1 Mr Fox. the Pr'nudi MiniMrr, leing' tioul to give up hi present resilience at vi'..i.;...i.... i. .. i...ru vnciouKlv offered Id heauiilul collection of rare plants for the nays fl.not voting 4. Majority recogr.mn, public giirilenn. ,n" 15J Tim question was. ' w holder the, Catholic Chinch was a church OKCANIO KKMAlNS. 'of (.,(rislj T() Amunhly lias decided The Franklin (Twin) Democrat, of ihe l,Hl jt jg n0. llhh iiiMiuil, say: 'Mr. Miumakfi living mx milea -south of tin place, in Jigging a. u. l! mi ilw! ion uf a lull neai hia hoose.diis ... f . . ,,,,.dl cd that a meeting of liie Puseyite Clergy in poveied the bums of an animal l mom & j bj i '. i,. u,.a .,., lhat eitv hay been held, at which it was f noimmu size. One ol tne leelli ami one, joint of ihe net k bone is now in our ctliee ''" . ra..e MU0 per annum for the of Dr. S. S. Mat field: The tooth ei h." "f O'.derdonk unl.l the Oener , , . if 1 :Jal Convention of the Episcopal Chordi lour pounds tux and a half ounces, and i. ... , , ... r .1.. , 1 meets. A cirtular was a so prepared to the in a limh slate of preiervauon. Ihe enamel, 1 1 ... , ,e 1 1 .,,1 rual clergy, requesting them to be nun coin- on the tooth is near half an inch thick, and. . " 1 0 at hard as Hint ' jmittal on the subject of the Doctor s position mmmmmmmmmm A WHOLES ALU MURDERESS. A Mrs. Reed, under sentence of deaih at Ljwrenceville, la , for the murder of lar' t 1 1 1 .r 1 ..uauanu, aut-r several menex.ua. to hang hcr.ell.has confesstd, not only tlio . poisoning of her husband, fur which she was condtinnd, but two other persons be fore, as well as the minder of a nephew for his money; and, as though those enor mities were not enough, she has also con fessed having caused the death ol I wo chil dren by starvation! Nuvul Force of Great Britain. Ac cording lo the official returns of the Lords of the Admiralty, the naval force of Ureal llrilain consists Df C80 ships-of-war, carry ing from one to 120 guns each. Of ihis number titer are 125 armed ftleaui vessels, constructed on the most approved princi pies. This immense fleet employs in the lime of peace, 23,000 able bodied seamen 2000 stout lads, and 01 companies ol royal yiarines. The Countess dis Shrvilliers, tin widow of Joseph Honaparte, died sudden ly at Florence on 1 tit? 7 h nil. (Jreal preparation ai being made 'rn the Odd Fellows of Boston, for the cehhra lion of th anniversary of the iutodueiinr, of the Order into M aaachueiis. Tin 19.1. of June wiil be a day of a dazzling pomp in Bjston. Rich Coal Mines in Georgia. The Lsf range (Geoj Star says: On Saturday, a fitetnl exhibited to us none coal, dni? nj from the land 01 a larmei 111 1 roup county. It is s, lid to be a rich specimen, and equal lo the best Lehigh or Alleghany coal. It is also thought to exist 111 great abundance. nor Duoi's. The Mormons are likely to excite much indignation by such paiagrapha as the fol lowing, which appears in a late number ol Nasivoo Neighbor, May God. who never ma. sprinkling up on ever man in that ciiv. lhat belies iht saintB. (WlormonsJ as upon I'ivsburg. now and then, a hot (imp. It is slated that Cornelius Mathew, 0! New York . and broiheis, are soon to come into possesion of ha'f a million of dol lars, tell lliem 11 v a relative l.y Hie tii.itlicr t side, reei ntlv deeea-ed in I'lnUd I;'.ih. A foot race is to come oil' ow r the H ' con Course, Ijoookeii. on or ..hoot m x inonih, for a wager $1500 lo $2000, is s aid there will h great compeiiiion. The steamboat S.vaiiow has been drawn no on the Flats, and her cabins have bee cpirehed, but ' o more budies have bee found A CIIOISE WINDFALL. Mr. Daniel Shannon, a worthy inhabitant until recently, of ihis village, fays the Jackson ('Mich) Gazette, teceived a letter n i'W dajs since informing him of a deposiie in a bank in Ireland, in his favor, of 90,- O00, which piovea to he a portion of an estate to which he is heir at law. Ye take it there are but few of our citizens) who would not like to be in his shoes, aboir )(icse days. Richard Catun, Esq. a venerable am! respected citizen- of Bjhimore, died on Monday morning, after a short illness, at the advanced age of 83 years. Mr. C was a native of Lancrshirc. England, and has been a resident of Haltimore for the last sixty-two years, lie married the eldest daughter of the late Charles-Carroll. of (Jar rolllon, and is the father of ihe Marchio npss of W'elleslev, and also of the Lady Siaff.ud rod Dnrh' sj of Leeds. Destruction of Vilhigt by Fire e learn lhat a tire broke out in the small vil lage of Paris, in Washing-loo county, Pa. nbont thirty miles from Putsbnr(r, r.n Fri day morning 17ih inst. and destroyed seven teen or eighteen, houses, irieluding several dwelling lioues, stores, blacksmith fdiops, ttn. 'The village contained about twentj Li-use?, three only ct which cecaped. Homan Calliolic n.pii.m8. were con demned by the Prrsby tt rian Cencral As- teinuly.nl Cincinnaii, UOih inst. lean lo!) KA131NCJ A SALARY. The New York True un eavi il is rumor 'or e present. I'UITINCI IT ON THICK.' A house painter of otir acquaintance has son, a meie lad, who occaaionally as.iiats !liin j,, ,lis jl)bs He used the brush dex- , but unfor.unaielv he bad aeauired . j the habit of 'putting it on a little too thick.' I'he other day his lather, aftei having fre quently scolded htm for ins lavibh daubing and all to no purpose, gave him a severe agellalion. 'There, you young rascal,' said he. after nerforminir tha rvjinfnl ilmv m I I how do you like lhat?' 'Well. I don't know dad,' whined the bov, in reply, 'but , . seems 10 me you put It on a UaruuU Slgllt thicker than I did.' FORTY LIVES LOST. A dreadful acei lent was reported at Liv erpool on ihe sailing of ihe Urilannia. 4th instant, of which a very brief notice up pears in papers of 1h.1i dale. A great mill titude had assembled on the suspension ridge at Yarmouth, on the 2d insi., to are clown naiioate the river in a tub drawn by four geese. Al the time appointed lot ' '., puVp.tw oi'iakiug np i.ulcri. ions U t.. cna tho perforinancp, the bridge gave way and ble tlm auiii.tr (. jud',' what number ot copied ii several hundred persons fell into ihe tiver .' 1 r t y dead bodies had been taKen out, and 1 was Icaied manv more were vet in the river. In Mexico theie ar? sevpn millions nf diaos and Creoles, ignorant and a hurl red thousand persons ol Spanish descent ive.lihv. and of the military profession n 19 13, her exports to the United States were 1,571,037 THE MOUM INS. According t a paragraph in the Spring' field (111; Journal, of the 15th instant, the the Mormnni in different pails of the West ueetneraliv niov'1112 to their ciiv of Nau- voo, carrying with thctn all the arms tht y can obtain. New mischiefs are supposed to be brewing. SOUTHERN COOLNESS. A cirriace eonlainitifi a South rn ladv 'Creole was whattered bv coming in con act w ith another vehicle on their way fion be Lonj! Island races. .Never mind that,' aid the !jdv,'l hj.vp come from Mobile l ie present i the races, I have won $2000, nil can iff. n! 'u meet i'h an jeeidi nt.' A lll'W anil Valuable ileposll of iron or( i.is ber 11 iliscoverc: in Herkimer eoiiuiv. N. Y. about ten inilea irnui the eaual. I b IJerkimer Join nal 8a i. i ol the niacin 10 spi eius, is of the best and uchest rjuali y, and iui x ios.ibie in suj.p'v, I' A 11 EN IS, WHY I JO YOU ALLOW your eliiiureti to suuer irom worui, wnei to re 16 sueli a pest to tnem as oiicrinans s t . I . IT . l.ozenocs! j fin v oiseaso: and cvm licaih ri-e lioui worm" without their cvr r hc'nie -u ii'eu u. 1 n iooom ing are a lew sy .11 ... .1 'I. r 1 1 . r itouis of vvortns pain in the joints in nubs, ollensive breatn, picking at the 00-e, griiiilinj ef the teeth dunni: sleep, an ' it limes a palem s a! out the lips, will' tlti-hed cheeltK, s; ijrowiiio sensation ut the domaeh, headae ie, drowsiness, disturbed dreams, sudden starling in sleep with fright and screaming, voiaciong appetite, griping. i seme of something rising' i'i the throat, ilchicL' towards nii'ht, a frequetii desire u pass s ethirig from ihe bowela, and some ,i. .,b a duel. nr f stin.fi uinl r.u,e.. It. sure vou tret the L'ftinioe, aj houh' unnrin- ,.inl..il ilei.l-.irs imeiml lo mim oil' iheir u.nrtl.l..4 imital.iinr.H- F..r I....IH Iiv JOHN li. MOYCR !i!i,iim. huri' . M AkK1I.IL On ihe 18ih inst, by Kev, - Simon Joutiniin-rv, iir ... . .tiis R"ve, lo Airs. Ivi;ci:cca JJtmci.E, al' of Mount Pleasant. On the 20th insi., bv ihe Rev. Charle W'nmer. Mr Josiaii ItonrRts, to Mi Anna M CLAYwr.i.r,, of Cailawissa, ('ol CO. On Thursday. Mav 29, bv tho Ilev. Samuel TilFany Lord, Mr. fiAP.UIEL I', I. III'. I I . lo Miss Klilil-XIiA AiN.N. laughter of Mr. Thomas Vance, cf Oianee o a r.tlnp. DIED. On ihe 23d inst. in Espyiown, Mim Eliz ADiviii SrtRNiiu, aged 21. On Sittirday laat, in Bloom township. a child of Mr. George Krvssler, In Briarcreek township, on 18th ult. Jrs. Marv Lockaiio, Bged about 73 years In Huntington township, Luzerne county on, Sunday, the 4 ill ult. Mrs. Juliann, wifesf Col. James Tubbs, aged about 33 years. THE lfCAP.SETS. Uloomsuuuo, May 31, 1315 Wheal, Kyc, Corn, Clovcrsced, Flaxseed, 15utler, Oals, Tallow L.rd Dried Apples, While y'eans Hcrswax 80 50 40 3 25 1 25 12 25 0 10 7 50 50 25 wfMrit 1 - '-'is jus' on v oe try cm l a by CHARLES MINER. .mrBSORIPTlON.S are respectfully elicited for the foi theornina Hi-tory of Wyoming. The ?S wotk-,10W r,'a,y for Vw' wil1 mak .0'vo volumo of about tux hmdicd pui'ca, of which five hun.IreJ pases will embrace 'he uiuiii ho.ly of the uirrative. Tho Appendix, besides a variety of cu- r oua ami illustrative articles, win coniaiu mu j ne llazcliui 1 ravellers," levised with numerous addi tions, peiHOnal anecotes, incidents ami nketches id cliaracter, niautng almut an liumlreU pages. 'J'lio author ihinlis piopcr lo say, li.at no puns have been spared tu obtain information upon every point connected with tins sut'ject. lie lias llaller J liunsetf, Ha U yoiiuny hat! hecotne classic (jrouna . i i. . i i ..i ... as unuuineraom errors nave uuiuicnuiu cxistoil in regard lo 113 siory, nnu us lis wry mif resting civil cliaracter has been scarcely touched hlm". Illat 'll"'"sl rmy K,,"ll(' " wou,lt iV6ue i .I . IILrnfir it. r.Kl.cn l.i it It n IlltllPllil I mrtitlVfV vvotitil be oroucr to )uuii'-n J be Book will be neatly printed in octavo lorin. on excellent paper, with several illustrative plates, bound in cloth, in modern style, and didivcied to ul-eriberH at Two l).l!nr.s a copy. .No rn ti.ey to be paid until the i3nok is delivered Subscriptions received ut tins Ojjiee.. CJUTIOS'. 1,1. pernons are hereby cihilior.cd osuitisl pnr rhusieg a NO'I'li.yiieii ny the subscriber I" o.nnd pavable six m'mt'i.i alter date, with intc- ceived a coiinideration for i'. JOHN TKSKI.. 0. II. 1 PUlrttL. May 31, IS 15 0 KAN AWAY, FROM the subscriber, on the 2."ill in:t. an indentured l.ov, n.iPicd JAMK-S (.'Ol.I.i.NtiS, -,d 16 venis. Una cut, Iml no eliii'ci'.s, vvdl be paid upon hisl'iiir,' retmned to me, and all persons am tuflnd hac- or t us ina bun on my account, as 1 s!i i.fus,. lo nav unv debts of hi.. eontcnetiriK. CKOKljE JOHN WillianishurR, M iv JO, 1841-5 1 DMlMSSli.1 TOR" S X 0 V 'ICR. llv Estate of S II SAW. 'I TO 17. .Y SOX, lute of Cent re township, deetainl. TOTICI:' is hereby p,iven I'oat letters of admin I istration on the above mcntionc I l.r t.i' ivc 'n iiranieo to ine suoscr;ner. i.tui.' 10 . en- ire townshii. All pecsons indcbli d to s-a.d i-lati oe beiiby notil.cd to loal.e naim-maie p.tyinei.t mil all lleise having claim- are i.rniotc; topic cut them propeily 00 tbi-in 0 aled to ;s(ii,:);t;., .M-. u.wuj, .Aitm r. lay 17, U :o, ;'i HHB f,BB IN pu ruin nee of r.n order of tlit-Oi pli ui's ,, " 1(; 1. iitibia ei'uoiy. on I , S(i'vri!,nj t.'ie 1th day if June nt.rt, it 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Aston I!cn lershnl, Adu.ir.isMratr of IV.r'iara Cntz lair d llloom low iisbip in saiil couuiy .deceaM d. will expose lo site, by pnoiii: i endue, upon the premis' s, a ccrti.tn hit -r pain.l t hiroutid situ in opliirsv i:!c, in ran Ciuuiiy, and being pars id K.ts nutn'Tred six net! seven in the dan of sa d town, o! it inimbi r six, -even feet in breadth and 'ne hundred ami! ninety p;..r-. !, i in oep mil ol lot iiuu.ner sewn, uii.ei: le t n breadtli am. oiip niimiu u ae.,i rioei, r.pi leet l- ilrti'.ii; ami uouniini as i.mU.ws- liCL'iriniri: at i ! 'St on main MreM and lo number mx. tin nee by ihe same tomb tint yscvei diciris, wist i.ue In, in re I am! niiii IV it'.il Ic l lo a liai k alley; there1. a oii(j said alley south fil v ihn e ihi:iee. ?asi iwenty two fid to a j ,-1 s t in lot lorn ner seven; tin nee ;i,ioi'!i !-.!;! lot i-opi lirtv seven derecs, ejihl one hundred an. iiu.ly ,.ifli f,.,., U) a p,.-i on main meet hence liorlli liUv tliree ilerei s t:,;,t twenty two feet to ibe place ol h, emnin. 'There la erec.cd on ihe ptcmises small as Frame House, bile the cstaie of said deceased, sitjatp in the township of llloom and county afore saU. J.COn EYEUY, Chik. D-inuilc, My 0, 1813i TIIS IiST WOTICKv fMlllli subsciibcr hninir J'liced HhS At' 5 t:t)IJ.TS in the hands ol CIIARM lv. till. Kit, Ksij f ir collection, rc pienta all those indebted to hiuiillier to como forward and pay their resiieclive dues, or i-Nu confess jiidmrnt lor tho samo on or before (he FIRST DAY OF il. I.V IV I. XT and asvj cost, L II BIUU-'J May 20, tSlo 5 Cllin i r Mix n u fit c to iy . fMl'D'J aubsetiber haviuir establinhed a .Vi II. I Clt.lt It iU.IA'ir.lUTOUV oil ,1alli street, ueur the residence of I., if. Mans, he is now prepaied to furnish Ciiaim of every description, on ii ijood terms aa they can l a purchanud elsewhcie ii tho county. WOOD TUKXINO, Such as lied I'osts, ll'aifgon IIuls, Rose Blocks, S?c. SIGN, ORNAMENTAL cp rIOUsE PAINTING. Also HOUSE rdPF.IUSG. This latter branch, from hia t xpeiience, he believes ho can do a little better iian any other person in this section. el'OIT.AII n.AMC will be taken in pay nient at the highest r .t.et price hAMl'KL HAOENBUCH Bloonnoufj,', Jo!y 1, 1 81 jm MAILS, SPIKES; &.C. 3 he lnoomslHirs; El. 15. I Co 7"II.l. keep constantly on bund, a largo sortuieut of XAILS, M'IKl.S. AM) 1KOIV which they will sell by AVIIOLO A I U and VS.- TAIL, nii'f mi ub xooil tevmi km tht artUlcn can be rlevltire jnirclitiseit. Meiehaiita and others, may find it to iheir intere.-.t to cull- J1 II ki.iila of grain received in pavit'ent. JOSFl'M I'AXTO.N, I'BESinexr 1'1R TSBRSUIP DISSOL FED. The Copartnership heretofore fxistinp under ihe fv.n of SILVERTIlQItX IKjO.XR, pi the Hlacksmithing Business, is Dissolveil by niutu-il coiimmiI. Tin liooks sue in the hands of Marshal Silver thorn, to vhoui all having elainis on. to ire ittilchti d in, said liri.i. -i r t requeatcd ti pply lupueiliatelv lor s-tilrinetn. M A USUAL sILVEk I'HORN'. Jl'DAll BOONE' Bloomsburo, March 28, 18 !5. !'.) Si J1 The Bn-iness, in t'n'ioe, will he car ried on at the old s'and, hv ih- ftiii-si'ri'iei who solicits a eon'iiiiiai ee of (in' i'nloii. is old Innds, and of as manv in w nues )l may please call Al. SILVEU 1UUU.N. March '23 -10 if' The niiIhcii ern li-ivn estiiVli-lmd at tin new Mjtiinu: y.iNj, I loeO place, i mil will always be ready, al the ci.uiU'M 1 t uotlfi', to lurni-n to Older, M(L'MJ:yTS, TOMB- IV ft LBS. tomb-s roy;;s, mu in rn- JjlUliS, Mil y TEES. PJLT STOyh'S, MVEEERS, &c. or anv other wot It io their line. Thcv ar ilso prepircd to lurui-i WIN i0 W CSV nid i.II.I.S, DO()!i ,sLLS and S I LI'S. cithi r of .Ma.ble, Limn or unv kind ol stone that can ho procured in this vicinitv. fj j" l!.iviii I, i:HI "OI.Mt.PtaMP I Npcrtcnci tiiey plcdje their v.-oil; to 111 1:1c ntir-incps, '.o i'Vi'i'II Fi 111 iiS I.;, li- sniii:. : -ti'i! uf 1 al 1 he furnished from :,ov vard ( i ill r r in tht ity or eotinu'v ; a.nl on :. rpa.-fivable lerin-. AI't.MSTIIONC fi: IIIGDES. iiionm-hiiiL'. Nov. a, ie::i. iy 23 "SAN HOTEL, Or (fi gci'llk. CohmJna e.ninfij. Fa. 'THE fuhsiTiber refpectfully informs tin public t'li-l he has leased this l ire three ury Tnveiii, now in the u.-cuj'anry ol Ml iicorge. Si i;i!e, i:i Orauoevil!,', Columhi; iimty he fir's ilea-ed his V liitenos niui ioo into it i.i- of A pri! lu-X", w her Utt will hr to fit his old fiicmls and cnsiomcrs -v ill a!w.-.v be fun i-i-ed '' i-h tj-.p bf-t tin ,n-irkel -ii!"i'!s, !l:s It, -It e.j'li thn ehuiecsi ol 1 i.jii"is An. I In- S T. LLE.a'lfiuii. d b laid I'd I lost'eis, he !l i'uts h,mi If thai hi wiii he iib;e to ;vf .""ii r 1 " -itir laetion Cii.NVi'.Y ANCES '.vi'.l alwava he rtady to traiifpi-rl Waiern.ei -m iht'it ruutc, I C JOHNSON Jarch IT., I G-l- if NOUTM UliANTII CANAL y..T(V! ICL Ish.-r.l-v i-Ivcm lbs' tho Roolts- c! ""4 th; rs n i ii 'lu i ii t; sNAi.t i f'.i.'vi willi'c opeiit-i on "i" I .' 1 I J . I ' the sevm- r. en 1 .1 ii v ut .'Hoc i e.i. ft t-.i u i. , hn k in tin- id i .Moon al the I'hoeui,-; !"ti I ir, V dl.i l a ic, l a. vbcie the imdeiune.l. t'ouiine .'inn r.s under tin 'i''- f.r lhat puipo-eca !ed. wi.l aOcd to nci-ivr a.l sciii lions for slock el' .-aid e. ii.panv. i. M. Ilooeuiiai k, -'am'i 1 1. ,11.0111, fi. I'.'. Mii'.'i ' in!, liob't A. l ai'i h, V. t I'mli ", r'acn-i I'iuiiIt, t.'eo. '. S .(!,., (biMu-k Maiic:-, C. I. Wiisl, " ', I'vuficld, iicn.'-v y-, k, S. F. Il.ad'ev, .s. I . I ''." I'S, William C.lt. Win. M "J Ti ! -. v, ,Iom-c'i Ih'i'-ily, 'Ici.ry L it Ge.r. Ma.k. iie-llv, I ho--: P. t.V e. Z- I'h'.'.u ( tiou.ii ey, .'rr-ry Irinl.cr. ii7.'tt'S, riiil.nleli.lii',: Ameri-nn. ltn'ii V. f ioic; .'vpii-sj. .New York, lliadl'md ltepie trr. Tn ivnnila; Uemfu-rat, llan-iile; Ameiicnn, S-uniuny; Atlas, Un-tiie; Ucnirml, l;!n..m.it.iirj7 Advrrat.. no i iirmiT, vv iiKi-i-afirre. pui'liMinme n week 3, vccm K'oo n copy ptu eui to olliepnttlic I.ti7cinp Uemucrut. Wilkrabatre, Pa. May 11, Iblu-lt CIMIiLES It. IUX'KALITvV Atttniiiy at Latv, fi7c South hide, of Main ut. opposite Eijer V ll'Uleife Stoic, Bi T'W'ILL A TTEND COIIKTS IN THE COUNTIES OF COLUMBIA AND LUZKUNE. EL'jOMSIiURO Cabinet Waro House! rjlIU Hlilwcriber Would respectfully iufiniu the public, that he li!i taken lha oh ip lati lv oc cupied by .Vauiuel I.illv. near lha upper end m Uloniusburg, wIi.to U id carrying 011 the in all its varinus branches, and v. hem hn will bi hnpiy o wait upon all iboso who in iy t'..r bin wilh their custom. His Furnituiti is vvaua'ittd t" :o inado of good mateiial and durable, and bu in tends keeping 011 hand Sidebnurih, Secretaries, fl 'nevus, ll'ardrobes. Curd Tuben. Dining 'lub!cs. Brcahfiist Tnhhs, Cuihntiids. Stands, IV tilth Htinds, Bedsteads, D'liigli-lronglii, Coffins-, ifjx'. and oil kinds ef work in his line, vtoch he will ncll upon as reasonable lei ins aa they can bu purchased in the county. liy Klrici nlterition to business ho lutjies to re ceive aahae of publie patronage. KLI BKOWN. Anl 25, 1815. 1 j 1 notice; A I.L jiersoim knowing themselves indebted to the subscribui, aie it".ueatL'J to tome forward and make payment. T5 AT!"r vi'l bu taken in payment in Uiiiul, and received in exchange lor LtlATllF.lt. I'll 1 LIP niKWTM N. l'loomsburg, May li, 141 4 it Glasses rglldl" subscriber ln.s juat iceeivml a hir.je as Q eoilmcntol s.l'D'.'TACl.li.'S and PK ('- I'At 'Lt: CLASS::-!, of the be,t oii:ilily, ef both vhite and grotm. lV.uu So. J. up vaid ;. iifj'l'er.sfnj utSiited with sore cyis, will find it o t'.ieir advantage io call and ;et glaeM IVi.iu him; is they may feel assured of denvin a ri at hem lit Vow their uso. G. L. SI1L LTZ. lilooinsburs, May 17, 13-131 I'ROS'ECTCS OF THE UNI TED STATES JOUI 11 v J i;s.sa K. Dow 1 Co. NAL. i'L I': ;'. n-.Kobcr in' our i.. -.v pap-r will b- is suc.l this (f.r.,1) d.iy i f .li'a-.-, wilh an eniiit- in .. ibess. new type, hue '.vlote piper, with nt'.iei I'ti Win O'J I'ifVo'i.'il lo a 'i'jai.. -,1 i .ipnL l:,;u ol lli iinicr.ilic. prii,eipl,; il will .-dun:dy and unr.-i.di-thiidy nppo.-.i; a-li ot.il every ol'oit t e.-.iai.b-li u mauomith in ..,i.:'.iy I :u' iii.u otl.er lulscbicuii c lapon.liooj au-l c.ui'.oht.iaiii.iM of v.oalih, n.biib subvciiKilii! ri'jhts ol the pcipb) nud undvimin" the pillara ofthe I.'epi-bhc; it v ill oj.pose ua oppres sive and iiiili-repi.l-Jicaii ti..ill' s"te;n. t!n a,.-ui'ip-!!!! I" the .v''ili; d: l,t. by the General li-ivcriiii.ent and all oilier I'i lie.-nl prineiplia tviiiel, have in in evit.iblc tcnditicy lo destroy public prosperitv as c.i II as individual h.p) ines.s, Against ad su. ii po lili, nl ileju-ioiia wcbhult vviijju uuohai giciif, un compromising vvnr, Tho Farmer and ,M?ehnnie vvlio roiluce n'l 'he h i! capital of the nalicli, will find in our p ipi'r an i ir.vavcring champinn nf thc'.r in ii:i"cible ril.tn ; .he l.tii ihi i ishcd princplcs of ihe editors nre too well l:now-ii lo th,: public l.i require anv l ; en l hit point. To th.) Mi.-cellancKU-i Ijenarmieut art. i alar at'cntiou will ho devoted, liie Ladies vvib dways iind in om colaions a chubc selection lion In corn r! hlerai.irc i.l' tin day. as will li original onti ibiitions foi n tho tia-.sl t d.-iiu d v.-r i U -s.it ' 1 1 i eh oil r co u . i 1 y can boast. A c-nerai sna-'iiarv f Foreign and Di'irc 'ic m n wiii I . r; I'm idjbi .I; i, ciilar price cm lent fud a coin i t list o! tlio p. ice- f ft oil. s will al o be given. Th - condui-'i.i-s l-.ivc al.cady secured the aid am' o-c..'. .aiiun of a l:i c loimbcr ol'lbc m ixt ili .tin- mulshed literary and pulitica! viitcij of the d o., irrangi inen.'s willal o be made, at the earliest pt iod 'o,si! le, to embi lie b our ci.luiiinH by Ihe eon- ti i.'iiliolis ol eo-ri-'poi:i!.-n's In, in n'onail. v, n: .s brief a:. d imperii c! ou'.iinool'iiur plan. we very ic. peclful'y mbu.i! our i laims to nn entciisivc (.a ou.iye lo the C"ii.i.e ration o a K"neroiis punhc. TliF.DIilil.f'.S FI.-K, .. LOW, 5 TI l .MM. '.Vce,;iv t'liocr bv tlie vnr f 2 Co iio fir :-ix ni-uiibs 1 t-l -co.i-Wcrl.lv :.jei hy the yea-, in ailwico it (( lit. do tor jr . ;!...u i. . mi , C Ji to, per month. !)'.'" pnpvr by tie-year, in mlvjero l'J (,'. do for less than a year f ! per muMh. So' ,:cri tious lo '.he ltaily for less ihan lw., I. die S-i.nii-Wet l;ly li-r Ic.-s than I'-.u;, ot to l!,i W eil.iy for le.-'H than his uiutuhs, v.nl Hut te ie .-eivct.' It' not pi:.! i:l.-n the ye n, the .a-iv pop.r wil ie the .vc,:ii-wei '.l , ;-li, and tho Wtih t' 6t I e.i r. A il i1'Tilf ills I" I lav..' 1,,-t iii ' pporo e 'liudi' in e'L'ar.f . Thcfo v la ero inly i ' a in;; o'iierv. ine, i ' n ut i.nr i isk, p' f.i-iL'(.-nii!. 'i he Of. i'i of such reoiillance shall Ii e-nil l,y ma rY.s m:.-t"r's v.'i i-'h :.t receipt tin n for. Tin notes of am ea bank v. ill he receive, 1, J0HH Harness, r.tld!c T'T) K- i'lC ! FI LI.V info, n ibe public tint hr ii'Si ba.i loi aled b;ni a If in ibe limp ncjtdior '" ainm I ll.e.i ulim a I ncr I a lorv. i' ou sl.ei t i i c u- r'. , v I'.e.e lie Win ca rv i "O the :.b,i r bus in in keep c ,!it.,'..t!v or. h.:;.d ! i . !-. finches, L'c udl' ... a ,d I J),r and irn II- r..f ,'?),'-.?(?, iV-.r.' Cvl'i'i-n. -Vi .'i'i-.v RtiiUf ond '!'r'.t r, . r.,. nf rvrrc ile-rrip! i ! b-iMtii hi 1 a loi !! e r e- rience. in the tun-incs. he ran lumi-'i n? rrord w.nl.. an.l 9 elt. ap as ran i-e ; u .-. .-. .1 u, !.e enni.tv. fr".-A 1 kin. a f r--.:.Vry f. t- k, n 1:1 ; mri.t lor v.-uik. nt liie m .M.n- 10, lSlo-tlu.t ,-.rt : Mew (Gtoodfe 0 Uilllcy & lyZcndenhnll, lLv8 just iecuved,and are now opening .It the old stand of Ryer Sl llfjley, AN tXTkXSJVE ASSOltTMENT 1)1' SIMMNO AM) SUMMEK C.O0US. CntiUU,tg of cvtiy artirU usiivlly Uj.t yt a tuuiy norc, Amooj; their afMii iinerit wiH bp foumJ,of DM GOODS f'hiih-j Casaimere.-j Saitiuetig, Oambroons it' . lor niinmcr pants; Calicoes, Chintz; ll.lvonnes; Liwna and Crape Uelaneg &e. fur diPHp, Jlosicryj Cloves Si Mills; Ilandkertliiefs. Seatl's; bmwn and bleached Shirtings colored Yarn; Laps, and Wadding; Bonnets and trimmings. They have also; Palm Hals! Travelling I'askciH; Looking Claases anil Ijias Cluck. Sugar. Teu, Coffer, Molasse-s, Pep. per, Spice.-, in fact veiy Ling in thin lint lhat may be called for. Crockery. A general an.-ioriinpiii of Ti ace Chains, Shovels, Nail-, Spikes, and ii) usual variety of Locks, So civs, Hulls, &c, Rolled and Ii ir Icon, Hoop and band Iron, Wagou tire of all sizes, DRUGS, PAINTS, & OILS. All of which they will sell on the most reasonable term and rrecive in pa tiient aal kinds of cuur.irv produce. iMay 10, 1813 3m. 3 rjjjlHL' Uanvillo fSlcarn Woollen Factory, lur J meily owned and oeenpie.l by Lr. JVlrikiu, has recently In eu purehaseil hy tlie'sulwriber, who v-puctfiiily announcus to his' iViciidw and the pub lie generally, that hn U now prepared to csmailo all kinds of work in hiu lino ol biisinoa, at ilu shortest iioticc, aecorJinj to order, and in the best c,-.nipar.tlive manner, lluvin;; gone lo eou.-idea--ie expen-.e in rcpuirinir his- loai hiijery and oppa alus mid bein very p irticnlar in (n-cu -inc; Ibe ser vices of e-piicuccd inechanies, ho feels conliduit lliat bt: is i a; ildo of executing nil kinds cf v.oik in hi- lion in a xtyhj superior to any other establish- , ii '-iilio the etunti-y. Frieca cf work ns fo'luus:,' Ctjlh j ardij wido lii;!.l and dark, fruiu 40 to f.3 c.-nls pci j aid lo h. nlu tre;ni, olive brown, &c. f,om CO to To ?atii i lji of.lbe, uhuvu colons, from di) n. 1.1; s ine, bio'.vn it black, 40 Madder red. i: iiuiikit m yda w-'e'e; tvvi'leilor plain, from CD to VU cents per yard. ' 2?XIiG & FULL 1X7 C-;' l! ill be done in the bet t manner, and at the usn- iii pi ice All Kinds nf counUy produce will la aken in j'.'iyineut lor Uv,rU at i'auviuu nunlal llil-Ci. S.l TI TSE TTS; FL .1 XEL Si CLOTHS BLANKETS (.'oii.stiiniiv on hand, for ualu at reduced pricra lor C'a-h or Uaiti.r. For the uccomui'id.ili m of customers livinirflt n !i taiu'c wool lor .lanul'ucluiiuK will bo taken i.'t it the I 1 1 i . .v i I : "T places : Ctll.l'MlilA t'tll .TY. Isaac Kline's Mill, ''ishiui e ei k; lli.hui's' fitoie, ("oliiiiibii-; Low it rhompson'fi store, Limi'-i;idi;e; W. L. Waller V I 'o.'s store, i'erwick ! t-h.'iMot et 1 1 keif' store, 1 )ran-;.'vil. ; Wm. Mi Kelvy t.'o.'s s!,i e. Ill aim---or ; John (J. !: hai pica' hloie. t'attae. is-a; L. Ili ei'i,.liO. Jn. ';, to.iu; Den it Mclii ide's btorc, A' lilt. i'.,"; 'nronp's titore. tl'asliiupt.iiiville. 1.1 ZilKMl COl'.NTi'Leynold'sst.ire.Kinra 'mi; i i h!. : - le v i'.. Wiik.ib.il re; .S'tyein' aloie, uu 'iciik'i -Ind'O Mack's .Mill, II unlinloii F I u'ii iciille.n dircctiona until a'ccom putty tach pared. ti. iv. vjt.iiii.At:i . Dmville, May 3, IS 15 3 .i i) .vims tili Toir s yo ncr.. The Etme. tf Ell'.d HI II Ell lute uf lloom town-ship; de.t ettnut. JtVi'IUL is he.-eby !;iveu lhat lelteis of ailn.ili. istration on die nhove mcniioucd I. statu. have teen e.ranted to I he :-ub.-ei il,cr, 1-viu: in t'cn lie l.nvn.sliip. All peiot,s indebted to said, e.-!ali! 'i,e bcreliv iioliliid lo louko i'.ntncdiiite pay :ci.t; and all tb.o'C huviiijr claiiui ine it ipietiid to pre-' cut li.cni propoilv iiiitlunliealed to l.Wnll IIAt.;F.Mii:r;,Amd'r 'e bonis lion with the Vi III anue.-.ed Mar S; IS4S---U3 Hl.OUMSHURG, r.?PF'('i"I ILLY inf-nn-i the )-u! lie th, !. be h-.- located biii'M-ii' in l! e Miop late.!, '-ini'i.d bv X.lliA 111 l.i;i,l, in MAIiKMl ' I'i. I' I.T, vv-!.ie he inteiiiU ranying on the abuvi 'iiieo.iia in i,Ii its- v.i i uis hviiiicbi s, IIHAVV WAfiGiLXS bui'l a d repaired. n. well ns oi o horm ofeie.y i'h-.-i ijition, iiml all kinds ol t'oui't'v Wo.li, io Ins Imp, done al hoit noiic.-, and on th irc-sl rca.on ibl" terms, 'j fio.i.l Loni'ici and a'l kiod ol f'uimlrv Fio (hfctiakeu in pa on ut for w.wk, but (.'adi v. il! not he reliise-i. .ril .". I '. fhii'd yOTJCE ' h"r. ov eiveu to ihe Sim lli'd.lei in thp u.l: p eiy Ii i eieriini; a i:.l--f over the Muitl.iiis - rr H L i :ia !i i f the riwr Sn..piel anna, beiweui the I -iMi ..! ( iitt-nv issa and Ihe month ol 1'i-I.i.iccic llb.it 'be Mm a;.-. as h ivc hi o-.v dei hired n do idi : I. l IIM.Li; I LK i:.M'. on Iii" .Mock tf i '..:. p, mv. tor the la-t a ; nioe ill5, v bit h v ii. ! J- 'id sai.l hl.x kh.il-.li r-- or tl.t-tr b ml icj re.er-.uii at die Tiea.iiCi'a i ftlte, 1,'ntl.. n i.-m, on ei i. th? l.XU Ili.L .IA V'fl i l KA f.N'l'. TVevir 'J ionrn t CITkl; Cfi:ar..-a, A; :;i 1, L i