The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 03, 1845, Image 3

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    ,tv hp v lllVVP. I
n- . , instance
i ne iiiiii'iviMn n .
f r. ,,.;,.. in hear, it it'coruru
- - - y
M illH
. !..
Ueiiuinin l'OStfcr in ol Major .'ssei
Foster, of Uiidgeton, bi-injt on
his w.iv
i i i.
ii...uiol thicket oiwfloiiivvBi.iHiuU...j ,
. . . , 1; r Lonr If
slarmeil ly me nru ' h ; . ,
innn illnrnit led an
III" Dlltp
..1.1 ino.nna 1- nun a. 1
cubs. The eld one immediately made
toward him, (-rowling very fieica. He
immediately look to the first tiee he
could find which was about nine inches
diameter, and about twenty feet to the
fust limhr-; lbi le attended with all
possible speed and hating; leaehed the
limb-, he called to the neatest ncifthboi
who lived abou' a rj-iarter of a mile dis
uni, for l.dp. The bear, on Stearin
liis cries, itlieated Irom the tree an.
hallooed also, which she repeated as ol
ten as he called lor belli.
The hear then returned to the tree,
mid climbed up neatly to the fust limbs
but losing her hold, she leli lo tne
ground; lhi enraged her, and she again
urPnded the tree with still greater velo
citv. and ovuiooj him at the height of
obo'ut thirty feet when she airzd htm
l.y one foot, but the shoe coming ofl,
'she fell lo the g-ound, recovering sh
rscended the tne a thitd lime, and look
off the other t-lioe, he constantly callinjj
for help, and found none. He In.
i.ow ascended the treo as far bs wa sf
for him to venture the bear consiantly
teaiingliis feet with her teeth, unii j
lhy became a must shocking specla-
The bear at luigth fastened her jnvf
so pnwei fully to one of his heels as I.
cause the limbs by which he li;ld t.
break, and he fell lo (tie ground the
bear falling at the same time on th.
other side ot the tree and notwiinstand
ing his feci were in this mangled roodi
lien he esctptd to the neaiest house am
arrived sale. The di-ianee fiom I hi
ground by measurement, ft oin whenci
the young nun fsll, was 43 feel. It i
supposed that his repealed & eager ct Vs.
for help tended lo increase the rag
and fury of Ihe bear, which had hd
whelps will) her.'
The Chinese is an ftiiber.ilo govern
mef.t. though consideied provei bully
ilurable and hence, one would infer
cuong. The force of habil may, and
will he shaken by foreign intercourse,
incident to the trade opened with lh
European world. How imbecile ih
government is may be judged from thi
fact tint rebellion and lobbcry have be
come chionic diseases. An anecdote
in point is told; Towards the end o'
1843 ihe child of a widow in the dis
tiict of Canton was stolen by robber
and held to ransom; the p ior woman
could i.ol raise Ihe sum demanded ami
the robbers roasted the child alive
The governor of the province hereupon
issued a ptoclaimalion a rt of lay ser
mot), bul no steps were taken to arirs
the robbers- The same mode of prop
lamalion prevails in the. province of IV
k'm . 1 his in Ihe heart ol lh empire.
im u ' ....
The Portland Dulle'iVli describes what i
a!ls a 'Sea Tear, wlnrh - .niay be foiim
l.entxiili dip WAwa utitil) (lie 6 fta Coast ol
Maine. Off Frenchman's Uiy ih tflier
pien lireqtieiuly drag samples of il ti h
inched to ibeir kellecks ol anchors- ;: 1
iiriheiei by roots lo the mud in deep vi-atei
has a vegetable stem aliotit three fuel.' ii
length, to which the animal pnr'ion, shicl
in shape is like a pear, attaches. It h
difficult to deteiinine exactly where tin
vecetable emerges into the aiiiuial, Inn il it-
. I ,V I. . . . .1 .
by no means so miucuii 10 perceive inai
ihn lower portion in reality is ul a vi'geta
hie and the upper part ol animal nsturfl
When handled, the animal portion shrink
vithin itself until it becomes as hard almo
sits stone. On disseeiiun, otg ins of digon
tiun respiration, and the various oilier ap
piirtenances of organized heingx, are read
ily perceived and its evidumly susceptibl
of pain,
A nan named McKee, of Cleveland
Ohio whilst engaged recent, y in clearing
out a well, the earth caved in on him, and
covered him several feet above the head
with earth, stones &e. By great exertions
he was got out. afiei having been nearly
Panta Anna's Li.g, which after being;
l.-iripd wilh nulilalV honors. W0S iifttr
wait's exhiiinec
and kicked about the
ttrceis of Mexico, wns, il is sair', picked tp
l.y a street porter, and sold to an English
loan, w ho sent it lo Loudon, wheie it is
I'Xhibite.d among other celebrities in a glass
j ir, preserved in spirits of wine.
The collections already paid over to ihe
proper authorities of Pittsburg amount to
$U 1,304.
I, avion ucciii.kI i,MR"',,"i' children, one live and the other three ytar
licarl) -'fully yenis ' 18 el,l "d, will fled lo iha mmiiiuini, where flu
that the black bear iiiaiiifesi.t W1)S f1)U)( ,ir,e ,,,Vs afterward nearly n:ik
l,.,.,oiiy when met w.lh iti the forests e(j jjj ,)lH ci,,,rt., wtro mining, mill on
of New lviftlainl. Thin ". ,10wev'r tli li.llowing Moiulay thry w re found in
was accompanied hy her cubs, .and her .), wildest teuioiu of ill a I wild countiy.t.r.
oumte and mie were limulalfd by the ',,! from llieir homo, 'l imy had been
v, of her oils,,, in,; . . ' ' !"
" '" re w" '"R'" ,,ln "
1. 1 .1 . . . .i
aim ii) Dauphin 'county, IV few diyi
. i it .....i, ... . i i....
S truiy "ihii.iii mini i u m
i uartiouieu, nu M..i. w.
'and their cloihes nearly torn oil' thoui h
'iLrt L-'.it-d .mil tt.Mir Ii itj hl'Jcl.-Piwid u ihtt
- :' . " ' " ....... .
',iiev wiuldered their llch a .mod ilea
lacerated They had cried themselves
sick; one of litem had taken off its diets to
make a bed of, and there lay, el llie rou ul
a tree, locked in each other's arms, unable
10 speak, having eaten nothing, it is sup
posed, since they leli home. The pool
little sulleteis were lake'i to tne nearest
limine and comfortably piovidcd fur, and are
said to be doing 'veil,
s .. - J - -1
The Seventeen Year Locust will appear
this year in tho northern part of South
Carolina, and a part of Norili Carolina bor;
denng epon that State-
The Bnwery Theatre, in New York, has.
been again burned down. This Theatre
was lira built in 18'2tS,und this is the fourtli
time il has been burned.
The Heaver Argus announces ihe deaih
of John T Cunningham, l,''.ij. one of the
Representative of ll'.in r county in tin
late session of the State ,i (jisliure 'l'hio
lainfui vein occurred on Fmlay eveniiij!
,asi, in ii Uana! pack-it some distainte llih
i 1 1 1 u uf Johnstown; on the (Joneinaiigh
lie was attended, we learn;by his collesum
!r Nicholsoo; and AJe Suikcy, of Met
xt county ; who on Saturday consigned hi
emains to the grave if Saltsburg
A Frankfort! piper says, thero is no
iving at .Moscow, the widow of a dealer n
kins, who has attained her 157ih year.
V lien 1211 she married her fifth htubanil:
Ul her idiimecs were p.ospmtis and hap
py, jhe is k8iill in It. II po.-s asion it
her menial faculties S,ie has uevei
it en attacked with any dangerous illnetsi
The annual Synod of the (Jermrn Cvan
elical Lutheran Clergy in I'eiuisylvani:'
nid the neighboring Stales, will assembli-
m Reading, on Trmiiy Suudatithe 18ih ol
lay next.
Public notice has been given that tin
taied annual meeting of ihe Conveniion ol
he Protestant Episcopal Church, will he
held in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the 20tl.
nf May next. The most important busi
ipss of the convention we presume, will hi
iie e'eetion of a Hishep for the Diocese, in
lace of llihhop Oudeidonk.
It is remarkable thai all those whig pa
iers which praised Mr. 'oik's,
vhen it first appeared, for its moderation
ud general good tone, to use their own ex
neosions, discover, since it has been de
lOtinceJ by the lliiush Ministers, that
, is full of 'treason, stratagems, anO
The General Assembly of the Presby-
erian Church in the U;i:ted States of Amer
:ca, will hold their annual meeting in llie
Ut Presbyterian Cluirch in Cincin-iali,
)'iio, ot, lite IjiIi day of Miy next.
Every man ouphl In aim at eniinenrp,noi
iy puliing others down, but by raising hin
iflf; and enjoy the pleasures of his own
tipcrioril without interrupting others in
ihe same fulicity
Acquittal v Conspikacy to Defraud
the Northampton Ha.nk. The trial ol
John Uice and Wrn. II Winder for mnspi
ratv lo defraud the iNiirthamploii Iljok ol
Mlento'.vn, the venue of whtrh was i-mov
ved by the last Legislature from Li high t
Lancaster counly, cuinmenced in the Cmiri
ufQuarler Sessions on Wedncsdy of
week. There being no evidence adduced
lo prove a conspiracy or any crimnal inien
tion on the pail ofWimh-r, the cafe war
submitted to ihe jury without argument
unt'.er imilruciioiis thai sccordicg the ev
('cin e tiiey tniift unu ior me i;'H:n(iant
i t r . .. ic'
Aft'-r I i ; : sr out a vpry minutes they return
'. I .. ..I. r I
11 w " 1 1 ' ' l' " ",u' "'c
'ci.ui.iy ,' l,t hi'Mi pay me cosis as trie
charge ngainst Rice, which was perciscly ol
the ciiarac er as ttiai ;i;ainst u unicr
necessarily fell with this verdict, the cnun
mI for the pr-vsc -ii lion consented ihal h
similar verdict be recorded in his case
Messrs Stevens and llurruws, of Lnncaster
and Meredith, of Philadelphia, appeared for
M.URIKD-In LfwiJ)in(j,oo Tifs
liv tho 10 hlull.. bv lh K"v. II. II r
biiiRli, Mr Gnonui:, i M"'
Ll'llTlA 1 IJNTlNliTUN. il 1 1 ol UjII
On Tuesday the 22.1, hylheUev. J
lvm.r. Mr. (!v:oui:k H. IIaCKET, of
Philadelphia, lo Miss Jane Muik, ol
Ily the Rev. I). S. Tobias, some time
go, Mr. Samukl Oul.ioMiss Catii
A king Joxes, of Mount l'leaseni.
Hv ihe same, on Ihe 1st mat. M'.
Emanuel Try, io Mis Hcksy Smith,
of Mahoning.
DIED On Monday morning, 2 1 il
ult., at Ihe resilience of her father, Mr
'JeorgR flcarharl, of Rush township.
Northumbei laud eounty , Mis. AcnAH
G. Demi, wife Mr. D. YV. Dir, ic tiie
.10 h yeai ol her age.
IlLOOMsni.'BU, May 3, IS 15
Wheal, 7.0
liyc, 50
Corn, 40
Oloverseed, 3 il'i
Flaxseed, 1 2.')
Dul'er, U'i
f)als, 'b
E-g", b
Tallow Id
h rd 7
Dried Apples, 50
While eatis 50
IliiCKWiiX 'id
rEniHO Danville Sicniii Wnollen l'lietory, lor-
iiinij umiL-u iii;n iirciipicu y ur. i t'Uiijii,
nis recently liicn pureliiit'il ly the aiihscrilii-r, wlm
i siicctlully iiiuiiiuucOH lo hin I'rienilx and (lie piili
ic generally, that li in now prepared to execute
i! kinds ol vvoik in his linn ul business, at the notice, u. t order, and in lue hesi
oinpii; nma iimillHT. Having (plln! lu eoils.Uivu-
,' expense in rcpairiin; liis inacliineiv and iiiMm-
:itus, anil bi'iiig very particular i:i seciriiiK the scr-
.ices of expxricncnl mcclianict, he feels toiiliiJcnt
bat ho It eajialilu f executing ull liincls of woik
n liis line in n st e suin'riui lo any other establish.
ncnt in the country. Prices of oik as follows :
ulii yards wnlc li;;l,i MUd ilaik, f.uin 45 to of.
c uts pel y u"l-
Do bottle, olive brown, &c. from 50 to f.l
atil'.els of llie ubove eolois, from '10 to 41
r'launcls one yard wide, !)IJ cents.
Wine, In o, mi or black, 40
Vlailili r red, to
'i'ianket 2 yds wi'V; Iwi'ledor lain, fiom 60 to 71
cunts per yjnl.
It ill be done in the la M manner, anil at ;lic usu-
ii prices Allkiiiusol coinnry prouuee wni In
aken in payment for yuiiMilc inailiu
SJ Tl TX : TTS; Fl A XXl-L Si
('onsiaol.v on band, for biIh Ht r"lu,-c'l r't'C
or t'asb or liaiter.
l-'or the acconunodalii)n of customers living al n
li'dnicc wool for ilanul'.cluriii); will bu taken in
it tin- follow iui; places :
CltLI .MIJIA CO I .VJ Y. banc Klines Mill.
''ibbiliKC ei k; llobncs' More, Columbus; I.ow c
riioinpson's store, l.ime-l!id.'r; W. I.. U'ii'li r
store, ijeiwick ; Mewait v Itiekt-tK nlmr
liaiiKeviile; Wm. Ai Kelvy l.'o.'s slore, lil'imny
nirj; ; Jolni Ci. ."Miarplcss' slor", l-'alliiwis a; I., lii
el's store, Jersey town; Don V's slurc.
Wlm.' Slroup's store, IVasliiinjIimvillc.
l.l.ZKIJNK COI.'N I'V IIcynoM'sst'.re.KiTi
Ion; (iildeislecvu'rt, ilksbalie; .S'lyeis' store, Nan-
icoke; Judge Mack's Mill, 11 uiitiiifjlon
Plain written direction mutt ucconi
puny euch purccl.
II. K. ULAliM l.AK I .
Danville, May 3, 1 8 1 5 -i
Regimental Orders.
fjiniir. Enrolled Mdilhi icsidinq within tin-
O buliluls cf ibr 7lli lo yina-ol, 1 t Miipnlc.
hn 1) vision of P. ,M. will U'.scnible for parade a.-,
'1'he first Ilallalliou will inert pt Oranucville. on
I'u -winy 'he SOI tlay id'Mnv ins.t. mnl llie Vol
iiileer eompanies iittucbed I. '.en to will meet at Tie
-ame time and pl:i' C.
'i be second liallalli.'n will meet at Catt uvi..i
inWcdne-d iy the .1st day of May inst. urn'
hcVoluiiteir cotnpanifs allai bid tliert lo will unci
it the tame time and place.
UlUAM K. KLIN V., I'nlou.l
Mnv 3, 1845.
.idmimstiwi airs xnncE
The Pilule, if i: I. P..1 lclTTT.n lain
o' IHimm township; tin nisttl.
TfcTOTICK is hc.i'by given that letters of sdmiri.
h-trjlion rn 'he above uieiitioned Eanito.
lave 1 et n granted to the subscriber, :v;nc in t en-
ie township. All persons indtbted (o kuii! estate
ire hereby notified to make iiiunediiile pay .-ut;
nut ull those having daunt are rcipieted to pre-sr-nt
them propi-rlv a.nh.-ini Mied to
JACOA llAi;i:.l; (', Atnd'r
t'e boiiin nun Willi ll.o Will ainiatt j
.May S; l43 G
1 M? t'i
1 v .1
iJlII' Mtl'scri'ier inform.! tivrill.-i ns of Ili.ioir.s-,
loir anil vicinity, th .1 in i on-.-.(uenre nfilu'
ndi-iposnion of Mr. I'liillip-:, he I, t ( eoaimenci .1 ,
.uniiing a w au-'ti to the .. v, r,l Mills in ti c'
acii;hhiu!i,i.i,l, aadii.t-ud coi::inu:na until Mr.
i'liillips is Bide to iconic his In, s, und will
carry and bring drifts lo or from any Mill Mint his
Ustomers 111.1v seb'et, miou the same terms it has
aeictclort''ii tloiie, and he hojies with tin- ssmc:
l!ieiua!iiv. illliAM Tl!o::.TO..
.!pu! iy.
Fee i!S IBs
I'''"""'! n a sheet for the purpose of I'ost
i "'If "I1 wilier.
Eo9Hhiu- Arlilloi y.
The Members of tho Ulooniibilig A rlillery r
required to meet at the house ol JOHN CI.AV-
lO.N, in Dlooinsbiiri, tin 8aluiduy,tlio M ol .Ma
at 4 o'clock in llie al'loriioon. A punctual attend
ance ol every member is required, as business ol
iinporlaiice is to come before the uiectiny.
y.7"All who have Swoids and Dells in their pos-
sension iiiusl Urui): them with them.
11. VVEUI3, Capl.
THl'll' bounty (Jouiiiiissioiies hereby give no
lice, tluit in aceordaiice with the urosjsiona of
un ucl ol llio (lencral Assembly ot trie tumiiiun
wt-ahh of Puniuylvnnm, passed the 15lli day ul
April, A. J). 18:il.
An appeal will bo held at their oll'ict) in Danville,
in Monday, the nib day ol May next, when and
wliore ill may alcnil it tliey think proper,
by order of liie commissioner!!
Da'ivil!e,.pril U, ,B'15 S
S hereby given lo die .Vlockholdeis in the coin
pany for erecting a ridye over the iNortheiiM
liianch of the river tusijuebiinna. between ll.e
lov. n of Caltuwisia and the mouth of risliingcieek
iliat llie Managers have bisdav declared n dividend
I'THUKB 1'liK CKXT. oil the i lock of t-aiti
'ompany, (or die last six montlis, which will be
o'jid said stockholders or their legal representatives,
it the Treasurer' olllce, Cattaiviasa, on or aftei
die lolb insl.
JA,VKS lT.RA8.4NTH, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Uliice, Cattawissa, April 1, IS 15.
Ul"SPEOn'i;i.LY inf.o-ms the public thai
8 he has located hiinsell' in llie Nmp latch
iccunicd by ZIIJA IJLlilil.liS, in .MAidCIM-
Hl'UKET, where be iutei.J.t carry iiiij on the ulwvc
lusiness in ail its vaiimis braucbes.
built and ;-e)iiirt'd, ns well us one horse
if every da.icriptiou, and ull kinds ol t unnl y
Work, in bis line, iluueal nl.o.t o.'ii 'c unduil tin
iiiost rccioii jlile terms.
(iuod Lumber and all kinds ol Country I'ro
luce taken inpayment lur work, but Ca.di will not
be refused.
Aprd 5, 131". linioJ
Sirandrcth?s Fills.
Ty i'.SU and tiiulerstaiiil ! The lime wiil conn
iiO. when 'he niedicin.', lirandntli 'ill-, wll l.r
ppici,;iud as Iboy iiiiebt a. id iliseive; it will he
nii.leisiooil 111 it I jr. Ihuinlielli Ii is l!,o hOioc'M
claims upon the public. Il i laic t'U.v io
iliviilual w l.o ii lii il oi U.c lici.sihelli l'ills
"oncede tbcm to be the hc.'t nitdicim: ttu'V ctci
tiseil, They are indeed a medicine about w bb'li
llicrc i-no misl;d,:i. Theii value in a !mio'.- so;
i liaom aide as ours cannot be .-u.'i'u ionlK appr.;ciai-!
cd A hcu neis'iii.itt n is ul nm e rt:ie.i . li.u
they cure colds, uud coo.-oiiiIi'.h u is prevenlcd.
Those ul.) bate ,i I'edund.iney ofhllc fiod ibem of I
.lie mo.-t cs-icutial Kei'vier, Mini rhould tln-ri he i iie-! ii;i..ii t none (he pii:-oners, if any tbcic tonliiinl ic
.ieiency of that important fluid the liranoretii Pills' ihe old prison, lo he s.ifely leinoveil to the new .
aave an , tpiaily l.i'iu.tici.d ell' i t. Often has tiusjand tin-iublic paper.! and records then reinainim:
.mpmUnl uiedirinc saved valuable iives in tbosu re-' in the public oliices al Danvi'le, lo Lu cal'tlj d.
;ious where the dieadful telluw- fcvei wai pit vail-1 sited in ihe new bulldum-i so us aforesaid built .-.u,
iui;, A few do-es lakrii iinmedialely u,.uo tiie in-1 prepaicii lor the rcecplion tin rtcf. and fioin ibeuct
leclion Lcing received into tilt fslcm, will b al-jl'nt'i tiie St- u of Justice in and for the county ol certain lo plevent any material iiiromeci m e. j I 'olaml ia shall i ease to .e at Dion i'l,-, ,n,i! ll.i
And at no nlu'-e of this dreadful eniiicmic is inert ! ei-uc s!i ill be n n i' l and lived ;,l ilictown c
so proper a medicine as the Ikomheth Pills,
ilus ineJienie lie universally mcd in tin.,
lisca-c, and no loss ol blood allowel, a id few
viry lew, would he in victims, no it is with uh-i
di-i a"-.. Ascist nature wiihtlns nil imporiin'
liciue to buuio. s limn the 11 ...d
mil do not resort lo bleeding oi mcnniv, ui d io
.'.I 'll have n -cry ginat scineily ol' csous allll. tid
villi ironic maladies, The f- alio icd Iril t'n- el..
ii, ml kinudoin- o er w hii 11 we :i e ll.e or.!, are
uul ajiheled wiih chronic inaladnv.; neither should
ivr be ll it wen; not for cur which occasions
them, l't.llotv iiatuie. I'so the nudiciue wbi-h
harmonizes will) her, which mildly but surely re
motes all the impurities of the blood. tt bit h .-ireimili.
ens the leelile.and yet icduecs ihostt of too full In!, it
1.0 a hea'thv siaiidanl. J.ti ine again sav that evert
lepartmeiil i.f the inanufiiclure of liiand eih Pills
is personally puprriuteuded 'y loe, and every
box with mv three
labels upon it may be telied tip.
011 to hue the beneficial ehVcl thsnibid if usci
iccorumg lo loe ilnrL-'ions accompant 'ng.
ACE N T iri.
Was hin .ton luibeit M'Kav.
Jers-'t towuL. V A.T. ltw',.
Danvilb E. H. ci. Cc.
( 'ait uvis.-a I', (i. lio!.sr.
HI.K.riist-t: -.1 . Ii. Muter,
l.iiio-stiinc Itab'iii i M'Niiu h.
U in Idiom ,V. (J. Sn einaker.
Lime Hid.,e- Low Thompsnn. lt- .1 W Mile,
May S, I; Id - ly- 2-
Cabincl v,aro S&ouso
rprll E subiciibrr would r-;sp(-f:,lv infot
il puilr. tho h- ha:, taceii tiie sli .p latelv n,-.
1 iiued hy .Samuel X !';-, nitrlh cud !
Dlonmsourg, where he is ranting on the
C- T tTt;r.rr,,T ,,1 .T-7- .(' .l '
in oil its v.iri iu brum h""i, a' il where be tvill I
hai('. 0 wait upo,i all t'u.wp ivho msy ftvor la n !.-'! viiiu'ly mi.-counl, or shall f!,.riv ,! f rudii
tvilh t'l-i, fiivoiu. Hit roriiuure is w 1: ranted to' leui-t tit. hnd rtiuru llir voere 1 i v, d n;,n ibr
!c i. al c ot ?!! -iii n.i uu.l daralde, and
llS Ii!
len 1 l.eOj 11. eo band
Siilrhnii) its. S crcturirs , B'trrrihs
II', i tl'i C.irtl Tallies. Dining
'r'i'rv lirrnkfast Tuhi'S,
Vhphnni ci. Sit! lifts, ll'(Ill
S ',';it,iersi (rv,
Capitis. S
an 1 all
upon a
n.'i (.fwi.-k in los bee, which he will svl!
rta-onable lein.s as they cull be riun-h a-v-U
in ihe 1 oiinlt.
l'y s! 1 let attention to Ijuin,v4 ho hopes to ie
1 a
,! nt iinl.l'i 1. ttiiiii !
' JJLl DhO N.
:., . L't.-l -, 1
Concern! n the llciwival tf the
if Justice of Culutnbiit Count 1
I rum Danville to Hlwuniibur.
iSection I. lit il enacted by the .Senate ii'i.
oiino ol lieprcseuoitives uf the tJoiuiin.iiwt'atlb
i'uunsy Ivania ill Oeiiecal Assembly inel, and
liereby e acted by the aulhoiily of the u
it shall and may be lawful I'm the (i,ua'iht:d
ters wuo nave Kesideil In Cttuinlii.t i'ouii
ty for ul L.H.ISI' SIX C .' l.iW'll.l II
IJO.YIIiS inniitttiiiliiii prttidnnr tin m.i l r,-
r.rul hlediuit, to vote ul sui .1 clcclnoi upon tin
ipicslion ol'tbo roinoval of ibeir Weal of .lustna from
L)anuille to said coiintv, in Ihe inuu
ner following, lo wit.- Those in fas or of a Keinovul
shall vote a written or limited ticket I 'belled
"SKAT OK JI.'STICK," uud conluininK tin
words'-FOIl lJLOO.Mi;U(j," aud those op
posed to a Kemoviil, shull vole u wiilten or print
tl lit ket labtdled as aforesaid, und eoutaiiiini; tin
words" FOK DAN VILLI;;" tbe said tickets lob.
Ii'liosited in a box which shall be provided for that
purpose st each und eveiy ot tiie election polls ol
sui J county, and the returns ol said election shall
oe madu in llio same manner by llie lu turn .Indies
is in llie cue 01 uio eieciion ol .tit-oiiieia oi iui
Vsseinldy, and if on the meeting of the Kclurii
lud'.'s it shall appear that n majority of Ibr voles
lave liven niton in lavor of Lloon:sbui, then the
loll. iwi. n,' hi ctious of this act shall be uf full force
nid edi ct; hut if il shall appear lliut a inujoritv ot
votes have been Liven against bloouisoui. then
the following seel ions ol'iliis act shall be null V void.
J hat il a majoiily ul die voters of suid
county of Columbia, qualified as aforesaid, voting
III Haul question ot luanoval, shall tleclde 111 the
manner provided in the fust ncelioii of this act in
favor of ll.e Hemoval of the Scat of Justice of said
ounty to the town of Ulooiusburg, tho citizens of
llloomsbiiig in suid county shall erect, or cause lo
lie orected, .IT HI EM OUW 1'IUH'Kli
EXI'KASK, within three years from and aftei
ucb election, in the tow n of dooinsburg, suitable
wildings of UKK.'K or Hl'ONK, of the MOS'J
AI'l'KUVED I'LAN. for at'ourt House and
I'rison, and ilillereiit oliices for Ihe sufe keeping ol
he county icrords, under the uoectiou ol ihe
('ounty I'omuiisKioncrH, who aie authorised to le-
eive a conveyance lor su -ll lot or lots ot ground
'or the use ol such Counly buildings, not Mo-ji
had ONE A Cite", m tee simple clear ot ull in
cumbrances, for the use of the county of Columbia,
lie said building to be erected on sutblot oi lots
if ground ihus couviyed. And the Court House,
nid other public buildings and real estate on which
bev ure erected or is appuitciianl thereto, at tin
own of Danville, arc liereby granted and coidum-
d to lie inhabitants ot .Mahoning township, with
ull authority lo sell an I dispose of the same to ihe
ic.-l advautam'.aikl that so uiii 'li o the proceeds ol
said sale.iis is necessary to refund to the ol
Danville whatever iimmiiit nt inouey they m it v huve
iven lor the original coiinti uvlioii of the public
building al snid town, and the jiiiilIih-i- id' 'In: I. a
il uronnd on which Ihry urc creclctl, sliail la; ie-
tuiuiij 1 1 the said clli.eiis, and the balunce to In
niil iiitnthe Couuv 1 icssury lor county purposes.
I'r .l'illcd ,.i disposition or sale of Mich publu
iaiiluiuas shall be made until Ihe court liou.-e u. c
pub lie buildings a', liloomsl urg r.hall be completed
nid thepul iic records and olll.'cj itinoved l!n;t
!"iu 1. That so soon as the public huiViin.:.
are completed according I j ll.e plow. anus el tl. i-
n t, the Curmiii.'isiuiif r,, afon ..aul i hall tile a icpci
ol t lie mimi hi t!ic (.'nil' t of tJoiioiion I'l
ot salt
and said Court being snti.- liuU III. t s.ud
saic fully coiiom led aci'onhug lo ibe tim
ii, lent and nnaniigol ibis lot, and a iceoid I Iui
of btiog inadc bv t niloisi inenl on said ii I oil, i!i,
( .Vncnis.-ii'i.c
In i ill' el .-uul fouuty .'lui'l tbt-ic-
lilooinsliiii'g. 111 ll.i' Ktiil county, and luc pul'ln- ul
'ni - ln-;e'o:'re l.i''l.'ii:d the eoinisi I jo .1 . e le-i.-t.:
I 0 b, Id al f..ania' init I',. 1 I'.uil nit oil' diuui ia
.drill be kepi und held al lilooms ing in Hie I , . i ! , !
ii! erected for llcir at coinniodalioii in- .s!o,e-.oil.
.sm. -1. Its';, llie lawful tor I ho riii.ciis !
DI00111 -burg to o'.l.uii sn'osci iplion 1 Irom ii:;y pi 1
..011 01 pfisiui-. wilbiig to Kulna'ril e any monev (
materials for lie' enviiou of sui h public I luldiug'
as are prat i.'ed lor in tl.csi coud sieijoo ol iln.- ui
nid in del'ault of the put incut ol ihe same, do
i;o',uCy t 'iii:i.o:s-aoiiers ait! Iicit-bv i-o.powt ied t.
can ' suits lo 1 e biou'-ju in the n unc ol llicimiulv
to cu fin re the 1 cent try ol the same, uud w I:, n (
l-:tcil to be applied toward: tlti.a; ing the ex
of Mlt'll buillll'lg:-.
H i.e. ft. Il'anv pencil or persons shall tele m
the ipie.-liou of rciiiotul ol ihe seat , I ju In e e! sun
county of Columbia, at the election nuthenut n
I? held hy viitue ot this ai l 110I duly ipiahlicd I'
vole 111 ac.-oiil.oii'e 'villi I tic lost section ol llns ,u "
ot sb di tote out of Ins or their proper io,-ii, t, o
tball volt iuth than once on said qiii '.tio'i. lie o.
iboy so i lVenrliiig upon toiiviclion iheu'of befon
1 iie 1 loner con. I, of puu ter aessiuna of said count t
hall be -u' j it to Ihe pt unity prr.vidi d fr in I l.t
ni ni oil 1 It, lion laws of this Cc.tiimoii-.nrii!'h.
!!.. t. ll a:i jnde or in:i rejor of the I It i '.10!
itiitl.nii.-iM to Le h Id bv virtue of ibis a t. .!'.l
.ini-.i 1 ; ' .1
or w li'.uilv 11 j-ci ine vcts (! a uiiH-u
vote on the question of 0! Il;f
Lp.,a!ii'-'l b
I :eat -a! 1 i.-'i. f in taid cuiity in a'vordnnre the u-itl
i !irs' '.ii. 11 , t llop s.:, 01 ..liai rteivt' tlirtrteo!
Is I -iioi, ii"l ri i!ifo-'l I) vote 91 aforesaid on sai
' 'i'n !, he 0 tuey sj l!' -ii'Iittrr. t:r ' tt '
ilh viol atoir ihe pptprr T"'i't of q'i.!"e
' ., ihull t'-rtfit sndtni'f: r
t". 1' I.
ll U: '
1 r.' t ly
is lid C U ;-,
e-.-err ,u. ll rn r :
t'oin tbr.
o.t!'d r !!''
r ill 01 r.i v .,ir A . ,1 .1..1
:..a( ,,rrrti,i ofih. tonrt, nm! sbsll und, r-.
j an nnuiMMiinrnt in the isd ut paid t ounty loi'i
;. r. not less than Iwelve nionili.. or more thai
1 'V11 yrarp,
f'le. 7 If any jinl.'P. iimp'-rtnr or t link r-f tin
' . l-vi'n oil'-, ne.l to t-g lisid I 1 v r'.oe el this aci
: hi.
1! .-e j
1.1 shall keep Q l..i.,e tilt pa; e ,
i.r riiiil i' auiltv I'Jsnv Ifsc! ic the tlistl a1 ire of
ins duties, rvsry person eo i (rending upon comic-
t, on liar. -0, in il.r j-.r-r e.'U-t ol ipmte,
it pint coiintv, shall v. s;l ice! l.i llio f i!,ir hoc un.!
eoi ai'v ti- are in pct J up..t dchi t,..' ni jud:'t s or j
ns'ei'loi i l.y the gcneial tit clioii Imtsolll.i
tie. Il shall be the dn'v of the in,! :rai a-'i)!
ii-tj-, to"; t'ondociiiej the elci li in Htiile'! w- d lo bo!
at'iJiy virtue tt 'In ml to rausc tb.t I'ttcr I? t.i
: p leeibly and tllsiiiictly set opposite lite inn." of 'I'l M 'tiler brnneh. fiom his vj .a it n r , ht-,-tety
fitii-n ho ihall v.ilii cm l!t- cpjcMioii t;l liie he i.;i ;!., :i li'.rlc I'viliT Lan an , ,t.i.c:
Iteiiuiv ,1 of tin; sciit of jua'lre as'sani, rn l.'t.i t'.is s-. '. on.
Lilly poat i rn which I i- ilMine tiitill be,!, '( I tH'LA ii I'l, AN K n t!l be tj!v .1
nid nuy tt ilfol omissioii so t ado 1 e J, nie I 0 lot ;.l at the hi'.ivial .:.ei i-iien, nd ha!l be pniii-ht .1 u mo :; 1 i 1,. .'.'1 11.
M'.h the p(t.'ti Lin id li.i vt ,i;;iU th.. u-...
Si;c. 9. ft .hall be the duly of every jui?, e iii
speitor uud tleik riiiduclinr: "is cltclion aoil."
uil lo be held by virtue of mis act, to Ai (in i.ui
Kt lo llitoallior nltii loatlon l.t' i loov i i,ui.-e i
laiv la lake) an oulh ul u,'i! n "(,)', liuil lie v.i i
lioneaily uml f.ullilully tou !y In every iciatcl
villi llio pimisions and cyn . ..a ii' uf tui4 act
Si:c 1U. Il shull le ll.e duty of the i
tun judges ol said i otinly , at the I. it. a uuJ
dice of their nnrllug to cast lip all lid
votes received in the iLll'irent election tliii
rictii on ihe question of the 1'cmoval of tint
cat t,f jusiice uloicpanl, uud shull iiiake out
wo ceriilicaies showing the leBuli, one oi
i htch shall be tiled in Ihe i fl'n e of the rleiL
,'M. , nnrl of quartf r bcssimis and ihe other
n the ollice ol ih (oinuiisaioiiers oTiiK
ounty of Cloluinhia.
Nlc. 11. It shiiil be ll " duly of the SliPr
ill ol the said county ol Columbia, to
tuis act to le published in al leni ihitn
uewspaiers puhlishod in saidcouui): foruc
east once in every week lor sixty das in,
mediately preceding ihe next general eh-c-'ion,
and shall on the tlay of the i lection
cause at least two printed -.-opics, one of
which shall he in the Cieiman langutiee, of
said act to be posted in handbill form, in ihi
most public place nearest the election poll
in every eki'iion district in said couni" and
the reasonable expense of bueh pubiicaiion
shall he paid by ihe said county of Colum
bin by orders drawn in the nsuid way.
Ki;c. 12. So nint h of tho exMing laws
of this Common wealth us are altered or
supplied hy this act, he and ihe s;.uii! iri
hereov repealed; and also the at I of Assetu
bly passed lOihJunu 1830 entitled nr. act
relating to the lien of Mechanics ai.d others,
upon buildings, is hereby repealed so far a
il relates lo the buildings lo be erected in
pursuance of this act.
Appioved of and signed bv tlicGovernor.
CIHILDKEN arc input nubject to tbetii.l ut per
J sons ul' all ages nrv liahlt; to be hlilicltd wills
Uiem. Lad breath, tiulencss about the lii t.llushed
cheek, picking at the nose, wasting titviiy,leiinnt.s
pnin in the bowels, joints or l.inbs, ilistuibeil bleep
trigluful dreams, moaning ami Suiniliines of tot-
aciouj appetite, are uiuung ihe nyniptonis ofwortnu
Iany aroi o.-tuml lor lnnnths, lor somo other im
aginary discuje.when one box of Hiviinau'tf Worm
LoMnges would tiler t 11 rure. D. Uvan, corner
of I'liueo tiirccl and the Howery, cured a man of
worms loa was reduced to u skeleton, and by tuily
mo box ol iShermuii s J.oiengcs: l.ris now a fat
ait an Aldcrmari. 'i'li lion. i. Ll. Deanhdcy
has saved the life of oil" of his children by thi 111.
I'lu; sale of over 3,OOU,l!00 uf boxes has lully test
ed them. They ure the only inl'nihble win 111 ilea
oying medicine ki.cwn. What luinil',' will bo
wiihout them!
Consumpi ion, Coughc, Colds, M' hooping Cuiigh
stlunu, and ull iiU'cctions of ll.e lungs, willliud 11
nealing valne in Mi iinnn's C.ugh Lo'eugCi. 'J'hey
saved the cv, llichard Dc l'o.ts'; tiie I'ev. Mr.
.titi lcr, Jonathan Mowuith, Kmij. and that wo, lit
old hero, Leonard Iiogov. fnon the conuiuptii''a
-irate. 'J'hcy cured in one day the Lev. Mr. Dun
!'ir, the Ib'v. Mr, llaudcoil,; Win, 11. A tine Esq
I di::te.tsing coughs. 'J hey ire the pleasantist
on,;li nu'ditiiie and cure the tjojui , fjiiy k; cwn
n-iiifdy. ht,N':i-sii.'knc;;tj aud rIpiiiition,n-Iievi'd or
'icii live lo ten iniuutt.i by e-hernian'H Camphor
i.o.eni;Cd Persons ullcu.liug trowdul ooms in
'rati Ihng will lind them to iu.pait hunt alley ot"
pirils and renew their energies. 1 lion: PiiU'eiing
irom too 1 iet- living will lind a lew ol tiie lozenges
!o liopcl tile liotAtus and luwnccsuf spii'ils. Mr.
until, ol' t lie Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly ct:r
d hiioseli of setee headache by llieiu .'iiit.iiii
'hadwick, of iho paeket ship Wellington, bus wit
ncssi'd llieir tlliucy in a gv-eut nnny casts of --it
kiiess. Thi'v opi'j ale like a thai in upon tho
'gi'a'-'d or id.rdlirrd, as libt-rimm's Poor
llau's f'l.istci dots upon ihcuniatisin, It.rubiij'o,
'am or weakness in the side, tarl;: breist ur i.nv
;;.Mt of the body. Mr. 11. Ii. Dciji-ers, o0 Anil
-trct-i; llensy li (inuldinc; L!.') (.'lutlinia
licet Mosts J llcnii.jucs I'm, and a
un! i i 1 i c of others have txpcriii'i-ed J 1 ; '
vonihrltil 1 llVcts of Oicse riastcrs.
r 1 c only l cents, t'.uition is crctssaty
.1 sec thai you c-'l the jenniiic fthi'ttiiiiii'ii
lii'Zi'it;;i s and I'htstcrs', as there tire many
irihltss nriii Its allctnpud to I " p'to-cl
fl" 111 plate of ihriii, hy ihosc o wculul
nth' wiih 0 11 1 life for a shilling.
1 r . Mirruinn's waichnnsc is at U!0 N'as-
au riterl. I'or s:ilo by
.Ldm U. iMovei Bloom: burn;
Wni L Wal'.er & co l!i 1 n k
Low cL ThonipMoii I.imc it'n'go
l. Si J. I.tiz nils- Oranecviilu
M. il. Shornii krr Muck Horn
I,. tVr A I, liiiel Jcri cytow t)
Itcrr it M'll.idi: lulu Hall
John Moore 1 ).int ilie.
Sk phen liahly, (.'atciwiss;.
Jan. 4 IS 13 ST. (',n.
Aliovnry nl
' jji t Afi'i Hue ! Minn ft. ..labile
.''C (
i vrr
iV IPTtVi 'V.'t.if.
W II 1, - I I LND COI'iC! f- rj
1 11 f; t t N"i 1 !.& or vti.t',4:i:iA
.NU Ll.;.l'.KNE.
C ! 1 a -I r .T r .". 1 1 : t r t c. : y .
rtslir: 'ibrrihi r hn':og fst.,!.!j. Iii-cl s .v: K
-i.ei't, near !u; resi.lcm e nt J,, i
j.rcpi,i,d to fioni.-h (''.tils oi'cvr
is poiKi, loey can hep'::
1 I'm county.
M. i!s-. he is ni.'v
v tie. a'lipiinn. ur,
ha.': els.. ,'. i.Lic
wood t inc.,
,yfA (IS ,; Vv. U'ff-nn ,
, ... , ' '
ptisc pli.rf.s, fyc.'sirJN, ORNAMENTAL 4- II0USK
) S'fj 7 ''; iSG.
? H l.r r
in l i.y
, "-AMI K, liACL'thLt K
Lit ci:.:.. 1.: ,'t.!' 1, .'-J ' ;, j