A COMMON I.N QIC KT. lot ilmt vniiiiu nun do for J . 1 1 T i r n? it the common inquiry, as iome fuiinikh. ivll ilrnaia il itul I V idtlal O.tCSPS hv. '4N01hion--nnihingai1.il,' is the lowing In ila correspondence: freqnent rrpl. '13ot wh Hippor1, ThMt I wenty-nine Slater, with about him in hi extrstancn" None can .thirty inoro to b ? formed, miking 61 in tell -Duj we being Yinkef, luee the in ill, will place n in a very Bilisfacto privilege ot (.uv'ssioi; Thai young mairjy condiiion with repaid lo our stipieni who dresse in fine broadi'loin, fjiri-s nry on the Norih American continent. cane, ind Is o f x'renif lv po'i'c to I' is "aid the letritnry between Iowa, his irquainlanccs eopeciiilly the ladies ,Misoiiri, and tho Pacific Ocean, is uf- il thu ton of man iu modi n'e cii- fjeient 10 malic twenty seven new Staler cumi'ances, who funis 11 liiTiculi to so-'.Tt xas exit a, fio 1 ho one admitted) lain himself wih a moderate income, will ive ut three or four more. These His son wishes to be a flentlenimi, and lolive without labor. I he lather in fiis folly, refuses to put him to a irade or lend him to woik on fnm, hoping that lomelhing mij turn up, by and by whin business will be bet'er, fui hia son lo obtain Rood living vviihout woik. He is now obliged lo in)ene with the luxuries of life perhaps with aome of the comforts f ir his eon lo keep up ap pearances, and co into guod society, as that kind of company is termed, where young men have nothing lo do but drees according lo tlx Utest fashion- II is quite independent, and mos lai'gmge to Ins senioie that mihl be considered un courteous from a kins. He faces all classes ami conditions without a blush, and dares lo look wiih contempt upon the honest apprentice, whose geiieroti" aoul would outweigh a thousand as light as his own. The companions he chooses ere like himself, puffed up with vanity, swelling wilh importance, and who make a pretence of doing somelhins.by occasionally visiting a lawyer's office, to read a page or iwo of Iilackslone. The end of such a youth it needs no prophetic vision 10 see. 'It is as plain as the way to market, as Doctor Frank I'm would say, that he will turn out a low, despised and miserable tool. -1 cr lisps the Penitentiary will bring him up nerhans the callows. But if he es capes these, it will be to hang like an incubus on those ot his menus who 101 pity's sake have not the heart to send him where he deserves. The above is a Irue picture of many of the young men who may be seen daily in our streets- You meet them at every corner, io all public resorts, all parties of pleasure riding, sailing, talk ing laughing, joking eternally; apparent ly wilh money enough, more impudence , end less brains. But how they all con trive to keep body and soul together, without work, always spending and Intver earning, wo confess is sometimes mystery to us. W hen a project of pleas. 'ihniluhl lit anil I (in Inast rnnoir'nrfwl (Of one thing we are certain, that we re fast verging to a nation of paupers it impossible for a people to live long in idleness, enjoying ihe luxuries and the blessings of life, wiihout gradually -diminishing the resources of comfoii & wealth. To be prosperous as a people each must do his part at least do tuln cient labor to gain his own suppoit. Parents are very cuiliy in this mat ter. They should not permit theirgreat lubberly boys to hang on them for sup porl, when ihey are well ab!e lo laboi nnd when to work would promote iheii health and make them cheerful and liap py. You do them a mighty wiong while you dandle them in folly and nur lure Ihem in extravagance, ami tell them how manly they appear, when you know you must know ihe drleleri cus consequences. II your grpat boys v.w!i not work,you should not support Uierrf. ess OFFICIAL DIGNITY. Mr. Cist tell a capital story about a constable in Pennsylvania: He had served a legal precept of eome sort on a particular friend of his, greatly his superior in strength, who being particularly drunk at the time, ie belled agair.st Ihe law and its myrmidon, fieiz'iig too olhcer and shaking him al most to pieces. The parties meetinc. a few days afer, Jim, llio offender, was profuse in his apologies. 'Vou know. Jake,' says he, 'I would not have sei v- -d you so if I had been duly sober, it was all the devilish whiskey did it.' The tfliial at last mollified and relent- 1 4 a eu unoer Jim's expostulations. "As to the shaking,' said Jake' 'I dnn'i beat sny malice, I don't vally it a rent on tny own account, but na an officer ree- elect next lime, Jim, v.hoevei tt.'iaAc wt, shakc$ the Commonwealth.' There's a younjj man 'down fas! who is so modest thai he will not embiace. an opportunity. He would make a veiy jOjd mate for Ihe Udy who fainicl when she heard thn naked tiulh. My dear,' said a wife lo her hu'hand Mid you ever read of the pi igue in Lon don?' 'No, J don'l want lo read it. I' Is enough lo have a plague in my own house.' t ml im iAHSmFti To be born- 'o breathe to I've 'o euffer to die. This is lic. A mo nent and it is gone We stiunnlc jjaJionri fkdo.v--iru glu ajaiu A GREAT COUNTRY. The Ne iv York Herald has the fol- milled to ihe twenty-nine now formed will swfll the number to about sixty one. The present twenty-nine Statea will give us fifty-eight Senators, and also a largo increase in the House of R-pre-aeutatives. When tho sixty-one Siates are formed, we fkill probably have a population of over 100,000,000, of pcio pie. We shall then number 122 Sena tors, and probably 500 members of ihe House of ueprcsentinivc. New ork will then contain one or two millions ot people, with its commerce ramified hroughout Ihe world. New Orleans will probably contain another half mill n ... . . . . ion. at. JiOtiii will probably be the the seat ol Government, wiih its 400,- 000 or 500,000, inhabitants. Uailro.nl and lelegraphs will connect it with the Pacific Ocean on one side, and the At lantic on the other, while the mighty Mississippi will convey its bwellin commerce, brought over the mountains, en route from China, to ihe Gulf ol Mexico. Such ouch I lobe, and fiich will be the future destiny of these States, if thing" are managed right. To secure ihese great advantages we musi at once t ke iur position, and announce to the world and to Great Britain, in particular out fixed and udallerible purpose- to remain supreme on ihe continent ol North America. Thr.t any seizure of Califor nia or Cuba, by England will not only meet our solemn protest, hut will be considered a causus belli. This is th Platform on which all true American patriots must make up their minds lo stand. Our march is onward fot centuiies in eome still onward and they who do not keep up wiih us, must fall behind mil be lorgotten. Thai's all. A mow-Cut, We heard a good story a few even ings sinco which we thought was wor thy of being thrown into a narauraiih A gentleman who was presumed to have contravened, in some minor particular the laws of that renpeclablo old penile man, Uncle Sam, was recently sum . . .1 t 1 1 . . . uioneu irom nis nome to appear, lotin- with before one of the tribunals located in a distant distiicl from that in which he residtd, and left he should fail lo c orloiter toolong by the way,an.Hkcr ol -bi ief authority , whs sent to accompany him. As the. gendemnn under ilur ? was makiiif; what might be literally termed 'forced in:irche.,' and as tin United Stale9 footed the bill for travell ing expenses, he neither objected to steamboat charj',cs nor tavern bills. His attache if his travelling compan ion who had the 'aUaohmeiil' for him :ou!d be so called he, however, found to be of a parimonious turn of mind: rather of the Grahamite and temperance order for his lasle. The captive in fact his abdominal regions rather finking in and was, therefore, determined to hav a 'blow-out.' Tho fir at tavern whirl. they came to after making the it-solve, he wen' up to ihe bar-keeper and ask ed il 'Mr. his guard, or guardian had ordered dinner?' The bai-kcepei answered that he had ordered sum' flour dom's and chicken fixin's.' Our hero cursed him for a nairow- hearleil rascal, and ordered a dinner the best Ihe house could afford for al' hands, and a duzen of champagne li wash off with. It was brought in, and none partook of it with more gusto than did the offi cer of Uncle Sam; but when he saw tUe bill brought in 'Dinner and wine for seven, Sl7'he puckerul tip his fou- nea.i like a ha't-shut fan. 'Why, Mr. 'said he to Ivs r.ii- oner, 'hut I di.l noior Jer ihi!' 'I know you d;d not,' raid his pti-on , 'but I did so foik over.' ei I will not do it,' faid the Govern ment (jffi'ial, emphatically. 'V ell, llii ti,' (aid ihe prisoner, 'as b the way in cares of trespass, the land lord will have to keep l!,t hcasl fur tin damage let him hold on to me 8j t bostige lil his bill is paid.' The official, seeing lie had no rthfi alternative than lo pay Hie bill or li.-av his prisoner beliind him, ailnp'ed tin former; not ulwn iliry su.jp.il ; a -'111 alln waids, his fi fl e.-.ntii.n, in 1 ve ry ir.stai.ee to the laudhud v j 'D ii.'i iiihI my co mpaiiion he bus got i,f t ii.dii, and 1 am n! accountable K r any I'.bts the rrun contracts.' I'lcviune. TAMIL'S MEDICINES. JJVAE'S 1LU11 TONIC. Thii lluir Tonic lies produce.! hemitifiil iV' Hair in it j u heads of hundreds who li ad been iiahl aorycarai It also purities tlm hesd from l.)nn lii:11 C'uii'h Jini'a i-a of ttiu PresnivrH llie hail front I all in o IV or luroini.ii; iriiiitiiji'iil!y gray JAYNPS C.lIiMLWITirE L1L &VIM. IS a certain, Halo and cll'u-tul remedy fur Jy entiry. Diuiilicea or looi'ms.j, cliolern inorl)UH,win:i- iner coiiipluiiil, colu-j jnMii imiiiih; sunr ctomnrli; sick and larvou lie:n!ui'li, heartburn, wuterln,it,!i; pail) or iU'Uiiori ol lliu toui,ii-!i; voiiiilmg; Kpitlm up ot fnoJ ul'.cr t'ntuijX unJ also v.'bi-ro it pui-sc.-. throuqU llifi boily uiiv!iaie;rd ; wimt of g '.tit': rcutlesi-iu'sii and iuabilily to e'lcp; winul in lI'R hIo- nwea mill lioivcl i; cramp; ua vou Imiiiih and twiicliinije, Eouhicluu'MHj t'.iiiiiiiig, rnclumli.'ly m iownosn of spi.il.1, frt'tiing and crying of iiikinl: and for all boivel ntllclioim uml iiitvous Ji-i.-o. Dr. JjrXK'S TOXIC VERMIFUGE Which is porftctly safe and so jileniinnt ilmi clulilreil will nut rclusc to takn if it clli ..tualh icstrnys worms; iiciilrnlizr- ncidily or i-uvi i- the nloinach; iii-.re:ii.j opprlite and eci.i as n gem:- ral nnd porniaiicr.t 'i oni-.-nnd ia thcreloro excivii inlv liciii'licial in iu'eriniileiil oudlli'n.itlciil U:'ii and indi;i'slion; c nnd if a ccilaiu and ptrimiiutt cue lof llie lever nntf aue. DK. JAYiNE'S SANATIVE TILLS. They may be t.-ikcn at ail linies and in most ihiieacH In liill.imiiiiiioi y, intermit tnnt, Keinitient, lliliom, and every other form of l ever Jaundice mid Liver t..om plaint. For Dyspepsia they are really an invaluable article, gradually changing the Ailiated secretions of the stoni-.ieh and livet, and produeiii" healthy action in those im porlant organs. I hey aie very valtiahh or disease j of the Skin, and for whin it imminonlv railed 'Impurity of the blood;' dso for Female Complaints, Co8tivenes iti!., nnd in fact every disease where an parieni, Alterative, or Purgative Mcdieinc nay be requited JAYNC'S EXPECTORANT. It always cures Asthma two or threi large doses will cure ihe Ctotip or Hives t Children, in from fifit-cn minutes to nu hour lime. It immediately subdues ihe violence of Iloopinjf Cotieh, and efi'eets ; speedy cure. Htindrcils who have beer s;iven up by their physicians as incurra'di vith 'Consumption, ' have been rcs'.ortut per fer.t health, hy it, In fact, as a remedy in pulmonary Pis cases, no medicine has tver nhndncd h higher, nr morn deserved rcpuTl'ion. JijTlie above iMedteine an all for salt mine store of JOHN II. MO YEN, Hloouisbur. in Tf LjsjL i4 TMHIUCIXO tho prcnert npjinrle-iii'y t! IA ex'iiii5 l.i.4 l!ir.ii'..f,ilm..-t'lii-i filcudf.-in.'r the pidillc .-ijBi-ali;-, for the liln-ral patin)a.-e i:t has lieicti.fnn; recr ived, iiil'or.n. friends a, id I'm puWic in qeecral.lhat he c'ill i-rtulinucslo e-irry ,;i, the nliovc liusiiic. ut hi.-f o'ol e.t.il.li-hril :-tand," in the e.vrntr l Main and Mice1.-;, where In nope.-;, Iiy .-itiict iiltcntiim lo Ini.-ines, to reei ivi nun iiicrn a nia mi oi public patrv.naRe n liercioljic lie d' l-n's it '.ini'cccs-. aiy ;j Kll into i!:e s.,t.!e r;! lna;.;.orl.i i! any k.iIi s.al.l.-i- rdmut hi-. SKII.I. ii the l'l.OFK.StM'.N (),- (i.V'.MCN p (;(. "1"J1(, as lux :di"p ii ot lone; Mniidin j, ainl his wmk llihiks uill qe.-.-k fn- it.--!l', ami f..r n.o.,! l-iu.'e ll.au wordi. Hi,!, he wind,! mcri-ly tay that. !n .varrants hi.-v.y.-iIi i!,-,r.e w i;h in ilm-i,-, ih.inliili-v ind iu the li.tiM f.hiiii-il-le manner, end vill i-i; ii ru n t"id lit in all ca-es. .. li. ('Iiaiye.; iiioderalf-lo mil ihe tiniei, A kinds nff-Mintiy priliico taken in CAclni'igi! li, work, al market prices. I2;iniliiir(r, "So. 0 lSd 1. 29. Asl Of lA'tU-i'.i. n n i i i . . iw..ii.iiii.Mi iii me i'nsi wince at CaiiiiwUsri on ihe iptarler cmlin'' Maril 31st. fird William M'I'or Thoinni t'lurk Daid (Iviiic.i Kli.;!.; ih Campla-ll lhanc Overseen i,f tlic po..i i.-f,'A-:.i!,.-c!- Davis Jonallia'i J'l'.-ldcr .!oI;n lh i.ner J. .Smmcl Kitn-r Ua-. id riiicln r'. 'J'liuiuas );inar J', h'eul.cn Hale Joseph Hughes llllij Itoiver Cain 2 ludell It. tohn Murynnn lolin Jr-arah Stoker .Mc-. under t'lnsti aid .hicici "V u ru i us Voiata li. Samuel 5 Voi i.iii Joseph Zeneer lleoico I'er.-ioiis nilhnij tor letters in tlx abjve li-:i vil iilcasi) e:ry liiey aii) advprli:-cil. I'AU, It B.!,!)Y 1'. id. f.isrofctJi'i-!. RK.MAIMiNO in the I'ost OfHee, a: liloomshnrg, on the ocailci- i-mling Maich. 3Ut. 1611 Samuel Rer-eh, Pntrirlc IJ-.nn. C;cr,ri llieely, J. 15, ;lli laid. John :).iS0n.(iori.'e .1rDowell, John Matii-h, George Sentiiiar IJ. S, Tailor, m Varr.j. J'c-rson cillinj for Ic'ttcn i 'l o ilcvo li-st will jlttoO t iy luey at ndveillsc-J. J K MO YE I; 1' f.I Cabinet, a!inf;, fHllli KUlto-'Klici rcspoctfully inlor.ns ia pul U lia lliatbc has takt n tie ilii-p la'wle oceup.n! 'y H. H.c.lijnt, ul tlia lower nut if M,uU-1 -trct-t lilooiiitbu.-g; wl.cro ha into:: li enr-vin ' oi the 1,1,-uve buMiiivs in all i,s b.ai.tiic.i, ti.d ,-oluiti- ha e (,f thy pat.-ii;iii;o of the public. In connection with tho above luth.cfj. Lo ciT.r Ai bttvicid as an UNDERTAKER. V.i wi'.'i nl-.wiji 1 o ieii.lv to li.iiki.- CCri'lN ' Ine fame pines l.c-ioli-iij -liiiycsl i:i j;.....-).. !-,,. . and i.avil.i rcpplml blUii eii' i -;j a c-j i! i!.i tmwill uiiuiJ viiib it at ll.o Fum-ia, wu,:ou:a;iy lit, a cliiiiu. JOII.N 111 TLCS. Mar.Ol 1645 e,n 8 CliOCIi & WATCH- ffjr.Si'r-'.tJTl-'ri.I.V iufurms the cili.ein of ft Q, Coluiiiliia county, nnd llie public generally 1 1 11 1 lie has located liiimell'iu lllooinnlini:; on Main ticut oppoHitu ISt, Paul's ('liuicli, when) lie Ins ipeiied hhop, and Jh nuW ri'iuly nnd piepun d to iveivn and exccntiMill woik in hi line id liu .iiicn.s '.iilh dispatch uud in a ivoikitinnhKo inninier. clocks & Watches f t'no Lest quality, can Lo bud at Ilia caUUisliim-nt un veiy reanoual)le lenii! , UKlMIUIt: & CLEAMXG will !m done to tlietialinfiK tion of t'ao citoim-r. .if well tf Clocks nnd VV atc'iic as nf Jewel -.y, and he wiil further, wairanl liisv.-rk talc r.xc-uteJ u wclln:! any iu I'.iU action of Ibe Kiu'-e. 11c will iLo muko to older SUIIVEVIXG COriirASSKS or pocket, and in hhort, will do nil olliertvnik -v-'ii-ally done in n ivt-il retnlatci! i esprrtaldc rstu'olish nil-ill. lie liopes t'-v fti'.ct run i. lorn u lai.aia:- and a dfM'e l(. pleai-e, to ic.iive a lilicial j-1 .nu- e patroini;.'. (.'ountiy l'roiliiei! taken in piiyii.cn for wink ut the '.uai!;ct r iei l.-oinl.ur(,'. .Ndi.ioler -I'O.t l33iaili i-t"ahfactby, Til C subscriber coiilinues to carry on tlio CHAIR m N U PA 0 TO X I N 0 liutiineaH at the old stand of 15. i 8. Haoei ouch, where be will he readv at all lime to lurntsh raney & vuui'soi lhai:s, t il tec?, I! os ;on 'Inekins Chairs &r, of evov 'lcHcnption, which may he culled lor, at short notice and Ml tho most reasonable terms. lie will r.lso execute I louse, Sitju Ornamental Painting, and House l'apering, in a cupffior nianncr, I'm i: hia cxnerietice in tho business, an! 'us facili'.ies of :iiamif-.ieturirs Ihe vr.riou articles of ti i h line, he flatiers liiniscK Uiat he slrill bu able lo lurnibi) as pood work, ind upon as reasonable terms as c;.n Ik iloivs in ihe cour.lrv, -all of wbii.h lie dispose of lor CASH or L'OU.NTnY T KOI) ecu N. ! Onlert from a distance will In strictly ui.d lunetoallv hltended to. ii ha(;f.;i;'Jc;i. nioornil tirr, Djc 30, JM:t -mwnmm. Come cm, cvmcaU, give me a cct!l ! raillr. uli.'en.ier reUnn.-r !us micrie llia.d. y V,r the liberal atron.i;e lierc'r.!, :- !--"i! ,-aii upon liini, i.ntl liwjiC:! for a lamtiiii, ni.ee nl tie- .-a.: i .villi an i.i"r,"a :e oi'.e the i:i'.,it of his mop. llr- in 'ends spaiin;' !' ill, er pain oi' l;tl ,.iir lo n -n'i-miisifaciitn ill any r.i:-i ;ai-.d will wimriit .'..; went bn.u witlil-i!; and uiirabilitv.A.M) A ,',!':"i 1.1 MiA'n.n TiiAX c.. roxi-: i. ..w )7l:it.V'n :.N THIS f l-A'';'. 111 1( -e M' ila. vv ihieh .ii ii can ho in en n at li:s shoji at iiui to eul a.-i :i,!jii;; I, Ills piifes mc n he la i.-t style, or to livo,il:il,e, in 1 1, 0 liie der. . All kiiu'.-i Of IMIIIil,- r.idlii'i' I, n.n n ill pa-, nn-nt for won, at n u'.et lilt A very m ii 1 Iu iii: -coiuit for lie h. J'. .'.'. , N. II. C" u 1 1 : 1 1 ' driiic ,i:!i t!;a idlest it tiic hhor-.-'o n;j!"-e. )'. Cloomsb'itt, Oct.. 181 .5 i.lDV. tare,-,.: S. L. SJ7 12 A U and un !, r. tai.d ! The time v-iil conn lia. uli: ntlic incilii ine, I'rar.d-eih 'ill--, will I , ippii-eiu'ed us tlsey o--i;hl and ile-re; il v. iii be o.di i.-tnnd that llr. lj, nelieili Ins llie j!.oii"i -i !.iii:is upon li:e piildio. It is true lh;,t t veiy in dividual l.liry .o.il.e; a liial oi' (!u J J , :im I r;-t !i oi, cede t-iein to !n' ihe b;..t Im ii :-',::r ihey cn n.-nil. 'J'!;,y :,r- imhnia medii-ne a'.iout v. hi,h ill re ii On mi.-t;-!;.'. "h:.ii value in a clim.i'e .-,u l-r.invable as ours c.mi.ot be .- i.ii'n iei:t!v .ippmclut- il A bee pe.spiiati. n u at mice m.ioi-'d , :n i!iey cme co!,!. ,, ami eon.-nm',,!b.n i-t p.evci.'eil. i'liiisc v,h-i h.-nt a Tiliinilaney ol 'bib- lin, tin ;n of lie mn;t e -a ,i-,i:d M'lvieo, and ;.':)'j'l llicii 'in a in -.iei, ni-y of lint i:i po,l:,ut ilu'n! ll.o i!ran, he'll I'.'.li nuc an npiailv l-t iieiieial ell-c'.. (;i't.-n h,is l! nip,', i;, in. mi Mit oie s,,vni v..,n:,i.-;-.' inei, in ti.n lors v.lo'u: ihe iiu,;,;,o' M;!,;iv :'e.M' w.i-- p,,- :n .', . . -w oo-e.i oii.i ii iinmct.i.nciy epoii i!:,' n l. eiinii Li hin received into tin hcslt-in, will In n! eM cc.t.iin to p. event ma mali-riui i i ; f. aceti nee. And at n,)st,i;.:i; op i!,ii ull'ul epidimie i.; ibrrc -o p.-'er a in, Jiiinj as the Uiendicth I'llis. J.cl l is 1-iV'ii' iiic i t- universally u.-ed in (hi. !:e, i.-e, n:in no loss of i.l.iod a, lowed, and few. vi iy lew, would I e it1; ii-liis. i. So it i.-. v.ili ,.;h. . lis.ii -n. .t iKitnre v nlithis- :,;( ,,-,ai:i nn lii. ine tn ren o m, ibi ! Illi nois l.ein ihe !.! ...i on! do not re.,, nt l.!iviiil or I'.e.imv, cm!;,, ball li-ivc a v, fy ;l .-eaieity of pi - on - :ii!lhu-,: i In croii:.- maladies. J .'u- l.-n ; 1st i ci till, .ui.d Llie;,! nn- over vvhiihv.o ine I'm ! a: i ,Ui . -it i.Mi- Yd -.villi elniniit: i ;:,! -die in ithr,- sb,n,! ., .- I'C .1 .t i.o'. for in,,- p.iiic :i f,evi ;....- d'e.n. l-'(d:iitt haiu.o. IV' the ui ilicine vvlii-l, hnoi'Miiis Willi b",-, w'lii-h 1'iii.lly boi Mirilvri ,no ei i,ll lb" im p-o itie ol'l'.n- I !,;-,,!.-., !-ii 'i . 1 1 i-i I li - 'os I !c f-ib. 1 et icdiici-- di -e i f l.-o i'ull inliii 'os hiiillby ilandaid. J.i t in', n;'ain K,y ti,-,i! evei Icpuitiiieiil ef llie i-,inH,l'.cli.i'e of I'lainhelli IMP i.: pci-ron dly ruperii.tcndcd 'y n,o, and l!i .1 every box vvil'.i cy thru- label.! upon il may Ie reb.il iii- oil lo liavo tin! l,eni iic.iil illivl nr-i.'-iilicil il Use! iciordiiij; to tho (iiiei lions cvcniipi'iiv inp, ACE N T b". 7.i,.h5n:;ton i'o'.icri. .M'JCay. .le.seyti.wn T.. .-c A. T. .':n!. Uiiiivill, ,:. Il.lieymd.'i & Co. Catlavviisa C. G. ilrnl -t. llluuiiiid.uri J.i;..lo-er. ldmi'Stonc !l".!il it-.V ,M','iiii-h. IJiii-LIiorn ,V. LI. S'hrjtn r,k-r. liimo Midjo I.oiv & 'i hjcijirfon. jcrunk J W .Siiiti M.y .1, lS-lu ly- 11. The Members o( this (louipanyj who nve ..- vverds nnd IJebs, In h i '.'lui' to the mm puny; n-.il to e are nqc '.her (.! ,! fn : V illl !tl l' ' . I - t ' l.n ... II. U IS'!! r N ri K ! Mo.-. ;;i n Si'M.:M( just b:S Uiii'-'B , rATlIi'TiflVr' pnu'.ed and lor sail et MSEMIOTAIL BBBILIL. AN ACT Concerning the Removal (the Scat if Justice of ( olumLia County, rum Ditnville lo Ftloomsburg. Seetioii 1. ,'o it CUJi.tcd py lliu heiiale hiii1 uII-jC. ul llepri-h. nlatiii-.s I the ( Yinlm uvw alih ei V, inis hauia in Cmic'al Asseinlily met, und il ii tieieliy luted by lliu rnillnn ily of tin; tame, 'Mini il fc-'iult and nniy lie laislul foi ihe (Inuiilleil o tee- v. ho lime Kcsiilud In Coluinblu (Cun ly for ut Kt:,IST SIX V.I LV.XIU h JllhWUS iiHuudiulrlii reading (tie na l (Ji-h-nil Election, to vote at. hiuh election upon llii piestion ofllie removal of iheii Seat of Jusiiee fiou. Uaii'ille to MooiiihljuiLMii baid counly, in the man ner follow iiijj.to wit.- 'J'liohi' in favor el a Keinoui i'n.ill vote a written or piinted tiil.il lioeiliil 'MiAT Oi' JCK'J ICJ-:; and nuiiainii, S tin wonU -l'Hi! l;.(i().MSit;i;li," ami llio.-u op iio.ni i , a i-.cuiiwi,!, mhiII vote li viil'teii or rrnil- cd ticket li.l,elled u.i ;.ineaid, mid i-ontaiiiin tie l llU IM.WI 1,1,1;" ll.e.si; l;i, i,et. tol, ili-n.i.-iieil iii a inn wineli Klii.n ,u nroMiteJ lor thai ptiipiii-c at each mel eveiy of the el, eti-jn polls ol aid eoimty, and Ihe returns of naiil elieiion hind1 !'C ni-.d1- in the i-ame iranncr hy the In lorn J-idge.-i-i in the nieol lliu eli eiion of Men, In is ot thi ,s,i:nildy, and if on tlm Inec'iins; of the iie'.un, .1 in li;cs It shall appear that a m ijority ot the Vole have !men given in I'.nor nf Lloon.-liuri;, t'-n-u thi i'lll .w in-r --i elioim of this act tdiall be cf l-i!l fnici and cllicl; but il il shall appear lu il a ni.ijoiily o! vote-i have b' en '.u-ii against liliioinsbti ;, tlu'ii ihe Ii lioiM'.l-r ieelii.ni-.-l'tii's Bet flu, !l 1 1- nnll iV void 'ne. . 'J'lial il a mi- joiity of the veti rs of said county of Columbia, ipi,ii;,d as nfonvaid, vo'.ini. on suiil iti(Mio!i of licnoial, shall di-ci-lu in tin manner provided in lb- lii..t section of thin act ii. favor of ll.o liemnval of the teal of Jui'tice of saie canity to the town of Dlooiobni, tlm eitizins ol riloinii.-:'niiir in .-aiil '-onutv bliall erect. ." cause to l.o erected. .?'J' 'fill: III Ol 1'JSOi'ElL F.XI'I. f-', ivilliin Ihrec yiars from and iifici siieii election, in ill.-- town of -loonishm, si,il,,,i luii!diii!.'s of ltit'CK or sfOMi, U' the MOS'J A'.'I'nOVLIi I'l.A.V. for ii Court House end I'lison, and ditli rent iliicea for Ihe safe keryim; ol In counly icit.id.-, niidir itie iliinlioii nl the Com. ly Coniu.i-sioiiers, who lire aullioiisi -.1 to ie eeive it cuiivi'Viniee for sii' h lot or lots of yrouml i'oi-the iimc ol sin 11 Cotnity buildiiiiiS. not J.B.S ih-.iuOAlj i( !'!', in lee nimplo eb ar of all in- .crl'.-aiiee, ihe, said be , f- ;.- Use of tho county of Columbia, lo oe e.ectixl on sui ii lot oi lots of ' nni ml llius i . i,m yen, A ml llie ( oLit Jlni.se. on! othi-r public. I'lnlihe-i; ami real estate on whuli hey lire elected or is iippu,-ii;nant llieicto, at the own oi Lauville, are hereby gianted nnd eoiiiiiui ml io ,'h'i iuha'iiiti,ts of M;.ii oiling low nship, will, i'ull authorilv to sell an ! di.-; use of the same tn ihe nest lulvaiil.e.'.e ainl that so m;.ieli o. the pn cceils -aid aahyas is li.'ie.f.uy tn i-i'uie.' to the citizens la:i .-.lie w hale, er a i.e.' lit ,1 :i :mii they n-av hnr iv'M tor the .'fl.'hii-i buil-'ins ut said town, of spvimd on v bii hi', funded 1 1 ihe s.dd ctl -til'Clion of llie pi ill.- pun ! a e of -n t: e cm Ie,!. si ail I i i -d lin- 1 alii'-i e I p-iid into the f.'oi, .;,- I'ie.si.r 'roe. :' ' ."i ilisj.i-; ('ii,:, or huiblnij',., sb.dl be loaae mild ;.'i!' li,: 1 ':llihl..;s a' ldooic.sl II i.r, or county p'.i or sale ol nn h I '': ' ine eon. i n ,'...-i' a ; .-hall i e i-i.Mi.,.i' I .1. nnd the no con n-i . the Inn: ret-i That i,i ,. , da noil nt.l. . t.-i In I vi. ,-'. e l tin ;o soon as ihe. public liuili.ni mm i; to t; -.e j n.r.M lis el ll, e a ; ; oi Ci:.,i!.i;-..;;n-. i i,f.ce. r it! n,.ul I n o in ihe Curt of Cc nnu im 1 ' i'.'.i.. oi :-.-.! (1 la it . ..i to the till eoril their a i I .-ml I. i i.it la it; siil.-bi io loi'j et i", h 'nl i ta-oiilh.' me oi'r.' i-l' ll.;.--. a; '. anil a i h',;;.l:n; intelit II I' la in- mui'e l,y t 'o:iin,:.-..ioi:i',-.-i ,) 1 io, oi ei-.'iM. '.be j ii die o! I pri -on, in nnd 1 1 , ;-n' be t ij ill t' r pi.llli,' ,:!;'.. 1 inan.-. Oc; :l on said li oi I, ihi 'i'i of .-an I eouniv. .,':,,!! tin ic liei -, il : ; ,y th. ie nnilim ,1 Ii. f.:i' iv ie moved tn tin: ne.v. .: ami re .. .nls tin n ri n.i.in.ii , it ! 'an .i'i c, to be .- at, Iv th no -lied i,l l!n! new iniibiin; so nep'tii-d I'm ike ren pli.m ibi s iiinie-ai l !ni l: am, of, and liom them r d b.r the eoinily oi at- l-'anv iile, and the ,t:tl at the l'i,vn oi y, and the public of 111 In,- Meat ot justice III nn il, no bin .-la.il ee,.,' to li,' saii.e. :-!i-.ill I -.' r, naivt ,1 anil li: illa.im -bur.-, in 'lie .- :i I e.;t:t ih-es hi-.vi.,!' --a-!.. ,.-t.iii ! lite ci I'm !:t Id ,il I )-.', .f. for mi; dm!! bei.i j t .::.,! !., ':, al 111- , in ' - in, i i i-ir ''' a '.':.' ' . n i ! n ls jn. t to Ist-ie I count v o.i '-dnoii ebiiP.; in llie !:.: Ut!-ll ilo.l. a.al, 1. bur It ' ;l he tn i.: lain ,lv tar ip li.'iis ,b. .villi 1 ne titl-.'.en f o una in y p, , .-.on or pi materials a-: ::.e p old in il cjiinty ( e..n-e .- ' tn e.ifor.- L-l! V loni , in: V I,. in.- I! c, ; mm -nl v. l ll p;i hn-ii lor li' the s' c. thi sei I, no oi fault of tiie pay m! nl of tl:e su ,n ,, i, n-i, n, ere are )i reby enipnc s I... I e hi mi;' lit in til e name of ihe the ri c.-i'.eiv of ihe same, anil v. il.lv letir-d tn be nppiiod tuv. art's lb ( i uv ii.a lc. c-.ji!..-.e oi .men i-i ill!! n. il iniv' pcr.-oii or pe..rsons shall vtile o, ni.l;, ul il llOiV.lI ,, !c0 a of j: .b ,. , i f Cul' iiibia. at ihi! l it; -cti' U aiith: r: o il 0 by v'nlue of ibis in I not tli.ly tpi-ihiictl I, ic.-i-rilaii-. c wilh llie I'- r. t section of il.; , IM- viiii' out of bis or tl.c ir proper di-iii, !,o, :e oi, i. lii.oi onee or . mid pn-,i,.n, lie o t!!.-!.!in;; v mi i on iciion ll.eieof bilbn '. r nni. t ol'i;,:j:t. : s; -si.imt i l,i: I r , an . :,r,j '.t !n lip pniij'ilv pi,-ii!id f.r hi tin !.:e ,pic mainly L- held vote in or .-h ill !l.. be :el!f. ell: la of th: . -1 'on, nun: h n of ir s.eclor t allh, I fa y j: to c h, : or wioM t ll: u-tho I '.y vi. it e of tins act. a'.od Iv " j " be vote i f a u',..i 1 tjni I li in of i.', nnoi.'! l' II. I I t'.iiiul I in accord. un e i!:c v, ii! et, or shnl receive ihe vole o al lo vole as afo: e.-iii.l on mi, n olt i,( lint.', upon mm ici;,, Ki:.!:lien to v-.-j on st at ol ju.-iin in -ai. ii.-it tceiion i f tliis ii a pn-.-m not ot:.,l:lii nil. -I."0, be or they tiiereol Inimo Hie proper c.ui it,, I (punier s,n-i,-r, ef s ii I cooiiiy, liiali I'oil.dt end pay I'm the use oi .aid c. unity 'o. ev.-iy null off ence, a nmi n.. !t. tlian thtce hnmhi tl in mi rt! lha:i.-is hundred do' laisat ihediseiilioii nf-h eo nit, and , hall umli it;, an impri-ouuiei.t in the jail of senl itnioly lor e poriod of not lc3 than iv cl'.-e moi.tlis oi nane than t-Ai, y,.,Ti, i-i--." 7 I; any jiid;'!, 'ii'.spei tor nr rick (fib. elec-liun ati'h"!ii il to l.j hi-hi I y ibliie of this a.t -!:.,!! v. il.'n.ly nn count, or thail l'al.,ii , ai d 1 in .loin::';.- s,U! up am! rein, tin. votes reet ivi d li poll lb, (p;i.i;,'ii i.l'.n, aid, or, I all keep, a lil.-eiall, ape ...rtbaii In-u'ailty (.fait; . fr;Ui, j t'lU, elincbaii-e an Ins ibliie.-), every ),ers, , m till. t,.l 1 1 1 ; upon convit lion thereof iu (be pro ;.-cf rourt of tpejriei sn.-ime ol'r.iit! county, shall u r-ojcc t,( ihe tame tin. ion' r- naity as eie :u. mit ! tipm, tli limpn ,,t jin'ct s c: in.p. etors Iiy llie tcijiiU .'hclioii 1...W. of this Com moo wenlth. lire. H. It i ball fa if,(; !,,jV f il" in tins coin'.'.. l: - .' ,.(, e,. o : cos a: -. ,i 1,- I ; i v 1 1 ' i t '. i t . .--t t itch :.' i , -.y v , an d t:,,ii -li'W as flic i in i.e.-, Sue. 9. It fdudl ho the duly of every j'lde.in -ipi'ctor and cleik ciiiiductiiiK the election mult or .ed to be held by virtue of this act, to take (in n,!,b- liiiil to the oath or alliimutiim he is now required hv aw to take) an oulh oi ulllnniition that he will honestly uud faithfully comply iu every ie,;ocl with llie provisions und rcqiitn:incntH of thin act. cii.c 10. h shall be the duty of there nun juilot.-g of said county, at the time and place of their ineciinj; to east up nil ih,. votes received in llie ilifl'i rent eln-iun) uit iric.ls tin ;he questinn of the Uenioval ui th ic.it of justice aforesaid, and shall make mil uvo eerulicales showing the resuli, one f vhicli shall be filed in the vffnt of the cleik l the court of quarter sessions and ihe other ii llie office of die Uoiniinssioneis ofsaiif ounty of (JoliiiiibiH. Ki.C 11. It shall he ihe dm y of ihe Shcr If of ihe said eouuty of t'ohnnhia. to cause ins in-t io he published in at least three newspapers published in said count) ; fur at least once in tvery week for sixty (lavs un mediately jireciling the next jjetit ial eli c ion, and shall on ihe day of the, ilu iion aiise ut In,. si two primed irojiiea, one of which shall be iu the Geiinntl !ailllaoc, of -aii! iici to be posted in handbill form, in ilu iiosi public, (jliice neurest the ileeiion inl! in tier) eU-ctio:i disiriel in said eoiinlv aiuj he reasonable expense of such piihlieatioi) ball be paid hy ihe said county ol I'oluni lia hy onleis drawn in i.he usual way. Sue. I'i vSo iiiik h of the exisiinu; laws if this CouiiiioiiWKiilih i,s are altered or supplied hy this ai-l, he slid i(:e same ire 'lerehy repealed; and also ihe iu i ol Assem ily passed 1 iiih Jinn,' I emilled ar. act relatin;; lo the lien of M eclianicu and others, upon buihlinfjs, is hereby repealed so (ar as it reliiles lo t-ie buildings to bo erected ii oiirsuaiifg m' this act. Apjuoved of and sinned by ihtGovrrnor. WOUMS KILLS THOUSANDS. ifIIII,D!F.j; are r.iobt nabject to thein,but per urns of all iv-cii we liable- to he atllielld Willi tliem. liad breath, pjiencns about the lips.flui-hcd, ehee'ij, pick In i; at Ibe nose.wusiiii!; uvvay.Iiaiims- pain in Oi? '.in-.'. c'rf, joint.! or b.obs, dii luibeil sleep lVi.;lniul drcanis, uioamin; and sometimes ol' vor acious appetite, are ainomi tlm synij, turns of wouim b'tny are dne'.iveil lor inontlis, Ibr some other im-;i;:;'u-o-y disease, w hen one box of Mii'i man's Worm l.i.enes would etli-ct u cure. 1). livau, coriici of .'linen stn-i t and the liowcry, careil a loan of vv. inn., thai was rcdmn-l to a skeleton, and by nnlv otw box of Micrmr.nJ l,ii-enes: l.eis now as f.. t M an Ald-'ri.v.u i Jlou. Li. It. licauMcy ieis saved il,:; life of on1" "I his children by ihem. 'J lie ia!j of over 3,(HMJ.()tlt) oi bo.ves has l!, lit i-il llit-iti. i'!r. n are Ib.'only inlalbble woundis I roving medn mo ki.u'.Mi. W hat family wiil bt nt.wiliiiiiit then! ol J Con.-nii.ipi ioii'oochs.Ciiids.TlN 'lmopiiij; Couslw- A.-thu.a, ami all , -lions nl 1 he hnm.-i, w iii find : i-i!.i-a!iea valne in -. s.i,'e,i '.'ie K. v, ! - .S'l'-vter. .Im .eh i I i ii un . ho.l De llvv-ii' 'o'ajii In U n;:t's. 'I I, ev l'o,,,l; the l..-v. Mr. '.'.,r. ;.:.;! lint e. Ol 'lli nn i k: .-,n.:-tn li, ':. ll V :'..,: ll.-V. ...I' 1 Ul V. li. Ail. ie l . lie ihe pit .iM,ivte; ', soonest ol an) k cvv i, J'a! il .itii i .i tail v i il c i-hci'i, an's I an. i.o'. i'! crowd) .1 "-coins il.-. ni'.parl buoyant y t ' iii, 1 !n:e si. titling il lew of t.ie loi nut e'..U l..rt'.l..',.l I K:rnv,. i , v e. 1 ,n- t in i ii In one I- e, lin- I,', v. Mi. I d, i.i J of de-'.e,,: e-n.uh-,. 'I h 'on:, a Ui-.a!:(.i:ie u !'iJ;liariiic,.-i--i. , vni live to 1 1 u i cue luc iin-ss .ii il ii.uinles I v l,o:'c!ij;es I't ,-s iiis all, li. :i: ',-,i . i ail,:;; : ill ,'hid t'lem In s . lis nut their i 1 1 i , 1; "in too dec li'.i'.i : will i'mj Ij ih-pi ! the In, riots and lownrsstf spi'lts. Mr. I'll j'.n, oi the 'nnuidv Mercury, lias repeatedly nir t al bin, t ii of :-eine headache by them ,'aptaiii Ciiuilwivk, of the packet shin Wvllili"toll. bus wit- ,i.-,ed I inf I ..ica, y .ii a 'real .nanv ca.-ts ol bt a- .-i.kni-s'.i. 'Mnyope. ale like ailinun i, mi llm ie;'l:'!cd or : h:,tltn,J in-lves, I's tns;iis J't ti' ,M,:i. -i I'l.uter due.) upon iliiniuiiili. in, h,i;.bauo, p.ioi or .'.cabin.-s in ihe -.ide, bin k: 1 ne ist or iinv part or the b-dy. Mr. il.ll. Ua.-.'i'.s, HO AnL, strt e'.i ilemy 11 (ii.i.Mii o; y fj (,'hail.ain iiieel M (ise.? J Ileiiii'iui s lq. and ' iniiltiaiile i,!' mhers iiaie i j.t-nenci i! ihs vv,i;i-Jt-i!i;l ll'eew of iU-le l'laster?. r li.- ! oaiiy 2.t cenls. (Janiion is l'( ci ssi.r'' o that you eel the (ieiiiiine Sbctrnaii't 'O s if. enaiy, ainl j i.i.ati-rs, a, ibue are ma! v oi'ihli-... ai lii i, alia it. pit i nil' in plat e ol ihem, bv l!,f: (, I f pnlll I se v.'lio woulu iiilii.,'. e is al 10o Na '.nile w i-h j on hie for a . Dr. Sheriii.-ni'is vvaii luiii sail siii.n-t. I-'or sale bv .l.iiiii li. .Motel D'oonisburp: Win 1, Wal'ir it co-lli iwicli I.o Y. ,M. ,. lie T lompi-i ,l:-l, line Kn'tje 6L J. I.a2 IIIIs Ul'alineviUi; 11. Shot un ka r lliick Horn at A I, IliSl I ,ll 1-1 lOWII ir & M'liin! hiie Il;,!l .T a a I i 1 1 Moore Danville. aS.t pi, en lla'tlv , Ciiii, ,i irsa. Jan. -1 li'l j ,');. r,,,,. JH.t,MttiCa H I'ai ! . ijti,' " .M ) I ll 'I'l Is 1,1 it by il,),! ,. ilei.il ip. In :! l;,!n;,' i :i i t i i , t iieiwei n ti n stil-si-nlu rs, iiiidcr l!ie the iirm ui V.xt i X; !! !'.. y, i.i ibis i ii v (bi'snlvnl hy iiioin, ! i)::'n'iil i.tid lie l!nt,-!,s inn! accil'liU inav be fntind -,vtl!i (.'iiar'cs lh (lev, ;:t ihe ol.l stand, who is auihinr.i t! to i-eiileall aetiiiints of the iiiio, iiiu! will l,e happy lo wail on iheir Iriemla in smluijr the saine' Thi,:.,( havint; uecotiiils of loiifj slaiidn:n are panic lilailv renuCfli d to call. j-fnR r.Ynw. CIIAKJ.KS IIMl'LEY, HiLoiiisbttij, March Id 1613. - civ ilrr a nc mcnt. TIIIl s'jh.'crihers would ri.vpfOlfuily 1 1 r fiini t! eir friei.da, and the public tiiieriil' that Iiaie thf y Inn e mini il into J'.-ini'f rsl,i; iimlcr the fir-n of ll-fli y k Mei di talml1, n ihe niercii'iiile business, at il," siaiol lormer ly in copied iii K)ir ii lltfltj, sn.j lvo tiaki'ii iheir tn'iie y i tK'ii of r;oon: '.;) which l!,i y inie id liii'kilii.' seth ui.'.iiiini.N as wnl soil '!.e jiim'h and rr '.il-. e tbtir n-s-r.i.n :.t ,.i t il. a ii (-1 w l-'n'ii i! t y ;.,e I'M' lis I, F'l .; e ;'i oi eoiii.iry .1 u r.i.s n p n: i c s..,'i. ii i ld.tr-. per... t .' i . i' ji.wi.Ki. mi:m,lmiall 'iUt! ni .-J. M. ft-ii 145. s f roe.: ,.-t,i t I n.'