The Columbia Democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1837-1850, April 26, 1845, Image 2

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    "iiu tit itiuii : en "
4.11 -iit, ie4
. - -- . .. .
Jr .""Tim ) tiig.the spiing lor lite ctcciioi
lion til Ju('ir throughout tho county. a l ilt
tr tiuiiilx'-nrt" people than wrre in m
lMiitimc upon Court, die lure pari of iIim
week. The new Justices. w ith iluirs reiic
and new Constables with their sureties
made quite a formiable appearance, nml
tendered Djr.villo quite a lively village
We were right gNl, to meet with no iiiam
old ftie-iliU from iti tie I fin pari of the conn
ly, fxiend to ilittin Hie right hand l
fellowship. Am! we were right gl id too, ti
ce ilie almost unanimous expression of
the penplii in attendance, in favor of ihe
rrniovu! hill, FaM, west, north and south ol
hc County, appear lo be- awake to the set
ling of 'his importanl measure to the in
least of llic whole, without any expense
We received such asmirances from gentle
man from different partg of the County, at'
to leave no doubt on our minds, that the
tinjority fur the bill, next October; will be
from 1500 to 2000, despite of all theopposi
to u dial can be raised agiiusi it.
Tnioii liall, Daimllc,
While at Danville, the past week,
we had our head'quarlers at this excel
lent house, and, as usual, round the ta
ble groaning under all the good things
dial arc calculated to gratify the appetite
i f Ihe epicure ; but, on Wednesday.
" Mine Host" treated his friends lo a
4 bouncer of a Uig Fish' not an '8 by
10,' but a CO pounder real Rock-Fish,
irom ina 'Dine deep.' It was ot-i vcu u,,
whole, in the 'Union HillV good style,
lo about sixty 'applicants for favor,' all
of whom, if we judge from appearances,
were well satisfied with their share ol
l he loaves and fishes.' l)y the way,
JMr. Hemic is one of the most attentive,
obliging and accommodating landlords
io.Danville, of tin.", all who visit him,
will be satisfied.
The latest accounts fenm Mexiej bring
-.os advieej of the receipt of the new of the
passage of the Annexation resolutions by
Copgress. It created considerable exciio
Client, and some violent speeches were
.mad .upon the subject in the Mexican
Congress, Tlneaisof war were made with
us much readiness as if they had nothing
4-16 lo do but lo declare i, to induce our
govertimonj, (hrodgli fear, lo rescind the re
,suliH:o as Put it was generally believed thai
. J I would all end in smoke.
Xot, W. L. Moore, of Clear
field, whom report drowned in the Munry
Dam, a few weeks since, says that he hah
good reason lo believe (here is some mis
lake in tho waller, as he has now, and
for several weeks past, had sufficient
vitality i.bitul him to iv'cnd to the duties ol
Tost Master, but is afraid; unless the story
is oantradicied; that somo of his old friends
w ill mwtake him foi a ghoel whenever they
shall meet,
The treasurer of the fund at Pittsburgh
aiknowlodges the receipt of $500 from ill-
Hon. James CuciiASAN.Secreiary of State.
This is an example woithy of imitation.
The Pittsburg Post says: 'During a
few bouts1 attendance at one of the depots
where provisions were stored, we served
several persons who, on Thursday morn
ing (art, owned good houses, and lived
comfotlably, and who came with sicks
and baskets In get a few pounds of floir
end bacon.'
The Mayoi of Pittsburg, hie issued a
Proclamation recommending I kiday the
18iS ins!, to ha observed by the citizens ol
Pittsburg, 'as a d&y of Hoinihation, P'aKtint
and Prayrrjito thai the respective Churchei
be requested to hold public worship aftei
their usual manner, on that day, in rela
lion to the destructive calamity .with which
iijhas pleacwd the Almighty God to visn
our devoted fi'y.'
Tim barque Bashaw atriv d at lioslon,
on Saturday, having on hoard 17 etnan
cipated laves consigned to the lion. J
G.. Palfrey, Secretary of Stale.
Mr. Weise of New Orleans, has invented
a composition that resembles, with greai
accuracy", thejfhiest polished Italian mar
The ILurisbnrg correspondent of iho
Pt'iiiHylvHiiui) gives the following abstracts
J !' lite Appropriation L) ill passed by the
lie l,Mi'ilaiure; . . !
Tits- importancf of ihrcceo'. act ,f As
ruddy hoiking upnoprfatioti for the expen
e of t'ovrruuieiit foV the fiscal year, and
or ilie pa)mi'nl af ilie Aoyn.t interest, in
lul'es me mi send you the following synopsis
I its proi ibioim. The salutary system of
'Halting epecilic npprupiiaiioiitf hss been
Mrii tly aillitrtd lo, but in a sketch of the
till, they canim be so exhibited without
crupying too mucli space, and have. there
lore, many of them been biouglit loguther
ander generiil heads-
Tim present condition of our Treasury,
nd the prospect that there will be, on iho
Ul of August, a large deficiency, renders
lie provuion for the payment of interest a
miw at.d important feature. It appropriates
lor the .payment of tic interest on our fund
cd debt, then fallini' due. $885,020 50. and
junvidits that 'if it shall be found thai there
will not be enough money in the treas
my on the 1st of August next lo pay the
whole of the interest then to becomo duo,
dien it shall be lite duty of the State Treas
urer lo ascertain the amount of the de
ficiency and also what proportion stub
ficiency will bear to the amount of inter
ust then due, and with approbation of Ilie
Governor lo draw his cheeks on the Hank
of Pennsylvanii for the amount of such
deficiency due to the several loan holders
respectively dated the 1st of August, 1845.
and payable at such convenient times as
he Treasury may fix, not exceeding four
months from the date, which checks shall
be giving to the persons entitled lo inleresi
i pari of the interest then due to them, and
the said ulio?ks shall be paid on prenonU
nun at ilie u.llin, dl an jr muu uii ui aitbi uir
days when they shall respectively be paya
ble, according lo their tenor, out of any
money of ihe Commonwealth held by lh(
said Dank. And the State Treasurer i
hereby directed and required lo deposit in
he Uank of Pennsylvania, out of any mor,
ey received into the Treasury, an amuuii'
Mullicicnt to pay the said checks, as the)
become due and payable, for tho payment j
f which by the said Hank, this act shall b
mflicient authority. And the said checks
diall be engraved under the directions ol
die State Treasurer, in such manner a
liall be deemed be it lo prevent fraud oi
The interest guarantied on tho storks ol
the laid Eagle and Spring Creek Naviga
ion Compauv.aiid Tioga Navigation Com
liany, and the Danville and Pottsvillu Rail
oad Company, is directed to be paid, if the
Governor, after appointing Commissioner!
o investigate their alLus, shall find them
legally entitled lo it, and $5.1 PJ5 'i
is appropriated for thai purpose; none of h
however, to be paid until after the
1st of August, and then in the same pro
portion and manner as the interest on tin
funded thbl.
The following are the appropriiilions 1
wil! bo observed that the aggregate ha
been much reduced, and that thtro havi
'icen introduced intu it the several iueasute(
of rcfoim:
Expanses Execuiivc Depatt.
menl (a) $21,450 0(.
Expenses of ihe Judiciary, (b) 97,500,00
Pensions and gratuities, 23,500 00
Common School purposes, (e) 200,000 00
JIouso of Refuge, underlet of
1 0th ot April, 1840 4,000 00
Insiitution for the Ulind, 9,000 00
Institution for the Deaf and
Dumb, 11 000 00
Repairs of Canals and Rail
roads, 175,000 00
Ordinary repairs tfter 1st Do
cembcr 50,000 00
Canal Commibbncrs' Office, 5,225 00
Lock kc,pers,Colleelori,eigh
maslern, kc. 59,009 00
Completion of the Eastern Res
eivonr, 20,009 00
Payment of damages, tc, Id) 32.G09 50
Paymentof old debts on finish
cd lines o::J N, Branch Ex
tension, 15,271 .'II
Intorest on domestic creditors'
0,103 0G
Interest on 4ih of May issues, 21.201 32
Miscellaneous items,
4,0(10 00
Gralu'.ies to discharged con
590 00
victf, 000 00
Payment Commissioners to sell
I )(;!,, u'uie Division and Main
Line, 1,291 00
Eastern Penitentiary 6 000 00
Western Penitentiary 5,00 00
Piofcssional tet vices in certain
cases, in go
Payment of August Interest, 631,020 50
I-rgnl costs in trial of the I'luu
ExpensfH Legislature,
Public- Prinling.iti!
Expenses Revenue Com mis
Guarantee to Rule Engl ami
Spring Crock Navigation
Guarantee lo Tioga Navigation
Guarantee to Danville &. Potts
ville Railroad
Contingent expenses of depart
Balance due Hank of Peunsyl
vania on cash pay moms of
Militia expenses (r)
For supplying public buildings
With water,
Various small items
15.000 DC
fU"5 4
15,000 00
4,070 00
8 82 1 02
9,000 OO
000 on
Whole amount, 1 ,835,779 8(i
(ff)TIe Kahuy of ihe Librarian hunt
alter to be $500. 1
(b) The salary of the Judges of the
District Court of Lancaster shall hereafter
be but $2,000.
(c) Pi e wairants to be apportioned ac
cording lo the taxable inhabitants in eael
accepting district, and no country to br
permitted to draw mote than has beep
paid into the treasury by such county
lor Stale purposes-
() No damages hereafter to b e allowed
for the burning of any house or other lene
meni by sparks from locomotives on any,(j'aa('a Wcsl was consumed on Sunday
of iho Stale railroads where such house has
iiee.i erected since the introduction and uso
ofl ocoinolives on such r oadx.
(f) All militia expenses contracted
since ihe passage of the
l of 20. h
r.-;i 1044 I... ;, .., .,- ., .-. j
fund as provided in that act.
The bill also provides for funding the
;eilifii:atcg for interest on (he State debt,
ind contains several provisions to enfoice
he act of last year to reduco ihe expenses
if the militia sytem.
Got). Jackson, has wnilen an ansuri to a
utter addressed lo him and presenting him
viih the sarcophagus brought from Syria,
!iu 1,-ssn D. Kllinlt i,( llm II S N
He exprcssess his thanks for ihu houoi
intended, but accepting it, as he
has prepared an humble dcpositoiy fur
its mortal remains by the sidu nf his wile.
Il is said of the General, that lint Piesi
lent while on his way lo Washington, cal
led to sec him at ihe llermiiige, and to
'id him farewell in all ptobability, for the
hut limn. As they were about purling, the
General, holding his friend with a warm
'rasp af iho hand, rcmntked with great
'mphasi.? 'Sir, I sh'dl never see you again
n this world, but do your duty like a man
nd we will meet in Heaven.'
Kingston files lo ilie 2Glh tilt, received
it New Orleans, says that Herald, Ex-
'resident of Ilayli, who has been for sonic
nine sojourning in Jamaica, intends to re
turn immediately to Port-aii-Pt inre. with
.he view ol regaining the Chief Magistracy
Herald has been persuaded to this step by
i deputation which recently arrived in
lamaica from Ilayli, for the purpose of in
ducing him to abandon his peaceful privacy
for a career of ambition; He is under the
impression thai he will be made President
once more without bloodshed.
A committee appointed by iho Pitlsburp
Councils, after a full examination of the
hi nil district, having minutely visited even
part of it, have arrived al the following
result. 781 buildings burnt, value, 61 500,
)00; value of personal properly burnt,
$1,914,130; total, $3,479,950. This does
not includge money or personal property ol
voting men of persons not keeping hotiie
Tho Gazelle says five persons are now
jirtlty supposed to be lost in the
lire. Samuel Kington, Esq, and a woman
employed as a servant in the family, per
ished in his house on Second street, A
poor woman, of German extraeiio'i, perish
ed on Third street. A n arried woinaii.tlu
inniher of two children, named M'Gowly,
perished on Third street, and a man, named
Johnson, is supposed to havo been I i in
W ood Mieet, having last been seen in a
burning huildinir.
The Magnetic Telegraph Ins been de
scribed as a tiling with wiru nerves, .-.iung
with lightning.
.7;i Opinion uhoul Munhir.. A wick
ed bachelor once said, no matter whom yoi.
marry, you would afterwards that you
had married a different person.
470 21 v .n.(!jvc, in tho New Yoik papers, b
85,000 0()V ,-1)r a Coiiveiilion of porsotts friendly to
15,000 1H0 abultioti of capital punishment, lo be
n'ld in thai city on tho Monday of anni
2,23(3 U.V.fjury week, which is the Dili of May,
' The call is signed by the Hon. Vice Chan
ullur Uoun, anil John I,. O Sullivan,
l)q. We hope this call will be lespondeu
Ao, Recent events havo aroused the alien
noil of the public to the real character of
his batbarous penalty, go disgraceful to a
country claiming lo bo civilized and
Advices from Gonaives to the 1st of
pril confirm the rumors of an apprehend
ed invasion of the Republic by Herald, who
sinco his abdication of the Presidency, has
heen living in exile at Jamaica. This
state of things had occasioned the exercise
f extraordinary precautions on the part of
iho government, and numerous atresia had
been made. Some Fiench Jesuits, who
arrived there in il.irch, on iho pretext lu
in educational mission, were not permitted
to re ni, n n on the Island and had crnbarkci!
for France. The government had despatch
ed two envoys lo Louis Phillippc, losolici
a luriher delay for payment of the indemni
ty due, meanwhile the French squadron
under Commander Lartiguc,continued n
cruise olT the ports of the Republic.
Nearly half of the town of London, in
llie 13 insl- The fire broke oul in ihe
'Robinson Hall' Hotel, about noon, whih
iiint of the inhabitants wete atieudiug
Oi vin Service, and before it could be sub
dued reduced to ashes four squates and
of about llinty acres if ground,
Missouri The Legislature of Missour
at its last sesson, passed 600 acts. 1 1 i
good testimony of the improvement of the
people ol that State, that the character ol
the la a s enacted ihe past session evinces s
higher tnoial tone in the Legislature than
lias diclinguised ihcii nredt ccssois Some
very odious laws have been repealed am
some new ones passed which furnish evi
dettcu of advuncinr civilization. Anion"
the things they refused are ,n proposal lo sel
iho Stale's slocks in the bank; a proposa
lo receive tho Slate's proportion of the
proceeds of the public lands, a proposal to
allow the Supreme Couit of the State lo sii
once a year among the 50,000 people ol
St, Louis county, a proposal lo cotuiiieiuor
aic Daniel Doont by a monument.
A large collection of persons were assetn
bled last week in the Universalis! meiting
at Barnard, Vt. to hear an Experimental
Lfdure on Professor i)orse' Telegraph,
GaWeiiisn;, Electricity, itc. &c. from Col
lies Wright, Professor of Naltml Science
Just al the close of ike lecture, a gallery,
on which the Professor was standing, with
ahoul one hundred and fifty persons, with
all his apparatus, came down with a Iremen
dons crash. The lights were al iho same
moment extinguished, and some in the
fright jumped cut of the window, the gen
eral impression being thai il was caused by
m explosiod of some of his magnetic ap
paratus. One man, scrambling Irom (lie
ruins, exclaimed, 'well, he gave us a terrible
shock that lime.' As soon as order was
restotcd, it was found that no one was
jrioiinly injuied, though all oflhem were
more or less scratched and bruised.
On Wednesday last, in new Yotk.
nn Pagan, a liltle girl aged 11 or 12
years, went to ihe steam saw mill in
Vttornev street, near Kivington, ti
io gilher chins and shavings, and while
engaged her clothes were entangled ii
some of Ihe machineiy and her body ho
ng drawn to, she was so dreadfully
:rushed that she died soon afterwards.
The steamboat Canada ran on n rock
in Alexandria 15 iy ,37 miles from Kmgs
mn, on ihe 1 si inst. The boat beinc
iniler full headway at the time ran
ueai ly half her length on the rock, anil
iow lies in that position with Imr bow.
i fool out of waier. No lives were losi
but all t flirts to get Ihe boat off wen
It i rumored I ha t the Mormons an
soon lo have another prophet. Ilrig
ham loimg says that he has lately had
an inlet view with Joe. who declared his
determination to appoint Orson Hyde
his sucessor, according to the ptovisions
,0 the Hook nf Covenants, llvde (says
ihe Watsaw signal,) will nuke a wor
by succssor to Joe.
Fiobably a more imprcssivo wjrtiinu
giinst the sin of intemperance could
not he given thin may ha found in the
subjoined narrative: 'Charles J. Cone,
a journey man hatter in Danbury, Ci.,
was recently found dead in his shop,
sitting upright in a chair. A piece of
opium was taken liorn his s'omach as
lrgo as a walnut. He had evidently
been sufTei ing from an attack of o'eliii
um Ire liens. A manuscript was found
in his possession, filled with horiibly
impious ravings. Hut the direct agency
in producing this dreadful result stand
out by his own conftission, 'in letters ol
fiie,' 'This is the cause of drink evei
lince my last spree 1 have been fn trou
ble and cannot wotk.
The Key West G.zetlc, of the 15ib
March, has dales from Mexico up to
ihe 26th of February. Tho immediate
causes of tho downfall of Santa Anna
ire detailed in a long letter of its Mex
ican correspondent, and a translation of
the charges brought against htm by tht
Chambers sitiiog as Grand -furors, on
he 21th till. Ii is supposed that U -n.
Canalizo will bo khot, the Attorney
Geneial having urged capital punish
mem; whereas Hasadre, ex Minister ol
he defensive decree of the 29ih No
vember, 1811, and of all the objecliona
ile ac's of S.iuta Anna's miegovernmeni
v 1 1 1 only receive ten years bititsh
The Red River R'puhlicin learns
from gentlemen direct from lexas that
the most populous settlements through
which they passed were in a fever ol
by al the passage ol the Annexation res
dutions. When Ihe news reached Sm
ttgiisiine, cannon were fired and pub
ic meetings were held in celebration ol
me even i.
Wo learn from a New Haven paper,
"that a in .i n named Ileccher attended the
noils on ihe 7th ins'ant, and voted.
Ile left for home about noon.&unh.irnes-
"d his horse as usual. While ea'ing hi
linner, he told his wife that il was the
l-st meal thai he should ever eat. Im
mediately after dinner, he took his gun
nd said he was going out lo shoot a
squirrel. He proceeded about fifty rods
from his house, went into a coal hut,
pulled off one of his boots, and eitlur
. i i , , i i i
ai or lay uown ami raiseu his neaii up
so that he held the muzzle ol the gun
to his neck, and fired it with his feel.
His wife soon followed, and found him
A very singular contagion has broken
nit in Valatie, a small village in Colum
nia County, New Yoi k. Il discolotits
he face to a greenish cast, the eyes lose
'heir usual expression, and have a vacant
siare, tne voice oecomes nusuy tne
memory vanishes, and the conversation
becomes confused, and a set of inenhe-
eot sentences jumbled toglher, with
out order and without, meaning. The
strength leaves and th form dwindles
iway lo a skeleton. Tlie person attack
ed raves like a maniac, and the doctois
have been unable to do any thing for
them. The informant states that 'every
person wears an affrighted countenance
ind if it does not soon stop its ravages
the whole town will be inhabited bv
None have died from il as
numbers are afflicted wi h
yet, but
The Hiltimoro Patriot says: 'The
Grand Jury of this Court have found
indictments against Capt. John S. P, n-
tleton and others of his crew for piracy.
I'hey were brought home some time
igo, it will be remembered, from th
Joast ol Africa, where it is alleged they
were engaged in the slave trade. Their
ase will, probably, conic up for trial
luring next week. '
Last Friday iiii,'lit, in the village of Vien
iiana, N Y. ('says the Ontario Messenger.
wo Irishmen, attempting lo diaw watrr
rom a well some fifty live feel deep, lost
the bucket. Alter consulting, il was agreed
ha! one should take bold of the ro:e oi
hain, and the other by the windlass should
lowei linn ' Al the word 'leady' off it
ivcnt, sure enough! the nian il the helm
losing his hold on the windlass! How
long Jemmey was travelling lo ".lie 'regions
below' is a matter of roi jecture among '.In
good people ol the village- 1 he man abovi.
was the lust to break silence, who, aftei bis ejes to catch a glimpse of bis
M.iuaile, exclaimed 'An' be .ilenr
.Innmey, an' did ye hit anywhere?' The
icply of the man below, floundering in tin
water was npially ludicrous 'Sine!' he
blubbered out, barring tho watlier; ii's only
the bottom I struck, sure!' After Ilie man
was restored lo lerra lirrna, there was
:i good deal of explanation, and the whole
was compromised at a merry s,iiin.
.Ii in nicy thiiiU if il wire nut for the Loner
ot riding, he would a gtcatdeul rather go on
The Postmaster -General is preparing
to carry the r.ew post-office law into ex
ecution. Ila has advertised for 'l.OOO
balances for the varioui post-offic-! in
the United Slates, constructed on a plan
best calculated lo ascertain the weight
of letters, and other mailable, iii.itu-i,
from a half ounce lo eiaht ounces, un
der the post office law of 3d iM.tich.
1815 '
On llip 21st ult. Mr. Henjimin Hushe
lied at Greens boro,' al the ex'raordi
aaiy ags of one hundred and fl'fleeu
years. He was a native of Old Swan-
z?y, M m. "e have no sccount ot
my person in Vermont attaining be
yond 100" years of age.
The value of all the products of tho
country for lSJf), reached the sum of
M,200,000,000. According to Mr.
Ellsworth's Report for 181 1, our Agri
cultural Products are on the inciease.
I he value ol nine of the principal agri
cultural products reaches the sum of -1
hundred millions of dollars. The val
ue of agricultural articles not enumeta
ted must have been large, notwithstand
ing the loW'prices of every thing dur
ing IS 11. Domestic manufactures
were low throughout the year; hut no
loubl the value of the t,We products of
the county reached ten bundled mill
ions of dollars. In addition to tha im
mense pace of in lividuil property
uiuIt cuhivation and laying idle, in
he United Slates, wa possess upwirds
of 1,000,000,000 of public lands. When
hese come under cultivation and the
vast amount of private lands now only
halt cultivated are improved lo their ut
most capacity, what an amount of wealth
will it create and what a vant amount of
imputation will it support.
Di. Uaird, in the course of a lecture re
cemly delivered in Huston, (a notice of
which we find it, the Mercantile Journal of
thai eityjexplained the difference existing
between the set fa of Russia and the slaves
f this country. The serfs of Russia thai
is die mass of them, are botfjhl a,id sold
icilh u- lund.-'VH!ti are about IS.OOO.UOO
of these sills about 1,000,000 bond serfs
are bought and sold separate fro-n t,e :im
these serfs are generally house servants.
The tenures upon which the seis are held,
vary in different provinces. In ton,,. ,l,s.
trims, the s, rf pays lo his lord the sum f
$1 per annum, he being permitted to keen
is Ins own property, whatever add, i,
he may earn. Many of ihe best mechanics
ire sens they ol course pay a much lamer
sum to their lord, and with a passport.irav
el over the country in search ol employ,
uieiit they keep whatever they earn over
mu aoove tne agreed upon between them
mil their owner. Many sarfs are wealihv
men. One man in Russia, formerly i se-T
now owns. 100,000 sells. A nobleman in
St. Peiersburgli owns a seif worih iotioim.
iy more properly ihan himself, whom ho
vtll not Iree, in order that at the enieruir
ments that he gives, when the serf is
obliged lo wait on him, he may sav that ho
is wailed upon by the riches', serf in all
Russia, There are n.i serfs in il,e ibrce
ISahic provides nomi i Finland tho
abolition of serfdom was commenced
in Ilie lime of Ah x mder and e unpleled by
tne present Emperor it took about HO
years to effect i. The difference between
the serfs of Russia and our slaves, consists
principally in that ihe former
ally attached lo the soil and ro with it in all
us tiansfcrs.
A young clerk in an Insurance company
of Paris, with a salary of P00fr. per annum
has lately become a triple millionaire.
There was at Si. Queniin an old bachelor,
whose real estate was valued at 1,800,000
franrs, and the personal at from 1,290,0(10
lo 1,500.000 francs, rome 050.000 dol
'ars J One day our insurance clerk pah', a
visit lo the old ctlibatuirc for the purpose
if engaging him lo insure his buildings,
they discoursed veiy familiarly together,
a.ul touched somewhat upon personal affairs
it length tbev separated. A few weeks
since the old bachelor dir d The notary
proceeded lo take in ih.e form an inventory
vben upon an examination of the papers,
the first thing found was a package carefu'ly
sealed, whi-h bore the followin inseri
'ion: ' Puis is my lesi-nneni.' The park
ige was opene ihand what did ilcon'ain? an
entire legacy to the pn lii of the young eh i k
who hail nol the least expectation of tuch :i
Rev va! of the. If riant Slave Tunic
hi Great Jriaiit. Hrilisli G uin int.-.
The R igrr SuibM Emigration Tians
poil, which was rhaitcied al the person,
il lisk of about half a dozen gentlemen
in Picihicr, arrived a few days ngo fiom
Siena Lfonc.wiih .'J IS emigrants. Sb
had 350 w lien she left Allien, so that
only Iwo died 1 m migi a' Ion Agfii', it
ipnars thai the total tiunib'r it immi
grants on whom bounty has been paid
and who have come lo ihe colony from
ihe 15 h Ft biua-y, 1 1 1 , to 3oi'h D -
ccniber last, amounts to 11.027. Of
this nu in hi r II, i bice has ic( i ived 2,07o
lknnuda lcniM, Muck :i, '-13.