The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 12, 1845, Image 4

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THHlI.LlXti Mii:ltH-TllK MUUDtitt'S (gony of R'pinj atiJocation; but in a
l-'Aiii jmomenl it rallied and thai moment wa
But till'! aeeal thou (hit linking rat- his alvation!
cat, pr.mlmg Mcalihilj .round the ware, e without beinR aware of the fad
iou., ?' had in hit Unquiet, been working him-
Ay "Ma the time lhat had to do'aelf, at well aa hit opponent, into deeper
. ,(.. a.-,.. mt ilie'waier. The niurdt rcr wan obliaed to
)iJ la attiiii jainbulinc in the water,
v 0 . . ..
Lt u krfD an ere noon him.'
. .r . . . ,
The Indian aoon alttrwarda deposited
hit bundle of clothea between two old
I - .1 1 J .! I a. lltl Inlit lh Uf ft
CSSal, inu Uiupuru eiioiniT iif'
. r. '. . . . r . .1
ter, from iha aiu of me wnari neici me
Orempin. Lit dmppeareu oeneam me
- .. , . . i
jiff e at he doubled the cornrr of 1h
Jrom Isaac, who wjacareleaaly and boy
iahly turning aummerteH in the water
-sometimea flailing like tleeping ni
tnl upon iit lurface. ind then diving
lilo wiier fowl, and re-annesrinc af
ter half a minutt'a abtence, along dit
tance from the place ol hit exit.
for him to breathe
mnr ihm iini hfnm h rMchixl Isaac
and he did to with the deiterity won
-- --- - -- ------ ...
thy of in Indian, by turning on hit
I...-U iid meralv nrolectlnr hia nnm far
-rfr j
an iniljnt above water.
Jethro and the captain watched the
-wary approach of the Indian, to the ti
rf - -
ciniiy of the uniuapecting boy, until
they hid satisfied Ihemtelvet ot the ui
terior deffinQ of the assailant. Thi
akiff was tzain in motion. Attailant 4t
assailed had both disappeared, the first
to ferret out hit prey, ana isxa rum oy
urnrise: and the other, without a thought
of what was about to ensue, to try the
Jength or time that he could remain oe
neaih the water without drawing breath.
.Presently two heads approached simul
Uneoujly above water, confronting each
other; and two long breathing sound,
like the blowing of a porpoise, accom
panied by a hurried ejection of watci
from the mouth, freed the lungs of both
-aivimmera at the same moment.
A tlrife of breasting the wsve again
ensued, which betrsyed the earnestness
with which esch sought to outdo the
other. In every thing phjsically
speaking, the Indian appealed lo be su
perior to the boy; His sinewy frame,
'broad chest, aud eat feet were the iden
tical reqiiiaite for a swimmei: while thr
undeveloped form of Isaac, and his pro
traded election in the water, unfiiUd
him fur coping with hit athletic oppo
nent. I
But though he was not the eq'tal of
the Indian in strength of limb, he wa
superior to him in stratagem, which the
aquatic diseiplel of Franklin, who in
liis time was a practiced swimmer, knew
u nell to (tciuio in lio ..
Quibbv had several limes nesrly overt
ken Isiae.and he had airatched lorth his
, prey ; but the little fellow eluded his
.grscp, ind slid awsy from him under
the wa'er, in an opposite direction, which
left the Indisn completely atfault. Tho'
the scoundrel was baffled time after lime
lie returned to the assault so cfien snd
o unrelentingly, that tie succeeded at
last in tiring the boy down. Isaac made
hia last dive, but the Indian anticipated
liim, and pounced upon his back as he
was repealing for the fifth time, the
tricks of passing under hia opponent,
ind thut,by a well managed feint, draw
ing his utriction lo a point toward?
which he appeared to be steering whil
his hand waa above water, but chanced
to a different direction the moment hi
body became aubmerged.
The greatest general ceased lo
be victorious after he had taught his en
emies the trick of his art, by beating
(hem in s hundred battles. The obtuse
intellect of the Indian (tiny have thick
sculls like the African negro,) at last
comprehended that the little Quaker
in n Cnnlti Kslnnr 4h mi far. I
when hia head was diving Norih shove,
Hut he had him now; and dearly did he
intend lo rpnac the i?rine of the throa
and the punch in the stomach, which
Jshc had administered. Take ihy last
. L . l 1 I Tk .In-
monofihe island has lasieneu upon thee
and it will be s mirade if Ihy spirit is
nnt aAnn aniMivlrtft ill ll nKl In A I r 111 I .
IVI PVVII rriMt31" 110 " 6 vtvia
It is said lhat the struggles nf ihe dy
in man. in the Doseaion of all hi
ijculiies, sre irresistible; snd that no
man hand en grapple and maaier his,
r.noui inr meTr ui gnni rrwrowgii.iren(Iered hm powerless, snd percepnoi
to trv the isaua of atrena'h. It was the
demonical intention of the Indian lo
3'aA the dot. forthwith, let the con
sejjoenc? be what they would, lie had
Imsc's neck between hit leg, at ihe
1epth of aerersl feet belpvr the surface
of the watec, where he held him im
.movable, while with his hands he preM
d the tody again strongly to the bot
tom. One minute In this position Is an ag !
li Is an eternity of Time. The death
-r iuggle vas again come upon the poor
little fellow, and the fiend was once
more exulting over himl iJe lell the
blood of hia whole body rushing to hi;
Vin imagined loatheiome snakes
twisting about his neck snd brow and
ii.t body assailed by frightful aea-mon-:ers.
A streaming g'ish of wati-rpour-ed
,fn'o his f3r an'! nswh. Hit reason
niton lli noint of elfin? war. In the
discontinue hii endeafoi a lo preat the
L...i.. f u i., r-.. ik.
body of ihe buy downwards, from the
necrs-ity winch reqn red lhat he ahou'd
keep hit own head, pariiculaily hia
monih and noairila in the free air. By
- -- -
.L' iL. i. - f k..
inn numi m nmui i ma uuy nut
i r. . i:i . .. .. .1 i. . . .u l-.l i.
if n ai nocny, mu n wi cmuicu
brace his feet firmly upon the aandy
I i
bottom. Hiahanda were free; but here
lofore he could do nothing with them,
while hia feet were hori du combat.
Hut now he gathered himself, instinc
lively for a deaperaie effort, and locking
his arms sround the legs ot his foe, and
planting his feet strongly beneath his
body with one mighty surge he raised
the Indian from the bottom, and pitched
him hiadlonz into the tea! The relief
. . . " . . .
(hut gained was just in time. A mo
ment mora would have cloaed the mor
earaer of the boy. But the ad Van
I . I
tare thus scauired was not to be lost.
Isaac sprang after his enemy with tin
agility of a dolphin and ere he count
i'o i i
regain hia balance, hii young hand
nerved with the deaptralion of one bat-
Ming tor I lie, was urmiy iwistea in wir
lank black hair of thelndian. He avoid
ed the experiment, which the naMve
had tried, to conceal th strangling ol
hia Tierim. and contented himself with
holding at arm'e length, caring nothing
for the splaahing and tuurianing oi in.
foe which the Indian, while he held
h lad. was anxious to conceal lor tear
of attracting notice from the shore.
Pariah!' exc aimed Uaic, in accent
rtAt but deeo: Perish! thou black
hearted aavage!-Ay kick if thou wilt
trugt;le on monsteil It it my turn
now; I owe thee no mercy snd dif
ihou shall, the death thou has twici
eacaped to beatow upon me, fr the al
lesed am of mv f'her. A sprowl bite,
tcrateh. it will require something more
ihan hunsn interposition lo save thee
from death?
Boyl what dost thou do7 Rdeaae
he Indian.and we will protect ihee.-li-"
!n him. I aavl' reueated an authors
live troieek cloae to the tar of Iaaac.
I am not deaf, good inends. i snan
release him in a minute ot two, but in
nr own discretion. '1 he peril be thine
keep off, meddle not with this quairel,
I am desperate! I vaa but now, dying
n the eraan of this hellhound: twice
within the houi ha he given me a last-
of tllO Villi, rawilJ, -ll f- kr
hut I requite the favor. Keep oil, I say
by tSe heavens above us, I will serve
the after the same fashion, if thou dar
eat to come between me and my prey,
Awayt I have said it, he shall die lh
. an. II
Jeath of s dog; t here, an is over na;
The limbs of the Indian became r
Isxed snd quiescent. The tide of Me
had withdrawn to the citadel wnence h
mrane: the body floated for a moment,
without convulsion, on the water, and
hen settled sway gradually fioin tht
sight. Isaac had loosed his he
.tood gazing with stupid wonder upon
he water.
'Isaac,my son, what hast thou done?'
nded Jethro. in a choked, but fath
erly voice, sc, sorrowfully, he reflected
n the termination ot the violPni anu
ragic scene, snd marked the wild and
iltered look of his son.
" Father is it thou! Oh save me
from the fangs of lhat dreadful Indian!
But where is he?
'mitred!' icsnonded the fain-
er mournfully.
. . ,. , ,-
Macy plunged into the waterafler tht
I. ....... I T I a it ivilhnil
difficulty, for the water was shallow and
no, more inan ,af body deep. TM
captain placed the Indian carefully in tht
oosl across a seat in t
moulh downwards, to
the stern with nu
give the water
egreas from the stomach, snd then
q ta i c k ! seizing the oars he
lne tot9 wjth til his strength, le
t I L . i '. '. L -
d lor
Jethro and hia son wadine in the sea
The ease of the Indian would not brook
lelay. The of poor Isaac wag fix
d and vacant, while Jethro. ukine hi
hu-La5lire hanj jn his own, led himfcenilv
,owrtls the beach. Exhaustion had
nd memor had fled. The facultiva m
his mind were sleeping, rurtiined bi
what seemed to ba a horrid dream
but which partook so nrarly of a italic
There is finite a itir at Stubenvill,
caused bv I tie difficulty in gellingout ol
church al'er service. A cry has gone
out, 'Reduce the bustles or widen thr
'Myson, said an affectionate mothei
io her hopeful you'h, who was in a short
time to be married, 'you are getting vcr)
Yes, mnther,' he replied, 'I am, and
I expect alioil'y you will tee rrj rib.
'in R-uiaeggaennituttu
Concerning the Jiemoval of the Seat
of Justice of Columbia County,
from Danville to lituovtsburg.
Section 1. He it enacted by the benate and
Htue ot Kcpretcnlalivci of die Cumnioiiweattli of
Peiinivlvania In General Aiseuibly met, and It n
hareliy acted by the autlioiity uf the nam, That
it thai! and may ba lawful foi ihe Q,uallflcd Ve
tera who have Iteatded In Columbia Coun
ty for at LE.1HT SIX C.ILE.XDJIU
MOA'THH immtdiately preceding the next Gen
eral Election, to vote at auch election upon the
(jueition ofthe removal of their Beat of Juitice from
Dan'ille to aaid county, in tne man
ner following, to wit.- Thoe in favor of a Itemoval
ball vote a written or printed ticket libelled,
"6EAT OF JUSTICE," and containing tbe
worde -FOR BLOOMSZIURU," aud llioie op
poaed to a Removal, ahall vote a wiitten or prim
ed ticket labelled aa aforcaaid, and containing the
worde" FOR DANVILLE;" the aaid ticketa to be
depoaited in a box which ahall be provided for that
purpose at each and every of the election polls of
Haul couuty, ana the returns ol aaid election inan
be made in the aame manner by the Return Judge
aa in the cane of the election of Membeia of the
Aaaembly, and if on the meeting of the Return
J udgea it shall appear that a majority of thr voles
nave bscn given in favor ot uioomaburg, tben the
following ecctiona of this act ahall be of full force
ind effect; but if it ahall appear that a majority of
votes uave been given against Uloomsburg, then
the following sections ofthia act shall be null 4 void.
Sac. 3. That if a majority of the voters of said
county of Columbia, qualified aa aforesaid, voting
)n aaid question of Removal, shall decide in the
manner provided in the hist section of this act in
favor of the Removal of the Seat of Justice of said
-ounty to the town of Dloomtlmrg, the citizens of
Uloomsburg in said county shall erect, or cause to
EXMEAE, within three years from aud after
luch election, in the town of iloomsburg, suitable
buildings of BRICK or Bl'ONE, ofthe MOST
APPROVED ri.AiV, for a Court House and
Piiaon, and different offices for the safe keeping of
he county records, under the direction ot the
County Commissioners, who are authorised to rc
ceive a conveyance for such lot or lots of ground
fur the use of such County butldinga, not Ltb&
than 0M ACRE, in fee simple clear of all in
cumbrances, for the use ofthe county of Columbia.
the aatd building to be eroded on auch lot oi lota
of ground thus conveyed. And the Court House,
and other public buildings and real estate on which
they are erected or ia appuitenaut thoieto, at tbe
lown of Danville, are hereby granted and confirm
ed to the inhabitants of Mahoning township, with
lull authority to aell anil dispose of the aame to tbe
best advantage.arul that ao much o' the proceeda of
tid aale.aa ia necessary to refund to the citizens of
Danville whatever amount of money they may have
ivqn for the original construction of the public
uildinga al aaid town, and the purchase of theloU
if ground on which they are erected, shall be re
funded ti the aaid citizen, and the balance to be
paid into the Connry Treasury for couuty purposes.
Provided No disposition or sale of such public
buildings shall be made until the court house and
pub lie buildings a'. Blooms) urg shall be completed.
md the public records and oniu be removed there
UliW Oe 4 Ut av sjwvai net iuv uwiav nnfuuigo
are completed according to the provisions ofthia
act, the Commissioners aforesaid ahall lilo a report
f the same in the Cout of Common fleas of said
county and said Court being satisbcd that said
buildings are fully completed according to the true
intent and meaning of this act, and a record there
of being made by endorsement on said report, the
Commissioners Sheriff of said county shall there
upon cause the prisoners, if any there confined in
the old prison, to bo safely removed to the new,
and the public papers and records then remaining
in the public oflicea al Danville, to be safely depo
sited in ihe new buildings so as aforesaid built and
prepared for tbe reception thtrcof, and fiom thence
forth tho Seat of Justice in and for the county of
Columbia shall cease to be at Danville, ai.d the
same shall be removed and fixed at the town ot
Dloonisburg, in the said county, and the public of
fices heretofore kept, an J the courts of juslxe hereto
fue held atianville,in&fiirVaid county ofColumbia.
hall lie kept and held at Bloumsliuig in the build
ings erected for their accommodation as aloretaid.
. ... ii . . r I r . .L r
oec. 4 It snail oe lawiui tor me citizens or
Dloomsburg to obtain subscriptions from any rev
son or persons willing to subscribe any monrv or
materials for the erection of such public building
as are provided for in the second section of this aci
and in default of the payment of the same, the
county Commissioners are hereby empowered to
cause suits to be brought in the name of the fount;
to enforce the recovery of the same, and when col
lected to be applied towards defraying the eipcnsrt.
of such buildings.
Sec. 5. If any person or persons shall vote on
the question of removal of the scat of justice of snid
county of Columbia, at the election authorized In
be held by virtue of Ihis act not duly qualified tn
vole in ac:ordance with the first section uf this act.
or sh ill vote out of his or their proper dibtiict, or
hall vote more than once on said question, lie oi
they so offending upon conviction thereof before
the proper court of quartersessions of said county.
shall be subject to the penalty provided lor in llic
,-eneral election lawa of this Commonwealth.
Bsc. 6. If any judge or inspector ol the election
mthorifed to 4e held by virtue of this act, shall
knowingly or wilfully reject ihe vote of a cilizen
lualmed tn vote on tbe question ol itemuval ol Ifu
eat of justice in said county in accordance the will
irst section of this act, or shall receive the vote oi
j person not qualified to vote aa aforesaid on said
question, he nr they so offending, upon conviction
'.hereof before the proper court of quarter sessiom
of said county, shall forfeit and pay for the use ol
told county fjr every such otlence, a sum not less
;han three hundred or more than six hundred dol
lars at the discretion ofthe court, and shall undergc
in imprisonment in the jail of said county for c
period of not less than twelve months or mora that
;wo years.
Sic. 7, If any indge, Inspector or cletk ofthe
lection authorized to be held by virtue of this act
hull wilfully miscount, or shall falsely and fiaudu-
;enlly add up and return tne votes received upon tbe
question aforesaid, or shall keep a fulie tally paper,
or ahall be guilty of any fraud io the discharge of
rus duties, every person so attending upon convic
tion thereof In the proper court of quarter sessions
of aaid county, shall be subject to tbe same fine and
penalty as are imposed upon delinquent judges or
inspector by tbe general election laws of this Com -
Sic. 8. It shall be the duty cf the judge and hie be author to judge what number ol copies ii
inswetors conducting tho election authorized to be.Vfoul(1 be Pr0Per t0 l'uljllt'n
hcldi v viruo of this actto cause thu letter H to) 1'he Bo1' w'" te neatly printed in octavo form
) l I, v on. , i n.-l t nnnosi e thu tiimn nf
nvery ritiren ho shall vote on the question of the,
Removil of ihe seat ol jusuce as nioccsaiu, on the
wily paper on which bis nsme shall be registered,
and any wilful omission eo to do fhsll 1 deemw) aj
fiaud, snd shall be punUlied as such ii accordance
with the provision uf the seventh section of ihis art II. h shall be the duty uf every judge, In
pector and clerk cinducting tho election uuthoi
zed to be held by virtue of this act, to lake (in addi
tion to the outh or ullinnation he is now required bj
law to lake) en oath or affirmation lhat he will
lionestly and faithfully comply in every ie eel
with the provisions and requirements ol this act.
Ptc 10. It shall be the duty of there
turn judges of said county, at the lime end
place of iheir niteiini to cast up all the
voles received in the different election dis
tricts on the question of ihe Removal ol the
seat of justice aforeaaiJ, and shall make out
two certificates showing the result, one of
which shall be filed in ihe office of ihe clerk
ofthe courl of quarter sessions and the other
in Ihe office of ihe Commissioners ofsaij
county of Columbia.
Stc. II. It shall be the duty of the Sher
ill ol ihe said county of Colunihia, to cause
lais act to be published in at least three
newspapers published in aaid county; for at
least once in every week for sixty days im
mediately preceding the next general elec
lion, and shall on the day of the election
cause si least Iwo primed conies, one ol
which shall be in the German language, of
said act to be posted in handbill form, in thj
moat public place nearest the election poll
in every election district in said countv snd
the reasonable expenae of such publication
shall be paid by the said county of Colum
bia by orders drawn in the usual way.
Sec. 12. So much of the existing laws
of this Commonwealth ss are altered or
supplied by this act, be and the same are
hereby repealed; and also the set of Asiiem
bly passed 16hJune 1 830 entitled an act
relating to the lien of Mechanics ar.d others,
upon buildings, is hereby repealed so far as
it relates to the buildings to be erected in
pursuance of this act.
8peaker of the Houe of Representatives.
Sneakor of the Senate.
Approved the twenty-fourih duy of Fetouary,one
thousand t'ht hundred and forty-five.
CHILDREN are most subject to them.but per
J sons of allagca are liable to be afllicttd with
llicm. Dad breath, palencts about tho lipt.fluthed
checks, picking at the nose,wabiiiig awey .uuiiius:
pain in the bowels, joints or limbs, disturbed sice;
tnghtlul dreams, moaning and sometimes of vor
acious appetite, are among the symptoms of v-oinit
jiiany arc doctored lor months, tor 6omc other im
aginary disease, w hen one box of therman's W orm
Loicnges would effect a cure. D. Ryan, cornei
of Prince street and the Dowery, cured a man ol
worms that was reduced to a skeleton, and by only
one box of Khorman'a Lozenges; Leisjow as fai
ai an Alderman. 1 n lion. U. is, Ucardiu
has saved the life cf on of his children by them
The salo of over 3,000,000 of boxes has hilly test
ed them. They are the only infallible worm deg
iroying medicine known. What family will be
without thcmi
Consumpiion.Coughi'.Colds.'VVhooping Coughs
Asthma, and all afll-ctions of the lunca, will find
healing value in Sherman's Cough Lczenccs. They
saved the Rev, Richard De Forest: the Rev. Mr.
.w.ui, uui.ouiou iiowarm, r.sq. anu mat wormy
old hero, Leonard Rogers, fiom the consumptive',
grave. They cured in one day the Rev. Mr. fun.
bar, the Rev. Mr. llandcock; Win, H. Attice I'.sq
of distetsirg coughs. They are the plcai-antrst
cough medicine and cure the soonest of any kl.owi
llcadarhe.Sea-sirknrss and ralpilation.rclicvcd oi
Irom live lo ten minutes by thernian s Camphoi
Lozenges l'ersons attending crowded -ooma ir
ravelling will find them to impart buoyancy ot
pints and renew their energies J'hose eullciinc
from too fiee living w ill find a few of the
t) dispel the horioia end lovinces of vpmls. Mr.
Kralh, of Ihe Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cur
ed himscliot severe headache by them Japtain
Chadwick, of ihe packet ship Wellington, has wit
nessed their efficacy in a great many cases of tia-
sickncss. J bey operate like a charm upon Ihe
agitated nr shuttered nerves, pf Sheimnn's 1'eoi
Man's Plaster doM upon ilicunmtiwi, lumbngo
pain or weakness in the side, back: breast or anj
part of the body. Mr. II. U. Daggers, 30 Am
street; Henry It Colliding; 35 J Cliailmu
sireet Alocea J ilenrinupa t.tq. ana
nuliiiiiile of oihera have txperunrrd tin
wonderful effects of ihese I'laste"
Price only 1 2 1 cents. Camion in rrrcssar
io see lhat you pet ihe genuine Shcrman't
Lozenges and rUtiirrc, as there are man)
worthless arlides attempted lobe rulmed
off in place of iliem, by those who woult
rifle wmi yon i life for a Hulling.
Dr. Sherman's warehouse ia at 106 Nas
sau 6treet. ror sale by
John K. Moyer -Illoomfbtirg
Win 1 Valer & co Heiwick
Low ii Thompson I.ime Rtdge
15. & J. Luzariig Orangeville
M. (I. Shot moke r Buck Norn
li. & A Ii Risel Jersey tow n
Derr & M'Bride V hite Hal!
John Moore Danville,
Sieplicn Uafdy, Oattawifisa.
Jan. 4 1815-37. Cm,
SUBSCRIPTIONS are respectfully solicited for
the forthcoming Hiatory of Wyoming. The
woik, now ready for Press, will make an Octavo
volume of about six hjndred pajes, of which five
hundred pages will embrace 'he main body ofthe
uurative. The Appendix, besides e vsriety of cu
r oua and illustrative article, will contain the "Thr
llazcttoi 1 ravellera, revised with numerous addi
done, personal anociotes, incidents and sketches
of character, making about an hundred pages.
Tbe Autho: thinks proper to say, no pains
have been spared to obtain inhumation upon every
point connected wilh this subject. He ha flutter-
led himself, as Wyoming has become classic ground
aa nnnumerauie errors nave heretofore
existed in regard to its story, and as its very inte
resting civil character has been scarcely touched
upon, that almest every grn'.iemRn would desire foi
.his library, in retpecr toil, an authentic rairative
The purpose of taking up eobscrip ions is to ena-
on cxceiieiu imuwr, nn ocvrrni inusirai ve D ntei
bound in cloth in modern Myle, and delivered to
eunreni em m vu t.,j.
No money to be paid until the Book is delivered.
Subscriptions rcctived at Ihit Gice.
H to r bL 1 r lI.LY informs the citizens oil
Columbia county, and the public gcuerully!
ilial he has located himself in lllooiuburg on Main
.Hlieet oipnite Si. Paul's Church, where be baa
opened shop, and is now ready aud prepared tn
receive aud execute all work in his lineol business,
wilh dispatch and in a wuiknianhke manner,
clocks & Watches
ofthe best quality, can be had at his eslablithmcni
on very reasonable term-.
will bo done to the satisfaction of the customer, hi-
well of Clocks and Watches as of JewcUy, and In
: I t . . a . . .
win luriuer, warrant nis work to lie exe-utej Br
well as any in this section of tho fcta'e. Jlo will
also make to order
or pocket, and in short, will do all otlierwurk vhu
ally done in a well regulated respectable rtotuLlitl
ment. lie hopes by stict attention to
and a desire to please, to icccive a libeial share
patronage. Country Produce taken in pajmei
lor work at tne market prices.
Dloomsburg, November IS, 1844 -30. t
By Jesse E. Dow Co.
HE first number of our new paper will be is
sued this (tirstl duy of luy, with an entire
new dress new type, line white paper, wilh othe
important alterations and improvements. 'I he pa
per will be devoted In a fearless eipohiiion of Ui
mocratic principles it will zealously and unremit
tingly oppose each and every ell'oit to establish u
mammoth monarchy bank aud other mihchievcu
corporations and consolodtions of wealth, wind
subverts the rights of the people and undermine
the pillars ol the Kcpubucnt will oppotc an opprcir
nive and anti-republican tariff system, the astuinp.
tion ofthe Stale debts by the General Government
and all other federal principles vtlucli have an in
evilablc tendency lo destroy public prosperity at
well as individual happiness. Against all such po.
liti.'al delusion we shall wage uiichai.ging, un
compromising war.
J he farmer and Mechanic who produce all tin
real capital of the nation, will find in our paper ai
unwavering champion of their inalienable rights;
tho long cherished principles ofthe editors are toe
well known to the public to require any pledge en
ihis point, lo the Miscellaneous Department
particular attention will be dovuled, the Ladies wih
I ways find in our columns a choice selection fron
tho current literature ofthe day, aa well as original
contributions from the most talented writers ol
which ourcouniy can boast. A general summary
of Foreign and Domestic news will be furnished; u
regular price current and a correct list of the price?
ot stocks will al-o be given.
The conductors have already secured the aid am:
co-operation of a larce number ofthe most ilihim
guishcd literary and political writers of the din.
arrangements will also be made, at tht earlica pe
riod possible, to embellish our columns by the con
tributions of correspondents from abroad. ill
this, brief and imperfect outlineof our plan.we virv
re pectlully submit our claims to an extensive pa
tronage to the consideration of a generous public.
TiiLUj'UlIiUS r lSK,? P
IRssr p nnur. i toiTOBa,
Weekly paper by (he year $2 C(
do for six months 1 00
cJemi-Weekly paper by the year, in ndvsrce S f t
do do for less tbun a year, SUcts.
per month.
Z)aily paper by advance 10 C(
do for less than a yeur Jl per month.
Subscriptions lo Ihe Daily for less than two. Ir
the cVmi-Wecklv for les than four, or lo tin
Weekly for less than six months, v.ill not lc re
If not paid within the year, the Jaily paper will
DC J.I., Iheciena-wcckly ;b, and the Weely $2 5(i
a year.
All iiavments to be made in advance. Thnse who
have not an opportunity of paying otherwise, inoj
remit liy mail, at our rink, posisgr-paid. Tin
ros master s certificate of such reniittancc (.hall In
a sufficient receipt therefor. The notes of any
pecie paying bank will be received.
Brandrcth's Pills.
j EAD and understand ! The time will come
a when the medicine, Brandrcth 'ills, will be
appreciated as Ihey ought and deserve; it will be
i.nilci&tood that Dr. Urandielh has llic strongest
lanns upon the putilic. It is true that every in
lividuul who makes a Iriu! of the lliandrclli J'ill
concede (hem to Ik the best medicine thrv eve
used. They are indeed a medicine about whirl
there is no nustaka. I heir value in a climate to
hangealilc as ours cannot be sufficiently appreciat
ed A Iree persinralion is at once restored thu
licy cure colds, and consumption id prevented.
I'hosc who have a redundancy of bile find them of
the most essential service, and should there be a dc
ficiency of lhat important fluid llic Urandreth Pills
have an equally beneficial eilect. Often has thi
inipriitant medicine saved valuable lives in those re
gions where the dnadlul yellow fever wa3 prevail-
nit;, n lew noses idKcn immcuuicly upon Hie in
lection being received into tin system, will In al
monl certain to prevent any material inennvcpimcc.
And at no stage of this dreadful epidemic ia there
ao proper a medicine as tho Urendreth Pills. Lei
this me.lMue lie universa v u.ved in ihu
lisease, and no losg of blood allowed, and few
v;ry lew, would lie its victims, bo it is with other
diseases. Assist nature with this all imporrant
medicine to remote morbid humors from the blnnd
and do not resort to bleeding or mercury, and we
shall have a cry great scaicitv of ncraons smi. iP,!
wku crunic maiauies. J tie leathered li he thr .
mal kingdom- over which we are the lord .,.
not aitlicicd with chronic ma adies: nrithrr .hU
we be if it were not for our prioe which occasions
mem. r oiiow nature. Use the medicine whi-h
harmonizes with her, which mildly but surely re
moves all the impurities ofthe blo.iJv.hirh .ir.nnik
en the feble,and yet reduces those of too full habit
to a neallhy standard. Let me again ay that everv
.....ill ,jj i i manuiacture o I lliaiul nh P L
is personally nuptrintended 'y mc, and thai every
box with my three labels upon it mav U rrli.
on to have the beneficial effect described if used
wvu.w,..B ,j unci. iium accompany ng.
A 0 E N T 8.
WMhin,?tor) Robert M'Kay.
Jcrseytown L. & A. T. iiiscl.
Danville E. It. Reynolds & Co.
Cattawirsa C. G. lirol st.
Uloomsburg J. R. Mover.
Limestone Babbit & M'Ninch.
Buckhorn M. G. Shoemaker.
Lime Rittgc Low & Thompson.
Berwick- J W Stiles
May 8, lt?46 ly- i.
PUaolhiliOu Oi raitvcrnliit
NUI'lCKia hereby given that the I'mt
nrrahip, heretofuie existing between lie
stihscribors, under the the linn of lijt-r &.
Iletley, is this day dissolved by mutual
consent-, and the ISooka and accounl may
be found wilh Charles Ilcfley, at the old
itand.who ia authorized to arulrall aciounia
nl the firm, and will be happy lo wail on
their friends in m itlmg lie aame' 'I I ok
having accounts of long alanding are partiu
ularly requested lo rail.
Uloomaliiirg, March 18 1845.
Kcw Arrangement.
THE eubaiiribera would ritpecifully in
furm ll eir friends, and the pubiir generally
bat have I hey have cnlen d into rartnersliip
under tbe firm of Ilcfley ii Mendenball, in
he mercantile tiie aland former
y occupied by Eyer &l Ileflej', and bae
taken iheir entire
o wliirb they in te id making auch adJitinra
ia will suit '.he seasons and make their
ikanrti.neiit general, til of w birh they rr
inxiotis to exchange for cash, ot counrr.
produce generally, upon very libenl term
They reperifully soli.'it the patronage i(
iheir fiieoda and the public renerally.
Bloomsburg, March 18 ) 84 0
niE subscriber has just icccived a large as
soitmcntol IsPECTAtvLES and fePKC-
fACLE GLASSES, ofthe best qunlily, of both
while and green, from No. 2' upwards.
fTj'Pcrsons afflicted with sore eyes, will find it
to iheir advantage to call and get glasses from him;
as they may feel assured of deriving a great benefit
Irom their uso.
Eloomsburg, May 17, 18454
Cabint BTaking
THE subscrihei respectfully infoim the pub
lic that ho has take n the shop lately occupied
by B. S. Hayhurst, at the lower end of Maikct
street Dloomsburg; where be intends currying on
the above business in all its branches, and solicits a
ahaie of tho patronage of the public.
In connection with tho above business, be oilers
his services as an
ile will always be ready to make COFFINS for
:lie same prices heretofore 'harned in Bloomsburg,
ind having supplied himself wih a good II EA Hsj
lie will attend wilh it at the Funeral without any
extra charge.
Mav.0 IS 15 6m 3
rAHE Danville) Steam Woollen Factory, lor
i merly owned and occupied by Lr. J'enikin.
has recently bicn purchai-ed by the subscriber, who
respectfully announces lo his friends and tho putt
lie generally, that he is now prepared to execute
all kinds of work in his line ol business, at iho
horteht nolico, according to order, anil in the bent
comparative manner. Having gone lo considera
bo expense in repairing bis machinery and app.
atus ana neing very particular in sccu'ine Ihe ser
vices of experienced mechanics, be fids ciil'u!tnt
that he i capable cf executing all kinds cf v-ork
in his line in a style superioi lo any other establish
ment int he country. I'rices of oik as I'ulli Vb :
Cloth ard wide light and daik, from 4! to 5
ci-nls pet yard-
no bottle grcms, olive brown, &c, from 60 tn EO
Satinets ofthe above coloia, from 40 to 41
Flannels one yard wide, 30 ecnir
Wine, brown or black, 40
Madder red, 45
ulanket 2 yds vi''e; twi'ledor plain, from 60
cunts per yard.
Hill be done in ibelicst nianner, ond at
ai prices All kinds ol country prcdurb
taken in payment forwcikat lanvi1
Constantly on band, for sale at -for
Ca-h or L'arter.
For ihe aeconiinodaliin of cusU
distance wool for .1anul'acturin
at the following places :
Fishiugc eck; Holmes' (.tore,
Thompson's slnro, Limr-Iilid
Co.'s store, Berwick ; Slew
Orangevillc; m. jliKilv
burg ; Jchn G. Miarpless' ft
store, Jcrse) town; Dc
White all; Stroup's store,
ton; Gildcrsleeve's. V ilksbaire; .Slyeia' stole, Nn
licoke; Judye Muck's Mill, Huntington
;fai'n written directions mutt ttccom
pany each parcel.
Danville, May 3, 181S 2
Orangfville, Columbia eourtty. Fa.
THE aubiicriber reppectfnlly inf' rri tb
public thai be lias leaded this large tbrre
lory Tavern, now in llie ofcnpanry r f Mr
George Reiple, in Orangeville, Coli.n bia
counly, Pa., and iniendj moving into it ' n
the first of April nexl, where be will In
pleased to Eee his old menu and cueioaitrs
A a hia
will alwava bo furnished with Ihe feM (!.
markei afforda. Ilia BAR wiib ibe rln nifi
of Liquors And bis 8 TA I! LL.aitt ml, il by
faiibful Hoiitlers, he fl.ilter? himself ibat lie
will be able In cive central aaiihl'ieiion
will alwaya be ready lo transport waiirn rn
on their route,
I O JOUNfcfl.V
rch 15, 1645 tf