1T. i-:i:KAS, the Hon. Jostrn 15. Antiioxt 7 J, I'i-.-iiU.iit nf llic Court of Oyrr a:, 'I 'l v miner unit CJi'iicml Jail IMivrry, Court, ol Qnarip Ki s-ioih of I he roace.nud Court of Common I'lea an, I (lrihan' Couil in l!,c cihlli jiiilirial di.-iiicl I'oinpum J of the connlirii of .,iti!iimilirrluin' l'liion, CnliHi.liia and l.yi-omhiu; end the lioi fmii-.id Vvk and Slijih n Duibj, D.-.juins A wnr.i.itn Judges in Columliia county ,liuc inurj thrir pr"iTil heariiing ilnio llm '.'Gill diy ' Auil, in t lie yrar of our l.oril nun tlioiisam ii.-ht hundred anJ forjv-five. and to ino ilim tcu.lu holdini; ,'1 Court of Oyer and T erminer, and Gut crnl Juil Jltllvri, Girurnl Jnar!a Sessions if Ihe I't.ace, Cvminon l'lta and Orphan's Court. I.V DAN VILLE, in the County of Coinrnliia rn the third Monday of Aup, (.Uiuj; l!n Ifiih J.is) and lo couth uc oi.e vnV. : Nofue is therefore lirrt-hv given lr ii.r. Coronrr, the Justices of t'u I'f-.re, Lrid Con f'.al.lca of the 6.iiJ counly of Cohind'ia. tl.u' iht-v I ft tiir-ti ai:d tticre in their j roy.cr j.ericns. at l o'cl.nk in die f.'rrr.oon nf raid day, v.iih then lui-ordri, inqiiUitiMU and oti.tr rrtiicn.iiraric rs.tu d tl.o c tliin-s v,!iii:li to their olfirei appertain I.c di.iii'. And thosp that are hound hy rcco';iii uire-i, t' .toecute j?.iiti)it ihe pri'oncrK that no or inay .r in the Jail of lid couMy of Cidun.laa B'p t t e then and llu-rc tn prosecute a,;aiiut thi n in be j !'!, Jurors are requested t he punr ta il i'i their attendance, nrceal y to thrir noti . c . M..U.1 at Il.inviltc. the 11th day of July lr. .ho year of nnr Lord one thousand nj;li hundred and lolv-ii' and in the CJth yea i f t'c Iikk'i ( iidti.Le of tl.i tnifrd t-.uti: el An.r.iia. IRA'd DF.RR Usr.j;. f-Hipiif'ii Oirtcr, L'u.villc Jul-. 11. IS 15 "."Ir.'rt.X't Mondav the I8,h day of August next, at 13 o'lotk, M Thu lollownig Ocacnueu pioperty, to w it; The unJividnl th.ree fiahts pari of a certain Tanuary.Saw Mill Dwelling Iloue in J I if land, situate in ildison Township, in the Countv of Colombia, adjoining hinily of Jacob Werner and otheis. tSeizetl and taken in execution and in be sold a the property of Jacob MuColluui. ALSO A certain tract of land situate in Fishing Creek Township, Columbia, county con taining 110 Acres. mora or less, about TWHNTY FIVE ACRES of wbb h ia cleared, bounded bv lands of Peter V1U, Edward ilcllenry A otier!,whrenn is ert-eted A LOO HOUSE ami a LOO Sl'AULE, widi the Hppuiteii ances. Seized taken in execution and lo be sold hs the pi operty of Joseph Fullmer. ALSO All the right, little and interest of James Glenn, in the a certain tract of laud;siiuiite in Dcrry Township, Columbia County, containing 200 Acres, more or less, bounded by land of John Craig James Pollock, Samuel Glenn, and others, whereon ia creeled a PLANK BARN, at. old LOG HOUSE, a FRAME BANK lURN.and an old LOG it A UN. and an APPLE ORCHARD, with ihe appurter. iiices. Seized taken in execution and to be sold is the property of James Glenn. ALSO. A certain tract of land situate in Sugir loaf Township, Columbia County, con- talllllig 228 Acres, nf which is cleared land, bounded by lands ol Samuel Krickbaum, Catharine Luiz, and libers, vvbeieon is em led a Jtri LOG HOUSE, a fmM Los Karn &i3 S A W M I L L, vvnh ilie upper tenari( e, 8 iZ'd taken in fxeenlion ami to be sold is the properly o( John Follmer. ALSO li Y virlue of a writ of a ffira facias all thai lot oi vtnund in Roaring creek town sli p, Columbia County, adjoining lands ol II inner, Michael llowtr uud John Klin, containing FIFTEEN ACRES uinre or lets, on which ere erected a LOG HOUSE a LOG li A II N with S 10 M S I'Al'LE, all cleared and under cultivation except about TWO ACRES. Seized taken in execution and to be fold is the property ol Henry Ke;ler, ALSO I5Y writ of a levari f icia, all tint cer tain messuage and four let, situate in the Town of Miiorsbuig, in the township ol Liberty, in the county of Columbia, a foresaid and described as follows a lot no 0. w heron is erected a FRAME SHOP with the appcrtenauces, also Iota no. 2. 4 and 0. s'luate on coal street in said town 'leu, i; the same lots which the Sheriff ol Columbia county by deed dated the Gh (!a V ) r 1 1 A. Dt 1 1 gtanted to the said John Painter Seizi'd lakr n in execution and to be sold s tin.' pioperty of John Giiroy and James Philips in ti e hand of their administrators Edward A. Ku'zner. 1RAM D Eli It Sheriff, SiiEitirF's Okhck Danville, ) July 15, 1&45. 5 ADJOURNED SALE. I!Y virtue ol a writ of venditioni exponas o me directed, will be exposed lo public -ale, al the Court House in Danville, on Vlimday the 18. b nf August, 1813, al 12 o'clock M,, liie following properly, viz: A i certain lot of irr.iui i situate m Montour iowu.hi, in the dimly of Cu-j uiiiliia, containing U AtyRES, more or less "ititided by lantU of Jacob Rialnl, (JeurL'e Ivatillman and David Rishel, whereon tecied a ft'inii' house, a frame stable, s ilk linu-e, a nirricr bhoj) and Ian yatd vi.h ihe appu neuancea. ALSO. .5 thr. interest, share, and port Ion of he di fi tidanl in all that pi'rt i'n tract r.f hn, ' .iiuiitn tn Mnn'ocr loun,hii, coliittili.i oiinly, containing 100 aeri s, more or l .- djoiiiipir lands of Henry W'ertiian, Chu.. npheifj dertle swd other", being all the in uresis uf defendant ill the estate of IJav'or, (ke'd. f.itiier of tlefend iiil. St ized, taken in rxecu:i,in nd to be snlJ i the ptopenv nl John 7avlor. I RAM I 'ERR. Slicr.fr. Sheriff's OrncK, Danville, July 11. 1815 $ JO THE PUBLIC. Hnvinu been (-haircfullv aiM il bv Cap lV iSon, of the Packet Boat Eagle, I here :v cau.ir,, i fcilj Travellers to bti ware (,f t.kiiiL' passage with htm, if they wish lo il- wi.l irea'cd, but rather lay by one da-, ; it tra'el with Capt. A intrerniun, of Packet lidal New Voik. as be N a (?enllman. li. S. Julv ID h IS 15. CHOCK WAY. M ins 81. K. HOItlSO.V, W( ,U) . lMy, 'r""V lllooiiwlmrir and vicinily, thuulm has just received a latgu uuguituiuut uf Nt M r M H .a c Til nlher shop on Main-streel, neatly oppnuituDucblnrV hotel, and second iloor below Julverthorii a, wnere she has'oll tho articles usually kept in a Milliner's Store, The Ladies are all invitod V call and exa mine for lliomselvea, Hon net and Caps made uud done up in the most fashionable style, iilootnsburg, July 12. 18-15, 12 Illoouioibiii'g; Arlillory. The Members o( this Companyi who have Sworils and Belts, belonging to ihe Company; are rRtuireil forthwith to delivei them lo ciilier of the Commissioned Ofli -cm. 11. WEUD.Capt. Public Sale IN pursuance of an oidcr of the Or pliau's Court, of Columbia County, on Saturday the second day of August next, at ten o clock in the lorenoon. Marshal G Shoemaker anil John Christian Admiuistra ters ol Jacob W'ellivei, lato of MmIisou township in said county, deceased, will ex pose to Sale, by Public Vendue, upon the premises, a certain r.ict of laud, containing 24 nr thereabouts, situate in the township ol Madison, and County of Columbia, afore said, adjoining lands of John iiendershot, Valentine Christian, John Uillttcitner; John Ruynbard and Christian, I a re ihe estate of said deceased, sitnate in the township of Ahdisun and county afore said. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk. Danville, July 1-1851. There is & about 17."3 Acres, uf clearrd land. There is on the premises a one and a half dory JtTA LOG HOUSE, ffiJ u S M Weather Z,WiY. i Log Bam lilli & SMALL ORCHARD. I i.t of L:t!ir. Fn&EMAINING in the Post O.'fi -e, al Elnonn E.Q,hurg,on the (juaiter endiuu June iiOlhlbl5. Hiiauiti Alirabuiu ( an iJnnid 1'epuer Jallis luihason Mins Mary Kullincr Daniel Jienliart umiiel 2 llaitmun A. 15. fe'protii A, II. Es-ip Jackson Joscdl tien:s U'ni. or John ship Kannady fcwall V 'ycholl Y. V. Martin Thomas WakcllelJ Janif-i I'ers'jtis calling fur let rrs in tl:o above lis,t will please ay they aie advertised. J. K. MOVER 1' M Tivo Apprentices rgO tlto LAS'I a id UtJOT 'J'liLK Making l,u g sice.is. inuirt active, hoys between the fn of 15 nnd 17 will rcceivn cood rin-uiirH;c-inentupon iinmcdia.e tippliculion to the subscriber. hlMUN C alilVE Uloomsburj, Juno 1-1,1843 till' in? Liat ofJurors. For Jugubt Term, 1S43. (xlMIld iTci'OI'sJ Ulonm .Stuart 'icrce.Willinn llidnbucli.John )j:i:k'.ey, Jjcoli Keller, Gemye Lilly bnercreek John orkelatr. Catlav.is.su John l'Ulier. Uerry John Craij, Ueubeu Folk, Hobert Km nnr, t"a.nuel (jcenn, Fi,diiugLreek Daniel Kitchen. Franklin Isaac Vetter. l.iberty-Mailin liilhoyer, Kobeit Aulen. Miilliu Marshall U- Kinney. Maliouiiig' buinuvl lialick, 'illi im Uiddlc, Madis-in Geortie JOvts, Sauitiel MuNiiicb. li,arinc;erii-k-W illiani Voeiiin. .Vugar l.oaf-Mose Vocuni,&aiiiuel Fritz. Oiuugc Lleorjja Klino. Tll.'tVEUSE JURORS Aug. 1845 l'!ooiri-C'eori!(' John, A'ii:ircreek-W . A. J. iVitl.nn, Levi A. Ilutehi son, Javid l'o-.vlti, Nniiiuu iu-ly. li.-riy-l!obeil err, 7aKli Matsnn, Thoiua--Carv; JStedhen tH'sji-. Aidrou aldien- I'.hliiji-cii-tk-J-iiicj Ed0ur, iNathan rh'thers tine, Franltliii-Thonias Clayton . Jacob Unbar. t'.eeiuvo,-jl-Jiliii IwlIhi1. Willtatti Li mon, lleiiiloLk-Fiankiiu Viliii m U.ioiul 1'uiSft'-, Jai:!tbon-Abiahani Knous. Wi'.iijth liobtr'.J l.dut.'tv-.lolni M-:M-itian. U'dii,tai V-auln rn M ffi.u-Jai'ob .Scuijc.iLii.-ei, John Li-, uaav nyder, .M:hor.ir.g-Johu D. in-.cs'.er.bcid i'hi!':ips,T".;;Q.' .'owed, Montour-n..nii-l I.eibr, Orange-Jacob riickoc.atine, jVauiol FornwalJ, Koarincieek-ObeJiali t.'4.pUe',l jr. ijgir l.oat-Je.'i.miah 11 et, Juu (s Mother. Is heiebv given. that we have purelnsed at Cimslab'e mlf. lh lolloW'oi; Mrtnd-s. !'? ll, property of Jaineg C. I'ux, and hie leli ihe same in his p.u-Mndon doriug oni 1 p.eif ore, bud foi old any person taking then' fr.rn him, either by p,i r bsse, or otherw ise, w itlmitt cur cti-eiit. One brhfs cioek. on. grind stone, one shovel, one grub hoe. two shovels, one red -and white bu!i, onu lol ol ,w beat, one Cj:.al barrow Wn,. M'KELVY, Z- co. IC.b 1815. Jill'- . A Jit ; .ai a '.a mm FAMILY MEDICINES. J.UWE'S 11 Alii TONiC. This lluir Tonic has produced betuiliful New Hair in the heads ol hundiedu who had Ihyii bald I'orycuta It also purifies' thu head ft out Dundiutl Cures diseases of thu scalp preserves ihe huir funn fulling oil' or bscotuiug permanently gray JdYNE'S CJllMIMTIVE 1ML- IS a certuin, safe and effectual remedy for Vy cntery, Diarilw-a or looseness, cholera iiiorbus.sum nier complaint, colic; griping pains; sour stomach; sick and nervous beadach, heartburn, watcrbrasli pain or sicknera of thu stomach; vomitiui;; spilling up of food alter eating and also where it passes through nobody unchanged j want ot appetite ; restlcssiiegk and inability to sleep; wimd in the sto mach and boweU; cramp; uervous tremors and twitcliiiijs; seasickness; fainting, melancholy and lowness of spirits, fretting and crying of infants and fur all bowel allecliuns and m-rvuus diseases. Dr. JJ1WS TOXIC VERMIFUGE W hich is perfectly safe and so pleanant that children will not rel'uso to take if It efl'ectually destroys worms: neutralizes acidity nr sourness of the stomach; increases appetite and acts as a genu ral and permanent Tunic and is theretoie exceed- iualy bcnelicial in in'eriiiitlent and Remittent fcvrs and indicestiori; ic and ia a certain and permanent cure for the lever and ague. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken at all times and in most diseases In Iuflainmatoty, intermit taut, Remittent, Bilious, and every other form of l ever Jaundice and Liver Com plaint. For Dyspepsia ihey are reaMy an invaluable article, gradually changing the vitiated secretions of the stomach and livei, and producing heabliy tciion in those im orsant organs. 1 lie v aie very valuable ir diseases of the Skin, and for what is tinmmoniy caticti 'impurity oi itie utooo. ilso for Female Complaints, Costiveness Siii., atul in fact every disease where an Aparienl, Alterative, or Putgative Medicine nay bo requited J A Y N E'S EX PEC TO R A N T. It always cures Asthma two or three large; doses will cure the Croup or Hives Children, in from lifu-en ininuies to at hours lime. It immediately subdues the violence of Ilonpini; Couch, and ell'ects a speedy cure. Hundreds who have beer ijivcn up by their piiysicians as incumhle with 'Coueiiniption,' liavt been ristoieU perfect health, hy it. In lar.t. as a remedy in Pulmonary Din cases, no meuicine nas ever ooiatiuu a higher, or more deserved reputation, li"? 1 he above Medicine are all fir sale at the store of JUilN R. MOVER, Bloomsburg. xixisrit.9 for' s yo vice. 7 hi Estate. f SUS.VXXI TOM LIN SOX, lute nj Centre township, deceased. NOTI C 13 is hereby givon that letters of admin istration on tliu ubovo mentioned F.statu. Iiave been grauteil to tho subscriber, living in Cen tre township. All persons indebted to uid csljle arc hiuiby liotilicd to luaku iuirncdialc payneiil. and all those haviiiK claims nro rciiucsled to pro cent ihcul propeilv aulbentietiled to WUJMU.N MCWIIAHA Adm'r. May 17, IS-Ij, b4 Comcihins New (p-UNDKll THU SUN..XJ) A MO NO the wonders of ibis aye of im provem. iilP,iie subscriber respectfully beg. leave 10 call the attention of his friends and Im t.iib'ic in general to the corner ol Main St., w here he has just rtceived and opened from PiiUdeljihia a general assortment ol CONFECTION A Ul US, consisting 11010111' otbex things of ( tihilicx, V'lri'ian eindi of I?tn'sin,.;. l'runcs, w.iy. Sweet and water Crackers, Unitizes L minis, Lenmn and Pine ajidc Syrups. Soaps, viands and 'J tiliacco. and all other articles usually kepi in a gro 'cry. i.Uo a good Ksfoilineiit 1 f SCHOOL LOOKS & S PATI '1NARY All of which he v, ill sell little theapei than ibey can he bad at any other establish ,t,cnl 10 lhe 'd'ggti'S. N. 15. fJiunl white and rolcred rsgr taken in exchange lor books &c. tj. 1;. PkAiii.iu. li'.ooii.sburg, June Cdi 1S45. r T. -pry V f.rrj.'P r O 77 ti " ' ' v - E"1MUnCIN'G ihe present rpport-jnity M evpre.sina I119 thankfu'lnosj Vi his I'lie'uo.am: the public ceneiully. for the lik-ral patro:iH;,e b a,.. heret.itfj-e ri r.eivr I, inlor.ns hn tiicl.ds and ine nibiic in general, that he, giill rontmucsly i any or he above tusitiffs at Li's old citabhthed Marid, or: the comer of Main and Uast stree't, whcie hr nopre, by ftrict u'lention to business, to rectivi in I merit a aliain of public patronajje as lierclotoro He dcen s iinnere.iary to (to into the psine ot braR. or tr, .e nny soft rodder about his PKILL in the 1'KOFKJMON OF GAMKM' ITT1 1XG h bis sbop i of ng standine. and his work he d.inks w ill Boeuk for itself, and far More louder ban wonU. lint, ha would mcnly tay that, he varrantH liia wur-t dime with nratncv, duubi-'ity, uid in the latest fihioiinble manner, and will en yre, a KrJ fit in all caes. li. l.'iiar(;ni rnoderbtp to suit the t'mci'. Al ofcountiy piodut-e ukir. in eiiUtfe fir a o;K, at niarkat pi ices. i L'l.'ijii.ifcurj, ?,v, !) 1 C44. 2?. ! The flight oi" Search.' i.7"NEW ARRIVAL OFJZ Ready Wade Clothing. 'Phe subscriber has just received a largf sssonmeni of READY MADE CL0T1I- I.N(i,. wiich will be sold as cheap for Cash as they can be purchased in the county. Call and examine for youiselves, as the ' Right of Seaiclf is guarantied to all. J. R. MOYER. June 7, 1815.-7 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE " Th Estate of SAMUEL KESTE1 latt of Ml Vleasaat towmhip; dei eased NOTlC'i; is he.-eby given that letters ui'uduuu istration on lbs ulmve mentioned i.iuti nave boeu granted to tl.u subscriber. All peiho. indebted to said estaln are bereby uotified lo make itmnodittu pay lent; and all those having datum are requested to pro-sent thctu propeily uuliieuii caied to JESSE KESTER, 0 Greenwood, ISAAC KESTER, of Mt. I'kusunV Adininistrulors- Juno 24, 1845 Cw8. Chair iUaniifuctory. rWl'113 subscriber havinir establiahed a .Vf'll ,n.l.YLi',lCTOit' on ;l,iin- street, near the residenee of L. II. Maun, he is now nreuaied to furnish Chaiis ol'evurv ilosi-rnaion 01, as goou teriiia us tnoy can Ce purctiusad elsewhere 11 tua county. WOOD TURNING, as lied Pasts, IVaqgon Hubs, Hose Elocks, &-c. Such SIGN, ORNAMENTAL HOUSE FAINTING. Also HOUSE P.iPEltlNG. This latter branch, from bis experience, he believes lie can do a little better -hau unv other uersuu in mis section. (rri'Ol'LAR 1LA.'K will bo taken in nav iiient at the highest r .net price SAMI'KL 1IAGEX13UCH Bloomsourg, J uly 4, 1 Hif ji 1 JOHN Harness, Saddle & Trunk nianufacturer; f J ESI'EUTFf.'LLV informs the public that be has located himself in tho shop licit dooi 10 iauiuel llagcnbuchs Chair Factory, Main street Wiooiusbuig, (.'oluinbia county, where he willca r) in lh above bus inss in all its branches. Ho will keep constantly on hand tine and coano One and 7 wo Horse larnesen, Horse C Hilars, Saddles, Bridle and Trunks; oyc. jf every description ; md liuving liud a ont- expe rience in the business, he can furuhih as good vvoik, and as cheap us can no purchased in the county. Cj'All kinds of country produce taken Hi pay ment for work, at tho inatbet piices. May lU, IS 15 timJ NOTICE. A LI. persons knowing theuisrlvcjj indebted to lii. the subscriboi, are requested to como forwsid ai.u make payineiit. SA?K & HIDES. will bo taken ill payment as usual, and received in cu'liungu for LEATIIEK. PHILIP t'lIHlS IM N, Ulooinsburg, .May li, 1S45 4 IS. F. 13AYin72JST, WAGGON MAKSH HL00MSI3URG, ESPECFTCLLV informs the public thai ft he has lo ated himKelf in Ihe Shop latelv nmipicd by ZIIiA KL'UUI.ES, in MAHKET STKEET, where he intends carrying 011 the ubovc liusiness in all its various branches. HEAVY WAGGONS milt and repaired, as well as one horse WAGGOXS AND IUJG(;iES. of every dji;cription, and all kinds of l.'ountM '. ork, in his line, donealshoit nonce, and on the most reasonable terms. rrfUoud Lumber uud .all kinds of t'ountrv 'io- Juec taken in payment lot work, but Cash will not he relused. April 5, lS l.r.-6n,5d BLGOMSEURG Cabinet Ware House. rHMU'. ulucribcr would roipcctfully infonn the U public, tint he has taken thu sli ip lately oc :uued by .S'ainuid I.ihy, near tho upper end ot ljloonisbui5, where he is carrying on tho -3 ine'lits various branches, and whet a P. w- ill l Happy 0 wjit upon u!l those who my favor him -villi their cuatoin. Jlia rurtiilum is vsai ranted ti c mode of good mateiial and dur'abiu, and lie in tend;kccpoii; 011 hand Sidt hoards, Secretaries, Earcaus, IVardrabis, Card Tahles. Dining Tables. Hreukfant TubUs, Cupboards. Sands, I fash Hr nds , Bedsteads, D:vtgh-trouu;hs, Cofhnu, S,-c. wl tV. kind nf work in h! !, which be will ri .'p"-n a.. r-esar. iblc terir.a as they cm be purchar.:c in tl.e r, uniy, Tiy 3: rut stten'ion to buainess he hopes to re ceive aslao ofpubhe patronage. ELI BIIOW.V. April 25, 1846. lyl CHAKLES H. DUCKALE1V Attorney at Law. Cffce South fide of Main st. eppositi Eyer $r Hjjhy't Store, rTV. ATT UN U f.'Ol'.TS IN Till: 'OUTIES OF columuia AM) LL'ZKkNE. ULANKS ! ! ULANXS! ! f -7-.losi'r Llaiik KXtCL'TIONS and SUMMONS juil primed and fur fcule ai bib Ulbco Mew Goods Utility & rid en hair, Have J u 9 1 reccivcd,and are now ripening At the old stand of Eycr &, Hifilcy, AN UXTEKSIVK ASSOUTilEM' OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Cuiu!ntiii iff tvety uiticle vxuulhj hqA in Country iluie, Among llieir a8sorlunl will Ulound,of DRY GOODS- Cloths; Cassimere-S Sallinelts, Gambroom Arc. lor aummcr pauie; Calicoes, Chintz; Halyonneni Lawn? and Crape Delanes &c. for dieasea, Hosiery; Glove &i Mitis; Ilandkerchiefa. Scarf; brown and bleached Shirtinff &o. colored Varn; Laps and Wadding; Uonneti and trimmingi. They have also; I'alui Hats; Travplling Baskets-; Lookintr Classes and- Uub Clocks. GROCERIES. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, MolascesB, Pf) per, Spices, in facl eveiy ibing in ''!' line thai may be called for. Crockery. A general assortment of Trace Chains, Shovel1', Nail", Spike?, and the usual variety ol Lock, Screws, Hulls, &c, Rolled and liar Iron, Hoop and band Iron, Waggon tire of all sizes, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All of which tliey will sell on the roost reasonable terms and receive in payment all kinds of country produce. May 10, 1845 3m. 3. loomsbnrg MARBLE YARD- Tho subscribers have established at the above place, a new MARBLE YARD, mil will always be ready, al the shortcut notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOME-TABLES, TOME-STONES, HEAR TH JAMBS, MANTLES. PAINT STONES, MULLENS, Sic. or any other work in their line. They rue also prepared to luiinsi UIMMJU CATS and SILLS, DOOit STLLS and STKJ'iS. &.u either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind of sione thai can be procured in this vicinity. fry Having bad voiiMdciable experience: in the business, they pledge ihcir work to be executed in as handsome a style as can be furnished from nny yard either in 1I.0 city or country; and on as reasonable terms. AKMSTKUiNU & 11 HUM US. Bloomsbuig, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 CAUTION. I.L persona are hereby cilulioned against pur rhusir.g a NO'i'livcn oy the subscribe! to A.II;KL Mc.NI.VfJH, fur SQQ, dated April IS, I S-la.nnd payable fix months alter date, wtih into rest aflcrS nioulh.as wo shall refuse to pay ll,e sbi.io when due unless compelled by law, i.ol 'luivuu; to- eivcc a cuiibidcration for it. JOHN Pl'RSEI.. 0. II. P, PL'KSLL. May 31,18-156 LIST Oi' CAUSES. For Trial ul August Term, 1845. 1. Button W. Wapples, vs Jeremiah Iiiuli et al. 2. John C. McCall et nl vs Jos. Lemon. 3. Robert Montgomery vs Ceoige A. Frick el al Executors ul D. S. Montoromeiy, 4. Leonard Stineuian vs John M:Vil- lianis. fi. Robcrl Moore vs John Cheater et al 6. Jonathan, C. Pennington vs John Chester et al. 7. Charles 13. Ujwman vs Richard Tcr 8. Andrew Emmons vs aniali Kecse. 0. To'iias S.'iirtz et al Thomas Moore bead et al 10. Peter Usldy vs Joseph Dichl. 11. David R Giim el al i Thomas f.loorebcad CATAWISSA KOTEL CATAWISSA COL. CO. l'A. ACOB DYER infoims traveller and bis old customers and Iriends, that bo -till keeps ilie above Ilottl, where be will he happy lo wail upon those wlm f.vor lim with iheir custom. Hit bouse is lareei mil crimmodtotis, and wrll err,ipee; to m ''ominodate bi (iieeis His table ii always provided wiiii me c.lioiccst Viands the mai kct. ran afTord, and bis liar contains mmn ol the best ln;'iros that can be found in tln.s section of country. His stables aie) iil-o imple, and good onleti are &lway in at tenilniice. CaiawiHSi, July 12, 1815-2m.l2 W MLS I SI RA -()lt'SXQ:jcE On the Estate rJOil.N SMI TH, do-cas cd, late of Sugurlouf township, Cultun bia county. NO I ICE is liPitby civen that Letters of Admi.nisiraiioii tn the above mentinmd En inc. have been printed to the ISubscriber. All persons iruiebied lo said estate are here by notified to make immediate payment. and ell ihoa havnio; clauns au requested to prtiet.l them properly sut'ienti -aoil to 1 HO.MAiS MEN L'EN II ALL, E.n cilor. J..!y It, t15.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers