The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 10, 1845, Image 1

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I liuve iworu upon the Altr of Cod, eternal hostility to every form of Tyrauny over tlio KUui of Mm.' Thoinai Jel!mou
Volume IX.
:Viiiiilcr fjj
t 1 . . ... - i
opposite St. Pail's Ciivrch, Mai.n-i
The COL UMliM DEMOCllJlTwill b
iil,lislir,l mmi Snllirilnv marilhie, a
... . ' ii
77 (J JjUDWlh 'SWT minimi fXIIdOli
hnlfiirnrlti in advance, or 7 wo Dollunl
lift) I'entll.lf not VllltlWtrun intyrUT
...4. . . . .... .1
Vo nuhscription will betaken for a short fi
period than nix months; nor miy ai.scon
tinutince erinitted,until all arrearages
are Uncharged.
HDrERTISEMEXSnot exceeding v
mid Twentu-nve cent for even snbe.ry deep. A lull mile eiow, m.
que.nt nsertion. fcUV liberal di.scoimnhe. river upreatin itself lo double i is usua
made to those, who advirtise ff
',, Kit a ureSHCll on OHlew
be pout paid.
" With flinuers enrich' d,
From vuriuus gardens cull'd with caret"
And where yon brnnk
Uprises from the river side.
'Tie said a rhipf of lofty rank,
In battling for his rnnntry, died.
One was he of that band who reign'd
The monari'hs of this land, before
The pale fared stranger's hand had fitainV f
The green npon'lheir hills with goie:
One was he of that band. and long
Unnioved"lie bore his eonntrv's wrong.
He saw Willi sail and sinking henit
The warriois f hi youth depart,
He saw his loresl lands deray,
He saw his people pass aways
He saw his onee bright rounnil fire,
Kink into ash"s and expire,
And yet forbore to raine an arm,
To do the intruding stranger haim,
But when, one day, his gallant boy,
Of his old age and pride and joy,
Was borne by kindred hands, and laid
A corse, beneath his root-tree's shade,
Such undeserved and bitter stroke,
The fiend within his bosom woke;
And deep he vow'd his future life.
To deeds of vengeance, blood and strife
But bootless was his firey nge.
The stranger's arm was bold and strong
Small cause has feeble tight to wage
A warfare 'gainst a mighty wrong;
And so he fell, bul nobly fell;
Refore the home he loved so well!
They bore him to his grave at night.
That little morning band;
And Jadly fhsh'd the torch's light
Upon their knives and hatchets bright,
And on his gory hand;
for in his war attire he lav,
The same as when he died that dav.
And down by yonder mighty tree
Twas bul a then
That remnent of the bold and free
Laid down the bravest of their men.
Then; in ihe dark and gurgling strain,
They sadly quench'd the torch's gleam
;nd without word of wail or moan,
They lefi tiim to his rest alone.
I oft have stray 'J at twilight there,
And though that in ie very air
There was a slrange.and saddening spell.
More potent far than words ran tell;
For many a time, when silently
I miiso l beneath thai mighty iree,
I've almost fancird lhat again
I saw iIihI little hurinl train,
Ard mark'-!, with awe. -"rang, fingers ylidi
Like ghosts along 'he river side.
The forms are wantirg. but ihe sound
Of the low wind yet whinpen round
At even, and the tiny wave
Comes gently murmurirg to the spot
Where, calmly, in his forest grave.
That mighty chieftain bleeps forgot.
I n' i 2-:.'i ..t 1 1.
" rprrtv iw imo ui iii
mcn. iy me i-hn-hen .Man.tne nutim
I . t .V V .... ... I .1... ..,........
i umiuu oi-ugg i aniug urn v,,
Corkerell's 13enil. in i well known rcn
L'czvous foi the hun'rr and fisher of the
raa)OU81lan( a ,)Ha(lllfu one j, j,. Th
width, and drawls smoig rocks and ilei
,rlnH, .!, .I,. ..II ,Hr r.; Tim n-.ll
i s - n - r
tbove it resorted :o bv those who use th
Mini thai below by seiners, Oppn-die ihe rod
! leep water, the lulls come towering dowi
Im within twenty yards of the river, ll
liirrow intervening strip beir.w low land
covered with a tremendous ;rou'ih of gum
popular and white oak. Lute in the nfir
I noon of a warm May day, this pnit of tin
Hend is a most delightful upof The linl
inonntains on the south ami wpsi exi'lndi
J the tun glare completely, md the mere ram
fort seeker may lay himself fl it in the hot
torn of an old Indi in canoe; he liniU mom
d there by a grape vine, and float ami
look at the clouds, and dream an I havt
done with no living thing in sight lo di
tnrb his meditations except the nnislirat on
the end of the old projecting log, and tin-L,
matronly summer ducks, with her brood of y , a ami '
tiny ducklings swing, close huddlrd, in the Throwing his head into an admirable
huge water oak, whose overhanging limbs'
position for taking a view of things heav
ire covered with a elose net work of tiiutJ.,,,1.. 1 5 ...i.i v P.nrim inserted the mor.tli of
adine vines Whereof (of the vims
nean) I have a story cl my friend, Captain
Suggs, which will be related at the propi r
ime. Take rare, ye little downy rascaU!
especially yon, little kllow hut hall ni
... 1111'. Ilil't'O
-j;g3lirii o-ui.n iu imii ......
ire not many or large trout in the 'l'all..poofii
mil ilmr. iri siimn anil oceaSlonall V OlUlii.i n u' we've done 10 ni'i'it I'.t' bt thai
1 found with mouth sufficient to cngorg.
vouiiL' duck! and H'rnost always in a
ool quiet shade just like-
napHhtre you go preru.eiy as 1 told you!
'ow, old lady, quit that fussing and flutter'
nLr and take thu 'young 'ims'uut of the ivuy
f that other one lhat isn't far off. Tritnra-
ion in a trout's maw must be unpleasant
me would think!
It chanced once lhat tho writer encampei'
"or a day or two on the r.atrow strip spoken
of, wiln a rumpany of the unsophisticated
Jwellers of the rough lands in that region, o'
whom the piincipal personage ws 'Daddy
Elias Biggs.'sometiincs called 'Daddy Lia-.'
but more commonly 'Dad Iv Dugs.' We
vere on a fishing expedition, and at night
hung a short line or two from the brunches
of the tr-cs which overhung the water, foi
cat.'' One night as we had just done this
Htid were gathered around the firo, a gallon
jug passing (ruin hand lo hand, 'Daddy
Biggs,' who was a short, squab man, rosy
-la-eked, bald, and inclining 10 three score'
remarked, as he extended hi) hand to
wards a long guant fellow with a very Ion
nose and a very black beard
'I5.ys,a'nl you never beam what a scrapr
I had here at this very spot, last year? liilly
Teal, let me have a suck at that yeaiihan
war, and I'll U'll you all about it.'
The old man took 'a suck,' smacked his
lips and began his relation:
' You will remember the time boy s, whei
them Chatohospa fellows come here a li.h
11,'? l) n 'em! I wish they would fi-h a
home, without goin' twenty inih's to tmcr
nipt other people's range. Well, tliry
amped right here, an right heie tiny sea.
the drvitV
'S. ed the Devil!' ex'daMtted Hilly I'enl
iI)id they, in right down earnest no?
,f.Ud Ji.n Waieii, looking around at tin
lark woods, and insinuating himself br
tween Abe Ludlow aninhe fire in eviden
1'hey seed the Devil, repeated Daddy
li'ini's, iih emphasis 'and kctr.hed bin
too!' he added. 'but they couldn't bold him.'
CJool gracious?" said Jim Waters, looking
ffound again 'do you thick he stays aho n
h'Tfc? and Jim got nearer lo the lire.
He ttays about her some,' replied
Daddy Diggs, 'Uul Jiiv son, get out of tin
fire! you'll set yotir over l.auli a firf !
and get me the KpTrita. I t buns the jug
,gain and tell yon all about it.'
Uill Teal had deported the yg oeitino
i log oome ten feet oil", but Jin Vtei wn
not the lad to ba k u if ibo devil wt
iboul, so be made two desperate Hiriilet;
uid grabbed the 'yartben war,' and then
iude two more which brought him, head
lirnt. jog and all into the firo. Chunks and
p-irks flew everywhere, as he ploughed
lie's got you, Jim!' sliotighled Abe.
Tull the boy ohij exclaimed Bill and
in self in a breath, 'or hell'll burn up!'
'Some on v ave the jug.
reamed Daddy IJiiJgs. who was standing
nirror stricken at the idea of being left
viihoul liquor in the woods.
In a minute both boy and jug were res
eni'd; the former with burnt faee and hand.-
u si'ied ItJr the latter entirely unm-
W..II, well' chuckled Daddy I3iggs, 'we
.one omen that fust rate the jug aint hurt
mil no nnuor sr.i.i. iui joh i m ii
. i . . i . t ... ii . .1..
tonicihcd at you pilchio in the firt' that
way, and von :;niwm mat was every oil
. . . f
it of jperri'.s w o had!
Oh. diiiDnldy Lias,' interposed Dirk
M'Ciiv; 'vou must look over ihai--fe seen
he Devil?
Weil, well that minds me I was owine
to tell vou all about that smpe 1 had wi ll
lem Chatahosapa fellows last summer
gnn,.(.Ztf t10 jog one lime more, andr
. j -1
liu,e jU( in hU own iiioutb, when for a short
-pare Uiere was sottni! wnim iiucmi ir
-pelled, 'higgle uggle lnl little,' and
then Daddy IJiggssel the jog by him
. 1 ... 1. . i. u
''''V. .T,'" oyj IlTey'liad oinprd right hen
1;U1 sot out tl:e;r Iio.i!:h lor eui (iis'v
this side o' w!;ar Hill's line iisn-s some m
em has tied a host a devil of n Innh.
from that I. in!) as gor-j stuhl out hr.
lie must a hud a km.m.o to fasten 11 v. lift
he did tUa cooncd ii 011 the top ' ihi
in.. 0. .a.: 11 iii.i'is aw 111111.1.. iiu.iri iii
limb, but that's a big rock ill t!:e shape of a
sugar lo if. comes up in si:: inches o' tin
too. Kii'hi round thitwns whar I'd kctcl
he nionstrotisiest most on ihiciousesl Ap-ii-loosa
calthe week I" fire, lhat ever cotm
mien the Tal'ap josy; and
V i.
Iicaril ol
t. and the lellow with the big lion '.I was i.
liihin' lor bis mate. D n it boy s, it m .!
me m.-nl to think bow ll.em Chatohosp;
h Hows and the lo'vn folks do 'ittnls 01
roover people, and whem I'm igrcwaled I
allars drinks, so heie goes agin.'
Daddy litggs threw bn k his head again
again put the jiij 's mouth i.) bis own.
and again produced 'he sound i.f 'guggh
uggle tiggle nggle.' and thru resumed.
This big book f. Ilo-v I was a lellii
about: was Jes-c Cole, which lives in the
li-mom lhar war Ci.alopn.-'p'l falls into tin
oota Loeko, and luint got inore'n hall
sense :.t tlial '
That's the fellow that used to strike fm
Vince Kiikland in the blaekuniib's simp a'
Dond's after Voice died, aint it?'askeJ I5il
That's him said Daddy nigavam! that'
how I route to known him. for I seed bio
lhar once, t!io' 1 can't eiv he knowed me waked up in the night, ar.d heern1
i terrible of a sloshin at ihe end of his line
md says he, 'Ki.e boys! I've gut him! dun
nv skin if I bain'!' And sure enough llicr
vas siiini'ihin fiouncin. sloshin and m akin
levd of a romboberation at the end of tin
ine Jp he spreti" up and got t lone
s'ick w i i ' 1 a hook at one end, ar.d rrn-l.f.
.ml and eoleh the linn and tried to p ill it in.
nil the thing nr. the h"ok give a fi.r!, an'1
he stick being a Iretlfi to short, won r
nade bun step forard, in be fell! II? shnfll
ed out though tolerable qui. .'k , and PCs In
boys, he's a whaler! euss iliatnal hntlnns
if he aint the rise sixiy pi.unds! O'd Digf."
miv no awav now with his foriv pounds
"at; he can'', shine no way '
'Then you heered it! e X'daimcd all
'Yes, me,' said Hi laughingly: did,
not 1 tell you that before? Well, I ough
ter done it, but forgot. Ii 11 tl, we II take
ja drink on that any way;' and no he
i nin.
lS!i Niunu vnn inaliil r. f ilia 1 It
...o, j ., .,, ,i.
I'otehed,' obsrrved Jim Waters, apparently
mm b relieved by the dineloiure.
Jut so, and the way it wnsi I seed
ihe rascals as they were eomin here, and
knowed what they were arter. So when
nhjiil eotnesi I slips down mover bank,
mighty esy and nice, till I could see the
e.imp fire. Hut lhar was a dog along, anil
I was afr-tid in venture up that way. See
I war ortf: r stealing their fish they'd coteh
ed through the day, which I knowed
in reason they' have a string on cm in tin
water, the kunnoo landing, lo keep fresh
Well, seein of the dog I 'rinded I'de 'tnrl
he inimy by water instill o' lund- So will
hat I took the roover about thirty yard
above here, and sure enough! finds ihe
oiing of fish jist whar I knewed they'd br
nd then I starts lo swim down the
roover a little ways, and git out below,
and go to Jerry Whites and tell hnn the
joke, Hoys aint you all getting mighty
dry1 I am.'
'And Daddy Riggs drank ngiin.
Ve!!i boys, jist as I got whar that blast
piI lionl.s was. not a miking of nolhin bir
he fur, the cussed thing kctchin in ons
thigh of my over-hauls and loot ir.e i:p
short. I tried the ctiawlesl ever a kilci!
did lo get loose and couldn't, I had no
knifa, and lhar I flew around, aiu pollen
t I I
firs I lorard and then nararcs a.n. r..;r
ed and pitched and mndJ tho waier '..tie
act, boys. I wiias inicnea to a s-vmgin
lim!). and no mistake- Once cr f.vice I
got on the lop ol sngailoaf rock, and jis
about the lime I'de go to until tl.J re-pe ol
a line, t!, blasted lork ivat s. :.lippery
I'd t.i;:;i::c.:.! '.'ad, boy:;! And it raw:.let:
.71 u: 'i:A I'd a had liquor then, I'd
a-tc. U some, l vas so d 0 roa.l
Well in this time that long legjed cii:-.5..Ies'
Coh:, . -.. np, I led d von, and boilers
ml tl;,: way I norra'.cJ' Hoys what di
.1 .. 1 1 1 , . 1 .
vou all eav to anoun r (ir,n:! 11 n ahe
mc so cusoed mad every 1 think bbi.u
Once rnoie Daiidy !igjs grtzod at tin
'Sonn as Jess said ihati.bout his cat beii
'lipg'.'r'n mine. I r.tid in my mind I'll whi
vou certin!' 'I'hoy all kejil :i most teriibh
Uo'lcrin, mid every now am! then some 01
'ir. would throw a long log o wood as they
tad cut for the fire, as nigh 1.10 as ihey
could guess, slunt the cat you see, lint tin
'iraii.'hcs of :'iet!i e fivou'd me n.i0lnily in
erpicg lliein nfi"; though they strike pretty
lose by 11. e cationa'.ly, cajunk! ttiikcn end
loremojt, you see. bo tney Kept ngii'
marl llnowiiig of lo'js, al me a ri;ln pen
lndgiii, fir come lime, and I loll you, ii
'on k raid nice judgment lo keep the infernal
100k outer, my moal, it giaised the skin
several times as it was. Al last Jess hi
limbs into the tree and gets im the liml
right over mo, and ses he, 'boys I belieu
hit's a mud tunic, for I sco somethin like
the form of one under me.' Thinks I you'h
tiud it one of ihe snappin sor. I jitrige
I'lien another one ses.'thar's a way to lr
that, Jess, ef von see him.' and le ham a gig. 'Now' aes be 'gig him!'
'(.Jig the Devil!' sec 1 for 1 was pes
ered (Jieal Ilea vein." sqnilled Jess ''nil's tin
Drvi'.'and down be tliumhled ti'oi tod o
ne. I was bur&ted open from one end l
.othei.' S'iire enough I warnt bul onh
jtL.t.-d loose frooi the line Hoih 0:1 11s
;-,ut for the bank quick. 'but on account ol
my gitii.i holt of the tig. which ruihu
OOtheied ine, Js got ashotfl ("of I I a
ighiarier him tiioiigli. I tell yon, with the
.lit.' when 1 eoint: up the bank, I found tin
rest va all IJeen gone, and ihar lay Je.,
which l,;,.lsi.. r.p.d his tr sjgin mmeihimj A boy ;im(., Al -m, in Webster Mass
right fiai on his f'"-, a mnanin dreadful.' i(in Tust! . y- last acci Jei.t'y shot his MMei
'Oh: I've got you now' ses I. in ,Pilc) kl!lm her instaitily. The girl
'('lease Devi!,' s.m he. ! waS .,J)0i 13 yca.isold.
'Must lake you along with me,' ecs I, in, m.liS!lfm
the d-dest most onyearthy voice you! f , , , ,, niorp
every heenl.
I'he hogs I look warm't nuiked,' scs
Jess, a shiverin all over.
They warti't yourti' says I
I'll never do so no moie,ses Jess, shivci.;
in wins and wubs, ef you'll let ineoirtlii
'Can't do it Jpg! want you down
( I opliel.lo strike for Vince Kit klauil. I've
a n r I LI.. .1.- . ., ! .
nun uiur, a oiarKSUllinri 0 II. He (loei
all my odd jobs, pinelin' of my tail and
sich likt! Can't let you off I have come
a purpose for you '
'I seed the poor devil shudder when
called Vnice'a name, bul ho didn't say no
more, go I joes the gig thro' tho hind part
of his overhauls and starts down lo tl
kunnoo landin vith hi n, in a peart trot.
The way he crtehed tip ihe dirt as he
travelled backwards on his all-fours was
perfect sight. Hut jifll 8S structc the
mover, he got iiohl of a grub and the gi;
ore out, and he started tother way. I
liner arcu runnin till wieo; taint no use to
tell how fast he did run; f couldn't do il in
1 week. A skared wolf warnt nothin lo ii.
He run faster'n six scared wolves and
verlan deer. Soon as he got a start I made
for a long war I seed their guns, and behin
hat I finds the big powder gourd Ihey all
kept their powder in they warnt usin.
Hunks I, cf you aint kleon gone, I'll finis
I.. 1 e , I ("" I'VC 'I'C JOUIU f;
ield fully u gallon smack into the liro.anil
heii jumped into the roover myself. I
tadn't uiora'n got propperly in before it
ilowed up, (such a blar.e I never seed be-
ore. 1 tie n ise was some itseii, uut vie
oliize covered all creation and readied high
:r thiin lbs trees, ll cprcad out lo llio log
.vhar the guns was, and ii red 'cm 0.'.' pop
op, pop. No wcr.der tlism C-tchospa
rs ever como back. !'.ttan i.imse'i
ould have done no better, ef he had been
iar, in ihe way of racket and n'lsn.
Daddy Higgs noiv tool; a lonj breath and
1 longer drhik.
Hoys.' ho continued, 'I got them fullers'
MhWi W-Sti'tio' rLTmf beside
iveo em till goriest ceart e tltey ever had,
md they aint been bark seuci ;whic!i 1 hope
hey never will, for it's oudacious the way
he toover folks is 'posed upon. Now,
toys, tiia'.'s i::y 'scrape'; so let's take anotlt
r drink, look nt ilic hooks and then lay
low 11
nip la j r days ok (j;:gat j;en.
Li one morning of advanced hfe, John
son amused liiiin elf by committing lo mem
ilO hues of Virgil. Al the age of 71i
ivhnn ."ti'g.jermg under an immediate at
tick of paralydc stifiicietiily severe In
render him spfcr hlcss !; j composed a
Latin pnycr, in order to teci the hiss or
retention ol bio mental faculties. Nor i
this a solitary instance. One of the most
benuiilul Eonneis in the English language
was composed by Maann, on the attainment
of the 7-d birth day. Lockj ut 't'l, and
Newton alSl, rol.iintd their faculties in
unabated vigor. The feeble frame of tin
Karl ol Chatham, .it 70, sank Under the i l
tort in expiess the con viction's of his mighty
mind, after a speech so singularly cinq -.nil.
hold, nrileni, and animated us to livjl, it
nor" outvie, tho rnrM brilliant outpourings ol
'lis j until or early manhood.
The follow ir. 2: which is mlirr cutting, is
said to have occurred in one of the eolle
,;i t. in ilu interior:
-t Student ,Cuod morning fadicr
l',i!i;, f 1 am tint father Abraham.
J.I S'.ndeul No '.I's lather Isaac,
I'rtniitT Nor am I lathei Liai-.
nd Student Well, then, your are fithti
Fanner 'No; imr father J ieoh either!
I -I ;:.;otleiiiWell, who are y on llien?
I'.n n.e r lam Snil lbs mi of Mih
'id.oin iii Ij'dicr ent to hunt llie afatj, uml
folll)j ;j iSein.'
liisiuefs than yen :ite,ainl yo.i aie puzzled
to know the reason.jus; lake a peep over paper, said i.e. we like in rcau me news
the news papers anc see if he don't advi r paper vm-much, I uluur neighbors Junt
'How much va charira Afassa M",-
islraie, lo msrry me and Mis Dioahr'
'Why Clem', i'II many you for two
'Two dollars what you charge marry
while folks, massa?'
Vvrp ecnerally charge them Ss.1 d nllara
Clem.' "
Well ya marry us like while folks,
md I will give you five dollars loo.'
Why Clem lhal'j a curious nnim
bul as you desire it, IM mrrv vou lilr
while folks foi $5 do'lars.'
1 he ceremony beinz over. Clem ami
Dinah being one, ihe inaaistiate n.k,i
for his fee.
Oh no massa, ya no come up to the
nreement- no css llie bride.'
'Oet out of my office, you black rns-
And so Clem cot married fnr niii,.
0 - - . '
now to cough.
A writer in Ihe New York Sun siva
1 1 is injurious lo cough leaning forward.
m serves 10 compress the lungs and
n-mes nie irrila'ion reale.r... . .jerscoj
neck sirftifthl and throw out the chesl.
y ihdse means the lungs expand and
ho wind-pipe is kept fiee and clean.
here is an art in every thing, and the
rt of coughing i& perhaps as important
11 its way as any olhcr.
A young, man ct a social parly was
vehemently called upon lo sing, a sung,
lie r-plied he would fust tell a story,
md that then, if ihey slill persisted in
heir u'i mind, lie would endeavor lo ex
ecute a song. i hen a boy well in his
tv.'f.lie lo.ik lessons in shifting and cne
-jjboaih ir.crnmg J12 went up lo In
father's garret, as had been his custom,
lo practice alono by himself. W lula in
full cry he was sud.Jcjiy-.j
xelaitiicd his father, pretty employ
nient for the son of pious parents lo ba
awiog, bonds in Ihe garret on a Sab
uth morning, loud enough to be heard
iy nil the neighbors! Sit down, sir,
md take your book. Our colemporary
vas unanimously excused from singing;
lie proposed s .tig. There waf a species
i ieau:r.p:ive evidence against him.
The following touching funeral ser
vice was preached in Washington coun
ty, Md. It must have been peculiarly
touching to Joe, the brother of the u'c
eascd. Il is said by tho iljgerstowu
News to he n j hoax.
'Friends and neighbors! yon havr;
congegaied loee this lump of mortal
ity put in a hole in the ground. You
ill know tho deceased a worthies
Itunkcn, good-for nothing vagabond,
lie lived in disgrace and infamy, ami
died in wretchedness. You all despised
tii in You all know his brother Joe,
who lives on the hill? He's not a hit
holier though he has scraped together tl
lil'le properly by cheating his neigh
bors. His end will bo like that of
bis loailfome creature, who you will
idease put inlo 1 be hole as soon s possi
ble. I wont ask you to drop a tear hut
mother Ilihow will please raise a hymn
ivliile we lid up llie grave.
lll'G IT TO ME.
It is staled lhat a new married rcuplo
lown cihI weie one uihl lying, in bed,
1 1 I. i o o v 1 r mailers and tilings, when a
heavy llnnidi'i -storm aros.:; and loud
oe i!s of thunder anil vived fltshes of
''gb'eiiin filled ihem wiih terror and
leai ful sjqii eheusion. Suddenly a Ire
iten li'ii ei.i-h caused llie loving rnuple;
in siai I as tluio;;!) ihey had received an
l.'CH i: sho;'k. .1 iiiallian throwing his
inn?-11 on. nl In ilcar, exclaimed,' ling;
op lo me l.ix, and lei il rlie I kc men.'
A mini regulated by wi-.ilom anil under1
'landing, will not (alter in tho darkest hour
f tribiilaiii'ii. II it ing the chart of faith, it
deviates inn fr ni the path of lirtue.bul pre
serves a fin ally on w in! course over the
HniHie'.ius sea of lif, until ant bored ill the
r a I h ucii i f 1 tcrtul res?.
A man c one in 9 printing office lo beg a
take 8ny.