The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 10, 1845, Image 3

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    Viruland Cheap. A pirlor itov haj
a, a t 1 1 1.
been invented at lluiou Kongo, i.a,.
i.n attached ( which n much
nil be extracted from the coal il tiring
the day ik wi'l erve Tor light during ihe
They luvs raited rival lo Tom Tlmmb
in Tenneiee, who is now exhibiting in
New Orlean. lie ii turned E. C. Uwry
it twenty year of f , and meainrei on
ly lo feet eight inches high, nd weighs
about foiiy pouhd. His hd ,f th'
natural tize for one of hi ago, with i man
ly and iniclligenl expression of counte
nance. mn . 'B
The dwarf Tom Thumb i (aid to have
netted to Mr! Uarnttm. by hi exhibition in
England, over f 100,000. Uarnu.n hired
the little fellow for a number of year.
The zladisonian saysi-'Almost eery
afternoon, wheR the weather i
intelligent-looking, brisk-moving, singularly
dressed old gentleman, may be seen pulling
lor the long bridge, like Peter Sehemihl, af
ter his shadow , smiling to every greeler and
gazing about him with an eye as insatiate
as that of the sea I'.agle, on an ocean crag.
IIing reached the bridge, the , spectator
beholds him with astonishment, ''inge n'
walking staff into a fishing rod tyliiii it
tackle compleie, and aher liking Jrom ins
rapacious breeches pocket a tobacco box
filled with ancle worms, ea( himself on
the rough pier, and bob with astohishing
patience, for any thing be'.ow, from a bull
minnow to a ponderous eat fish. As the
looker on beholds this interesting gentleman
of the old school dressed in rusty black, with
low rrowned tint ind silk tockings,& knee
breeches, chewing the qoid of expectation
and springing up with the alacrity ol youth
at every bite, he is induced lo ask his name.
Judge, however, of his astonishment. when
the polite draw-keeper informs him thai
this second edition of Sir Roger d'Coverly
was formerly a Senator in Congress, the
Chancellor of Kentucky, and Secretary of
ll.e U S. 1'rcusuiy.
Tlie Sheiifl' of Columbia county, N York,
in a hmise of which he had gono lo lake
possesjion, found a stranger, who, in expU
nation of his being there, said that 'he was.
coining along, saw the house empty, anil
thinking ii was a dispensation of Provi
dence n oved in.' He was goi out only by
main force.
At 3ile-end- Town, near London, on
Good Friday, a pig and a pigeon ran a race
of a hundred yards. The pig came in
in 7j minutes beating the pigeon som 7
j ards.
Millerism. per se, is funny enough, but
Main Miileiinn is grotesque in the extreme
The Bangor Whig is luminous on this
idiosyncrasy; it say that 'ilolv Rolling'
and 'Slain of the Lord, 'Holy Dancing,'
Holy Lauehing ''Rolling in pools of water
by the roadniile,' are among the religious
services of that sect, in that ie?ion. The
editor adds. 'One woman took her china
tea-set and broke it into enull pieces. As a
general thing, they refrain from labor, an-l
dispose of their property, appHremly w'nh
out a thought uf its value or the Rbor and
painstaking it demanded lo colled il. They
consume their fer.ces for fuel have no
reeard'io regular hours of refreshment or rest
And for all these tilings they think they
have the command of Cod.'
Charge to New Grenada. This ap
pointmeni has bepn tendered to ihe Hon
B. A Bidlack, of Pennsylvania, the U.S.
Journal, late Madisonian, says.
A Western editor says'A violent gale Iihs
just passed over us and destroyed nearly
one half of our beautiful village, ami turned
a great number of our inhabitants homeless
ar.d houseless into the street) many of the
old garrets were filled to suffocation by
people wiih their gable ends out''
The Application of Steam to common
canal boats, by which they will be propell
ed without making any commotion of the
water that will injure the banks of the canal
is about lo be attempted in Wilmington.
Del, by Messrs. Beits. Lloyd and Tag
The Globe say s a letter has been received
by Mr. Blair, from General Jackson, in
forming the latter that he has left all his
papers to him, and tequests hini'to.tise them
in vindicating his character should il be as
sailed. Notes purporting to be issued by the
Mechanics' and Traders' Bank of PhiUdel
phia, are in circulation. There is no such in
slitution in existence. flOsnpetior notes
on the of Northern Liberties. Phila
delphis, are also in circulation. They can
he delected by the title of the Bank, which
in ihe couuieifeii read 'Northern Liberty
Tite Hom Ciuniu Hunt, of Gsr.l
ner, Me., ha bequeathed $15 000 for
varioii religious objects.
I 1 1!
The Chicsso Nevs llf that grest
hurricane visiied ihii section of couu
try on ihe 23d ol'., and tint almost eve
ry house between thai place 'u
ville, a dislance of Ihiity miles, ws
ither blown down or djimgea.
wjmi - J i
That Shermans' Cough Lozenge will
I ... . - - .I..-
eura a severe COllgll or suuncr man
anything they can take, that they allay ill
irritition, promote t xpcciorauon, im gic
quiet rest to the sullerer when it cannot
dt'ierwise be obtained, leu mem inai oner-
innna V..rm Lozenne are a specific lor
worms, and have been tried with perfeci
success in more than 400.000 cases, and
have never been known to fail and being
prepared by a ret ular physician, are per
trilv fe. as thev have never been know n
to do injury in any rase in which they have
been used.' Say to them that Sherman'
Camphor L-izmiges are a remedy for the
headache, curing Irom tnree to nve mintiie.
and relieving from palpitation nervouj (lis
ease and depression of spirits And last.
n it easl.te them that it liiey nave rneuuia
tism. pain or weakness in his bark, chest.
mile, loins, or any part ol we noiiy, inai
Sherman's Poor Man's blaster is decideillv
the best strenghtening piaster in the world,
and will cure them quicker than anything
of the kind thev ever eaw. And tell them.
also tliBt Dr. Sherman prepares Lozenge
for fever and ague, heartburn, dyspepsia,
and all the ills the body is liable lo;and, be
ing a regular physician, all his remedies are
prepared under his own inspection, and
can he relied upon for all for which the)
are recommended.
For sale by JOI1NR MOYER, Blooms,
Hloomsbubc, May 10, 1845
Wheal, flf
Rye, 50
Corn, 4C
Cloversped, 8 25
Flaxseed, 1 21
Butter, 18J
f), 25
EikV, 6
Tall.iW 1(
Eitd ' '
l)i i e I App'es,
White ieans 50
Heeswax 25
Mew oods.
IltSJIiy & iricndenlial!,
Hive just received,and sre nnv opening
M the old stand of Eyer & rflfy,
Consisting of eveiy article usually kept in u
tiiunUy etore,
Among iheir assortment will be lound,ol
Cloths; Cassimeres; Satiinetls, Rimbrnnns
dir.. for summer pants; Calicoes. Chintz;
Ualyonnes; Lawns and Crape Delane
iir. for diesses, Hosiery; Gloves il
Mius; Handkerchiefs, Scarfs;
brown and blenched Shirtings
&(.. colored Yarn; Laps tsnd
Wadding; Bonnets and
They have also; Palm Hat; Travelling
Baskets; Looking Glasses and Bus?
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molassess, Pep
per, Spices, in facl every thing in Ihte
line that may be called for.
A general aitsortment of
Prace Chains, Shovels, Nails Spikes
and the uhihI variety of Lock,
Sciew Hulls, &e., Rolled
and Hir Iron, Hoop and
band Iron, Waggon
tire of all siz-.",
All of which thev will sell on the mns
reasonable terms and receive in payment al
kinds of eonr.irv produce.
May 10, 1843 am. a.
Harness, Saddle &
Trunk Manufacturer;
"fcj ESPEUTFl'LLY informs the public that t
l.os IiithIuI hiinsflf in the flioD neil dooi
io !Samucl Hogenhuchs Chair Fartory, il'ain street
Rinnmiihiii!?. Columliia countv. where be will ca rv
on the shove bus ncss in all its branches. He w ill
keep constantly on hand fine and coarse
One and 7wn Horse Harne'ses,
Horse Collars, Saddles, Bridles
and T rvnks: S'C.
if pvnrc itaiwrintion : ind havintr hd a Ions Jpe
rie.nce in the lmaine.s, be can furnish as good work
mil as cheap as can ne purcnased in tne county
fXj-All kinds of country produce taken in pay
inent for worV, at the maiket price.
May 10. l&lfl-UinS
cabinet Making.
fMlIIE subscrihei respectfully informs the pub
H i;- th.t I., l,.. ,UL. .. ittu ulwwi occunird
by IJ. 8. Hsyliumt, at lite lower end uf Market
ilreet, bloonuburg; where he intends carrying on
(lis sbos business id all its branches, and solicits a
ha a of lha patronage of the public
In connection with the above business, be offers
his services ss an
If will ntwivn t, readv t. niska COFFINS for
rli stains rtriiHd hwrsst nfitm hnriiMl in llloomsburit,
anil having suppliod himself wiU a good 11 E A Hi t I
I... ill .ii I i, Hi. r-'iinnrul witlluUt 1IIV
nv nui .iitiiii nim i. .... 4
ultra charge.
jutliN an i c-no.
May 10, 1845-6m3
Fublie Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of theOrphan's
Couri, ol Columbia county, on
Saturday the 7A day of June next,
il 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Aaron Hen
,li.rhni. Ailniiiiivirator ol Barbara Criiz.late
of Bloom township in said county .deceased,
will expose to stle, oy puouu venuue, upon
ihn nreinises. a certain lot or parcel ol
ground situate in Hopktnsville, in said
Countv. and beint? part of lots numbered
six aed seven in the plan of sa d town, ol
lot numb, r six, seven !eel in breadth and
one hundred and ninety eight feet in depth;
and ol lot number seven, nueen iei in
hmadih and one hundred and ninety eiflu
leet in depth; and bounded as follows
beer innintr at a post on muin street and lot
number six, thence by the aame louih thir
iy seven degrees, west one puntreu anu
ninetv eiP hi feet to a back alley; thence a
long said Blley south fifty time degrees,
sa.i iHinv two feel to a post in lot mm
her seven; thence thtough said lot ninth
thirty seven degrees, east one hunureu anu
uinr iy eight feet lo a post on main street,
tlietice north fifty three degrees.east twenty
iwo feel to the place ol beginning.
There is erecteu on ine piemises a
Tramo House,
lute the estate uf said deceased, eildate in
he uiwnbhip of Bloom mid county aloro
Danville. M.,y 0. 1815.
StEUlfF SAhEo,
By virt tie of a wril of levari facias, lo m
hn ciei!,ivlll be exposed 10 public, sale al the
'ouri House in Uaiivtlle, on 1 hoisdiiy, ihe
!0 h day of Ahy, inst. al ore o'clock, P M
he following property, lo wit.'
All that part of ilia following described
tiirts of the following described 13 tracts ol
ind. that lies in the County of Columbia.
o wit, one undivided one fourth part of 13')
parts or shares, ihe whole into !i20 parts or
liarts to be divided, of mid in nirieen
tract of cool laud, lying contH'ioiis lo escli
.ither, siuiate on the wsiets of the Sliamokm
nd A.dionov creeks, in the tuwnshio ol
Shainokin,(now Conl.)and Ca tawissiYnow
Soaring eret kJ in the cotiniies of North
'iinhe rl-iiid and Columbia, and Suite ol
Pennsyp ania, w hir.h said tracts of lant
ere surveyed in pursuance of thirteen
wairants.fotii hundied 8' reje.'ch.a'l tn ariny
bite the tenth dy of May, A I). I7U;J,
granted lo W.lliam Eilioiis, Genige Asiou.
Caleb Townes, John Yourg, John White
nan, Joseph Jordan, Riclnrd r tin. Julio
Earner l)aniel Keen, 'Villiam Porter.
Wiilinm Viller, PeWt Ilihaven, am'
Wiiliam Powell, and patterned to John
N'lcholdson, on the seventeenth, tueniit'th.
twenty third, twenty fourth and ihe iwenu
ifih dava of Ci tobtr. A. It. 1704. ano
hich sid iracts ol'U d re, bv th r.f
iciiil relor"" a? survey rmnpuie'l to cdiiUhi
:ive thousand three hui'dn'd iouI f,.tv si.
irrf s, cine hundred and twenty perches.
Seized and leken in execntinti, and to ht
-old a th? properly of ihe Sha.nokiii Coil
md Irom Company, et al.
I ram Ukrr She, iff.
Sheriff" Office, Danville.
May Oih 1815.
BY virtue of a writ o vnn exponis to
'lie directed, al the smite time and place.
.7 certain tract of land. situate in Mudi
mn township, Columbia County, contain
unr or less, abnnt two hnndrfd crp9 o
which is cleared land, bounded bv the binds
il Ceorgr Derr, Thomas .VcUride, John
F.ves and others, whereon i eiecied
?L?ga J'0G MUX.
ind other oul buildings and an apple (r
hard, wiih ihe apperenances.
Seized and taken in execution and lo be
old bs the properly of Isaac Uendershol,
Ivceascd, in the hands of his execntots.
Iram Dehr. Sheriff
Sheriffs' Office Danville.
May. 6ih 1845
riHE subscriber informs thecitiiensof Blonms-
3 buri, am) vicinity, that in consrfjuenco of ihe
ndinpomtion of Mr. Phillips, he In eommenci d
running a waggon to the savoml Mills in the
neighborhood, and intend continuing unlil Mr
Phillip is nb!e to resume his buiiie:'s, and will
cstry and bring Grit to ui f.uJ) any Mill that his
customers may select, upon the snme terms it has
heretofore been done, snd he hopes with the rame
punctuality. HIRAM THOR.NTO.V.
Iprll 19,
IIIooiiHhurg: Ardllorj'.
The Members of this Company; who
have Swords and Belts, belonging to the
Company; are required forthwith lo delivet
them lo eithei ol the Commisimied OfTt
cer. II. VV EBB, Capt.
finUE Danville Steam Woollen Factory, for-
merly owned and occupied by ht. I'etrikin,
hm recently bien purchaard hy tlis sulwcriber, who
reiipecifully announuus to bis friends and tha pub
lic genernlly, that ha is now prepitred to execute
all kinds of work in Ilia tins ol businena, at iho
nhorteat notice, according lo order, and in the bust
comparative wanner. Having; gone to coimidera-
uo expciiiTe in repairing hi machinery and appa
ratus, anu being very particular in secu'iug the ser
vices ot cxprienccd mechanica, ho feels confident
that he la capable of executing all kinds of work
in his line in a style auperioi lo any ollwr oatabli.h-
mentin the eountry. Pncca of oik as follows:
Cloth j yards wide light and dark, from 45 to 66
cents pet ysid-
Do bottle greens, olive brown, &c, from 00 to CO
"alirtet of the above colors, from 40 lo 44
r lannela one yard wide, 30 cents.
Wine, brown or black, 40 .
Madder red, 45
blanket S yds wi'u; twi'leJor plain, from CO to 70
cents per yard.
It ill be dune in the best manner, and at the usu
ii prices Allkinditof country produce will he
taken in payment for work at Danville market
Constantly on hand, for sale at reduced price
for (. ualt or uartcr.
For the accommodation of customers living at s
distuueu wool for .lnnufacturing will be taken ii
nl tlio following places :
l;Ol.b.".TlilA COLM . Inane Kline's Mill.
Fihhingc eek; Holnns' store, Coliiinbus; Low &
Thompson's storu, Lime-Ridge; V. J.. VVallur &
Co.'s store, Berwick ; lcvait A; Nickels' store
Urangeville; Vi in. ;lcKelvy Co. s store, BlnnmH
burg ; John G. SharoU'iiu' store, CottHwimn; 1.. Bi-
Ml'a store, Jersoytown; Deri & McBridu's store,
White all; Hirnup's store, U'ashiiiitt'iuvillc.
LLZEK.E COL.N''Y Keynolil'HHt.ire.Kingf
tun; Gtlilersh-evo h, ilkribioru; .S'lyeis oloif, .an
ticoke; Judge Murk's Mill, Huntington
l'laia written dirtctiunn mm! uccoin
puny each parcel.
H. K. liB.MIIibAliI .
Danville, May 8, 1815-2
Regimental Order?.
rniHE Enrolled Militia residing within ihi
a bound of the 7th Kegiment, Ut Brigade
Mill D vision of P. M. v-ill assemble fur parade ai-
The first Battallion will meet'et Orangevilli, or
Tu jsdny 'he 20l day ofMay inet. and ton Vol
unteer companies attached tlieroto will uieet nt t'u
ijanio time and place.
Thesecond Batlallion will meet at I'ltliainsa
on Wcdni-ndiiy the "1st dny of May lust. ami
thcVnlnnteer companies aitached thereto will inoul
at the oil me time nnd pUr.e.
HIUAM R. KLIM E, Colon.!
May 3, 1945.
.QDMisisrn.rioirs notice
The Estate f EI.IZ.1 HITTER late
of Iti'onm township; deceased.
TRJOTICK is he. eby given that letters uf admin.
! islralion on the above inenlioni'd Kstnte,
have been grunted to the ?ub.sciibi'r, living in (.'en
tie tnwnthip. All peroii8 indebted to xrtid Chlnte
arc heridiy notified In make iinmcJiale pny lent;
and all those having damn are rcquctitcd to pre
sent llicm propi'ilv sntlienlicnied lo
JAUUtf U.(ii;,N IJIjC, Amd'r
t'e bonis nun with tho Will annexed
May 3; 1842 6wU
jTS hereby given lo the .Stockholders in th rom
l pany for eiccling a Zridge over the NoitheaKi
Uianrh of the river SiiH'iui'linnra. be.v ern the
ton ri ol Cuttawist-a and tho month of f isl.iiinricrk
thut the Minagcrs have da tlet'Ured a oividend
ofTlluEK I'F.U CD MP. on the to.k of said
tJompanv, lor t'n Ij'4 k't ninii'.li.i, whii-h be
;iaid said aiocl.h'ddor? or their legal X'pioen'a'.o c,
tt tbr Trnaiiner's ofili'e, Caltawissa, on or aitfr
lie 15th inl.
JA.lES t'l.?. S.4NT.. Trensnrcr.
Treasurer's Uifiee, Cd'.tawissa, April 1, liii.
wAaaor MAKER,
KSPECFTl'LLY informs tlio public thu
ft be hda located binisflf in the Simp lately
noiupied by Z13A KL'GGf.ES, in MARKET
S'J'KEKT, where he intends carrying on the above
business in all iu vuiious huinche.
built nnd rejinircd, us well as one horse
of every dascription, nnd all kinds of Countiy
Woik, in Ins lino, done at short noiicc, and oil Ihe
moat reasonable terms.
rjjrGnnd litimber and all kinds ol f'ouutrv I'ro
lucu taken in payment lor work, but CatU viil not
be re! used,
Apnl 0, 184.r.Cm5d
Cabinet Ware House.
f B1U; sillcriber would reapectfuliy irifoi in the
H public, that he hag taken the sh ip lutelv oc
cunied by i'amuel Lilly, near the uper end of
liloomitburg, where he is carrying on tlio
in all its vnrious branches, and whoro he will br
hsppj o wait npnn all t!ioie v,bo mny favor him
with thoir custom. His Furniture is wm ranted to
be mnde of good mateiial snd durable, and lie in-
lendi keeping on hand
Sideboards. Secretaries, Bureaus.
Wardrobes. Ciird Tables, Dinirn;
Tables. Breakfast Tubles, '
Cupboards. Stands, IVash
Standi, lied st cuds,
CotpllS. C) C.
and all (;f work in his lire, which be will fell
upon as r aionabie terir.s at they can L purthased
in the county.
By strict attanllon to business he hopes lo re
ceive a snare oi puuiia patrtmsje.
eli ukovt:,
Apnl ".$. 13..1yl
Concerning the Removal vf the Seat
i'f Justice af t idmnlna County
from Danville to liluomxbur.
Section 1. tin it enacted by the Senate and
Zonae o Representatives uf Ihe (Juiimi'iiwealth n1
Wenuaylvania in Ueuerul Aa.-einblv met, and it i
hereby e acted by the authority of the amo, Tim'
il kliull and limy bo lawful I'm the lua!ltled Vo
ters who have Hesldcd In Coltiiiihla Coun
ty for at hK.IST SIX e.ll.K.YIM Ii
BftVTWJI tmrnediuttii preceding the utxl ''-
era Election, to vote si such election upon tin
question of the removal of their Seat of Juittii n Iron.
Uanille to Ulooinsburg.ui said countv. in tho man
ner following, to wit.- 'J hoae in favor ol a b'emnval
shall vols a written or printed ticket libelled,
"BEAT OF JUSTICE," and containing the
words "FOR BLOOMSflUltG," and tilth op
posed to a Reuioviil, ahall vote a wiillen or prim
ed ticket labelled aa aforesuid, end coiitsiuing the
worda " FOR VAX, VILLE;" the said tickets to be
deposited in a box which shall ho provided for that
purpose at each and eveiy of the election polls of
said county, and tho returns of eaid election shall
be made in the same manner by the Return Judges
sa in the case of the election of Meuibeis of the
Assembly, and if on the meeting of the Return
Judges it shall appear that a majority of the voles
have bsen given in favor of Bloomsburg,. then the
IoIIowiiik sections of this act shall be of full furce
and effect; but if it shall appear thut a majority of
votes have been given against uloouisburg, then
the following sections of this act shall be null 6; void.
Kkc. 2. That if a majority of the voters of said
county of Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voting
on said question of Removal, shall decide in the
manlier provided in the first section of this act in
favor of the Removal of tho beat uf Justico of said
county to Iho town of bloornburg, the citizens o
Hloonisniirg in said county shall erect, or cnueto
lie erected. JIT Till: lie OlVy I'KOI'Ett
RXI'ICS HE, within threo years from and after
such election, in the town of iloomsburg, suitable
buildings of BRICK or SI'OMi, ofthe.MUH'l
APPROVED PLAN, for a Court House, and
i'lison, and diffurent edfiecs for the safe keeping ol
'ho county records, under the direction of the
County Commissioners, who are authorised to re
ceive a conveyance for such lot or lots of ground
tor the use of such County buildings, nut LEU
than ONE ACRE, in fee tiuiple char uf nil in
cumbrances, firtho use of the county of Columbia,
'he said building to be erected on such lot oi lots
of ground thus conveyed. And the Court IIoufc.
nid othoi public buildings and real estato on winch
hey ore erected or is appurtenant therein, at the
'own of Danville, are hereby grunted und conlirui
:d to he inhabitant of Mjlemnv; towuahip, v.ith
nil aLthoriry to sell nnd dispose ot the same lo tb
'jest advnntage.and thut so much o' the proceeds of
said is necetiuiy to refund to the citizens ofj
Danville whatever amount ol money they may hare
iven lor lbs original construction of tho public
buildings st suid town, und the purchase of Ihe lob
i'f ground on which they are erected, shall be le-
I united f the taid citizen., and the balance lo be
jaid into the Comity Treasury for county purposes.
Provided disposition or salo ol such public
buildings shall be mado until the court houxe a'.d
pub lie buildings a', llloomsburg thall be completed.
and tho public records and olllccs be removed there
Sue. 3. That so soon as tho public buildin;;
are completed according to the provisions ofllni
act, (bv Commissioners uforesoid shall tile a repor'
of the samo in the Cou't of Common Fleas of sail
county and said Court being natixlied that said
buildings are fully completed according to the true
intent nnd meaning of this act, nnd a record there
of hi i'ig mnde bv endorsement on mid report, tin
Commissioners d; sheriff of said county .vbnll there
upon cause tho prisoners, il any theie confined io
the old prison, to be safely removed to the new,
and the public papers and records then reiiiiiiiiliii;
in the public olliccs ul Danville, to be safely depo
sited in the new buildings so as eforctaid built and
prepared for the reception thereof, and fiom thence
orth tlio Seat of Justice in and for the county of
Columbia shall cense to bo ut Danville, ai.d tin
-runic shall be removed and fined ut the town o!
L'looiiisluirg, in tlio said county, and the public ol
lie-cs lit rciofore kept. and lite courts ul just en beieto
fi le held at ville iiuVfirVaidrnuiin ol'ColuiubiH
jlnl! I.h knpl and held at Bl'ioinsbuig in the build
inns erected for llieir iii corninoilation ns sforessid,
Skc. 4. It shall be lawful bir the citiens o!
!!lj.:ilijt;uig to obtain .obscriptii'iiH from any per
son or persons willing to .-ulwabe any innnev oi
materials for the election of such public building
ss are provided for in thesecond unction of this aci
mn in default of the payment of the same, tin
county Cominiasioiiers are hereby empowered !
cause suits to ne brought in tho name of ihe count
ro enforco iho recovery of the same, and uhoti col
lected to be npplied towards defray ing the e.pein i
of such buildings.
fee. 5, If unv person or persons 6hall vote nn
the question of removal of the seat of justice ol said
countv of Columbia, nt tho electinu autherizt d I"
be held by virtue of this act not duly qualified t"
vote in accordance with the first section of this net.
or uh ill vote out of his or their proper district, oi
sluill vote more thun once on suid question, be oi
ibevso offending upon conviction thereof befon
the proper court of quarter t sessions of said county,
-.bull bo subject to the penalty provided for in tlx'
general election laws of this Commonwenllh.
Skc. fi. If any judge or inspoctor of the election
authorised to io bold by virtuo of this act, shall
knowingly or wilfully reject ihe vote of a citizen
qiKilitiud to vote on the question of Removal of Ihe
seat cf jusiicb in said county in accordance the with
fnl section of this net, or shall receive the vole oi
& pc i son not qualified to vote us uforesuid nn sail'
question, be or they so offending, upon eonvictioi
theieol before the proper couit of quarter session.
of said county, rhnll forfeit nnd pny for the use ot
said county lor eveiy such ellcnce, a sum not les
lii. in three hundit'd or more than six hundred dol
lars at the discretion of the cnuit, and shall undeigi
an inipiihonment in the jail of said county lor s
period of not lts thun twelve months or more than
two veins,
Sue. 7 If anv judge, inspector or clerk r.f the
election authorized to be beid by irlue of this act
sik! willnllv miscount, or shall tulsely and tiuudu
lently add up and return lha votes received upon the
quesiinn sfiiesaid, or shall keep a false tally paper,
or shall be guilty ol any fraud in the discharge of
bis dunes, eery person so clfcnduig upon convic
lion thereof in ibe proper court of quarter sessions
of said comity, Minli he subject to the same fine nuil
f enally us are imposed uprii delinquent judges or
uiKpeetorH by the geueiul election laws ul this Cow
Ste. H. Il shall be the doty of the jvdges and
iiifDcttois coiidocting the eleeti i snthoiired lo be
held) v virue of ibiii actio cuioe the letter JJ lo
lie legibly and ditiincily eet opposite the iisme of
every citizen a ho shall vmti on the question of the
f.e moV il of the ?at of justice as nf irrKi!il, on the
lu.'ly fsper on which his miTe chs'.l be ret'isteied.
arid any wilfol omissi'in SO to do shsll W dcemej a
f.aod, ir.d shall I punished ss fuch in a.'ccrdsrtrc
l'.h the- fvisiiiis d wiewcii'.h section of lli'.i ot i.
I A kc. 0. It shall be th duty of vrry judge, In
spci'tor and clerk conduclfng Ihe election uulloo
'zed to be held by virtue of this set, lo t.ilev (in udd -tiori
to lb oath or urliiinuJion m is now required b '
uw to take) an oath ol efllimutiim thut lis Vi 1
Uunestly und f.thlully tomply in aveiy iev;;cc.
with the uuvisioiia snd - ijoi. nueiila of this act.
bl.c 10. Il ihe duly of ihe n?
urn judge of auid louiiit , al ihe lime n; il
jdace of iheir mee tmg io iwl up all lite
cotes received in ihe il iFi rnil t leetinii d.i
net on IbequesiKon ol the Removal of the
et of justice aloresaid, and shall make oul
iv ii ceruricale sliowin the it suit, one of
hicli shall he filed in the fl'n e of the cle rli
l ihe court of quarter sessions and the other
ii the office of the (ommisaioners cfinitf
iiuniy of Coluriibia.
ISkc. 1 1. Il shall he the du'y of ihe Shcr
iir of die taid county of ('olinnliia. to enure
is is sol tube published in at lesslthrte
newspapers published in ssiti cotini) j foret
least once in evry week for sixty day in.
mediately preceding the nexl general elen
ion, and shall on Ihe dav of the flection
cause si least two printed copies, one of
which shall be in the tier man Ut'puai'e, of
said aci to be posted in handbill form, in iln
moet public place nearest ibe elis'tion poll
in every election district in said count- ami
ihe reasonable expense of snth publication
shall be paid by the said county nf ('o'titu
bia hy orders drawn in the usunl way.
!kc. 12. So much of ibe existir n laws
of this Commonwealth as are altered or
supplied by this acl, be and the same sru
hereby repealed; and also the act ol Aesem
bly passed lOthJtine 1 83(5 entitled ar.ct
relating lo the lien of Mechanics ai.d olhcrs,
upon buildings, is hereby repealed so Car a
it relate io ihe buildings lo be erected in
pursuance uf this act.
Appiuved of and signed by ihcGovernor.
"CHILDREN are most subject to tbem.buf per
sons ot all ugos are liable to bo nlllicttd Htli
Uicin. Uud hreuth, pulencisj about the lit's.lltobcd
cheeks, picking at the nose.wusl'uig awny.h nnntsa
pain in the bowels, joints or hmbs, disturbed sleep
trightlul dreams, nioumug and sumitiuies of voi
acious appetite, are among ihe syinjitoms of woinm
iuny are doctored lor months, lor some other im
aginary disease, when one box olhvrniun' Worm
Lozenges would effect a euro. D. Ryan, comer
of Prince street and the llov.erv, cured u man of
worms tliu was reduced to a skeleton, and by only
one box of Sherman's Lozenges: heis now us fit
us an Alderman. Th Hon. 1). II. Ueardsley
hus saved the life of on0 of his children by tiicni.
The sale of over 3,000.000 of boxes has fully test
ed them. They urc Ihe only infulhbte worm dea
troying medicine known. VVlul family will bo
without them!
Consumpiion.C'oughi-.Colds.Whcoping Cough
Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, will find it
heuling value in Shsrmun's Cough Lozenges. Thoy
saved the Ruv, Richard Dn Forest; tho Rev. Mr.
director, Jonalliun Howarth, Esq. nnd thut worhy
old hero, I.cvnurd Rugem. bom the consumptive'
grave. They cured in one day the Rev. Mr. Dun
bar, the Rev. ,lr. llandcock; V m. M. Attrtc Es
of disteming coughs. They aro the plcnsantcwt
cough medicine uud euro the soonest of uny k.'.owa
llesducht.Sea-sicknesB and Pu!pilutioti,rclie(d or
Irom five to ten minutes by Sherman's Camihvr
Lozengea Persons uttemling crowded -oorns in
'ruvelling will find them to impart buoyancy f
spirila and renew their energies, Those suli'ciiiii;
from too fiee living will find a few of t'.ie lozenges
to dispel ihe horiois end lowncsa of spirits. Mr.
Kratb, of the Sundnv Mercury, has repcutcdly cur
ed liimseli of severe headache by tlieni Jiiptsin
Cliudwick, of the packet siiip Wellington, hus wit
nessed their efficacy in a greut many cases of sen.
nckuesa. J hey operate like a cliurin rpun tlm
.igiiated or shatlercd nerves, ns bbeininn's Poor
..Ijii's Plaster dees upon rlicuinaiisui, lumbago,
pain or weakness iu die side, back: bic ist or tmv
purl of the body. Mr. H. (J. Daggers, 30 Ann
street; II enry K Gnulding; 35. I. hathnm
ireet Aloses J lienrinuus Lsc. v.,i u
multitude of others have expf.rii:ii"c'i the
vonilerlul rfiects of these 1". a iters.
Price onlv l2 eenla. Uaiition is re-crs-.rv
o seo ihat vo u get the genuine fc.'.eimi.n's)
f.r .f nges and I'lastcrs, as there nn trat v
worthless articles atlcmpled lot.;.' ; : u.ed
iff in plate of ihem, bv those w! o would
trifle wiili vout life for a thillin.
Dr. Sherman's warehouse si H!C Na
au street. Tor sale by
John li. Moyer lilooinsbnrg
Win 1 Waller & co Uciwick
I,ow & Thompbon I.imo Kidga
E. & J. Lazarus Urangeviiiu
M. t. Shoemuker Duck I lorn
L. Si A I, liisel Jersevlou n
Derr ii iM'IJrido White Hall
John Moore Danville.
(Stephen HaldyCattawiasa.
Jan. 4 18-15 .37. Cm.
Altorncy al Lav,
fee South side cf Mainnt. ojfnilc
Eyer . ILfjlnfe Store,
in r: counties of culi'muia.
( hair ITSamirnclory.
TlIEstibscrilier having estnbliihcd a .V.'H
t ii.ii n n.i.vcr.icronv m Aam-
-Iniet. near the resideov: of L. U. Maiu. he is lmv
prepaied tn furnish Chaiis of every desefiplini,, on
as goo.t Icrms as iney can t e pmcbusaJ clscwiiciu
n the countv.
Such as Bod rusts, Waggon It'uLs,
Rose Blocks, 5'C.
This '.siter branch, from his experience, he h.-Iieve
he iin do a little better dsn any ollrer person in
this section.
, Cj-l'Ol'LAR PI.ANK will be tsken in jay
ment al tha highest f .net price
I com , -jr. July 1, Icif lilt'