Yisconin Territory it gelling to be le 'a place.' Tho Mitwaukifl Daily .iiiial savs that the grow ill of ilia town Milwaukie is fair index of the grotvih ilnt entire region. In 1837. it popula i was 1000. in 18:18, it was 1'200. in to, it was 1800, in 1812, it was 2800, 1814, il was 7000, nnd at ihe present . ii t tdiinoied at ahoul 0000. .nd Milt this increase of population both in own ami country, the va;ious departments of business have kept pce. The Trenton Uazette says: The Chan rellor, on Saturday, allowed ihe wriis ol error applied for by the (counsel of Carter Si l'arkcenienccd lo be hung, so thai their r's go up lo the next leun of the Coon of Errors and Appeals, on il.e third Tues day of July next. There has been c onsumed by fire in the United Simes, during (lie last two months, pioperty to the amount of twelve millions dollar! t-J..1 .'--! Willi two or thiee exceptions, all the tie spapt r that have come to hand within the hist week, wear i lie usual badge ol mnurninf for the death of the Ureal Chi.f. The 4 ill of July , We observe by our exchange papers (hat the approaching 4 ill ol July will be celebrated throughout the land with becoming spirit. The Secretary of the Treasury has dir ec ted silver to the amount of $250,000 to be sent lo the Aint to be coined into dimes and half dimes. This sum will yie'd sixty two thousand five hundred of the former, and three hundred and seventj five thousand of the latter. This is but the commencement of the new coinage. BANISHMENT OF SANTA ANNA. FROM HAVANA AND MEXICO, The Mexican steamer Neptune, Capt. Parkiniton, arrived at Charleston on the 12. h inst., from Havana, bound to New York; pui in for a supply of fuel. Capt. Parkinson informs the Courier thai the 15 r. mail sieumet Aedway arrived at Havana on the 7ih inst , from Vera Cruz, which port she left on the 1st inst., having on board as passengers, General Santa Anna, lady and family, who had been ban ished from the Mexican territories. They wi re to proceed to Venezuela, The Br unil sieamcr Dee also arrived at Havana on the 7 tli iofrl with General linstariieine on oard, on his way lo Mexico, A" Havana papers we find ii ..t.,.,,1 Insulted m ine sireeis of Vera Cruz, jostl I previous to the sailing of the AVedwaj, and that the Ministei had demanded from the Mexican government immediate reparation for the indignity offered, or the alternative of furnishing him with his passports. Gen Santa Anna was received with even riemons'ration of respect on his arrival si Ilaana, being escorted to his lodgings by bands of music, while little attention wa paid to Gen. Bnstamenie, thus shewing thai popular opinion was quite unfavorable to (he newly constituted authorities ol Mexico. We have no positive particulars as lo tlx course pursued by the Mexicen govern menl, in banishing Santa Anna, hoi Capt Parkinson inform us tlm he understood ilia' the decree prescribed an absence of ten yenrs fiat his priviiie property was re specel tint he hml with him a large a- ninu'it "f nt'inny and w is in good personal liealth and f-pinli'. Dr. Mi'A'ister, of Vlhnv. states that I I - I L I . . ' . . I ' Iirm-irm!i , pr'icinrpti nv ornwing a iooti mst he a'lv siniinul tiv inirinliii'ino ioin the cavity a piece of 'ork binned ton ctisp. MEXICAN VlP.MS. Some scraps f new a re brmighi by tin Anahuac, whose arrivdl we announced on bahiruay. onita Ana s baniatimenl, l spiieais, is nol for ten years only, bul for life. Canalizo, w ho wns President ad interim gave h m the command of the army,1 anil Cieneral Bassadre, are banished for ten years, receiving, however, a pension equa1 to hall me amount ol tnetr nay wime in office; this pension to be forfeited by re in ova I from the residence assigned. The republic is said to be in a very tin tfttled condition, and in danger of another evolution. The government was badly in want of money, A hoMilo leeling against trie unnea nia.es prevailed, v. un a general ab er B0Ulh 6 j degrees east 276 perchei belief that Texas would not annex Com' a fc8,0ie nld lhe(106 1)0rih 78 degrees The recent fire at Quebec dcfrojfd sixteen hundred and thirty houses. The yield of wool, this year. in Jackson county Michigan will be al least 50.000 pounds. Peaches were sold in London on the :ih of May, for 5 1 ,25 each. INTERESTING INCIDENT. A young My of Clarkssville, Tenn., recently became insane from reading novels She lied Iron, her home, not with a man, a young ladies devoted to such studies usual ly do. but in the gaib of or.e of the mascu dine vender, and obtained employment an journeyman tailor in a neignoernuou - . . , town, where l.er friends found her anu transported her to Ltinatio a Asjlnm. MA II Hi El). On ihe 27ih tilt. by ihe Emanu Rev. J. W. Yeomans, I). I). Mr. Et llAurr, of Sliamokin, lo Miss Rachel CAMPDiat, of Danville. On Thursday 24th inst. by T. Vander slice Mr. Joskpu Rucii of Bloomsburg to i'i KtniTii Ovkrdurf ol the same place. DIED Oa the S2J inst, inBloom ahnrir. Marv Catharine, eiues daughter of Mr. Jacob Ktswick aged 7 years. So fades ihe lovely blooming (lower Frail, smiling solace of an hour; So soon our transient comforts fly And pleasures only blood to die.' In Bloomsburg on the 14th inst. IIar rikt, infill Daughter of Uev. i. J. Wal ler. In Morganville, on Wednesday last, William McKklvy aged one year, son ol Miclnel Whiienight. THE MARKETS. Bloomsburg, June 28, 1S45 Wheat, 80 Rye, Corn, Cloverseed, Flaxseed, Butter, 0..ts, Tallow Lard Dried Apples, While Zfeans Beeswax . 50 40 3 25 1 25 2l 25 6 10 7 50 55 25 ADMINISTRATOR' S NO TICE. The Estate of SUSANNA TOM LIN SON, lute of Centre township, deceased. NOTICE is hereby givon that letters of adrnin ialrution on the altovo mentioned Exlute, liave been granted to tho subscriber, living in Cen tre townenip. All persons indebted to said cslute aio hereby notified to make immediate payment, and all those having claims are requested to pre sent thent prnperly aulheiilicnted to SOLOMON MEW HARD, AJm'r. ,.MyJ7.ii1S15 6w4 SHEltlrF SAT S. BY virtue of a writ of levari facias to me directed, will be exposed lo public sale at the Court House, in Danville, on Sat urday, the fifth day ol July next, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described properly, to wit : All those certain six tracts of Land situs led formerly in the township of Cailawbsa, iiounty of No.ihumherlaad, but now in the township of Milflm, Columbia county, Penn ivlvania, one of them called, ' Ualbec,' be ginning at a post, ihence by lands of James VIcNeal, north 12 degrees west.342 peich s to a chesniil Oiik, thence by lands of Wil liam Cray and William Siedman, south 78 legiees west 170 perches to a post, ihence ny lands of Jeremiah JacKson, souili 12 d' -nirees east 410 pen lies to a post, thence by and ol f.diard Brook, north 78 degrees Aesl 15 perches to a dogwood, thence north 12 degrees west 15 perches lo a poM. thence north 78 degrees east 82 perches to a black oak, thence bv an old survey nonh 12 de rees west 25 peiclies to a hickory and orth 32 degrees east 34 perches to the place ol beginning, containing 4l2i acres mil allowance of 6 per cenf lor roads. V hereon is erected TWO LOG HOUSES, TWO STABLES, j a , j I sfic.'WT tint abooi 25 acres of land cleared, - ALSO- Another of them called Ailinyra;' he- aioiiing at a pom thence by land of !i?obert (.Jrav, north 12 degrees west 410 perches to a post, ihenee hv land ol William vMeii nan south 78 degrees west, ICG perches lo h post, thence by land ol John rady souili 12 decrees east 410 perches to a post, and ihence bv land of John Wild and Richard Brook north 78 degrees east 160 perches In the place nf beginning, containing 4UIJ acres and allowance ol 0 per cenl for loatis ALSO Anoiher of ihem railed ' Stone Hall,' be winning al a post ihence by land of John Brady north 12 degrees west 363 pe rche to a post, ihence by lanu oi L-naries nai south 78 degrees wesl 271 peiclies to chesnut, thence by land ol Caihanne Long poniatninir 4381 acres and allowance of six ner rem fur roada. Whereon is erected a i iW Stone Dwelling Hodse and about one sere of land cleared, and there is a vein of coal on the tract. ALSO- Anotlicr of ilicm called 'Farmers' Dc light,' beginning al a post thence by lund of William Sled nan nortll 1UJ uegiecs west 310 perches to a Spanish ok. Uience oy . .... ... . I land of William 'VebD soutii 7 uegree ... I (VI ..Hr...lii lo black oak. i hence by land of Thomas Sey south 10 degiees east 24 perches to a chesniil, ihence by land ol Uharles Hall souili 4 degrees easi avi perches tu a post, thence by land ol John llrady north 78 degrees east 130 percties io an oak, thence noiih 12 degrees west HU nerches to a white oak, and north 78 oe- irees east 8 perches to the place ol begin ning, containing 418 acres and allowaace il'O per cent tor roads, &o. ALSO Anolhet of ihem called Troy,' begin ning al a post thence by land of Jeremiah Jackson north 12 degress west 410 perches to a post, ihence by land of William l'.IJra dy south .78 degrees west 80 perches lo an ash. thence south 78 degrees west per ches to a post, ihence by land of John Reese south 12 degrees east 203 perches to a post ihence by laud of Thoaias Brooks north 78 detrees east 20 perchss to a cnesnui oak, ihence souili 12 degrees last 41 perches to a black oak, thence by ihe same and John Wild not ill 73 degrees east 100 perches to a black oak, ihenee south 12 degiees east 95 perches to a white oak, and north 78 eisl 80 perches to ihe place ol beginning, containing 42lJ acres and allowance of six per cent lor mads, ALSO- Another af them called 'Maine,' begin aing at a post, ihence by land nf William l Bridy north 8J degrees west wi percn es to a chesniil, thence by land of Thomas Say and Jesse Budd soutii 71 degrees wesi 188 perches io a post, thence by land oi Thomas Bellows south 55 degrees east 80 perches lo a chusnul oak, ihence by '.he same and land ol John Longanvrger houui 188 perches to a chesnul oak, thence by laiidofs-iid Longahe.ger south 70 de grees west 124 perches to a post, ihence south 16 degrees east 104 peiclies to a chesnui tree, and thence by land of Juhn Reese north 78ldegrees east 271 perches to the place -f beginning, containing 381 asies and allowance of 0 per cent lor roads, Sic. Seized, taken n execution: and lo be sold as the propeiiy of George Miller and terre tenants. -LSO-At ihe somu lime and place, by virtuoofa certain venditionas exponas. A ceitain lot of gtound situate in Mon tour township, Columbia county, containing 0 acres more or less, bounded by laud ol Jacob Riihel, George Kaufman and Daniel Rishcl, whereon is erected a frame House,, a frame Siahle, a Bark House, a Currier Shop and Tanyard, with '.ho appurtenances. And Also, on all the interest, share and partition ol the defendant in all that certain tract of land situaiu in Montour township, Columbia county, containing oob bundled teres more or lees, adjoining lands of Hen ry Weriuien, Christopher Woertle and oth ers, beingiall the right of di fondant in the slate ol Baylor, deceased, lathar ol eTernltm. Seized, taken in exec..'.;;" and to be sold s the property of John lay I nr. " HUM DERR. Sheriff. Sheriff". Office., Danville, June 11, 1815. Something New p-UNDEll TIIE SUN.J3) A MO NO the wonders of this age of im provenicnijiiihe subscriber respectfully beg leave to call the attention of his friends anil he public in general to the corner of Main St., where he has just rtcei"ed and opened from Philadelphia a general assortment ol CONFECTIONAKIES, oni.iini! among other ihings of Candies, vnrinus kinds of Raisins, Prunes. Figs, Sweet and water Crackers, Oranges Lemons, Lemon and Pine apple Syrups, Soaps, Al mauds and labucco. md all other articles usually kept in a gro ?ery. ilso good asRoitrrienl nf SCHOOL BOOKS Si STATI WARY All of which he will sell a liule cheaper than they r.n be bail al any oilier establish netit in the-ie 'tligj.Mrs. IN. Ii. Omul white anil coleretl rags taken in exchange for hunks &ct O. V. KAUL.ISK. B'.oomsburg, June Oih 1845. V-U. est! H7MHUCIXO tho present opportunity ol E A exptetsing his thankftihieKS t liix fiiendn.nnri ihoiiubhcuciiBfallv.ini the liherul patrnnace be ha heretofore received, informs bi friends sod the public in general, thai he Mill conlintiesto carry on he above business at lua old eiliiMislied MiitiJ, on he corner of Main and East strrc's, whers he noprs, by strict attention to btisinets, lo receive mil merit s shaic ot puhlic patronage as nereioiore . HedcemsitunneceMary to ro into the game ot uag. or to ue anv soft coddcr sbout his SKILL in the Pl.OFKJfclGN OF GA'-WI EN I' CUTTING is hix shD is of lona etandioc and his work he hicks will sorak for itself, and far more louder han words. Dot, he woold merely say that, he varrunts his work done with neatneks, durability. ,nJ hi tho latest fashionable manner, sad will en iro seood fit in all catet. N. B. Charges modctatu to suit the time?. A! kinds ofcotmtr piodttce tuktn io eulioiigo (ot vork. at inark' t pner. Clooitmburg, oi. 9 IS 14. "9, WHiu Ii AS I if 1 ILI'j hrnUK subscriber having pliccii ni. At- COUNTS in ihe liantia oi ciiAiu.ca .... I.-... I.- A..M....ft.,.. idU all lli.wrt uvaiilch, i-4 ... indebted to nnn .uoci IO iy their reMoective due, 0,r else confess juilguienl fur tlm auiiie on or btsfurs tho FIK5ST DAY OF JULY NLXT and sva coat, t U UIUU3 May 20, i840 5 Chair IQaiiuhictory. fHlUE subscnlier having estawisncu a o - B ta int ..f.WWCTlir on mm- street, nnur tho residence of L. H. Maus, he is now t . e. ' I. S"l...:. . .f ,laa..ri ntinn nil m food terms a they can b purchftaad cUewhere iirrtrmiPfl Hi I LIT 111111 WUUIII Ul C3iT uows slv.v.., a the county. WOOD TURNING, Such as Bed Posts, Waggon Hubs Jiose Mocks, yc. WON, ORNAMENTAL SIOUSE 1'AINTIiNU. Also HOUSE PAP Ell ISO. ritii lattor branch, from his experience, he believe he can do a littlo better Uisu any other penwu in this section. rrrHOt'LAR PI.AMC will be taken in pay iiiei.t ut tlio Mgliost " .kci price SAMLEL llAU&nuuv,n Bloomsourg, July 4, 184 JH1 MAILS, SPIKESj &C. The Itlnonisblll'ff 11- H, 1- Co WILL keep constantly on hand, a large BOrluicnl of NAILS, SPIKES. AND IKON which thev willacllbvWIIOLESAlK and RE TAIL, a'" m " Sod term the articles m,i bt etctchcrt uurtlntictl. Jlletcianis anu find it to their interest to call- Ml kinds of grain received in pnvmcnt. JOSEPH PAXTOX, PnESiriKST PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. The Cot)rirt.:Rr8hip herctcfore existing under the Cum of S1L V Eli 1 11 UliiV ROOXn. in the B.'icksmithing Business n.olopil hv mutual consent. The Hooks aie in the hands ol' Marsha Silver thorn, to whom all having claims on. oi are indebted to, said firm, are requested u apply immediately for settlement. MARSHAL SlLVElMTIOKN. JUDAII BOONli Bloomsburg, March 28, 1815. 49 IC7'The Business, in futtite, will be car ried on al the old stand, by the subscribe! who solicits a continuance of the custon as old friends, and of as many new otiet of may please call. M. SILVERTIIORN. March 29 49 MAIiHLK YARD The subset ibers have established at the ab..ve P .., $. new M.HUULE YARD, and will always bo ready, al the shortest notice, to furnish to order, MONUMENTS, TOMB-TABLES, TOMB-STONES, II EARTH- J AMDS, MANTLES, PAINT STONE'S, MULLMtS, Lc. or any other work in their line. They an also prepared In lurnisi WIM.iOW OAI1 and SILLS, DOOli SILLS and STEPS, &c either of .Ma.ble, Lime or any kintlol ttone that can be procured in this vicinity. jryllaving had considerable experience in ihe business, they pledge their work lo be executed in as handsome a style as can e furnished from sny yard either in the ity or countrv; and on as reasonable terms. ARMSTRONG & HUGHES. Bloomsbuig, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 SWAN HOTEL, Orangeville, Columbia county, 'a. THE subscriber respectfully informs tin public thai he has leased this large l h ret rory 1 avern, now in ihe occupancy of Mi CJeoree Seiple, in Orangeville, Columbii county, Pa., and intends moving into it on he first of April next, where h will hi pleased lo tee his old friends and customers As his TABLE will alwavs he furnished with Ihe best tin market iilfurds, His BAR with the choices' il Liquors And his'STA BLE.aitended h faiililul Hostlers, he flatters himself that lit a ill be able to give general satisfaction CONVEYANCES will always be ready to transport walerniei hi then route, I C JOHNSON A..rch 15, 1845 tf CIIAKLKS It. BUCKATJ3W Attorney at Law. Office South side of Main-st. opposite Ii c. ..'7..' ry-WIII. ATTEND COURTS IN THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. 4 The Hight of Seaixh. t'.7NEW ARRIVAL OFnl dv iado Clothing. The subscriber has jusl received a larje sssnrtmentof READY MADE CLOTH IN(, wMch will be sold as cheap fur Cash as they can be purchased in the county. Cull and examine for yourselves, as the ' Right of Sesich la guarantied io all. J. R. MOVER. Jons 7, 1615.-7 Chair Manufactoy, THE subscriber continues to carry on te CHAIR JlttNUFACTOaiNQ business at the old stand of B- & 8- Ileger buch, where he will be ready at all timei. to furnish i ancy WtndtorOhatrs, bet tees, Boston Rocking Chairs of every escnption, which may be called ipr. at short notice and on the most reasonable terms. He will also execute House, Sign &. Ornamental Painting, and Uoune Papering, in a superior manner, l rotii his experience in the business, anu his facilities of manufacturing the various articles of his line, he Hatters himser that he shall be able to furnish as good work, and upon as reasonable terms as can be ilnn in the country, all of which he will dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE N. B- Orders from a distance will bt strictly ar.d punctually attended to. Bloomsburg, Deo 30, 1843 BLOOMSBURG Cabinet Ware House. HE subscriber would respectfully infoiinthe public, that he hug taken tho sh ip lululy oc d by .Samuel Lilly, noar the lipgier end of nisburg, wheru be is carrying on tlitf in all its various branches, aud where, he will be happy o wait upon all thoo who may favor him with thoir custom. His Furniture is wairanted to bemude of good matciial and durable, and liu in tend) keeping on hand Sidebuurds. Secretaries, Bureaus. Vardrobes, Card Tables, Dining Tubles. Breakfast Tubles, Cupboards. Stands, W ash Stands, Bedsteads, Dough-t roughs, Coffins, 'C. and all kinds of work in his line, which ho will sell upon as reasonable terms as they can be purchased in the county. By stuct attention to business ha hopes to re ceive a share of uublio patronage. ELI BROWN April S5, 1816. ly I NOTICE. I.I. persona knowing themselves indebted to the subscribe!, are requested io couiu unim and make payment. BARE & HIDES. will be taken in payment as usual, and received in xchaiigeforLEATHEK. PHILIP CHRWTMN Bloomsburg, May 1 1, 1S15 4 JOHN BIARKLB, Harness, Saddle & Trunk EJanufacturcr "R ESriXTFC'LLY informs the public that ho Bi, has located himself in the shop next door io hamucl HaRcnbHchs Chair r actoty, .Wain street CioomabuiK, Columbia county, wh?rc lie willca ry on the above bus neas in all Its branches, lie will keep constantly on hand fine and coaiso One and 7wo Horse Harnesses, Horse Collars, Saddles, Bridles and Trunks: &-c. jf every descrijilion i snd having had a lonj expe rience in Hit r J J'ln turniali as tfoou worn, and a-i cheap as can be purchased in lliu clniV) rrTAII kinds of country produce taken in pay ment for work, at tho market prices. May 10, Id 15 b'm3 TO THE SEVERAL COLLECTORS OF COUNTY ND STATE TAX IX COLU3IBIA COUA'TY. Whereas, to enable the Stale to meet her liabilities on the first day of August next, ii is. necessary that l he State Tax assessed in :he different counties under the Act of As- .eiiihly relating thereto should be prompt 'v paid to ih e State Treasurer, And Whereas, by the provisions of ihe Act ol 29th April, 1841, il the Quota of any Coun ly be nol paid to the S'.ate Treasurer, on or before the 2d I uesttsy ol January in each veer, the balance so remaining unpaid, alter deducting Commissions, Sic. shall be chan; ed to said county, and tdiall thereaftei bear n interest of five per cent, till paid. AND ALSO, that if any county shall pay into ihe Stale Tressury, its quota of Slate lax 15 days prior to tne lirst cay oi August id , n y year, such county shall be entitled to a leduct.on of five per cent, on the amount so ,iaid, it being thus made the interest, s well as the dutv ol the several counties promptly to pay their proportion of the lax -s assessed upon ihem. And II hcrtus by so doing Columbii Comity w ill be entitled to an abatement on iter Slate tax of from five to six hundred dollars, 1'herefoie, Resolved. I hai the several eollectors ol County and Siaie tax in Columbia count) be earnestly requested lo make every 1 1 tori to collect and pay over lo Ihe Countt Treasurer tho amount tf State tax charged m their duplicates on or belore the twelfil lay of July next, at which day the several Collectors are hen by required lo meet gi he Commisf loners' Office to rece ve their exonerations on their duplicates of Slate JOHN B EDGAR, SAMUEL MEARS, FREDERICK M 'BR IDE, Commissioni-rs. Cokmissionkrb' Office, Danville, June 12. 1855. WANTED Two Apprentices O the LAST aniiiJiJO T TKEB Msking hu rineas. rmart active boys between the sirs of 15 and 17 will recivo good encourage umiil upon iuimodis.e spi'licslion to the subscriber bIMON C BHIVE Dlcomibtirg, June 14,115 8 if ua8 New GootBs. llcfllcy & JlfiidcnliaU, Have just received,and ee now opening yft the old ttaml ojf Eytr Ilffley, A.V EXTKNSIVK A3SQUTMENT OF SI'RINQ APsD SUMMEK GOODS, CoiUting of every iiic utuully kept in a country ttvtt, Among their assortment will be Iound,of DR.Y GOODS ClolhsjUassirueres; Sailinelts, Oambroonsj (fee lor summer pants; Calicoes, thini?; Balyoiiiies; L.awn and Crape Delanes (fee. for diesses, Hosiery; Gloves Si Mitts; Handkerchiefs, Sctrfs; browt) and bleached Shirtings feo. colored Yam; Laps and Wadding; Bonnets and trimmings. They have also: Palm Hats; Travelling Baskets; Looking Glasses and Brass) Clocks. GROCERIES. Sunar. Teas. Coffee. Molas.ess. Pep? per, Spices, in fact every thing in thu i . i .i- - 1 1 i s line inai may oeconeu lor, Crookcry, A general assortment of Trace Chains, Shovels, Nails, Spike?, and the qaqal variety of Locks, Screws, liults, &c, Rolled and Bar Iron, Hoop and band ron, Waggon lire of all size, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All of which they will sell on the most reasonable terms and receive in payment all kinds of country produce. May 10, 18433m. 3 . SDanvillc VIE Danvillo Steam Woollen factory, lor5 merly owned and occupied by Lr. I'clrikin. muroccotly Uten purcbuscd by Ihe subscriber, who respectfully announcos to his fiienda and the pub lic generally, that he is now prepared to execute ill kinds of work in his line ol business, at the .hortcHt notice, according to order, and in the beat comparative nicnner. Having gone to considera te expense in repairing his machinery and appa ratus end being very particular in secu'ing the ser viceH of experienced mechanics, ho feels confident that he is capable uf executing all kinds of work in his line in a style stiperioi to any other eatablis! in Put in the country. Prices of oik as follow Cloth I vards wide light and dark, from 4!) tu cuts per yard Do bottle greins, olive brown, Ac from 60 lo i Satii:et of the aboo colon, from 40 to 4 Flannels ono yard wide, 30 cents. Wine, brown or Hack, 40 Madder red, 45 ilanket yds wi'e; twi'h Jof plain, from p0 to 7Q cvnts per yard. CAxlDIlIG &7TJLLI1TC3- Itill be dons in the best manner, and at the usu al prices All kinds of country produce will b ttikeu in paynient for yuk at ZJaiiville nioiket prices, SAT1TNETTS; FLANNELSt QLOTIJSS; BLANKETS Constantly on hand, for sale afrcrJiicc j J'.V'i for L'ah or Barter. For the accommodation of customers living at a distance wool for Manufacturing will be taken in at the following places : COLU.MPIA COUNTY.-Isaac Kline's Mill, Fishingc cck; Holmes' store, Columbus; Low & Thompson's store, Lime-Kidgc; V. L. Waller A Co.'s store, Berwick J tJlewait So Kickct storo, Oiangi'villc; Wm. Jclielvy Co.'s Blore, Illoonis burg ; John G. Sharpie' store, CattawiHa; L. bi .el's store, Jersey .own; Deri & McBride's store, White all; Stroup's store, iranhiugtouville. LL'ZERNE COUNTY' Reynold's store. Kings ton; Gildernlecve's, WilUbaire; i'lyeis' store, Nurii ticokc; Judge Mack's Mill, Huntington. 7am written directions must uccom pany each parcel. B. R.GEARHEART. Danvillo, May 3, 1815-S S7f7iiayiiui.st, waggon maker, BLOOMSBURG, RESPECFTL'LLY informs tho public llmt he has located himself in the Shop lately occupied by Z1BA Rl'GULES, in MARKET STREET, where ho intends carrying on the above business in all its various branches, HEAVY WAGGONS built and repaired, as well as one iiorso WAGGONS AXI HUGGIES. of every description, and all kinds of Country Work, in his line, cluneal thoi I noiicc, and on tlm moBt reasonable terms. QjGood Lumber and all kinds ol Countrv Pro dues taken in payment for work, but Cash v. ill not h refused, April 6, I84f. 6ni3t) CAUTION. LI. persons are hereby crlutioncj sgaiiM pur rh.ino n N'O'i n.civiiii ov the subscribera lo AMi;t.L McMNt'H, for tOO- l'a,cd Al rd 1H, 1845, and payaliic six monuis sreronic, v.uu into nft. ninntb.sa ve btiall refuse to i sv the snn.e when due unless compelled ly law, tot iuivng re. ceivad a consideration lor it. JUlliN i'tltotli. 0. 11. r, JTliSEl. Vf,. 51 fl billXlsrUATOR'S NOTICE. The Entitle nf SAMUEL KLSTLit tale of Ml Pleasant township; deicated. TfVTOTICE 1b hc.eby given thut letters ol auinw. I iatrtion on .(be above n'rmioiicd LbIsIc, hav. lirni pranted to the suhwribcr. AH Krfons indebted to aid estnte are hereby notified lo iniikc ioimediale pny "lent; and all tiiow! having cluin.t are requested to pro-sent them properlv nuthtnil. caicd to JESSE KESTEK, of Ureenwoorl, ISAAC KES'l EK, of Mt. Pieuiurit; Administrator' June SI. 1615 68
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers