The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 05, 1845, Image 4

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    Vr m FiirMmoiith Journal.
AVe lnvc besrd ihesloryof a Ysnkeee
I'eilliirwhich w believe has never been
in prim. In these days of speculation
in timlit Hand, vvher unfortunately in
.-no me cii'i tree luvo nul yel ben u
jl'otv, if some of such holders tU nu
evemfully have lo surrender their lomU
with about (ha iiiini profit ami reliel
frnn the pedlai's speculation then oiu
aub'netion table needs revising.
After (lie close of the American revo
lit'.ion, a tin .pedlar with his assortment
-ofnieknack arrived in a village in the
district of Maine, and called at the
houses to dispose of his wares. Aftei
veiling a few smsJI articles lo the lady
of a house, who seemed, la live in (he
-midst of a blessing of children better
covered with dirt than clothing, she de
clared her inability to purchase more for
the want of money.
Hut marm, luv'nl you any rag-?
None to sell sir.
Well, inarm, said he, about returning
to his ciU, you seem to have a plenty ol
little onts around you, won't you sell
me one of them for tin ware?
What will you give, sir?
Why I'd give you .ten dollars for one
of them.
In good tin ware?
0 yes, marm, the bes.
Well sir, it's a bargain.
She then handed one of the bare
headed urchins to the pedlar, who, rath
er surprise that the oiler was so readi
ly accepted, yet feeling convinced that
the mother would not part with, the
boy, placed him upon the seat of his
cart and supplied the woman's demand
lor tinpans, dippers, coffee pots, kc,
tintil the sum of $10 was made up.
The pedlar yet feeling certain that
the woman would rather make an eflort
to raise the sum than part with her boy;
(i sort of ware by the way in which he
had no particular desire to deal) mount
ed his curt and seated himself by the
ile of the urchin who seemed much
'tickled at the idea of taking a ride.
The reins were gathered up, and with
n eye cast back at the house in the ex
pectation of seeing (he relenting moth
er coming forth to redeem her boy, his
norses were started off at a slow pace.
Alter proceeding a quarter of a mile,
and casting many a wandering look be
'hind the pedlar began (o repent of his
bargnin and turned his horses.
The'lady had jusl finished ornament
ing the dresser with the brilliant bar
gain she had made, when a rap at the
loor turned her attention.
Good woman, I think your boy is not
quite large enough, I guess you had bet
ter lake him again and let me have the
Ni, no, sir you have got him now
you sha'l keep him. The bargain was
fajr one and you may off with Dick, as
coon 9s you please,
Surprised at the woman's indifference
about her boy why marm, how can
you think of parting with so young a
child lo an utter stranger who you do
not know?
'Oh sir we should like lo sell of!
all our lown paupers for .ten dollars a
Dick was dropped at the door; the
whip cracked, the wheels and ware ral
lied, and the pedlat measured the ground
at a much q ticker pace than before nev
er after forgetting his pauper specula
tion. From the Brooklyn Advortiwic
Some years since, a family residing
in one of the Souihren states possessed
a New foiindland dog, which conceived
a strong friendship for the little daugh
ter of iis owner. This child he used to
escort regularly to school, carrying her
satchel in his mould, and was generally
al the door when the hours of her pen
ance were over, lo trot aJong by her
side homeward.
One day, the girl, having strayed a
way without the knowledge of hei pa-
rents, sauntered along to the water and
was amusing'lierstlf by walking upon
the string pieces of a pier. The dog, at.
' usual, was her only allcndanl, and seem
ed lo watch her pranks with much at
ient:on and considerable uneasiness.
iVffluently warned by various peisjnc
vporMhe -whan, to keen farther from tin
edgn, she .nevertheless, with juvenile
way wardness, continued her dangerous
pastime, until finally missing her foo
,ing, she fell inlo Ihe wa'er. instantly
the neighborhood was in an uproar;
.40meTan to. loosen a boat, others flung
boards into iht stream, and a sailor pre
lent stripped off his jacket and shoes for
8 plunge slier the little cast away.
Hut T owser fully comprehended the
mailer at a glance, and before n was fan
Jy .known that she wan in peril, was by
the side of his voung misiugi, and seiz
ed her bv her. floating dres, and war-
paddling back -with his preciouB burden
lo ihe wharf. The generous Jack tar
had now only to leap inlo a thin s yaw
hard by, and pull both of the diipping
creatures inlo il, and deposite them up
on the dick in safety.
Towser, of cntirte, Lcrame more lian
ever a lavorite with the family, and held
i vtry enviable rank above others olhi
species. As his mistress increased in
lr cp gilt and si at nre she was never allow
ed to fai got the debt of gratitude due
'it t canine companion, although
xiigiotvn, ihe necessity of culling upon
Him for farther service, so that h slept
ind grew lal upon his Lutein, like some
old soldier, whose youthful priva'ious
nd elidencts of valor have procjred
hint a pension lor the remainder of his
Some Cve years after the occurrence,
ihe fimily had resolved upon changing
their place of residence of the city of Si.
Augusiine. The morning of their de
parture had arrived, the schooner wh ch
was to convey them lo their new home
was cisting oil from the pier, the very
one which had been Ihe scene ol Tow
set's exploit, but he was nowheie lo be
lound. They whistled and called bui
no dog appeared; the captain became
restive, swore he would wait no longer,
gave the order, and the craft swept along
the waters with a spankling breezy and
was soon aquirterofa mile from ihe
The girl and her father were stand
ing at the atern of the vessel, looking
back upon tha city which they had
probably left forever, wher. suddenly
Towser was seen running down thi
edge of the wharf with something in hit
mouth. With a glass they discovered
that it was his masters pocket handker
chief, which had been dropped some
where upon the road down lo the vessel
and which he recollected, with eoim
compunctions of conscience, that he hau
sent his shaggy servant beak to look al
ter. The dog looked pileously around up
on the bystanders then al the retreating
vessel, and leaped boldly into the water.
Mis master immediately pointed out (he
noble brute to the captain, and request
ed him to throw his vcwel into the wind
jntll ihe animal could near thenijhe also
offered a large uum ii he would drop hi
boat and pick him up, told htm ol the
manner in which he had preserved the
life of his daughter and again offered
him the price of a passage if ha would
save Ihe faithful creature. The mrl
joined her entreaties with those of liei
lather, wept and implored that her eat-
iy mend might be rescued; but the C3p
:ain was a savage, he was deaf lo every
ippsal of humanity kept obstinately,
on his course, and the belter animal ol
ihe two followed the vessel, until hi
strength exhausted, and his cenerous
heart chilled by despair, he sank to the
mors mcrcnui billows.
BY virtue of a writ of levari facinn lo mo
directed, will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House, in Danville, on Sat
urday, the fifth day ol July next, at 12
o clock, noon, tlio following described
property, lo wit :
All those certain six tracts of Land situs
ted formerly in the of Cattawissa.
county of Noithumberland, but now in the
township of MifHin.Columbia county, Penn
yivania, ono ol Hi em called, ' rial bee, be
ginning al a pest, thence by lands of James
McNeal, norlh 12 decrees west.. 12 noich-
es lo a chesnut oak, thence by lands of W il
liam Cray and William Stedman, south 78
degtees west 150 perches to a post, thence
by Iand3 of Jeremiah Jackson, south 12 det
green eaat nuperctics lo a post, thence by
ianu oi ,ricnaru urooit, north its degrees
wesl 15 perches to a dogwood, thence norlh
12 decrees west 15 perches to a oost.thcnee
north .73 degrees east 82 nerehes tn n black
oak. ihenco by an old nuivev north 12 de.
urces west 25 ncrches lo a hickory and
norm .is aegrecs east ai perches to ihe
place of beg inninfif, containing 4121 acre
and allowance of G per cent for roads.
Whereon is erected
and ttbcul 25 acres of land cleared,
Another of iheui called 'ulmyra;' be
ginning at a post thence by land of Robert
Gray, north 12 decrees west 4Q nn-liP
10 a post, thence bv l;:nd ui' William ,S'ipd.
man soutn 78 degrees west, 1G( perches to
a post, llieuce by land 01 John rady
12 decrees east 410 nerches to a mist, ami
ihenee hy Innd of John Wild and Richard
Brook nonh 78 degrees east 103 perches 1
thc place of beginning, containing 401
acres and allowance ol 6 per cent for loan
Another of litem called Stone Hall,' hi
pinninir si a post thence bv land t.f Jul,
Brady norlh 12 degrees wcsl 303 pcrrhe
to a post, tnence oy ianu 01 Uharles Hall
fouth 78 degrees west 271 perches lo
chesnut, thence by land of Catharine Long
aberger south 164 degress east 270 perchet
to a stone, and ihenee north 78 iWrcr
pstt 21 'J iiei'ches to the ftlaca of Leoinnintr.
t b
eonlatning 438 acres and allowance of six
per cent lor roads, n hereon ta erected
Stoke Dwelmno IIocsi;,
and nhonl one acre of land cleared, an.i there
is a vein ol coal on the tract.
Another of ihem called 'jFarraera' De-
'gptJOl JOJ )UJ3 JO J Q Jo
ucu.Hona pits smos gu Sutuieiuoa 'jju'm
-iliSaq jo OJ.I eii ot saqaiad g sr13 stub
an g riuuii pus 'mbo aiuiM oi saiujjil
09 J3j8rf Zi (I""U O.M10I11 '5(0 ui
04 toiJiad 01' I saaiiljp 81 'lIJ0U tyHJll
uiinr 10 puui AO aaium 'ikuU e 01 sjujj.uI
HOB " bjjj3-J) !8 tpt'os ti saimia
jo puu ,(q aJiiaip 'iuiisji).) v 01 soipuad )f.
imij saji3ji 01 ipnos Ajv nuioijjo nit
Aq 0Juaii 'Meo M.miq B 01 saqajjd f91 'sa.
Bajja.p jr ipuoi ix iu!',ia J PUBI
AiJ BJiiaqt 'Hio iistuirds t 01 sailed OIE
isjm gjoid,)ii fg 1 UtJOU uuu pots UIBIMI
jo piiR Xq 8.iiuqi iod R in iuiuui3d ,'iqni
Anoihsi ol ihem called 'Iroy, begin
ning al a post thence by land of Jeremiah
Jackson north 12 degress west 410 perches
10 apodt, ittenee by land ol William I'.ltra-
dy south 78 degreos west 80 perches lo an
ash, thenca south 78 degrees west 130 per-
dies lo a post.thence by land of Johnllecse
south 12 degrees enst203 perches 10 a post
thence by land ol 1 nomas u rooks north 78
learees east 20 perches to a ciiesnut oak,
thence south 12 degtees cast 41 perchti to
black oak, thence by Ihe same and John
Wild nonh 78 decrees east 100 perches lo
a black oak, Ihenee south 12 degiees east
95 perches to a white oak, and north 78
eist 80 perches lo the place of beginning,
containing 4 2 'J J acres and allowance of six
per cent for loads, &C,
Another af ihem called 'Maine,' begin
ling at a post, thence by land of William
t Brady north 8 degrees west 302 perch
es to a chesnut, llieuce by land of Thomas
Say and Jesse Budd south 71 degrees wesi
188 perches lo a post, thence by land ol
Thomas Bellows south 55 degrees cast 89
i-erches to a chesnut oak, ibenco by the
same and land of John Longaberger south
188 perches lo a chesnut oak, thence by-
land of said Longaberger south 76 de
grees west 124 perches to a post, thence
south 10 degrees east 104 perches to a
chesnut tree, and thence by land of John
Reese north 78,degreeeeasi 271 perches to
the place of beginning, containing 38 1
asies and allowance of C per cent for road
Seized, taken ;n execution: and lo be
sold as the properly of (Jeorgo Miller and
terte tenants.
At the soma time and place, by villus of a
certain vcndttionas exponas,
A cciiain lot of giound sitnate in Mon
tour township, Columbia county, containing
'J acres more or less, bounocu by land ol
Jacob Rihel, George Kaufman and Daniel
uishcl, whereon is nrcctcd a frame House,-
j frame Stable, a Bark House, a Currier
Shop and Tanyard, with the appurtenances.
Knii Also, on all the intsrcot, sharu and
partition of t!io defendant in all that cci'
ract of land situato in Montour,
Columbia county, coniainin one hundred
ipres more or less, adjoining Lnds of lien
ry Werlmcn. Christopher Woertlo and otli
i:rs, beingiall iho right of defendant in the
estate of Baylor, deceased, father of
Seized, taken in execution and to bo soli)
B3 ilie properly of John Baylnr.
IK AM DERB, Sheriff.
Shcrif Office, Danville, )
June 11, 1845. S
rjUBSCRrPTlOS are rvispeciAilrV Kolicib-a fot
t'le forthcouiin ? Ilitory of VVvuiniii';. '1'lu-
work, now ready for lVm, will n.ako an Octavo
volume ot about mx lundied pacs, of vbith live
hundred paojes will embrace 'ho 'main liody of the
inrrativn, 'J'bo Appjndix, beside a vmicty of cu-
r oils anil iiui.qralne ailiclet,wi!l contain tb-j " J he
Uaettoi 1 Mvdlcre, ' revised with numerous addi
iIoiih, iiertoiiLl aiiecruicK, incideiits and u!;ctchc:-
of charartcr, liiakinir, about an hundred nuaes.
'J'hn author thinka proper to say, no pain
nave ixen parcu t olilain iiilormatinii upon every
point connected witb this rfulnect. He lias liatter-
ed himself, as Wyoming has become classic ground
I'linrnmruliio errors have horetolore
existed in Vigf.rd lo its Morv, and its vei ; inle-
rcilin civil ciiaraclcr lias been scarcely tonclied
upon, tliat oluicst every gentleman woald tw.wo. for
his library, in rcpecf to it, nn nutlirntic r.air.itive.
I be purpoic ol taking up sunscrip ions is to e:ia
le the author to iud?c w hat nuinlwr ol j;.-iiio ii
would bo proper to publish.
The LSook will bene.illy printed in oeta form,
on excellent paper, with several illustrative plates.
hound in clolli, in modern wIn, and ilcliveicd lo
ubscribcrs at I wo Dollars a copy.
No money to be paid until the Book is delivered,
Subscriptions received al this Ojjfia.
fVVl'ME subscriber ha-i ju. t received u larro as
Ji Koitmentol SPECTACLES and M'EC
I'ACLE OLABSEK, of tlio Ivst mialily, of both
white and green, from IS'o. JJ HI'vnrd
(CVPcrsoiw afllitted with soro cyci, vil! find it
io llit'ir aJmnUpe to call nml it't la.s i Irom biin;
a they moy feci a.suicd ol'dcriviuj n ljtnilit
I row their U'C
fl. L. fcliULTZ.
Blooimburg, May 17, 1843 -1
Cabint irakinc?'
rSHH subvciihoi riVnCi'tfulU inliini, . il nnlw
a lie that ho haj Uk( n the fhon lal.'lv orrnnimt
ny a. , iiaynursr, ui me lower end ot Markct
slrcet lilooiisbuiv: whom li iitt.n,'-. niruin. ....
, .... ' ,v ..,-.-.
iuo above buur.tss in all lis branches, m,d ohcils i
hare or too patiouuijfl ot tlio public.
In connection with the above biwnes". ho eifer
bis s'ii vii ej an an
lie will BluflVK hn rpndv ta mAin f:nPPI's ft,.
the sumo nriees lieri.totorq shamed in I U,nnl,,in.
and having supplied hwittlf wika goodHEAti'E
bo will attend with it at tha Funeral without any
extra charge.
My,jO 1!44 Jm 8 i
Ml ES'F.CTFI'M.i' infttrntH tlio cilizonn ot
a D. t'oluniliii couiitv. hiii! tlui rtiilili.-
iliut lio hiiH lociilcd hiwMi-ll'iii UI((iniiHburg,ii Main
urcci uiiiinc Bit. I'aii a l luin li. wlinm lu, 1,,.
)niiifd lioi, Biid IB now rcudy nml jirqiiui'd ,,
nwivo aud cuccute all work in'liis linool lnininuMi,
.villi (IihiiIcIi and in a wurkniuiiliko iiiunuvr.
clocks & Watches
of the hvHt quality, can be hud uthia ebtablialimcnl
on very reanonul)lo term. .
KKiMiitixn & n i A? Tf.
will bo done to tli patUfactiun of the tutiioiner, a
well of CIikU and Watches a of Jewelsv, and In
wiil further, wurrunt liiHwi;rk tube exuailej iih
well as anv in tliiu section of rhu Hu,: ll.t uill
also make to order
or pocket, and in short, will do all ollierwotk isn.
ally done in B well reiriilated rexticrlnliln -,.lMU,
inent. Ho hope liy strict attention lo busine
aim a uesiro o jiieusc, lo leroive a liberal kIiuic
paironagc. country rroouco taken in fmynicii
ior worn ai inn marKcl prices.
Uloomsburg, JNovembcr 15, 1844 30.t
liir Jesse E. Dow $ Co.
THE first number of our new paper will be is
Kued this (first) day of Alas, with an entire
new dress now type, line whito paper, with olhet
important alterations and improvements. The pa
per will he devoted to a fearless exposition of De
niocratic principles; it will zealously aud unremit
tingly oppose each and every effort to establish a
mammoth monarchy bank and other niischicvoui,
corporations and consolodlions of wealth, which
subverts the rights of the people and undermine
the pillars of the I!cpuhhc;it will oppose an oppres
sive and anti-republican tariff system, the assump
tion rf the State debts ly the General Government
and all other Federal principles which have an in
evitable tendency to destroy public prosperity as
.....ti.n!u.i...:a i l .... ; . . i. i
nun us niuiviuuai ii.ippiiiess, igaiusi ail sucn po
litical delusions we shall wage unchanging, un
compromising war.
J he Farsier and Mechanic who produce all Un
real capital of the nation, will find in our an
unwavering champion of their in alienable rights;
tno long cherished principles of the cdilors arc toi
well known to the public to require any pledo 01,
ibis point. To thn J,liocellaneou3 Dcpartmcnl
particular attention will be devoted, the Ladies ui!'
alwnys find in our columns a choice selection Iron
the currant literature of llic day, as well ns cri;;inu
contributions from tlio most iulenti.1 wi iters oi
which ourcnuniv can boast. A i;c:icral gunman
of Foreign and Domctienews will bo furni'dicd: n
regular price current and acci rsct YiA of the nricet
of stocks will be given.
I he conductors have already secured Ihe aid siul
co-operation of a larjic innnber of the mot distin.
guislicd literary ai'd political writeis of tho dav;
:ir;angcmeni ui also be made, tit iht earliest pe
riod pofstliL-jtociiibcllidh our columns by the con-
iribulinnoof cwrospondents from ibroatl. '.'iil
this, iniefand impefect outline of cu" pl.iu.v.c ver
rw'.Kjf.uuiiy fiunriit our claims to an extensive pa
tronage to me cons:i,ieration or a generous public.
theoi'iiii.ijs r-'isj;,? r.
JESSE E DOW, jEiWron.,
Weekly paper hy the year f 2 b(
d.i for i t mimlha I mi
s'omi-Weekly paper by ihe ycr:r, in ndvnccc 5 CI
.1.. r.. ... . . a . . .
uu uu ior ires iiiau u j ear, ouctj,
per Month.
Aiily jiaper by the year, in advance 10 0()
do for less than a year fl per month.
Subscriptions lo the Daily for less than two, tr;
theSSemi-Wrekly for less than four, or lo lln
Weekly for less lhan six months, will iwt be re
If not liflld ivilbln tiin r. ir llu II it,. i,m,. ... Ill
be thciVmi-wcckly JO, mid tho Wcely 00
J nr.
All payuicnts lo be made in advance. Those who
i!IVfl ntl ll,T,nrllll:Ww ..f ,fivin.r nllw. ......
, rr-.....v ... -..j ...0 ........
remit by mail, at our risk, postaqe-paid. Tin
a.. ........ ... -.. ....
i vn masii-i s 1-erimiiin: oi sncn rcjiiutanci) sllall la
a sufficient receipt therefor. The notes of any
!n,-i-iu pay nig iian.s will uc received.
Branrlrf ih'? wlc
IT EAU and uiiderstand ! The lime w'd conic
JKli, v-'heu the medicine, L'rpndreth 'ills, will be
appreciated as thev mi ilif ib.-i-i-.r. li .. ill i...
umlcif tood that Dr. Brandieth has the strongest
i lainis upon tha publin. It is trips that eveiy in
dividual who makes a trial of the limr,ilr,.il, I'iP
coneedc the):) to lie t!ic be-t medii-inn flip" nv,.,-
used. They arc .indeed a medicine aliout 'which
ineic is no niHtakv. 1 heir value in a rlimato so
lian-'eatile us ours cannot bo uiii.-b-nilv niirmu-int.
il A tree pers-piraitoii is at once rertnn-.l thnt
iiiey cine coios, anil cnnsumplicn u jircvented.
Those who have a redomla.ii-v nl'MIn ,1 ,,,,, f
the most essential .service, and should there be a de-
uciency oi mat important Hind the Jtrandrelh Pills
hn-'f an cunally lunelicial etilvt. Often has this
important mcJicinc saved valuable lives in those r'e
uions w iitre Ihe dreadful yellow fever was pievail
ing, A low dos. s taken imuiedialrly upon the in
fection bciin? received into tin system, will be il
niOBt certain to prevent any material inconvenpnee.
And at no .stage of this dcidlul (pidemic is there
so proper a medicine as tho BrenJreth 'ill. J,tt
this medicine he unhrrwillv n.r.l :,,
disease, and no lo.i of blood h!!.,u ..I l c..,v.
very few. '..otild !e its victims. So ii ;. ;,i, ,i,.'.
disease". AssLt nature with this nil in,,,r. ...i
medicine to remove morbid huiuors from Ike blood.
and da not n. ort to bleeding or mercury, and at
shall hive a very great scarcity of prsons aillided
wtlh cronic nial.alu-: The feathered tribo the an
nual kingdom- ov?r whicli we ate the lurds, are
not alHicti d with chronic mah.lL- S: lll'lltlcr jlmt.l.l
we be if it were lmt for nor nrie u-lii.-li
intni. r ollow nature. Ura tho medicine whi'h
hannoui.e- with her, which mildly but euroiy r?
itKjves rill tlit imrmritie nt'tl.a ,l,tn,l ilKI. t. a .1.
i- ......1 i.ii-iiiii
(II a the ff t!llcnil,l fpt r.vlii.-. ihnu. i.f 'r, , l',,ll 1, .).:.
' J - tu, ,11,11
to a hiiabhy standard. Let lue again say that every
iitpuruiiuiu hi u.e niunumcure or IJrandicth Pills
in irjisiiiiaiiv siiweniiLcnti.Mi ' v nm. m,.i th,
box with my ihrvj labels upon it may be relied up-
un m nave me otipenciai cllecl ilescribc.l jf uted
acCorJius th directions accompanying.
A U IN I' a.
Wavhingtop Robert M'Kay.
Jerseytown L. A A. T. iscl.
Danville .E. B. Reynolds & Co.
Cattawissa C. G. llrobnt.
Uloomsburg .1. R.Moycr.
Liinc.itono Babbit At M'NincIt.
Bitckhorn AI. G. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridge Low & Thompson.
Jerwiok J W .Stiles
May 3, 1845 ly- 3.
SUMMONS iust nrinlcd aud for axU
his OJUcj
Concerning Ihe Removal i f the Seal
f Jitnlice of ( olumbia County
from Danville lo JUoomsburg.
Seclion I. We it enacted by the tSenale and
rouse ol Uepresenlatives nf the Cnmmoiiweallh n;
Pennsylvania in General Assembly inel, aud it ii
liereby c acted by the authoiily of the same, Thai
il shall and may be lawful foi the (lualilicit Vo
ters Mho have Kcshtcd In Culuiubiu Conn
ly for at .K.I ST .SIX CJ KE.XIKI li
.tlOA'TJiS immaliulchj preraling the next deli
mit Ekctiun, to vole at such election upon lh
question ofthe removal of llieir Seat of Justice lion,
Danville to said county, in the man
ner following, to wit: Those in favor of a h't inovai
shall vote a written or printed ticket labelled
SEAT OF JCSTICE," and containing the
words "FOR BLOO.M(SWl;i;ti," and lhoe op
posed to a Removal, shall vote a written or j rim
ed ticket labelled as aforesaid, and containing the
words FOR DAi VII.LE;" the said tickets to hi
deposited in a box which shall bo provided for thai
purpose at each and eveiy of tho election polls ol
aid couuty, and the relurnsof said elcclion shn 1
be made in the same manner by the Return Judger
as in the case of the election of Membeis of (hi
Assembly, and if on tho meeting of the Return
Judges it bhall appear that a majority of the voles
have baen given in favor of Blooie.sburg, ihen the
following sections of this act shall be of full force
and effect; but if il shall appear that a majority ol
votes have been given against Uloomsburg, then
the following sections of this act shall be null iV void,
Skc. 2. That if a majority ofthe voters of suit!
county of Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voline
on said question of Removal, shall decide in tin
manner provided in the fust section of this act in
favor of tho Removal of the Scat of Justice of said
county to the town of Bloomsburg, tho citizens ol
Uloomsburg 111 said county shall erect, or cause to
be erected, JIT TUEIIl OWW VUOVF.H
KXVMCE, within three years from and aftei
such election, in the town of Wloomsburp, suitable
buildings of BRICK, or SPOKE, of tho MOST
APPROVED PLAN, for a Court Houso and
Prison, and different (dices for the safe keeping ot
the county records, under the direction of the
County Commi'Moncrs, who arc authorised lo re-
cetvo a conveyance for such lot or lots of ground
for ihe u-'e of such County buildings, not i,E!SiS
than ONE ACRE, in fro simple clear of all in
ounihmnces, for the use ofthe counly of Columbia,
the said building to be erected 011 such lot 01 lots
of ground thus conveyed. And the Coint IIouh-,
and other public building'? and real estate on which
thty are erected or is appurtenant ihuieto, ot Ihe
town of Danville, arc hereby granted and confirm
ed to iu inhabitants of Mahoning township, with
full authority to sell and dispose of the ;ame to the
best ad ige.imd that so rnMi h of tho proceeds of
said jalc,ns is necessary to refuiu' to the citizens of
Danville whatever amount of money they may have
gi'.en foi tho original construction of the public
buildings at said town, and the purchase of the lots
of ground 011 which they are creeled, shall lie ic
fuu.led Vj the said ctti.ens, and the balance to be
paid inlo the Conny Treasury for county purposes.
I'mriili r,'n disposition or sale of sueii public
buildings shall be made until ihe court boose ami
pub lie buildings Bloomsburg shall be completed,
and the public recordi and oflicca lie removed there
to. Sr.r. 3. That so Soon as tin? public building
are coni L'tcd according to lite provisions of this
ac'., the Commissioners alur-aid sli d! file a report
of the same in the Court of Common Picas of said
county and said (.'curt being satisfied that said
buildings are. fully complettd uccoiJing to Ihe true
intent and meaning of this act, and a iccoid theie-
of being made by emlorviiient 011 npnrt, the
Commissioners iHhc;-ill of s-tid county .shall there
upon cause tho prisoners, if any there confined in
t lie o'd piiniii, to be safely removed to Ihe new,
and the public papeu and records then remaining
in the public oltices ul Danville, lo be salcly th-po
sited mine new buildings :u as aforesaid buill mid
prepared for ihe reception thereof, and fiom theuce
fonh tho .Seat of Justice in and for the county of
Columbia shall cease to be. at Danville, ai,d the
same shall In) removed and lixed at Ihe town ol
IjlooiUolnng, in the said county, and the public of
lit cs heretofore kcpt,and Ihe courts of jusl:ce hereto
lore held alJaiivil!e,ii&lor'saideoiintf- ofColumbia.
shail be ':ept and lp'ld at Bloomsbuig in Ihe build
ings creeti.-d for their .u-eoivmiodation as af iroaitl.
fc'rx. A. It shall be lawful for the citizens ol
Bloninsbtii'g to obtain subjeriplions from any per
son or persons willing to sob.eiilio any monev 01
materials for the erection of such public buildings
as arc prnMiicd for in the second ..tclion of this aci
ami in default tf the payment of lk same, tin
county Commissioners are hereby eiopo'veri'tl ti
cause suits to Pe broti-abt in tho name of ihe counh
to enforce the. recovery ofthe same, aiul whru col
b eted to be applied towards defraying the cpensci
of such btiiluings.
Pr.c. fi. If any person or persons shall v xte on
the question of icmoval of the .cat of justice ol .-aiti
counly of Columbia, at the election authcrit-J lo
be held by virtue of ibis act not duly qualified ti
vote in accordance with the fir.-.t section of this ,tel
or,hilI vote out of his or their proper distiie', 01
-.h.tll viilo more thin once on said question, he 01
they o oll'enilin;; upon conviction (hereof befoic
Ihe proper court of quarlercssiuiis of said county
shall be subject to the p,'-nn!'y uovided for in tin
4cucr.1l election lav s of ibis Coiiiinonweallh.
Xtc. 0. If ; py jiii!i,-c or inspector of the election
authorised to ,'.e held by virtue of this act, Khali
knowingly or wilfully reject the vote of a cili.t n
qualified to vol? on the ipiestiun of Removal of Un
seat of justice in .aid county in accordance the will
first section of ibis act, or shall receive the vtile oi
a person not qualified to vole a aforesaid on said
question, he or they to offending, upon conviction
tbtrc-t betorc the pruper court ot quarter sessior.s
of said cuuiity, shall forfeit and pay for die use of
..aid county for every sueJi offence, a sum not les.-l
than three hundred or more than x hundred dol
lars at the discretion of Ihe court, and shall undeigi,
an imprisonment tti Irio jail of said county for n
periad of not less than twelve luunths or more than
two years.
fix. 7. If any judge, inspector or clerk of tin
election authorized to be held by virtue of this an
shall wilfully miscount, or shall falsely aud fraudu
lently add up and return the votes received upon tin
question aforesaid, or shall keep o false tally paper.
or snail ,011 guilty 01 any liau.l 111 Ibc discharge ol
his duties, every person so offending upon convic
li )ii thereof in the proper court of quarlei sessiouf
of said county, shall bo subject lo the same line and
penalty as aio inipoM-d upon delinquent judges 01
inspi-ciurs vy me general election laws ol (Ins Loin
Sr.c. 8. It shall he the duty of the judges and
insoei iota conducting tlie rlcrtmn aulhoricd lo
hcldijy viruooflhis ai(to eausc the letter I? to
ivjjiuiy unu uisiiucuy sci opposite the nam" ol
every citiien who shall voU on (he question ofthe
temovai 01 tlie scat ot justice as aforesaid, on (he
tally paper nn which his nnine shnll be rcgisleied,
and any wilful omission so to do shall 1 deemed n
fraud, toil bhall be punished as mrh'in aecordanr.
with the jjrovisiens oi the eunth setiieti of tJiis actj
bv.e. 0. It shall be the duly of every jrdg
spector and cleik coiiillicting Ilia eleeliop iu,i,
zed to be held by virtue ol this act, lo lake (in m,.
lion to ihrojih or affirmation ho is now icqon, 1,
law lo take) an Oath 01 alllrniation 1,11
honestly and fa.thfully comply in i-Mty upi el
with Ihe provisions uud n quir. u.eni.i of 1 1 1 1 .-. .01.
Hi:c 10. Il etiuii hH lln- llllly ui Hie re
turn judyes of said county, al the nine ami
place ol their liieellng- lo cusl up all 11, e
voles received in ihe different i-lcciinn tit
tncls on '.he question of ihu K -niuval n u,o
seal tifjusiicu alurestnd, and shall n,,il,e mil
1 wo ccruticait'S showing 1I10 icsuli, nnc nf
which shall he tiled in lln: oll'ice id ihe i-lt ik
I the i .on rt ol quarter l'sioll8 and the other
ui ihe ollii e ol the L-'oiiiiniabiniicis ol aj
'ouniy ol Coluinhia.
ISi-c. 1 1, li hhull he the duty of thn Slier
If til ihe said county of Coluinhia, to cuisn
His act lo he published in at IchsI three
icwHiispers published in said count) ; for at
least once in every week for sixty lus un
mediately preceding the next tennnl t lec
don, and shall on tho day of the r lection
uiihc at least Iwo printed copies, one of
which shall be in the (J er man languaoc, of
said act to be posted in nandbill foi in, in ilu
most public place nearest the election poll
in every election district in said counts nnd
he reasonable expense of such publication
shall be paid by the said county ol (Jolum
bia hy orders drawn in the usual w ay.
Sec. 12. So much of the existing laws
of this Commoiiwuiilih as are altered or
supplied by this act, be nnd the same cro
hereby rtpenled; and also the art ol As.-ein
ly passed Huh June 18jG entitled
relating lo the lien of Mechanics and others,
upon buildings, is hereby repealed so lar as
11 relates to the buildings to be creeled in
pursuance of this act.
Appioved of and signed by the Governor.
CIIII.DRF.N are most subject to thrm.biit per
sons of all ages are liable to be ulllictld wiih
them, land breath, paleness about the li s.llurhi'd
cheeks, picking at the,wasiiug way,b oniiess
pain in the bowels, joints or limbs, distuibed sleep
frightful dreams, moaning and sonn times ol uir
acioiis appetite, are among the symptoms of woiins
Jany aro doctored lor rnonlbs, for sonic other im
aginary disease, w hen one box of fchei man's Worm
Lozenges would tflcct a cure. D. Ryan, lorner
of Prince street aud the llowery, cured a man of
worms tha was reduced to a skeleton, and by only
ono box of Sherman's Lozenges: l.eis now as fat
us an Alderman, in lion. II. li. lieareslcy
has saved Ihe life r,f on" of his children by them.
The sale of over 3,0011,000 of boxes has Inllv test
ed ihem. They are the only infallible w orm ties
tioying medicine known. What tamily will be
without them!
Consumiilion,(.'oughc,(.'olls,W hooping ('
Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, willlind a
healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozenges. They
saved ihe Rev, Richard De 1'oresl; the Rev. ,Mr.
ytrcetcr, Jonathan llowarth, Esq. and that worhy
old hero, Leonard Rogers, fioin the coiisuiiq liu-'s
grave. 1 lu-y cured 111 one day Ihe Rev. Mr. lum
bar, the Rev. jilr. Ilaiuleotk; W in. II. Atlce J'ki
of ilislctsing coughs. They are the k..ol t
cough medicine aud eura die soonest of any ki.owu
remedy .
lleadache,S'a-sukness and I'iilpilation,rehi-v d or
from live to leu minutes by snermaii s (.'an bur
Lo:'.en;'Cs I'ersons attendiiig crowded -twins in
'.ravelling willlind them to impart Imoyaiiev of
spirits aud renew their energies, J'hose siilb iing
from too free living will iiud a few of Ilie Jnv.i net s
to dispel Ihe horiois and Iowiicsb of spi'ils. Mr.
Kralh, of the h'unday Mercury, has rejlcdly i-ur
e,l liiins;li of i-eve c headache by ihem a tain
Chiuhvitk, of t'.io pa-kel ship Wellington, bns wit
nessed llieir rflicacy ill a greal rniiiiy cases ol si n
sicklnss. They operate like a charm upon iho
jgitaled or shattered lit-rvey, ps Micrinaii's J'noi
.Man's I'lasler tiocs upon rheumatism, h lnlaso
pain or v.cakuess in tho side, back: brt'ost or any
part of the hotly. Mr. II. O. Daggers, ill) Am
sireel; llenr) li Goulding; 351 ( hiiiliiui:
street iJoses J Ilrnriqups Jitq. and a
niuliiliKU! of otners have txperii tici d iht
woiiderl'ul rlfects of Oiese I'lnsleri.
Price only 12) cents. Caution is rrcessary
10 see tint you get the genuine b'tierruini'ii
l.o.engr-B and Fl.mters, as there ate niai y
ori'ilfss ii.-tii les aliemplrd tube piilniil
olT in place of thpm, by those who would
tribe wiii Mini Lie lor a fhilling.
Dr. olie.Mian e vvtirehouse is at 106 Was
sail till eel. Fnr sale bv
Jolin i!. ei'oytr Hlonmsbiirg
Win L Waller tt eo I'ei w ick
Low oi, Tliom jit-on Lime Hidge
li. &. J. Lazarus Orangevide
M. (!. ShiM'iiii'lier 15uck Norn
L. rt A L !Jisel-,Ieiseyiown
Dr-ir i .ri5ri.!e W hile Hall
John Moure Danville.
Stephen Ila'dy, (latiawissa.
Jan. 4 1815 37. Gin.
J)ioilntiOii Of I';uH: il:i j.
fs ()'ri(JI'J n hereby given that the I'art
nership, liereli.fnte existing between the
iiibHcribeis, under the the firm of Kver it
llellev, is this day .dissolved bv riniu:,
consent', and the Hooks and accotuus mav
be found with Charles Ileilev, at the old
stand, who is authorized lo seitleall aciountj
of the firm, aud will be happy to wait on
their friends in srttling tlie same J'Iioj-h
having accounts of long standing are panic
ularly requested to call.
ClIAltLEiS lllil'LLY.
Eloonisburg, March IB 1815,
New Arrangement.
THE subscribers would respectfully in
form their friends, and the pubiic generally
dial have they have e titeird into Parmrri-liip
under ihe firm of Htfiey & Mendeiil,a!l, in
the mercantile business, at ilie stand lonm r
ly occupied by Eyer il llefley, and hava
taken their entire
to which they inte J making such sddiiinnj
as will suit .he seasons and make ihnr
assortment gPiieral, ill of which ihrv are
anxious lo exchange for cash, or country
produce cenerallv. unon vrrv librril it mm.
They respectfully eoli.'il the pairniiaiie (
ineir menus nu the public reneially.
Bloomsbuig, Marth 16