The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 10, 1845, Image 4

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iii: bat I uurter.
A young Iml, but newlv odmitted in-' w individual aro aware of the, cx
to I iniliiMV chuol in Fiance, Minn tennon ul 'he roots iit rmlvei icl toil
rtuvla liim'i If t f(tr of ri her ninntil ir Vim Thayer imMiiiimi finding rooic
clidijotion, by hi rmuikabln h lr i mi- ol'tMitilinn ii-hh 10 t 15 fetl deep in
oudoees Whatever vtiiitiun of dirt urnumi There me now in the Nation
wu illoweJ, lie never He ny tliinn hut hi G tllriy, coin root taken from one
bread ind ouynd drunk nothing but utile ol lull of co i n laid bare by tin
water, IriMifi, find jinneiiied by llio Hon. J
The governor beinj informed of tliia'S. Skinner to the National Gallery
conduct, ' very uncommon in a boy, Tim ooi n waa planted on the 20 h ol
attributed it to mi nulinrrrtt de,j May, nod room gathered the ICtll ol
mid rrprnvpd him for it. Neveithe- July, lb 13. In sixty days gome of (h
lfii, the lad per!i)Oe.l and lbs jiovi moi lar roots extended mix e than four fcei
nient'onpd ihe cireonii'aneo to Mon- covered witli Literal branches. 1 Inve
nieiir Patis Ooveriuy. He bad the boy caused the toots to be measured: the
rodt-H fore him and with bis uiual jn'egale length of roots in the hill is,
nuldo M itiJ moderation mention to him by Mi. Skinner's intimate, over 8000
thatsocu sionolaiity was by no means feet. The specimen alluded to is open
proper or allowable in a public instilu-'for exrmination. The fact is here men
lion, and that he must certainly Con- uomd to show the importance of deep
form to I he rulei and diet established ploughing, to enable the plant to ti n 1
there. He iftfiwaid unsuccessful! jnoui islimenl so much below tho surface
ti ied to find out the reason that could jas may avoid the etlici of draunh', give
induce the bnv to act h nieh a manner, support to the stalk, and not expose tin
ml i Ij.i ilirpnipnrd if he nersisii d in rooO to be cut oil bv needed cultivation
concealing il that he would send him'S
home again to his family, This
nee had ilia desired effect and he
disclosed the motive of his conduct.
You will uoi, 1 hope, be displeased
t me, sir,' said he, 'but I could not
bring myselt to enjoy what I think a
luxury, while I reflect that my dear
father and moiht are in !ha utmost in
digence. They could afford themselves
and me no better food than the coarsest
bread, and of that but very little. Here
I have excellent soup and as much fine
white bread as l would cl 0 se. I look
upon this lo be a very good living,, and
-the recollection of ihesituntion in which
I lift my parents would not permit
me to indulge myself, by eating any
thing; els?.
Monsieur Duverney and ihe govern or
could not restrain their tears at such
an early instance of fortitude and sensi
bility. If your father has been in the ser
vice,' said M. Duverney, 'how comes it
1hat lie has got no pension?'
For want of friends and money, sir,'
.replied the youth. 'lie hai been up
wards ofa year soliciting one; but his
money and resources failed; and rath
er than contract debt 8t Versailles, he ie
conteo' to languish in the manner I have
told you.'
Well, said M. Duverney,if Ihe fact
flnnears to have been as vou have stated
it, I will engage to procure your filher
pensjon of five hundred livers. In
tha meantime here are three louis-d'ors
for yourself, as a present from the king
tnd I will advance vour father six
months pay out of tho pension I am cer
lain of obtaining for him.'
'Ilow can you send the money to him
ir?' asked the boy.
Let that sire vou no uneasiness,' re
renlied M. Duvernev, 'I shall find
Ah, Unsaid the boy with precipita
tion, 'if you can do it easily, be pleasm
toiewl h i n these three louis-d'ors you
were so eooJ as to cive me, I want
nothing here and they would be of the
greatest service to my lather, lor my
brothers and sisters.'
How dtlightful to the sensible mind
jre such early emanations ol pious grai
Macauley, in a late speech in the
House of Commons, told a good anec
dote which is quite applicable to some
. folks hereabouts.
.A wandering lad, something after the
fashion oi Gil Dlas, is taken into the
eervicaof a rich old silversmith a man!
. particularly pious; distinguished tor the
, possession of every moral virtue and,
shove all an exceedingly honest man.
He wis constantly cautioning this youih
sgainst purchasing gold or silver with
out knowing that il had been honestly
come bybut more than all was he to
void purchasing church platethe
fruits of sacrilege, the most dreadful and
heinous of crimes. After one ot thesp
lessons to our youth, it happened that a
young man with a very shabby coal on
fame into his shop, with a sack under
Ml arm, and said to him
Will you buy this plate?'
No.' was ihe answer, 'not for the
florid; where did you get vY
Not bny ii? Will you melt it down
for mtf '
Oh, that's quile another thing,' quoth
in goldsmith; 'to oe sure i win that's not all: un he lakt-s a n r
cf silver lonirs to avoid toucbini: the
rhle with his finrerB. and nui it into
. ... i e - i : . : .
crucible. When melted down it is
given to the stranger, who lays down
X pistoles and departs.
There,' says the old gentleman to
the youth, 'there you shp, that m the
reward of honesty. You perceived ihat
I did not lay a finger on the plate my
(.f, but I was not above turning an
honest penny in Ihe exercise of my
honest calling, and the fulfilment of my
frontal drr.'
I copy fioni the Report of lion. II
h. Kllnwmili Ihq following )jrnci oph
fliowinn the utility of the deep i!oug,h-
.il ii made by exj oejre of earth to the
atmosphere; and whoever wishes to
nuke permanent improvements will not
ail to plot deep.
They are traveling playcrs,nreachere den
lists and nieemerisers, who with much
skill and title maoism, flatter and fliece the
bmiikins with whon they come in eo
tact in the different towns nml villages
through which they pa3s. They coin moii
ey in many cases, and not unfrequen'.ly
meet with many ci nous ; d .e mures. Foe last
we have heard, worth relating, was as (ol
io w;
A professor of mesmerism strayed into
village in Illinois' where the people are
hardly out of the rough in fad, they are
taking to savages in tDeny respects. 1 he
professor put up his bhiule and opened
his barn.
lie had a sullied with him in ths shnne
of a very beautituil young lady, whose as
tonishing doings in the cluravoycnt way
Julighed and bewildered the unsopuisiicaied
uni..i,id.a 'Pi.a ni.:i.:.:.., 1....1 .......
ii'pll until at lllfl rlnsp. wlii'n a much ivn
.. ... ----- -- - J -
ical looking fellow, arose and stated that to
ii) mmd, them doiu's was deouiud'
The professor blandlv oifered to provt
their truth in any possible way-
Very well, said the cynical skeptic,
put her to sleep.'
The professor did as desired.
,Nov remove her to that little mora on
the side, and leave :ne alone wiih licr. I
want to see what your pjwer is when you
are absent;
The professor submitted wi;h a very
good grace' The somnambulist wi;h re
moved to the ante room, the unbeliever
followed, and locked the door after. lie
stood alone with the 'suojeci. A'irr a
Utile reflection he took hold ol one ol her
hat am I doing no asked he,
'Pinching my arm,'
He laid his hand upon her hcaJ, 'What
am 1 doing now'
Paulina mv head.'
Ila Biruck into a iii'. 'What am I doini'
now f
limnBihfl true, thouc it the man oer
eyas are closed her head remains sta lion
,r,- I'll irv nnn mnro. lie seized tier
Mands and rubbed them violently. She
mil winca. He went a liulo further
and pla:ed h'S hands between her noct and
.Vtiuiom I dni n7 now!' inanired he.
WpII a!fl ide Btibieet. 'about now 1
raihpr lliink vnu are freii;ii2 t!ie itch!'
Ol' course, 'when the cynic re-appeared
il.a was nerfecilv satisfied that
things jvere as they oubt lo be.
The Lavycraizdthc Witness
At a late court held in a neighboring
county, in ISew Jersey, a pro.ecu'ion
was trying against a nr. acher for assuli
nd ba'le-v unon a vounz man, who
was previously prosecuted by the preach
er for having disturded their religious
meeting. In Ihe cout it of the trial it
appeared that at the lime the alltged
disturbance took place, the preacher
took hold of the joung man, and shook
him pieny roughly, which was the as-
cm 1 1 complained ol. The gentle man ol
the law. concerned in the case, sitrned
vciv anxious to know the extent and
severity, kc. of this same shokii g, am'
interrogated the wncess os lo this mat
ter a long time. One of the witnee.,
a spoilt athletic man was asked. Mow
; i i 1 In- sbalta him?' Did he shake him
:!ur)!' c';e. and Imv inn satisfied Mr. II
i . i i .
liain "'!eil the matter by sayn g
'Well, now can't you tell me how In
diook him. anil Ihe wav he did n?
Tlic wiiiits then unon laid hold of the
counsel by tne collar, 'suitinn the action
to the woid and the word to the action;'
and having given him some half dozi'i
mot teirinlf sh kes obs ived verv cool
ly, 'lie shook him ihat way sir,' lo tin
no small amuemeni ot Ihe judges sprr
ators, cc. who tveie convulsed witl
auii'Mf. r.
nissoilutlOu Of Pntlvcrthlp.
NOTICE is hereby given that tho I'nrt
lersliip, hereiufoie exiaiiitjj between the
Mibsmhers, under the the linn of Ever &
Helley, i this day dissolved hy mutual
tonsi.'iit', mid (bo Hindis and account may
'm found with Charles Htlley, rl the old
tnnvvlio la authorized lo noiilca!l accounts
l llio firm, and will bo happy to wait on
dicir friends in settling ibe came' Thosi
liavin j aeeounlj of lor j suiidiit are panic
darly requested lo e;dl.
Bloomsburg, Mreh 18 1813.
New ArraiiGCincnl.
THE subaeribcra wmihl respectfully in
torm their friends, and the public generally
hat have they have entered into Partnership
under llio firm of Ileih-y h Mendi nh ill, in
die inercaMtilo lnisineHn,Hi tlie eland lornier
ly occupied bj Eyer it llefley, and Inn
taken their entire
io which ihey inte;d making such addition
is will suit '.he seasons and make then
assnfiincnl gpiier.d, all of which they an
inxiotis lo exelianire for rash, oi country
produr e generally, upon very liberal terms,
l'hiy respocifully soli.-it the piurnnae ol
iheir fiiendu and the public renerally.
Uloomsbure, March IS
Orungcville, Columbia county, Fit.
THE subscriber reeprctfully informs thi
public that he has leased this large liiret-
(ory tavern, now in the oecnpanry cl flit
George Seiple, in Orangcville, tJolumbi
county, Pa., and intends moving 1-ito it on
the first of April next, whrro he will hi
pleased to tee his oid frienus and customers
As his
will alwavs bo furnished with lbs bc.U tin
market affords, His BAR wiih the choicest
of Liquors And bis STA RLE, attended by
faiihful Hostlers, he flutters himself that lie
will bo able to gii'e general satisfacticn
will always be ready lo transport wa'.crmci.
on their route,
March 15, 1 S 15 tf '
The subscribers have established si the
abovo place, a new MA RULE 1VIHI),
i iitl will always be ready, al the shortest
loii'je, to furnish to order,
roMn-sroNiix, J nun t:i-
ir any oilier woiii in their line. I liey rrt
.U nrrn:irf:t In I n i-nia l W ! "V ! )! 1 (l.'.i'S
md SILLS. 1)0011 SILLS and tJTEP.?,
Sec ;;illier of Ma. bin, I.iini; or any kind ol
"lone that can be procured in ihu vicinity,
Ji j31 Having had ooiiMilerable rspenenee
in the business, tney pledge thei.' wtirli tc
ie executed in as handsome a stylo as can
'10 furnished from ;.nv vnrd cither in the
ity or enunirv; arid on as reasonable term?
AliUSIIlONt; & II U Till EN.
IJIoomsburg, Nov. y, 1843. ly 23
IS hereby given, that Thomas Shorn
will not be conductor in the iUdlcreck Fiie
torv after ihe fust of Annl nest, and that
die Books will be left in the hands of Geo
ind Thomas Vance, lo whom all settlement?
and payments must be made
Mount Pleasant, March 12, 1315
THE North Branch Canal from Lack-
wria. In Northumberland, "ill bn oni'm il
for navigation on, or I tloic Saturday tin
5th djy ol A pni.
W. II. MAIT'I T, Supcvhut.
Wilkesbaue 21-181.").
Notice j
IS hereby given, lin t on ihe 31st di
of Mav, list, 1 gave my Note to Walter W
Beach; for the sum of eighteen dollart1
payable one year nfu r dale and as ihe said
Nole was ootained lhroiii;h deeepiiou am
fraud, I bcre'.iy caution all persons not U
r. Iiusf ii. 1 sli.ill relusa to oiv '. ;io earn
until eoiiipelled dv law.
I1ENUY KITCHEN., March 25 1815.
The Cooartnorship heretofore txidtint!
..nder ,he of fsJLl UnTUOlit i
HOOXE, in the Blacksinithin-r Rosincs,
is Hissolved by mulual eminent. Tin
Books aie in the Lands of Marshal f.ilvtr
thorn, to wlinm all having claims on, oi
ire indebted to, said firm, aie requested to
ipply immediately for selilement.
nioomsburg, March 29, 1315. 40
trryThe Business, in Inline, w ill be rur
lied on at die old stand, by the tubscri'nr
who solirils a ol il.e ''l.siorii
is old friends, and of as many new i.ncs
if may please call
March 28. -13
ill A Kite;.
fTTl i:s'r.CTI'l 'I.l.V informi the oiiizciiH (i
llfi Cohnnliiu I'miiity, nml tlm pulilic m'iiur:illj Ini Iiiih IiickK'J liiniM-lt'iii lil(.iii!'iliiirn,on Main
:invi nip(isii,i !st, I'anl'a Cliurtd, !ato lin liu
.l'i :ic(l blini, unit is now ri nily Hint ir")ri'l ti
rcrcivo ami m-riilo nil wnrk in Ium liueof tiii iini-hs
'vith di.potch and in u woikmiinliko ni.iiiiht. .
cloclio : Valchcs
of liis lii-st (iu:ility, can lie had ill liin cstabliiihin'.'u:
in very reuhonulilo Utrm-.
!5!:ivii:i:,g & clkamxg
will "w ihnic to tliesiitUfiicliin of t!i cu :tomer, ae
wiill of Cluiks nnJ VVntche oh of JowiIkv, ami lie
wiil furtliiT, wiiriiint his wnrk to ho fxe'u'.nj as
wi'll as (ny in tliin rection of the Slu'e. 11 u will
also nukrt lir nnlilr
ir pocket, Htul in short, will ilo all otlirrwork Mmi
illy ilnne in a nell rc;;u!nti'il rrt.icctr.lile erliihli::i
ini'iit. He lii)i"n ty Mi'.f t Id liu:,imv.
ami a ilii.iije :t yWaw, to irci'ivc a linrnil share o
lutroiino. l.ountry J'rodma taken in laymen
lor woik ut tho market pries.
Uluom. bnr.Tr, .Vv:inli?r l.i, t8 ! l rJO.t
CihaiiS. 5-anufactoy,
TH E subscriber coniiniir s to carry on
nisiness at tho old stand of I). i S. ILij1"'1
lucli, where he will Iio ready at all limes
to furnish Eaney li Windsor Chairs, Set
ees, Boston IJockins Chairs &, cfevory
lercripiion, which may be called for, ai
short notice and on the most reasonable
terms. He will also execute House, Sign &
Ornamental Painting, and House Pjpering,
in a superior manner,
from his exjiertenee in the busincr-s.and
bis facilities of riianufaeiuring the various
articles of his line, he hV.ltcra himself thai
he shall bo nble in furnish as good work,
and upon "z reasonable terms s can hi
lone in the country, all of which lie will
I r i' s "i 1 , t f I 'Ml ' MM 1 r
uispnse n lor vAoil Or LA)U1JK)
U. ) Orders from a ili;a,).'e will be
strictly iu.d punftnallv aMendi-d to.
p. :iA(;i;;aiuci!.
Bloonii'itircr, Dec JO, 13 !.;
it T "?tt "jr . 1 t 7. : 7 r-
EMPLOYMENT will l-e jrivrn by llir
.nhsrrihers to 5',? Mirers dnrim; ihr se.isnn
Ml ihoe wih'"? to t'lko i J''vil please
call as we will let it nut hy ihe Jo!) nr bv
die ton
A!.-o,40 LABOURING hands wanted
by tho subscriber.
UAW!-;iii5t;u uv es.
Light Street "arrh 181"
i I
! l HJ'JR.T.V JlJS. j 5J i
Come one, cu.nct:!!, give me a J
fTn'IS 'ib.ciil'r retUiM Lis t ir.rer.i thct.k
M f.r ll:c lilr-r.'d palrtoi.ii.-e lier-lr loio h'-i.towet
npoaliim, r.ritl Imiies for a coiiiiniinnee d" llie
with an i irnv.rfe duo the merit of li'n shoo, lie in
tend hjii'iiii!? neiliicr p.iin or lal ourio reij.'e.
at:. f:'t in i,oy ca.-e;and will nai 'cut hi-i to:V
ilnne ith lasto iliiiul,i'r,lv.A M) AUTTl.K
NMATKit T)S V.S lit:' DO.N'I-; IN ANV
0 7ii;i:,v;oi i nii.s ri.ACK. l-,
jUFt received Muluui..-, lale re t;f i'a; liiolis I'tin.'
I''ljiliia. whii ii can he .ecu a', hi t idir.ji at n
tinie, hy.!iich I:.. U t nul.l.'d to eat ac.-i.r..;i,:; la
the la'e.-st sly or to i.rdt r. l!is l-iict a Die ij
at'coulaiH-e lo llm tini-'.-i. A 'I i.iiid.; of t oinii
produci! taken in pnwn. r.t I', r wo;!, at maikit piit.:
A verv rciLsomdilc ili.M-nimi for i :.h.
r. s. h:vo'.
N. V. ( 'iittin'j tli.r.o '.it i,rea'.c: t i:aie,ai.i:
at tha horlol MoUco.
r. .v. i
Illoonifhiir', Oct.. IG t .."
Eri'Vidrcthys A?i31cT"
EAI) ar.d unilert.lai)tl ! The time v. ill eonit
mM. when the medicine, Drandir'.h JilN, vill la
appnieiiitei as th-y neglit and tlc:erve; it will la
undeistood that Jjr. Iii.iu.lielli has the stiol";e.-l
elaima upon ihe put-lie. It is t.iie that eveiy in
ilivi.lnid who makes a uial et ihe Uiandicth i'ill.'
coiiee.le thepi to he tho lie-t m. :liei:iu t!u-y t .er
used. They are indeed a metVcvse about wliit-!i
llli rp is ii.) iiartwk;'. 'i'heir value in a cliMiaty so
ch"n,ca'.,!e as ours cannot ho .-uitticicolly npprochit
e.l A IVce prrspirali..n i.i at on. e re: iored , thus
ih"y ciiil- n.l.i, iii.J cnns-ui.'iioo is p.e -rntcd.
i tio-e wiih nave n rcnumiaiicy oi ivic l.ud . u ,
the inost ("ii'iilial Ferviec. and !,nuld there I.e. a d"
iii'iency of thai impo! taut liuiil the l'ramlrvi'i I'i!"
'nr.e an k'lj'mlly henclicicl ciltct. Often Las th
inioi'Lunl medicine .-aved valo.d.'c li-r in tlae ic
iriouis where th? dr,ii!',l yellow fever via? prevail
in:', A few doses taken immediately Cfion the ;ti-
fet'lort lain;.; re:-t ived Into Uit bv 'cm. vvtil !. nl-mo-t
certain to pieveut ar.v ni iier'al iucouveui lue.
And at;e of this ih e ,.11 .1 epidemic is there
so preper a locdii ine aa ll,e Ili.a. hcth I'llls. I.ei
this medicine he imivei -ally ccd i.i t h i-
oca'a e, unci t.o lo'..; ol i.iooti a.aevea, itn.l i.-vv.
very few, wontj he tU vici.n:. it is with o h."r
ili.-a-ej. As.i-t i atari- vviiiithis ail ir.ijiorra ut
inc-'J: ine ta rcmo.e run bi l I niocra fiom the hljod
and do not ret-'Oil lo '.t,tvh'n or lcerc'-iy, and or
fhall have a ery rec.i n iieiiy ofpcn.oi.d afdiftcd
v.'iih cronie in il.:die. Tlio l.Mtlinvd trihe the an-
i:r:al kinfth
over wl;:,!i ivp ate the lord.t. jn
not ulilicied with chronic maladies lieilher houhl
ivc be if it were not for our priile which occasions
them. i-'idW.' liatvue. IL.o the n.etlicine whi'h
hannJiv'yta ith he, which mildly hot aareiy re
ioov.'s si! 'he impolitic; of tht.- hhod.wl..ihistit-o.,-i!-.-eit.a
the leel !e an. I y.-l reduces lh.;t.e t f loo fuii !.:,!, I
to a healthy Mai, dan!. I.i t rac again say tiiul t i rv
de aitnielit of the loanul'at luro ol Ui.tniLtth l'dls
is personally bupcrintended 'y me, and Ihat every
hox with l.iy three lahels upon it may he relied up
on to have the hencficial elfcct dc.viilud if uM'd
aciordiog to the directions lccoinpany'tiy.
A C E N T 8.
V'ahin;on Knhcrt M'Kay.
.lern-ylowti I,. tV. A. V. Iiie
Danville 1!. cV Co.
Oattav.UMi C'. (i.
Llooicsliur' .1. Ii. Mo; cr.
Limestone Babbit At M".inch.
liui l.liorn .V. i. Mii.i'iiaitti-i-.
Limn K'dae Low & Thon.f-tnn.
(tuvi.-V .1 V Mica
Mav 3, iili-!y- 2.
. f tiSl -i
This 1 1 iiir Tonic: lins proilneiil l.eihlil'ul New
Hair in the lieiils of l.nii.lic U who ha. I I ren ki.
lor years It also purifies the lieuil froin I.'.ui.Iiui ilihcnsi h of the sralp I'ri'serves llie Inn
iVdiii falliin; oil' or likcnmiiij; periii.ineiitlv R'ay
IS a eertain, u;.fo inul eflecliinl reliU'ity fur
entery, 1 1'.tri li'i'n nr looseness, rhnlera murium kuiii
mer eoin)!ainl, colir; r;ripiii(T puius; sour hlnniieli;
sick ami nervoua lieadai Ii, hciirlluini, wnierlirasli;
pain or hiekners of llio hIiiiiiiii'Ii; vi.muiii'; spitting
up of foot) alter eatin ami hIho vlii .eit pan
tliroiigh llio bmly urn 'liiuigvil ; want of npprlile ;
rcstleskiir.M ami inability lo ulei j wimil in llie bto
miieli ami liowrl'ij rritmp; ur-.-vmn liemors am!
twilehin.'; Bi asicknefs; faintiii?, iin'lam linlv mil1
lo'.vne-j of spirits, fretting ami min:; of infant;
mil fur all licwel uU'ections und iktvouh lis(!iites.
Wliicli i-i pcrkcily s.ifu and bo pleaunnt the'
eliiiilreri will not refni to take il- Il efticluall)
i!-r troys v.orin: neutralize aciility or auiirni'sa ot
ihr. s.i'iiicli; increai ea anpelilo Hii.l acta as a gene
ral end p. rnuiienl 1 on:.', nml l.i therefore exceed
infjlv lienefn ial i.i hi'eniitle:it andHeniitleiit feven
and indi.jentioii; i'ic and ii- a certain and permanent
i U-c l ir t io lcv.-7-niiil iij; lie.
They may be taken at all limes and ii
most diseases in Liflanini:.iri y, intermit
taut, lvi'milteut, lii.nuifl, imkI every ottiei
form of Fever Jaundice and Liver (loin
plaint. I'or Pyspepfia tliey are really i
invaluable artirlp. gradually chan;;;n tin
lAiliaied s."creltons of the stomach and livci.
land nrodnein-J hea'ihv Ji'tion in !?ini i"!
por'.anl organs. They aie very valuabh
or diseases cf the Skin, and for what is
commonly culled 'Impurity of llie blood;'
a'r.o for reimuc t.oinphi'.i.ts, Losiivenes).
in, and in (act every disease wl ere ai
Apavient, Alterative, or Putgative Medicine
may he requited
J A Y N E'ti E X PEC TO 11 A K T.
It always cures Asthma iw.i nr three
largo doses will cure the Crotii or Hives I
Children, in from fifteen mimnea to ai
Uoun iime. Ii imnu'diairly subdurs llie
vinl.-ncc of Hooping Cotij'i, end e lien a
speedy citte. Huiidrsds who have b?ro
given up by their physicians as incurrabh
with 'Consumption, ' have been restoreu
perfect hrnlth, !iy it.
In fad. ai a remedy in Pulmonary D:
catscs, no r.icdiei'ia has ever nhtaincd a
higher, or more ilr.'crvet! reputation.
f!rj"The above Medicine are all f.irsale
it ll.s slnre of JOHN II. MOi'EU,
B'ooms-herg. u'6
lOMiiRXCLN'f ihe vvesevt opporimiiiy t.l
'-ilA expie.Mf;; his llianM' ti. hi.-; IV t m!-ai:d
the la.l.lie t-eoenillv. for tl... r.l.-,'! n.l:nii. I.c
has in ret .lure iccied, ini'urmshis Vicia's and ihe
puhlie in oiM' he 1 1 1 1 ct'ittiMies to larry li
u,e ruiuve ia.i.-in alius e J et loo,'. He.l staim, un
tl.J co.-i:c- t I M. i;i and lh'st ctrte's, v h. re lie
not .s !y trirl :i!nntin to l-.tisintv., to r; reive
a:tl aa-rlt a !!.-.;:e ufp'-iMie;;e i heri-tot.irc.
Ilf; ii:.:. ary t;f,iiito the p-itno ol
hiai'. c.r to i ..,i.vs;'' s aide.' iihocl !:i'- S i f ,!, in
the . i,(ir.::..;!'i ; n.vy,i': r (T'n'iAr;
as LU Loo i.i oi !,(! Ht:i!t'!:ii', and Lis wr'x be
'liluhs w ill :,p.-"!; f.i.- i.-.'ir, far more luiiilei
than iit,;df. i'.i!, he wonlil ir.erely icy ll. il, In
.va.rams hi ; w.d.".i,'i iitatiicn, uuniMlily.
mil in the I l' ; i': V iiahh.' manner, ui'd will eu-
ore nt'oiid :il ia al! ea
A. I!. Charr.-s u-oderale to suit th.Mlmrs. Al
kin. Is'f.fjilrv u.e.-'.ic j tukeu in i-schan&i! loi
woi1;, ut nr i lict ;aii t
Laomsh.iii;, fuv. 0 58-1-.'. 2!).
REAIAhMiNO in llie Post Office ni
Caltawisr'a on the quarter ending Slarcl
j'ird '.Vilha.ii Miller 'i'lioiu, is; D.iv'd Ovidei f l'li!i!n.!i
Caiupli.'i' Isaac Over ccr.i of ll.e hm ofi'cniluil.
a-as J.iii'ini in J Iclilei Joan
i'eiaier i!. fc'.inim 1 Kilter iJa- id
: rincher i'. 'I'hoioaa Kin'ir 1'. Kcnlu'ii
Stoke- Alexander
I lusti aa .lacu'i
Wariit7. ('w'li.i
V'oo-.!.s il. r-'unuiel 0
''u :!ies Lili.i
;!oc. r (Via 2
',ei' II.
lul.o M.irvarn Vet urn Jnsep'i
lahu f-'ara'u cider f!eoiLre
l' eailiuc; l..r It I ut-. in the ah..i'!: lit wi'
lea e j-.iy liny i.n; i..iverli.-f.l,
J'.M'I. I! IJAI.DV I'. M.
HAst of f.rt !'.
I; EM 'iI.MMI in the I'ost Oiilee, a
IL't.oa i.r;.', on ihe ijuatter f mling A.'dich
31st. if.U '
aiu.'l P-cfch, J'.nrifk Ila:;n, (leci-.p;
Uiei ly, J I?. yTi'L.i'tl Julio .las(in.(it:orut
,ieI)oive!l, John liaueli, Oct. rye tScnlm.ti
Et S Tailor, !It, Vanw
y'ers, .n culling for h tieis in the al ovp list wii
ulcasc s ly thev art!
7''THK subscriber disimus of tp.iillin busines.
oa account of his health, will
prefc-tv to iiiiv person rai favourable lerms, win
uiii r; 'kchasi-: ims .stock oi-' ( oon.-.
r.'maiuin.: on Inn..!. His situation fordoing busiiuv
Iib ri.usiilers. ihe best in the euunty,
(j'llit also iispiestes all (hose u.ilebtt il to him
m fume nui ii . 'ike ayn.ei t nttoio u.e lt. ot
April, after that lime, even nccoiiiit i ol a t), will
tie sued wiihout nspt ..t to person.
E. II, BICf.s.
Jan. It; lo.
am) i iitimi'. i i:ii;m).
.ciili al ill H'oilHn it it tl lU Iii-u ii
xi:w yb:aij.
Vow it tltr vrrij nick of limr In xuhxctile
for the Xan Itur l?v.i.
Willi (lie largest Subscription Eisl in
the World.
For the iiuriiosi! of facilitating the formation o
("lus, ol ,v i. w or old auhscril era unt in urrturs,v
llerhtlm lullouniir
EX T II A 0 I'i D I X AUY 1 N D U C E M E NTS.
I'hree copies f of tho Saturday L'uurivr,! year,
or one copy lor three years
ven ci.pi olhc halui dny Cutiricr, I year
IVeNo do
leveuteen do
wo do and 1
copy of either of the fill Magazines
five, copies of the .Saturday Courier, and 2 co
pies ol eillier of tho Ma;;n.inea
I'ivo copies ol the riatiirthty ( hnirier.and I co-
py ol Jrost s i ew I'ictonal History of A
inerica, a $' honk,
Qfj-ln laet. whatever olTt r is mode, hy any other
family Journul, at all approachm;,' in worth henuly
or preler.sionr;, lo the Saturday Courier, will he fur
uished I y us.
Tho Soulier lias hecome no well mid f.tvoiahly
j i. ii un. ui;:i n lilini.iUI!ll(y lnpular COUISI! Ol
i our'een y;-,irs, ihitt it Wocltl he suiieillnoiis lo sav
much tin ihat Eiihji'ct her. We may rcmaik.htnv
ever, llail to the industry, talent and enierprise,
Ahich have fnr years kept Ihis paper a hiic.hl esem
lilar nll its imitators, will consiliinlly he added
ih prodiiclionsof e,vc,-y iiv.iihihle writer, and con
iinuetl judicious and hheml ependilures will con
tinuallv he niat'e, iiswell in the I.itirarv as thr Tv-
1 o'jCHphical deiutrtineats. Our means will always
I aahle us to he in advance of all others.und we t-hall
'ie so.
Histories of Modern lhpuhlks.
A new ar.d iir.i.-o: taut anliouneenient !ir the i
tnif year, in atLlilion to our already numerous pop
uh.r feature, will lia si series of Condensed Histo
ries of .5odern 'Icpuhlics, hy u freh and viueious
writer' who v.'lll impait a woild of important in
slruc'.ioii lo tho i i.iii.j pener.itioli, in this lieiv and Loaiance of Jlisiory.
Liotfrapfiics and notices nf Distin
guishes! Literary and Scientific Mm.
Anion? t!i? interesting essays ami sketches of
value, which vs shall continue lo present in tho
f'ourier.will I e a full ami iuleresiinir uceount of ll.o
r;se, piojires.i. and
tlitiinyuiJicil mi :.
fill elevated slautlin'' of nil
.'I, of the r,!t and 1'ie.elit, (at
ill all I'euailmeiils of Art Si-ienco
I'.ome or a,iri..ivl.,
Literature, Statesmanship, i'oelry, Meehanii s,
I'laiiling, A u'rijiiuure, l'ltnlin. Merchandize, etc.
This will lie a very intcit stint; feature for tho
Younp. It will he a department of the Comier,
which il has ever hecn our aim to render of inesii
mahle value lo iho.' o for w hum we I'cel so (let p an
interest cs we do for the Voiiiiu; .1'en of our ereat
and jrowiti. Country. The Lives of Ii.-lintruishrd
'.l. ii are of jiitu !i value io those who are yet furm
im; the!,- own chi.r.i, ti rs; for (he puiposo of enaet-
il'l' lacir lr.rl.i, coiftcllv. uu the GieaL tfU' of
!I, loan l.i,.'.
Imlt'L-1, we Lop? tint Ihis Jopartir.ejit ,.f the
f'ouritr will he worth no r.' (each yeai) to every
family w!ai have sons and daughters to he,
il: t:i live 1 ii ; tht aniouiit we n.-k lot u v cat's suii
scripliou to tiiu Saturday Courier!
I.ic'u'tnts, Hhtoelei
Grounds, tyc., ci' the
S'.-ff., E'lllle
flmtricun and nil
other IiLcohitiom.
Under Ihis head, which i bv thewav.not a! all
new in the Cuurici. we shall ht
it ynt f.ria bit:
mil eiteie.-'in r accounls . t .i t-osn ai., II v I t jiritullv
iliustra!.-l of the ib.rilliii'; incidt'nls, so pmfusclv
liin'.f '(! thrui::;h the deeidy impoi talit liitnry of
the American iicvolntinn, and of all other nvolu-
toiiN that we may rcanl of this least interest id
value ihe readeis of the l'hilctl..jdiia f-aluiiiay Con
rier. 'J'his wii! b.' of deep censeiiueta e. also, to
everv I.icmhcr uf ia y fan. iiy of the Americn re-
.i.blic, w ho may idi..oe to tin themselves nml n.s
' !'.iui ol -ecuriii!', rcmlarly. the visas el llio
Coiait r (.1 their Family l ire-ii!:'.
'Ol'l LAI! TOI'0(;i;.l'll'. To crality lho
xrowin;; appetite for a bctier know Ictlue of the im
portant features of our (rre.:t and shaious countiy,
oir;l exertions shall be redoubled ia future lo
prevent vivid pictures of lilies, towns,
mountains, lake-, rivers, eaves, scenery, etc.
Our uri filial itnmi.i-lie 7rts, J '.s.sms 'ofu.',
Are. will continue regularly lobe fjrnishrd by the
minds and pens in the country. 'I hose chaslo
iirothiclions are aclaiowl. Jtd lo be the best, for
useful iu.'.ii urli'in at the family lii. r iuc, that appi ar
any periodical.
Oi a Km. ii .i i mis comprise subject!: in all bran
dies of Art am! Mature, suitable I'm Ihe family cir
cle, an. I appear in rapid sin ctssion.
Ot I! 'J'ii Wt'LLKK is constantly traversing
'he world, in ccaich of the wonderful and im-truc-'.
i v c .
Ore Aonicri.Ti hist nerupies week'y an im.
iior.ait space, vvih ali matters e f intcrert fur tho
lull: lit' tin "j tin- 'ml;
Orr I'.uririi mi Voin-.-fun'nilr, in Liverpool,
Lund ai. Ireland Ihe Ihil. ,('. keep us regularly
nl'.i.-cd of all .v.'-jcctsof special inli-ir.t.
Our Markets ai. l Trices Current. embrace all thn
.'ariie.-l advices in rclcrence to the prices of all kinds
. i li'iuin. riudute, ivc, llie slate r.f Slotk s.liniiks,
Man. y.aod Laiu's. and our t :,tent ive arrant mt l is
will hrrt alli r !. rale.-our 'i let v Cntrt ut r f!
Ie v doe u the Traveller, Fanner, and nil l.'u
i!,i!.s Cht-.-eu whatever.
.M'MAKIN ;iOM;i:.
Courier LuihLr.g, 'j'i l.l.f;i.ut nrrcl, I hii.i.
HAILS, Sri2IIS: &c.
TJ'W'II.L !' rp const urit!y tai Land, u lhrj;e
y y surtiui-nt of
aii, spiKi-:rv am
which th. v will sell by WliOI.t'SAI K ai.d ML'
TAIL.m.r tm gucri tmim i:n tl r (utitlir,
rim lie i ttul.irri i i rl:i,. t il. Mm bunts un,!
oditrs, n ii liini it In tl eir ii.lirii-l to tall. II
kinds of grain ltce vrt! in pav ti rut.
JOM.1I! 'A.'(,., ri.iMi'i.M
ft-r-J-iftic'i-niaiik rXECETlONS
.S7'.'l.lrA'.S' just j riiittd and lur Sjle :.i
Lis Oiiicu