The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, July 05, 1845, Image 3
A U'hitt Girl held in Slavn-y JtclartJ l. . t I i t VI. mil n ear sffo we rolled! ii ease befu.e the Siipnuo Couituf Linis i..n, iu which a E 1 1 in flamy, named N..lly Miller, i l.iimcil 10 Im born in Ger many mhI (f German parrnu; of having r.).iii. in euuiiirv when an iufiiil wild lu r lailur and mother, who reached here r'tlompiiiiiu rs.'and died shortly after llieii arrival. The owner, John V. Millcr.allcg cd thai she was born a slsve A. his proper ly, us such he brought her up, and as such he mild her 10 Louis llelmonl. Tlie girl.ii seems, hng been a quarter of a century subject lo the drgradaiion of doineaiie bond age nd aeivile labot belote she claimed Iter release. The Supreme Couil week rendered a judgment in her favor, and she is now free. Ought rot those who li,tve held her in bondage so long be com pelled lo pay her for her services dorinc that time, as some compensation for the wrongs that alio has Buffered at )heii hand "4 IUIODE ISLAND LEGISLATURE. On Saturday, .after panning the bill lo rrftore Dorr to liberty, the Mouse laid on the table, by a vote of 38 io 30, a bill to rcaiore him to his privileges aa a citizen. A series of resolutions, protesting against the manner in which the State of M nine had interfered in the Slate affairs of Rhode Island, were introduced and passed, in the Ilciuse, by a vote of 41 lo 26. The reso tutions were oidcred to be printed, witlf the proceedings of the Court that tried Dorr, copies to be sent to Governors of Slates and others. The General Assembly ad journed lo meet again in October. AN ODD COINCIDENT. During ihe gale on ihe night of Sunday week, says the llowaid district Press, a young hickory tree, in full vigor in the garden of Mrs. Elicult, was entirety twisted 'viral the lrwik The tree having been planted by Mr. George Ellicoil and father on the day of (Jen, Jackson's eleciion lo the Presidency, it is considered somewhat remarkable thai it should be so suddenly destroyed en ihe night of his decease. MEXICO-JOSEPH BON A PA RTE. The New York Evening Gazette says the following fact is nut generally knoivn except lo a few persons in that city: Shortly afier ihe termination of the power and influence of Iturbide, the dominant parly in Mexico despatched a vessel to New York, with three important personages commissioned lo offer the throne of Mex ico to Joseph Bonaparte, who then resided in New Jersey. The Commissioners, on their ai rival, accompanied by Mr, B., ol New York City then largely connected with Ihe financial affairs of Mexco pro ceeded to the residence of Joseph, and made the offer, in pursuance of their in siruciiom. The ex-King of Spain took twelve days to consider on the proposition and after due deliberation, declined the off er, and the Commissioners returned in the small armed craft lo Vera Cruz As an indie ation of the rapid growth ol ihereit valley of the West, wo find ii suied in a late number of the Cincinnati G.iZsiie, thai the first child (Torn of Aintii tan parents west of the Alleghany moun laii.s.Hho knew Washington as a surveyoi on the bulk of the Kanawha, is yet alive and scarcely numbers four score and len It is further s aid ihat Ihe second child born in Cincinnati lives, and has not seen the middle age of life, yet the city lias now iiime ei glity thousand inhabitautsi There are mote than three hundred char li red college in ihe United Slates. exclusive of medical and law schools und sixty theological seminaries. Theii professors, studenis and alumni, make a college population in the United Slate ol li.ore than 50,000 men. We are positively assure d that when sheep are poisoncJ with 'ground-ity will be found an immediate cure. Om person lo hold open ihe sheep's mouth, and another ;o break and drop down its throat jwo egg, fo r each sheep. ! i 'JLiUl! A fern pera nee lecturer is now attempt in to prove that the beasi who was chain t: a thousand vears. and thtn let loose to " - ftmurife mankind, is nothing else than Rum! This, then, is what is meant by ihu beast's having so many horns, and so many mouths to match them. Phuad Gazelle. The Connecticut Legislature has passed a law. which imposes a fine of twenty dol Ursou aoy person who refuse to accrp" a military command lo which he way be elected. IGrWe arc rr quest to mention thai the Piolhonalory has received ihe Pamphlet Laws for IS 15, and thai they Hre leady for delivery. The who'e number of Welchmen in the United States is said lo be 70.UUO. Hope is like rock in a hoi climate the shadow is worth more than the substance. It is said thai ringworms may be speedily and tffeciually cuted by wsshiitg the pans affected with vinegai, in which onions have been pickled. DIED. In Hemlock, on Wednesday, asi, Mr. A nit ah am Shoemaker, aged 87. In Jetseylown, on theU ull, Mr. John Allen, aged 80. Boih of the above veterans did good service in the devolution, and both were in the receipt of pensions from govern ment. TEE MABEETS. Hloomsourg, July 5, 1845 Wheal, 90 Rye, 5o Corn, 40 Cloverseed, 3 25 Flaxseed, 1 25 Butter, li Oats, 25 E, C Tallow 1 Lard 7 Dried Ap!es, 50 White i'eans 55 Beeswax 25 l!loo)mCm' Ai'tillory. The Members o( ihis Company; who have Swords and Belts, belonging to the Company; are required forthwith to delivei them lo either of the Commissioned Offi ,-crs. 11. WEBB, C apt. Public Sale IN pursuance of an order of the Or phan'a Court, of Columbia County, or Saturday the second day of August nexl, at :fn o'clock in the forenoon. Marshal G Shoemaker and John Christian Administia ters &c. ol Jacob Weilivei, late of Madison tnwnshin in said countv.decessed. will ex t)ose to Sale, by Public Vendue, upon the remises, a certain fraci of land, containing 4 Acres, r thereabouts, situate in the township of Madison, and County of Columbia, afore said, adjoining lands of John Hendershni, aleniine Christian, John Uillheuner; Jonn lieynhard and Christian. are ihe estate ol said deceased, situate in be township of Midison and county afore sai J. JACOB EYEULY, Clerk. Danville, July 1 1851. There is a about 7 Acres, f cleared land. There is on the premises 4 one and a half story LOG HOUSE, M Weather Boarded, Log Bam mm, & SMALL ORCHARD. JAst of Letter. tYF.MAINING in tho Post Office, at Btonn Bhura;, on the quuilcr ending June 3Uthl845 .lilaiiiH Alirahain Pepser Buhl Fullmer Daniel llartmsn A. I), lackson Joseph Kannaily Sarah Martin Thomas K van Danel Rulmson Miss ilary Henhart Samuel 3 Sprout A. It. Ksq' Seinn W'm. nr John ship Wyehnff Y. V. Wakefield Jmnea Persons calling for let'em in tho above lint will please say they aro advertised. J. It. MOVER P M List of JTurors. ForlJugust Term, 1815. lira ml Jurors. ' nioom Stuart i'iercc.Willinn H igcnbuch.John JJ.itkley, jacou iveucr, ucorge cmy U ricrcreck J obn W oi keiser. (allawissa John Fisher. Perry John Crai, Reuben Folk, Robert Riu nor, Siiniue! (Jocnn. Fishingcrcck Daniel Kitchen. Franklin Isaac Yetler. l.iherty-Marlin flillinyer, Robert Aulen. Mifflin Marshall G- Kinney. Mahoning Samuel Gulick, William Qiddlo, Madison Geornn Eveg, Samuol McNinch. Ruaringcrcck-William Yocuin. Sugar Loaf-Moaoa Yocuin.Saiuuel Fritz. Orangs George L. Kline. TRAVERSE JURORS Aug, 1845 Bloom-George John. liiarcrcek-W. A. J. flrittain, Levi A. Hutcbi nn. fiavid Fowlei. ISatban Keelv. Derry-liobert Xerr, ugh Matson, Thomas Cary; titedhen Ellis jr. Aidion aldren- Fishingcreek-Jamcg dear, Nathan Flcchens tine. Franklin-Thomas Clayton. Jicob Huber. Creenwood-John Riclurt, William Lrmon, ilemlock-Frauklin McBrido Daniel Fursel; Jjckson-Abraham Kuous, William Roberts Liher(v-John MMahan. William Vanborn Mifflin-Jaeob Scujcnhcisei, John Nun, Isaac Snyder. Mahoning-John D. t'hestcr.David ibillips,Elia3 Howell. Montour-Danicl Lvihy, Orange-Jacob Flcckenstine, Daniel Fornwald, noaringcreck-Olicdiah Campbell jr, !?ugar Loat-Jercmiah Hits, Jan es Mather. rAIVIILY E2EBICINE.3. JjiYMTS J Mill TONjC. This Hair Tonic bus produced beautiful New Huir in ili lu ml nf hiinilri'ds who had Iicmi bald for years It qho purilics the hesd from lJaudrufl Uurcs dihcaai's ot tne culi t'rescrves tne uuir from falling oil' or bicoiniug permanently gray J1YNE'S CARMINATIVE BAL SAM. IS s certain, safe and effectual remedy for J)ys inlnrv. I )inrrluri nr Idohoiiimb. cholu! 1 inorbUH.SUin- nier complaint, colic; griping pains; sour stomach; sick and nervous licadsch, heartburn, wnterbrasli; pain or bickners of the stomach; vomitiug; spilling up ol food aller eating Sim lao u pasaea through -m body unchanged ; want of sppwiito ; reslleaaiies and inability to sleep; wimd in tho sto mach and bowels; cramp; uervous tremors and twitching; seaaickncsn; fainting, melancholy and lowness of spirits, fretting und crying of infanta and fur nil bowel allections and nervous diseases. Dr. JAVXE'S TO SIC VERMIFUGE Which is perfectly safe and so plcanaut llial children will nut refuxe to take it' It effectually destroys wonnn: neutralizes acidity or sourness of the slomacli; increiiHcg appetite aim Beta as a gene ral and permanent Tonic and is therefore exceed ingly beneficial in in'erniitlent andKcinittenl fevers and indigestion; 4c and is a certain and permanent cure for tho lover and ague. DR. JAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS. They may be taken at all times and in most diseases In Inflammatot v. intermit- taut. Remittent, Bilious, and every other form of 1' ever Jaundice and Liver t;oin oUint. For Dvsnensia thev are reailv an invaluable article, gradually changing the AitiatHil secretions tit the stomacti and iivei and producine healthy iclion in those im nnrianl orirans. Thev aie very valuable or diseases of the Skin, and for what is commonly called Impurity of the blood; ilso (or Female Comnlaiins. Costivenes! &c, and in fact every disease where an 4panenl, Alterative, or Purgative Medicine may be requned JANE'S EXPECTORANT. It always cures Asthma two nr three arge doses will cure the Croup or (lives Children, in from fifisen minutes to an hours lime. It immediately subdues the violence of Hooping Cough, and effects a speedy cure. Hundreds who have beep iiven up by their physicians as incurrable with 'Consumption,' have been restoredl perferi health, by it. In fact, as a lemedy in Pulmonary Dis eases, no medicine lias ever ooiaincu a higher, or more deserved reputation. C7 I he above .Medicine are all lor sale at ihe store of JOHN .R. MOYER, Uloomshurg. 30 A D MINIS TRA TO IV S X O TICE. The Estate of SUSAXXA TOM LIN SON, late j Centre township, deceaned. NOTICE i hereby givon that letters of admin istration on the ahovo mentioned Estate, have been granted to tho subscriber, living in Cen tre townsnip. All persons indebted lo said estate are heicby notified to make immediate payment, and all tboso having claims arc requested to pre sent thcin properly authenticated lo SOl.OMO.N NKWIIARD, Adm'r. May 17, 1S45, 6w4 Something New flJ-UNDEU THE SUN. AMONG ihe wonders of this age of im provemcnis.tJie subscriber rcspecilully begs leave lo call the attention of his friends am) the public in general to the corner of Main St., where he has just rtcered and opened from Philadelphia a general assortment of CONFECTION A HIES, consisting among other things of Ctfiidies, various cindi oj haismt, J'ntni's, Figs, Sweet and water Crackers, Ot 'anges Lemons , Lemon und Pine apple Syrups. Soaps, Al vtonrfs and lobucco. and all other articles usually kept in a gro eery. Klso a good assortment rf SCHOOL BOOKS ii STATIONARY All of which he will sell a little cheaper than they can be had at any other establish men! in liuise 'diggins. N. IJ. Good while and colered rniis taken in exchange for books ifec. B'.oomsburg, June 6di 1845. M1!RCI.G the present opportunity ol A exnioisitiR his thankfulness to his frierids.aml the public generally, for the liberal patronage he has heretofore received, informs hi friends and the public in general, that ho still continues to carry on the above butties ut his old established Maud, on the corner ot Main and East ftrec's, where he nopes, by strict attention to business, to receive and merit a sham of public patronage as heretofore, fie dcemR it unnecessary to go into the game of brag, or to use any soft rodder about his SKILL in the PI.OFESMON OF GARMENT CUTTING as his shop is of long standing, and bis work be thinks will speak for itself, and far more louder than words. But, ho would merely say that, he warrants hia work done with neatneps, durability, and in the latest fashionable manner, and will en ure a good fit in all cases. N. ii. Charges moderate to suit the times. Al kinds ofcotmtry pioduce tuken in exchange fti work, at market prices. Dhvonioburg, Nov. 9 1844. 29. rfn'lE subscriber bavin jt pi iced HIS AC jjg COUNTS in the hands ol CHARLES KAlILEU, Escj fir collection, reipiesta all those iudsbtej to him tither to come forward and pay (heir resoectivo dues, or else confess judgment lor the same on nr before tho FIRST DAY OF i LLY N EXT und Siva cost. E II BIUOS May 20, i843 5 ( hair Manufactory- fffVIE subscriber having established a IP c ii. I lit .jz.i.yl F.I cronr on mm- street, near tho residence of L. II. Maus, he is now prepaied to furnish Chaiis of every description, on as good terms as they can bo purchosad elsewhere it the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as Bed Pasts, IVaqgon Hubs, Hose Blocks, fyc. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL 4- HOUSE PAINTING. Also HOUSE PAPERING. Phil latter branch, from his experience, he bcliovos ho can do a little better ban any other person in this section. rrVrOl'LAR PLANK will be taken in pay rncut at the highest f Kct price Bloomsourg, July 4, 184 s ;ui NAILS, SPIKES; &c. The llioomsburg K- It. Co WILL keep constantly on hand, a large surtinent of NAILS, SPIKES. AND IRON which thev will sell by WHOLESAI E and RE TAIL, and on aa good terms ti articles can. be eleuhere purchased. Men-hauls anil others, may find it to their interest to call- .11 liimly nf nniin received in navmciit. JOSEPH I'AXTON, Pbes)pst PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED The Copartnership heretofore existing under ihe fi.m of SILVERTUORN UOONE, in the IMacksmithing Business, is Dissolved by mutual consent. The Books aie in the hands of Marshal silver thorn, lo whom all having claims on, or are indebted lo, said firm, are requested u apply immediately for settlement. MARSHAL SILVEKTHORN. JUAH BOONE Bloomsburg, March 28, 1815. 40 iTThe Business, in future, will he car ricd on at the old stand, by the subscrihei who solicits a continuance of the niMmi as old friends, and of us many new once of may please call. fll. S1LVUK1 11UUN. March 28.-49 BloomslMLirg YAIU). The suiisci ibcrs have esiatilishcd at tin above place, a new MARBLE YARD. and will always be ready, al the lioriesi notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB- TA B L ES, TOMB-STONES, HEAR Til JAMBS, MANTLES.PA1NT STONES, MULLERS, Sic. or any other work in their line. They mi also prepared to luruisi WINDOW CAP! and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS, Sic. either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol sione that can be procured in this vicinity. liT'IIavinfl had considerable experience in ihe business, tiiey pledge their work U be executed in ns handsome a stylo as :;ir he furnished from sny vnrd eiiher in the city or country; and on as reasonable tonus. A KMaTKUMi & IlLGIIUJS. Bloomsburg, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 SWAN HOTEL, Orangeville, Columbia county, Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs tlir public that he has leased this large three lory Tavern, now in the occupancy of Mi Georce Seiple, in Orangeville, Columbit. county, Pa., and intends moving into it or the first of April next, where he will bi pleased lo tee his old friends and customer; As h is TABLE will always ho furnished with (he best ihr market affords, His BAR with the choices- nf Liquors And his STABLE, attended b faithful Hostlers, he flatters himself that lit will be able to give general satisfaction CONVEYANCES will always be ready lo transport waiermer on their route, I C JOHNSON Jlaroh 15, 1845 if CIIAHLKS It. IUJCK ALEYV Attorney at Law. GJice South side nf Main st. oppositi t.yer if lidjley e store, lr-7-Wll.L ATTEND COURTS IN THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. ' Tho ISigiit of Search.'' JiNEW ARRIVAL OFJDI Ready Made Clothing. The subscriber Iibs iosl received a larjic sMnriment of READY MADE CLOTH- ING, wiich will be sold as cheap for Cash as they can be purchased in the county. Call and examine for yourselves, ss ihe Right of Search is guarantied lo all. J. It. MOYER. June 7, 1813.-7 Chair Wanufactoy, 1 11 subscriber continues lo carry on the CHAIR MX NUFAO TO 7 1 N G business at the old aland of II- & ft, Hsget buch, where he will hn ready at all lime to furnish Fancy & iudsorChaiis, ttel lees, Boston Rocking Chairs Li, o! evon description, which inav be called lor, a' short notice and on the most reasonabli terms. He will also execute House, Sign A Ornamental Painting, and House Papering, in a superior manner, From his experience in the business, and ins laciiiiies oi :nanulaciunng the various articles of his line, he flatters himscl! thai he shall be able to furnish as good work anu upon as reasonable lerins as can or done in the country, all of which lie will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. B-Orders from a distance will be strictly ai.d punctually attended to. I) HAGEN BL'CIL Bloomslurg, Dec 30, 1843 BLOOMSBURG Cabinet Ware House. HE sulurcriber would respectfully infoiin the public, that be has taken the sh p lately oc d by 6'amuel Lilly, near Ihe upper eud of nisburg, whore be is carrying on the in all its various branches, arid where he will bo happy o wait upon all thoso who may favor him with their custom. His Furniture is wai ranted to lie made of good matoiial and durable, and be in tend) kocpiug on hand Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus. Wardrobes. Ciird Tables. Dining Tables. Breakfast Tables, Cupboards. Stands, IVash Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-troughs, Coffins, SfC. uid all kinds of work in his line, which he will sell upon as reasonable terms as they can be purchased in the county. By strict attention to business he hopes to re ceive ashao of public patronage. ELI IIKOWN. April 25, 1815. lyl NOTICE. LL persons knowing thenmelvos indebted te ... . . , . i jl'J lliesuuscriuel, art requested to come iiuwaru mil make payment. 3i-?kK & HIDES' -vill be taken in payment as usual, and received in wxchango for LEATHER. PHILIP CIIRISTM. Bloomsburg, May 1 1, 1S45 4 JOHN IrlARSSLC, Harness, Saddle & Trunk Manufacturer; ESPECTFl.'LLY informs the public that he 5 ha.-, located him.uilf in tho shop door toftaniucl Hagenbuchs Chair Factory, Vain strenl Cioomsbutjj, Columbia cuunty, wlieie lie willca ry nn the above bus ness in all its branches. He will keep constantly on hand fine and coarse One and 7 wo Horse Harnesses, Horse Collars, Saddles, Bridles and Trunks; i$-f. if every description J ind having bad a long oxpc i in the busiiicjs, bo can furnish us good work, and ai cheap as can no purchased in tho county (j-All kind" of country produce taken in pay ment for work, ut the minkct prices. May 10, I815b'm3 TO THE SEVERAL COLLECTOKS OF COUNTY ND STATE TAX IS COLU3IDIA COUNTY. Whereis, to euabJe the Slate to meet Let liabilities on the first day of August next, i is necessary that ihe Siato Tax assessed n ;he different counties under the Act ! As sembly relaiing thereto should be prompt Iv paid to the Stale Treasurer, And Whereas, by the provisions of the Act ol 29th April, 1841. il the Quota ol any Uoun ly be not paid lo the hiale 1 reasnrer, on oi before the 2d Tuesday of January in each year, the balance so remaining unpaid, alter deducting Commissions, (tc. shall be charj? ed to said county, and shall there aftet beat hi interest ol five per cent, till paid. AND ALSO, that if any county shall pay inli tho State Tressory, us quota of otaie tax. 15 days prior to ihe first lay of August in any year, sue Ii coumy shall be entitled lo a deduction of live per cent, on Ihe amount sr oaiu. it bi ine thus toaoe me inicresi, t well as the duty of the several counties uromptlv to pay their proportion of the lax es hssessed upon them. And H hereus by to doing Columbi; County will be entitled to an abatement on her State tax of from five lo six hundred dollars, Then fme, Resolved. That the several collectors oi County and State tax in Columbia countt be earnestly requesied to make every if fort lo co led and pay over to the Count) I'reasurer the amount ol estate tax charged in their duplicates on or before the twelfth Iy of July nexl, at which day the several Collectors are hereby required to meet at the Commissioners' Office to rece ve then exonerations on their duplicates of State tax. JOHN 11 EDGAR, SAMUEL MEARS, FREDERICK M 'BRIDE, Commissioners. Cokmissionfks Office, Danville, ) June 12. lr-35. WAXTKD, Two Apprentices fWO tho LAST and liuOT 'If EL Making bu rl sines, f-niart iielive hovs t-etween Ihe ages of 15 and 17 will rcrcivo good tnceti-ago. ment upon Immtdia.e application to the subseriber. ci.M(K UBHIVE Bloomsburg, June 14,1640 6tf m8 Mew ocmIss Iletllcy & JUeiidctiha!!, Usve jusi ieceiveil,aml are now opening At the old stand of Eycr & Iljjley, A.N JiXTEXSIVE ASSOKTMEN'f OP PKING ANp SUMMElt GOODS, Cuisietivg of every oi-e ywutly kept iti a cuuiitry ttoit, VumtiiJ thoir asortnint will beound,o( pity coops- Cloihsj CassitJicri's; Saitineits. Oambroona &c. lur summer pantsi Calicoes, Chintz; Ilalyonnes; Lswns and Crape Dtlanes CyC for diesses, Hosiery; Gloves Si Mills; Handkerchiefs, Scarfs; brown and bleached, Shirtings (to. colored Yam; Laps and Wadding; Bonnets and trimmings, They have also; Palm Hals; Travelling Baskets; Looking Glasses and Brat Clocks. GKOCEiiIKS. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molassess, Pep- per, Spices, in fact every thing jo this line thai may be called for. Crockery, A general assortment of Trace Chains, Shovel. Nail.", Spikes, and ihe usual variety of Loc !;., Screws, Hulls, &c, Rolled and U Jr Iiorj, Hoop and band Iron, Waou tire of all size?, DRUGS, P.-UNTS, & OIJ.S. All of which they will se'J on the most reasonable terms aud receive in payment all kinds of country produce. May 10, 18153m. 3. rgjHE Danvillo Steam Woollen Factory, (nr. merly owned and occupied by Lr. I'etrikin, nis recently hi en purchased by the subscriber, who espectfully announces to his friends and the pub ic eiierally, (hat he is now prepared to cxrctito ill kinds of work in his line ol business, nt ilu dioftcst notice, according to odr, und in the best ompatttive maimer. Having gone to eonsidera tie expense in repairing his machinery and appa. atus and being very- porticulur in seeming the ser iees of experienced uiuehunics, he feels ciilidi ht ilvt ho is capabl.o uf executing all kinds of work in his lino in a style uitpcriu) lo any other cstuMiah? merit inl he country. J'nces of oik us lulluv s : t'iuth i j ard wjdt; licbt and dark, from i- to f,j cents pel yard Do bottle eroiiB, olive brown, &c. f; urn 10 to fiO Sulicets of the above colois, from 40 to 41 Flannels one yard wide, 30 cents. Wine, brown or black, 4o Madder rod. 46 6'ianket 2 yds wi''ci Iwi'lcdor plain, from CO to 70 cents per yard. & FTJLLI1TG It ill bo dune iu the best manner, and al the usii. ai prices All kinds of country produce wiil lo taken in payment for wcrk (it uuvillc n.aika prires, SA TITNETTS; FLANNELSi CLOTHS BLANKETS; Constantly on hand, fur sale at reduced prkc lor Cash or Uater. For tlwj accommodation of customers living ot a distance wool for ilanul'acturiiig will be taken iu at the following places : COLUMBIA t'OLNTY. Isaac Kliue'a Mill, Fisbiiigc cek; Holmes' store, Columbus; Low & Thompson's slorii, Linie-liidue; XV. L. Wallur A, ('o.'s store, Itcrwick ; liVuit & Kiekcts' store, Orangeville; Win. WcKelvy Co.'s store, Wocins- bnrjf ; John 0. Sharpies store, Cattavilsa; I., hi. joI's storo, Jorscy town; Deri cV MclIiido'S store, White all; ytroup's store, Uashingtonviile. Lt'ZrJKMi COL'NTY Ivcvnold'sstro.KiiiKs ton; Gildonlt-ovo's, Wilkshairo; .S'tyeis' store, IMan. ticoke; Jiidne Mack s Mill, Huntington Plain written directum must uccom puny each parcel. 15. K. UljAnr. . Danville, Way 8, 1615-3 11. F. "IlAYHURST, WAGGON XVI A ITER, HLOOMSBURG, FSPECFTL'LLY informs tho pubUc llitt he has loialed himself in Ihe Hiop lattly oeeupied by 7JBA KLuiJLES, in MARKET. STKEET, where be intends carrying on the abo biisincsj in all its various branches. HEAVY WAGGONS built and repaired, as well as one borso WAGGONS AND ItUGGIES- nf every description, and all kinds of Country Work, in Ins line, dune at snoil nonce, finuau tlis most reasonable terms. rrr'Ciood Lumber and all kinds ol t'onnlrv Fro. lure taken inpayment fur work, but Cash vtill nut be refused. April 5, 18ir. fim50 CAUTION. LL persons arc hereby cdulioncd rrfoinpf pur chasing a NOTE.given ov the subscribers to AAICLL McM.NCll, fur ?0. dated April , IS4.rt,iind poyablo six niotiliis oiler date, w ith inte rest after? inonth.aH wc shall refuse to pay the sui.ic when due unless compelled by law, l.uL ijii g re- ceivci a cuiisiueraiiou lor ir. JOHN 'LRSEL. O. II. r, ri'KfcLL. Mnv 31.IP45 fi -A7)JilNIS I RA TO IV S NOTICE. The Estate nf SAMUEL KESTER lnt of Ml Pieananl towimtip; deitascd TVTOTICE i be.eby given that lettere of adniu. J islraliun un the above rncutiui.fd Ltate, i.av been granted to the fcuhscriber. All persons indebted to aid estate are hereby notified lo wake immediate pay oenl; slid all those having claims are requested to pre sent ihcm properlv autlieiill ... JKSE KESTEK of Greenwood, ISAAC KLS'ILH, of Ml. Plcusart; AdminivtraLrV Juie 21, 19i5-i8