From Rikntll't Reporter. A t linns C for IIC Ilcltt r. li cannot but be cralilyn to ry,bi.m m ....tiee the many imoiove ,i,ui l.i ii iLnii nl;i.-e iii the riiv and I M'!i'n!w .i chin a shurl lime There i .. .i... inc. It w ul u who cat I reiiieinoer uif I'lintm ami inactivity by which Philadelphia was characterized a year or two MgiMmmtmi Mely after failure of the Hank of ihe United Saiea, and the Oilier titan v ' ury dis asters connected with the fill of Institution. Intlei'd, for a lime, it w quire tliliVuli lor our most cnurgeuc mm eiiierpriung citizen! to muster courage ade- quale 10 the crisis. Stores and houses w ere to rent by hundreds, and at riles ruinously low to ownera. A fearful panic - prevailed. The clouds of misfortune semi- ed lo lung heavily over us, and il wai difficult to diseovei even a aoliiary ray ol light in the future. ' Aany millions were lost by our cit'zens in one way or another and the whole cominun'tv sullercd. 13 u l .l . i . ... i :.i . .I.....L. i.. it, a mo inailhl IO 1 rUTIHl'llCC limun. ,u iiiu i i .. i,.....iu ,.r u).u..r...,.c....c.M.K v . r. community, inegiuo n mm uic "" gone hv. FliilKuelptua na luny recov- or-,; t,r virimnnutv. the anirit of enter- ,;.., h,. hpnn, hark in her confidence i J . ,, . , ii . , I ,i ... ...... r..) k. l,o. innl u II y. Irmlertl 1111(11 " " ' " business men geneial.y, my be laid lo be The nigiie ofthe times with prosperous. regard to our city and vicinity, are certain ly cheering. Property lias risen iu value improvements are in progress in almost e- vrrv nnarler. cheerfulness has taken the place of despondeucy, many new building have been erected within the last yeai tlijjible dwelling houses and we stores are in fair demand, and have much to be gralc ful for. We have among us a hrge annum ,,f uftJih. Our riiv ia x heauiiful one and in hiinnilv located: the coal and iron of our i - j slate, aie resources, the inipoiunce of which can scarcely be over estimated, the canalr and r.tilronds that branch out in every dt- rertiun, serve as admirable channele ol Hade and traffic: while foi general heal-h we may confidently compare wiih any ciij in the ilincn. We ueeu little more en- lerprise perhaps, a larger and more com pruhtnsive policy on the p,.rl of our legis lattire, and other authorities, and somewhat more of boldness i n our mooted men W huh these, I'hiladelphia could not but to ahead at a still inoie rapid pace. In 1 truth, we do not make enough of our ad vantage. We recitiire, perhaps, a few tlnring spirits to give a new impulse toco- ternrises of various kind: but sooner or . ... . I hiier. these men will siarl tip auu move l.irward from their present positions ol com U, ,.0 0lh(.e wfjging, a pen-hnlder. ever parative inaciivity. And then tlie results puin "pern il, toothpick hall soverrigr. guagc will not only surpiiae but gratify every M .m.-liPsr,,.,! Phi'tHclnhiall. LA Nfl'AS"riik COUNTY. WcKuc. that Hi. county of Lancaste, .,, , ., has re-ponded t(,e M.te 1 leastuer s cm in reference to the iitlv,i:icemenl r .1 lliai county's qnota of the Si die tux, on or he fore the l.i! of August next, by resolving in coin ply with it. The amount is a!o'r $90,0(10 and the H.nks of (hat couniy have volunteered lo uuko any deficiency of col lection that may be found to exist. There is every re;. eon to believe that the quota lor AiiUdelphia County, over three hun drtd thousand dollars, will also be raised in time to secure the allowance of Ihe deben turc of five per ccol. These two couttiies raise nearly one half of the semi-onrual blale interest, and with the amount to be realized from the ordinary sources of rev enne ill. from the best data for estimate be sofiicienl to pay the interest as it fulli due, without recourse to the drawing 0! checks. Ledger. Tlie Clarion Democrat Bay: 'That th late hard frosts hate destroyed neatly al the fruit, and many garden vtgeiHblee. and bitten the new blown foliage of the for ests." The Marqnig De La Lalargne, cam p,i8tngtrin me tjreal western. It i said be is on a viait to ihis continent in ai t.fieia capacity, eiiher a Minister to ihu country, Mexico or Texas, or lo the thret al the SJine time. Lis supposed that In eomrt from France lo waich ihe move inents in Texas, Mnico and the Uniur' h'la'.re, rtlalive to miorxaiion The pillory and the u hipping ppt nil form a put of the inMrnmtnia ol punish menl i'i JHeUwar, Writ. M. Porter wa, t -ied jikI convrieil al Casde, during -s wnk.for hoise siealirg. He wag nentencei! to riceive thirty-nine lathes on the the hare bail and to renain in the pillory one hour, which ptiuithmrnl was ii.lliited upon him on Monday. He is lo be cent to New llruns ''k on j J Lf June.whcre he will atsin tr... fjr j feiUli!ur offoui9 I A Magneiio Telegraph, is to be UiJ be- Itwren UiicB, (N. V ) niiJ Albany, I lit .rrrangr-imnuj ir ih) in nr. navo c, i i- i . . i k.... - maiie atiu tne woi K i to ue cuiiiiuenef d. i.MclllitV 1VI1 IH.'V'I'ilMi Af2ilV taomuii u.i.w. j, js ,a dial unother match is conelud ,.( between these celebrated racer, to come Lff at the end of June, over the Cantoi (Jonise, near U illimore, lor $20,000 aside which i to fairly deieriiiine the chatnpior. ,,ip. u..ia.. The Force of Habit, wa remarkably k'xeinpliheU recently in Kentucky, on uie occasion of a luneral. I he bereaved wile Und a few neighbors, sal wailing the arrival of the people, all solemnly idle. 1 he wid ov, becoming very uneasy, after titling idle a few minutes cried out, 'Hetty! bring me my knitiing, I may as well take a lew stitches while the crowd is gathering.' I Fires of an extensive kind pet-in (0 be - - i, i i - i calamines Bflbclini; ail ll e principal fine jreilfu, conn.lgrawon which occurred , Qbec (Ca.) last week was attended bj n0S8 0fi,., Twelve bodies have been re covered. One oainful incident was the dasiruciion of the Hospital, lo which as be "g considered enlirelv out of the rea.-h ol ilte conflagration, numbeisol sick peasons rai ua8seSi were carried wheh the butid Lig became ignited by ihe flakes of lire car ned from the distance by the wind; the un Cumulate inmates, unable lo help themselves penshrd iniscrablv, Ihe total loss ha men variously esimulej from $l,GOO,000 .o $3,000,000 In making some Cxcavatiiiii near the noulh of Mad rivtr, (OhioJ trees were dug 'ip, which must have been buried liters 5 'Kindred vears or more. They have hcin :ofere(J over wuh sand by a change in trie Innnel of the liver ODD FELLOWS' CliLEIllt VTIOM. The O Id Fellow laid the e irncr at ne .f oe .v II .II in I, miavilU, iy (,n ihe Q,h inei. A lare cnnenur of the fisier Ljiy auended fr mi dilTimnt place in lieu uickv. liiJiana and Oiio An oration was ,oiivered on the occasion by the Usv. C Arsons in one of the ...tfihudmi church The population of St. Louis in 1830 wa 0,252: in 1815.35,930. ,t Ingenious Invention is noticed in the N. Y. papece. It embodies. in ihe form ol " " H' li(,,l,:'1 H,',-,iri,,e bi- - i nee for lite 5. 10 and ViO cents taies m l. i i , postage, onoer me o'v law, toe 4, j, 14 'eal and magazine lor lea Is, and several M 'l"'"1'"8 'FATUlili MA I HEW, I HE CllAl' uf, Temperance ' Kas revolutionize.! Ireland, and all hut banished ilic oionier , , f h , ((K U ,.il I,, urnve III lliU i-itiintrv. u In in un mil ' lie fi: Id IS offered I'm his latior of beuevo Inure, anil it is to be Imped thai ihe gaini success will follow hi steps, )r Sliermaiii las l.iul ihe lounila luit (ur like ifvulutioc, anil one that b ds lair lo bu t quaily exieu . . i 1 sue. It Iii the Mb'.em 01 ailiiniil&li'illii; ncdicine to the sick in audi a tnamur that Mie most nauseous and uisc'.js'.uii; iiedinine bceouies ierti-aul and pal itahle. I'hig is no iniprirtanl tiling as man) luw 10 doubt died Irom mahiliiy lo lake tin irdinarv prcpai ations, front alihurrt iii-p t, dieu . No the aflliitied can cure their cnoght. ind pulmonary alleciioiiK vt iili liitle or iu. .rouble, and constimptivi'i,', and li'osc win ire subject iu htiacl.s ol sinttiiig of Mood may find a remedy f -r the il. Worms, io,iliii.'e posts 10 children, are driven awav a hether they u ill or in; and ihe liuiu one, nice they gel a lasle ofthe worm destrojer ire nire tu cry lor more, lleadai In g mat e cured in from tnrre to fiv minoie by a . ri j it- r use ol ihe Camphor L z Mige AIo. iervoiiD alL-cuons, pjlpilalioii-i, &-. nin I! ho relieved by the use of ihe same (neurit nd the Poor'k I'liKier is truly a won lerful remedy fr rhiicuiatnirii, pain ami eaknrs in the back, ude nml chest, and dicide!y tlie hesi Sitcnghtcning 1'lastn 111 the world. We cciiiHiler all ijie prepm itionn made by Dr. Slier m un i mv.iinablt he heitiif a regular ph sician. and on well skilled iii the trenuneni of disease; Hid l!ie public can rely upon his prepara tions, nn he ailends jieroonall to the man 'ifaeture of them all, iind litem is not ,o,0biUiy either thai a mistake shuold oc ur, or that the cick will gel a wrna rued ii'tne for the dieise under which he may hi differing. For sjleby JOHN R MOYEa.Sloam lurg. MAKRIEU. In Uanvide, en the 24n .1' Ma) , by Rev J B. Conk. hi-. J')i7is; n -r. . . . lUK'iiR, iii ijiooiii lowrji-rn,-,. u iVis; ;.i.y. JUL I ALLEN, ofthe foroier phef. iii,rwen.,ijK.-T.jifc .q-." - - r i 'i DIED. In llloonifcliur, on the i U i;tc , .Mr. Vvio ruiuir g"u 64, The Ilight of Search.' C7NEV AIUilVAL OFrl Ready lado Clothing The subscriber has just received a larjjr sssnrimeui of UlSADY MAUL, CLUl'l INIJ, w i it'll will be sold as cheap fur Cash as they can be purchased in the county. Call and examine lor youiselves, at (he ' Right of search is guarantied to all. J. U. MOYEK. June 7, 1845. 7 Something New (EPUNDEU THE SUN.J2) AMONG the wonder of this age of im provenienia.ihe tubscriber respecilully beg. leave to cill the attention ol his friends ami ihe public iu general to the comer of Main St., where he hag just rtcoredjmd opened from Philadelphia a general afs iriment of CONFECTION AIMES, consisting among other things of Caudits, vuri'tus kind of Raisins Prunes, ,iy, Sweet and wultr Crackers, Oranges Lemnw, Lemon und Pine tipple Syrup. Tuaps Al monds and lobaccu and all other irlicltt usually Kept in a gro eery. rtlso n good aspoilment rf SCHOOL BOOKS & STATI ONARY All of which he will sell a hide cheaper than they can be bad at any other establish ,uent in these 'digging. N. B. Good white and colered rage taken in exchaugo lor kooks&c O. C. HAULER. B.ooiusburg, June O h 1845. IIIS'IORY OE Wl'OMIXQ BY CHARLES MIXER. kUDSGHIP'nO.NS are rcsj.e.ctfully olicitJd fur Q the forthcoming History of Wyoming. The woik, riuiv fur l'icss, will make un Octavo volume uf about nix hjiiJred pa,'CJ, of which five hundred pa;;ea will embrace 'hp !nuin body of tile u irrutivo. 'i'h- Appendix, beiide vmicty of cu r ous and illustrative artidua.will coiilidn the "Tiu Huzutioi 1 rjvallers," rovisod with numerous aildi- dona, poiaoiul aiieecjtus, inciilcuta and hketche.-. uf character, making about an liu:idrud pages. 'I'ho author thinks propor lo s.iy, ti.ut no puins ttave been spurod to obtain iufoimatiuii upon every. point connected willi thissul 1 :ct. IJa haa ilultcr- cd himsdif, a Wyoming h is Income tlaio ground as uniiuinerjblo rrrora havo haretofoic existed in regard to iU stury, nnj a its very inlu resting civil character his lieun scurcelv touched upon, that ahnit every m ntleuun would desire fo liis library, in rcpc to it, an nuthentic l.airutive I lie. pijrpoii: of inking m) subcrip tons i toena lo the author to judge what ijuiiiou ol coolcs it .Tould De proper to puhlisli 1 ho Uook wll be neatly pruned in octavo form 'jn excellent puper, willi illustrulive plulos Iwund in cloth, in moilerii sty te, nod delivcied l lulocrilieij ut Two L. i I a ' - a conv. .No money lo be pjid until tlio liook is ilei'vcrod Subscriptions received ut this OJJke. CAUTION. LL persons Bre hereby eiiiilioiicd against pnr rhs.-.ic8 a iOTH, given tv the bi:li:iibe: I vVULEL Mc.M.NCll, f ,r datc.l Apnl Is, 181 j, and payable ix mont.ib aliei date, wish inle- et alters we shall refuse to imv the same when due unless compelled by law, r.ot 'uing re- eivoc a consiJeralioii lor it. JOHN PVRHF,.. 0. 11. r, r(ji;bi;L. May 31, 1915-3 a i) msissitA row a no tice. the Estate, if SUSANNA TOM LIN SON, lute ij ( entre township, deceased TRJOTIOR is here! iy tjivon llial letters of adipin- istriition on the ahove mentioned I.?tntn, iave hern granted to tlie suhsei iher, Imiil- In l.'en re township. All person-, indebted lo suid estate lie heicliy liotil'n'd lo nmke i' dialu ) H) ll.eiil, ind all those having claims nie nqjtsted Iu l ie cut them propcly nutbenlieatei! Jo bOLOMOA iNKUilAr;?, A.!ni r. May 17, 1640, be. i I pur-t!nc? of an order r-f theO: phan'a Court, ol Columbia county, n Saturday the 1th day if June next, it 10 o'clock in t!, for, noun, Aaron Hen dershol, Adiiiiniritrdii'r 1 1 Dili .ra ,'ri z.l-io-uflUoom In; h-hip in anl couiitv .ilrri-ist-d. will expose t- ule, by puhiic ici ilue, npoi he pri mini a ccrii-i i lot nr pnel ul ground aU'.Mie in Hut kmsi illc, in ,Hi,i Jimmy, mid licinjf pnris 1 1 K ts niniilcied 'ix acd (icveii in thr dan of sa d town, - f .11 miiiibi r ix, seven tn in breadth em' me hundred fid ninety t:ght Ictt in depth; uid i i lot iminli'r ecveri, filtren le t i' i.i 1 . .11 Ti .iiiiii h ul. one niintiito auo rnny eiphi eel i'i depih; Htld hounded s follt.UH t ciininii al a putt on main fireet Mid Im iim.brr fix, thence by the same (miih ihtr V ive'i degrees, wrU one hum red und nm tv eilil feci tn a hark idipv; thei.ce a one p.nd idle mmhIi fifty ihrte (!ej'ecf, asi twenty two fiet to poM in hit rnni 'ier tfver; thfnep thioogh i-aid lot noith hniv te en degrfes, cn.t one hinu'red srd nnety eight feet ion po.t on 11. (un u.-i. .hence m.ith ft v :hree drref c e a,l tweiitv ta fnt to the (dace of beginning. There is erected on ihe f er.'iiJtt b f.-f. 1 p. T.?io r. l-tie the etuie cf tij (!ftce,-.'I. tiui li the lowmdiip of Uiooiu hud coi.n'y -Join f-aid. .I.VCOIl ! YLKV.rtr,.. Dj!ivi',.y. 0, 1315. THE l.XST XOTlCtt fflnilK suhicdbcr having pliccd HIS AC M lltlUM'O hi the hands ol CIIAKLli IC.AllLCK, llsij for collection, rmjueals all those ui.lubted to liiui dither to come forward and pay their reancclivi) dues, or else confess jililgment loi iho aamu on or buforu the FiriST DAY Ol IVLY NLXT and nsvj cost. E II BIGUa May 20, i815-5 Chair iTIumifcctory. fW HE subscriber having establinhed a VA' IP a It .Jl.l.YUr.lCTOHV on Mm street, near the resilience of I.. H, Mhus, he is now prepuied to furnish Cimiis of every deacription, on as good ternia as they can be purchusad cl.owhere 'i tlia county. WOOD TURNING, Such as Bed Posts, IVangon Hubs, Itose Blocks, tc. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL 4- IIOUSL PAINTING. Also HOUSE PAPERING. fliis latter branch, from bis experience, he believes he can Uo a little better ban any other person in this section. (T'I'Ot'LAR rLAMC will le taken in pay Dent ut the highest c ,Ket price SAMl Y,. HAOEACLCH Bloomaoiirg, July 4, 16-lp jl; NAILS, Srii:E; &c. The IJIoomsljitrg It. , I. Co ILL keep constantly 00 bund, a largo aortuient of NAILS, SPIKES" AND IIJON which they will sell by WIIOLLSAI K and RE- I All., auu mi at good tei tiw as the arliclct can be elewhere vurchaied. Meichanla und others, may find it to their interest to call- .Ml iuds of grain received in payment. JOSEHI HAA 1 OA, FiiEdiriXjrr PAR 7WERSIUP DISSOL VED. Trie Conartnership hpretofore existing ndcr the fi. m of SILVER' HORN & BOONE, in the Blackinilhing Business I)isiolved by inoiual consent. Tin Bonks aio in the hands of .Mbrshal Silver horn, to whom all having claims on, 01 re indebted to, said linn, are rcquemed i pply Knincdiaicly for bHiletnem. M USUAL SJLVEKTIIOKN'. JUDAI1 BOON E Bloomshorg, March 23; 1815, 49 fiy'TliR Business, in fiitnie, will be car ri'ii on at the old bland, by ihe u l.s : r 1 ho Hi'ii'its n coiitiiitiance of the ciutun ts old f,u'i:i!s, and of tin many new out of may pie a en call. M. SILVERTIIORX. March 2d. uJUIaW viJ.ii.iiS i-lyULiil 3I.inO!.5-s YASI). The ni'i)aenL'tts have cs'.iblished at the ''vt plu-c. a i.e.v MAN ISLE YAUD. md will always be u ady, at the slioilcsi intice, to furnish lo order, MCNUMENTS, TO MR. TABLES. TOMBS TONES, HEAR Til JA MBS, MAN 7 L ES. I'AIN T STONES, MULLERS, Lc. ir any other work iu their line. They etc ilso prepared to furnisi VIM)()V CAl'S ind SILLS, DOOR SILLS and STEPS ,tc either of Ala. hie, Liini! or any kind i stone th;it can he pmrun d iu tine tf "Pllacinj had coti.-itlcrable cxpcrieiiCf hi the bu-iiicss, tnev pli doe their work lo ic cxcciiti d in rns h;in Ihnrne a i-ivle at can e fiiinishcl li,nn i.nv yard either in the ity or conritn ; und 0,1 ;is rca.-nnahle lerinh ARMsrilOMi & HUGHES. n:r...i.iljiirg, Nov. a, 1 b 13. ly 28 Ora igrvilte. Cotitnv'.ia county, Pa. THE sii'ibcribcr repic!fu!ly inform thf uhlic iti.,1 ho has l"ii..;fd t.'iis larjie llnce lory Tavern, now in the occopunev of Mi (JeoriiB Si iplc, in Unmeet ill, Colombo county, Ph., trnd intends iiuiwiii into 11 on die first of April ni XI. where hv will bi (i!e:iscd lo tee his old friend!) and customer A his will r'wvixh be fnniihbid wj'h i!tp best tht 1 1 x 1 n t-1 iiir.iri', 11 is 11 A U w iih the choices "I Lupous And Ins ST LLE.aiip ruled b t iiil.l'i.1 II.. .-line, he fl.ilicr.- Ii:n..e;f ibul hr will be iibie to u-e d stirfactioii l-'O.N'VEYANCES will sIwkvb te ready lo trhfipcrl Wdlnriit-r on then none, I C JOHNSON yi..rph 15, 1845 if' N'CUTil BRANCH CANAL. TNJO'I'ICU is hereby given that tho Books 0! l the .Nulilll liiiANCU CANAL CO.M 'A.NY will he opened on TUi.XD.4Y the seven teenth day of June next, et two o'clock in the af teruoou at the I:hof i.ix Hotel in U ilesi aire, I'i., e.heie the uiu!ersif;nci!, under the taw firthit po'poseenacirj. will ultcnd to receive liii.'fccni tons tur sloes of sjiJ companv, 'i. M. JJo'.ler.i.ack. .1a:5.,i Holland. r. V. tur(Iov!lnt) RoVl A. 1'anibh, V. f . i ibH i.n.r:.!,:.. Wiii.air. tolr, 'Vm. V'il.d.-y, I.-je;.h l'riul'.y, llc-ry Xiii.g. Chester Uuttler, Oca. P. Htecle, Garrick Mollery, C. li. Ward, I.', Overfield, Henry Slark, H. F. llendley, Ceoc Mink, ThrN ?. (.Vp. Kh.iU Cbauiiccy, r.iur. i. Try tJr, S. Garcia. F.i'Uwo;..'!,;;-.; Amerion, Batti-rrir.:c-, Jxpref). NeVY-ri. Bradfoid Kepntte r, To . t.'n.j, Ia.x..-i:, ijjiivic; Atfioiican, Sunborv ,V.!j1' Of.tO.'l', L;'"lC i.aomMUrg5 Advocate, w.eK-, sei.-.i a .py sr.. ..1:1 zi c ot Ir.e I.czorno IBZCrZ'S I?Ao GJJla South side of Main-it . opposite Hyer Ikflley't Store, tryWlLL ATTEND COURTS IN THU COUNTIES UF COLUMBIA AND LUZERNE. DL 00 MSB URG Cabinet Waro House. riHE subicrilier would reiprclfully infonn tl.o JB, public, that In bus taken the sb ip lately oc cupied liy Aamucl I. illy, near th upper end Lilooiusburg, where he is carrying on the in all iu various branches, and where ho will I happy o wait upon all those who may favoi h with their custom. His Furniture iswuiMiiledt he made of good ninteiial and duiable, Slid he in tend) keeping on band Sidebourds, Secretarin, Bureavt Wardrobes, Curd Tables. Dining Tubles. Breakfast TubUi, Cupboards. Stands, Wash n d v, Bedsteads, Doui(h-truu;hs, Coffins;, &x. snu all nines of wo.-k 111 his hue, which he will .cli upon as reasonabU leinis as they can be puKbascu in me couniy. liy strict attention to business L buses to to- ccive asiiss 01 puuiie jationajje. LLI UKOVVN. April 86, 1845. Ijl NOTICE. A LL persons knowinz themslvia 1. jrSi. thesubscriboi, his icqusslaJ tu cuuje forward auu uiaKe payment. will be taken in payment as usual, and received In excuange lor LLA1 UKK. PHILIP UHRISTM V.. Bloomsburg, May li, IS45 4 Spectacles & JIasseSi THIE subscriber hes jut icceivcd a larpe . SMimentol faPEOTAOLES and bPr,C'. I'ACLK GLASillij, of the best quality, tf both WijteunJ yreuu. from No. O. upwards. (JLl'eiaona uClictcJ with sore eyes, will find ii j their njvrtiuiije to call at-d get glasac- from him. s thev may feel assured of dcr,ving a fereat boneC 0111 their use. G. L. SHULTZ. Llumniiburg, Ms 17, 18454 p :io $ c'j vs of " I'llE UNITED STATES JUUKNAL Ur Ji:sse E. Dow J- Co. T-illTE flrt cumber of uur new puj rr will be i. ja. siicu tins (.tirat; day ol A'ay, v.ith an enlin new dress new type, Di e white paper, with cthei imporiain flleraliuns ntiu improvements. The pa per v,ill be devoted to b fearless exj-caition ul L ruocralic principles: it will mlouelv end uorcinil- llineK' onnote taeb unit .turn (IT,ii i.. l.i;. I. .. mun)mot.b nionmcliy hank and other loicchievouf coijiiiralions and consuludations of wealth, wbicli siii.vcr ta the rights ofthe pcupla and undermine the jiillaru ofthe Republic; it u ill oppose un oppres sive and ariti-repuhlican tioilF system, the snvump li n of the tMuie Jebts by the (Jcnerul Government uid ull other rtderal principles which bav un in evituble tendency tu destroy public piofpoiity bp veil as individual b.vppinfots. Against all such po i:ti, bl deluaiuns wc .ball wage unchanging, ur. cumprnnjisiug wai, The I aniier und Mechanic who produce all the ti cupuul ol the iintien, will find in our puj tr un 1 nwuveriiie champion of their inalieiablc rights: tht long cherished principles of'iha editors em too well known to the public lo rcipiha any pledge on 'iiia point. To the Miscellaneous lVpuriim-ttt lurtiruliir attention will be dovuteJ, the Lai!i.' will Iways liml in our cominns a choice selection from be current literature of ihe day, a wnil as oiigine; imt ihctions from tho met taunted writers of vhu h ourcouniy can buaat. A Reueral sun.n;sn ;f Foreign and Lomejtici.ews will be furnished; '11 e;:ular price curient and a correct li.t of the i.ricet ji stocks wid aLo le eiven. 'J heconductora have already secured ihe aid sod u-o icraiion 01 a Lirce liun oer u the mflold hIiii. ....sin.!, uiuin.j ouu uniiucai wruen ol tile cuv: .i,,.l..,l I!,. ... 1 , , ., ir:iinytn:cn.'o will also be made, at thb earlier! t e- .: .1 . .. . .1 1 ... ..... 1 1 . . ' o.u M,,.su,ie, 10 eniuciui'n our columns by Ihe cm. dilutions of cwrc;poiiiiem fru.m abroad. Will, bis, brief and imperfect nullinouf our plan, we tcrv e peolfullyj submit our claims to an mlcntire a roimsa to the corickh uiion of n gonerous public, rurili'ini ni' r f'HEOi'HII.L'JS F1SK. JtdSL' c vow, 5 TERMS. tin Ton 1 Veckiy pfper by Iho yenr $7 00 u J lor tix monlhs 1 00 r0mi-cik.1y paper by the year, jn i(7ff (, ot) lur lesa thiin a ymr, COtU. per monih. 3ai!y paper by the yew, in advance 10 00 do fur lest than a year 51 per month. SuUiiiiritiona to the Daily for lesa thim two, U. he fccrni. Weekly for less than four or to the Veelily for leu tbun si rnombs, will not bo r eied. If not psid niihin the yanr.tbe ZDcily psper will e 1 1 2, thaieuii.tb.!; 9, and the Vvoely 92 60 l vnr. All payments ti be made in advance Thnse who iave an opportunity of paying o'herwiae, rnay e "it ly mail, at cur riak, pcatace-paid. lha 'us n,s.iter'scc'i;(l'vi9 of such remiuanca shall b i sufficient receipt thercmr. The ccies of my pecio paying bank will ba received. aioiii-J KiAiiKhv, Harness, Saddle & Trunk rSanufacturerj ESPECTFf'LLT irM.r.t the public thai fca i U haa bicsted him'r If 111 the shop rait door tohamucl I'aeeubud.sLluir Factory, .Viin s:;et Btooichl uig, Columbia ''aunty, whe.ehe will ca ry in the tbove bus nets in all i's bmnches. Ka will keep cntantly on fire ar.d C0F.ri (inp unci T itm Jt, rse Iiarnnnnt. Hurst Collar 1, Saddles, Rr idles and Trunhst &c. 'ription 5 na hann harl Icpj rianoo in the tma.neja. ho .-an fi-mus at :-.i-nl u ,u aiu as chfip as fan b rviia in ?,. cunt ;. art ir n-ork, at 1 -t j-:.. I IJclIIey & JTIcudenhaU, Mve just rcceied,and tre now opening .11 tin old slana oj cytr 0 n'jfitt,, AN SXTKNSIVB AISOHTWKNT 0J- Sf'KlNG AND SUMMtK GOODS, Cviuisting f fitly aititll u,ually kqt 'm ,, tuuntty ttiji, Atnoi'g tlieir aesorlment will be Iound,of 1)KY G00DS- Clotbsi Casaimerea; Ssiiineiit, fiainbrootn ir, lor iunnner paulfi Calicoet, Chintz; lMvoiiinii Lawntand Urape UtUnes ii. lor dn ttet. Ilotieryi Gloves Si Ainu; Handkerchief, Scirfs; biowu and bleached Shirting cto. colored yarn; Lapt and Wadding Bonneit tod irimmingi. They have alno; Palm HtlfJ Travfllin; Uanketsi Looking Claurt and Dism Clocks. GUOCEIKS. Soair, Tea, Coffee, Molas.e, Vu ter, Spicen, in fact every thiiij; iu in.s line llial may be Called lor. Crockery. A general assortment ut' 1'itce Chains, Shovels, Ntil. Spifcei, sod the unual variety of Lock., Screws, lltills, Sin., Hulled end 13 1 r Iron, Hoop and band Iron, Waggon lire of all aize, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All of which they will tell on the rors'. reasonable (emu and receiva in payment ad indj of country produce. May 10, 1845 3 m. 5 T UF. Danvilla Steam Woollen rcljry, If.-. merty owned and occupied by Vt, Pctrikm. has recently bien purchased by the siiUcriler, wi.j cspectiuiiy announces to bu fnenda ar.d the oi .! ic generally, that ha u now prepared to eiecuu n Kinuj 01 worn in tiia lino ol buau.oa, at li.u hortcst notice, according to order, and in their- dinpurative manner. Uaviiifc gone tu ccnsiclru-1 ue cxpenpo ;n ropa.rtng his tnachinery and appu- jtui auu neing very particular in seem 11 e tie ser vices ol epriencfd mechanics, be feclj cxitfiOetit I1.1t b is capable of cxccutiriB all k:nd. of work 11 biii li'ie i" aatyla ajueriui lo anv c'.uur eatabiisi.. ro ut it' the eountry. Prices of -.vfrk al followr : Clotii I yards wide light and dark, from 4S to t'i cents pel yard Do buttle greins, olive browti, Ac. from CO to CJ Sntirctn of the above colon, fiuw 40 to 41 Flnnmls one yard wide, 30 c-oou. Vino, btotvn or black, 40 VI adder red, 45 blanket 'i yds wi'e; iwi'lcJor plain, from CO to 7'J cants per yard. Z&ZlllG &FTJLLI1TG II ill be done in the beat manner, and attheupu n priei a All kinds of country produce I9 taken in payuitnt fur vt elk at Dutiville n aiki l prices. SATITNETTS FLANNELS CLOTHS 4- BLANKETSt (.'oiiettmiiy on hand, for sals at reduced prlcoa for .'ah or Bailor. For the accommodation of customers living at a distance wool for iVanufacturing will be tuken in 'it the following places : COLUMBIA COL'XTV. Isaac Kline's Mill, Fiahingc eek; Holmes' store, Columbus; Low U I hompsvo's store, Lime-Kidge; W. L. Wallvr V. I.'o.'s elorc, Berwick ; Stevrait & Ilicketa' stoic, ' )ranr;evillej V rn. 1cKelvy Co.'s store, Ulnomu hurg ; J"hn G. Sharjilcss' store, Cattawia-a; L, L jel's mtore. Jorsey town; Deri Si McBiidc's stoic, Whit? all; Stroup's atoro, IVashingtcnville. Ll'ZErt.NE COUMT-Keyiiold'astora.Kinaa ton; Gilileileeve'n, VVilksbaire, Styeia' stoia, Nau ticolte; Judge Mack's Mill, Huntington Plain written directions must accent nenv each parcel. B. R. GEARHCART. Danviilo, May S, 1615 - ADMINISTRA TOR" S NOTICE Tht Estate of ELIZA HITTER Lit vf Bloom towmhip; deceased. "WlTOTICE is he.cby given that letters of duin. !(( tstratiun on the above niantioned, nuve been granted to the subscriber, living in Ceo tre tnwmhip. All persons indebted to said csluio aia hmeby notified to maka ianoediatc pay lent; mil all th oi having claims are requested lo pic ent tlicin propeilv authenticaied to JACOB H AG EN BIT , Amd'r He bonis non with tho Will ami.ed Jl ay IH 154 1 -fc 3 If. F. HAYIIlTBS'rr"" WAGGOH B2AKKB, BLQOMSBDRG, Jib KPPECF ITLLY. informs the public iNt 4 8l he has located hiinwlf in the Slmn lately occupied by ZIUA HLGiiLES, in MARKET STKEET, where ha intends carrying cn the above l)usir,M in ell Ili varioua branches. HEAVV WAGGONS Huflt and repaired, aa wtll es one horso i f evvy dascriptinn, end all kinils of Counliy 'A'oik, in hi line, done al short notice, Bud 011 t.'.o mat reaaorifila tenra. C3Good Lumber and all kinds ol Cotintrv Pro. ducetsken inpayarit for wwk, but Cadi iU HA ba refuned. April . IMf ftrr.W NOTICE S 9 hereby given to ihe .Jtockholdeia in the enm pai.y fur erecting a L'r'd?e oer tbe NotthciiU Hram h of the river Huaiur-haiioa. I elween the to'.vn r f Catt neieea ar.d Ihe mouth f Fishingriei !. that the Managers V.jve hiida dei la.ed a ilidi e.d f THREE I'FI C ENT, on the flock id s Id ir-,:on.pmy. for tba lar-t six inuntha, which will! e r..,a 1 i, .t.t.,. . .1 1 1 ... the ir.wi.ri'a eC'.ce. t'attawissa cii ur alur .'A.'ir.S HLEASNTS, Trram er. -ius.i tV.t!iL9, AtU 1, l&li.