O0LIWB1.Y DEMOCRAT. JULY 11), Tlir POSTMASTER GENERAL h OU Wed that tho deputy Postmasters be .-.lid, ttia ending year, the eame com pensation v.liri-h they had received dur ii the IjsI year. This order, we be lieve, was in consequence of ioim of the Pos'mi"lcr icsigning their ofll'es. "Vlic following is the order: I'osT orriCK Department, ) July 9, 1S45. $ Ordered, T'ni from end after the Is! tl ,y of -Inly, lSI5,erery deputy Post mister whosj commissions on the post- nf letters si S3 osr coot, and of newpapers al 50 percent., under the net of 3 I Much, 1838, shall fall short of . i ha sum of $5 25 for ny one quarter, or -of tin proportion! purl of thai sum for any fraction ot a qusrter, he authorized to credit himself, to separate item in hi account current, "for extr commiss ion on the postage of letters at 20 per cent.' under the act of 2 1 March, 1813. If the Postmaster be entitled to the allowance of 20 per cent, for night ser vicc.the will not credit the extra com mission here mentioned, as 50 per cent, is the utmost which can ba allowed in any case under the liw. Ordered, That every deputy Postmas ter whose commissions on the postage - of letters and newspapers, and other a I lowances, shall exceed tha um of G 25 in any one quarter, or the due pro portion of the said sum in any pari ot a quarter, ba authorizsd, in the event that och commission ana allowance m Hiiort of the amount to which suchdep ii Postmaster was entitled for the cor responding quarter of the f:cal year ending CO h June, 1813, to ercuu mm pelf, in a separate item in hia account current, for such amount ct extra com missions a:-: stull make 'he whole amount credited equal to the game; the said ex tra commissions to be subject to the pro vision contained in the 4lst seclioo ol (he act of 3J. March, 1825, and to the regulations of the deprrtment Jiaued in varsuauce thereol. JOHXSOP- FURTHER .NEWS FROM TEXAS. Capt. Foster, of the revenue cutlet Wnn.lhurv. arrived at New Urleans on the 4ih inst., the bearer of desp hut from M'jir Donelson to the U. S. G? crnment Ttie Woodbury brings inlelligeuce of the dca.h of Col. Marshall, ot riasnvilie, Tcun. He was the bearer of the des patches b: ought over by Cap', Fosim for our Government. He reached Gal veston from Washington, Texas, on the 23 h u!t. From extreme exposure on liis journey, he sickened - and although lie had every medical aid which could he put in requisition, he expired on the 23ih ult. Hia disease v;a congestive fever. The weather et Galveston was excess ively hot and dry when the Woobiuy left, and complaints were made of the exceeding drought; still, the city wa considered quite healty. Funeral jolemnities were toh observ ed at Galveston on the 4th of July, in honar of the memory of Gen. Jacksoi. In reference to the recent reports that Mexico has been concentrating troop? upon her Northeastern frontier, the last Houston (Ttxas) Telegraph Bays; It has been satisfactorily ascertained that Mexico is wholly unprepared for tha emergency. The late rumours that fhe had concentrated seven thousand troops in the country east of the Sierra Madre, prove to be utleny erroneoui, and it is now found that the forces in ihe eastern. provinces are as weak, if not weaker than they have been during the lisl'five years. Even in Metamoras h is siiJ there are now some two cr llniee hundred Woopf, and the few reinforce r;-.en3 thai have recently arrived from (he interior at SiUillo, Monterey, and ether large towns, are barely suir.cien to supply losses iu the regiments caused by the frequent desertions. Ihe scarci tv cf military stores, clothes, and arms ii.dicj'.a 'hit the new Government is even poorer than that of Smta Anna, Hint its md.tary reooroca are scarce!) a loq nte to defsnd lh frontier from the S!au!l8 tf the Indians.' A Ma. LjiZR, at Ltle Fills, ce 'The New Postage Lnv' as a 4'h of Jo Iv to.is. remit kinz thai pII classes of the community are he tit li'.teo by 11, ex cr ol i n j lo vers.their lei et 5 si i II root i 11 ui or - I r- to g in. 'Dear -Hi'urer aearcii: 1 i n Tci, Siamese Twin's Octd ink D. Par-or.s, of Mkui;, Geo., infoi ms the Tel. -graph 'hat, about a week sine, a Mrs' Chance, of li-irk'! count), Geofia. had three children at a bit ih , all of con mon siz, and ptirfeetlv formed. Tisj titre nnilC'l from a.rift or armpit t the upper pw I of Hit hip b.ntc. Tt. union, J)r. P. b'.att-s is perfect. 0. chii i is livin,',; the two Wiich ue unt ie. 1 survived tV'ir b.rth a sh)H lime on ly, an I arc in preset vatioti. AN INDIAN TREATY. i Major F. II. Harvey, Superintendf nt, of Indian allaim, arrived at council Wolfs on the 8h uliM on hia way to visit the Pawnee Indians, on tha Platte river. 'lie intend,' the western pipers my,, 'to open a rugoiialion with Iho Chip pewit, O'lowa, anil Pjtlawainmi Indi an?, for the putchase of their land- northeast of the Missouri river. These mlians own five million of acres, bound il on the I'kSl by the lands recently ced ed to the United Stales by the Sirs ami 'oxes. in (he lomiory o: Iowa; on the lorth by lauds of the Sioux Indians, and the Utile Sioux river; on tha west by the Missouri river, and on the Booth by the State of Missonri. They hold those lands under a treaty mado at ChicagD, September, 1333. They will be located omewhera south of tho Missouri, prob ably on tha water of the Osage river, if they make a trea'y. riME-s ciiangk and faiision's ALSO. In a lecture delivered some two or three years ago by the Hon. Mr. Stur- gei, ot Uo ton, on Irado and finances, he referred to the singular changes ot laah ion. Nankeens and he, were once im pot tea in large quantities. As lata as 1S20 there was one million of dollars worth imported; now there is none. In 1S05 Canton crape was first used; in 1810 ten cases were imported; in 1816 there were 21,000 pieces; in 1826 Hie importation amounted to a million and a half of dollars; and in 1841 the article was not imported! Yet the country has lost nothing by this caprice of fashion, as our fair country-women appear as lovely in ninepenny Lowell calico as in Canton crape. Silk was once imported in large quantities from China, a cargo of nearly a million dollars' woith once was lunded in this country, and now ihe whole veailv important fiom China mounta to less than $100,000. Great hanges have also taken place in regard io the p iy of our Chinese impoi tant;ons. In ISIS, 57,000,000 in specie weie car- ried to China, but now our purchases ate paid for in tills of exchange on L-ig-land, from 1 lie proceeds of ihe opium rade, The Fur trade was commenced in 17S7, and in 1802 thero were fifieen Vmurican vessels eng'ged in it. and iow it has csav.-d al'ogeiher. Tivse mutatioi'B in fashion and in tr?da ho. the u'ter impossibility of luving wh,v nay be called a permanent la' ill, allnrd- ing subilitv to the tlu'y imposed when in fact the, high duty ol tc-iUy may re quire a radical change to morrow, k-ve- V thine is constanly cnangma in Amer ica, fashion and maiiufactures and Uw. must change with litem. iiihimi LMIIIWlllWai MURDER AND CANNIBALISM. We have been informed upon n"o i mtrioiity, says Ihe Van Bjren, Aikar. Whig of June 17ih, tbat about ten lays ago on the great prainea near n.e Canadian river, a party ol about one hundred Shawnees and Kicapoo on horseback, got in puisuii ol a ptrty ol even Pawneo Mohas on loot, and tl1 it ! they overtook and killed one cf the l it ter, the others making their escap. We also learn that the Kicapoos buu.tr lusly cut tip ant! cat the body of the mur Jered victim! These fids were prom,. t lv commonicated to the Chief cf the Creeks, Gen. Mclnto!), who expressed his warmest indignation at such ac's ol cannibalism, and also his fears that such jiifoiluoate proceedings may lead to a teneral war among the western tribss of Indians. Gen. Mcintosh is a great lover of peace, and it is earnestly hoped thai his fears may never he realtcsd. THE MARVELLOUS. We ropy the following paragraph from die New York Airror. It will certainly astonish eome people : 'Proft-ssor Rfonson stated in his conclu dine lecture last week, that if a drop of hu nun blood be subjtcied to exaniinalion bj the oxhydrogen micniseope, and mtpnilieil some twenty millions of tiines, all the 'necie oi ariimai tin' exisrna i" eanh. or that have existed (hiring the dif ferent stages of creation for millions i-f y eat naat. will lliere be discovered. In the moon of a healthy pe:son, nil the oniinalculae are juiel and iieaeeidile, but in the bmod ol n itiseased person they are furious r.iging ami iipvii'.j unon tiich other. This lie Hated in iliustrtit'.tm id hia position thai man eon tains within himself all the principles of the univprsp. It tva, Bldo aaerled that if a dead - x W(.re i)wn jn a pord d nagnanl watei 1 ultnivr-d 10 dissolve there, a drop ol - . water l.ken fmm any pari of tho pool and .'X iuiini'il hb above Kill show eveiy varieiy of animal of ilie cat e;iecis thai has ever exisiei! on the earth, ruling and oestroy in 0110 another, ''he Pouies of ail the lower animals bei i thus mule up of ar.imalftdae eimilar to lii' mselvHH, and ihe hoilv ol man vit-itiit coninoinoli il of all ihis is below lh o'a'f i f crea.lo'i.' Cask or Keid and Whitb. Vtrgini and 'ri'iwi'.-sfee conuin over fdiy liyh iV)u.ani peiionj. ever iwcnty-on year? 0 ge, v, ho cannot f-jtl and viriif. Tuk Holpest Rodderi ox Recoiid I'm 1'ufl'ilo papers nonce a daring robbery in that city, which nil the Jack Shepparda and other notorious highway- nun on record could never have equal led. A person entered the room of Mr. ieynolds, son-in-law of Mr. Dennison where a candle was burning. His wife being ill, sod requiring medicine, a walch, valued at 225, was nlaced by the candle, on the itideboaril, lo take medicine by. I he room door wac locked, and ihe person- entering must hive been piovided with burglar', in strument of a superior make. Mm. R. awoka and saw aome one in the room who acted so much ai home' that she supposed he was one cf (he household. lie stepped up lo the sideboard and took up the watch than came lo the. beJ ude and look hold of Mr. It.' panta loons: lnis allowed the state of things in their propel light, and Mrs. Reynolds jinking her husband to awake him, jumped out of bed the robber slinking nis list at her as if lo show her he would sirike. She succeeded in netting hold the pantaloons hist as they passed out of ihe door, bul the robber proving too strong, by his hold of the other end, carried them off. The villain escaped into an .alley where he rifled tho pock ets of the pantaloons of some S30, a'u' Itlt them and a pair of 90cks which In probably used over his boot und made Ins escape. Some four or five watch man made their appearance immediate ly, hut they could nol trace the bold rob her, and he has not been taken. The Main Line of Sute Works of Penn sjlvania, extendi from the Delaware Kivei to the chy of Piitsburg, on ilia Oliio. A Ilarrisbuig paper give the following notice of them: 'The whole line is 393 miles in length, of which I18 miles are riulway, and 277 i miles are canal. It consists of a railway a-,8U miles long from the Delaware lo tlu Susquehanna river, n canal up the east hank tif ihe Susquehanna, 23 miles, lo ihe jnout'i of the Juniata river, and then crossing the Susquehanna, and up llio valley of :he Jun iata 120 miies, to the Alleghany mountain, a railway CG miles over ihe Allegheny uiiiun'.ain.Biid canal 101' miles long Iron, die wesi base of the Allegheny mountain to dm city of Pittsbtii!, ihe head ol steamboat navigation on ihe Ohio. Koine portiono of he canal wire r.m.-lu d and in operation n 16'iO, but I'ne railways weta nol com uleted, and freight and passengers ecuied ivcr :he whole line in. til 1835. The firn oslufths vlioie Initj was pl t SCI .110 .'! I, he pxpendtiurp over the rrcfjipia. juinr to 1835. v 406 00, L,..:;i:u- the j.rii.1 to completion, SI J, 583,0113 An nsial intercoi on cost, at five per cliii 5-720,-191.' A Tkn Mile Foot .Rack occurred n the Rmcoii Cotiise no Wtdne.Mliy, for a puts;- of SS0O, $50 to the second ind 50 to the thiid. Jihn Gilder .lecve, Win, J ck-ton, the Ameiic.in deer, end Win. Robert, the Wild; Hanlam, ran the race, which v:;ts wur by the second hiimed peril n with easo. lie completed thu ten miles in 6m. 29s. THE GROWTH OF THE WEST. The Minou'i Republican, a daily pa- iier putiiisliPit at m. iouis, wa3 menced thirty-seven yeais ago, com when 1 lew he place was inar. village wuh iiiiidrcd inhabitants, it was then punt- I on a sheet of foolscap papsr, with pi- ea type. l- J.,oiis is now an er.u ns;v md prosperous city, anu Ihe lv r " 1 can a large anil handfone journal. 1 changu in (hirly-seven yeais! I'lTK Nkwsof the Annexation or I'exas defiled an tinn-mal lei inenl in CharlfKton. the mot nit'f opent 0 uiih he men v 1 inging of lielhi, the stie'ts wt re decorated with f. tg, anrl al noon me hundi ed coos vvrrt; fned by a de- ichiiient of Col. Ivioapiux's legir.tnt f uilillei v. POLLY 1J0LTNE. The Supreme Court of Mew Yoik las delivered on elaborate opinion in the ase of Pollv L'odine, ilircctinir a new- rial, and deciding all the points raised iy her councel, on the last ir'ul, in hci avor. A STEAM FRIGATE. The United States fiieatc Constella- lion, now at the Gospnrt Yard, has hrer hauled into dork, and is to he lengthen- dand flitted with Lope: propellers as r, steam frigate. Com. Stockton is tr. have th2 direction of fitting her out. Tnz Tijal or C. M. MtNclty, on roe of the five indictments charging him with embizzliug the public money, whilst C'lcik of the Houso of Repiesen aitves, wnsrlojeil in AVashington I 1 f in Fiiday,hy ihe U. S. Allorriey enici rniiga ?n;d' pn,scui. The r'.liei ap ajiaii.fct him was cm. tinned till De i-ember next, lo which time ti'j'iUt bed. Court MHXf. !.!lJ'g'!.l.l","S"? !..' " ' mi "t a utu wituoc? tun " SiSIl JUt.ir, Jl'LX 1J, 1813. Fee BSills FOR JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES, Printed on a sheet for tho purpose of Post ing up in their Offices. TUK SAM' AT THIS OI L 11 h. tr7The La requires Justice and ('on ilnbla to have his bill of fees poslod up in lis ollice. ALSO Blanks for CONSTABLE SALES. IVcxr rost-OiTice Law. The new Pot-0dko Law went into operation on tha firtt instant. Having liointcf ro djsciIiI tliuf'Tun Ccli'.hdu Dkmociht" waatlioonly l jper tint could be sent FUEE of postngo to utc ry Post-Otlico iu the County of Coluiubiu, and it having been dunieil ly tho Uanvillu papers, we have carefully arranged a tahlo of distances fiom lMoonishurg oml Uanvillo, to the diHi'rcnt offices in tho County, by tho uoaiest mail routes, by which it will be soon, that tbero are FIVE Post- Offices OVEK TIIIItTiT MILUSFUOM DAiN- VlI.Li:, and 07'0.E 1'UOM HLOO.MS Distanco from Distance from itloomsliurjj. Danville, M i ti a Miles lUoomsburg (JO li Dm.vilio It 00 tspy 3 17 hime Riilgo C 20 llerivick 12 20 foundry villa M Uricrcrcrk 12 "i Strict "J 17 Oranr-evilU) 0 20 IValcrs 10 21 l-'ishinccreck 21 35 l"i;t:ton 23 137 ( lolccrcok 2ii 30 Centre 2U 40 Rh.nsburg 10 S't Oreeiiwood 13 27 Millvillo 10 21 Monlansville 5 1!) Uucklhirn i 4 H .luojuylown 10 21 While JIM 1 I 28 Villlinvillo 17 31 Catlawiiua Forge 1 1 15 Ifcavcr Vulb.iy 15 19 Catlawidsa 5 9 N'uniii'ia 12 15 .Moorcshtirg 20 C Uonlcvilln 22 8 Wasliingtonvu'le 2'" 8 Dtrry 27 13 TOTAL, 0 G9 The pink of huni'sty, the editor of the l)n:vi!le Inlellic.icei', reisserts, in hia last rapet Uif.t the in'.clliaencer can bo sent lo all the Pd3t Olbcerj in llns Couniy, free of postage, This Lcsl knows ho cannot (lo, lor well ij he aware, (hat 'Centra! I'os' Ollice,' in u garloaf, is more than thirty niies from Danville the ncarnesl road that can he travelled, and lliat. biking ilia l'osi Oflice !;aw as a guide, which declares thai postage shall be charged by the mail route, there are F1VK OFFICES, over thirty niiUs from Danville, Come, come ,dont kef pa falsehood al the head of your pa papert or else tho public will think yoi. have nc regard for truih. Komktiiino litni. Conk, in Ida las' Danville Democrat, speak of 'the flourish Mig village of Clooin.hurg.' Now no longer igo, than last winter, Charles Cool;, a Uarrisliurg, cahl that it wax a small village, if small buiiincss, amlth.it, surrounded at it was, by a poor, barren, country, it lien 1 mill he s "flourishing business village' 'his looks: ri Lille like "gammon" ou ;, part, 01 0; bi? ivuicr and smacl.s a liitK is ihntigi; loo writer would ha willing u. take five dollars a day for lul.iug whal i ilready known, or lhat the fi!i;or wnuhl ;,ke afcw subscribers in this sec.iin, Is ii not richi' Look at it. ThU fall, llr.'io ii an election, and ihe faie of Danville depends ipon the result, hciico this Lillying and cooing of Charlie. Ua lakes r.o part, in tin iocd qucsinn. Oh, no. Only spenJs six wcrks al Uarrishnrg, to oppose i'ne passage f the Uemoval Lill, snd only laaves whci he finds he cannot he of any furthiir Frr- vice, O no he takes no pari in ihe local qucslioii ail for the p-'rty. THE "cKoFs Mcf-t of ihe wheat r.nd rye crops i.f this (H-igliljorhooil, have been secured, and wt venliire lo say, thai better crops have bo: fcetn known for year. This is the case, io far iia we can Iconic Ihrmilir.ui the vul !eys of Ihe Nott'.i Biid Ves( Rfanehes cf he Si.squs' imiina. The I Coin lied Oa crepa look very promising, THE WEATHER. For several dm s panl h been warmer, than we have experienced for several years On Monday last al I hilatit Iphia.r.t 2o'olocL P.M. the tlierniomel erwas up lo 102 in the shade, the greatest heal that has hem felt here for years. Mr. Wicd, '111; Expecting some per son more able than myself, would havi noticed the Sabbath School Celebration on die -I imi.al Lime Ridje,I have been si lent. I think il was one of loo much in terest lo let pas by unnoticed. Will you therefore please give) place in the column if your excellent paper lo a brief sketch ol it 1 said 11 was one of interest. Il war udeed full of interest to every friend ol Sabbath schools, ar.d every lover of hit Country. Ii was a siht, I thought 6uf- licieul lo aioufiu every one w ho beheld il, to a sense of iliuir duly in ihe cause ol Sabbath Schools, and thai of their country. Before the sun had gilded tho eastern hillx, hundred of young heart leaped for joy ii. anticipation of a happy dny Il was a happy a glorious days, nol only to the Sunday School Scholars, hut to those of riper year Before 9 o'clock, the Schools began lo a, setnble Firsi came Lime Uidgp.ihen Ber wick, ihen Milllin.then Uriercreek.and las' Espytovn; all with beautiful Uanners; wiih mottoes aoiiropriatt 10 the occasion, I no- 1 s 1 liced ihe banners of the Fspytown School They wore a national appearance and were trimmed with much taste, and decora teil with natures choisest flowers plucked by the hands of the fair. Two of the banner;, weie born by four ladies each, drctsed ii while blue silk sashes, another by foui small girls, dressed also iu white, and fourth by four small boys, in while. Tin sight of the whole number of schools ii, nroccssion was splendid. Many Banners 1 were very tastefully dimmed with ribbon &e. At 11 o'clock tht schools were seat ed in ihe prove It was all beautv. I hi exercise were opensd with player by Rav tr? 1 " Mr. I5ii"-en, and a beautiful hymn eelccteii hy Hev, J. Young, sung by all. After the Til n of the day was made known by S. W. Thompson I'q Chief M ushal of the day, the usiicmbly liolencd lo llie Dcclara' lion cf Independence read by Dr. Stcck, of Mid in. At the close cf which; the hJ-pyiuwn Choir, led by Mr. Thomas L'rivcling, sung one of ihcir beautiful na tional hymns. The school were limn ably aid thiquently addressed by P.ev. Thomas I5.iv. inan and Rev Charles Kalbfuc. The Choi 1 dosing die forenoon e::etei'p, !y another nation il hymn. After a recess of half an hour, (in which time the schools rinovk of Mie refreshments prepared for iheni) the rehuol hastened to ;l:ir sea's, b) listen to Rav. Mt. Towen, w !io adi'.rehcei! t'leni in a very able manner, for hall an hour. Declamations w?re 'hen made fmm he stand by Jeremiah Iarman, f oil ol Samuel 1 1 ai tn an, F.sp,., and Charles end tleorge Low, sons of Isaac Low, and .Uhhel Hmiih, of Derwiek. They deserve praise for the manner in whifl'i they spoke, 'heir declamations made llio tears tiinkle Invrn tho check of many. Several email ;irl aleo spoke e number of beautiful prices from llio Maud. The e :ercisp,clos ed by a benediction from R Vt C." Iiai ! t Ivalhfus.ffier which the Choir Sung lhat e. eelleitt Doxnhigy.TrJbO God from whom ,11 blessings fiowwhen all dispersed, many ivi.hing no doubt, lltal ihe 4di of July .vnuld come much ificncr. No aeciden' eeured to mat the pleasure of the day. A FRIEND TOSAI1IJATII SCHOOLS. lUO: l-URXACRS. Ii is cbiiui tid that there are now in pro tress of erection within the limits el 1'enn yvan;a tiboU one luuulied new iron fur nacts. NAVAL. rhe Norfolk Herald s'.a-.pe lhat ihe V S. frigate Constellation, the gallant shi, lhal won ihe lawiels for o'.ir infr.nl Navy ii I70D and lSllO, under (Jominodore Tmx ion, is to be incbivorphosed into a steamer I'hiriv fel t are to he added to her !;iigih. (ivhicii will llier. be 200 feel,) and she m il lake en board ihe great Siockton gun wl.ie) has beer, manufai lured in England, lo tin order of ihe Navy Department. Tin I'rinccton is ascertained, it is eaid, to be toi mall lo carry, widinui detriment, either o' diese enor.fiii.us engines of destruction. OPPOSITION. The ladies of Springfield Mass., about organizing an association in op position to the 'O.hlFellows,' under he on mt Indepciidunt order of .Irangt women.' A'OT EXTINGUISHED YET. The fire i yel burning in ihe ruins c.l some o( the I, ousts in Piiit-hu.g llirott.1 hiet: niotilhs have inierveiied irlce tin occurrence t.f lhal disaster, and niou ihaii half r-f ihe buin: diMiicl is itbuih or iu progress nf building. The editor of ihe Aiieal Ijft week amused hiirisr II l I 1 . - r . 1 1 ov neiiiiiiga cgtr in one or ine cel lars. A TliRKlOLE EXPLOSLNO. The Rome (New York; Citizen has tho following account of a fool ink 4' wicked ex periment, which resulted in injury anJ, probably, death lo several persons, 'Some years since,in digging a celler in the lower pan of ihe villagean old bom- hell was thrown out, which had probably been used al ihe lime of the engagiKcnl al Fori Stanwix. Thi shell lay about upon he promises where it was discovered until he 4ih tiit-t when, by some strange infatua tion, ihe project was started, by an old nan by the niiirifl of Williams, and Levy I'eny, citiz T.s of the village, both drinking ipmi, and at the lime, wc learn intoxicated 0 load ihe bomb and set it 01T. They did 40, charging il with about two and a half pounds of powder, putling it in alternate try and moist layers It was iheir inteu 1 1 1 1 not), iney say, merely to mane a inrt'e qwb of it, not supposing thai il would ex- ulode. Tims prepared, at about half past line o'clock in the evening, they placed il il ihe side of the road, near the eat.t end of ihe Canal Uiid;e. within a hundred feet of Sianwix Hall on one side, and the brick dock of stores and shops on llie oilier A dow rnalch was pul to il, and ignited. Whi'e this was burning, it was observed hy ierson w ho were constantly passing ihe tridge, and standing about upon the wilks, ml ihey did not know what it was. The natch went out before reaching die powder Williams, theiii with most unacroiinbihie fool-liardineKi, wenl diieetly up lo tho ')0inb,& seifire lo it with his own hand. Il exploded wuh terrible force, but by s.lmost 1 miraclie, Williams escaped wiih his life, jut severely wounded. His are and iinu were lacerated and shockingly burned by ihe powder. Il is feared one eye is entirely destroyed, hut il is believed that his wounds will not prove fatal, f he fragments of lho exploded bomb were thrown iu all dine lions. Two boys of about twelve or four teen years of age, one ihe boh of Wi'isluiv Clark, and the oihrr of Oliehl, laborers residing here, weie c-u iick' A piece of the me lid struck Clark's boy on lint hfi bido -ind aim probably a glancing L!ow,aliliovgh seriously injured it is hope. I he will eur vive. Another fragment did more fatal ex eeuliun. It struck Ofield's son diiecilv on the abdomen, tlnow ing him lo a consider . 1 hlo distance, and !eai ing him senseless. It was thought lhal he was fatally wounded, I he continued during the nighi lo omit jhlood, showing siiii ic irjertial injury. A t ihe lime we wrile, (Saturday ruornirif'.) v. a 'earn ho is dying. Another man received a wound on the brow, bul wo believe not a serious oi'.e. One Iragmenl was thrown soir.e five or six hundicd feet, atnl fell upon the side, walk, near I'uluam's Hotel, jasi m vhefett of Mp. I'eijamiii Leoi.ird, druggist, anoiher .vhh still greater force, was thrown jhroueli one if the third story windows of Sianwix Hah, into a sleeping apartment, shaiieriiig to pieces and carrying away a portion the window casing, and striking the ce:' of llie room, Feiuons but a moment ' had left the room A SlNCl'lAR Scijni: AT 1. FfNI-T.Al.--An English paper coniains ihe folljwinjj ac eouni of an odd occurrence al a luncral: A curious scene look place on the Ta(T Vale Uaiiway on Sunday aftcrunan lust, ai ine Cardifi' station. The corpse of a man attended by his widow, his father, four brothers and numerous liiends, i.rri ve. by bain fiiim the neighborhood of .1u ihvr. It appears lhat the dceeafcd wis he' owner of some l:u!e iroper:v thai lie had by a will left the whole of 11 to his widow, and 'cut hi.- Liher and brothers oil' wi;i a shilling.' The widow wjsU'd to have Ihe burly iulerreil at I u arth, and hy her orders a hearse and coach attended i;t ihe station,- hut ihe father and brothers, cunceivir.g lhat if they buried the body of iheir deceased relative Ihev would be entitled lo liis property, t xjircssed a de tcnninaiion lo have ihe inter nent mi.dj al Cadoxlon-jiixta-Uirry, whereupon a furco dispute ensued, which required ihe in u 1 ft r euce of a Fuperintciidant of police, w,oi! recieil the undertaker to 'move oil.' I'ei'.r tiicn aci oidingly precet dt d to remove ilia cofT.n from the railway carriage to the hearse, bin when ha 'f way to il the lie. eeassd'g four brothers, who are upwards if six feel high, quietly pul their sdinuhh is under ihe collin, lifted it from those tf i s fornier bearers, and walked at ti c rate 1 f four miles an hour, unobstiucied ly my person. We have been informed ili'il no iniermeiii took place at Cadoxioii Huun slu Journal. .Ifpcintmcnl ly lite Coventor, Gen A L l'oiiinfori, welcr.rn, has betn appointed by Gov. Shunk, llaibor Master of l'hila Ii lpl ia, in plucc of John F. tl;in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers