The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, May 03, 1845, Image 2

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    AliiVlV AlV lira I Ei TaI . K D ON 1 A .
Hy iho nrm-sl of the Caledonia si
Host m we h ive L cul o 11 dates lo Hi 4 It
mill Liverpool 10 the 5 I). The J . I ( -ii
1. 1 was detained one day hy ihe Gov
cir.m 'n', in iiirr to hi mij out i he il
bate in I'.iliatniu! on I lie 0;cgon qies
lion. Warlike- There i little rf miir
tsl by litis arrival except the parlia
mentary debate on the Oiegon question
wliick his decidedly abellin'ient n"p'i
reducing il to an rUinty the con
fletinn cJaimi of Ihe United Slates and
Great-liiiuin, lo the Oifgon Terti'oiy
inust he sottlf i) either liy war nr hy r,r
hitialinn. This do bate took place in
Parliament on ihe 4th inst. The a'ten
lioti of lite Utilise was called hy luil
J jhn Russell lo dial pri of Piesideot
Polk's Inaugural, which rt fris lo tin
subject of Oregon. S r Rjberl IV-1
spoke upon il nl come length and con
cluded hi remarks in Hie subjoined
words" 'A I lie subject has hecn bi ought
uodt-r discussion I think nol imprnpe:
j -by the noble lord I feel il to he
Dy imperative duty, on the pari of the
Il'iush Governmenl lo state in language
ihe most temperate, but al the name lime
mot decided,ve consider we have right
respecting this tenitory ofOiopon which
are clear and irresistible. We trust
still to arrive at an amicable adjustment
we desire to effect an amicable adjust
ment of oar claim but, having exhaust
ed every effort to effect lhal settlement
if our rights ihall be invaded we are
continued cheers from both sides of the
This seems to brine boih parties into
the same position, and now wc must see
wiat is to follow.
The belligerent position of Ihe Ore
gon question sent cotton up at Liver
pool on the 4ih, prices returning lo ihe
lates current on the sailing of Ihe West
ern. The same cause knocked down
altshares, and created a panic in the
Lindon monpy market.
The Qdeen's Visit to Irklakd
Tne visit of lur Majesty and Prince Al
beit lo Ireland, is lit finitely fixed to
ak phcfl in July next.
I-'chocids Faction Fight. The
'Xi;ijjtirv Vindicator thus 8late,'Tiies
graced by a bloody affray between con
tending factions of Ihe Teiry Alts,
when GOO of ihose deluded men pro
ceeded from Ihe Tippeisry side of ihe
Sisnnon to fight among themselves like
dog.' The police not in sufficient num
ber to he of any use.
Switzerland continues feveiish and
lhe deep muttered Ihrcats used by one
party, and answered in tones of defi
nance by ihe other indicate the heat ol
ihe fued and the fury of the comba
tant. The botmlsry question between Mo
rocco an 1 Algiers has been settled, Mo
iocco ageeing to all lhal was demanded
by France.
The Annexation of Texas has reared
to excite irti-r.'st. People regard ihe
rnat'er n.iitld, snd view Ihe connec
tion rather with indifference than with
The tight of search has been inciden
ully discussed in the House of Com
mons. S.r It. Peel denied that the
rihi of search was now suspended but
he alluded lo the conference between
ihe D ike de Brogtie and Dr. Lushing
I in as being likely to terminate in some
m r.'fpt' me ii I quite a9 efficacious as ihe
pi ft Tit srrang"m,rit.
Tii annm! meeting of the London
CInitcli Missionary Society was held
in (",ti--ly 1 1 'ill, Disliops-gate street, on
1h :) uH., ihe Lord Mayor presiding
'J 'he lepmi ste'ril that ihe Society had
i.nw t 3 Diieiunaf y stations abroad,
j , 1 .11 pi r-ons engaged in Scrip'onl
liiiiion. nine than 700 schools and
i. pw.ii. Is of 3.5,000 scholars in addi
tiunlothp rrmgregiiions on d.iys ol
i.nyrr. The receipts of the society
liming tho just year amojnltd to
Jl ;s reported io Dublin, last week
ih.t Mr. O'Cor.ntll, unable lunger In
wi'Im! mil ihe pressure from Ihe leader.
( I i!,e Vung Ireland paily will aliimp'
i!i i!.c civ-irs.) -f ensuing, summer lu re
n ciM'fcit mons'er iri'-etnigs on I lip smic
scite a those which cr calftl so much ap
pti hmsion in t!ic year 1S43.
Tn? nnlion of C'jlhedral, whirh 'va
dirtiu;''l io 1830 by fire has b'-m com-jl-irly
i..f.!.)ied at a cost ofSOO.OOO.
A moniier bell has hrrn cist for lh
fjelfry, which weig!) 16 tons, and win
rm -lire I welve men lo rintt i'.
Amkbican Indians. Thp ew V 't U
pi.k"' ship r:-or'n ftirout
!' liihead I i'e on Wednesday nigii', l
t-r I Hiding pisscng-is and a p"y el
N)r'h AmfT'Ctfl Indians, of the O j b
,,...,mv and 0- lean-ber, headed by lw..
rhiffs'' Iii.-y rj on ihfir way In v!.:
L'iiJ-'f. bj'.itui3in a lew clys in Vf
mmiili lo irsl afdT iluir Ion sea-voyage
i (i v " nobht-lonking sel of fellows
ind fine specimens if lha 'childieu o!
the foresl.'
Sor rn-Writkkm L'lectuical Tel-
KOHAPlt- I He eiectnc telegraph Im
ie to nl (LiviTi'inenl on Hie Siiuih
Wenii rn l tiUv.iy is now regulaily at
nik. I ne tin ts exlend from the lei
minus i (inpnit, ihrough ihe luri.fiea
iors, nod into ihe K"yal claiunut-
Dr. V lfl" ni rivet! at Lnnslauiinoph
mi ihe 22l Feb., mid was lo leave fm
Liudon hy the Onential S.eani Compa
ny p.irkt-l.
Orecox. Ihe London limes ol
Maich 3lihaiia long and powerful ar
licit) in itference in Oregon, Iroin which
iln. subjoined exliaei is made:
A tier soiii" inirodiietory lemaiks Ihe
'I'licle proeei d as lo'low:
If ui gnii:iiion undertaken between
Mi. I luki.ssoii and Mr. Uallatin, in
I8.T), led lo no mure sat isl'actoiy resuli
han a renewal of Ihe temporary eonveu
ion 1518, it i improbtble thai
my Herniation will terminate mur
'uccif-jlly, unless il turn upon ihe ar
niualion of a llnrd Power. This exie-
ditnl is, howevrr, tej.-cied by the Amer
icans; and the tone of Mr. Polk s ad
dress does nol lead us to suppose that h
would even adhere to the ultimatum
of 1 S27, which was Ihe prolougi'ion ol
ihe f on t it-r along the 49th p;T.ilM o
N. laltiiudo from ihe point al which i
now lei minutes lo I ho Pacifie.
'Our posilion in Ihe matter is a de
fensive, though nol aliogelher a passive
one. England desires an amicable ad
juslmenlj but if thai be tendered imposs
ible Ihe uniractahle policy ot her oppo
neol the Aggressive conduct of the A
imrican government, and the unparall
eled language of Ihe President suffice
tn ptepaie us lor ihe other aitarn Hive.
The rights of Uriiish subjects in tin
country of ihe Oregon must of course
be delended; and, indeed, Ihe British
positions there aie sufficiently strong l
defend themselves from any sudden al
lack be made by American citizens,
ihe American government musl o:
course he held responsible for il, and
i ho people of the United Slates iiius1
ibke the consequences.'
The ruumrj from Wasliingnui have been
:n ul ulurious in regard lo nur relaiious wild
Hrizd. Il will be recollected that .Mr
It w, out Minister there, laudy seized up
e.arpo of slaves and specie. This course.
tie siaieil, he adopted under the expres-
ibw of the United States. In a Wahliir.g
ion correspondence, it is stated that de
spatclies have jusl been received by ihe
VViBe. Depaitnient of Stale from Mr. I
is teelaied lhal they relate lo the recent in
ui qi ven by that government lo himself.
"ur (joinid al Itio, and lo the commaivlei
, .:... i.. i. ...i .. ., : i
Ill OUr"'buc Jl"'"'lii tviiu lldu oeiitu il Mill
ihe slave vessel Porpoise by his oider.
, js likewise staled that the depatei'ies re
Ifrred 10 ',o:" W'ise call fir ileti.uie
u.siruct'Hs as lo the course he is lo pur.un
in hi tiTebeiU relations with the Ihazdian
envrrrnnenl He urees I'm iminediaie ap
pearante til a luriniu ion; r. ivai lurce in tiiai
quarter, f-r llie pre'.eciton of ntir eom-
inercial and inariiiine interest, and the ex.
pedienryjol his withdrawal from lhal giiveiii
uiciil, inasmuch as he cannot well see liuw
ihe mailer i to be settled amicably and
honoiably U nurselves, as ihe mmili was
gintuitous on the pari of ihe Br.izillians.wlio
rifuse to apologise and continuo to hold
i'resh menaces lo himself, and of course to
the government of the United Slates.
It is eaid that there lias already uccn a
Cabinet niccliiif on ihe sutjecl, that tin
taval force intended for Mexico will receive
instructions to visit Uio;iliat ilr. Wise, will
tot return until such time as nur irovern
nent is determined lo act with (fficieney
ind fnrre, regarding, as it does, the cass as
an exceedingly apgravated one.
A lellci from K o lie Janeiro, ualeil 1 to
ruarv S), 1813. save 'The Brazilian Gov
eminent have insulted nur Minister here.
ind bIso the consul, and in fact, ihe Amen
an tifiicer and daily. The Mmisrer
ias wiilien on to Washington about il, In
!now ho'v he shall acl hether he shall
leclare war, or nol. and lo send him out a
.iire fleel. The Brazilian are filling out
ill their ships of war. and preptiing their
iurts, so that every ihing looks like war
lere. Thev are irnpresaing men every
lav nn hoard their vessel of war, and thes
tlso come out boldly, and sav to nur rom
mander a id tdlictrs, il.ey are ready to go
war, and give the d 1 l ankees a lickir..'
We took an American tng called ihe r u-
iinisc, of llrunsw'u-k, a fortnight go( wuh
he slaves on otM, and 000 jn er.
n,d r. vrr, wnti j.20,0(i wurili f (j.,f tl
ht. W'e kpt lt.j Uit a week under chsrpe
I ihe Ingaie, hut i,h sai'.horii'es here (H
n null d tier, M.d in f.,cl made the Minister
iiid CuniriKiilnre cive I er they wnnlti
iave stiiik us. Thry had sll their shipi-
imunil us. am! ihetr furu nnuhle man ti
nid llicir guns double ehonlieif, to blow n-
mi nl water if we aiteinptrd lo resi,l,
hat wc musl hate it-ar.or recall our navy
louiu and pocket the insult.'
The ,1arytand Hinnrieal Society
i -ved ( ii:h'i-h the Journal kt pi l y tl i
; ,n. t'lii. ('.irroll. of ( 'iirrol'lnn on hi-;-mr,i
y m GaiiiitU, in 1771, is one of tin
' ' -iiid'." '"
'rituru wimutT riiB .nuu 3, ihis
The several Cmirig for Colirnbia Conn
y, adjourned on Usl Saturday, afu-r an sc
nvo term tf five davs. I lie followinij
B8s w ere lint prim-ipal inallers of inleres'
n the Q laiier Sesiimis.
tloininnnweBlih Imlietnienl fur nashine
Vii. Ventinlerfeil iiioiiev.bilU
John D. Vauhorii I of I'jrnier Hanks ol
New Jerhey. Trial, April Verdici
M iiiion for a new trial, atler ar
Hiimeni was refused The Cmnt sentenced
Dnfcndent lo undergo an imprisnnient fm
) rnoii lha in the Coiinly Jail, and pay s
fine and the rnsig.
l?iii:kalew,Dep. A iiy.fien'lifor Cummnn
wealth: -Daneroft, Paiiersou and I.eidy
tor Delendent.
Commonwealth " Indielinent for passing
vs V eounterrt-it monev.
Daniel U. Uray J Trial April, 2d, Ver
licl, iXot Guilty, Delendent to pay the
ooale; Losls naid.
Buckalew, for Commonwealih; Conper,
Comely and Montgnrneiy for Delendent.
Com mon wealth ") Indieimenl, larceny .
va v fur nte inn a sheen
r a i
Daniel B Gray J Defendeut, not appear
ing no trial, and recognizineo (4sl00) for
Hugh M'Elrath, Liberty
John Clayton, Bloomsbura
Samuel A, Brady, Daiwillo
Jabob Riahel, Moniooi
Alexander Cumuiings, Detry
Jacob Seidle do
Hugh Watsui, do
John Crawford do
John S. Rirhel do
Joseph Levers do
Frederick Miller, M. Pleasant;
John Haus, Valley
William ShafT-r! Driarcreek
Thn. M'Nair do
Samuel Harmon, Centre
Peter R. Miller, Bloom
I'oherl ll.igeiihnch (!n
Marshall Silvcnhorii, B oom.-iburg,
Gu 1 ii-k Bombay do
0. II. Doebler do
Abraham Jeiman, Limestone
Lewis K. do
Richard Biower, O.-ango
Laac 0. Johnson do
William F.dgar do
Adam Michael, Paxton
Anthonv Dangler, Rearing Creek:
Joseph Hughes do
Jonathan I'ausl
Willi am Ye-ager Williams
Isaac Rnndes
S jloinon S,i der
Samuel Kern
Stacy M.irgt-rum, Ciiiawissa Haas do
Jacob Dyer do
John Riioth s, Danville
Joseph Corni-lison do
William lleiuie do
John Di-cn. jr do
John M Haycock. Greenwood,
Peter Eekruiil, Mifllm.
John Keller jr. do
Christian Shuinan do
Bunjamin Knauss, Liberty
John Welhver 71adisor..
Jacob Harris, Hemlock
Simon Todd, Fishing Creek.
Isaiah Sliuman, Maine
David Yeticr, do
All the above Inns snd Taverns pay ten
ullars each, except the Houses of Rhodes.
llenrie, Bradv, Nicely and Doebler, who
pay fifteen dullara for license.
We have the following returns of iht
clu'.tion in Virginia on Thursday a-l The
Democrats so far have elected in the
1st district; Archibald Atkinson.
2d do Geo- C. Dromgoole
Shelton F Leape.
James A. Stddon
Tims. II .Bayley,
R. M. T. Hunter
Henry Bedinger.
The Whigs have elected John S- Pendle
inn, in llie 9 h districtj which the Wlnj
papers f ar ill l e the only onu ol'-ctt 'l
Sevrn dts'.riets yet Hi hear Iron). J'din M
'Jutts has been ngain (!i felted in tl.u li d
lislriet. The Democrats have gained (ifh
member of the Li gitlature; and will have
imj"iity in boih houses ol the Legislii
!ure. An U. S. Senator, is Ii) be elutiet.
iy the Legislature, t.t its iiexf Kessiom in
,)lace of Mr. Rives.
The name of the MadiMinian will hi
hanged alter ihe lit of M iv i.i .V, to ' I Ii
I'nii' d .Viates Journal,' and nol ihe '(Jon
d ilation,' as ori-iiu'ly iiilindtd.
We have heard of very extensive Roll
iitg Mills, in Europe, and some, even in
this country, lhal were tf tolerable dimen
ionsbul there is one building in Danville
dial beats all creation, and, if yon please
vou can throw in some lo boot. ,Ve gei
uir information from a paper primed ii
.hat place, by one Valentine Beat, a mtn
whom all know will till no I lung but I hi
truth, thurefora, he musl be believed
Hear him.
"The railing Mill, ihrlf covert nearly
im much ground as the luhule ouv"uf
Now compactly built, upon
about 75 acres of ground, there being not to
exceed a dozen vaianis lot within its limits
Only think of a Rolling Mill covering 75
teres of land, and that too, in Mahoning
township, where there cannot hardly be
fount! that number of acres of level land,
including all the detached pieces wilh'ii its
boundaries. It is enough to make a man
loubt iho word of a christian, but il ha been
aid by Mt. Best, and we suppose we must
swallow it, as well as all the oilier puffin;.'
of the growih of that place, although the
one, we beh ive, to lie as near the truth as
other. Such a mill would nol bo 'ubscur
i'd from ihe eyesight,' even by lbs 'green
eyed monster.'
Mi'.xioo. The intelligence from Mexico
shows thai they have had time to cool j
liule, a lone somewhat subdued on iho Tex
as question compared with belligerent dee
larattons on the discusMon in the Cham
hers, brought by a former arrival The
Minister of Foreign Affairs, is more cau
tious and guarded in ihe language, he pro
hardy sees the difficulties into which the
nation would be plunged by a war with the
Uniittd Sta'e' Our own government, ha?
not been negligent of its duty in being pre
pared in ibis quarter for any hostile demon
stratinn. The destination of the squadron
which sailed fiom Norfolk on Saturday, it
believed to be ihe GhII' of Mtxico Ii eon
sisls of ihe following vessels: picamci
Princeton, 10 guns; ship S;""" 2;sliip
Si. Maiy, 20; brig PrPoie 10: total, 00
runs. The So -"tJron already in the Gulf,
...iuii. i ie ingaie roiomie, ) 1 eutis
hiy Vitieenues, 20; ship Fslmouth, 20;
inig Somers, 10- lotah 91 guns making
aggregate of eight vessels and 15-1 guns
qiiuuii to give ;texicoa inuen otjonallian
-, I. ... ; 1 . . I r .
meltlo should the country be foolish enough
to mako a disturbance about Texas.
A coriespondeiit of the Journal of Cum
nerce cunsiders il not unlikely, lhal St
I, -mi will contain 100,000 inhabitants in
less than 15 years from this lime. Dusi
uess ol all Kliiild is al nresent active, anu
abnr of every description finds employment
mil rewarJ Mechanical industry, especial
y, seems to be large, y lew aided. Carpr n
ers wages ate now $1 50 per day, and
tome have been compelled ;o pay $2 50 per
da for brick masons. Il is estimated that
ny millions of brick will be consumed ir
till i 111 1 11 .T. tho fHini.,11 . t ll...
q '-u'liiii till , ui i lie I llj ,
I'hc number of visiters to the While
House, daily, average about 200- During
the firt week after the inauguration, the
u iin'ier of visiiris to the Whiu Housctk the
Departments was nol less ihan one hundred
1'he last new is thai ilr Shannon, the
American ;Uinister at Acxico, has been ad
dressed by the lexican Vinisier of Foreign
ffairs, Senor Cuevas, to the effect that all
Diplomatic relations between Mexico nd
the United States musl cease Senor Guevas
has also adresscd a circular to each tf the
Foreign linisicrs against the lale action of
the American Congress in regaid to Annex
LAND. In ihe proceedings ot ihe Grant!
L'ulr of Maryland we find the fol'ow
ing, statement which may prove of inter
jft to iho Order io this q nrier;
Nooibi-r of L'idjes reportinc 25; In
i-i itious dining the quarler, 170, whole
i timb'T i f rontrihutini! members,
reifoue ol Ihu Grand L'idgp,5l)5y2 3G
nu. i. lu r of brnlheis M-ht vid lui i, ii
year 401; widowed families relieved 3
bioiln r. buried,, 2 I; paid fur it lief ol
null. eis S4. 7.13 fjfi; p. id lor bury ion
ihe tlea.l, $1,236 26; paid for t-diKMiion
.f ii.' pli.m, Si , 1 10 If); f,.r f i tut e appl,
c iiion to nr. boo I fund, S 2H 75; total a
moonl of relief, S!,233 01.
A Clrdk of a very Btiperior qunlily has
reen niiid in large quatititits in Morgan
-I.UIHJ , iiiibiiiui;i j
Dark Suspicions end Subsequent Dn '
vclopments, The Boston Post slates, thai
early on Weduerday morning, a trui kitian
vas seen lo drive to 110 Washington street
from the western part of the city, having
three boxes about six feet in length, label
led lo one Di. ('utter, accompanied by a
husiness gem. They weie instantly un
loaded and hurried up stairs. The haste,
the appearain u nf ihe accompanying gent,
the particular length and labels nf the boxes
all combined lo excite the suspicions ol
tome knowing observer, who soon com
municated the circumstances lo the Cn
Marshal, with a desire lhal ihe affur be in
vesiigaied; as il was supposed that they
contained bodies lor dissection, taken from
some burying ground. The Marshal nn
mediately issued an order to Constable
Clapp, lo search ihe suspected box' s. A
locksmith was sent fur, w ith a request that
he proceed to the spot prepattd lo open
boxes containing someihiug of a very of
fensive smell. The City Maislnl, Constable
Clapp, with a Coioner& a large number ol
individual being assembled, all with visages
is sol u ion as)the grave, anxiously standing
iround.ihe smith proceeded to reveal terrible
nyeleneB. Al length the lid was raised,!'
long rube hid ihe contents; some were pale,
all was silent a3 the halls of death. A
'turner of the cloth was raised, hand war
seen beneath, and all was developed.
The sequel was this. The boxes hat!
contained French Mannikins.oi paper men.
belonging lo a Dr. Cutler, lecturer on an
Homy and physiology, which had beet
taken from ihe boxes by Mr, Culcheon
('leaving the arms) before the official in
ves'.igilors arrived, and carried above inn
the engraving loom of Mr. Chandler, in
have some cuts taken fioin ihein. Mr
(J, hearing the gaiheiing, went down and
explained ihe matter. The whole com
pany 'sloped' forthwith, but' said nothing
.0 those they met of the 'horrid develop
A man named Ambrose II. Jones, about
30 years of age, who was under sentence ol
death for muid-jring his step mother at
Greenville, S, (' cumuiiiied suicide bv
hanging himself in his cell on the H h in
statil His wife visited him. aboul half an
hour previous to the commission of suicide,
when ho told her it was the last time she
would see him alive and requested her lo
to vifit the prison again at the expiration
of nn hour. He lefi the followiiiii brief note-
foj the Sheriff:
'Col. D. Hoke: Dear Sir--I have saved
vou ihe trouble Asiuiiork H Joxts
1 am innocent of the charge.'
We have been presented by a friend in
New Bedford with an egg, of which the
lollowieg inscription which is borne upon
.1, giv es the h story: 'Presen'td by Capt.
It. R Cmeker. of New Bedford, Mass.,
April, 1815. This is the egg of a penguin
taker, from the island of Ichaboe in Decern
18-11, 53 feet below the surface of guano;
and allowing llie accumulation to bu one
eighth of an inch per annum (the island be
ing half a mile long and a quarter of a mile
widj,) it musl be 0108 years old.' Jlos-
tun Alias.
ea ji'llli i.ijlllb
In spite of John Bull's protest agaitis'
the occupation of Oregon; lhal country is
rapidly filling up with emigrants, and In
the lime John gels ready to thrash tin
United States for claiming its own; he will
have a little army in thai county to rnut al
so. The following paragraph in a Weslen.
paper shows how the lide is selling:
In Army of Emigrants. Reva from
Independence; Mo. informs us thai tin
emigrants now near lhal puiul number
bout seven thousand, all destined for
Oregon and California- 1'hey will elan
about the same lime, divided into convenient
companies for travelling with ease ami
afety. The Indians will nut ailaek a part
of live hundred. Of course the rmigran'.s;
this season, will stand in no fear of the led
skins. Lis astnu shing wh.-.t a tide is set
ting toward ihe fertile lands on the Puci.
1 1 ii said thai Mr I'tiohiiig, on bf in;
iiVed iodine with Mandarin Liu.'lidt i.w,,
nn ihe lablii eniuediieg of w hicli he ati xa
ortitaiidyiil.iiikirg " to be duck. Not np. ak
ing Chinese, anil wishing to know wh.itii
w as, lie pointed to it, after t he had finish
ed, saj ing to his hoi ii.teri-iigititr-y,
'Quack, quark, quack;?' I ne mandarin;
v ith equal brevity ; replied, with a shake cf
his head, 'Bow, wow ,
wo-. Mr. Cu-.l;
Silas. Hawley, Jr., one of Miller's cleri-nl
I'ollowers.has come oui with a new doctrine
He is looking for ike return of ilia ten tribe
of Isreal, contends that ihey will posses
the land forever before the coiillaaraiioa, we have yet seen more of (he pmlieinl
signs of ihe Lord's coming, and look upo i
he thousand year as a probatiunary utate,
and consider that al the end of the thousand
yeais this earth is to become iSe hell of ihe
wicked, and pas out of the solar system
the earth being placed in its stead. The
coining nf Christ, and the first resurrecj
don he places at the commencement of the
iiiille nitim.
Ii has taken three centuries to develop
the powers contained in ihe herbs which
eniiipnse ihe Brandreth Pill's. These cede
bralod Vegetable Pills for one hundred year
have been made. The American public
have found ihrm deserving f pnirocune,
and it has been, and is, liberally bestowed
upon this medicine. Now. However, no
sooner is a new adveitisement written bv
he Doctor hut il is at once cul nut of the
paper, it'Braiidieth' liken out 'l&ndian, or
some other name substituted, indicative or
iome other medicine some literary thief for
us parent. Nearly all the Pills at present
icfore the public, are made by men who for
-nars livi-il by coiinieifeiting the Braudieth
i'liU, and have only taken to Ihe present
(peculation, since Dr. Brandreth compelled
hem to abandon thai method of jeopardiz
ing the lives of their fellow citizens.
The analysis of all these pretended vege
able medicines, shew a largi proportion of
Crude Antimony in their compohiiiori, and
it appears they rely entiiely upon this xx
r.iur. poison, lor the purgative i ffei-i li
a very easy thing to detect mineral in
pills of any kind.
Take a pill supposed lo contain a mineral
;il:ico il on a shovel ovet a red cleat- lire
if theie ia mineral in it, it will not loxo ju
hape. h i thus with the Iiuliati Pill, and
uiii.-iy others before i!,u public.
The advantage of these pills in ea.e
if war would ho very gieat, as they
lot only retain their shape, Lui remain red
hot a long time arter they are taken Iron)
iht-fire. Ever, boiling iluni with sugar
will inn change their shape a bit, you can
not hurt llie ehape of these pills- it would
he well if they wi re as harmless io 1'iose
who arc very injtiriuiis, makina the patient
exeeer 'irmly subject to Si. Vitus' Dance
md Epilepsy. Probably very little ot
these pills are sold, so the it jury is not so
?reat. I have also tried the Bri.nditth
IMIs, by the same, and oilier methods, and
find them purely vegetable. When tried
hy the fire, ihey change to a caibnivacioi!-
mass, alter gii ing. off a gieat quantity of
il.iuii,' I he one may be considered the
medicine of Life, the other; fire proof rill.
or .Messenger ol Death. Ibis commuiiica
don it hoped, will eaiipc those persons who
ire agents far these new mi Tied pretended
remedies, to make the above experiments
upon them, and if il,cy tw- ihetit alter, nut
iu forget to label them poison
Mr. Rives of ihe Globe has given $200
to the Pittsburg "suffers papers announce
that the President ha? subscribed 5 1 00,
fx-Prt's'.detil Adams: 50
In th? debate on ihe bill eorirernin.g poor
debtors, in the Massachusetts Legislature,
Mr. Hopkinson, of Lowell, said the bill
was intended to reach the fiauduleiil debtor
who wore a ruffled shirt, drejseil richly, and
filed s'.iiiipttiutis'y, and owed ihe bu:cher
lor the very meat on his bones.
Memphis, the flourishing metropolis of
West Tennessee is said to have grown
more rapidly during ihe last leu years than
dmnsi any city in the Union.
Snow fell to the depth of 5 inches at
Sandusky- Ohio, nn llie 7tii ult.
A r.ew 'rotestanl Episcopal Church was
uttsecrated al West Baton Rouge, Louis
ana, on the 4 ' h ult.
M. Argo is said io have won a consider
ible sum on a bet lhal ihe Seine at Paris
vould be frozen over on the 5;h of M irch
Ii was Irnzt'iiihard enough to bear a car-
The Ordei of Odd Fellows lu Si. Louis
Io, propose lo build a t ommndioiis Hall,
the estimate I I'ost of which is $12 000
Several old iion furnaces in Pcnnsvlva
lia an io be renewed thim the
Sjr-ih ti n Fnrr.i'e near Culu.iihij au-I i.eui Aidd!i!jwr, D.ufbis ci.u.i.
The Legislature ol New Ytuli.lavr gre-il
i.) acjouri) on tiie 14ih of iuxi moo.ii.
Yl A . ii i N i L . i I, Y
We ee ty ;hc unoxiiiL- pajicis, that on
itii 27ih ult, in lhal i nv, was wedded by
;te v John C. Dnnly. Mr. Fredeiick Pui.e
aged J 0i, id Miss Dorcas, Mannoin aged
M, ail ed JtlT.ricn con:) t y , Tcun,