The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, June 21, 1845, Image 4

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    Tlif pTnyi of M ine ?Icrrliil.
There, now sii.' lo prove Itow inuili
eentlcmen miv be mistaken! I injure
you sir, m I'm so honest man, 1 nrvrr
had but I wo not Is of wine in my ccllrr
port anil sherry.'
Mow! when I myself have tried your
clarH, youi'
'Yea sir, thy clarrt, sir. One is oh
lined lo Rive a gentleman eveiy thing
they ask lor, si , Gentlemen who pay
i heir money, sir, havas rihl lo be sei
ved with whate ver ihey please o order,
ir; especially the young gentlemen
from Cambridge, ir. I'll tall you how
it win, sir. I never would have an)
wines in my houe, sir, bill port Anil
iherry, because 1 know them to b
wholesome wines, sii ; ami tin I wil'
iy, air my port and aheiry were th
very best 'I could procure in Eng
land.' How! the best'.'
Yen, nir. at the price I paid for
them Hut to explain the thing at onre
ir. You muil know, sir, trwl I hadn
been long in business when 1 dicovered
that gentlemen knew very liide aboui
wine, but that if they didn't find some
fault or other they would appear to know
much less, always excepting the young
gentlemen from Cambridge, sir, and
Ihey are excellent judged And hen
Hurley's little eyes twinkled a humor
)us commentary on the concluding
words of his sentence. Will, sir wiih
respect to my dinner wines, I was al
ways tolerably safe; gentlemen seldom
rind fault at dmnar; so whether it might
'isppen lo be Madeira, pale sherry, oi
brown, or'
Why just now you told me you
hsd but two ort of wine in your eel
ler. Very true, ir, port and sherry.
Hut this was my plan, sir. If any on
irdered Madeira from one bottle ol
herry take two glasses of wine which
replace by to glasses of brandy and
dd thereto slight squeeze or lemon
and this I found to give general satisfac
tion especially lo the young gentlemen
if Cambridge, sir. Uui, upon ine woiU
if an honest man, I could scarcely get a
living profit by it, sir lor I alwajs
used the best of brandy. As to the pale
nd brown sherry, sir, a couple ot glass
s of nice pure water, in the plane ol
he same quantity of wine, what 1 uei
io call my delicate pale(hy the by
queeze of lemon added lo that; mad
i very fair Bucellas, sir, a wine not
mnch called for now, sit;) and fur ni)
ild brown sherry, a leetle bjrnt sugai
was the thing, li looked very mucl
ike sherry thai had been twice to in.
Iast Indies, air; and indeed, to my
customers who were very particular
iboul their wines, I used lo serve it ar
But Mr. Burley, wasn't such a pro
ceeding of a characlei raiher ?
i guess what you would say, sir: but
I know it to be wholesome wins a
botiom, sir. But my port was the win
which gave me the most tiou le. Gen
tlemen seldom agree aboJl pin, sii.
One gentleman would say, 'Burley, J
don't like this wine it is loo heavy!'
Is it, sii? I think I can find you a
lighter. Out went a glass of water.
Well, sir I'd say. 'how do you ap
prove of that?' 'Why urn no; ,1
can't say ' ! understand, sir; yon
ike an older wine sojler. 1 think 1
cao please you, sir. rump again
Now, sir,' (viping the decanter with
napkin, and triumphantly holding it u-
he light;; Mry this it you please.'
That s it, Burley, that's the very wine,
bring another bottle of the mm.-.' But
one can't please every body the asm
way, ir. Some gentlemen would com
plain of my port as being too poor
without body. In went one glass of
brandy. If that didn't answer, 'Ay,
gentlemen,' says I, I know what will
please you like a fuller bodied, rough
er wine. In went two or three glasses
if brandy. This used to be a very fa
vorite wine but only with the young
entltimen from Catnortdge, sir.'
'And youi claret?'
My good wholesome port again, sii.
Three wines out, three waters, ons
jinch of tartai ic acid, two ditto oriespow
ler. For a fuller claret, a little biandy
or a lighier claret, more wattr.'
'But how did you contrive about Bit
ijundj?' That was my claret, sir, with from
hree to six drops of hergamot, acconl
ing as a gentleman liked a full flavor or
i delicate flivor. As for chsropigne.
sir, that oi course, I made myself.
'How d) you mean, of course,' Bur
ley?' 'Lord, sir,' said he, with an innocent
yel wagg sh look, 'surely every body
males his own champngnr the what
can become of all tht gootcbenies'
PrOiTttt f f Cincinnati. Cinclnnat
f.irly-five years ago, was a village or log,ih" "tyvxi n
carina in a wilderness, with five hundred UNDERTAKER.
inhabitants. Now it is a city of immense-
irnmmercial and manufacturing importance,
wiih a larjre sntl enterpiising populaiion
. . i. . .
iiuinn-ritig sever.iy uiuiisaiiu aouis noieu
tor devniion to all the arts that adom socie
.. . . ,
ly ind pcculiarize luodern tivilizniiun
Till Hail Tunic ha produce.! beautiful New
Itiiir in Iho heads of hundreds who had been bald
fur years It also purifies the head from Dandrtill
Cures diseases uf llio scalp t'roserves lbs hah
from fulling oil 'or bscoiniug permanently gray
IS a certain, aafa and effectual remedy for Dyt
emery, Diarrluna or looseness, cholera morbus, sum-
mer ciiiiiiliiint, colic; griping pains; aour stomach;
tick and nervous headsch, heartburn, waterbush;
pain or aickntirs of the itomach; vomiting; spitting
up of food alter eating and also where it passes
ihrnugh ni body unchanged ; want of appetite;
roMttnuHiios and inability to sleep; wimd in the sto
mach and bowel; cramp; uervoua tremors and
twitching; seasickness; fainting, melancholy and
lowness of apirita, fretting and crying nf infants
and for all bowel allcctiona and nervous diseases,
Which ia perfectly safe and ao pleanant thai
children will nut refuse lo take it- It effectually
deatrnya worinn: neutralizes acidity or sourness ot
the itomach; increaaea appetite and acta aa a gene
ral and permanent Tonic and ia therefore exceed
inglv beneficial in in'erniitlent ond Remittent kvtn
and indigestion; 4;c and ia a certain and permanent
cur lor Ine lover and ague.
They may be taken at all times and in
most diseases In Inflammatory, intermit
taut, Ucniittenl, Bilious, and every other
lorm of v ever Jaundice and Liver Coin
plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really an
invaluable article, gradually changing tlir
Attiaied secretions of the stomach and livei,
ind producing healthy action in those im
liortanl organs. Thev ate very valuabli
or diseases of the Skin, and for what t
nommonly called 'Impurity of the blood;'
also lor rcmale Lomplainig, Lostivencsc
a a t.
c anu in laci every disease where an
Aparient, Alterative, or Purgative Medicine
may be requited
It always cures Asthma two or three
large doses will cure the Croup or Hives (
uhildreit, m from hlteen minutes to an
hour lime. It immediately subdues the
violence of Hooping Cough, and effects a
apeedv cure. Hundreds who have beer
given up by their physicians as incurrabh
with 'Consumption, have been restored!
peifer.t health, by it.
In fact, as a remedy in Pulmonary Dis
eases, no medicine has ever obtained i more deserved reputation.
C7Tlie above Medicine are all for sale
at the store of JOHN R. MOYER,
Hloomsburg. 36
MHRCING the present opportunity ol
cxpreiuing his thankfulness to his fi iendn.nnd
the public generally, for the liberal patronage lie
has heretofore rcceircd, informs his fnendg and tin
public in general, that he still continues to carry on
the above business at his nld ertablishcd etoud, on
he corner ol Main and East street, where he
nopeg, by atrirt attention to business, to recnivt
nd merit a sharo of public patronace as heretolnre
He deems it unnecessary toga into the parne vi
bra;?, or to use any soft soddcr about his SKILL in
tlio J'liurii.ysiON OF GARMENT CUTTING
is Iuh shop is of long standing, and his work In
thinks will ncak for itself, and far more loudri
than words. But, he would merely say that, he
A-arruuts Ins work done with rieatnens, durability
uid in the latest fashionable manner, and will en
ure a gaod fit in all rates.
JN. U. Charges moderate to suit the times. Al
kinds ofcMir.try pi oduce taken ill exchange fo
work, at market prices.
Ulcomsburg, Nov.9 1844. 29.
Chair Wanufactoy,
THE subscriber continues to carry on
business at the old stand of B- Si S. Hage
tiuoh, where he will be ready at all timet
to furnish Fancy & Windsor Chairs, Sei
tees, Boston Rocking Chairs &c. of every
'irscripiion, wmcn may Ue calieu lor, at
short nbtice and on the most reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sign A
Ornamental Painting, and House Papering
in a superior manner,
From his experience in the business, and
tiis facilities of manufacturing the various
trlides of his line, he flatters liimsel.' that
he shall be able to furnish as good work,
and upon as reasonable terms as can he
done in the country, all of which he w
dispose of for CASH or COUNTRY
N. B- Orders from a distance will be
strictly and punctually attended to.
Bloomiturg, Dec 30, 1 8 13
Cabint OTakins:'
rfflHC subtcrittei respectfully informs the pub-
he that ns bas taki n tbe shop lately occupied
by 0. S. Hay hunt, at tb lower end of Market
street Bloomsburg; where ha intends carrying on
the aboe busineas in all its branches, and solicits a
bars of the patronage of toe public
In connection with the abovs business, be fTer
He will Blways lie ready te make COFFINS for
the same prices heretofore -batRfd in Dloomsburi;.
?nd having supplied himself wih a good HEA HS'E
Im will attend with It at the Funnrnl wiilinut nit
,. '
VAtlU VlldlUVI
Myi0 I61-tn 3
KS'r.('TFn.I.Y informs the ciiizens ol
C'ohnnliia county, and tlio public generally
lint lie bus locnlcd biiiiM-ll in llliiouiHlmrg.on Mniti
'trcet oppnsiie iSt. I'aul's Church, where he bus
iponoit shop, and is now ready and prepared to
receive aud eiecuteall work in his line ol huiiiCHi.
ith dispatch and in a workmanlike manner.
clocks & Watches
if the best quality, can be hud at his cstablinhnient
m very reasouuhle term-.
11 EPA I KING & ( I I'AJ Ifi
will '.io done to lliesati-fiiction of tho customer, at
well of Clocks and Watches aa of Jewelsy, aud he
wiil further, warrant his work to be exe-ute) at
well as any in this section of the Sla'.e, He will
ulso make to order
or pocket, and in ahott, will do all othertvotk vsu-
ally done in a well regulated respectable ettat!ixh
inent. Ho hopes by strict atlr nlion to businc
and a desire to please, to leceive n liberal share
patronage. Country Produce taken in psynien
tor woik at tne market prics.
Dloomsburg, November 15, 1844 -30.1
'prospectus Of
the united states journal
15 y Jesse E. Dow Co.
rTjnHE first number of our new paper will be is
H sued this (first) day of iWuy, with an entiri
new dress new type, lino white paper, with othci
important alterations and Improvements, I he pa
per will be devoted to a fearless exposition of De
mocratic principles; it will zealously and unremit
tingly oppose each and every effoit to establish a
mammoth monarchy bank and other nusehicvoui
corporuliona and cnnsolodtions of wealth, whicli
subverts the rights of the people and undermine
tlio pillars ot the Kfpublit-ut will oppose an oppres
sive and anti-republican tarilf system, the assump
tion of the Stalo debts by the General Government
ind all oilier Federal principles which have an in
evitable tendency to destroy public prosperity as
well as individual h.ippiness. Against all such po
litical delusions we snail wage unchanging, un
compromising war.
J he farmer and Mechanic who produce all tin
real capital of the nation, will find in our paper an
i.nwaveiiug champion nf their iualiciiible rights;
i lie long cherished principles of the editors are toi
well known lo tho public lo require any nh-dgo oi
this point. To the Miscellaneous Department
particular nttention will be devoted, the l.ndics wil
always find in our columns a choice si-leclinn I'ron
the current literature of the day, as well as originu
contributions Ironi the most lulcnted writers o;
which ourcouniy can boa'.. A general summnn
of Foreign and Domeiticncws w ill bo furnished; i
regular price curient and a correct list of the price?
of stocks will also be given.
The conductors have already secured llie aid out
rn-opcralion of a lurce number of the most distin
flushed literary and political writers of the day
ir.-angemeiis will aso be made, at tht earliest pe
riod ponsibln, to embellish our columns by the cm
tributioiisof correspondents from abroail. Will
this brief and imperfect outlineof our plan, we vcr.
e-pectliiliy suhmit our claims to an extensive pa
ronage to the consideration of a generous public,
r J II btr II UiUo rlSK.? P
t JESSE DOW, f EniToiiv,
Weekly paper by the year f2 01
do for six months I 0(
denii Weekly paper by the year, in advacec 5 lit
do do for less than a year, nOi ts,
per month.
flaily paper by the year, in advance 10 0(
do for less than a year pi per month.
Subscriptions lo the Daily for less than two, ti
the Semi-Weekly for less than four, or to llii
Weekly for less than six months, will not be re
If not paid within the year, the 7)aily paper will
lie $12, tho 6em i-weekly G, und the Wcely $'i 51
a year.
All payments to lie made in advance. Those wlw
have an opportunity of paying otherwise, mat
remit by mail, at our risk, postage-paid. Tin
ostmastcr s'ccrtificatc of such remittance shall be
a sufficient receipt therefor. The notes of any
jpecio paying bank will be received.
Brandreth's Pills.
O LAD und understand ! The time will enme
when the medicine, Draudreth 'ills, will l
appreciated as ihey oufiht and deserve: it will be
undcistood that Dr. Urandieth has the strongest
Maims upon the public. It is true that every in
lividual who makes a trial of the JJiundrelh Tills
concede them to be the best medicine they ever
useo. 1 liey are indeed a medicine obout which
there is no mistake. Their vulue in a climute so
-hangcublc as ours cannot be sufficiently appreciat
ed A free perspiration is at once restored , thin
hey cure colds, and consumption is prevented.
I'hose who have a redundancy of bile find them ol
'he most essential service, and should there be a de
ficiency of that important fluid the ISrandrcth I'ilU
iiave an equally beneficial eflcct. Often has this
important medicine saved valuuble lives in those re
gions where the dreadful yellow fever was prevail
ing, A few doses taken immediately upon the in
fection being received into tht system, will bt al
most certain to prevent any innteriul iuconveoi nee.
And at no stage uf this df-cadl'ul epidemic is (here
so proper a medicine us tho Dreudrelh Pills. Let
this medicine be universally n.vcd in this
disease, aud no loss of bioud allowed, and few,
very few, would be its victims. So it is with other
diseases. Assist nature with this all imnorrant
medicine to remoi-e morbid humors from the blood,
and do not resort lo bleeding or mercury, and we
shall have a very great scarcity of persons afflicted
with cronic maladies. The feathered tribe the an
imal kingdom- over which we are the lords, are
nut aOlicted with chronic maladies; neither should
we be if it were not for our priae which occasion?
them. Follow nature. Use the medicine whi- h
harmonizes wiih her, which mildly but surely re
moves all the impurities of the blood, w hich strength
ens tho feeble, and yet reduces those of too full habit
toa healthy standard. Let nm strain sav thaUterv
department of the manufacture of Brandrelh I'ilU
is personally superintended ly ine, and that every
box with my three labels upon it may be relied uo
on to have the beneficial effect desrribed if used
according to the directions accompanying.
AUKN 1' S.
Washington Robert M'Kay.
Jarseytown L. 4 A. T. fliscL
Dsnville E. B. Reynolds dr Co.
Cattawiisa C. G. Drobst.
Blooroshurg J. R. Moyer.
Limestone Babbit & M'Ninch.
Buckhorn M. (J. Shoemaker.
Lime Ridge Low & Thompson.
flerwick-J W ililes
May 3, 1845 ly- 2.
ICTJiiflifalJIaiik EXECUTIONS and
SUMMONS just printed and for sale at
his OiOce
Concerning the Itemnval J the Seul
i J Justice of t iilumlrxi County
from Danville to Hloomsburg.
Section I. lie il enacted by the Henule am'
oiiho ol ItcprcMcntiitives nf ibe Conimonwealh o
leiinsylvuniu in (iomrnl Assembly met, and it i
hereby e acted by the aulhoiity of tho same, Thai
it shall und may bo lawful I'm the i,uallfad 'o
tcis who have Hcsldcd In Columbia Coun
ty for ul i. K.I. ST SIX V. il.K. U.lh
.HO.Y'fl.V immtdintely preetdiiig Hit next (Sen
rrul littetiuH, to vote at such election upon tin
tieslion olthe removal of their Scat ot Justice Iron
Danville to said county, in the man
lier following, to wit.-hose in favor of a lU'iiinH
shall vote a written or printed ticket libelled
"SEAT OF JLSTICE," mid containing tin
words FOR l)L( HI.MSVUKG," aud thoc ..p
posed to a Kelnoviil, hIiuII vote a wiitteu or pilot
ed ticket labelled as aforesaid, and roiilaiuini: tin
words" FOR DANVILLKi'Mliesaidlicketslol!
deposited in a box which shall ls provided fur linn
purpose at each and eveiy of the election polls ol
said county, and llie returns of said election shall
be maile in the same manner by the KYlum Judgo
as in the case of the election of Membi is of tin
Assembly, and if on the meeting of tho Return
Judges it shall appeur lhat a majority ot the voter
have linen given in favor of liloou-.sbuig, then tin
following sections of this act shall be of full foici
and ell'ect; but if il shall appear that a majority ol
votes have been given against Uloomsbur, thei
the following set-lions of Ibis act shall be null dj- void
Sec. 2. That if a majority of the voters of sail
county of Columbia, qualified as al'oiesaid, vuiini
on said question of Removal, shall decide in tin
munner provided in the fust section of this act it,
fuvor of tho Removal of the Seat of Justice of saiii
county to tho town of Uloornshurg, the citizens ol
lllooinsburg in said county shall erect, or cause li
be erected, .IT TIIEIU OUW VltOl'KIl
EX J't'AE, within three years from and aftei
such election, in the town ol Inomshurg, suitahb
buildings of 1J KICK or STONE, oftbe.MOS'I
AITROV ED f LAN, for a Court Houso and
Prison, and difTerent offices fur the safe keeping ul
the county teeords, under tbe direction ol the
County Commissioners, who aic authorised lo re
ceivo a coneyunce for such lot or lots of ground
lor llie use of such County buildings, nut LESS
than ONE ACRE, in fee simple clear of all in
cumbrances, for the use of the county of Columbia.
the said building to be erected on sudi lot oi lots
of ground thus convi-yed. And the f.'ourl House,
ind other public buildings And real estate on which
they are erected or is apputtenanl llieicto, lit 1 lie
town of Danville, are hereby granted and confirm
ed to be inhabitants uf Malioninc townshin. wilb
lull authority to sell and disnnse of tbe same lo the
litwl nilviinlHfrp und ibul tin lunch n-' tlifl nrueer-ilij ,,f
-taid sale, as is necessary to relund lo the citizens ol
Danville whatever amount ol money they may have
liven for the original construction of the public
iniildings m said town, and the purchase of the lots
if ground on which they arc erected, shall be ic
Uindcd ti the said citizen, and the balance to be
paid into the Conny Treasury for county purposes.
I rnvidcd IN o disposition or sale ol such public
buildings shall be made until (he court house and
pub lie buildings a. Dloomshirg shall be completed
and the pubiic records and oliices be removed theic
to. Si:c. H. That so soon as tho public buildings
are completed according to the provisions of this
act, the Commissioners alorcsaid sh ill hie a report
of the same in the Court of Common l'lcis of said
county and said Court being satisfied that said
buildings ore fully completed according to the true
intent and meaning of this act, and a record thcie
of being made bv endorsement on said rcpnit, the
Commissioners Shcrilfof said county ahall there
upon cause tho prisoners, if any there confined in
the old prison, to bo safely removed to tho new
and the public papers and records then remaining
in the public offices at Danville, to be safely depo
sited in tho new buildings so as aforesaid built And
prepared for the reception thereof, and lioni Ihcncc
forth tho Scat of Justice in and lor the county of
Columbia shall cease to be at Danville, and the
same shall be removed and fixed at the town ul
Hloomsburg. in the said county, and the public of
fices heretofore kept.ond the courts ofjusl:cc hereto
fure held'said county ofCuluiuhia
shall he kept and held at liloumshuig in tbe build
ings erected tor their accommodation as nfoic.-aul.
Six. 4. It shall be lawful for llie citizens ul
Hloomsburg to obtain subscriptions from imy per
son or persons willing to subscribe any money n
materials for the erection of such public building-
as are provided for in the second section nl ihis act
anu in delault ul the payment ul the same, tin
county I oinmissioners arc hereby empowered I
cause suits to be brought in tlio name of the counh
to eulorce the recovery ol the same, and when cn
ctcd to be applied towards defraying the cxncnsi t
of such buildings.
Skc. 5. If onv person or persons shall vote oi
the question of removal of uf justice ol sail
ounty ot Columbia, at the el. -rliou aiilheriaed t
be held by virtue of ibis act not duly qualified ti
vote in accordance with the first section of this act
or shall vote out of his or Ibeir proper district, oi
shall vote more than once on said question, be oi
they so ofiending upon conviction thereof befon
the proper court of quarter sessions of said ennnh ,
shall be subject to the penally provided for in tht
general election laws of this Commonwealth.
m:c. o. il any juoge or inspector oi the election
authorised to lie held by virtue of this act, Mhall
knowingly or wilfully leject the vote of a citizen
iiuahbed to vote on tbe question of Removal uf llu
seat of justice in said county in accordance the will
first section of this act, or shall receive the vole oi
a pel son not (nullified to vote as aforesaid on said
question, he or they so olleiiding, upon conviction
llicreol before the proper court of quarter sessioi.r
of said county, shall forfeit and pay for the Use of
said county lor every such ollenee, a sum not Its:
than three hundred or more than six hundred dol
lars ot the discretion of the couit, and shall uudi rgi
an imprisonment in the jail of eaid county for u
period of not less than twelve months or more than
iwu vta,a.
Sc. 7. If any judge, inspector or clerk of the
election authorized to be held by virtue of ibis oil
shall wilfully miscount, or shall falsely and fraudu
lently luld up slid return the votes received Ukiii tin
question aforesaid, or shall keep a fulse tally paper.
or shall be guilty ofuny fraud iu the disc harge ol
his duties, evuy person so iwlending upon con vie
tion thereof in the proper court of qsuirlei session
of said county, shall be subject to the some fine and
penalty as are unpered upon delinquent judges ot
imqiectors by the geueral election laws oi this Com
monwealth. Sic. 8. It shall be the duty of the judges and
insnectora conducting the election authorized to be
held i y virxie of this act to cause the letter te
ns legiciy and uisiinciiy set opposite the mme ot
every citizen reho shall vote on the question of tht
Removil of the seat of justice us aforesaid, on the
tally paper on winch bis name shall be regislcied,
and any wilful nmisoion so lodo shall lie deemed a
fraud, ind shall be punished as tuch in aecoidancei
null the provisions of the seventh section of this act
Sr.c. fl. ft hiill be the duty of every
ipeclor and loik conducting tbe election umber
.ed to be held by virtue of Ibis act, to lake (in h.IiIi
i'Ml to the oath or affirmation he is now rcquiii d !
law to take) an oath oi ufilunution lhat be Kill
honestly and faithfully comply in every le.pecl
with tbe piovisions and requirements of this ael.
rShc IU. Il sIih.II lie the duly nl ibu re
mi n judges of suid enuniy, at the lime and
,il,ico of their mtrnnp; In east up nil the
votes received in tin- different election dm
incis mi ;be question ol llie eiuova ol tl.
eat nl justice uloresaid, and shall make mil
u o ciT ilicates showing- ihn result, one of
ivhicli shall he tiled in llie i il'n e i f the ( Ink
l llie i niirt ol quarttr sessions and the other
n (he office ot the ('oiiiiiiisiiionera of said
-oiintv ol Columbia.
Skc II. It shall he the duly of the Slier
if ol lie said dimly el Columbia, tu muse
sis act to be published in at least three
leuspapers published in said count; for at
east once in every week for sixty days im
mediately preciiling the next j;erui;il t It c
ion, and shall on llie tlav 01 llie flection
nine al least two printed copies, one of
which shall he in the lieiman language, of
aid an io be posted in handbill form, in tlu
most public place nearest die election poll
in every election disinri in said couniv and
he reasonable expense of such publication
-diall be paid by the said county of Coluiu
lia hy orders draw n in the usual way.
Skc. 12 So mm h uf the existing laws
f this CoinnionwGblih as are altered or
supplied by ih ih ari, be and the same are
tiereby repealed; and ulso llie act ol Asein
'ily passed loiliJune 1 8U(i entitled nr. act
relaunir lo the lien of Mechanics m.d olbcru,
pon huildings, is hereby repealed so (ar as
il relates to (he buildings lo be erected in
pursuance of this act.
Appmved of and signed by tin (iiivernor.
(CHILDREN are most subject to ihem.bul er
J suns of all ages are liable to be utllictld with
lliem. Hud breath, paleness about the lips. Hushed
cheeks, picking at tbe nose.wnsting sw ay, leanness
pain in tbe bowels, joints or limbs, disturbed sleep
frightful dreams, moaning and sometimes of vor
acious appetite, are among the symptoms ofvsom.s
.Iany are doctored lur months, for some other iin-agi'nai-y
disease, when one box of Shci man's VVorui
Lnauiiiges would ell'ect a cure. D. Ryan, corner
ol l'rinco street and the Ilowery, cured a man of
worms tha was reduced to a skeleton, and by only
ono box of Sherman's Lozenges: l.eis now hs
as an Alderman. Th lion. II. II. Ucaidsley
has saved the life of on0 of his children by them.
The sale of over U.OuU.OUO of boxes has fully lest
ed them. '1 'hey are the only infallible worm des
'"'.ving medicine
ki.evvn. What family will be
iwilllOUl them
CniisuiiipiionpCoii;hs,Coldii, Whooping Coughs
Asthma, and all allcctions of the lungs, u ill find n
healing value in Shsrmoii's Cough Lozenges. They
navcd the Kcv, Richard De Fonsl; the l.'cv. Mr.
Strctter, Jonathan liouailh, Lsip and lhat orty
old hero, Leonard Rogers, lioni the consumptive's
grave. They cured in ono day the Rev. Mr. Dun
bar, the Rev. Mr. Handcuck; V in. H. Attrcu F.sq
of distcjsing coughs. They arc the plcasantcs-l
cough mediciiie and cure the soonest of any kl.owu
lleadache.Sea-sickness and Polpilalion, relieved ot
from five lo ten minutes by Sherman's Cumpbur
Lozenges Persons attending crowded -onlns in
travelling will find lliem to iir.part buoyancy i f
spirits and renew their energies, Those' si.fieiing
from too fiee living will find a few of tiie lozenges
lo dbspel the borjois and lownesu of spirits. Mr.
Kralh, of the Sunday Mercury, has repealed I v coz
ed hiniM'li of severe headaelio by them ,'nplain
Chadwick, of the packet ship Wellington, has wit
nessed their ellicaey in a great many cases nf w-a-lickiicss.
'I hey operate likcachium upon tho
agitated or shattered Iicims, Ps Sbeinian's i'tul
Man's Tlasler does upon ihcuinatism, lunibaso
pain or weakness in the side, back: breast or any
part of the body. Mr. II. G. Daggers, SO Am.
.street; llcnr) Iv CnuMing; !in. C'liathan:
sitepl Mosrs J Hcnrirjttrs Lsq. and
niuliiiude of ovhers have experiencfd ih
wonderlul ilTects of ihtse Piasters.
Price only I2j cents. Caution is necessary
ui see that you get the genuine Shttrniiii'sj
Lozenges and Plasters, as there are many
onhlfss ar'.ii !es aiteiiiptcd lobe palmed
off in plate of them, by those who wuulJ
trifle h ih tin i life lor a shilling.
Dr. Sherman's warehouse is at 100 Nas
sau street. For sale by
John . Moyer nioomsbnrg
Win i, Waher Si co Uei wick
Low Si 'I'hoiiipson Lime Uidge
li. Si J. Lazarus Orangevillt!
M. C5. Shoiiniiker liuek Horn
L. Si A I. Hisel Jerseyiow n
I)err Si M'liririe hiie Hall
John Moore Danville.
Stephen Uahly, Cutiauissa.
Jan. 4 181 5 37. fitn.
DitooilliliOll Of I'ai t ;4 i ).ii.
0'I'1CE is liirehy aiveu lhat the pint
ncrship. heretnfoie txisiina briwein il o
suhseribers, under the ihe fiim of Kver ii
Ilrfley, is this day dissolvcii by nititn;,!
consent', and the ISooks anil uci ounts may
be found with Charles Iltflev, at llie old
stand, who is authorized In setileall accounts
of the linn, and will he happy lo wail on
their Iriends in settling the siiine' Tl-osu
having aceminip of long siandiiig are pariic
ularly rt quested to call.
liloomsburg, March 181845.
Kcw Arrangement.
'I'll K subscribers would respectfully in
form il eir frieiuls, and the public generally
that have they have enieitd into Partnership
under the firm of Hi fley Si Mei d nhall, in
the mercantile husin. t,at llie stand lornnr
iy occupied hj lijtr t Iltfley, aid liave
taken their entire
io which they inie til making such siMim'ts
as will soil '.he seasons snd ma'ne tht ir
inaortmenl fiem ral, til of which they are
aiixiohs lo exchange lor casn, oi couniry
piodute generally, upon very liher d if rrtis.
I'hey rcpeeifiiliv snii.Mi Ibe p-itri'Ce i(
iheir fiiendssnd the public rmerjlly.
ciikli-:s ui:n.! v
SA.MUliL M fiN DKMIAf.f..
B!ociaeburg. March IS- 1843.