European Em.f rants to New York. The number of arrivals ii this rily for ihe fur 1I1R nionih coiling the same date, his:). Of there; wcr t'f these, I2d "ii'nl from London; 2(52 from Dulilin; 151) from Olasgow; 2 1 i from It.- i'.-i, 1 1 I the leiiiiiindet Iroiu Lti'r)Ool. ut'i'U rtii 1 1 ii u l id imio jim ioui i l'r.ioi l-Vanec. via Havre, llie ariiv la of M.craoe passengers up lo llie same period, were IHIS; frum various continental ports, 115(5, viz: Rotterdam 387. Antwerp 78 Hamburgh CO. Bremen 025. Total number o! sit erage passengers arrived from Europe in llie month ending Jane lOili, 1815 Dili. MOST UNFORTUNATE. Tim Pittsbuig Post says; -One of our most worthy citizens lias been burnt out no 1 1' than four nines wiihir. die last two months, lie was one of the many hun dreds w ho BtilTt-red on the lOih of April.nn lhe27ih of May, lie wag again raughiin the lire on Seventh streei; from there lie moved tu Brighton, IJtavci county, where his ill luck appeared to follow him, Mild he was again burnt out by the fire that occurred in that place. Since then he has been pur chasing things to make another start, and we understand ihcy were all consumed in one of the buildings that was burnt on Perm street, on Tuesday morning.' NO RACE. The report that Fashion and Peytona w ere to run another race over the Canton Course, near Baltimore, is incorrect. Fash-: ion lias been 'turned out' and will run no more this spring Neither horse, alter the race at Camden, was in a condition to run g i i II sou.i, sji'm'.P'L!"""."" The rush at the Land Office conlinestn increase, Such a land fever never was known' And the best of it is, the tracts entered are mostly lor actual settlers. Green Bay Hep, mmmmxmmmmmmmmmm FATHER TAKE ME IN.' A gentleman living in Cleveland, got up llie oilier morning and found a nice li'.lle baby , in a basket, at the door, with this inscription pinned to its cap; Fat he '.take me in The President and family have left t'u White House and now boards at'i. Hotel in Washington. They will remain there until the White House is repaired, painted, and refitted. The President has his (.flice in the State Depar.'meni, in cornice tion with Mr. Buchanan, his Secretary ol Ktat9. The Luzerne Dem. says that on the last week the Baltimore Coal Company, per agent Mr A Cray, shipped a Penneyl vpnia section bout, coal loaded, via, North Branch Canal, Susquehanna division, Jun iata do., Portage Railroad, Western division to Pittsburgh, and thence by the Erie ex tension to Erie, on Lake Eiie, One of the most remarkable circumstances, in Medical history occurred in Cincinnati, a few days ago. A (ierman had one of his backteeth extracted by a physician, when, strange to say, he bled to death in 45 min utes. ip GLAD TO II CAR IT. The last Lock Haven Whin siys: A Idler received from Philadelphia on Thursday slates lhat ihe Iron YVotks at Farrands ville have positively been put chased by a wealthy company of eastern gentlemen. We may, therefore, expect a speedy renewal of operations.' - SERIOUS ACCIDENT. Dr. Uerryman of Polt'ville, whilst on a professions! visit lo Po"t Carbon, on Wednesday las! week, his horse ran away and threw him oul of his sulkey, and fnciuied hi? scull. He died Hit next morning. The VimsiNiA Wheat Crp. Tin reapers ar in the fields gathering thii rrnns, which promised tonenuiie shun riant and in ahoul a fori-nifthi. flour from new wheal may be expected in the maikei. The corn looked well, bti lain was h"ginine lo he much wanted. mils and hay also piomised remaik.ihl) well. The Corner Nionrs ol llree new jo Cailmlie Cl llichrs were laid wpc k in Columhii. Canton and Fulton. Ohio. A si'p his been ptirchasfd a' Vleccl.inrl, Ohio, on which a Roman Catholic Church will bu elected nex' K-asnn. MARRIED. In Blonmsburg.nn Fridav .1 viiut in,h in-i., by the Rev. Samuel T. I-rd. Mr. (Ji:"Hok Brooks ol Bloom, to M-'s'makv Muryal-s, recently from Poiis- DIED. In Hemlock, on Monday last a daughter uf Mr. Isaac Pursel, nged 7 ears. THE M.EZET3. Uloomsiiimio, June 21, 1815 Wheat, e, Corn, Cloverseeil, Flaxseed, Hotter, O.llH, Ens, Tallow Lard Dried App'es, White eans Heeswax 80 5(, 3 25 1 25 Ml 85 C 7 50 A I) MINIS Til A I Oil' S NO TICK The Estate "f SAMUFJ, EE S EE It tiilt'of Mt I'teasunt town-thin; (let cased TAJOTICE i he.-eby given thut letters uf admin istration on the alwvo mentioned Lslutc have been grunted to the subscriber. All person indebted to said estalo me hereliy nntilied to make immediate pay lent; and all those liuving claim are requested to pre-sent Iheni properly uutlieutl caicu to JESSE K ESTER, of Greenwood, ISAAC K ESTER, of Mt. Pleasant 24, 1S45 6w8 The Blight of Search.' ICTNEW ARRIVAL 0Fr Ready Made Clothing. The subscriber has just received a lri assortment of READY MADE CLOTH ING, wliuh will be sold as cheap for Cash is they can be purchased in the county. Call ninl examine for yourselves, as tin ' Right of Saaich is guarantied to nil J. R. MOYER. Juno 7, 1815.-7 BY virtue uf a writ of levari facias lo mi directed, will be exposed to public sail at the Court House, in Danville, on Sat urday, the fifth day ol July next, at IV o'clock, noon, the following described property, to wit : All those certain six tracts of Laud siiua ted formerly in the township of Catiawissa. ounty of Northumberland, but now in tin township of Milllin, Columbia county, Penn ylvauia, one of lliem called, ' Balbec, be- inning at a post, thence by lands of James McNeal, north 12 degrees west. 3 12 peich ;s lo a chesnul riak, thence by lauds of Wil liam Cray and William Siedmau, south 7b legiees west 170 perches lo a post, ilienct by lands of Jeremiah Jackson, south 12 th- jrees east 4 10 perches to a post, thence by and of Aichard lirook, north 78 degrees west 15 perches lo a dogwood, thence north 12 degrees west 15 pert-lies to a post. thence itirlh 78 degrees east 82 perches to a black ak, thence by an old survey north 12 de crees west 25 peiches to a hickory am' north 32 degrees east 31 perches lo tin dace ol beginning, containing 412 ucrut Hid allowance of 0 per cent- for roads. V. Whereon is erected l!W two douses, 3 two stables, and about 25 acres of land cleared, -ALSO Another of them called ' 'almyra;' be ginning at a post thence by land of tfoberi Cray, north 12 degrees west 410 perches to a post, them-a by land ol William oted nan south 78 degrees west, 100 perches U post, thence by land of John yrady sou t r 12 degrees east 410 perches to a post, am thence bv land of John Wild and Kichsrc lirook north 78 d-grees east 10G perches li the place of beginninij. coiitaitiiug 4014 acres and allowance ol 6 per cent for loads. ALSO Another of litem called ' Stone Hall,' be ginning at a post thence by land of Join Brady north 12 degrees weal JO.J porcher to a post, thence by land ol diaries llal south 78 degrees wesl 271 peiclies lo v i hcsnui, ihenee by land of Catharine Long iberger south lGj degrees east 270 perchet io a stone, ami thence norm Degrees east 219 perches to the place of beginning ontaiuing 438 acres anil allowance ol six icr cent fur roads. hereon is erected i S I 5'pJStoxe Dwki.lini; lloust' M' f ind about one acre of land cleared, .ini! then is a vein of coal on the trad. ALSO Another cf them called ' Farmets' De liohl,' hegiiiuing al a pot-t ihenee by laud ol William Sled nan north 1C? degrees wes 310 perches lo a Spanish oak. llicnce b laud of W I'.liain W ebb south 74 degreet vves, 102 perches to a black oak, llicnce h land of Timmas Sev south 10 degiees ran 24 perches i() a chesnul, thence by land nl Charles Hall south 8j degrees east liC'-i iierehes lo a post, thence by land of Join Urady north'S decrees east 130 perches li an oak, ihenee not ill 12 degrees west 81 perches lo while oak, and north 78 de .Tees east 8 pen-he lo the place of begin nntr. coiKainii'.i! 4IH ac:rs ana allowa.ici of 0 per cent for roads, itc. -ALSO-Anolher of ihem called 'Troy,' begin ning al a posi llicnce by land of Jeremial Jackson north 12 degress west 110 pcrche- 1 ' I- io a post, llicnce by lam! of William P.llra ly south 78 degrees west 80 perches to in ish, thence south 78 degrees wesi 130 per dies to a post,thcocH bv lain! of JohuRi-en-oulh 12 degrees casi 2(1.1 perches tu a pos hence by laud of Tho ii in Brooks uortli Ii letrees eusl 20 perch lo a coesniit oak hence south 12 dcgiees rast -11 perches u i black oak, thence by the same hiuI Join Wild north 78 degrees east 10(5 perches l i black oak, ihenee south 12 degiees eas J5 perches to a white oak, and north 7b -Mst 80 perches to the place of beginning. eoniainini; 420i seres and allowance ol six per cent lor toads, &e ALSO Another af them called 'Maine,' begin :iing at a post, thence by land of William P. Brady north 8j degrees west &si perdi es to a chesnul, theuee by land of Thomas Sav and Jesse Budd south 71 degrees wes 188 perches to a post, ihenee by land ol Thomas Bellows south 55 degrees east 89 i-erches to a chesnul oak. thence by the namo and land ol John Loiigibwrger soud 188 perches to a chesnul oak, thence In land of said Longaberger south 70 de- irees wesl 121 perches in a i si, tltenet souih 10. degrees east Kit perches to ! chesnul tree, and thence by laud ol J.du Reese north 78,deun;esjeasi 27 1 perches n the place of beginning, coirainioa 38 1 j acies and allowance of 0 per tent lor road.- Sic. Seized, taken m execution: and to bi sold as ihe propel ly of George Miller aiti terre tenants. -LSO- Vt ihe Bom' time and place, by virtue of i. certain venditionas exponas. A cei lain lot of giouud sitnale in Mon tour township, Columbia county, eoiiiaiuiny ',) acres more or less houndeii by land id lacob Rithel, George Kaufman and, Dinii Itishel, whfjreon is erei-ted a Irame House. i frame Stable, a House, a Ctirriei Shop and Tanyard, with '.lie appurtenances nd Also, on all ihe interest, share ai.i1 partition of the di feiidHiii in all that ceriaii ract of land situate in Montour t'jusliii Columbia county, (Mtiiaiuing one humhei teres more oi les-t, dj. lining lauds of Men y W erimen. Chrisiopher V oerile and otli trs, beingiall Ihe rigl.l of ih fendant in tin state of Bivhir, deceased, laiher jI lefend ml. Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold s ihe property nl J din l!ivlr. IKM DI'.RR. Sheriff. Sheriff" Oji e. hmvillc, ) June 1 1, 1815. $ Soincihins PLUNDER THE Nev SUN AMONG ihe wonders of this age of im provenieiiis.i)ie snljM-rtber resjiMcilully hegi- leave to cull the attention ol his friends an: he public in general lo ihe comer of Mail St., where he has jnsl ricei 'ed and opener from Philadelphia a general assortment ol C O N V K C T I O N A K IE S , onsisting among other things of Candies, varinun kinds f Raisins. Prunes, Figs, Sweet and water Crackers, Oranges Lemons, Lemon and Fine ajiilc Synps. Sonis, , 'U moods and '1 oho ceo. uid all other articles usually kepi in a gro ery. Also a good assoittricnl nf SCHOOL BOOKS & STATl LNARY All of whit h he will sell a little cheaper han ihey can be had al any other establish nent in these 'diggu-s.' N. B. Good while and colored rag: taken in exchange fur honks ive O. V. K A 11 1. lilt. B'.oomsburg, June Oih 1845. hist our oi: uvomi.xc by CJIAHLES MINER. j. 1 unc, ui r i ii . are rei-peen uny Roiirii-'u mi the forlheoming History of Wyoming. Tin .vurk, now ready lor I rc-sj, will make an Uclavu volume of about six h.iiidn-d pair's, of width live lundrcd pagex will emhiai-e 'he 111. 1111 hody ol the urrative. Tin. Appendix, lie.-ides xsrirlv of on-1 J ous uud illustrative arlieles.ttill contain the "'J'l:e Ilazettol 1 ravelliTs," leviMtl with iiuiiieruus aildi- Ions, personal aiieeroles, iiieidentH and skelche.- f eharartei, m iking about an hundred piges. J he author ihinks piujit r to say, no p un have heeu spared l ii'laiii inlormati'n upon nnlnl i-iililieelei Ml 1 1 ll m: l.-e . 1 1 1- las a ei-I"' ' J . 1 d himself, as v -luioi; ha, he, omti elass;,- n ru nl as ciiimmeiable ern-rs li have heretofoieju ns ils very inle-J xisled in ii'n.iid lo its siioy. inni stun; civil eiiaiii-ler 11 is m en K-au eiv ioiii I- ... , , , ..1:1 ipon, that uhnesl i-n-i v gentleioali would de-are hn his lihrury, in ri'sp i7 to it, an authentic 1.111 ralivi- The purpo.-e of taking up suh-enp ions is loen.-i e the until. . I to j 1 1 1 1 j wliat lilliliher ol copies ii would he pmpei to puhh.-di J he Hook w-ll l e hi ally printnl in oetavo tnrin ill excellent paper, with n-veral illustrative plates iiiuiul in cloth, in no idem style, mid deliveied le uti.-tnbcrs at Two a ropy. .No money to he paid until I'm- Book is delivered. Subscriptions net iced at this Office A DM IMS ';. 7 7'0," .V XO TILE. 'Ihe Estute if SCSASXA TOMl.I.X SOX, liile ij Centre, totenship, deenned TOTICE is herein givun that lelters of admin istration on the above mentioned Estate lave been granted (,, the niliM riher, living in I en re tnwnKhip. All persons indebted In said estat nc hereby untitled to make inmn diate! ind all th i. e having ehiiins are n quested In pre ient them properly iiutbeulii-aied to MII.OMO.N M'.W WD, Adm'r. May 1 , I.Mo, ti 1 II!ot:iavS)ur:v A vlil lory- The Mfinhers nl this Coinpan ; h hn laVH Swords nnd Bel"-, heloi.ciny lo tin Company; are requited forthwith to drlivei diem lo either ol the 'oinim-sioncd Olli crs. 11. W EBB, dpt. TII3 I j AST xoticj: 111 milHciilier having pi iced HI S' At' COh'.V'T.i in the luimU ol CIIA Itl.Ii. III.I.K, l,Hn lor collection, reipiesls all mow nileliled to him t itlier to come forward and J heir ri-Hoective dues, or ul- rimfe.HH judgment I'm he siiiiiu on or lieforu llie i'lUHV D.Y 01 WlAr NI.XT ami shvj cost. E II mO(JH May 20, 1 81 5 5 C'hu i i Man u la t lory. 'IH siilmerilier linvina estalilislied a .VUIl t il l I It JI.LVI IVIC TOKV on Mini Uri-et, near tlie rfselcnce of I,. U. Mans, he is now reiiaied to I' Ciia'ns of every deHi-rnilion, oi .is yood terms us they can be purchusud eUewhen ii llie county. WOOD TURNING, Such as lied Fusts, H'uqgon Hubs Rose Blocks, 5S'C. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL HOUSE TAINTING. Also HOUSE 1K1PERISQ. I'liin litter brunch, from his experience, lie believe lie eun do a little, better 'ban uny other person ii lids Mi ction. (XJ-I'OI'I.AR PhANK will he taken in pay nent at the highest ir .set price (SAMlia 1IAGENBUCH liloonis.nirg, July 4, 14 p JHI HAILS, SPIKES; &c. The ISIooaiHhiirg- It. II. I to ILL krep constantly on hand, a large Kortinenl of XAILS, S1'IKES AXD IHO vhichlhev will sell by WIIOLE8AI E and I!E 'All,, n an good ternm the article can be elruiirre jim clia.-cd. Men haiils urn lliers, rniiv find it to their interest to cull- .A II iimls of grain received in piivment. JOSEPH I'AXTON, Piiv.sipknt 1R TSERSUIF DISSOL VE1). The Conrrrlnership heretofore existing iinier me in iii oi i:iu iiua.y q HOOSH, in the Blacksuiithiiig Business. Dissolved bv mutual consent. I In Books aie in the hand of Mi.rshal Silver horn, lo whom all having claims on, m ire indebted to, said lino, me requested t ipply immediately for settlement. MARSHAL SILVEkTHORN. JUDAlI iiooMr Blooiiishtiig, March 28, 1815. 49 r'The Business, in futtiie, will be cm rb'd on at the old stand, by the subscribe! who .solicits a continuance of llie cuslon is old friends, anil of as many new ono of may please call. ). SILVEKTHORN M a re h2 8 4 1) 2 HAIimjK YARD- I'he stihserihers liave esta)ilished at tlo ihovo plarn, a new .l.Vi Ai J.lliJ he ready, al the shortes mil will al waj s I notice, lo luriiish lo orilcr, MC'M'MRNTS, TOMB-TABLES TOMB-STOKES, HEAR Tll JA MBS, M. hX TL ES, F. UN T STO.XES, MULL EES, kc. r any other work in their line. They mi ,lso prepared lo lurnisi WINDOW CAI and SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS. kc either of Ma.ble, Lime or any kind ol none that can he procured in this vicinity JiTMIaving had :oiiidciablo experienci in the business, liiey pledge their work l he executed in as handsome a style as tai he furnished from f.nv vard either in 1 1 , t ity or countrv; and on as reasonable terms. ARM STROM 1 & HUCHES. Bloonisbuig, Nov. 3, 1843. ly 28 SWAN HOTEL, Oiangecile, Cultnnbia county, Fa. THE subscriber respectfully informs tin niblie thai he has leased this large llirct lorv Tavern, now in the occupant y of Mi George Siiple, in Orangeville, Columbia county, Pa., and intends moving into it on the fust of April next, where he will hi leased to bee his old Irieuds and cuslomtis As his TABLE will alwavs hn furnished with the best tin imarkei all'unls, His BAR wiih the choices: I Lniuors And his STABLE, attended h " 'I i . i , i .1 i . il i If .1.. . 1 . I . H t 1 1 1 1 Hostlers, lie nailer- uiiiiseii inai in ill be able to uive general satislacliun rnx ,-,.-Y , vrpu v..., I nlwiivs he ready to transport vralermci ih, 'ii rotite, 1 C JOHNSON (1arch IS, 191S--tf' NORTH 1$ RANC 1 1 CANAL. TOTICT. is hereby civen tlint tho Books of the MHiTII ISKAMTl CANAM'OM- 'A.NY will be opened on TL'I).4V the svi n teentli dav of June next, at two o'clock in the al eriiooii hi the l'lioeuix Hotel in Wilkol aire, I'a., where the undersigned, t'oinii issionets undrr the law for that tiurpon1 enacted, will attend lo receive subscriptions lor stock tl said company. i. M. Holleii' k, Sam'l Holland, E. 11'. hiurdi-vant, lioh't A. I'airirh, Chester tiutlirr, Ceo, P. Steele, Carrick Mallcry, C. I,. Ward, N, (hertield, Henry Stark, fs. F. Headley, (ieo: Muck, , Tims: P. Cope, Elihu Cbauneey, V. U. l'ioleit, S. 1). I'be'ps, William Colt, Will. M'Kelvy, .lotcscph I'licsllv, Henry King ffenry 'rinkcr. 1'. S. C.icite, I'liiladelplus; American, Bahi nnio; -.'xpresi, New York, Brmlfniil Krporter.To vaoda; Llemocrat, Ibinvilh ; Airif-ticjn, tuiihury Alias, Boston; Uenicial, Bloomsburg: Advocnle ind Fanner, VYilkobarrc. publish once s week veiks send n copy and bill to ullii e of the I.iierm U. uucial, ilk'.v-burre, I'a.. May 14, 1S15-1 WAXTKII, Two Apprentices IJ llie l,.SI unci UilDl I Ul-fi .Making liu niiiesj. Hinart ni-livn hoys lielwoen tin Hp's of 15 uud 17 will receive good encourage nent u.i ill iinmediii.o iipplication to l! i Hiiliserilier M.MDN t; S1UVE Cloomsliurg. Juno 11,1815 Oil' inS CIIAKLKS It. ItUCKALinV Attot'iioy at Law, fiffict South side of Main st. vpposili r.ycr iy Jlrjtey e More, li:7-WILL ATTEND COURTS IP THE COUNTIES OF COLUMUI AND LUZERNE. BLOOMSliURU Cabinet Ware House n II U mibscrilier would res)eetfully infoiin tin public, that he has tuken lliu sli ip lately m d hy S'aintiel Lilly, near the upper end oi uisliurg, where lui is currying on tho n ull its various branches, nud where ho will Ii nippy o wait upon all those who may favor bin .villi their custom. His 1' immure iswairanli ic inadv of good iniiteiial and durable, uud he in endi keeping on hand Sideboards. Secretaries, liureaus Wardrobes, Card Tables, Dining Tables. Breakfast Tuhles, Cupboards. Stands, U'ush Stands, Beds I ea ds, Dough-troughs, Coffins, ye. ind all kinds of work in his line, which he will eel ipon as reasonable terms as they can lie purchasei n the county. Bv stnct attention to business ho hopes to re eive ashao of public patronage. UllUWA, April 25,1845. lyl NOTICE. LI, persons knowing themselves indebted t' lliesuliseribel, lire requested lo coinc lbrwuri nd nuke payment. BASS b. HIDES. vill Im taken in payment as usual, and received li xchimge for LEATHEK. I'lllldl' CIiniSTiNHN. bloomsburg, May li, IS 15 4 pcetaeles & lasses. 'fTIIE sulisi-riber has just leceived a large ic jj soitimntol SPECTACLES and M'EC I'ACI.E UI.A.SSlvS, of the best quality, of hull vhite and green, from ;o. 2- upwards. rj-Persons atllicted with sore eyes, will find ii o their advantage to eull ami gel glasses iroin nun is they limy feel ussured of deriving u great heneli ioiii their use. (i. L. SlIULTZ. Bloomsburg, May 17, 18454 JOHN MARKLB, Harness, Saddle Sc Trunk XVZanufacturcr; ESl'ECTl-'CEI.Y informs the public that In 1, has loi ated himself in the shop next doo o Niniuel llagenhuibs Chair Euetory, jlain street iiooiiisbuig, Columbia county, when- he w ill cii.n hi the above bus ness in ull Its branches. Ho wil ,eep constantly on hand tine and coarse One and 'J wo Horse Harne srs, Horse Collars, Saddles, Bridles and Trunks; f,-c. if every description ; -Hid having had a long expe rience in the business, he can furnish as good work nul as cheap as can oc purchased in the county Oj All kinds of country produce taken in pay nent for work, at the market prices. May It), IN 15 bino" IT) THE SEVERAL COLLECTORS OF COUNTY ND STATE TAX IX COLUMBIA COUMV- Whereis, to enable the Stale lo nieel hei i3biliiics on the lirsi day of August next, it is necessary thai llie Slate Tax assessed in he diflercnl counties under the Act ol As sembly ichiiitig thereto should be prompt iy paid to the Stale I reastuer, Ami J Whereas, by the provisions of the Actor iOili April, 184 1, il the (Junta uf uny Coun i- be urn paid io the S ate Treasurer, on ot before ihe 2d Tuesday of January in each' kCi.r, the balance so remaining unpaid, altei di ducting Commissions, fcc. shall he rlnirg , d in said county , and shall ihereaftei he.n ,,n interi si il live per cent, till paid. AND ALSO, that if any county shall pay into the Stale Tresiny, ils quota of State lux, ID days prior lo ihe lirsi lay of August id my year, stub county shall he t nulled to s deduct, on of liu- per cent, on the airount sc paid, it being thus made the intcresi, , well as the duty of llie several counties promptly to pay thiir prcporlion of the lax es r.ssessed upon them. And II fn in s by so doing Coluinbn, Comity will be entitled to an abatement oi I er Stale tax of from live to six hundred dollars, Then hoe, Fesolvrtl, That the several collectors o' County and Suite lax in Columbia count; be earnestly requested to make every 1 1 tort to collect am! pay ovfr to the County Treasurer the tinmiiiu of State tax thatgei in their duplicates on or before the iwelftl y of July next, at which day ihe tevera Colli clots ate Inn by riquirulto mm a he Com.iiisHoni is Olluelo mevcthci xoiicrutions on ihcii duplicates of Slot tax. JOHN 15 EDO A tl, SAMUEL MEAKS, FREDERICK. M'LRIPE, (.'am mission1 is. CoionsfioNtns Odicc, Danville, ) June 12, ISOvi. S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers